Sri Narayani Stuthi Translit

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OM. I bow to She Who Tears Apart All Thought.

When the Great Lord of Thought was slain by the Goddess, the Gods with
the Rule of the Pure, led by the Light of Meditation, illuminating the
quarters with their cheerful faces because of the fulfillment of their
desire, praised the Ever Pure One.

devi prapannArtihare prasIda

prasIda mAtarjagato.akhilasya .
prasIda vishveshvari pAhi vishvaM
tvamIshvarI devi charAcharasya .. 3..

Oh Goddess, you who remove distress of all who take refuge in you, be
pleased. Be pleased, Oh Mother of the entire Perceiveable World. Be
pleased, Oh Supreme of the Universe; protect the universe. Oh Goddess,
you are Supreme over all that moves and does not move.

AdhArabhUtA jagatastvamekA
mahIsvarUpeNa yataH sthitAsi .
apAM svarUpasthitayA tvayaita\-
dApyAyate kutsnamalaN^ghayavIrye .. 4..

Because you exist as the intrinsic nature of the earth, you alone are
the sole support of the material world. Oh Goddess of unchallengeable
valor, you reside as the intrinsic nature of water (in the form of its
container), whereby you gratify this All.

tvaM vaiShNavIshaktiranantavIryA
vishvasya bIjaM paramAsi mAyA .
sammohitaM devi samastameta\-
tvaM vai prasannA bhuvi muktihetuH .. 5..

You are the Energy of The Consciousness That Pervades All, of infinite
valor, the Seed of the Universe, that which is beyond limitation. By
you, Oh Goddess, all is deluded by attachment, and if you are
gracious, you are the cause of liberation in this world.

vidyAH samastAstava devi bhedAH

striyaH samastAH sakalA jagatsu .
tvayaikayA pUritamambayaitat.h
kA te stutiH stavyaparAparoktiH .. 6..

Oh Goddess, all that is knowable are your various distinctions, and

all women in the world reflect your capacity entirely. By you, Oh
Mother, this world is filled. For you who are beyond praise, how can
we sing of your glory?

sarvabhUtA yadA devI bhuktimuktipradAyinI .

tvaM stutA stutaye kA vA bhavantu paramoktayaH .. 7..

Oh Goddess, Bestower of Heaven and Liberation, you are all existence.

When you have been thus extolled, what else can be sung of your glory?

sarvasya buddhirUpeNa janasya hR^idi sa.nsthite .

svargApavargade devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 8..

You reside in the hearts of all living beings in the form of

Intelligence. You bestow upon your devotees heaven and liberation. Oh
Goddess, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

kalAkAShThAdirUpeNa pariNAmapradAyini .
vishvasyoparatau shakte nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 9..

In the form of divisions of Time, you bring about change. To the

Energy that exists after the dissolution of the universe, Exposer of
Consciousness, we bow to you.

sarvamaN^galamAN^galye shive sarvAtha.rsAdhike .

sharaNye tryambake gauri nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 10..

To the Auspicious of all Auspiciousness, to the Good, to the

Accomplisher of all Objectives, to the Source of Refuge, to the Mother
of the Three Worlds, to the Goddess Who is Rays of Light, Exposer of
Consciousness, we bow to you.

sR^iShTisthitivinAshAnAM shaktibhUte sanAtani .

guNAshraye guNamaye nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 11..

You are the Eternal Energy of Creation, Preservation, and Destruction

in all existence; that upon which all qualities depend, that which
limits all qualities, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.
sharaNAgatadInArtaparitrANaparAyaNe .
sarvasyArtihare devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 12..

Those who are devoted to you and take refuge in you, even though lowly
and humble, you save them from all discomfort and unhappiness. All
worry you take away, Oh Goddess, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to

ha.nsayuktavimAnasthe brahmANIrUpadhAriNi .
kaushAmbhaHksharike devi nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 13..

Wearing the form of Creative Energy, sitting upon the carrier yoked to
the swans of vital breath, sprinkling water with the sanctity of kusha
grass, Oh Goddess, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

trishUlachandrAhidhare mahAvR^iShabhavAhini .
mAheshvarIsvarUpeNa nArAyaNi namo.astute .. 14..

In the form of the Energy of the Great Seer of All, displaying the
trident of unity, the moon of devotion, and the serpents of Energy,
mounted upon the great bull of discipline, Exposer of Consciousness,
we bow to you.

mayUrakukkuTavR^ite mahAshaktidhare.anaghe .
kaumArIrUpasa.nsthAne nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 15..

Appearing in the form of the Ever Pure One, accompanied by the cock of
regularity and the peacock of beauty, wielding the great energy,
sinless, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

shaN^khachakragadAshArN^gagR^ihItaparamAyudhe .
prasIda vaiShNavIrUpe nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 16..

Be gracious in the form of the Energy of the Consciouness That

Perceives All, you who bear the conch of vibrations, the discus of
revolving time, the club of articulation and the bow of determination.
Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

gR^ihItogramahAchakre da.nShTroddhR^itavasundhare .
varAharUpiNi shive nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 17..

In the form of the Most Excellent Desire of Union, you raised the
earth with your tusks of perseverance, wielding the great discus of
revolving time for the Good. Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

nR^isi.nharUpeNogreNa hantuM daityAn.h kR^itodyame .

trailokyatrANasahite nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 18..
In the form of the Man-Lion of Courageous Fortitude, you angaged in
slaying thoughts, protecting the three worlds. Exposer of
Consciousness, we bow to you.

kirITini mahAvajra sahasranayanojjvale .

vR^itraprANahare chaindri nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 19..

Possessing a crown, the great thunderbolt of illumination, and a

thousand radiant eyes, and taking the life of confusion, Exposer of
Consciousness, we bow to you.

shivadUtIsvarUpeNa hatadaityamahAbale .
ghorarUpe mahArAve nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 20..

The intrinsic nature of She for Whom Consciousness is Emissary, who

conquered the mighty armies of thought, of fearful form and intense
sound, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow to you.

da.nShTrAkarAlavadane shiromAlAvibhUShaNe .
chAmuNDe muNDamathane nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 21..

With great teeth in your mouth, displaying a garland of heads of evil

thoughts, Oh Slayer of Passion and Anger, Exposer of Consciousness, we
bow to you.

lakshmi lajje mahAvidye shraddhe puShTi svadhe dhruve .

mahArAtri mahAmAye nArAyaNi namo.astu te .. 22..

To True Wealth, Humility, Great Knowledge, Faith, Nourishment,

Self-Sustenance, Constancy, the Great Night of Ignorance, and the
Great Meausrement of Consciousness, Exposer of Consciousness, we bow
to you.

medhe sarasvati vare bhUti bAbhravi tAmasi .

niyate tvaM prasIdeshe nArAyaNi namo.astute .. 23..

The Intellect of Love, the Spirit of All-Pervading Knowledge, the

Best, All Existence, Nature, Unknowable One, fully occupied with
self-restraint, Oh Supreme, be pleased. Exposer of Consciousness, we
bow to you.

sarvasvarUpe sarveshe sarveshaktisamanvite .

bhayebhyastrAhi no devi durge devi namo.astu te .. 24..

The Intrinsic Nature of All, the Supreme of All, and the Energy of All
as well; you remove fear from us, Oh Goddess; Reliever of
Difficulties, Oh Goddess, we bow to you.
etate vadanaM saumyaM lochanatrayabhUShitam.h .
pAtu naH sarvabhUtebhyaH kAtyAyani namo.astu te .. 25..

May this beautiful face, displaying three eyes, protect us from all
existence. Ever Pure One, we bow to you.

jvAlAkarAlamatyugramasheShAsurasUdanam.h .
trishUlaM pAtu no bhIterbhadrakAli namo.astu te .. 26..

With intensive brilliance, exceedingly sharp, the fierce destroyer of

all thoughts, may your trident protect us from all fear, Oh Excellent
She Who is Beyond All Time, we bow to you.

hinasti daityatejA.nsi svanenApUrya yA jagat.h .

sA ghaNTA pAtu no devi pApebhyo naH sutAniva .. 27..

Oh Goddess, the loud sound of your bell fills the perceivable world,
destroying the prowess of all thoughts, and prtoecting us from evil as
a Mother protects Her children.

asurAmR^igvasApaN^kachachi.ntaste karojjvalaH .
shubhAya khaDgo bhavatu chaNDike tvAM natA vayam.h .. 28..

May the brilliant sword of worship in your hands, smeared with the
blood and fat of thoughts, act for our welfare. Oh you Who Tear Apart
Thought, we bow down to you.

rogAnasheShAnapaha.nsi tuShTA
ruShTA tu kAmAn.h sakalAnabhIShTAn.h .
tvAmAshritAnAM na vipannarANAM
tvAmAshritA hyAshrayatAM prayAnti .. 29..

When you are pleased, you destroy all infirmities, and when you are
displeased, you frustrate all desires. No calamity befalls those who
take refuge in you, and those who take refuge in you invariably become
a refuge to others.

etatkR^itaM yatkadanaM tvayAdya

dharmadviShAM devi mahAsurANAm.h .
kR^itvAmbike tatprakaroti kAnyA .. 30..

Who else could do this that you have now performed, slaughtering the
great thoughts, enemies of the Way of Truth to Wisdom, by manifesting
the One form of the Mother of the Universe into many?

vidyAsu shAstreShu vivekadIpe\-

ShvAdyeShu vAkyeShu cha kA tvadanyA .
vibhrAmayatyetadatIva vishvam.h .. 31..

Who other than you is spoken of in knowledge, in scriptures, in

discourses, in all sound, as the Light of Discrimination? You throw
the universe into the great blinding darkness of Egotism and
Attachment, and make it whirl.

rakshA.nsi yatrograviShAshcha nAgA

yatrArayo dasyubalAni yatra .
dAvAnalo yatra tathAbdhimadye
tatra sthitA tvaM paripAsi vishvam.h .. 32..

Where there are demons of confused thoughts, serpents of dreadful

poison, where there are foes and mighty hosts of robbers, where there
is a great conflagration, in the midst of the sea of objects and their
relationships, you stand and save the universe.

vishveshvari tvaM paripAsi vishvaM

vishvaatmikA dhArayasIti vishvam.h .
vishveshavandyA bhavatI bhavanti
vishvAshrayA ye tvayi bhaktinamrAH .. 33..

You are the Sovereign of the universe. You protect the universe. The
soul of the universe, you support the universe. Those who bow to you
with devotion become the refuge of the universe.

devi prasIda paripAlayano.ri\-

bhIternityaM yathAsuravadhAdadhunaiva sadyaH .
pApAni sarvajagatAM prashamaM nayAshu
utpAtapAkajanitA.nshcha mahopasargAn.h .. 34..

Oh Goddess, please be pleased. As you have just now saved us by

slaying thoughts, in like manner always save us from fear of foes.
Eradicate all evil from all the worlds, as well as all confusion and

praNatAnAM prasIda tvaM devi vishvArtihAriNi .

trailokyavAsinAmIDye lokAnAM varadA bhava .. 35..

Oh, Goddess, Remover of all the sufferings and calamities of the

universe, be gracious to us who bow down to you. You who are worhty of
praise by the inhabitants of the three worlds, grant the best to all
the worlds.

... OM namashchaNDikAyai OM namashcha

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