P e Lesson Throwing and Catching

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Student- Caylie Larkin Title Throwing and Catching

Lesson Area- P.E. Grade Levels- 1st Grade

C.A. Physical Education Standards
1.10 Demonstrate the underhand movement (throw) pattern.
1.11 Demonstrate the overhand movement (throw) pattern.
1.12 Demonstrate the two-handed overhead (throw) pattern.
1.13 Catch, showing proper form, a gently thrown ball.
Content Objective
Students will define and model overhand and underhand throwing and catching. While rotating
through four stations students will throw and catch balls and bean bags of various sizes using the
appropriate overhand or underhand technique.
Language Objective
Given sentence frames and vocabulary students will compare and contrast and define overhand and
underhand throwing movements, using vocabulary and compare and contrast language. Students will
effectively communicate with the other students at the station, using encouraging language (i.e. nice
throw), and constructive feedback (i.e. next time try this).
Sentence Frames
Overhand throwing is ____.
Underhand throwing is _____.
_____ (sport) uses underhand/overhand throwing when ____.
I throw ____(underhand/overhand) when I ____.
Formative Assessment
Look for students to notice the following:
o Listen to student responses during partner talk comparing and contrasting throwing technique
and listen for prior experience and sports that students play.
ASK: What is the difference between underhand and overhand throwing? What do they
look like? When might you choose to throw overhand and why? When would you
choose to throw underhand and why? Have you seen or played any sports that involve
throwing overhand? What about underhand?
o Observe student throwing and catching technique and offer feedback and modeling.
ASK: Is ____ (underhand/overhand) the ___(best/safest) way to throw this ball? Were
you able to throw the ball to your partner? What could you do differently next time?
Summative Assessment
Students will demonstrate the ability to successfully throw and catch various balls with a partner using
both overhand and underhand movements.
Teacher will evaluate student participation and accuracy of throwing and catching.
Comet balls
Fish beach balls
Tennis balls
Bean bags
Cones to mark different stations
The Lesson
Introduction (at the rug-10 minutes)
Introduce the lesson
- Tell students to nod their heads if they have thrown or caught a ball before.
- Ask students if they have heard of overhand throwing. What does overhand throwing look like? (use
sentence frame)
o Practice the overhand throwing motion without any equipment.
- Ask students if there is another way to throw a ball. What about underhand throwing? What does that
look like? (use sentence frame)
o Practice underhand throwing without any equipment.
- Partner talk: What is the difference between overhand and underhand throwing? (use sentence frame)
- Think-pair-share: When might you choose to throw overhand and why? When would you choose to
throw underhand and why?
- Have you seen or played any sports that involve throwing overhand? What about underhand?
Introduce the materials and stations
- Explain the stations and how students will throw the balls at each station (overhand or underhand).
- Interactive model throwing and catching each ball.
- Group students and head to the field.
Explore (15 minutes)
- Guide groups to the station at which they will be starting.
- Time stations rotating after 3 minutes at any given station.
Closure (5 minutes at the rug)
- What was easy what was challenging?
- Do you prefer throwing overhand or underhand and why?
Use of sentence frames (appropriate for language level) to facilitate conversations.
Use collaboration to promote socio-cultural learning and partnership with peer models.
Opportunities to act out vocabulary (underhand/overhand)

Language supports and sentence frames will be provided to support students in reaching the language
objective. Sentence frames will be modeled and students will have opportunities to practice using the frames
with a partner.
Overhand throwing is ____.
Underhand throwing is _____.
_____ (sport) uses underhand/overhand throwing when ____.
I throw ____(underhand/overhand) when I ____.

Opportunities to rehearse the task before cycling through the stations.

Sentence frames and explicit vocabulary instruction to support language production and scaffold
students to meet the language objective.
Partner talk to reduce the stress of sharing out to the whole class.
Challenge these students to increase the distance between his/her partner.
Encourage these students to keep track of how many throws are caught in a row.

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