Research and Development of CO Capture and Storage Technologies in Fossil Fuel Power Plants

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Acta Polytechnica Vol. 52 No.


Research and development of CO2 Capture and Storage Technologies

in Fossil Fuel Power Plants

Lukas Pilar1 , Jan Hrdlicka2

Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc, Vyskocilova 3/741, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic
CTU in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energy Engineering,
Technicka 4, 166 07 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Correspondence to: [email protected]

This paper presents the results of a research project on the suitability of post-combustion CCS technology in the Czech
Republic. It describes the ammonia CO2 separation method and its advantages and disadvantages. The paper evaluates
its impact on the recent technology of a 250 MWe lignite coal red power plant. The main result is a decrease in electric
eciency by 11 percentage points, a decrease in net electricity production by 62 MWe, and an increase in the amount of
waste water. In addition, more consumables are needed.

Keywords: post-combustion, ammonia, fossil fuel.

For power plants in the Czech Republic, only ab-

1 Introduction sorption techniques are under consideration, because
A key goal of many current research projects is to re- these are currently the most technically developed.
duce CO2 emissions. Several lignite coal red power In this case, the CO2 is either captured by dissolv-
plants are operated in the Czech Republic where CCS ing it physically in a solvent, or it is absorbed by a
technology might be applied. This work is a part chemical reaction. However, these technologies have
of a project that studies two CO2 separation meth- a similar operation principle. The ue gas enters an
ods: oxyfuel combustion and chemical absorption, absorption tower, where it is scrubbed in a counter-
and storage in geological structures. While oxyfuel current by an absorption liquid (solvent). The satu-
combustion is more suitable for a newly-constructed rated solvent is transferred to another tower, where
plant, chemical absorption might be applied in power the solvent is regenerated and the dissolved CO2 is
plantsthat are already in operation. This paper oers removed at high concentration. During the opera-
a detailed discussion of a post-combustion method tion, there are certain losses of solvent, e.g. due to
based on chemical absorption of CO2 , with an eval- unwanted reactions and products, or the solvent is
uation of key parameters for a given fossil fuel red released along with the ue gas. The solvent is there-
power plant. fore a consumable. At present, the solvents that are
most widely applied are water solutions of:
amines of various kinds (primary, secondary, ter-
2 Methods of CO2 capture tiary, heterocyclic)
from flue gas ammonia
carbonates of alkaline metals (sodium or potas-
The methods for removing CO2 from ue gas can sium carbonate)
be classied according to their chemical and physical blended solutions
principles as follows [14]:
Absorption scrubbing by an absorbent liquid
Adsorption absorption on the surface of solid 3 Suitability of the methods
matter or extraction by ion liquids
Physical separation membrane process, cryo- The most developed absorption methods have been
genic separation described in great detailin the literature, and there
Hybrid approaches are reports on the operation of pilot plants. De-
Biological capture tailed information can be found about technologies
These methods are currently at dierent levels of that are currently under intensive development, or
development, from laboratory scale to pilot units. that are being specially developed for application in

Acta Polytechnica Vol. 52 No. 3/2012

current power plants. We have selected two absorp- energy demands information is available
tion methods for CO2 capture that are considered only from journal articles, conference proceed-
to be suitable for application in the Czech Republic. ings and companymaterials. The heat con-
These two methods are in the most advanced stage sumption is about 65 % lower for the ammonia
of technological development, and they are supposed method. The decrease in eciency for an en-
to be the rst commercially built. The rst method tire power plant is estimated to be 9 percentage
uses amine scrubbing, and the second uses ammonia points for the amine method, and 4 percentage
as the solvent. Other methods for CO2 capture are points for the ammonia method. The decrease
currently in the research and development process, in eciency was calculated for a current power
but have not yet gone beyond laboratory-scale appli- plant using hard coal as the fuel.
cation. The advantages and disadvantages of these On the basis of the considerations discussed here,
two methods are compared from the point of view the ammonia method was chosen as the reference
of application in the Czech Republic, and also from method for application in power plants in the Czech
the point of view of energy and material demands. Republic.
The main dierences between the two methods are
as follows:
nancial demands the investment costs are 4 Input parameters of the
about 20 % lower for the ammonia method. An study, and a technology
advantage when operating the plant is that am-
monia is cheaper than amines. proposal
chemical properties of the solvent both
solvents are toxic and corrosive. Amines tend For the technology proposal, parameters of the ue
toward oxidative degradation, but the degrada- gas after the desulfurization process from a reference
tion caused by SO2 and NOx in the ue gas is coal-red power plant were used. The parameters are
a more important issue. The amine technology summarized in Table 1.
requires less than 30 mg/Nm3 of SO2 and NOx The ammonia process consists of the following
in the ue gas from the combustion system com- main components:
pared to ammonia method. The amine technol- ue gas cooling and the ue gas fan
ogy therefore requires additional desulfurization, CO2 absorption
and the DENOx system alsoneeds to be used. nal cleaning of the scrubbed ue gas
operation temperature the amine tech- CO2 desorption
nology works with higher temperatures. It re- CO2 nal cleaning
quires higher steam parameters (temperature), CO2 compression
while the ammonia method requires steam at auxiliary cooling source
about 140 C. Generally, the heat consumption ammonia treatment
is higher for the amine method; however, the A more detailed description is provided in the fol-
cooling consumption is higher for the ammonia lowing paragraphs:
method besides the cooling water, it requires ue gas cooling the absorption process for
an additional cooling supply, because absorption the ammonia method takes place at low tem-
takes place at approximately 0 C. peratures (510 C), so the ue gas must be
CO2 capture it has been found that the am- cooled down as much as possible before entering
monia method can absorb three times more CO2 the process. Condensed water steamis produced
per kg of solvent than the amine method. This is during the cooling process. Two-stage cooling is
valid for monoethylene amine. However, studies proposed; the rst step involves counter-current
are being carried out to increase this capacity. water cooling, and the second step involves com-

Table 1: Input parameters

Dry ue gas Nm3 /h 766 045 NOx mg/Nm3 207.5

CO2 % vol. 13.94 PM mg/Nm 10.4
O2 % vol. 5.44 water steam Nm /h 218 493
N2 % vol. 80.62 water (droplets) kg/h 80
SO2 mg/Nm 155.6
SO3 mg/Nm 12.44 temperature C 62

Acta Polytechnica Vol. 52 No. 3/2012

pression cooling. A ue gas fan is proposed after are removed in the separator, and pure CO2 is
the cooling system to cover all pressure drops in compressed to the pressure required for trans-
the course of the process. port, which is 10 MPa and temperature 50 C.
absorption the absorber is in principle simi- This means that the CO2 is in a supercritical
lar to that for ue gas desulfurization. The CO2 and liquidstate.
is initially dissolved in water, and then it re- CO2 compression A two-stage radial com-
acts with a solution of ammonia and ammonium pressor with an intercooler (integrally geared
carbonate. Crystallized ammonium bicarbonate compressor) is proposed. The output temper-
does not react further, and is removed for regen- ature from the compressor will be 117 C, and
eration. The regenerated solvent from desorp- further cooling is proposed. In this study, a sep-
tion, which must also be cooled down in advance, arate cooling loop will be integrated to utilize
is introduced into the highest level of the ab- the heat from compressed CO2 cooling.
sorption tower. After the absorber, the ue gas auxiliary cooling source two cooling
passes through ammonia capture. The cleaned sources will be used for cooling the technology.
ue gas at approximately 10 C enters the gas- The rst (with the highest power) is a cooling
gas heat exchanger, where is it warmed by the loop with a cooling tower. However, the required
ue gas entering the capture technology to ap- temperature of around 0 C cannot be attained
proximately 50 C. The ue gas is then trans- there. For example, in summer the temperature
ported to cooling towers. The suspension from will probably not be lower than 23 C. Compres-
the absorber is transported into a hydro-cyclone sion cooling with ammonia as the working uid
to dewater the ammonium bicarbonate to more is therefore proposed. The ammonia loop pa-
than 50 % dry matter. The solution is pumped rameters typically reach 12 C, which is fully
back to the absorber at 3.2 MPa. The suspen- sucient for our purposes.
sion passes a regenerative heat exchanger to be ammonia treatment this is necessary for
warmed by the solution that returns from des- ammonia storage and feeding. Storage will be in
orption. The crystals are melted by heating, and the liquid state.
enter the desorption column.
ue gas nal cleaning passing from the ab-
sorber, the ue gas enters the ammonia removal
5 Impacts on the current
(scrubbing) device to remove the ammonia slip power plant
before it is released into the atmosphere.
desorption decomposition of ammonia bi- The proposed technology will basically have a nega-
carbonate to ammonia and CO2 takes placehere. tive inuence on the whole power plant. The most
The ammonia remains dissolved under pressure, important impacts are:
and the CO2 is released in gaseous form. The increased amount of water the proposed
process take place at 3 MPa and 120 C. All re- cooling requires a large amount of water. The
action heat and additional heat must be returned proposed water consumption is calculated in Ta-
to warm the solution to 120 C. This heat is sup- ble 2. The calculation assumes a temperature
plied by steam extracted from the turbine. The dierence of 10 C in the cooling tower. The sys-
CO2 stream is collected at the head of the col- tem is designed as a closed system, lling with
umn at approximately 115 C and passes a cooler cooling water and removing dense salt water as
to be cooled to 30 C. Condensed water droplets needed.

Table 2: Calculated amount of water

Removed Cooling Salt

Device Evaporation Condensate
heat water removal
MWt t/h t/h t/h t/h
1 cooling stage 105.68 9 086.46 121.43 138.55
Cooling of desorbed CO2 8.68 746.35 9.97
Compressor cooling CO2 (1 stage) 2.03 174.69 2.33
Total 10 007.5 133.73 138.55 66.87

Cooling of the compressor cooler 9 8.18 8 441.69 112.81 56.40

Acta Polytechnica Vol. 52 No. 3/2012

increased energy self-consumption the for a 600 MWe power plant. This is a very high
electricity needs of the main drives are already requirement.
known (compressor, ue gas fan, compression Table 4 summarizes all important calculated data
cooling). The self-consumption is estimated at for a reference 250 MWe power plant running on lig-
approx. 50 MWe, and is calculated in Table 3. nite coal. The table is divided into the current situ-
ation and the situation after CCS construction with
ammonia scrubbing.
Table 3: Energy consumption

Device Value
6 Conclusion
Flue gas fan MWe 2.03
The study presented here has shown that the am-
Compression cooling MWe 36.82
monia post-combustion CO2 capture method is suit-
Compressor MWe 6.32 able from the technological point of view for a cur-
Other MWe 4.52 rent 250 MWe power plant running on lignite coal.
The technology is quite well known and available.
Total MWe 49.69
However, the impact is very signicant. The calcula-
tions have shown that the addition of CCS technol-
Table 4: Summary ogy decreases the total eciency of the power plant
by nearly 11 %. This means that the net electric-
Parameter Unit Current With ity production decreases by approx. 62 MWe, mostly
situation CCS due to the self-consumption of the new technology.
Power output MWe 250 238 It also means that the electric eciency of the power
Coal consumption t/h 214 214
plant falls from the current level of 38.4 % to just
27.9 %. Further negatives are increased production
Energy in fuel MWt 588 588
of waste water, and the addition of new consumables.
Self-consumption MWe 24 24
CO2 production t/h 211 211 Acknowledgement
Captured CO2 t/h 0 190
Financial support for this work under project
CO2 emissions t/h 211 21
number TIP FR-TI1/379 Vyzkum a vyvoj op-
Consumption of CCS MWe 0 50 timaln koncepce a technologie zachycovan CO2 ze
Net electricity generation MWe 226 164 spalin elektrarny spalujc hnede uhl v Ceske repub-
Total eciency % 38.4 27.9 lice is gratefully acknowledged.
Eciency decrease % 0 10.5
steam consumption steam is required for [1] Herzog, H., Meldon, J., Hatton, A.: Advanced
the desorption process, to heat up the suspen- Post-Combustion CO2 Capture, Prepared for the
sion. Approximately 20.7 kg/s of steam is re- Clean Air Task Force. 2009. [cit. 20120328]
quired. Availablefrom.
consumption of demi water demineralized reports/herzog-meldon-hatton.pdf
water is required for lling into the absorber to
sustain the required concentration and the re- [2] Neathery, J.: CO2 Capture for Power Plant Ap-
quired amount of solvent. plications, In Proceedings of the Illionis Bas in
decreased eciency for this case, the post- Energy Conference, 2008.
combustion CO2 capture technology decreases
the power plants eciency by approximately 11 [3] Rhudy, R., Freeman, R.: Assessmentof Post-
percentage points. At a nominal power output Combusti on Capture Technology Developments.
of 250 MWe, the eciency will be 28 %. Palo Alto : EPRI, 2007, 1012796.
waste water the waste water contains
residues of salts, and the total amount of waste [4] Feron, H. M. P.: Progress in post-combustion
water will increase. CO2 capture. [cit. 20120328] Availablefrom.
required area according to the literature,
approximately 25 000 m2 of free area is required ColloqueCO2 Session3 02 Feron TNO.pdf


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