Kathikudam Case Before The National Green Tribunal (2015)
Kathikudam Case Before The National Green Tribunal (2015)
Kathikudam Case Before The National Green Tribunal (2015)
Thressiamma Mathew,
W/o Mathew,
Thelekkat House,
Thaikottam Desom,
Kadukutty, P.O.,
Thrissur District.
1. State of Kerala represented by Secretary,
Department of Environment,
Thiruvanaanthapuram 695 001.
2. District Collector
Collectorate, Ayyanthole,
Thrissur 680 003.
5. Kadukutty Gramapanchayat,
Kadukutty, P.O.,
Thrissur District 680 315
Represented by its Secretary.
K.N. Lohithakshan,
S/o. Narayanan,
Kaipuzha Veedu,
Kathikoodam P.O.,
Thrissur District
1. State of Kerala
Represented by its Secretary,
Department of Environment,
Thiruvananthapuram 695 001.
2. District Collector,
Ayyanthole, Thrissur 680 002.
3. Kerala Pollution Control Board
Represented by Environmental Engineer,
Regional Office,
Thrissur 680 002.
4. Kadukutty Gramapanchayat,
Represented by its Secretary,
Kadukutty P.O.,
Thrissur District 680 002.
V.R. Babu,
S/o. Raghavan,
Vallathuparambil House Kakkad,
Kathikudam P.O.,
Koratty 680 308. ....Applicant
4. Kadukutty Gramapanchayat,
Kallur Vadakkumury Village,
Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur,
Mr. Sheejo Chacho for R5 in Application No. 305 of 2013 and for
R4 in Application Nos. 309 of 2013 and 149 of 2015
Whether the Judgement is to be published in the All India NGT Reporter Yes/No
The Pleadings:
to the 3rd extend the time allowed beyond 01.01.2013 and also
huge pipes laid by the company to drain water back to the river
Union of India & Others [(2012)8 SCC 326], the writ petitions
2013 respectively.
Environment and Forests & Climate Change (MoEF & CC), State
(DCP), Meat meal and Sterilized bone meal. The raw materials
30m height.
meal in two processes i.e., dry process and wet process. The
dry form are packed and sold to local farmers as meat meal.
biogas holder and used as a fuel for boiler. The overflow from
Vacuum Drier, filter press and sludge drier. The final sludge is
The effluent from delay pond is diluted with the back wash
manholes are broken and leaking and the toxic materials are
allege that when these facts are brought to the notice, all the
by the company.
83,80,000 i.e. 33, 555 times more than the tolerance limit.
tolerance limit.
the company to the nearby houses and that there is foul odour
environmental hazards.
discharged into the river near pump house of the Kerala Water
in the locality.
Panchayat did not renew the licence since 2009, the company
also given for setting up bio gas plants for processing the
sludge therein.
has increased its production and the waste sludge called sludge
entering the ground water and making the land unsuitable for
consent. The company is also not having a valid NOC from the
sludge was being put into the plant. This resulted in build-up
that area. The Koratty Police Station has taken action and 45
are undetected.
with respect to the Air, Water and Solid Waste generated from
were removed from the scene, one group strongly opposed the
2013 under Sections 143, 147, 148, 188, 283, 341, 332 r/w
to the company and to maintain law and order and for smooth
NGIL Action Council and its sympathisers shall not cause any
bursted and due to the high foul smell the complainant and the
Sections 278, 336, 285 IPC against the NGIL company before
Crime No.1588 of 2014 under Sections 269, 270, 336 IPC and
The sludge and slurry are seen on the surface of river water
near the manhole of the discharge pipe. The dark red colour of
stated that the company shall ensure that the river water is not
nearby the company and the rest are river water samples
value found is less than 6.5 which is slightly acidic. The remedy
company agreed to carry out the rectification works and all the
any study, other than required as per the objectives fixed for
respondent is to be dismissed.
309 of 2013 and 149 of 2015 filed the reply contending that
against the company for causing water pollution and foul smell.
trial run, collapsed and the sludge partially spilled over the
pressures and filter, delay pond, rotary vacuum filter and filter
bag filters for the DCP plant and chimney of hot air generators
filter for the meat meal plant and crushed bone charging area
to any stream, wells and other water bodies. The siting criteria
mg/l and Oil and Grease were found Below Detectable Level
portion of this pipeline was laid along and under the bed of a
found discharged through the hole of the broken pipe into the
be discharged into the thodu along with the effluent. The hole
of the broken pipeline is not visible. It was learnt that the hole
effluent through the broken pipeline into the thodu and into
the Board, the company reported that they were not able to
and also from the damaged part of the pipe line carrying
2.5 mtrs below the water level of the river. Hence it was not
same day, the sampling time was different. The company does
taken to the polishing pond and after settling, the clear water
between the sand filter of the effluent treatment plant and the
environmental pollution.
2005. After filing objection and hearing all the parties, the
the Writ Petitions are pending before the Honble High Court. In
Panchayat did not renew the licence, the company filed W.P
time to time.
Under the Action Plan, the company was granted time till
correct. The fresh water consumption per day is 3400 m3. The
the company and certified that the ETP sludge is the co-source
are broken and are leaking and the toxic materials are allowed
taken which had led to the report dated 21.02.2012, was not
The Arguments:
are 250 meters away from the company, when the report of
that the Board did not conduct proper audit and the company
was dumping the sludge into the river along with fluid. It is
argued that, this fact is clear from the various reports prepared
that the company is still transporting semi solid sludge and foul
odour and change in colour was felt. Semi solid effluents were
manhole. Some dead fish and frogs were also found at this
also, waste water and sludge were seen discharged through the
pipeline is laid and whitish oily slurry was seen suspended and
water into the river emitting strong odour. Large deposit of silt
mixed with sludges has been formed on the banks of the river,
visited the spot and filed a report stating that dissoluble and
sludge at the point where the pipeline was broken and the
the authorities. The ETP sludge is being let out through the
does not meet the required norms and the presence of heavy
the visual and print media and on the instruction of the District
received under RTI Act from the Pollution Control Board dated
argued that the company has not treated the effluent properly.
Control Board and NEERI did not address this issue. There is no
out that as per the form submitted by the industry for getting
total ETP waste as per Consent order is 18,000 TPA and spent
oil is 2000 TPA .It is pointed out that if so, the sludge that can
NEERI report dated May, 2014 and from the figures it is clear
that the industry consumed the raw materials more than the
even sold during these years and the fact that sludge has been
the effluent mixed with the sludge into the River. Learned
counsel argued that the reply received from the Board under
RTI Act reveals that the total sludge generated is 750 TPA.
But as per the report of the CPCB, the sludge generated from
press, the ETP does not have any system in place to remove
the NEERI report shows that the industry is not treating the
as the level of TSS, TDS, COD and BOD are not satisfying the
treating it. The report of CPCB also shows that the back water
discharged into the river. The report also shows that they have
treated effluent from delay pond is diluted with the back wash
the river and this has resulted in dilution of TDS, COD and
been diluting the effluent and adding pollutants into the river
all these years. Learned counsel argued that the crucial issue
from stacks and the fact that PM levels were high in one
industry has not installed any flow meters in the ETP, details
are not furnished and it is clear that the industry does not have
listed the places where AAQ stations are located, these stations
out of this, the sludge of 1860 cu.m per day is processed from
at the rate of 930 cu.m.per day would be only 1860 and not
solids present in the effluent stream, and the industry has also
hours and therefore, the claim of the industry that they are
and cannot be relied on. It was argued that when the capacity
be issued.
into the river as alleged and pointed out the report of the
the stipulated norms, which is also clear from the NEERI report
that all the parameters are within the prescribed limits and
pointed out that the report of NEERI of May 2014 proves that
types of food and plantation crops and that approval was based
stated that the nitrates which caused the fish kill, cannot be
30% and 70% is water and therefore, the net quantity of HCl
taken to the paddle washer for washing and for removing free
pumped into the liming plant where it is treated with lime for
DCP and the settled DCP slurry is filtered, dried and packed
and finally being discharged into the river and during pre-
NEERI in its report as well as CPCB as the results show that all
pointed out that the report of NEERI dated May 2014 states
erroneous .
reports that the treated effluent discharged from the ETP has
also pointed out that the analysis report of CPCB on the river
Drinking Water Standards and the CPCB had taken the samples
clear from the report that the discharge from the effluent
vide GSR 801 (E) dated 31.12.1993 and therefore, the TDS
and Chlorides are not relevant to find out the quality of the
with the standards for Organic Fertilizer and even the Mercury
detailed objection.
NEERI are based on the data collected from the said AAQ
that flow meters are installed for measuring the intake of fresh
quantity has always been less than the intake. It was also
argued that the flow meters are used for measuring the
phosphate process and the effluents from the said process are
critical aspects. The total input amounts to 113.4 TPD and the
none of the agencies that supply HCl to the industry use the
every load of HCl that enters the premises and satisfies that
metls reveals that all heavy metals are within the parameters.
bone and vice versa. Even the 30% HCl is reduced to 4% for
fitted with flow meters and the flow of effluents into the
day. Out of this, the sludge in1860 cu.m. per day of effluent
biogas plant feed from the primary clarifier and the secondary
clarifier and the total quantity converted is 2.8 TPD and the
grand total from all the plants amounts to 21.71 TPD and thus
that time they measured the distance from the nearest house
counsel also pointed out that even the Pollution Control Board
waste water outlet. But in the case of industry having air and
industry is 100 meters. The Circular also shows that the said
that the siting criteria fixed under the said Circular came into
75. The siting criteria which came into existence for the
40.5, 3.0 and 2 tonnes per day respectively. The raw materials
used are Crushed bone, HCl and hydrated lime. The unit is
2016 (PB) shows that the unit is also purchasing crushed bones
drain. The hot air required for Ossein drier is met through the
obtain DCP slurry. The DCP slurry is filtered using Rotary Drum
waste water. The separated sinews and bone meal during the
meal in two processes, i.e dry process and wet process. The
in dry form are packed and sold to local farmers for using as
the intake point in the industry premises and a log book also
water consumption.
drain and water collected as leach from bio filters are also sent
with the treated effluent from DAF-2 for further treatment. The
Rotary Vacuum Drier, filter press, and sludge drier. The final
effluent from delay pond is diluted with the back wash water of
sand filter (fresh water sand filter) and finally discharged into
pollution status with respect to the Air, Water and Solid waste
16th 2014. The Ossein and DCP Process effluents were also
Ossein and DCP process effluents were mixed in the ratio of 1.0
treated effluent samples from the ETP without any dilution, also
s g *
HRT, h 6.6-6.7 2.5-3.5 SS COD BOD
OFR, 11.40- 89. 78.
3 2 25-50 76.5
m /m /d 11.62 1- 5- 90.2-
WL, 35.6- 90. 81. 93.6
3 125 78.3
m /d.m 36.7 6 8
*CPHEEO, 2012; +Bases on 12 and 24 hours
setting studies were carried out in one litre. The SVI and
sludge setting rate as monitored were as follows:
results are given in Table 10.8 and 10.9 of the report. Study
and ground water samples were collected from open dug wells
industries and the ponds in low lying area and dumping site
that the secondary ETP sludge does not contain any hazardous
from the paddy field adjacent to the industry and also from
the industry does not generate any hazardous waste from the
that the dust and gaseous pollutants from the industrial unit
operation being carried out in the hot air generator during the
parameters namely, SO2, NO2, H2S and NH3 are within the
13. There shall not be any flexible pipes in the factory. The
Environmental Engineer, District Office, Thrissur shall
ensure this.
houses located along the banks of the river and motor boats
The results of the two air samples comprising inlet and outlet
gases on the ambient air of the process unit area. The report
it is reported as follows:
control, pilot scale trials for wet and dry scrubbing were
banks of the river, for which, the industry waits for an approval
of effluent on the land and river. The Board was also directed
breakage and the place where the discharge is let out into the
16th April 2016. The report shows that during inspection, it was
this pipeline is laid along and under the bed of Natural thodu
part into the Thodu and the mixture of effluent and water was
along with the effluent. The broken hole of the pipeline is not
replied that they had noticed the leak on 08.03.2015 and it was
2.5 meters below the water level of the river, the officials
Table- A
Table- B
Parameter Value Permissible limit
(mg./l) except pH (mg./l) except pH
pH 7.5 5.5-9.0
BOD 34.4 30
COD 72 250
Suspended Solids 28 100
Dissolved BDL 5
Oil & Grease 9.1 10
Ammonical 10.1 50
Total Dissolved 3141 No standard is prescribed
Solids under the EP Rule
Chlorides 1637.8 No standard is prescribed
under the EP Rule
outlet of the industry and all other parameters are within the
counsel and for the writ petitioner, apart from their counsel
i.e the land adjacent to the industry site, which was earlier
effluent into its land and collected samples from the said land
namely, the paddy field adjacent to the company site and the
The report shows that on the second day when the samples
team could successfully collect the samples and send them for
to a great extent.
Air emissions control
5. Use of low ash and low sulphur -Low sulphur furnace oil is being
contents fuel in furnaces and purchased from Bharat
boilers must be practiced for Petroleum Corporation Ltd. and
control of PM and SO in use from April 2015 for control
concentration at sources. of air emissions.
-Energy (biogas) recovered from
the 2nd anaerobic reactor
installed is routed to boiler
thereby reducing furnace oil
consumption by ~60%
6. The ossein furnaces hot air -To control particulate matter
generator emissions marginally emission from ossein hot air
exceeded the regulatory limits for generation furnace, mechanical
participate matter. Though the dust collector has been installed
monitoring data is based on short on 16.01.2015. This unit was in
term assessment, feasible operation as observed during the
corrective measures are needed inspection.
to ensure emission within the
norms on a sustainable basis.
Optimization of ETP performance
7. The chemical treatment unit Installation of online pH meters (6
process of ETP comprising Nos.) was completed on
coagulation-flocculation must be 05.11.2014 in the following units:
provided with an online pH meter -Buffer tank
in reaction tanks for ensuring -Flocculator1
maintenance of optimum pH for -Flocculator2
effective precipitation of the -Inlet to aeration tank
pollutants. -Secondary clarifier outlet
-Lamella overflow weir.
As observed one of the online pH
display was under maintenance
during the inspection on 11th May
2016 however the same was
rectified on 12th May 2016.
8. Regular maintenance of the -The worn out belts of surface
surface aerators must be ensured aerators have been replaced with
and in case of the compressor the new belts, and work was
air discharge rate must be completed by 10.08.2014.
maintained as per the -The maintenance schedule has
recommendation of the been revised as per the
manufacturer. manufactures manual, and is
being practiced.
9. The present practice of adding As observed, the practice of
coagulant / coagulant aid in coagulant / coagulant aid dosing
biological process for sludge at outlet of aeration tank was
settleability must be discontinued stopped to improve the growth of
to improve biomass growth in biomass in aeration tank. This
aeration tanks. has improved the treated effluent
quality of the ETP.
10. Regular backwashing of sand -SOP has been prepared for
filters must be practiced, and if backwashing of sand filter and is
necessary the media must be being practiced since
KSPCB directions Compliance Status
1. Cameras are to be provided in - CCTV surveillance camera installed.
the effluent treatment plant area The system is in operation from March
for viewing the effluent30,2015.
treatment plant operators from - Five cameras have been installed
District office at Thrissur, two each at chemical treatment units
Regional office at Ernakulum & and aeration tanks, and one at sludge
from Head office of PCB filtration unit.
- Internet connection established.
2. The odour of treated effluent is -M/s NGIL has analysed effluent
to be assessed. samples for volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) through an NABL
accredited laboratory and analysis
report submitted to KSPCB vide letter
(NO. PCB/OD/87) dated 30.10.2014.
- However NEERI also collected
effluent and river water samples for
assessment of VOCs during the joint
- The details are reported under
section 5.0 of this report.
3. Oil and Grease trap is to be -Oil & Grease trap installed on
provided as oil and grease in 25.04.2015 and is in operation.
effluent treatment plant is high
4. Anaerobic digester is to be -A second anaerobic reactor for
installed before aeration tank so recovery of biogas is under
as to reduce the generation of implementation. This will facilitate use
sludge, to reduce the dosing rate of biogas reducing the fuel oil
9. TCPL analysis to be done for soil M/s NGIL has conducted TCPL analysis
and sediments. for soil and sediment samples through
a NABL accredited laboratory and
report submitted to KSPCB.
10. Facility shall be provided to On line pH meters (6 Nos.) have been
maintain/ adjust pH in effluent installed by 05.11.2014 in the
treatment plant units. following units:
-Buffer tank
-Flocculator 1
-Flocculator 2
-Inlet to aeration tank
-Secondary clarifier outlet
-Lamella overflow weir.
11. Periodic maintenance of sand -SOP prepared for backwashing of
filters is to be ensured sand filter and being practiced since
As per management of M/s NGIL
assessment study for media
replacement to ensure proper media
size will be taken up as and when
required since presently the
suspended solids concentration in
treated effluent from sand filter is the
following is reported:
Process effluent from Final Stipulate
Method Sand treated d
Parameters Detection Filter effluent discharge
N Ossein
limit effluent being Standard
o DCP plant
plant discharged s for M/s
1 pH 0.02 7.4 6.9 7.1 7.1 5.5-9.0
12 Nitrate as
0.05 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.6 0.9 45 NR
13 TKN as N 0.5 35 42 46 49 48 - -
14 Calcium 0.2 2.6 2.7 3.6 6.3 8.4 75 200
15 Magnesiu
0.2 2.2 1.9 2.4 5.6 6.1 30 100
16 Total
hardness* 0.2 15 13 17 25 26 200 600
17 Sodium 0.1 9 11 19 43 63 - -
18 Potassium 0.1 0.3 0.5 2.1 4.3 5.6 - -
19 Aluminiu
0.009 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.03 0.2
20 Copper 0.0004 0.02 0.02 0.01 BDL 0.01 0.050 1.5
21 Cadmium 0.0006 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.003 NR
22 Chromium 0.01 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.05 NR
23 Iron 0.001 0.32 0.66 0.45 0.41 0.55 0.3 0.1
24 Lead 0.009 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.01 NR
25 Manganes
0.002 0.16 0.09 0.06 0.09 0.05 0.1 0.3
26 Mercury 0.09 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.001 NR
27 Nickel 0.005 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.02 NR
28 Zinc 0.001 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 5 15
Grab Sample: All parameters are expressed in mg/l except Ph; Expressed as CaCO .
BDL Below detectable limit; NR- No Relation. $ - Indian Standard Drinking Water-Specification;
[IS 10500;2012] (Second Revision); @ - Permissible limit in the absence of alternate source.
reported as follows:
The industry was operational during the inspection period and the
production (tonnes/day) of various products on the days of
inspection & monitoring were as follows:
Date Ossein & Dicalcium Meat meal
Limed Ossein phosphate
11/05/2016 18.12 34.00 0.40
12/05/2016 17.98 36.50 0.60
As per Consent 21.6 40.5 3.0
Finally, NEERI humbly submits before the Honble Court that NEERI
conducted the inspection including monitoring of air, water and sludge
samples to assess the impact of various emissions from the company
despite the adversities that resulted due to provocation, abuses and
threats by the Petitioners and their Advocates as briefed in Annexure VI.
that the industry has performed their part even with regard to
cleaning of weeds along the banks of the river. The new bio-
fuel oil consumption to the tune of 1450 litres per day. The
analysis of ETP sludge sample establish that does not have any
parameter i.e 0.3 mg/l. But at the same time, even the
Even though river water and sediment analysis show that the
collected from ETP and final outlet shows that the parameter
the organic stream was 2.52 mg/l. The parameter found at the
outlet of tertiary clarifier was 0.33 mg/l. At the same time, the
parameter found at the outlet of delay pond was 0.5 mg/l and
filter drier 1 was 34.3 mg/Nm3, , at bag filter drier II was 424
not found at the biogas filter drier 1 and drier II. The
that the parameters PM10, SO2, and No2 are meeting with 24
process was stopped its operation since two years and the
about 98 kms upto March 2016. The CPCB team inspected the
order, 1985
was not completed when the report was filed. After filing of
quality analysis tests for mercury are done by the industry for
CPCB report that the industry shall compulsorily carry out third
water intake from the river. The records are maintained in log
book and same was cross verified. During inspection, the rate
52.9 mg/l slightly higher than the standard fixed by KSPCB (50
mg/l). It was also found that the dilution of TDS, COD and
outlet is 2944 mg/l and 1663 mg/l which are very high when
meters and that too, it passes through the irrigated land and
since from two years due to non issuance of licence from local
meters at ETP inlet & outlet;(2) to meet the standards for TDS
and Climate Change. The MoEF & CC directed the industry that
was sent to the river, the standards for TDS and Chlorides
Chalakkudy river.
31841 TPA and hydrated lime 5991 TPA and the total waste
pointed out that similar data furnished for the year 2009-2010
Ossein 3194 TPA and DCP 14862 TPA and deducting it from
is also pointed that that for the year 2010-2011, the waste
would be 8975.96 TPA and for the year 2012-2013, the total
during these years have not been disclosed to find out the
and therefore, the net quantity of HCl is only 24.4 TPD and
counsel pointed out that the dry form is packed and sold to
13.3 TPD of Ossein, 8.3 TPD of limed Ossein, 40.5 TPD of DCP
rate of 3000 cu.m. per day and in the inorganic stream, the
is material balance.
liquid and gaseous state and it does not take into account the
material balance.
to 49.31 TPD and the waste generated has always been within
per day would be only 1860 and not 3000 as claimed by the
industry and the effluent from DCP stream is not treated in the
October, 2015. The industry has not explained how the huge
volume of sludge and waste was managed before and after the
biogas from the digestion of raw effluent from the Ossein plant
m3 per day per tank. Therefore, the total capacity of the biogas
day and in fact, the biogas plants for processing sludge from
digester can hold only 352 cu.m of effluents and can digest
the diameter and the height of the tank of the digesters. The
pointed out by the industry that the bio digesters are fitted
with flow meters and the flow of the effluents into the
approximately 2900 cu.m per day and out of this, the sludge of
the ETP system. Out of this, one pair of digesters converts the
raw effluent from the Ossien plant directly to biogas and the
inlet of raw effluent fed into the bio-digesters, the TSS is 3757
mg/l and the discharge at the outlet is 975 mg/l. So also, the
TDS at the inlet is 12611 mg/l and outlet is 5860 mg/l and
4587) and at the outlet is 1273 mg/l (5860 4587) and the
TPD namely, 975 TSS X 82.6 (Average flow rate per hour) X
TPD and the sludge processed in the biogas plant feed from
come to 2.8 MTD and the grand total from all plants would be
argued that as per the report of NEERI dated May, 2014, the
the DCP plant alone have BOD and COD levels, which ought
the TSS is 3757 mg/l and TDS is 12611 mg/l and the total
solids load of 16.358 g/l of effluent and the total solid, thus,
and 28267.5 mg/l of TDS and thus, the total of solid load would
industry, the total final sludge generated from the organic and
The applicants would contend that even in that case, the total
3.5 tonnes a day and together with the waste from the
is not correct and he has not taken into account the various
TPD and the total product is 63.1 TPD. The total sludge
digesters are fitted with flow meters and the flow of the
of this effluent, the sludge in 1860 cu.m. per day from the
converted into biogas. The industry pointed out that there are
Industry pointed out that TDS and TSS and Chlorides in raw
effluent fed into the bio-digesters and that in the outlet of the
is 3757 mg/l and at the outlet 975mg/l, TDS is 12611 mg/l and
at the outlet 5860 mg/l, Chloride is 4587 mg/l and at the outlet
4587 mg/l. The Chlorides are same at the inlet and outlet, as
the outlet is 1273. The flow rate is 82.6 m3/h The inlet sludge
into gas would be 23.36 TPD 4.45 TPD, namely 18.91 MTD.
counsel appearing for the industry thus, would submit that the
grand total from all the plants would amount to 21.71 MTD and
bone after the pre-treatment is directly fed into the ETP and
after the washing, the crushed bone goes to the acid bath for
impurities from the DCP plant are taken to the ETP Plant. DCP
during the process is sent to ETP through open drain and the
sand filter and then to delay pond and then to collection tank.
collection tank and the polishing pond, back wash water from
the sand filter are discharged into the Chalakkudy river. From
buffer tank and from there to the anaerobic tank and from
DCP: process as well as from the Ossein process and from the
would be 23.36 TPD while the outlet sludge would be 4.45 TPD.
that, the solid processed in the biogas stream from the primary
113.4 TPD, the total waste generated would be 28.5 TPD and
out put would be 112.60 TPD and therefore, we do not find any
the industry has discharged sludge along with the treated liquid
the digesters, the industry could not have treated the entire
scope for the earlier grievance, provided the ETP including the
as well as discharged.
manufacturing process.
actual quantity.
green belt.
daily basis.
prescribed standards.
of six months.
xx. The KSPCB shall also take steps to see that the
order as to costs.
Justice M.S.Nambiar
Judicial Member
Expert Member