Instruction: BR# Feature Responsible Party or Groups
Instruction: BR# Feature Responsible Party or Groups
Instruction: BR# Feature Responsible Party or Groups
This document is used to define the details of the master test plan. Once the test plan is
outlined, the document must be reviewed and approved by the lead technical
representative on the project as well as the lead business representative on the project. If
anything related to the test plan changes during the execution and testing phase of the
project, this document should be updated and re-approved by both parties.
Test Scope
This section is used to provide a high-level description of the business processes to be
tested and a high-level description of the type of testing required for this project. It also
defines what is not in scope for the testing phase of the project.
This test plan will test all the requirements for System A release 1.1 with the exception of
requirement nnn, which will be tested by the xxxx team for xxxx reasons. This Master Test
Plan covers integration, user acceptance, and regression testing.
It will not include unit testing, which will be performed by the external vendor, ZZZ. It
will not include user certification testing, which will be performed by the Finance Team.
Test Features
This is a description of the features that will be tested within the scope of the test plan.
The list represents what will be tested as well as the individuals/groups involved with the
testing activities.
BR # Feature Responsible party or groups
1 Pre-Clean (incorporate Worksites version) IT
2 List Bills (incorporate Worksite standards) IT, A/P Director
Direct Bills (incorporate Worksite IT, A/P Director
3 standards)
Dynamics (to incorporate the FTP piece to IT, Controller
4 the Austin server for Sarbanes Oxley)
Test Inputs/Outputs
This is a description of the inputs that will be used to assist with the testing effort and a
list of the outputs that will be delivered from the testing effort.
Inputs Outputs
Business Requirement Specifications Test Results
Defect Log
Issues Log
Change Request Log
Test Strategy
This is a description of the recommended testing approach for this project. This describes
how the test items and features will be tested.
Test System Cinappxxx
PC Lab 13th floor
Test database 1 //testdatabase0001
Test database 2 //prodatabase002
Document Approval
The signatures below acknowledge that the test plan outlined above is complete and
accurate. Upon receiving written approval, the project team will proceed to the next step
of the project.
If anything changes during the execution of the project, the test plan will be updated and
re-approved accordingly.
IT Representative
Document Tracking
Date Action Taken By Whom