Acids, Bases and Salts

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Acids, Bases and Salts 2


Tips and Tricks

 Acids are sour in taste and bases are bitter in solution is fixed. If H+ ion cocentration is known,
taste. that of OH ions is determined.
 Indicators are chemical substances which give [H+] [OH] = 1014
different colours in acidic and basic solutions. If a pH scale is the scale for measuring hydrogen ion
substance gives change in odour in acidic or basic concentration in a solution. Its value varies from
medium, then it is olfactory indicator. 0 to 14 for solutions very acidic to very basic.
Indicator Acid Basic Neutral solution has pH equal to 7.
solution solution pH is defined as negative logarithm of hydrogen
Litmus Red Blue ion concentration. The value of pH is very
Methyl Orange Pink Yellow important in our daily life. A pH range of 68 is
good for living organisms and plants.
Phenolphthalein Colourless Pink
 Strong acids give H+ ions readily in aqueous
Bromothymol blue Yellow Blue solutions, e.g., hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid,
 Chemical properties of acids and bases nitric acid etc.
(i) Acids contain hydrogen atom and give  Weak acids do not give all the hydrogen atoms
hydrogen ions (H+) in water. contained as H+ ions in water solution, e.g., acetic
(ii) Acids react with metals to give salt and acid, carbonic acid etc.
hydrogen gas.  Strong bases give OH ions readily, e.g., NaOH,
(iii) Acids react with metal oxide to give salt and KOH etc.
water. In addition carbon dioxide is evolved if  Weak bases are ammonium hydroxide, calcium
metal carbonate is taken. hydroxide etc.
(iv) Acids and bases react to give salt and water.  Salts are formed by combination of acids and
This is neutralization reaction. bases.
(v) Bases are the hydroxides of metals, which  Acidic salts are formed by reaction of weak base
give hydroxide ion (OH) in aqueous solutions. with a strong acid, e.g., ammonium chloride,
(vi) Bases react with only some metals to give aluminium chloride. Their aqueous solution has
salt and hydrogen, e.g., zinc. pH less than seven.

(vii) Bases which are soluble in water are known  Basic salts are from strong base and weak acid,
as alkalies. e.g., sodium acetate, sodium carbonate. Their
aqueous solutions give pH greater than seven.
(viii) Acids and Bases in water conduct electricity
 Neutral salts are formed from combination of
due to the presence of ions.
strong acids and strong bases, e.g., NaCl, Na2SO4,
 pH: All water solutions contain H+ and OH ions. NaNO3 etc. These give neutral aqueous solution
Total of H+ and OH ion concentration in aqueous with pH nearly equal to seven.


 Hydrated salts: Some salts crystallize with a pH = log10 1011 = 11

fixed number of water molecules attached to one  Common salt is sodium chloride (NaCl)
formula unit of salt, e.g., Blue copper sulphate commercial used variety is rock salt.
(CuSO4.5H2O), washing soda (Na2CO3.10H2O), NaCl(aq)
Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O). + H2O
 Gypsum on controlled heating loses water Electrolysis + CO2
molecules partially and give calcium sulphate + NH3
hemihydrate, Cathode Anode
 (Na) (Cl2) NH4Cl + NaHCO3
CaSO4 H2O or plaster of paris.
 + + Ammonium Sodium
 Calculation of pH values: If H+ ion concentration H2O Ca(OH)2 chloride hydrogen
in aqueous solution is 103 M, carbonate
NaOH CaOCl2 (Baking soda)
pH = log10 103 = 3
Sodium Bleaching heat
If OH ion concentration in aqueous solution is hydroxide powder
103 M, Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2
 Sodium carbonate

H+ ion concentration = = 1011 (washing soda)

Formative Assessment
5. (a) What is washing soda?
ORAL QUESTIONS (Conversation Type)
(b) Name the process by which sodium
1. (a) Acids are sour in taste. Is it a way to find carbonate is manufactured.
whether a substance is an acid or a base? (c) What are the raw materials used in the
(b) What is other physical test? preparation of washing soda?
(c) Any test with solid acid? (d) Sodium carbonate is obtained from another
(d) Can you check the evolution of CO 2 carbonate on heating. Name it.
chemically? (e) What is the commercial name of sodium
2. (a) What are acids? bicarbonate.
(b) Can presence of H+ in water be estimated? 6. (a) Name the substance used for bleaching
How? cotton and wood pulp in textiles.
(c) How is pH related to H+ ion concentration? (b) What is its chemical name?
(d) How is pH related to strength of an acid? (c) How is it manufactured?
(e) Name one strong acid and one weak acid. (d) What is slaked lime?
3. (a) What are salts? (e) Why does bleaching powder smell of
(b) How many types of salts are formed? chlorine ?
(c) What are neutral salts?
(d) What do you mean by acidic salts? ORAL QUESTIONS
(e) Define basic salts.
1. Name the acid present in lemon juice.
(f) Give the corresponding acid and base from
which sodium carbonate is formed. 2. Name an antacid.
4. (a) What is common salt? 3. What name is given to an indicator which gives
(b) Why does common salt become moist in different odour in acidic and basic solution?
rainy season? 4. What is the chemical difference between
(c) How is it used as a freezing mixture? washing soda and baking powder?
(d) Name two important laboratory chemicals 5. How will you obtain sodium carbonate from
prepared from common salt on large scale. sodium bicarbonate?

6. Name the acid present in ant sting. 11. Metal oxides and bases are similar in their
7. Which of the two, curd or soap solution, give reaction with acids.
blue colour with litmus paper? 12. Dry hydrochloric acid does not conduct
8. What happens when nitric acid is poured over electricity but dissolves in water.
egg shells? 13. Water of crystallization of a salt depends on
9. What is the ideal pH of the soil for the healthy the moisture content of air.
growth of a plant? 14. Bleaching powder is obtained when brine is
10. At what pH the mouth teeth start decaying? passed over calcium hydroxide solution.
11. Name the base used to reduce acidity in 15. Plaster of Paris is obtained by strongly heating
stomach. gypsum.
12. How is pH of an acid solution affected when it
is diluted? QUIZWHO AM I
13. Give one example of an acidic salt and one of a
1. I can roughly measure pH value from 0 to 14.
basic salt.
14. Give one example each of basic oxide and acidic 2. I am called antichlor and is used to remove
oxide. excess chlorine from clothes when treated with
bleaching powder.
15. Name the gas responsible for extinguishing fire
in a soda-acid fire extinguisher. 3. I am a product of gypsum and is used in making
chalks and fire proof materials.
16. What contributes to the basic character of a
base? 4. I am a compound of calcium and can be used
for disinfecting drinking water as well as for
17. Out of glucose and acetic acid which one will
conduct electricity in water?
5. I give different smell in acid and base solutions
18. Name the scale which is used to measure H+
ion concentration in a solution. 6. I am an oxide capable of showing properties of
both acids and bases.
19. What is the pH of blood?
7. I am a covalent compound and conducts
20. What is the chemical name of the compound
electricity in aqueous medium.
which has the property of hardening when
mixed with water? 8. I am a salt of potassium hydroxide and nitric
9. I am the term used when a solid becomes liquid
when exposed to moist air.
1. Ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) produces H+ ions in a 10. I am derived from tomato and turn blue litmus
solution. into red.
2. Dilute hydrochloric acid in stomach helps in
3. Sodium sulphate is a neutral salt.
4. Brine is an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. 4 2 3
5. Sodium acetate is an acidic salt.
6. The electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride
gives hydrogen gas at cathode.
7. Carbonated soft drink gives blue colour with
litmus paper.
8. All metals react with bases to give salt and
hydrogen gas. C C
9. Phenolphthalein is an acid-base indicator.
10. Non-metallic oxides give amphoteric solution.

I. Across Down
1. Known as vinegar (6). 2. A gas obtained in the electrolysis of sodium
4. A mineral acid (12). chloride (8).
Down 4. A substance that gives relief from acidity
2. Acid obtained from milk (6)
3. An acid obtained from lemon (6).
1. A stone used for manufacture of sodium 1. Prepare extract of natural materials like red
carbonate (9) cabbage leaves, flower petals, tea petals etc.
3. A substance that changes colour in acid- and test with acid-base solutions to find which
base solution (9). can act as indicator.
2 2. Different students may check pH of their urine,
blood, cough etc and compare with their diet on
that day and summarise what diet suits human
body best.
4 3. Prepare extracts of different masala at home
and check their pH with pH paper and draw a
1 I T 4. Compare the reaction of different acids with
3 N A carbonate/bicarbonate and suggest which
combination is best to construct a fire


1. Give one example each of natural indicator and
synthetic indicator.

4. What name is given to an indicator which gives
different colour in different medium. Give
.............................................................................. examples.

2. Give an example each of acidic salt and neutral ..............................................................................

salt as well basic salt. Explain.
5. How is phenolphthalein used as an indicator?
3. What are the salts of nitric acid called? Give
one example of such a salt. ..............................................................................

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6. What is that reaction called when acids and ..............................................................................

bases react? What is the common product of all
such reactions? ..............................................................................

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.............................................................................. 9. A student prepared two solutions (1) dil. HCl

and (ii) distilled water in separate test tubes.
.............................................................................. She forgot to label the tubes. Both solutions are
colourless. Solutions of litmus, phenolphthalein
.............................................................................. and lime water are available to her. How will
she distinguish between the two solutions?
7. Name the salt formed when nitric acid reacts
with ammonium hydroxide. Is it an acidic salt ..............................................................................
or a basic salt?
10. What are strong acids and weak acids? Do both
.............................................................................. behave similarly with litmus solution.

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8. Show that sodium acetate is a basic salt. ..............................................................................

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