BS 5655-11a

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I BSI BSx5b55: PARTall 01 W l b 2 4 b b 70 4 0 6 5 8 7 282 W

BS 5655: Part 11 : 1989

UDC 692.66 : 621.876.1 1 - 83 : 696.6

British Standard
Lifts and service lifts
Part 1 1. Recommendations for the installation
of new, andthe modernizationof, electric
lifts in existing buildings

British Standards Institution

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services

This British Standard has been prepared under the

direction of the Mechanical Handling Standards Policy
Committee. It supersedes clause 2 of BS 2655 : Part 8 :
1971,which has been rendered obsolescent by
It is the eleventh Part of BS 5655, relating to lifts and
service lifts, which is being progressively published t o
supersede portions of relevant Parts of BS 2655,
the relevant obsolescent requirements beingretained for
reference purposes andto enable existing lift installations
to be maintained. The standard comprisesthe following
Part 1. Safety rules for the construction and
installation of electric l i f t s (implementing EN 81 - 1).
(Tobe used in conjunction with PD 6500
'Explanatory supplement to BS 5655 Part 1')
Part 2. Safety rules for the construction and installation
of hydraulic lifts (implementing EN 81 -2)
*Part 3. Specification for electric service lifts
tPart 4
Part 5. Specification for dimensions of standard lift
arrangements (related to I S 0 4190/1 and
I S 0 41 90/3)
Part 6. Code of practice for selection and installation
Part 7. Specification for manual control devices,
indicators and additional fittings (implementing
IS0 4190/5)
Part 8.Specification for eyebolts for lift suspension
Part 9.Specification for guide rails (implementing
IS0 7465)
Part IO. Specification for testing and inspection of
electric and hydraulic lifts
Part 11. Recommendationsfor the installation of
new, and the modernizationof, electric lifts in
existing buildings
*Part 12. Recommendations for the installation of new,
and the modernization of, hydraulic l i f t s in existing
+Part 13. Code of practice for vandal resistant lifts
The recommendations are intended to allow an installation
of reasonable standardt o be modernized, in stages as
Compliance with a British Standard does not ofitself
confer immunity from legal obligations.

'In preparation.
tReserved for a future publication.
+To be prepared.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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BSI BS*5655: P A R T 4 1 1 O 1 m 1624669 0406589 055
BS 5655 : Part 11 : 1989


back Inside Foreword cover
Committees Back cover
General Section one. 2
1.1 scope 2

Section two. Modernizationof lifts in existing

buildings 3
2.1 Modernization by the replacement of a lift
in existing
well machine
and room 3
Component 2.2 3
Change 2.3 of location 3
2.4 Modernization by alteration to existing
installations 3
and Testing 2.5 inspection 4

Section three. Installation of new l i f t s in

buildings existing 5
General 3.1 5

1 Modernization of electric lifts 7
checks and2 Deviations 9
12 alterations 3 Principal

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
BS 5655 : Part 11 : 1989
Recommendations. Section one

Section one. General

1.1 Scope equipment is not restricted due to modern site require-

ments being more rigorous than formerly.
NOTE l . Reasonably practicable is defined as follows: ln deciding
This Part of BS 5655 gives recommendationsfor the what is reasonably practicable the seriousness of risk to injury
enginoering and safety features to be incorporated when should be weighed against the difficulty and costof removing or
modernizing electric lifts. Its objective is that components reducing that risk. In considering the cost no allowance shouldbe
affectod by such changes should comply with the safety made for the size, nature or profitability of the business concerned.
Where the difficulty and cost are high, and a careful assessment of
rules in BS 5655 : Part 1 as far as is reasonably
the risk shows it t o be comparativelyunimportant action may not
practicable. Where it is not practicable to comply, need t o be taken. On the other hand wherethe risk i s high, action
such deviations as will secure a minimum standard of should be taken at whatever cost.
safety are described. (Based upon HSE leaflet IND(G)l(L) REV 1987.)
Where completely new installations are to supplement or NOTE 2. This standard includesa pull-out table (table 1) detailing
the principal alterations of a modernization scheme with related
replace existing installations,special recommendations are
consequential alterations.
given to meet site restrictions which are often present in
NOTE 3. The titles of the publications referred to inthis standard
older buildings. These are given so that the use of new are listed onpage 13.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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E S 1B S X 5 6 5 5 : P A R T X I 3 O3 m 3624667 0406593 703 W

BS 5655 : Part 1 1 : 1989

Section two

Section two. Modernization of lifts in existing buildings

2.1 Modernization bythe replacement of a 2.3 Change of location

lift in existingwell and machine room
Where a lift installation is transferred and installed in a
new location, the installation should comply with
2.1.1 Installation section three or 2.1.
When a completely new lift is installed in an existing lift
well and existing machine room the installation should
comply with BS 5655 : Part 1 in all respects, except under
the limiting conditions described in 2.1.2 to 2.1.4.
2.4 Modernization by alteration
to existing
2.1.2 Pit
If forstructural reasons the existing pit cannot be altered 2.4.1
t o comply with BS 5655 : Part 1, additional safe working There are fundamental differences betweenthe rating of
features as described in BS . ..
.* should be provided. l i f t s in accordance with BS 5655 and those lifts manufac-
tured before 1979. Ratings according to BS 5655 : Part 1
2.1.3 Headroom are determined by taking into account all recesses within
If for structural reasons the existing headroom cannotbe the lift car to calculate the floor area, assuming a passenger
altered to comply with BS 5655 : Part 1, all the following weighs 75 kg. In earlier standards, particularly BS 2655,
conditions should be met (see table 2, item (b)): different criteria as follows were employed:
(a) the car guide lengths should be in accordance (a) using the imperial system of measurement,
with 5.7.1.l(a) of BS 5655 : Part 1 : 1986; a passenger was assumed to weigh 150 lb; and
(b) the free distance betweenthe lowest part of the (b) using the metric system, a passenger was assumed
well roof should be in accordance with 5.7.1.l(c) to weigh 75 kg.
of BS 5655 : Part 1 : 1986; To avoid confusionit is recommended that the original
(c) the safe working provisions recommended in rating in pounds or kilograms shouldbe retained on the
BS . . . .*, as deviations from 5.7 in BS 5655 : Prt 1 load plate in the car, with the direct conversion in kilo-
1986 should be provided; grams added to the imperial measurement. Thiswill
(d) the counterweight guide lengths should be in permit the originaldesign criteria to be retained.
accordance with of BS 5655 : Part 1 : 1986. Although safety requirements over the years have changed,
this standard does not recommend the upgrading of all
2.1.4 Machine and pulley rooms equipment to satisfy the current requirementsof BS 5655 : Existing rooms. If the existing means of access, Part 1. For example, instantaneous safety gear a t
clear working height or working clearances are restricted, 200 ft/min is still acceptable, compared with the current
in the interests of safety every attempt should be made requirements of 0.63 m/s, provided the safety gear duty
to comply with clause 6 of BS 5655 : Part 1 : 1986. (gross load) is not changed.
When alterations beingmade to an existing lift installation New rooms If a new machine room is created
a f f e c t the performance or updatethe equipment, this is
it should comply in all respects with clause 6 of
considered to be modernization of the equipment. Such
BS 5655 : Part 1 : 1986.
alterations shouldcomply with 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 of this
NOTE. Existing guide rails and their fixings may be retained
provided they are adequate for the installation.
When assessing the work to be done in a modernization
scheme, those parts of the existing electricalwiring that
would be retained should be checked to determine
2.2 Component replacement whether they are in good condition and comply with
clause 5 of BS 5655 : Part 10 : 1986. This does not
A like-for-like replacement of lift components, such as apply to the power supply circuits external to the lift
routine repair or replacementby parts having equivalent installation.
relevant safety characteristicsto those being replaced, It is assumed that the existingguide rails and their fixings
is not considered to be an aspect of modernization. will be retained and, if necessary, extended; any unsuitable
The replacement part should not adversely affect the for the new application should be replaced and considered
performance of other components/parts in the system. as a new installation in accordance with section three.

* l n preparation.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards 3

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." . . . .
B S I BS*!b55: PART*11 O1 Lb24669

BS 5655 : Part 11 : 1989

Section two

Where the controller of a fireman's lift (as defined in The consequential alterationsare identified by the follow-
BS 5655 : Part 6) is changed, the control system should ing key letters.
comply with BS 5588 : Part 5. This does not, however, (1) 'E' to indicate essential alterations which should
imply compliance with all other requirementsin that comply with the relevant requirementsof BS 5655 :
standard for a fire-fighting lift, especially with regard to Part 1 and which should always be made.
the structural enclosure. (2) 'P' to indicate alterations which should comply
with the relevant requirements of BS 5655 : Part 1
2.4.2 Principal alterations and which should preferably be made.
When making specific principal alterations to a lift (3) 'D' to indicate alterationswhere, because of
installation as part of a modernization scheme (see 2.4.11, building limitations, it may be necessary to deviate
some related consequential alterations will be necessary. from the relevant requirementsof BS 5655 : Part 1.
Table 1 lists the principal alterations with all the related Details of acceptable deviations are given in 2.4.3.
consequential alterations. Table 3 describes the principal
alterations identified by groups of reference numbers, 2.4.3 Deviations where it may not be possible t o comply
as follows: with BS 5655 : Part 1
(a) reference O relates to consequential alterations which When building limitations are such that it is not possible
should be cpnsidered when any principal alteration to comply fully with BS 5655 : Part 1 when making
(references 1 to 34) is undertaken. alterations, the deviations and checks described in table 2
(b) references 1 to 6 inclusive relate to performance, should be adopted.
whereby the overall performancecapability of the lift
installation is enhanced resulting in a change of traffic
handling. 2.5 Testing and inspection
(c) references 11, 14 to 16, and 18 to22 inclusive relate
to the updatingof liftequipment without necessarily
When any modernizationscheme is completed,
changing the performance of the lift.
the installation should be retested and reinspected in
(d) references 3 1 to 34 inclusive relate to changes accordance with BS 5655 : Part 10.
introduced to meet the requirements of current British
Standards. References 31 and 32 particularly relate to
NOTE. The above principal alteration references correspond with
similar references for hydraulic lifts in BS 5655 : Part 12*,
hence references 12, 13 and 17 have been omitted from tables 1
and 3.

* l n preparation.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BSI BS*5655: PART811 OL m L624669 0406593 586 m
BS 5655 : Part 1 1 : 1989
Section three

Section three. Installationof new lifts in existing buildings

3.1 General
m e n a new lift is installed in a new lift well in association
with an existing building, the installation should comply
with BS 5655 : Part 1. It should preferably comply with
the standard dimensions specifiedin BS 5655 : Part 5,
.e. the installation should be considered as being a new
lift in a new building.

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BSI BSs5655: PART*LL O 1 m L624669 0406594 412


COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards

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BSI BS*5b55: PART*LB O L m Lb24bb7 0406575 357 m
BS 5655 : Part 1 1 : 1989
Section three

Table 2. Deviations and checks

Clause number in Description of deviation Related to

BS 6665 : Part 1 : 1986 (Unless otherwise stated the cited clause numbers principal
and appendices are from BS 5655 : Part 1) alteration

(a) 5.4 Any additional entrances formed should either comply with 5.4 3
or be substantially similarto existing entrances

(b) 5.7 Where existing lift pit and/or machine room are retained, 1,3, 6,
and provided the rated speed is not increased above 2.5 m/s, 21,31, 32
the top clearances specified in 5.7.1 or 5.7.2, as appropriate,
and/or the pit dimensions specified in 5.7.3, should be complied
with wherever possible (see also PD 6500)
When the clearances applicable to the rated speed cannot be
complied with, the following provisions forsafe working should
be made:
(a) With reduced headroom (see also 7.2.1 in BS . . . .T)
(1) A safety sign with the legend 'Reduced headroom'
should be mounted onthe car top and be clearly visible
from the landing
(2) An inspection control upper limit switch in accordance
with 14.1.2 should be fitted and positioned to maintain
a t least 1.B m headroom above the car roof when on
inspection control
A safety sign with the legend 'Fitted with inspection
control upper limit switch' should be mounted onthe
car top and be clearly visible from the landing
(b) With reduced pit depth (see also 7.3.1 in BS . . . .t
A safety sign with the legend 'Reduced pit' should be
mounted onthe wall of the lift well and be clearly visible
from the lowest landing
The installation in all other respects should comply with 5.7.
If the rated speed is increased above 2.5 m/s the above deviations
are not acceptable and 5.7 should be complied with ini t s entirety.

(c) 7.1 Any additional entrances should either comply with 7.1 or be 3
substantially similarto existing entrances and be not less than
1.98 m high

(d) 7.2.1 As (c) above 3, 19

(e) 7.2.2 Where alteration(s1 requiresthe fitting of landing door(s1, 3, 6, 19, 32

these should comply with 7.2. If available space prevents this,
the landing door(s) should comply with 7.2 as far as possible
and the building may require additional fire precautions
Replacement landing entrances should not in fireconditions
be inferior to those removed and may need to comply with the
Building Regulations
~~ ~~

*See table 1.
t l n preparation.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Table 2. (continued)

Clause number in Description of deviation Related t o

BS 5655 : Part 1 : 1986 (Unless otherwise stated the citedclause numbers principal
and appendices are from BS 5655 : Part 1) alteration

(f) 7.2.3 As (c) above 3

As (c) above 3,6,19, 32

(h) 7.5 Landing entrances shouldbe checked for compliance with 7.5. 3,4
If the specified forces and/orenergies are exceeded, the door
operation should, if possible, be modified to comply
Any vertical parting doors should preferably operatein
accordance with 7.5

(i) 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 Any additional landingentrances should comply with 3
if practicable

Where entrances are added, locking should complywith 7.7. 3

Exceptions are permitted only in respect of,
and provided it can be shown that theexisting locking
is effective

(k) 8.1 Reduced car height is not permitted 32

(I) 8.2 (see also A car with a stretcher extension maybe replaced by: 20 and 22
2.4.1 of this (a) one of a similar type, with a roof over the full area to
present standard) eliminate the void, and with an electrical interlock of a
safety contacttype fitted tothe door giving access to the
stretcher extension. Thisinterlock may be overriden when
on car preference control; or
(b) a lift car of full height over an area not less than that
occupied by the car replaced, including the extension,
with an appropriate increase in rated load. This assumes
the extension is the full width of the car.

(m) 8.3 When replacing a safety gear the sling, platform, etc. should 14
be checked for compliance with 8.3.2

(n) 8.4.2 Where pit depth is limited, compliance with 8.4.2 may not O
be possible. In such cases the clearance in (.e. 0.1 m
between the bottom ofthe pit and the lowest part ofthe toe
guard) should be complied with, whichwill determine the
maximum depth of the toe guard

(o) 8.12 If the emergency release key (appendix B) is fitted tolanding 33

doors the same release key facilityshould be provided on
trap doors

*See table 1.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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BsI BS*5655: PART*LL 01 m 1624669 0406577 L 2 L m
BS 5655 : Part 1 1 : 1989
Section three

Table 2. (concluded)

Clause number in Description of deviation Related t o

BS 5655 :Part 1 : 1986 (Unless otherwise stated the citedclause numbers principal
and appendices are from BS 5655 : Part 1) alteration

(pl 9.1,9.2 and 9.3 Ropes need not be replaced to comply with 9.1.2(b) and (c) 1,2,3, 11
providing that the safety factors in 9.2.2 are complied with
Replacement ropesshould comply with BS 302 : Parts 1 and 4
and 9.2.2
Sheave and pulleys need not be replaced to comply with 9.2.1
It is not necessary to comply with 9.3.2 providing that 9.3.1 (a)
is complied with

(4) 9.5 Replacement ropes shouldcomply with 9.5 except that the 1,2, 3, 11
equalizingdevice (9.5.1) may be omitted if either the top
clearances or car and counterweight suspension point clearances
are insufficient. Where an automatic load distribution device is
retained, it should be checked for any increased load condition

(r) 10.3 and 10.4 Existing buffersmay be retained providedtheir new application 5,11
does not exceed their original design parameters. If over-run
considerations allow, energy dissipation buffers should be
amended to comply with
If the pit depth is insufficient to accommodate the buffers,
the position of the buffer switch may have to be lowered such
that it actuates before the buffer is fully compressed

(S) 12.8 Reduced stroke buffering can be incorporated in accordance 5,11

with, but notrestricted by the specified minimum
stroke, provided is complied with

(t) 13.1 Compliance with 13.1 may be limited to additional wiring. O

Any existing wiring should be checked and replacedif
necessary. (See also 2.4.1 of this present standard, paragraph 5.)

(u) 13.5 Compliance with 13.5 may be limited to additional wiring. O

Any existing wiring should be checked and replacedif necessary.
(See also 2.4.1 of this present standard, paragraph5.)
When the change is related to change in rated speed,
the suitability of reusing the existing travelling cables may .
need to be checked

(v) 15.3 to 15.12 When making any principal alteration, all relevant noticesand O
operating instructions should be provided

*See table 1.

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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~ BS 5655 : Part 11 : 1989
~ Section

Table 3. Principal alterations

Principal alteration Principal alteration Description

reference (see table 1
and also 2.4.2)

O All alterations Consequential alterationswhich should be considered

when any principal alteration (references 1 to 34) is

Change in rated speed Any change in speed which requires a recalibration

of overspeed governor
Change in rated load Any alteration to rated loadto comply with
BS 5655 : Part 1
Change in travel* Any increase in travel which includes provisionof
additional entrances, or which exceea's 7 IT!
Change in type of control A change in control system (see 4.2.6 of BS 5655 :
system Part 6 : 1985) governing the operationof lift
and doors
Change in type of power A change in power system (see 4.2.3 of BS 5655 :
system Part 6 : 1985) governing control of driving motor
Change from manual to The addition of power devices to landing and/or
power-operated doors car doors

11 Change in mass of empty car Where an alteration results in the mass of the empty
car and i t s attachments changingby more than
5 3' 6 of their original mass
14 Replacement of safety gear Where an alteration causes a change in type of safety
(with or without governor) gear, e.g. where a governor is added to replace a
safety rope, or where releaseof safety gear requires
the car to be raised
15 Change in main power supply A change in main power supply to terminals of
lift equipment
16 Replacement of liftmachine Replacement of existing lift machine by new lift
18 Replacement of controller Replacement of existing controller by new controller
without any change in type of control system or
power system
19 Replacement of landing doors Where most existing landing doorsare replaced by
new landing doors
20 Replacement of car with Replacement of existing car by new car with or
stretcher extension without stretcher extension
21 Replacement of door power Replacement involving change in type of door
operator power operator
22 Replacement of car enclosure Replacement of car walls and roof (but not
changes of linings)

COPYRIGHT British Standards Institute on ERC Specs and Standards
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B S I BSt5b55: PARTS11 O1 m 1624bb9 0406599 T T 4 m
BS 5655 : Part 11 : 1989
Section three

I Table 3. (concluded)

Principal alteration Principal alteration Description

reference (see table 1

31 Top of car inspection control Replacement or addition of a car top inspection

32 Replacement of car/landing Replacement of existing carhandinggates with
gates with doors new carhanding doors
33 Replacement of locking devices Replacement or addition of landing door
34 Replacement of car door/gate Replacement or addition of car door or gate
switches electrical switches

Publications referred to
BS 302Stranded steel wire ropes
Part 1 Specification for general requirements
Part 4 Specification for ropes for lifts
BS 2655* Lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors and paternosters
Part 8 Modernization or reconstruction of lifts, escalators and paternosters
BS 5588 Fire precautions in the designand construction of buildings
Part 5 Code of practice for firefighting stairways and lifts
BS 5655 Lifts andservice lifts
Part 1 Safety rules for the construction and installation of electric lifts
Part 5 Specification for dimensions of standard electric lift arrangements
Part 6 Code of practice for selection and installation
Part 10 Specification for the testing and inspection of electric and hydraulic lifts
Part 12 Recommendations for the installation of new, and the modernization of, hydraulic lifts in existing buildings
BS ....* Code of practice for safe working on lifts
PD 6500 Explanatory supplement to BS 5655 : Part 1
tHSE leaflet IND(G)l(L) REV 1987
tHSE Guidance Note GS 38

*In preparation,
tAvailable from HMSO Publications Centre, PO Box 276, London SW8 ~ D T .

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B S I BS*5b55: P A R T * I I I I 01 W Lb24bb9 O4ObbOO 54b W

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Committees responsible for this British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Engineer Surveyors Section of the MSF
Mechanical Handling Standards Policy Committee (MHE/-) to Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturersof Great Britain
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were represented: Independent Engineering Insurers' Committee
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British Lift Association Institution of Plant Engineers
British Railwavs Board Institution of Production Engineers
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Amendments issued since publication

Arnd. No. Date of issue

British StandardsInstitution 2 Park Street London W I A 2BS. Telephone 071-629 9000. Telex266933

9103-7-1k-JWD MHU4

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AMD 8097

Amendment No. 1
published and effective from 15 March 1994
to BS 5655 : Part 11 : 1989

Lifts and service Lifts

Part 11. Recommendationsfor the installationof new, and the
modernization of, electric lifts in existing buildings


Table 1. Modernization of electric liRs

In column 21, headed 'Machine room - lighting and socket outlets'n line 4, for 'All
alterations (see noteO and 2.4.2(a))' delete 'F".
In the final column, headed 'Notices and operating instructions' in line 4,for
'Relevant cause@)in BS 5655, Part 1 or BS 5655, Part 6' delete '16.3 to 16.12 incl [3.6]'
and substitute '15.3 to 15.12 incI [3.6]'.

AMD 8097/March 1994

~ " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~ " " " " " " " " "

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