Electrical Machines Assignment

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The document describes different tests that can be performed on induction motors, including the no-load test and blocked rotor test.

The document describes the no-load test and blocked rotor test for induction motors.

In the no-load test, the applied voltage, current, and power are measured with no load attached to the rotor.

EE2073 Electrical Machines and Drives II

Induction Motor Tests

NAME : T.S.S Senarathna

INDEX NO. : 120601M
DATE OF SUB. : 2015/02/10

In No-load test, balanced voltage supply is applied to the stator terminals with no load attached
to the rotor. Then the applied voltage (VN), Current (IN) and Power (PN) are measured at the
As the no-load rotor current is
negligible the approximate
equivalent circuit in no-load
operation will become this. Here RN
is not only stator winding resistance.

Figure 1: No-load Equivalent circuit

= 2 + ( + )2

= 2


( + )2 = ( ) ( 2 )2

The power measured at input is equal to stator copper loss plus rotational losses.
= +
Copper losses are given by

= 3 2
The values of are not uniquely determined by this method alone. By determining the
stator reactance from blocked rotor test, the magnetizing reactance can be determined.
The blocked rotor test is performed while keeping the rotor stationary and applying a small
voltage across the stator at rated frequency. The input current IBR, voltage VBR and power PBR are
measured at the input.

Figure 2: Blocked Rotor Equivalent circuit

= 3 2 (1 + 2 )
The ratio of blocked rotor voltage and current is equal to the blocked rotor impedance

= = (1 + 2 )2 + (1 + 2 )2

1 + 2 = (1 + 2 )2

The following distributions according to the different classes of motors can be used to calculate
the values of Xl1 and Xl2.

Blocked Rotor Leakage

Motor Reactance Distribution
Squirrel-cage Class A Xl1 = 0.5XBR Xl2 = 0.5XBR
Squirrel-cage Class B Xl1 = 0.4XBR Xl2 = 0.6XBR
Squirrel-cage Class C Xl1 = 0.3XBR Xl2 = 0.7XBR
Squirrel-cage Class D Xl1 = 0.5XBR Xl2 = 0.5XBR
Wound rotor Xl1 = 0.5XBR Xl2 = 0.5XBR

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