AI Inversion
AI Inversion
AI Inversion
1. Definition 2
2. AI and Reservoir Characterization 4
3. Seismic Trace Convolutional Model 8
4. Type of Inversion Methods 13
4.1. Recursive 13
4.2. Model-based 14
4.3. Sparse-spike 24
Bibliography 33
Exercises 34
By : Sigit Sukmono
1. Definition
Basically, seismic inversion is the technique for creating sub-surface geological model using the seismic data as input and well
data as controls. The recovering of seismic record is a forward modeling. In this subject the data input is the AI or reflection
coefficient (RC) series of the earth layer itself which then forward modeled into the seismic records. The forward modeling
algorithm, is a convolution process between seismic wavelet passing thru the RC series of the earth. On the other hand, the seismic
inversion is a backward modeling, where the input is the seismic record that inverse modeled into the AI section. This inverse
modeling algorithm, basically, is a deconvolution between the seismic records and seismic wave which then produce the AI
section (Figures 1-2). Major types of inversion techniques is shown in Figure 3.
Forward Modeling
Backward Modeling
By : Sigit Sukmono
Earth * Wavelet = Seismic Section
Inversion Method
The Making of
Seismic Section
Pre-Stack Pos-Stack
Inversion Inversion
Seismic Tomography Amplitude
Inversion Time Inversion
Process Inversion (AVO, LMR, EI)
AI4 Amplitude Wavefield
Inversion Inversion
AI Earth
Seismic Inversion AI1
For Reservoir
Characterization Model-Based
AI3 Bandlimited Sparse-Spike
Figure 3. Illustration of seismic inversion process. Figure 4. Major types of seismic inversion techniques.
By : Sigit Sukmono
AI is the product of rock density and P-wave velocity which means that AI is rock property and not an interface property
as the seismic reflection data. AI value controlled mostly by the P-wave velocity. Figure 5 shows the effect of many
factors in P-wave velocity.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 6. Illustration on the differences between normal seismic reflections and results of AI inversion for a low AI wedge
model. (a) Low AI wedge model. (b) Seismic synthetic with wiggle trace. (c) Seismic synthetic with color amplitudes. (d)
AI model. (Latimer et al., 2000)
AI inversion transforms seismic data into pseudo acoustic impedance logs at every trace. Figure 6a shows a low AI wedge model.
Figures 6b and 6c show seismic representation of the model in standard wiggle trace and color density with wiggles overlain. Notice
the tuning effect. Figure 6d shows the results of related AI inversion. The resulting inverted wedge is a more accurate spatial
representation of the original model and provide absolute values that match the original except in the location with tuning effect.
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
Since AI is a layer property and seismic amplitudes are attributes of layer boundaries, then naturally AI section gives more detail
subsurface image than the normal seismic. As AI is closely related to lithology, porosity, pore-fluid then it is common to find strong
empirical relationships between acoustic impedance and one or more of these rock properties. AI model can provide the basis for the
generation of 3-D facies model and petrophysical property models. The volume results can be ported directly into reservoir simulator for
flow analysis.
Figure 8. Illustration on the differences between normal seismic reflections (wiggle) and results of AI inversion (color). In the
left panel, the reservoir is Bekasap (top Bekasap to top Bangko interval). In the right panel, the reservoir interval is as
indicated by the arrow. In both figures the inserted log is AI log. Question : delineate the most porous layer in Bekasap (Top
Bekasap Top Bangko). Compare the reflectivity and AI section
By : Sigit Sukmono
St = Wt * Rt + nt
By : Sigit Sukmono
An alternative way of looking at the seismic 1.00
trace is in the frequency domain : 0.75
S(f) = W(f) x R(f)
Where S(f) = Fourier transformation of S(t) 0 Hz
W(f) = Fourier transformation of W(t) 0 50 100 150 200 250
To get a complete frequency spectrum of
geological model in the inversion results, the 0.50
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
Frequency Domain
Figure 12. The convolution process in time and frequency domains. Notice how the low frequency
component start to be affected by the sampling effect of RC and convolution of wavelet and RC (Jason
Geosystem, 1999).
By : Sigit Sukmono
Low frequency information can be derived from log data, pre-stack depth, time migration velocities, and/or a regional gradient.
Because many of these data are very low frequency (0-2 Hz), processing that preserves low frequencies is advantageous. High-
frequency information can be derived from well control or geostatistical analysis.
Figure 13. The difference of resolution content Figure 14. Illustration showing various frequency contents of
between seismic, well and inversion result (Jason well data (Jason Geosystem, 1999)
Geosystem, 1999)
By : Sigit Sukmono
4. Recursive Inversion
Invert to
Z i +1 Z i n 1
1 + Ri
Z n = Z1
Ri = Reflectivity
Z i +1 + Z i
i =1 1 R i Enter Low Freq
Convert to Pseudo - IA
If we know that the Z1 = 1, R1 = 2/4, R2 =1/7, and R3 = -3/5.
Compute Z4.
Figure 14. The recursive inversion technique
Figure 15 shows the flowchart of this technique. Reflectivity series can be obtained by deconvolving the seismic data with the wavelet
(see exercise 1). If no low frequency component is recovered, this technique is also known as bandlimited inversion because it invert the
seismic trace itself, so the AI trace result has the same frequency range as the seismic trace.
The main weakness of this technique is that it doesnt accommodate the geology control and, therefore, it almost identical to the forward
modeling. Low and high frequency components from earth reflectivity which lost when the reflectivity is convoluted with wavelet, also
difficult to be recovered with this technique, so the ability of this technique to laterally predict the AI is not good. Because the equation is
applied recursively from top to bottom, the error effect will be accumulated. The noise on seismic trace will be interpreted as a reflection
and involved in the inversion.
By : Sigit Sukmono
5. Model-Based Inversion
On recursive method, the inversion result is affected by Seismic Extract Model Estimate
noise, bad amplitude recovery, and band limited Trace Wavelet Trace Impedance
seismic data. It means, all problems in the data itself
will be involved in final inversion result. To solve this
problem, model-based inversion technique is
developed with task-flow as follows (Figure 15): Compute
1. Make the initial model and its blocky version by Errors Revise
averaging the AI value according to the given Impedance
block size.
2. Convert the AI into reflectivity and convolute with No
the estimated wavelet to recover the synthetic
Error ?
model trace.
3. Subtract the seismic synthetic trace from real
seismic trace to get the trace error. Yes
4. Update the AI model and its thickness iteratively Solution =
by using the GLI (Generalized Linear Inversion) Estimation
inversion method, so the error decreases.
5. Iterate until a good solution obtained.
By : Sigit Sukmono
The application of this technique starts by creating an
initial geology model which then updated in several stages.
Figure 16. Effect of stretch & squeeze to the wavelet (Russel, 1997)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 17. Example of stretch & squeeze process in well-seismic tie (Russel, 1997)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Seismic stratigraphy concept is accommodated in lateral control
development of this initial model. Figure 18 left shows a good
well-seismic tie, but a simple extrapolation on lateral directions
will produce box model. Figure 18 right shows a good initial
model after accommodating seismic stratigraphy model in
initial model construction.
In this technique, a direct inversion of seismic data itself is avoided. To implement the approach in figure 15, we need to answer
two main questions :
1. How is the mathematical relation between model data and seismic data ?
2. How to update the model ?
To control the effect of geological model data and seismic data to the resulted impedance model, a mathematical function is
applied by minimizing the objective function :
where : T = seismic trace, W= wavelet, RC= Final Reflection Coefficient, M= Initial AI model estimation, H= integration
operator which convolute with the final reflection coefficient to get the final AI.
Weight1 and weight2 determine how both part is balanced. In stochastic inversion, the objective function used is exactly as in the
equation. But other model-based inversions use only the second weight, or the stochastic input value changed into zero, so the
seismic trace role dominate the equation.
If these values is one, the initial model role would be dominated. The total of first and second weight must equal to one. It is
called as soft-constraint because the final model can change into any value compared to the initial model. On the hard-constraint
inversion, the algorithm is limited to keep the final AI value on given boundary by the AI maximum change. Practically, the
inversion with constraint usually more preferable than the stochastic inversion because the change of maximum impedance
parameter is more important than the change of constraint model parameter on stochastic method.
The block size affects the final inversion result. Initial estimated model is blocked into a line of blocks in the same size. The
final inversion result may change the block size, meanings that some blocks become bigger and other smaller, but the average
size is kept constant. Using the smaller block will increase the conformities between input trace and final synthetic trace.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 19. Illustration on how to develop the initial model
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 20. The example of inversion result : a) Bandlimited, b) Constrained model-based, c) Stochastic model
based, and d) sparse-spike MLH. Analyze the difference of each method and give the explanation. The example is
taken from Arief (2001)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 21. Example of trace error
display a) constrained model-
based, b) Stochastic model-based,
and c) Sparse-spike MLH.
Analyze the difference of each
method and give the explanation.
The example is taken from Arief
Figure 22a. Illustration showing the iteration number effect to the error value
By : Sigit Sukmono
The number of iteration needed for the solution to
converge depends on the block size. A method to
determine whether the iteration is already sufficient, is
by checking the plot error (Figure 22a-b). The error-plot
can also be utilized to determine the best inversion 3
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
The sparse-spike inversion assumes that only the big spike is
important. This method locate the big spike by checking the
seismic trace. Reflectivity series reconstruct one spike each
at a time. The spike added until the trace modeled accurately.
The sparse-spike inversion use the same parameter as the
model-based inversion with constraint. The additional
parameter which must be added is the parameter to determine
how may trace would be determined on each trace. The
parameter includes maximum number of spike and threshold
of spike detection. Each new spike addition, the trace will be
modeled accurately. The new spike is smaller than the
previous ones. Geologically, the large reflectors correspond
to the unconformities and major lithologic boundaries.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Estimate Improve
Sparse Wavelet
Reflectivity Estimate
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 27. The initial seismic model using extracted wavelet (Russel, 1997)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 28. Final deconvolved seismic using zero-phase wavelet (Russel, 1997)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 29. The philosophy of sparse spike inversion method using L1 norm which update the reflectivity until small error
between real data seismic and the model obtained (Jason Geosystem, 1999)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 30. Illustration of seismic stratigraphy control in the Figure 31. The geology impedance model. Log AI from the
initial model construction (Pendrel & Riel, 2000) well is interpolated by following the control horizon in
Figure 30 (Pendrel & Riel, 2000)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure 32. Low frequency (0-10 Hz) component from Figure 33. Illustration on how to control the hard
impedance model in Figure 31. This frequency component will constraint. The constraint range determine how far
be united with the inversion result to the get sub-surface image the solution can be varied against the well data
with complete frequency spectrum (Pendrel & Riel, 2000) (Pendrel & Riel, 2000)
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
1. Angeleri, G.P. and Carpi, R., 1982, Porosity Prediction from Seismic Data : Geophysical Prospecting, v.30, 580-607.
2. Brown, A.R., 1991, Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data, AAPG Memoir 42, 3rd ed., AAPG.
3. Galbraith, J.M., and Millington, G.F., 1979, Low Frequency Recovery in The Inversion of Seismograms : Journal of
CSEG, v. 15, p.30-39.
4. Johnston, D.H., 1992, Introduction to Reservoir Management in Reservoir Geophysics, ed : R.E. Sheriff : SEG
5. Kallweit, R.S. and L.C. Wood, 1982, The Limits of Resolution of Zero-phase Wavelets : Geophysics, v.47, p. 1035-1046.
6. Kelkar, M., 1982, Applied Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization, The University of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
7. Lindseth, R.O., 1979, Synthetic Sonic Logs - a Process for Stratigraphic Interpretation : Geophysics, v.44, p.3-26.
8. Lines, L.R. and Treitel, S., 1984, A Review of Least-Squares Inversion and Its Application to Geophysical Problems :
Geophysical Prospecting, v.32, p.159-186.
9. Martinez, R., 1985, Expand Abstracts of The SEG Annual Meeting in Washington, 461-464.
10. Meckel, L.D.Jr. and A.K.Nath, 1977, Geologic Considerations for Stratigraphic Modelling and Interpretation, in C.E.
Payton, ed., Seismic Stratigraphy Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration : AAPG Memoir 26, 417-438.
11. Neidell, N.S. and E. Poggiagliolmi, 1977, Stratigraphic Modelling and Interpretation - Geophysical Principles and
Techniques, in C.E. Payton, ed., Seismic Stratigraphy Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration : AAPG Memoir 417-438.
12. Oldenburg, D.W., Scheuer, T and Levy, S., 1983, Recovery of The Acoustic Impedance from Reflection Seismograms,
Geophysics, v.48, p. 1318-1337.
13. Richardson, J.G., and Sneider, R.M., 1992, Synergism in Reservoir Management, in Reservoir Geophysics, ed : Sherrif,
R.E., SEG.
14. Russel, B.H., 1988, Introduction to Seismic Inversion Methods (ed : S.N. Domenico), SOC. Of Exploration Geophysicists.
15. Russel, B.H., 1995, Introduction to Seismic Inversion Methods, STRATA workshop.
16. Russel, B.H. and Lindseth, R.O., The Information Content of Synthetic Sonic Logs A Frequency Domain Approach,
EAEG, Frances.
17. Sheriff, R.E., 1992, Reservoir Geophysics, SEG.
18. Sneider, R.M., 1990, The Economic Value of A Synergistic Organization : presented at the 1990 Archie Conference,
19. Sukmono, S., 1999a, Interpretasi Seismic Refleksi, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB.
20. Sukmono, S., 1999b, Seismic Stratigrafi, Jurusan Teknik Geofisika ITB.
21. Yilmaz, O., 1987, Seismic Data Processing, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
Exercise I. Inversion Quality Analysis
By : Sigit Sukmono
Exercise II.
AI for Channels Sandstone Reservoir Mapping
In Figure II.5 and II.6, map the sand-1, coal-1, and
shale-1 areas. To simplify, divide by 3 to convert
from ft to m.
Figure II.1. Example of well-seismic tie
showing the targeted sand
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure II.2. Correlation between Seismic AI vs Figure II.3. Correlation between Seismic AI vs
Seismic Amplitude in Well-1 Seismic Amplitude in Well-1
By : Sigit Sukmono
coal-1 sand-1
Figure II.4. Correlation between Well AI vs Depth vs.Lithology type in well-. Divide by 3 to convert from ft to m.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure II.5 Minimum amplitude of sand-1 with 20 ms window. The blue box shows area where the inversion process was held
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
Exercise III. AI for Lithology Mapping
Figure III.2 and III.3 show the reflectivity, AI and density sections. AI section is recovered by applying sparse-spike
inversion. The target reservoir interval also shown. Figure III.1 shows the cross-plot between AI and density.
Question : Select the best section and identify porous sandstone, tight sands and clay/tuff.
Figure III.1. The cross-plot between AI and density (Verdin, 1999) for overall compartment.
Fundamentals of AI Seismic Inversion
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure III.2. The reflectivity (right) and its AI (left) sections. The Log shows sandstone fraction . This line is about 7 km
(Verdin, 1999)
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure III.3 The density section converted from AI section. As a comparison, the AI section is given at
background. The black wiggle shows original seismic trace (Verdin, 1999). Show the porous sandstone, tight
sands and clay/tuff.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure IV.1. The average seismic AI (left) and AI porosity (right). Low AI and porosity values are shown in bright colors.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure IV.2. a) Effective isoporosity (PhiE), b) Net Effective Sand Map, c) oil isopach from well data. High value is shown by bright
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure V.1 shows the reflectivity and related AI sections. The AI section recovered by applying the sparse-spike inversion
method. The interval of target reservoir is also shown. Figure V.2 shows the cross-plot between AI, porosity and gamma ray.
How is the inversion result quality? Give the explanation. Based on the cross-plot result, delineate a reservoir with good-
quality, e.g. the one which has high sand/shale ratio and porosity.
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
7000 8000
Figure V.2. The cross-plot of AI vs porosity and gamma-ray
By : Sigit Sukmono
Exercise VI. Seismic Inversion for Reservoir Carbonate Characterization- Exploration Field Case
Figure VI.1. Example of well-seismic tie in Well-1. the target reservoir interval is shown.
Figure VI.2. Cross-plot of AI vs porosity.
Figure VI.3. Depth structure map of top X.
Figure VI.4. Map of average AI with 10 ms window below the top X.
Figure VI.5. The AI section through Well-1
By : Sigit Sukmono
top X
base X
Figure VI.1. The example of well-seismic tie in Well-1 Figure VI.2. The relationship between well AI
and well porosity
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure VI.3. The depth structure map of top X
By : Sigit Sukmono
By : Sigit Sukmono
Top X Bottom X
By : Sigit Sukmono
CONSTRUCTING SYNTHETIC SEISMOGRAM or [A] *[B] = [C] = [a0b0 a0b1 +a1b0 a1b1]
The making of synthetic seismogram, basically, is the
convolution process between the RC and wavelet data. Notice that although [A] and [B] each only have two
Matrix operation is often used to do this convolution elements, but [C] has three elements. Generally, if the first
process. In physical definition, the convolution describes vector has n element, the second vector m element, then
behavior of how two energy wavelets combined. For the convolution result vector has n+m-1 element.
example if there are two vectors [A] = [a0 a1 a2 ] and [B] =
]b0 b1 b2].
Robinson and Treitel (1980) introduced a simple graphic
method to do the two vectors convolution. For example if
Their convolution are indicated by operator *, for example two vectors, each with three elements, are convoluted,
[C] = [A] *[B] which will produce the vector [C] = [c0 c1 both are written in to a row-column product :
c2]. The [C] element is given by :
i b 0 b1 b 2
c i = a jb i j
a 0 a 0b 0 a 0b1 a 0b 2
a 1 a 1b 0 a 1b 2
j =0
By : Sigit Sukmono
For example the vector [A] = [1 3 5 7 2], while the
The convolution product is graphically determined as
vector [B] = [6 2 4], with the graphic way it can be
the summing of diagonal elements
written as :
By : Sigit Sukmono
Question :
1. Figure below shows the log Vp, , AI and wavelet data. The wavelet can be written as [W] = [-20 70 -20]
2. By using the Robinson and Treitel (1980) method, construct the synthetic seismogram (St) on the given zone in figure, where St =
3. Compare your synthetic seismogram with the computer calculation result shown below.
0 20 40 60 80 ms
(a) (b)
Figure VII.1. (a) The wavelet used, simplified into a matrix form [Wt] = [-20 70 -20]; (b) Synthetic
created by computer using 2 ms sampling interval.
By : Sigit Sukmono
Figure VII.2. The velocity, density and AI logs. Construct St = Wt*RCt on the right
Fundamentals of AI Seismic Inversion
By : Sigit Sukmono
7 -2 0 RC1 17
-2 7 -2 RC2 6
0 -2 7 RC3 3
By : Sigit Sukmono
Following is the discussion on the application of this Gauss- Next, normalized the second row by divide it with pivot element 25/2;
Jordans elimination. For example, the following equation then reduce other elements in second column into zero by subtracts -
needs to be solved : (7/2) times new second row from first row, and (5/2) times new
second row from third row. Notice that the reduction process now
2x1 - 7x2 + 4x3 = 9
involves the sub diagonal and super diagonal elements. The result is :
x1 + 9x2 6x3 = 1
1 0 - 6/25 88/25 9/25 7/25 0
-3x1 + 8x2 + 5x3 = 6 0 1 16/ 25 - 7/25 -1/25 2/25 0
In Gauss-Jordans elimination technique, the equation can
be written as : 0 0 47/5 94/5 7/5 1/5 1
2 7 4 9 1 0 0
1 9 6 1 0 1 0
Finally, normalize the third row by divide it with pivot element 47/5;
then, reduce the rest element in third column into zero by subtract
3 8 5 6 0 0 1
(6/25) and-(16/25) times the new third row from first and second rows.
The resulted matrix is [I] x [B-1], where x is the solution vector and B-1
The first row is normalized by divide it using pivot element 2; is the inverse of original matrix coefficient :
and other elements in the first column is reduced into zero by
subtracting the new first row from the old second row, and also 1 0 0 4 93/235 67/235 6/235
by subtracting 3 times the new first row from the old third 0 1 0 1 13/235 22/235 16/235
row. The result is :
0 0 1 2 7/47 1/47 5/47
1 7/2 2 9/2 1/2 0 0
0 8 0
25/2 - 7/2 - 1/2 1
Thus, we recover the x1 = 4, x2 = 1, x3 = 2.
0 - 5/2 11 39/2 3/2 0 1
If [Wt] = [-2 7 -2] and [St] = [17 6 3], by using Gauss-Jordans
elimination technique, compute the RC1, RC2 and RC3 , and if known
that the AI0 = 6875, compute the AI1, AI2, and AI3. Compare your
result with the log data given in the Exercise VI..
Fundamentals of AI Seismic Inversion
By : Sigit Sukmono