Stags and Hens

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Stags and Hens-Bernadette

OghGod! Did y see the state of him. An he was serious. He tried

to get off with me! He was all of four foot nothin.Are you stayin
up? he says to me. All three foot six of him starin up at me. I said I
dont know about stayin up, dont y think y better sit down before
y get trodden on. He just ignored everythin. He wouldnt take no
for an answer. I said to him, Look son, Ill let y into a secret, its no
use tryin it on with me, Im a lesbian.
It did no good. Thats all right, he said, I like a challenge. By
this time Im dancing away again, hopin no-oned see me with him.
And honest to God, hes so small he kept getting lost. Im just walkin
away when he appears again. Goin for a drink are we? he says, I
said to him, Ey youd better run along, Snow Whitell be lookin for
you. Ey, he didnt get it though. Oh Im sorry, I said, but I thought
you were one of the Seven Dwarfs. He started laughin then, yknow,
makin out hes got a sense of humour. Oh yeh, he says, Im Dozy,
I said Youre not friggin kiddin
(Carol and Bernadette laugh.)
Im walkin away an hes shoutin after me Ey Ill see y in the bar.
Ill be in the bar. I said Yeh, an thats the best place for you, along
with every other pint that thinks its a quart!

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