Vibrations Caused by Pile Driving

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Summer 2004 The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute DEEP FOUNDATIONS 1

Featured Technical Article

Vibrations Caused by Pile Driving

Part 1 of 2
By K. Rainer Massarsch, Geo Engineering AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Construction activities, such as driving of piles and analysis of the construction process on the environment.
sheet piles, soil compaction or excavation generate noise However, even specialists often have difficulties assessing
and vibrations. In populated areas these can have a in advance how, and to what extent, construction activities
negative impact on the environment, disturb inhabitants will affect surrounding areas and buildings in the vicinity.
and, under unfavorable conditions, cause damage to An important aspect of such a risk analysis is the
buildings and installations. This condition is aggravated prediction of ground vibration levels and their effect on
by the growing public awareness of environmental issues soil layers (stability problems or risk of settlement),
and the increasing use of vibration-sensitive electronic potential of damage to installations or buildings and
equipment and machinery in industry. In many countries, disturbance to inhabitants. Little guidance can be found in
environmental regulations are enforced more stringently the literature that can be used by practicing engineers.
and limit or even prohibit the use of impact or vibratory Preparing a risk analysis can be a complex task, where
hammers. This development has restricted the use of cost- the interaction of various factors needs to be considered,
effective foundation methods, such as driven and vibrated (Figure 1). It requires an understanding of the pile
piles and sheet piles. installation process, an appreciation of the geotechnical
Vibration problems are gaining importance in many conditions, as well as consideration of the site-specific
European countries and extensive research has been conditions and of the environmental requirements.
performed during the past decade, especially with respect
to traffic vibrations (Massarsch, 2004). Significant
progress has been made owing to the availability of high-
quality field measurements and an improved theoretical
understanding of how vibrations are generated and
transmitted through soil layers. These findings can also be
applied to vibration problems associated with construction
activities. However, this information is not yet appreciated
by the geotechnical profession and even less by the
construction industry.
This paper discusses the effects of ground vibrations
on the surrounding soil and on buildings, with particular
emphasis on the different mechanisms of damage that may
occur. Guidance is given on the elements which should be
taken into account in an assessment of risks associated
with piling projects. A simplified method is proposed for
assessing the risk of settlements or strength loss in soil
deposits. Limiting vibration levels are presented, based on
the Swedish standard, which can be used to assess the risk Fig. 1. Factors to be included in a risk
of damage to buildings. A concept to predict ground analysis, Holmberg et al. (1984).
vibrations caused by pile driving and the mechanisms
which control the propagation of ground vibrations, will The risk analysis can have important economic and
be presented the second part of this paper. technical consequences for a project. If unnecessarily
conservative assumptions are made, costs will increase. It
RISK ASSESSMENT AND DAMAGE CATEGORIES may also limit the choice of construction methods and
Risk Analysis delay the project. On the other hand, if important factors
Before the start of a project, the design engineer or the are neglected, structures may be damaged or authorities
contractor is often required to present a method statement may stop or interrupt construction work. Unexpected
describing the pile installation process, as well as a risk damage to structures caused by vibrations, as well as over-
2 DEEP FOUNDATIONS The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute Summer 2004

conservative restrictions concerning vibration threshold due to differential settlement; the mechanism is well
levels can have significant economic consequences for known and documented in the geotechnical literature. The
society as well. In spite of the fact that damage caused by severity of the problem may be aggravated by ground
construction activities is rarely spectacular, the direct and vibrations but damage is primarily due to static effects.
indirect cost can be substantial. Category II - Ground distortion: is another static
A risk analysis of vibration problems in connection problem, although it is the result of wave propagation.
with a piling project should include the following aspects This problem category is less well known but has been
(the risk analysis shall be updated and modified during the documented in the geotechnical literature, for instance by
project, when field observations and results of vibration Holmberg et al. (1984), Massarsch and Broms (1991), and
measurements become available): Massarsch (1993). Horizontally propagating waves result
1. Description of the project, including method in an undulation of the surface layer to a depth
statement, objectives and responsibilities. corresponding to approximately one wave length. The
2. Assessment of risks associated with geological and propagating waves expose buildings or installations in the
geotechnical conditions, ground water conditions, as well ground to repeated sagging and hogging distortion
as stability problems and need for settlement observations. cycles. The magnitude of the distortion depends on the
If such risks exist, a separate geotechnical investigation wave length, the displacement amplitude and the number
shall be carried out. of cycles of the propagating surface wave. For soil
3. Documentation of buildings and installations in the compaction work or pile driving the number of distortion
vicinity and description of their foundation conditions. cycles can be very high.
4. Inventory of vibration-sensitive equipment and Category III - Cyclic loading: covers permanent
processes in nearby buildings. settlements and strength loss due to cyclic loading, mainly
5. Documentation of all water mains and installations in loose, granular soils. The main factors associated with
below ground. this category are the number of loading cycles and the
6. Acceptable vibration levels (peak values). These displacement amplitude (Massarsch, 2000). Although
shall be determined taking into account the site-specific indirectly related to wave propagation, this category is
conditions and shall consider both damage to buildings also not a dynamic problem.
and environmental effects on humans. Category IV - Vibration: is the only category which
7. Instructions where vibration measurements should is directly related to dynamic effects (inertial force). In
be performed as well as description of other monitoring this category, damage is a direct result of the vibration
systems. velocity or acceleration and the vibration frequency.
8. The document shall also provide information
concerning areas of special survey or inspection needs e.g.
chimneys, water mains, sewerage lines etc.
9. Specification of project documentation on site.

Damage Mechanisms
In undertaking a risk analysis, the potential
mechanisms of damage to buildings must be clearly
understood, and assessed individually. Damage in
connection with construction work can be caused by
different mechanisms. Many of the building damage
problems associated with construction are frequently
attributed to vibration, but are in fact caused by one of the
other mechanisms. Each of the damage categories noted
hereafter may, of course, occur simultaneously
(Massarsch, 2000).
Category I - Static displacement: such as heave or
lateral movements. Soil heave usually occurs in cohesive
soils during installation of displacement piles either by
static or dynamic installation methods (Massarsch and
Broms, 1989). Lateral soil movements and associated Fig. 2. Energy transfer from pile
stress changes can be due to soil excavation or slope hammer to surrounding soil and
movements. In Category I, structural damage is primarily
Summer 2004 The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute DEEP FOUNDATIONS 3

WAVE PROPOGATION CONSIDERATIONS ground surface, as is frequently reported in the literature.

Vibration effects are generally poorly understood, and Many case histories of vibration measurements during pile
empirical recommendations therefore abound in the driving do not even mention which distance has been
literature. These can be very misleading, and it is assumed (horizontal distance or distance to the pile tip or
instructive therefore to consider the basics of wave shaft).
propagation as a basis for a better risk analysis. When analyzing ground vibrations caused by pile
In order to assess the effect of pile driving it is driving it is necessary to distinguish between near-field
necessary to include the entire energy transfer process, and far-field conditions. Near-field conditions can be
starting with the energy generated at the source (A) by the assumed when the distance from the observation point to
pile hammer (1), its transmission through the pile cap (2) the vibration source is closer than about 4 times the wave
and pile (3), the interaction of the pile shaft (4) and pile tip lengths. In the far-field, vibration problems will be caused
(5), the propagation of vibrations through soil layers (B), mainly by surface waves while in the near-field, body and
and the amplification of vibrations in buildings (C), (Fig. surface waves may occur at the same time. Also, the depth
3.). The vibration situation at the source (1 5) will be of pile penetration is of importance. During the initial
discussed in a separate paper, but the main aspects have phase of pile installation, the vibration source will be
been discussed elsewhere (Massarsch, 1992). similar to that of a singular point. When the pile penetrates
Vibrations are generated by the dynamic (loading-rate into the ground, several vibration sources can exist at the
dependent) component of soil resistance during the same time (at the pile tip and along the shaft).
penetration of the pile in the ground. There is a maximum
level of ground vibrations, which can be transmitted from Wave Velocities in Soils
the shaft and the tip of the pile. In the literature, The wave propagation velocity of soil is an important
empirically determined charts have been proposed where parameter for the prediction of vibration problems. The
the ground vibration velocity is correlated to the driving wave velocity can be determined accurately by
energy, generated by the hammer. However such measurements in the field or in the laboratory. However,
predictions do not consider the dynamic properties of the for many practical purposes, it is sufficient to estimate the
soil through which vibrations propagate. Thus, such wave velocity, based on empirical relationships and
empirically developed prediction methods can only apply experience. Typical values of the compression wave
in cases where the soil conditions are similar to those velocity (cp) and of the shear wave velocity (cs) for
where the field observations have been made. different materials are given in Table 1
Table 1
Soil/Material Type cp (m/s) cs (m/s)
Ice 3 000 3 500 1 500 1 600
Water 1480 - 1520 0
Granite 4 500 5 500 3 000 3 500
Sandstone, Shale 2 300 3 800 1 200 1 600
Fractured Rock 2 000 2 500 800 - 1400
Moraine 1400 - 2000 300 - 600
Saturated Sand/Gravel 1400 - 1800 100 - 300
Dry Sand and Gravel 500 - 800 150 - 350
Clay below GW level 1480 - 1520 40 - 100
Organic soils 1480 - 1520 30 - 50

Fig. 3. Energy transfer from pile hammer to The surface wave velocity (Rayleigh wave velocity) is
surrounding soil and buildings. only slightly lower than the shear wave velocity and the
difference is negligible for practical purposes.
Another aspect, which is frequently not appreciated, is
Wave Propagation and Attenuation
the fact that the distance from the vibration source (e.g.
Wave attenuation is caused by two main factors: 1)
the pile tip) changes during driving of piles. Thus it is not
enlargement of the wave front as the distance from the
correct to establish empirical correlations of the vibration
source increases (geometric damping) and 2) internal
amplitude as a function of the horizontal distance on the
damping of the wave energy by the soil. The attenuation
4 DEEP FOUNDATIONS The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute Summer 2004

of ground vibrations is strongly affected by the absorption It is possible to determine a range of critical vibration
coefficient , which depends on the soil damping levels, based on the shear strain level generated by ground
coefficient D, the vibration frequency f and the shear wave vibrations. The shear strain level can be determined if
velocity. For the case of vibration propagation in an the vibration amplitude (particle velocity) v and the shear
elastic medium, the soil damping coefficient is in the order wave velocity cs are known: i.e. = v/ cs. For example, if a
of 3 6 %. However, at large strain in the near field of the shear wave velocity (medium dense sand) of 210 m/s, and
vibration source, soil damping can increase significantly. a particle velocity of 20 mm/s, are assumed, the shear
Values of the absorption coefficient , in the literature strain level is about 0.01 %. The threshold strain is defined
vary within a wide range and make a rational analysis as the value of cyclic shear strain such that the cyclic
difficult. shear strains less than t will not cause any densification of
dry granular soils, or any pore pressure build-up in water-
SETTLEMENTS IN SANDS AND SUSCEPTIBILITY saturated granular soil. Mohamed and Dobry (1987)
TO GROUND VIBRATIONS suggest that for most sands, the threshold strain is t
Many investigators and practitioners have in the past 0.01%.
attempted - and still attempt - to correlate compaction Figure 4 shows the relationship between vibration
behavior of sands with stress fluctuations and with the velocity (particle velocity) and shear wave velocity for
values of acceleration and frequency of vibration, two different levels of shear strain. If the shear strain level
associated with the compaction process. The key of 0.001% is not exceeded, the risk of ground settlement
conclusions are as follows, Massarsch (2000): or strength loss is very low. However, if the shear strain
Fundamental concepts and published data show that level caused by ground vibrations exceeds 0.1 % there is
shear strain is the primary factor causing compaction significant risk of settlements or loss of shear strength in
of granular material. cohesive soils. It should be noted that Fig. 4 does not
Compaction increases with shear strain amplitude. consider the effect of the number of load cycles.
The parameter that governs the amount of
compression is the steady-state transmitted energy.
This is valid for a wide range of frequencies. The
residual settlement cannot be correlated to
Compaction is not significantly affected by vertical
stress (for strain levels exceeding 0.05 %).
In the 10 cycles/min to 115 cycles/min (0.17 1.9
Hz) range, frequency of straining has no significant
effect on compaction behavior.
Even at static loading conditions, evaluations of
settlement are subject to considerable error (+/- 25
50 %). For complex conditions associated with cyclic
loading, it is unrealistic to expect that evaluations Fig. 4. Settlement risk and strength loss due to
could be made with even this degree of accuracy. vibration velocity.
However, an approximate evaluation of possible
settlement is adequate for many purposes. The second part of this paper will show how the
No significant behavioral differences were detected concepts introduced here can be used both to predict
between samples tested dry and similar samples tested ground vibrations and to establish rational vibration limits.
in saturated, but completely drained, conditions. (Part 2 to be published in Fall 2004 issue.)
Fall 2004 The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute DEEP FOUNDATIONS 1

Featured Technical Article

Vibrations Caused by Pile Driving

Part 2 of 2 (Continued from Summer 2004 edition)
By K. Rainer Massarsch, Geo Engineering AB, Stockholm, Sweden

SETTLEMENTS IN SANDS appropriate value of the soil compression factor, Table

Vibrations, which are caused by the installation of 2.
piles in dry or permeable soils can cause settlements. The ( L + 6D)
magnitude of settlements depends on several factors, such smax = ( L + 6 D ); sav =
as soil type and stratification, ground water conditions
(degree of saturation), pile type and method of pile
Table 2. Compression factors for different ground
installation (driving energy). A method of settlement
conditions and driving energies
prediction due to construction-induced vibrations has been
presented by Massarsch (2000). However, in many cases,
Compression factor,
an engineering assessment must be made at an early stage
of a project. The following simplified procedure can be Driving Energy Low Average High
used to estimate settlements in a homogeneous sand Very loose 0.02 0.03 0.04
deposit adjacent to a single pile, Fig. 5. This approach is Loose 0.01 0.02 0.03
based on extensive experience from soil compaction Medium 0.005 0.01 0.02
projects. Dense 0.00 0.005 0.01
Very dense 0.00 0.00 0.005
3D+L/2 The driving energy depends on the method of pile
L installation, soil stratification and the pile type. The
displacement volume of the installed pile has been
neglected. The simplified method is applicable for
estimating settlements at the perimeter of a pile group. It
smax should be noted that settlements also occur outside the
assumed cone, but these are often negligible. The effect of
incompressible layers should be taken into account by
adjusting the effective pile length.
2 As an example it is assumed that a concrete pile (D =
3D 0.3 m) with an effective pile length (length in the
compressible layer, L = 10 m), is driven into a deposit of
1 medium dense sand. The pile is driven using an impact
hammer, and pile penetration is normal (no stiff layers
requiring high driving energy). The compression value for
medium dense sand and average driving energy according
Fig. 5. Simplified method of estimating to Table 2 is = 0.010. The volumetric compression in the
settlements adjacent to a single pile in settlement cone is 4.3 m3. The maximum settlement
homogeneous sand deposit adjacent to the pile, and the average surface settlement of
It is assumed that intense densification due to pile the cone are 11.8 cm and 3.9 cm, respectively. The radius
penetration occurs within a zone corresponding to three of the settlement cone is estimated to 5.9 m, resulting in an
pile diameters. The volume reduction resulting from the average surface inclination of 1:50 (0.118/5.90).
propagating vibrations will cause settlements in a cone
with an inclination 2V:1H, with the tip at a depth of 6 pile LIQUEFACTION CAUSED BY PILE DRIVING
diameters. Thus the settlement trough will extend a In loose, saturated sands or silts, pile driving can
distance of 3D+L/2 from the centre of the pile, with generate high pore water pressures, which can reduce the
maximum settlements at the centre of the pile. Maximum stability of slopes and excavations. Analytical methods
settlements, smax and average settlements, sav can be developed in earthquake engineering can be used to
estimated using the following relationship choosing an identify soil deposits which may be susceptible to
2 DEEP FOUNDATIONS The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute Fall 2004

liquefaction. As a general recommendation, it should be

assumed that liquefaction can occur when piles are driven
into saturated sands with a cone resistance lower than 3
When piles are driven into soft clay, soil
displacements will cause a temporary increase of pore
water pressure. However, the effect of ground vibrations
on the undrained shear strength of homogeneous clays is
generally negligible, even in the case of hard driving, as
the undrained shear strength of homogeneous clays is not
affected by excess pore water pressures. Experience from
numerous piling and blasting projects in Scandinavia and
elsewhere suggests that even in sensitive clays, vibrations
have no noticeable effect on the stability of slopes or
When piles are driven into clay deposits with layers or
seams of permeable material (saturated silt or sand), there
is a risk that excess pore water pressures reduce the shear
strength of the granular layers. Stability problems and
slope failures have been observed in such slopes and
excavations. Therefore, it is recommended to check
whether permeable layers or seams occur. A suitable
investigation method is cone penetration testing with pore (A) (B) (C)
water pressure measurement (CPTU).
Fig. 6. Typical cases of ground vibrations during pile
For the prediction and analysis of ground vibrations
(vibration attenuation) during pile driving, it is important RESONANCE EFFECTS
to take into account that the source of vibrations changes An important, but often neglected effect of pile driving
during the penetration of the pile into the soil. is the resonance effect, which can occur during both
Conventional geotechnical investigations (penetration impact and vibratory driving. Figure 7 shows vibration
tests) are usually sufficient to identify the likely critical measurements during installation of a 10 m long steel pile
layers for vibration energy emission. with a Mller variable frequency vibrator (MS24) into
Three common situations of pile installation, which medium-dense sand. Vibrations were measured at 4 m
can cause excessive ground vibrations, are shown in Fig. 6. distance from the pile. The vibration frequency was
Case A illustrates the driving of a pile into a stiff surface simultaneously recorded.
layer. The energy source is at the ground surface and
vibrations will propagate mainly in the form of surface 18
waves. This case can be readily analyzed using simple
Vertical Vibration Velocity,

vibration propagation methods (Massarsch, 1993). Case B 14
is typical for displacement piles being driven into medium 12
dense and dense sand deposits. Most of the vibration

energy will be dissipated along the shaft of the pile. At a
horizontal distance of twice the pile penetration, the 8

vertically polarized shear waves will be gradually 6

transformed into surface waves. In dense sands or in the 4

case of obstructions, vibrations may also be emitted from 2
the pile base, mainly in the form of compression waves. 0
Case C is typical for the driving to refusal of end-bearing 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
piles. Also in this case, vibrations will propagate as body Frequency, Hz
waves (mainly compression waves) towards the ground
Fig. 7. Ground vibrations as function of vibration
surface, and there be transformed into surface waves. frequency.
Fall 2004 The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute DEEP FOUNDATIONS 3
vertical vibration velocity. It is measured on bearing
When the pile was driven at high frequency (>20 Hz), elements of the building foundation and is determined
ground vibrations were low (<2.5 mm/s). However, when from the following relationship
the vibration frequency was lowered to the resonance
frequency of the vibrator-pile-ground system (around 15 V = V0 Fb Fm Fg
Hz), vibrations were amplified (by a factor 10). In such
situations, the pile vibrates in phase with the surrounding
where: V0 = vertical component of the uncorrected
soil and pile penetration becomes very slow. As a result of
vibration velocity in mm/s, Fb = building factor, Fm =
these strong ground vibrations, large settlements are
material factor and Fg = foundation factor. Values for V0
created in the vicinity of the pile.
are given in Table 3 for different ground conditions and
In the case of impact driving, the entire frequency
construction activities, and are maximum allowable values
spectrum will be excited and the maximum response of
at the base of the building.
soil deposit will be at its resonant frequency. However,
when piles are to be installed/extracted by a vibrator, it is
Table 3. Uncorrected vibration velocity, V0
possible to avoid resonance. Piles installed by vibrators
should be driven at a frequency of at least 1.5 times the
Foundation Piling, Sheet piling Soil
resonance frequency of the soil deposit, which will Condition or Excavation Compaction
generate significantly less ground vibrations than impact Clay, silt, sand or 9 mm/s 6 mm/s
driving. gravel
Moraine (till) 12 mm/s 9 mm/s
RISK OF BUILDING DAMAGE Rock 15 mm/s 12 mm/s
The risk of damage to buildings and installations in the
ground due to pile driving can be assessed by theoretical Buildings are divided into five classes with respect to
and empirical methods. As the problem is very complex, their vibration sensitivity (see Table 4). Classes 1 4
theoretical methods can not be applied reliably in practice. apply to structures in good condition. If they are in a poor
However, it is possible to assess the risk of damage to state, a lower building factor should be used.
buildings based on statistical observations. This approach
is used in standards and is limited to the specific Table 4. Building Factor, Fb
conditions on which the observations are based. Thus,
local building standards should be applied with caution in Building
other regions, where pile driving methods, geological Class Type of Structure
Factor, Fb
conditions and building standards may be different. 1 Heavy structures such as bridges, 1.70
In Europe, several standards relating to ground quay walls, defense structures etc.
vibrations from traffic and construction activities have 2 Industrial or office buildings 1.20
been developed (Massarsch & Broms, 1991). The Swedish 3 Normal residential buildings 1.00
Standard SS 02 52 11 was established in 1999 and is the 4 Especially sensitive buildings and 0.65
most elaborate standard currently available (SIS 1999). It buildings with high value or
structural elements with wide
deals with vibrations caused by piling, sheet piling,
spans, e.g. church or museum
excavation and soil compaction. Guidance levels of buildings
acceptable vibrations, as well as instructions for 5 Historic buildings in a sensitive 0.50
measurement of vibrations in buildings are given, based on state as well as certain sensitive
more than 30 years of practical experience in a wide range ruins
of soils. Under the Swedish standard, a risk analysis is
carried out for most construction projects. The proposed The structural material is divided into four classes
vibration values do not take into consideration with respect to their vibration sensitivity (see Table 5). The
psychological effects (noise or comfort) on occupants of most sensitive material component of the structure
buildings. Neither do they consider the effects of determines the class to be applied. Table 6 defines a
vibrations on sensitive machinery or equipment in foundation factor. Lower factors are applied to buildings
buildings. on shallow foundations, whereas buildings on piled
The vibration levels in the standard are based on foundations are accorded higher factors due to their
experience from measured ground vibrations (vertical reduced sensitivity to ground vibrations.
component of particle velocity) and observed damage to The following example illustrates the practical
buildings, with comparable foundation conditions. The application of the standard. Piles are to be installed in the
vibration level V is expressed as the peak value of the vicinity of a residential building with brick walls, which
4 DEEP FOUNDATIONS The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute Fall 2004

are supported by end-bearing piles in clay. If the following measuring frequency must cover the range of 5 150 Hz,
factors are chosen according to Tables 3 to 6: V0 = 9 mm/s, or 2-150Hz if the soil depth exceeds 20 m. Measurements
Fb = 1.00, Fm = 1.00, Fg = 1.00, the maximum allowable shall be carried out in the range 0.1 25 mm/s but not
vertical vibration amplitude measured at the base of the lower than the highest guidance level. The measuring
foundation is V = 9 mm/s. accuracy should be at least 0.1 mm/s.

Table 5. Material Factor, Fm REFERENCES

Clough, G. W. and Chameau, J. 1980. Measured effects of
Class Type of Building Material Material vibratory sheet pile driving. Journal of the Geotechnical
Factor, Fm Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. GT10, Oct., pp.
1 Reinforced concrete, steel or 1.20 1080 - 1099.
Dobry, R. Ladd, R. S., Yokel, F. Y., Chung, R. M. and
2 Unreinforced concrete, bricks, 1.00
Powell, D. J. 1982. Prediction of pore pressure buildup and
concrete blocks with voids, light-
liquefaction of sands during earthquakes by the cyclic strain
weight concrete elements
method. Building Science Series 138, U. S. Nat. Bureau of
3 Light concrete blocks and plaster 0.75 Standards, Washington, D. C, pp.
4 Limestone, lime-sandstone 0.65
Holmberg, R., (Editor), 1982. Vibrationer i samband med
trafik, (Vibrations in connection with traffic), Byggforskningen,
T-skrift T43, Stockholm.
Table 6. Foundation Factor, Fg
Massarsch, K. R. and Broms, B. B., 1991. Damage Criteria
for Small Amplitude Ground Vibrations, Second International
Class Type of Building Material Material Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake
Factor, Fg Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis, Missouri, March 11 -
1 Slab, raft foundation 0.60 15, 1991, Vol. 2, pp 1451 - 1459.
2 Buildings founded on friction piles 0.80 Massarsch, K. R. 1992. Static and Dynamic Soil
3 Buildings founded on end-bearing 1.00 Displacements Caused by Pile Driving, Keynote Lecture,
piles Proceedings, 4th International Conference on the Application of
Stress Wave Theory to Piles, the Hague, pp. 77 - 84.
Massarsch, K. R., 1993. Man-made Vibrations and
VIBRATION MEASURMENTS AND ANALYSIS Solutions, State-of-the-Art Lecture, Third International
According to the Swedish Standard, vibration sensors Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, St.
must be installed in the part of the building which is Louis, Missouri, June 1 - 6, 1993, Vol. II, pp. 1393 - 1405.
closest to the vibration source. Vibration sensors Massarsch, K. R., 2000. Settlements and damage caused by
(geophones) are to be rigidly mounted on the building construction-induced vibrations. Proceedings, Intern. Workshop
foundation at the ground level. The vibration Wave 2000, Bochum, Germany 13 - 15 December 2000, pp. 299
measurements must be performed during the entire - 315.
construction period to monitor maximum vibration Massarsch, K. R. 2004. Mitigation of Traffic-induced
amplitudes. The measuring instruments must record the Ground Vibrations. Keynote Lecture, The 11th International
Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
peak value in mm/s as well as the date and time of
(ICSDEE) and The Third International Conference on
registration. The vibration reporting is to indicate the Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (ICEGE), 7 9th January,
location of the measuring point and the type of instrument. 2004, Berkeley, California. Proceedings Vol. 1 pp. 22 - 31.
In cases where damage may be expected, or when a risk
Mohamed, R. and Dobry, R. 1987. Settlements of
analysis suggests that the buildings are vulnerable to cohesionless soils due to pile driving. Proceedings, 9th
vibrations, the number of measuring points should be Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Bangkok, Thailand,
increased. pp. 7-23 7-30.
When damage is observed in spite of vibration levels - Swedish Standard. 1999. Vibration and shock Guidance
being below the guidance level, the extent of vibration levels and measuring of vibrations in buildings originating from
measurements must be increased. Such measurements may piling, sheet piling, excavating and packing to estimate permitted
include detailed vibration monitoring including frequency vibration levels. SS 02 52 11. Swedish Institute for Standards,
analyses, measurement of triaxial vibrations, measure- SIS. Stockholm 1999, 7 p.
ments at different floor levels and instrumentation using
strain gages. Contact: K. Rainer Massarsch, Geo Engineering AB,
Background vibration noise must be established on SE-168 41, Bromma, Sweden, E-mail:
site prior to the start of the vibration measurements. The [email protected]

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