Chemistry Syllabus: Ms. Claire Crouse

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Chemistry Syllabus

Ms. Claire Crouse

Room TBA

EMAIL: [email protected]
Tuesdays: 3:00-4:00pm
Thursdays: 3:00-4:00pm

Course Description: Chemistry is an introductory, two semester course aimed at describing the
important scientific characteristics of matter. Students will study theories of chemistry and apply
theories to everyday life. Chemistry emphasizes problem-solving, cooperation, and inquiry-based

Textbook, Curriculum, & Supplies: Our textbook and curriculum is called Active Chemistry
and is online.

The textbook is online at:


The following is more detailed information regarding school supplies and resources that students
need to acquire for this course:

Supplies Needed: Supplies Recommended:

1 Composition notebook (per semester) Additional notebook paper
Planner Basic or scientific calculator
Folder (kept strictly for Chemistry
Colored pencils
Grading Policy: You will be responsible for demonstrating your knowledge of chemistry through
chapter challenges, assignments, quizzes, and exams.

Major Assessments (unit projects, lab reports, exams) 45%

Minor Assessments (quizzes, activities) 35%
Foundations (homework, participation, notebook checks) 20%
Final 10%

Plagiarism: Students are to submit only their own work for evaluation, to acknowledge the work
and conclusions of others, and to do nothing that would provide an unfair advantage in their
academic efforts. Students who fail to comply with the South High School Academic Honor Code are
subject to disciplinary action beginning at an F for the assignment and culminating in an F for the
course for repeated occurrences.

Attendance: Regular and punctual class attendance is expected. Attendance is an important part of
being successful in my class. Class labs are difficult to make up and will require extra time after school.
Please try to schedule doctor appointments after school to avoid disrupting your learning. In case of
absence, it is the students responsibility to contact the instructor. Communication between the
student and instructor is most important, and it is the students responsibility to initiate such
communication; you have a DPS email, use it.

Students who stop attending class for any reason should contact the instructor and the counselors
office to officially withdraw from the class. Failure to withdraw by the prescribed deadline may result
in a failing grade for the course.

Tardy: Class begins promptly at the bell. The door will close at the bell and if you are not in the
room, you are considered tardy.

Missed Class:
In case of absence, it is the students responsibility to contact the instructor. Students absent on
official school business (field trips, athletics, performances, lock-ins) are entitled to make up
coursework missed. In all other cases, the instructor will judge whether the student will be permitted
to make up work and will decide on the time and nature of the makeup; MAKEUP WORK IS NOT
GUARANTEED. The student must discuss such work with the instructor and should do so prior to any
absence. If students do not appear at the prearranged time or meet the prescribed deadline for
makeup work, they forfeit their rights for further makeup of that work.

It is your responsibility to figure out what work you missed, initiate a conversation with the instructor
about how to make that work up, and then complete that work outside of class. All the resources
(weekly assignment calendar, assignment bin, notes on website, notes from friends, etc.) are provided
for you. You should be able to catch yourself up without need of the teacher.
Should you need additional help from the teacher for catching up on material, plan a time
shortly after your absence to visit during office hours. Come to office hours prepared to show
what work you have done independently to catch yourself up before requesting the teacher to
provide additional instruction.

Late Work: If you are absent on the day an assignment is due, the assignment is late REGARDLESS
of the reason for the absence. School-based absences are known well in advance and you should
make arrangements with your instructor to turn in the assignment early.
Work is often graded in class. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day
that they are due.
Late assignments will begin at a 10% deduction and continue.
No extensions will be given on assignments.
Your teacher is not responsible for computer issues or internet failures. This is a high school
course, you need to be proactive about your assignments.

Notebook checks:
Notebook checks will be conducted randomly. Notebooks will follow the rubric below:

Bathroom Policy:
Bathroom passes will not be allowed during teacher instruction time (anytime the teacher is in
the front of the room speaking) or during group work time. Bathroom passes will be allowed
during independent work time, which the teacher will announce.

Cellphones/ headphones:
Electronics are never permissible during teacher instruction time or group work time. Head
phones may be used during independent work time, but will not be allowed for use during any
major or minor assessment.

Food and drink:

Food and drink are permitted in the classroom provided (1) they do not constitute a disruption
to any student or the teacher and (2) the environment is cleaned up appropriately where the
food or drink has been

I have read and understand the information provided above. **This portion of the syllabus must be
signed and returned to the classroom teacher by __________________________.

________________________________ _________________________________
Student Signature Name Printed

_________________________________ _________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Name Printed

_________________________________ _________________________________
Best phone number for communication Email address

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