LA 8 Syllabus 2017-18

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Course: Language Arts Grade 8 This is the QR code for our class

Kumu: Luca Barcenilla website. You can use any QR or

Email: [email protected] barcode scanner.
Phone: (808) 620-9030

Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce and strengthen the students ability to critically evaluate and analyze a variety of
works and create arguments supported by strong textual evidence from a variety of sources including fiction and
nonfiction texts. We will use the Common Core State Standards to focus on skills and strategies in the areas of reading,
writing, speaking and listening. We will read short stories, poetry and a class novel. Students will participate in numerous
writing assignments including comparative essays, persuasive essays, personal narratives, technical writing, biographies,
and blogging.

Course Objectives:
Students will be expected to consistently demonstrate:
1. An ability to engage in independent literary criticism in a manner which reveals a personal response to texts.
2. An ability to express ideas with clarity, coherence, conciseness, precision and fluency in both written and oral
3. A command of the language appropriate for the study of texts and a discriminating appreciation of the need for an
effective choice of register and style in both written and oral communication.
4. A sound approach to literature through consideration of the works studied.
5. An ability to structure ideas and arguments, both orally and in writing, in a logical, sustained and persuasive way,
and to support them with precise and relevant textual evidence.
6. An ability to organize and compose essays, article reviews and research papers that utilize the steps of the writing

All students will be required to read self-selected materials from our school library based on their STAR reading Zone of
Proximal Development (ZPD). Students are responsible for reading for at least 30 minutes per day, every day and
maintain a reading log. Students may bring borrow books from public libraries or their personal library, but these books
must be within their STAR ZPD.

Students will participate in Lit Circles, take AR Quizzes, and complete reading and writing assignments based on various
texts covered in class. Reading Goals will be tailored to meet the various learning needs of each student, and each
student is expected to work towards achieving their goals each quarter.

Grading Policy:
All assignments will be weighted according to the following grading policy:
Projects - 30% Tests/Formal Assessments - 30% Quizzes - 10%

Class Work/Participation - 20% Homework - 10%

Late Homework Policy:
Homework is an important requirement that reinforces skills learned in class and is to be turned in by the assigned due
date. Late homework submissions will be accepted, but 10% will be taken off for each day the assignment is late.

All class work must be turned in by the end of each period. Late Homework Policy does not apply to class work.

Projects are a major part of our class. Late Homework Policy does not apply to any part of projects.
Make-Up Work:
In the event of an excused absence, it is the students kuleana to check his or her section of LA 8 on Kumu Luca Rules for
work missed due to the absence. The student is responsible for submitting the assignment(s), or take the quiz(zes)/test(s)
on the day of his or her return. See Parent Handbook regarding excused absences.

See the Parent Handbook.

Students are responsible to bring their classroom supplies with them every day.
Composition Book x 2
Pens (blue or black ink only) or pencils
Index Cards (100 count) x 2

In an effort to conserve our beautiful trees, we will be utilizing as much of the technology we have available at school. The
three most important websites that we will utilize this year will be Kumu Luca Rules (Weebly, QR code and link can be
found at the top of the first page), and Google Classroom. Please feel free to have your son or daughter log into their
account and show you what we are doing, what we have done, and what we are going to do. Also, please monitor
TeacherEase and your email for grades and announcements. TeacherEase will be updated by the first and third Mondays
of each month. If no update has been made, it may just be that there is no major assignment or grade to input.

I understand that not everyone has a computer and access to the Internet at home, which is why the kumu at school from
grades 3-8 have a class set of computers, so students have access to computers and the Internet at school where they
can complete their assignments. It is the kuleana of the student to utilize resources necessary to complete and submit
assignments on time.

Classroom Policies and Expectations:

1. Arrive on time and prepared for class.
2. Remain in your seat unless otherwise directed by the Kumu.
3. Refrain from eating and/or drinking in class.
4. Respect yourself and others. Profanity and any other inappropriate language and behavior will not be tolerated.
5. Academic dishonesty of any nature will not be tolerated. All academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.)
cases will result a grade of F for that assignment and parents and school administration will be contacted.

See the Parent Handbook.

tudent needs to make
Tutoring may be a possibility, but will be taken on a case-by-case basis. If tutoring is provided, the s
an appointment ahead of time (Mondays and Wednesdays only, 2:45pm - 3:15pm), come prepared with specific questions
for specific assignments. If an appointment is missed, this will be taken into account if an additional request for tutoring is

Keep this copy. This copy is for your records. Students have access to this syllabus on our class website.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and student, please sign and date the attached Acknowledgment of The Language Arts
Syllabus. Students are to turn in the completed acknowledgment at the start of the next class.

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