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Calculus 1

Section 1.3

Limit Properties and Continuity

Properties of Limits

When functions are complicated, it can be useful to recognize some properties of limits. When
used properly, these properties can break complicated limits into smaller problems. Essentially, the
limit of of two functions interacting by an arithmetic operation is equal to the arithmetic operation on
the limit of the two functions separately.

1. The sum rule:

lim f1 (x) + f2 (x) = lim f1 (x) + lim f2 (x)
xx0 xx0 xx0

2. The difference rule:

lim f1 (x) f2 (x) = lim f1 (x) lim f2 (x)
xx0 xx0 xx0

3. The product rule:

lim f1 (x) f2 (x) = lim f1 (x) lim f2 (x)
xx0 xx0 xx0

4. The quotient rule*:

f1 (x) limxx0 f1 (x)
lim =
xx0 f2 (x) limxx0 f2 (x)

5. The power rule:

lim ((f (x))n ) = ( lim f (x))n
xx0 xx0

6. The constant coefficient rule:

lim kf (x)) = k lim f (x)
xx0 xx0

In rules 1-4, f1 (x) and f2 (x) are functions of x defined on an interval that includes x0 . In rules 5
and 6, f (x) is a function of x defined on an interval that includes x0 , and n and k are any reals constants.

*It is important to note that if the limit as x approaches x0 of f2 (x) is 0, then rule 4 is not valid.
If the limit below is false, then one should try to rewrite f1 (x) or f2 (x) and cancel some expressions
as shown in the previous section.
lim f2 (x) 6= 0

Using these properties may make evaluating limits easier. For example, the below limit may be
difficult to evaluate by itself, but it becomes easier after using the product rule.

x3 x3 (x 3) 1 8
lim (2x )( ) = ( lim 2x )( lim 2 ) = 23 lim = 8 lim =
x3 2x2 5x 3 x3 x3 2x 5x 3 x3 (x 3)(2x + 1) x3 2x + 1 7

Defining Continuity

Limits can help determine if a function is continuous. This is useful to know when taking
derivatives, which we will study later in Calculus. To be continuous on an interval is to have every
point of a function in that interval connected. Mathematically, if f (x) is continuous at the point
x = x0 , the following conditions must be true.

1. f (x) is defined at x = x0

2. The following limit exists:


f (x0 ) = lim f (x)

This means that the function must be defined at the x0 and both the left and right limits must
approach the value of the function at x0 as x approaches x0 .

The function f (x) = x, for example, is not defined for x < 0, so it doesnt have a limit at x = 0
since there is no left limit at x = 0. However, the function is still continuous from the right at x = 0
since the right limit exists and is equal to f (0). Additionally it is often considered continuous at x = 0
by extension.
To be continuous on an interval [a, b] means that f (x) is continuous for all values x = x0 such
that x0 [a, b]. Generally saying a function is continuous means the function is continuous for all
values of x where f (x) is defined. An example of a function continuous at a point and a function not
continuous at a point are given below.


Limit from both sides

approaches f(x0 )


Here, both the left and right limits approach the same value that happens to be the value of the
function at x = x0 , so the function is continuous at the point.




Limit as x approaches x0 is
not equal to f(x0 )

The left and right limits both approach the same value, so the limit exists. Additionally, f (x0 ) is
defined. However, the limit does not approach f (x0 ), so the function is not continuous at the point.


f(x) goes to infinity at 0,

so the function is not
connected since f(0) is
not defined

There is an asymptote at x = 0, so the function is not defined at that point. This means the
function is not continuous at x = 0.

Determining Continuity

Since the implications of continuity are very significant in calculus, is it useful to be able to
determine if a function is continuous at a point. Some familiar functions are always continuous, where
as other functions will have to be determined on a case by case basis.

The following families of functions are continuous at every point at which theyre defined when
theyre not used in compound functions:
1. Polynomials (of the form f (x) = a0 xn + a1 xn1 + ...an1 x + an ).
2. Exponential Functions (of the form f (x) = aek x).
3. Logarithmic Functions (of the form f (x) = alogn (bx))

4. Radical Functions* (of the form f (x) = a n bx + c)
5. Sine and Cosine (of the form f (x) = asin(bx + c) and f (x) = acos(bx + c)
*Even radical functions may not be defined to the left or right of some boundary value. For such
functions, they are continuous from the side they are defined on, and can, by extension, considered to
be continuous at the boundary point.

Other functions and compound functions may not be continuous at some points. For example,
consider the function f (x) = tan(x). Recall that tan(x) = cos(x) . So, when cos(x) = 0, which happens
when x = (2n+1)
2 for integer values of n, tan(x) is undefined. Thus, it cannot be continuous at these
values of x.
Additionally, consider the function f (x) = e x . Although normal exponential functions are con-
tinuous for all real values of x, this compound function is clearly undefined when x = 0, because the
exponent has x in the denominator.

Piecewise functions also frequently have discontinuities. Even if a piecewise function is composed
of functions that would be continuous everywhere, it is necessary to check the boundary points of
the different intervals on which the piecewise function is defined. For example, consider the piecewise
function below.

x2 1 x 0
f (x) =
ex x>0

Both x2 1 and ex are continuous everywhere, but we must check if the limit at x = 0 exists
for f (x). In fact, approaching x = 0 from the left, f (x) approaches (0)2 1 = 1. However, as x
approaches 0 from the right, f (x) approaches e0 = 1. Clearly, the left and right limits are not equal so
the limit of f (x) cannot exist at x = 0. This means f (x) is not continuous at x = 0. Notice, however,
that it must be continuous everywhere else since the two functions f (x) is made of are continuous
everywhere, and there is no place f (x) could jump other than at the boundary of the intervals.

So, to determine where a function is not continuous, simply check for values when the function is
undefined, the limit does not exist, or the limit does not equal the value of the function. For piecewise
functions, check the boundaries of the intervals.


Here are a few examples to test the concepts provided in this section. Answers can be found on
the following pages.

1. Evaluate the following limit using the sum, difference, and product rules.
2x 6
lim (3x2 5x + 1)( )
x3 6x2 16x 6

2. Determine the value(s) at which the following function is not continuous.

f (x) =
8x2 8x + 2

3. Determine the value(s) at which the following function is not continuous.

sin(x) x <

f (x) = cos(x) x 2

tan(x) 2 < x


These are the solutions to the questions on the previous page

1. First, separate the functions by the product rule of limits:

2x 6
( lim (3x2 5x + 1))( lim ( ))
x3 x3 6x2 16x 6

Then, evaluate the first limit by separating the terms of the polynomial and evaluating their
limits separately:

lim 3x2 lim 5x + lim 1 = 3(3)2 5(3) + 1 = 27 15 + 1 = 13

x3 x3 x3

Then evaluate the second limit by factoring the denominator and canceling with the numerator:
(2x 6) 1 1
lim = lim =
x3 (3x + 1)(2x 6) x3 3x + 1 10

Finally, take the product of the two limits to get the value of the original limit:
= 1.3

2. Notice the denominator of the function is a polynomial. When the denominator is 0, the function
will be undefined. At these values, the function cannot be continuous. Thus, we will solve the
denominator. It is able to be factored as (4x2)(2x1). Thus, the denominator is 0 when x = 12 .

At this value, the function is not continuous. Since the denominator is nonzero at all other values
of x, the function will be defined everywhere that x 6= 12 . Additionally, since this is the ratio of
two polynomials, the limit at every other value is defined and equal to the function evaluated at
that value.

3. Since this is a piecewise function, check the boundaries of the intervals. From the left of , f (x)
approaches sin() = 0. From the right, f (x) approaches cos() = 1. 0 6= 1, so the function is
not continuous at x = .

From the left of 2, f (x) approaches cos(2) = 1. From the right, f (x) approaches tan(2) = 0.
0 6= 1, so the function is not continuous at x = 2.

Additionally, tan(x) is undefined when cos(x) = 0, so the function is not continuous at every
x = (2n+1)
2 for integer values n 2.

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