Junsei Magazine Issue Summer 2010
Junsei Magazine Issue Summer 2010
Junsei Magazine Issue Summer 2010
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Contents Page 3
Weapons Of Japan & The Ryukyu: The Kama (By Taran McCarnun) Page 17
Some maintenance kits however feature a NOTE: It is not advisable to add pure
number of optional extras including thin “Clove Oil” directly to the blade of a sword;
wood slivers, glues and spare Mekugi it must first be mixed with high-grade
(Sword Hilt Pegs) all of which are used in a carrier oil suitable for use with polished
swords general upkeep. metals. The carrier oil must not
be any type of vegetable oil, as this will The Powder Ball, for applying polishing
rapidly stain and corrode the blade. powder to blade. Perfume free talc can be
used as a substitute on modern blades.
Okome-Kami / Oshigami: 押紙
(Rice Paper / Blotting Paper) Wata-Nuno / Nuno: 布
(Cotton Cloth / Cloth)
What Is Ju?
実 術
of how a Jujutsu exponent conceptualises
the art of fighting.
Jitsu Jutsu
What Is Jujutsu?
The term JITSU 実 is m ost com m only Jujutsu is a term used to describe a martial
translated as “Content, Substance, Truth arts principle that originated in ancient
or Reality”. Japan as the most common empty handed
fighting system of the Samurai. Jujutsu was
Whereas the term JUTSU術 translates as both used as a method of self-defence
“Art, Science, Method or Technique”. during times of peace as well as a last resort
during battle. Jujutsu unlike many other
Using the correct readings the term Jitsu martial arts saw a great deal of development
takes on a meaning far closer to the word during peacetime and eventually became so
Do 道 (or Tao) indicating a spiritual or popular that its practiced bridged the gap
philosophical path that one follows. between rich and poor so that even farmers
and shopkeepers began to study it. Jujutsu
is a martial art
that concentrates specifically on throws -given situation with an appropriate amount
and joint manipulations in response to an of force, whilst retaining their emotional and
attack. Although striking and kicking are physical composure.
practiced to produce a comprehensive
system of self-defence, the majority of “A Rose By Any Other Name….”
training time is spent throwing and locking.
The term " Jujutsu" can be translated as
the "Gentle Art." One of the most
fundamental principles of Jujutsu is that an
attack should not be countered by brute
force, but should instead be redirected,
damaging ones opponent in the process.
Wajutsu: 和術 Torite: 捕手
"The Harmony Art, The Peace Art" "The catching Hand" catching hand"
Wajitsu: 和実 Kumiuchi: 組打 or 組討
"The Harmony Truths, The Peace Truths" "Grappling, Wrestling"
Taijutsu: 体術 Judo: 柔道
"The Body Movement Art" The application "The Gentle Way" The first known use of the
of body movement to defeat an enemy. term Judo to describe a style of Jujutsu was
made in 1724 by the fifth headmaster of the
Taijitsu: 体実 Kito Ryu style 'Terada Kan'emon' predating
"The Body Movement Truths" the Judo of Kano Jigoro by some 158 years.
Aikijitsu: 合気道
"The Truths Of Spirit Harmony"
Aikijujutsu: 合気柔術
"The Gentle Art Of Spirit Harmony"
Aikijujitsu: 合気柔実
"The Gentle Truths Of Spirit Harmony"
As with any literary source misconceptions
are rife and to effectively state that “To be
a Samurai is to die” is a narrow sighted
opinion at best. In truth however it is not
known whether Yamamoto ever intended REI:
his book to be Published, read or much Respect, Politeness and Gratitude
less followed like a religious doctrine. As
the various modern transcriptions of the
Hagakure all differ slightly in their
translations we should assume the quote
to read something like “To be a Samurai,
is to devote your life utterly to the will of
your lord and master”, as this would be far
Morality, Righteousness and Justice
more in keeping with the early Bushido
ideals assuredly taught to Yamamoto in
his youth.
Loyalty, Faithfulness and Dedication
Honour, Integrity and Respect
The Written Code
Because the Bushido code is more than
just a way of life, to state that it was an
utterly inflexible set of rules and
procedures would be utterly inaccurate as
Bushido was as individual to a Samurai as
Courage, Bravery and Heroism
was the relationship between a lord and
each of his attendants.
“No man dies with dignity, but a man
may accept the inevitability of his death
with that same virtue.
In other examples however disgraced
Samurai accepted their dishonor and
This is Bushido”
underwent decades of hardship in an
attempt to atone for their past mistakes. In
Quote “Taran McCarnun”
the eyes of many great historical Samurai,
the willingness to live on and lead a
productive life regardless of ones mistakes
is just as much a part of the Bushido ethic
as a willingness to die. To further
complicate matters Bushido itself contains
numerous dualities that risked the very
honour of those who wished to uphold it. A
prime example of this duality is the adage
of a Samurai commanded by his Lord, to
assassinate another noble in cold blood
whilst he slept. Whilst this undeniable act
of cowardice would rob the obeying
Samurai of his lifetime’s honour, the very
fact that one was willing to risk such a
personal disgrace at the bidding of his
master would expunge them of any
associated dishonor.
Natagama 鉈 鎌 (Billhook)
Nagigama / Naigama (薙 镰)
(Mowing Down / Reaping Kama)
Funayosegama 舟寄せ镰(Ship Ending Kama)
Jingama 陣鎌 (Battle Sickle)
Kamayari 鎌槍 (Sickle Spear)
Kusarigama 鎖鎌 or 锁镰 (Sickle & Chain)
Jingama 陣鎌 (Battle Sickle) Design Details For Individual
Styles Of Kama
Kama 鎌 or かま (Hand Sickle)
The Kama is in essence a rather simple
Jingama 陣 鎌 (Battle Sickle) agricultural sickle mounted with a single
edges blade at a right angle to the upper
portion of a hardwood billet. All sickles-
-regardless upon which geographical -for ease of use or some other reason is
region of the world they were created, debateable.
share that common shape, purpose and
construction. There are a number of major differences
between the Kusarigama of different Koryu.
Kagi 鉤 or 鈎(Hook Sickle) Some have a straight blade, some a curved
The term Kagi is in essence used to blade and others a double-edged blade
describe any sort of hook or deeply more similar in appearance to a pick. Some
curved claw (Such as a sickle). In schools attach the chain to the base of the
agricultural use the deeper the curve on a Kama, others to its middle and some to the
sickle blade the easier it is to use, of back edge of the blade itself. Now add this
course sharpening and large hook, such the divergent schools that use rope instead
as a butchers meat hook can make a of chain and you are left with a huge variety
formidable improvised weapon. One in application and technique.
should not consider the Kagi a separate
weapon to the everyday Kama, but rather We will cover the Kusarigama in more detail
as an alternative blade design. next issue.
Kusarigama 鎖鎌 or 锁 镰
(Sickle & Chain)
The exact origins of the Kusarigama are
as widely debated as that of the Kama
itself. One apparent claim to the creation
of the Kusarigama comes from the
records of the Koryu style known as Nen-
Ryu. Nen-Ryu traditions claims that
around the year 1400 AD the founder of
the Ryu, a Sohei (Warrior Monk) known
as Jion had a vision whilst meditating. In
this vision he saw himself holding a Kama
in one hand and a weighted chain in the
other, this vision then inspired him to
develop the Kusarigama.
Russian: Cерп
Other Sickle Weapons:
Spanish: Hoz
Almost every country in the world has
utilised sickles as an agricultural tool and at Swedish: Skara
one stage or another as an improvised
weapon. Just as a matter of comparative Thai: เคียว , Khiaao, Khiao
interest, the following list details some of
the variant names of Sickle type weapon
and tools from around the world.
Arabic: لجنم
Instructor Profile -who was a few years older than me,
hoping that she could help. But the truth
(Dr Ash McKee Shihan) was she could only help when she was
about, and once she had gone the bullies
came back again. After the second or
third time my dad had been called into the
school because I had been badly beaten
up. He decided that I should start boxing
classes at the local club.
Dr McKee: Well what is MMA? it is Mixed Junsei Magazine: First music album you
Martial Arts, that in itself is not such a bad ever purchased?
thing, to take the most effective
techniques from a variety of systems can McKee: Banana Splits by the punk band ‘The
work. The Japanese call this Goshin Dickies’.
Jutsu. The main problem I have with
people who think that MMA is reality Junsei Magazine: Most recent music
based is that it has rules and boundaries. album you purchased?
In MMA knee stamps, headbutts, bites,
groin kicks, eye gouges and point of Dr McKee: Black Ice by AC-DC
elbow strikes are all illegal manoeuvres
that will get you disqualified from Junsei Magazine: Best live band or
professional competition. On the street concert you have seen?
however all of these techniques are a
major part of a fighters arsenal. Dr McKee: Any of the UK Steve Vai
concerts of the last ten years (I have been
Junsei Magazine: So MMA doesn’t to most of them)
compete with traditional martial arts in
your mind? Junsei Magazine: If you could meet
anyone in the world dead or alive who
Dr McKee: No. It’s a great sport and would it be and what would you say to
probably the best sporting martial art in them?
the world, but it is lacking in the basic
principles of combat. To survive no matter Dr McKee: Jesus, and I would ask him if he
what and to hell with the rules!- had any idea of how much trouble and-
-bloodshed his ideas would cause over the Why Not Advertise With Us?
next 2000 years.
Prior to this first issue being published we
Junsei Magazine: If you were a biscuit what were contacted by a number of individuals
would you be? regarding advertising within future issues of
Junsei Magazine. Well we have come up
Dr McKee: Milk Chocolate Digestive, my
with what we consider to be a fair and
rather cheap advertising strategy.
Junsei Magazine: What are your favourite
three films? Prices range from £15 per year to £50 per
year with a guarantee that no more than
Dr McKee: Yojimbo, Kagemusha and the one advert will appear on any single page
original version of the Italian Job. within the publication.
Junsei Magazine: What are your favourite Contact us direct if you would like to receive
three music albums? further information regarding advertising
within Junsei magazine; including our terms
Dr McKee: Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath. and conditions.
Passion and Warfare by Steve Vai and
anything by The Clash.
The Bad:
Main Cast: Character:
Rain (Jeong Ji-Hoon) Raizo
Not the most original of plots “Boy trains as
Naomie Harris Mika Coretti ninja, disobeys his master, gets outcast, grows
Ben Miles Ryan Maslow up and hunts him down”.
Rick Yune Takeshi
Sho Kosugi Ozunu The Ugly:
Randall Duk Kim Tattoo Master Rather unusually, Ninja Assassin can actually
Sung Kang Hollywood be a little too gory in places, so I would not
Jonathan Chan-Pensley Yakuza Henchman recommend watching this film whilst eating.
Ill-Young Kim Yakuza Mohawk
Yuki Iwamoto Yakuza Couch The Rating: 7 out of 10
Linh Dan Pham Pretty Ninja
Fang Yu Laundromat Manager Get this film if you enjoy gory ninja based
Adriana Altaras Landlady slasher films. Don’t get this film if you are
Kylie Goldstein Young Kiriko
Yoon Sungwoong Young Raizo
looking for a detailed plot and a great deal of
romantic or political intrigue.
Latest News And Events Within
Junsei Ryu
Congratulations to the following students
each of whom achieved another step on
their long journey towards a Junsei Ryu
Shodan over the last few months.
Junsei Ryu Audlem:
Junior Jujutsu Grading: Dave Bowen Renshi, Wright,
Matthew Mansell, Matthew Poultney, Tom Platt and Peter
Massey Sensei