CTAP Position Paper
CTAP Position Paper
CTAP Position Paper
(Re: lmplementation of 15
Maximum age limit on TH T
11. United Hauler and Arms Assocration of th* Phits., lnc. {U-HAAPI}
Verily, CTAP supports and in unity with the DOTr in its salutary
endeavor of elevating and modernizing the standard of trucking services in
our country. Besides, in this era of free market and globalization along with
the advent of Asian lntegration, it is actually to our advantage that the
quality and standard of trucking service shall take off initially to a higher
notch for us to be competitive with our neighboring countries.
Adam Smith
"We, the sovereign Filipino pffiple" imploring the atd of Almigh\ God, in
order to build a just and humane society, and establislt a Gavernment that
shaii embody our ioeais anci aspirations, promote the common gooa)
conserue and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourcelves and our
pasterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of
law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, loue, equality, and peace, do
anrl u,nrnrttrrlnafa fhic fnncfiftrfinn '/
nn'lain v"e
position of public utilities both in the national economy and for national
The Rsadwarffirness of ffie vehicle
should be the determining factor in the
proper registration and issuance of the
Certificate of Puhlic Convenience for
TH Trucks and not ifs year model
and/or age with the LTO and LTFRB.
I I tv nnr-rernmen! ret taka
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aa fha
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comrnodity. In the final analysis, it is the general public who will shoulder
this government-tolerated, if not sponsored, problem.
lf the policy in
implementing the 15
yuarn dgv ,trtt7. lJai =Lt
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primarily intended for Road safefir and
tominimize road accident, then, it
would not attain l'fs noble aim and
_purpose because private trucks
transporting their own carg/oes are not
covered by the above-mentioned
To put things in its proper perspective, the 1S-year age policy covers
only Trucks for hire and exempts those that are private in nature hauling
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yuiiijiii e*lll
Respectfully submitted.