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DAE CIVIL TECHNOLOGY YEAR2 Civil-213 PUBLIC HEALTH TECHNOLOGY TOTAL CONTACT HOURS 160 TPC Theory. 64 203 3 Practical 96 AIM: To have a comprehensive understanding of the technology of municipal water processing, water distribution, waste water collection & treatment and sludge & effluent disposal INTRODUCTION OF PH ENGG 1. Pipes Used In Plumbing Water And Gas Supply: 2 Hours Types. Description of pipes with reference to material e.g GI, PVC, PPR CI & A/C PIPES 3. Specification of pipes 1 1 1 1 Plumbing Fixtures and Tools: 4 Hours Flushing cistem, water closets, urinals ‘Traps-functions, wash hand basin and bath tub Introduction of plumbing tools 24 23 3. Faucets, Valves & Specials: 3 Hours 3.1. Taps and their types, 3.2. Valves and their types. 3.3. Mixer of different types 4. Introduction to Water Supply 2 Hours 4.1 General importance of water supply. 4.2. Need for protected water supply. 43 Development of water supply. 5. Sources Of Water: 3 Hours 5.1 Surface source, lakes, streams, rivers, rainfall, intensity of rainfall, run off, catchments area, and yield from surface sources. 5.2 Underground sources, springs, wells-its kinds (1. tube well), infiltration galleries 5.3 Yield from wells-Quantity of underground water, water table, aquifier, cone of depression Page73 6. Intakes: 3Hours 6.1 Intakes and its types-Reservoir intakes, river intakes, lake intake, canal intake, factor governing the selection of site for an intake. 7. Quantity Of Water: 4 Hours 7.1 Total quantity of water for atown, per capita demand, factors affecting demand 7.2 Water requirement for domestic, industria, fire fighting & commercial purposes 73 Variation in demand 8. Quality of Water. 3 Hours 8.1 Meaning of pure water. 82 Impurities in water 83 Turbidity 84 Colour 85 Temperature 86 Taste and Odour 87 Suspended Solids 88 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 89 Alkalinity 8.10 Hardness 8.11 Fluondes 8.12 Biological Water Quality Parameters (Pathogens) 8.13 Tests of water (physical chemical tests and biological) and PH Value of water / use of WHO Standards and guidelines for drinking water 9. Treatment of Water. 8 Hours 9.1 Sedimentation-purpose of sedimentation, plain sedimentation, Types of settling tanks based on functions and shapes. 9.2 Coagulation-purpose, use of coagulants and kinds. Method of feeding and mixing 93 Filtration — Theory of filtration, — Construction and operation of slow sand, rapid sand, pressurized filters, — comparison between slow sand and —_ rapid sand filters 94 Disinfection of Water. — Necessity and methods of disinfect ion, — Chlorination — Fomns of chlorination and — Test for chlorine 9.5 Water softening — Purposes Page74 — Types of hardness —_ Methods of softening 9.6 Miscellaneous methods of water treatment, aeration, Juoridation, colour, odour and taste removal 10. Distribution System of Water. 6Hours 10.1 Methods of distribution, gravity, combined and direct pumping 10.2 Methods of supply of water intermittent and continuous 10.3 Methods of layout of pipes, dead end, grid, sing and radial system. 10.4 Storage-underground and ovethead service reservoirs, necessity and accessories. 10.5 Appurtenance in distribution system. Use of sluice valves, air valves, drains valves, fire hydrants, water meter, reflux valve, scour valves 11 Pumps & pumping. 3 Hours 11.1 Necessity, kinds of pumps, fundamental principle of pumping 11.2 Selection of site for tube-well 12. Introduction to Sanitary Engg 3 Hours 1 Terminology of sanitary Engineering. e.g refuse, garbage, sludge, etc 2 Sanitation systems, conservancy system, water carriage system and cesspool system their comparison 12.3 Types of sewerage systems and their suitability 13. Quantity of Sewage & design of sewer 8 Hours 13.1 Quantity of discharge in sewer, dry weather flow, Self cleansing velocity, variation in quantity of dry weather Low. 13.2 Quantity of storm water flow-run off its co-efficient, time of concentration impervious factor, hydraulic formula for velocity of flow. 13.3 Numerical problems 14. House Drainage 3 Hours 14.1 Requirements of house drainage 14.2 Shapes & construction of different type of drains & ducts 14.3 House drains slopes & connection with main sewer. 144 One & two pipe system of drainage and their comparison 15. Alignment & Layout of sewer Line 3Hours Page75 15.1 Layout of sewer 15.2 Location of sewer line - longitudinal & X-Section showing sewer lines. 15.3 Layout of sewer line gratient fixing bedding, handling laying, jointing, testing & back filling 16. Sewer Appurtenances 6 Hours 16.1 Brief description, 1 ation, finction and construction of - Man holes, shallow MH Deep MH, drop-man hole, inlets, clean out, lamp hole,, grease, & oil traps, inverted syphon, trestles & piers. RECOMMENDED / REFERENCE BOOKS: Plumbing by: Babbitt. Fundamental of water supply and sanitary engineering by: Rangwala S.C. ‘Water supply and sanitary engineering. By. Kulkarni. A text book of sanitary engineenng by. Deshpande RS Public health engineering by- Sharma. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1. Understand the Types and Specifications of Pipes. 11 12 13 State the types of pipes Compare pipes with reference to materials Describe specifications of pipes. 2. Understand about Faucets and their use. ReeRwL Barack Explain taps and their types, Explain valves and their types Explain Mixer and their types Explain G I and their uses and specifications Explain cocks their types and uses Identify plumbing tools and their use. 3. Understand Plumbing Fixtures, their Functions and Installation Procedure. 31 33 Define flushing cistem, water closets, urinals, wash hand basin, bathtub & traps Describe use d& function of flushing cistern, water closets, urinals, wash hand basin, bathtub & traps Explain the procedure for installation of water closet, flushing cistem, soil pipe, and urinal Page76 3.4 Part with flushing cistem and wash hand basin (complete). 4. Understand The Importance, Development & Necessity Of Water Supply. 4.1 Explain the importance of water supply. 4.2. Explain the development of water supply. 43 Describe the need of protected water supply 5. Understand the Surface and Underground Sources of Water and their Yields. 5.1 Enlist different sources of water & compare their merits and demerits. 5.2 Define rain fall intensity, run off catchments area, and hydraulic gradient yield from surface sources, 5.3 Calculate yield from surface source 54 Describe springs, wells, kinds of well, tube well and infiltration galleries 5.5 Explain the construction and function of well, tube well 5.6 Define aquifier, static water level, Piezometeric head, pumping water, Draw Down, area of influence, well yield and cone of depression 5.7 Describe quality of underground water acceptable for human life. 5.8 Calculate yield from wells (confined & unconfined) 5.9 Explain the need for better quality of water for human life 6. Understand Intakes and Pipe Laying and Test 6.1 Explain intakes and its types i. reservoir intakes, river intakes, lake intakes and canal intakes 6.2. State the factors goveming the selection of site for an intake 6.3 Explain the pipe laying and testing pr jure 7. Understand Total Quantity of Water for a Town Explain per capita water consumption & factors affecting demand. Describe the water requirement for domestic, industrial re-fighting and commercial purposes 1.3 Describe variation in demand. 1 1 8. Understand the Quality & Tests for Quality of Water 8.1 Define pure water (potable water) 82 Explain impurities in water 8.3 Explain the procedure for physical chemical and biological tests of water, PH of water 9. Understand the Methods and Process for Treatment of Water 9.1 Sketch the overall layout of water treatment plant indicating different stages 92 Explain sedimentation & plain sedimentation Page77 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9.10 941 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 State the objects of plain sedimentation Describe types of settling tanks based on function & shapes Define coagulation Describe types, purpose and use of coagulants State the method of feeding and mixing of coagulations Explain the process of sedimentation by coagulations State flocculation and types of Flocculator Explain the working of baffled and mechanical Flocculator Explain filtration and types of filters Describe the construction and operation of slow sand and rapid sand of pressure filters Compare slow sand and rapid sand filtration Describe the process of filter washing Explain disinfections &its necessity State methods of disinfection Explain chlorination, its forms and points of chlorination & chlorine demand Describe the test for chlorine State hardness d&its types Explain methods of softening Explain aeration, fuoridation, colour, odour, and taste 10. Understand The Systems of Distribution, its Components and Layouts 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Explain gravity and combined & direct pumping system of distribution Explain intermittent and continuous methods of supply of water Explain with sketches the different pipe layout methods including dead end system, gridiron system, radial & ring system State the necessity of underground, overhead and service reservoirs Draw sketches of rectangular overhead service reservoir showing all accessories Explain with sketches the functions of various appurtenances in a distribution system 11. Understand Principle of pumping Ma 12 Recognize different types of pumps Describe about tube well 12. Understand basic facts about Sanitary Engineering Define terms, sewage, sanitary sewage, domestic sewage, industrial sewage, storm or rain sewage, sewerage works, sewage treatment and sewage disposal State types of sewer (sanitary sewer, storm sewer, combined sewer, lateral sewer, house sewer, submain sewer, main or trunk sewer, out fall sewer and relief sewer) Compare systems of sewage disposal (Sanitation systems), conservancy system, water carriage system and cesspool dranage system 2.4 State types of sewerage system and their suitability 2.5 Compare the sewerage systems with each other Page78 13. Understand the Discharge calculation of sewage for sewer design. 13.1. State quantity of discharge in sewer dry weathering Low. 13.2 State the factors on which dry weather How depends. 13.3 Explain the variation in quantity of dry weather flow. 134 Define terms. run off co-efficient, time of concentration, rain fall intensity and impervious factor. 13.5 State the hydraulic formula for velocity of flow. 13.6 Estimate the quantity of storm water flow using empirical formula and rational formula 14, Understand the Fundamentals and its Requirements of House Drainage 14.1 State the aims of buildings drainage and its requirement 11.1 Describe with sketches the shapes and construction of different types of drains 11.2 State House drains slopes & connection with main sewer 11.3 Compare one and two pipe system of drainage 15. Understand the Procedure for Laying Out and Alignment of Sewer 15.1 Define Alignment & Layout of sewer 15.2 State the shapes and material used for sewers 15.3 State suitability factors governing alignment of sewer 154 Describe the procedure of setting out alignment 15.5 Explain the steps, gradient fixing bedding handling lowering laying, jointing testing & back filling of sewer 16. Understand the Various Types of Sewer Appurtenances. 16.1 Describe the location 16.2 Construction and function of man hole, drop man hole, catch basins, inlets, clean out, lamp hole, flushing tanks, regulators, grease and oil traps, inverted syphon, trestle & pier LIsT OF PRACTICALS Hours Layout drawing of training institution’ s plumbing lab. Demonstration of various tools and pipe appurtenances Cutting and threading of G.I. Pipes and connections of PPR pipes. Taking out water connection from main pipe Fitting/replacement of water taps Installation of water closet, flushing cistem and pipe Installation of urinal with flushing cistem and waste pipe Installation of wash hand basin (complete) Page79 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 Jointing of pipes (cast iron and concrete) Making model of dead system grid, system, ring system and, radial System with G.I. Pipe. Repair of single acting reciprocating pumps and replacement of non-retum valve Demonstration on boring of tube-well/hand pump Drawing of intakes for water supply Turbidity and hardness test of water, PH (testing) Drawings of settling tank, slow sand filter rapid sand filter Flow diagram of water treatment General layout of water supply and sanitary fitting in a house and calculation of all fixtures. Visit of water treatment plant, and water works Drawing sketches of various sewer appurtenances (lamp hole, manhole shallow and deep man hole drop man hole inlets, regulator, grease and oil trap, inverted syphon, trestles and piers Demonstration for excavation of trenches of a small sewer line with proper grade Visit of Sewage Treatment Plant Preparation of hydraulic statement of water supply scheme Preparation of hydraulic statement of sewerage scheme Page 80

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