Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
Mobile Learning
Abstract There are many tools that enable the development from being a mainstream technology in education. It is the
of the augmented reality (AR) activities, some of them can even belief of the authors [1] that the reason for this lies in the
create and generate an AR experience where the incorporation of difficulty of developing augmented learning experiences which
3D objects is simple. However AR tools used in education are usually requires programming skills. Thus, many teachers
different from the general tools limited to the reproduction of cannot afford to introduce AR into their daily teaching. The
virtual content. The purpose of this paper is to present a learning second reason, according to Martin et al. [1], is the lack of tools
environment based on augmented reality, which can be used both specifically designed for education, rather than for general
by teachers to develop quality AR educational resources and by purpose.
students to acquire knowledge in an area. Common problems
teachers have in applying AR have been taken into account by This study attempts to alleviate these issues by providing an
producing an authoring tool for education which includes the easy-to-use authoring tool for teachers called ARLE
following characteristics: (1) the ability to incorporate diverse (Augmented Reality Learning Environment), allowing for an
multimedia resources such as video, sound, images and 3D easy creation of learning experiences containing AR objects,
objects in an easy manner, 2) the ability to incorporate tutored descriptions and questionnaires. The need for ARLE emerged
descriptions into elements which are being displayed (thus, the after a thorough analysis of the state of the art of frameworks
student is provided with an additional information, description for creating augmented reality educational experiences
or narrative about the resource, while the content gets adapted
showing the lack of tools specifically designed for the delivery
and personalized), (3) the possibility for the teacher to
of educational content and assessment through AR. In addition
incorporate multiple choice questions (MCQ) into the virtual
resource (useful for instant feedback to students on their
to filling in that gap, ARLE benefits from a learning analytics
understanding, it can be useful for the student to know what are module, used to gather information about the learning
the most important points of that issue and for the teacher to interaction between students and the system mainly to mine its
assess whether the student distinguishes different concepts) and resource strengths and deficiencies.
(4) a library of virtual content where all resources are available
in a simple and transparent way for any user. In this study II. STATE OF ART
ARLE is used to add AR technologies into notes or books created
by the teacher, thereby supplementing both the theoretical and Current technologies such as Web 2.0, mobile devices,
practical content without any programming skills needed on the virtual environments and AR, have the potential to deliver new
designers behalf. In addition to presenting system architecture information about different subjects to users [6]. A number of
and the examples of its educational use, a survey concerning use authors [7, 8] reported their experiences on how beneficial and
of AR amongst teachers in Spain has been conducted. effective these devices are transmitting information and
acquiring knowledge outside the classroom.
Keywords augmented reality; learning environment; mobile
learning; authoring tools The use of these tools allows for modification of the
narrative content and media learning tools, also referred to as
learning to learn with technology [9]. Following this line of
I. INTRODUCTION thought, the authors see mobile devices, combined with the
Augmented reality (AR) has been one of the most emerging AR technology as a micro-revolution in technology
promising technologies to impact the way we teach and learn enhanced learning, with the greatest power being the
during the last years [1, 2, 3, 4]. Although authors have proven ownership of mobile devices by the students, and accessibility
that AR brings benefits into education by fostering student of the emergent AR technology to a wider public.
motivation [5], AR is at the point of writing of this paper far
Although the initial concept of augmented reality goes back
to the 1960s, a first formal AR system was developed by the
Boeing Company as late as in the early 1990s. In the late
1990s, several conferences on AR were launched, including the
International Workshop and Symposium on Augmented
Reality, the International Symposium on Mixed Reality, and
the Designing Augmented Reality Environments workshop
[10]. The most popular definition for AR is given by Milgram
and Kishino [11]: there is a continuum of real-to-virtual
environments in which AR is a specific area within the
generic area of Mixed Reality [12]. Another commonly
accepted definition was crafted by Ronald Azuma [13]
explaining AR as a technology that combines real and virtual
worlds, real-time interactive and recorded in 3D. AR is
therefore a system of interaction that takes as input the
Fig. 1. This example shows a high voltage tower. Electricity and
information from the real world and generates superimposed electronics students use this resource to identify the components of
output information (such as objects, images, text, etc.) in real the towers.
time. During the process the perception and the knowledge that
the user has of the real world and the objects in the information at users viewpoint [25]. Along these lines, Peng
environment is enriched [14]. affirms that mobile AR platform may augment learners
interaction experience without the restrictions of fixed
Compared with other systems such as virtual reality (VR), locations [26].
AR can supplement real-world perception and interaction,
allowing users to view a real environment augmented with Augmented reality provides opportunities for teaching in
computer-generated 3D objects [15] having the following science and engineering, as these disciplines place an emphasis
advantages: the reduced time and cost for the virtual scene on practical training and non-classroom training [15]. Learners
developing (because the main scene is the real one), the interacting actively with real world contexts can apply
participants can see their own hands, feet and so on, whereas authentic knowledge and social knowledge to their everyday
VR only simulates this experience [16]. environments [27], where educational AR technology could
provide learners with a new learning environment without
The potential for AR applications in education supports decreasing the authenticity of the real world [28, 29]. AR
situated learning scenarios, whereby a learner interacts with systems can provide learning solutions for abstract areas
realistic objects with less risk than that associated with a difficult to understand. AR creates possibilities for
reality. F. Mantovani and G. Castelnuovo [17] indicates that a collaborative learning around virtual content in non-traditional
sense of presence is a key benefit of an AR environment environments [30].
compared to virtual or simulated environments that typically
lack it. Nevertheless, not all systems based on AR are appropriate
for the educational use and it is necessary to identify the
This technology in conjunction with others such as mobile characteristics a system should meet to achieve the goals of
devices and wireless connectivity is said to enable learning teaching and learning.
anywhere and at any time [18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. An example
of this can be seen in Fig. 1. Most of the existing AR educational applications only focus
on a specific topic, either to teach mathematics, physics or
Bibliometric analysis of AR during 20082013 indicates other area. The contents are usually statically specified by
that AR is a technological trend in education with the number developers and there is no easy way for teachers to update
of articles addressing AR increasing [1, 24]. existing or add new content. On the other side of the spectrum
The use of interactive AR in education motivates students are the applications that are easy to manage but fall into the
to have more interest in learning and improves learning category of general-purpose AR displays, i.e., they are not
efficiency and concentration of students [5]. AR follows the education-oriented.
notion that student learning can be improved by combining There are many tools to develop augmented reality (Table
traditional teaching methods such as books and notes with new 1), however to opt for one of them is necessary to consider the
technologies. Hence, the flexibility of learning methods is type of license they offer as well as the programming skills
increased by factors of interaction and individuality. needed to use them.
AR is considered to improve interaction and individuality
of printed learning materials by interactively presenting
Considering these premises, the authors decided to use a TABLE 2. RESULTS OF THE SURVEY ABOUT NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND THE
development tool that requires programming skills to create an CREATION OF VIRTUAL CONTENT.
environment in which the end user can incorporate and use AR
in a simple way and without specific knowledge of any kind Question Answers (%)
such as programming languages. Do you use new
technologies in your
Yes, Yes,
This has long ago been noted by researchers who report that teaching, mobile devices,
usually: occasionally: No: 7.14
teachers recognize the potential of AR in education, but they digital whiteboard,
61.9 30.95
would like to control the resources and to adapt them to the simulations, multimedia
needs of students [31].
Do you use videos, pictures Yes, Yes,
While AR technology evolves and its use is becoming or three-dimensional usually: occasionally: No: 11.9
objects in your teaching? 47.62 38.10
easier, the development of 3D objects is still complex and the
Yes, I
software used to do it, requires an important learning curve that Do you create your own develop
Yes, but I
in most cases teachers cannot afford. develop it
digital content (videos, my own
from others No: 26.19
objects, presentations ... digital
The Table 2 contains data from a survey of 42 teachers etc.)? content.
from different schools, institutes and universities, 54.76
in 11 different cities in Spain (12 teachers of primary, 12 of Do you have knowledge of Yes, and I No. I've
Yes, but I do
secondary, 17 of vocational training and 1 teacher of 3D design software like use it
not use it.
university).The information obtained relates to whether the Maya, Blender, 3D Studio, frequently. used.
AutoCAD? 9.52 78.57
teachers use the new technologies in the classroom, their Have you heard of
knowledge of the AR technology, and the development of Augmented Reality?
Yes: 47.62 No: 52.38
virtual content. As can be seen in the data, despite the fact that Do you know what
Yes: 35.71 No: 64.29
half of the teachers have heard of augmented reality, only Augmented Reality is?
7.14% have used it on an occasion. One of the most powerful Have you ever employed
features of AR is the representation of 3D objects, however augmented reality to teach
Yes: 7.14 No: 92.86
new content to your
development of these objects presents great difficulties, both students?
for the task to create a 3D object as the use of specific software
for it, which is unknown to the great majority of teachers
(78.57% of the teachers have not ever used it), therefore, to
promote the use of this technology it should be allowed
incorporate other elements apart from 3D objects such as teacher if she wants to teach or show something to the others.
video, music, images etc. Typically, ARLE contents will be interacted with, reviewed
and a variety of data regarding system use, validity will be
III. ARLE AN AUGMENTED REALITY LEARNING obtained via the system. This authoring tool for education
ENVIRONMENT includes the following aspects:
This section describes the ARLE system (Augmented 1 The ability to incorporate different multimedia
Reality Learning Environment), a learning environment based resources in an easy manner.
on AR. Its aim is to integrate AR into theoretical content and 2 The ability to incorporate tutored descriptions into
learning practice in the classroom, in a manner suitable to the those elements which are being displayed (thus, the
resource authors, that is, without required programming skills. student is provided with an additional information
ARLE incorporates new technologies into notes or books about the resource, adapting and personalizing the
created by teacher trainees. It integrates multimedia resources content for the end user).
in any printed or viewed surface by personalizing information 3 The possibility of including multiple-choice questions,
according to student profiles, and allows for sharing of which may provide support for the study.
materials to stimulate feedback in both directions: towards the
student and towards the teacher. This bidirectional feedback 4 A library of virtual content, where all resources are
allows users to check if the rendered content clarifies the available in a simple and transparent way for any user.
explained concepts, while the creators of the resource are able
to verify the appropriateness and clarify the taught contents. A. System Architecture
In the context of ARLE system, the role of a teacher is The system is based on client-server architecture (Fig. 2) in
taken up by any user who creates or incorporates an which the data and information are sent to a mobile device
educational resource, so at any time a student can become once the application is launched. The client mobile application
can access and interact with the AR resources (e.g. place,
Fig. 2. Components and functions of the ARLE system. Two parts are shown: ARLE client, which contains the implementation of a mobile application and
ARLE server, which contains the Authoring Tool.
rotate, translate, drag...etc. a 3D object, play a video, answer a 3 The teacher selects the file of the resource. (For MD2
test questions) and report the interaction results and collected and OBJ models, the user must upload a .zip file that
data to the web environment where will be stored and prepared includes his/her 3D model (.dae, .obj, .stl), material
for future analytics. Additionally, the web platform is used to (.mtl) and textures (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp or .tga). The
add AR digital resources. name of the file must be the name of the .obj file with
extension zip. For example: truck.obj and
The system is developed using the Metaios technology for trucktexture.png will be compressed in the
mobile application development [32] as this company offers a file.
free SDK (software development kit) for the Android mobile
operating system, including a 3D rendering engine, image and 4 The teacher includes a description of the resource. This
object recognition. In addition to the Metaio SDK, a set of information is added by the editor of ARLE web
common tools such as the Android SDK, Eclipse development platform, through WYSIWYG editor,
environment, PHP and MySQL have been used to assemble (What You See Is What You Get) which allows among
both the client and the server system parts. other options to add text, images and even online
videos. These references will indicate the purpose of
B. ARLE Web-based Authoring Tool content, i.e. what is it about and what it stands for.
The operation procedure of preparing an AR resource With all these data, the system can draw up a detailed
through the ARLE web-based authoring tool (Fig. 3) is the resource library (Fig 4).
Fig. 4. This is the editor in the ARLE web platform. Toolbar for editing
the information about the resource is shown in red color.
Fig. 3. Numbers 1-6 indicate the steps to include a digital resource into
the augmented reality environment.
1 The teacher selects the type of resource among the
variety of current formats. ARLE is able to present the
following digital resources: images in JPG and PNG
format, video and audio in 3G2 format, 3D objects in
MD2 and OBJ format. Fig. 5. Editing MCQs in ARLE.
2 The teacher selects a category to which the digital 6 The teacher can select any image to act as a reference
resource belongs (i.e. economics, electronics, point to represent a digital resource. The camera of the
geography, health, history, mathematics, science or device will recognize the image, either a paper or on a
technology). screen, and launch the AR.
Finally, all resources are stored in ARLE libraries, so any 5 The student can obtain information about resource by
user can reuse or share them for future teaching and learning. clicking on the description button (this information
To do this, a teacher must simply download the image that acts was added by the teacher). At that time, a window will
as a pattern (TAG), which will increase the efficiency of the appear on the left side of the screen (Fig. 7) and it will
contents through the re-use of common elements [33]. display that information (text, images, video etc.).
The Fig. 6 shows the list some of the available resources in the
Technology category. If a teacher or a student wishes to have
that resource, he/she will only need to download the pattern
(TAG) by clicking on it. The teacher can use this pattern in
books, notes and ARLEs mobile application will identify the
pattern and will represent the virtual content on the pattern.
Further, if the user clicks on the description button, the
information about the resource will be shown. From this time
the user may interact with augmented reality, dragging the
object, clicking, scaling it, responding to the test etc.
Fig. 6. A library of resources organized by the area of interest. All Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show the operation of the mobile ARLE
resources added to the ARLE web platform are shared with the other AR application on an Android tablet computer. Once a pattern
users. is recognized, a digital resource is superimposed on the pattern.
In the case depicted in the Fig. 8, the digital resource is a video
C. ARLE Mobile Visualization Tool which appears in the form of a play button superimposed on
the pattern along with a description button. Once the play
The operation mode of the AR mobile visualization tool is button is selected, the resource starts playing.
the following:
1 The student installs the application on his/her Android
device (tablet or smartphone) complying with a
minimum of hardware requirements.
2 When the application starts, it will check if there is any
new learning resource on the server and, if so, the
application will be automatically updated.
3 The student will now focus the camera on notes or
texts provided by the teacher, and the application will
detect the image that was chosen by the teacher as a
pattern (in the case study, the pattern image is the logo
of Napo). Once the pattern image is detected, the
application will automatically superimpose the virtual
resource (image, a video or a 3D object) on the pattern.
Fig. 8. Pattern recognition - the pattern is recognized as the video Play
4 The interaction between the student and the application button.
is made through AR buttons or through gestures. The If a resource has test questions, a test button is also
interaction may be drag the 3D object on the screen, displayed. When the test button is pressed, a multiple choice
move the 3D object with buttons, scale the size of the question is shown in the top of the resource (yellow text in Fig.
video, image or object, or to play a video. 9).
Group A Group B