Learn To Sell and Buy Real Estate With Cryptocurrency

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Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

H.I.M Dr. Lawiy-Zodok Shamu-El

Aksum, Amexem
Houston, Texas


Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

Table of Contents
Learn to sell and buy real estate with
cryptocurrency 2

Introduction 5
Real Estate & the Block Chain 6
Selling Real Estate for Cryptocurrency 11
Buying Real Estate with Cryptocurrency 14
Scalability 18


Its wonderful when noble women and men can gather in unity for all! This short manual script
was created to set a clear and concise understanding of how to buy and sell real estate with cryp-
tocurrency. The author is offering to all who purchase this book the opportunity to participate in
the new industrial revolution that will reform, disrupt, and create progression for all industries.

The read must read and agree to this memorandum of understanding:

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Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality


This small manual script was written to give clarification on

the standardization of the real estate transaction and process, and
learn how to buy and sell according to that standard. Many new
startups say that by backing its cryptocurrency with a main-
stream, stable asset class like commercial real estate, it can
guard clients against the risks entailed in buying cryptocurren-
cies such as bitcoin, which are unsecured by any mainstream as-
sets. Cryptocurrency has just been adopted in a major main-
stream way and now within the real estate industry we will start
to see more realtors, investors, and companies get creative with
their listings and marketing. There is no doubt that once crypto-
currency becomes more utilized in the mainstream real estate
world that costs will get reduced, markets will be opened global-
ly and the assets become more liquid in the process. However, a
Bitcoin transaction remains tricky and must be studied, clarified
for, and handled carefully by all participants. As a neutral third
parties can carry out these instructions as described here in this
manual script that will also be in a purchase agreement between
a buyer and seller and or the lenders with closing instructions,
in a financial procedure that use to require tremendous respon-
siveness and attention to detail. Third parties also handle all of
the disbursements associated with a closing.

Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality


Are you ready for the future of real estate? Real estate on the
blockchain is a game changer for everyone involved in the in-
dustry and financial sectors and now real estate. The new Block-
chain Deeds will digitize the financial assets. To transfer the as-
set you transfer the colored coin as a colorable title and payment
on the Bitcoin network.

The Bitcoin blockchain is a public ledger of the transfer. The

colored coin functions as a digital deed and colorable title and
payment ledger.
In property law, a title is a bundle of rights in a piece of property
in which a party may own either a legal interest or equitable in-
terest. The rights in the bundle may be separated and held by
different parties. It may also refer to a formal document, such as
a deed, that serves as evidence of ownership. -Wikipedia

Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

Bitcoin is the most secure and robust decentralized value transfer

network. It has been running for eight years with no downtime,
has more processing power dedicated to it than the largest super-
computer in the world and has a simple scripting language with
the smallest attack vector. Other blockchains like Etheruem are
interesting experiments, but they do not match Bitcoin in terms
of reliability, security and decentralization. Financial institutions
that value reliability, security and decentralization for digital as-
sets are likely going to want solutions on top of Bitcoin.

-Adam Back, Inventor of Hashcash & CEO of Blockstream.

This is further reason for using the Blockchain of Bitcoin to pro-

cess real estate transactions for the industry. Why Use Block-
chain for This? What problem were we trying to solve with us-
ing the blockchain? Primarily fraud, asset liquidity, and transac-
tional costs and friction. The real estate industry faces multiple
pain points caused by fragmentation and centralization. Tech-
nology is fragmented across different protocols. People are
fragmented across different roles. Technology is centralized in
proprietary and non-interoperable software applications.
Data is centralized by third parties. The non-permission imple-
mentation and development for a global property recordation,
and title platform that is open source, non-profit, secured, and
scalable establishes the ability to create a more peer to peer form
of economics starting with the housing industry. Bitcoin Block-
chain can be used as a global digit deed platform as well. The
more authors, bloggers, and content creators being creative by
creating resource information, this will quantumize further use
of the digital deed platform and the blockchain as an encrypted
ledger of record and account.

Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

Conveyances in America are typically done through a deed that

conveys or transfers the real party interest in the title to real es-
tate. The government does not directly participate in the transfer,
it is performed only a between the seller and buyer. And no third
party is required to create the deed. The property is transferred
when the seller signs the deed and hands it or sends it to the
Many have to understand that making a digital currency un-
counterfeit-able was one of Satoshi Nakamotos biggest break-
throughs in establishing bitcoin. Thus using cryptocurrency or
other tokens as the conveyance medium as crypto-commercial
paper greatly decreases the ability to create fraudulent paper
deeds. Governments will also have a great opportunity here by
reducing corruption in the industry. Open up the market to the
more neglected sectors, like so called minorities, veterans, and
other disable or special education. This will be only the begin-
ning of what will take place in the crypto-sphere. The innovative
technology will make a global revolution of the world's systems.
Impacting changes in governments, finances, and medicinal and
education fields. This will promote community building at a
faster, innovative, and efficient rate. Counterparty is creating an
ecosystem on top of the Bitcoin Blockchain and compatible
smart contracts on Etheruem. If done with the right protocol this
can make bank guarantees obsolete in the fractionalized world.
A paper-based guarantee is typically a single sheet of paper with
a bank letterhead that is stored in a safe. Among the details it
contains are an amount of money the bank is guaranteeing, an
expiry date, a customer name, a beneficiary and purpose.

Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

Bank guarantees are amended often and can be forged. They can
take anywhere from a day to more than a week to be issued. Ex-
perts say there is no way of accurately measuring how many bil-
lions of bank guarantees are out there. Public blockchains are a
distributed database where anyone can record information, with-
out it being censored, and without needing permission. Equally,
anyone can access that information. When people say The
blockchain, 85% of the time theyre referring to Bitcoin, 10%
of the time to Etheruem and 5% to other projects. The Noone
Project is a global project for world government reformation.
Which in itself is umbrella of projects and with no one leader of
the project as a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organiza-
tion)? Nomni on top of Bitcoin, Etheruem, and others can disin-
ter-mediate many of unnecessary parties in the real estate trans-
action. That means cutting out the middleman. Currently, these
middlemen exist because they hold information that you cant
access or have skills and a license (privileges) you dont have
that are needed to operate in the existing property transaction
ecosystem. Prior to the internet, the government and title com-
panies were necessary to verify and record property data. The
Blockchain will enable every property, everywhere, to have a
corresponding digital address that contains occupancy, finance,
legal, building performance, and physical attributes that conveys
perpetually and maintains all historical transactions and records.
Currently, the title to a property is a piece of paper. Time and
money wasted. Instead of a just a paper title alone, Nomni,
Bitcoin or Etheruem can create a digital title. This is a crypto-
graphically secure token that can be transferred as effortlessly,
quickly, and cheaply as an email.

Dr. Shamu-El - Crypto-Reality

Before email, to send a letter you needed envelopes, stamps,

trucks, sorting facilities, and postal workers to organize and dis-
tribute the mail. Once people can more easily verify property
records themselves and transfer a title digitally, brokers, escrow
companies, title insurance companies, county recorders, and no-
tary publics will follow the decline of the post office in this
postmodern era. Bitcoin is a digital currency. Etheruem has its
Ether token. Unlike the Dollar or Euro, blockchain currencies
arent paper that are later represented by software, but are 100%
software from birth. The Nomni token is built on the XCP -
Counterparty DEX exchange. Which is layered and built on top
of the Bitcoin Blockchain and Etheruem Smart Contract inte-
grated. Blockchain protocols such as Bitcoin and Etheruem have
the ability to perform Smart contracts. The Blockchain pro-
vides great security against fraud and corruption with these new
technologies by smart contracting. Fraud is accomplished by
forging paper documents such as driver licenses, bank state-
ments, and deeds. Photoshop isnt just for making celebrities
look thinner. How can Bitcoin prevent real estate fraud? By of-
fering a 100 percent incorruptible resource, whereby the sender
and recipient of funds was logged, and where digital ownership
certificates for properties are saved, the blockchain would ef-
fectively make forged ownership documents and false listings a
thing of the past. The unique digital ownership certificates
would be almost impossible to replicate, and would be directly
linked to one property in the system, making selling or advertis-
ing properties you dont own almost impossible.Don Oparah,
February 6, 2016

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Selling Real Estate for Cryptocurrency

How could a smart contract be used in a property contract? A

simple real estate transaction can demonstrate how smart con-
tracts could drastically alter the way business is conducted. The
simplest question everyone wants to know is how to sell houses
for cryptocurrency. Party A and Party B would enter into a con-
tract that requires Party A to pay $100,000.00 to Party B in ex-
change for Party B agreeing to convey title to Party Bs single
family unit to Party A upon receipt of payment. There are many
third parties usually involved in at this point. If Party A pays the
money, but Party B later refuses to convey title, Party A is re-
quired to hire an attorney to seek specific performance of that
contract, or to obtain damages. The determination of the out-
come will be made by a third party: a judge, jury, or arbitrator.
When we begin to incorporate the blockchain, and smart con-
tracting. Using smart contracting avoids the potential for one
party to perform while the other refuses or fails to perform. Par-
ty A and Party B can agree to the same transaction, but structure
it differently. In this scenario, Party A will agree to pay
$100,000.00 worth of virtual currency to Party B, and Party B
will agree to transmit the title to the single family unit in a col-
orable type of coin or token on the blockchain. When Party A
transfers the virtual currency to Party B, this action serves as the
triggering event for Party B, which then automatically sends the
colorable token or coin which signifies the title to the single
family home conveyed to Party A. The transfer is then complete,
and Party As ownership of the real property is verifiable
through a publically available record on the blockchain.

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Immediate adaption to the structuring of this transaction as a

smart contract ensures that the transfer occurs as soon as funds
are received, and results in a publically available, verifiable rec-
ord of the transfer. The contract automatically performs based
upon the predetermined rules agreed to by the parties to the con-
tract, which eliminates the need for third party entities.
Steps to selling property here:

1) The first step property owner or agent can do she do is list his
or her property MLS base website, that list properties.
2) The Property listing website like Zillow, HAR, Craigslist etc.
3) The MLS base site in this transaction will be Blockchain base
listing site or escrow site. Similar to BitPrimier.com, bitcoin-
realestate.com, and Tokenmarket.com. Where you are allow
to create a catalog and sell your properties for estimated mar-
ket value, or appraisal value.
4) Property Listing we refer is the most simplest which is To-
kenmarket.com which allows you to create a portfolio catalog
of listing. They can be set to private listing as well. Also set
up online crypto-auctions, affiliate networks, etc.
5) Visit CounterWallet.io, indiewalle.io, freewallet.io and gen-
erate a free multiwallet that holds Nomni, bitcoins, Sover-
eignCoins, and any other assets built on Bitcoin, Etheruem, or
other Counterparty like protocols.
6) Using Token pass you can also install the Chrome web ex-
tension wallet Tokenly Pockets for quick management of all
your Counterparty assets. Tokenly allows you to loan out your
Counterparty assets. This also allows you to create promisso-
ry notes or similar mortgage contracts.

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7) The seller can set the earnest fund right from the catalog re-
quiring the buyer show proof of funds and giving the earnest
8) The title search can still be done by a title company, who ac-
tually completes the transactions in escrow between the two
9) This speeds up the opening of escrow & the closing of escrow.
This can also be shortening to a less than 24 hour process if the
recording of the Title history into the public records is done on
the blockchain.
10) The Seller is also able to capitalize further off the increased
value of the token or asset he is now holding.

For those of you needing a good title company there are plenty
startups becoming more interested in the cryptocurrency fintech
explosion. You can choose from; Nu Omni Title, Bitland, World
Wide Land Transfer, and or Ubiquity. Each fintech company of-
fers either e-recording services or e-title services or essentially
creates your own. There are plenty of networks to join con-
nectedinvestor.com or meetup groups in your local area. Reach
out to the local real estate investment group in your immediate
area. There you can network and build a network of crypto-
currency investors for real estate. Reach out to your local re-
corder office and check what the requirements are for your local
area. Create political committees that advocate the use of cryp-
tocurrencies. The more involved, the easier the adaption to the
new form of money will be for those in the real estate industry.
Join the IBREA The International Blockchain Real Estate As-
sociation. The IBREA offers plenty of information on how to
begin your journey in real estate using the blockchain technolo-
gy. There is also the Noocratic Crypto-Estate Network.

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Buying Real Estate with Cryptocurrency

The next simplest question everyone wants to know is how they

can buy houses with cryptocurrency. This same transaction
would happen in reverse for the buyer now! Party A and Party B
would enter into a contract that requires Party B to pay
$100,000.00 to Party A in exchange for Party A, agreeing to
convey title to Party As single family unit to Party B upon re-
ceipt of payment. The investor first must know where to look to
begin his search. The MLS sites mentioned in the last chapter is
where the buyer would begin his journey. Starting the property
search, the investor, can look on BitPrimier or Tokenmar-
ket.com in a real estate property catalog, just as he would as if
he was on Zillow.com, Creiglist.com, or etc. Once the investor
has chosen a targeted property, the investor next move is to send
in his notice of intent. The seller has to accept the offer for the
transaction and escrow to take place. As the process begins the
two parties come to a meeting of the minds on the preliminary
documents. The Notice of Intent will state clearly the inves-
tors intention with listed property. Seller then accepts the NOI
by sending the investor a request for proof of funds and possibly
a meeting to view the property. A purchase agreement to buy or
rent real estate is then put into place as the buyer makes the final
preliminary decision to purchase the property. From that point
on escrow is then open and the title search begins. Either party
will pay for the escrow services depending on the agreement.
The title search is then conducted to verify proof of ownership
as recorded in the public county land registry. Once the title
commencement is done and the title is secured.

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The escrow process can continue and the beginning of the finan-
cial processing of the payments for the property. The first step in
the financial process, the escrow agent, broker, or lawyer will
take is making the purchase on the blockchain from the listing
site that will be held in a shopping cart until its time for the
purchasing process to commence. The agent makes the purchase
with the colorable token on the market. Once the purchase is
complete, the information from the blockchain that is generated
from the purchase will be then incorporated into the physical,
tangible, incorruptible, crypto-commercial paper, with the QR
code from the transaction to be placed on the electronically rec-
orded public land registry. The readable QR code on the crypto-
deed, will pull up the block explorer for the cryptocurrency that
the transactions was pegged to. By utilizing the Bitcoin Block-
chain there will be many block explorers that the information for
the transaction can be verified on throughout the whole block-
chain network. An escrow is a deposit of funds, a deed or other
instrument by one party for the delivery to another party upon
completion of a specific condition or event. This includes the
buyer providing funds for a down payment, and the seller depos-
iting the deed and any other necessary papers. The Purchase
Agreement should state when the seller is to move out and the
buyer is to take possession of the property. In all jurisdictions
there are laws designed to provide clear disclosure of closing or
settlement costs and to reduce the amounts buyers are required
to deposit in mortgage escrow accounts. In the home-buying
process, escrow is a financial tool that allows you to set aside
important items such as the buyer's earnest money check and
purchase agreement document in an impartial holding area,
where it will stay until all of the details are worked out between
a buyer and a seller.

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When purchasing a real estate property the process is usually

Steps to buying a home:
1) Step: Check Your Credit Report & Score or credentials
qualifying for funding if needed. On the Blockchain credit
can be check on credentials that show up for the blockchain
address and to judge from its payments that are verifiable
on the blockchain ledger.
2) Step: Figure out How Much You Can Afford. Depending
on how much and how many tokens you have purchased in
your exchange, ICO offering(s), or crowd startup(s)! The
funds are exchanged from dollar to the colorable token at
the exchange value of the base currency to token for the
value of the real property.
3) Step: Find the Right Lender and Real Estate Agent. In the
cryptocurrency financial world. The right lender is you and
your peers. The decentralization of cryptocurrency allows
you to create peer to peer lending and transactions without
middle men. When structured the right way full compla-
cence, due to ICOs now be regulated by the S.E.C (Securi-
ty Exchange Commission) as public initial offerings like
4) Step: Look for the Right Home. This is where MLS (Multi-
listing Services on the blockchain will serve as a medium
for home buyers, investors, etc
5) Step: Make an Offer on the Home. The property will can or
will either be listed by a listing agent or by the owner (sell-
er) themselves. FSBO (For Sell by Owner) allows for crea-
tive financially structured property deals.
6) Step: Get the Right Mortgage for Your Situation. If you
dont have enough cryptocurrency or assets to purchase it.

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The assets can be lent to the mortgagee to purchase the

homes with the asset token. The Tokenpass wallets allow
for counterparty assets to be lent out counterparty capable
tokens. The tokens can then be used to purchase the homes.
7) Step: Close on Your Home. Once the title is clear and the
escrow process has been completed. The Financial Proceed
is finally closed you can then receive the keys, establish
home insurance, title insurance, etc. This can all be pur-
chased via the blockchain!
8) Step: Move In! The last step is moving in. The escrow pro-
ceeding is closed, and you are now the owner of your new-
ly purchased home via cryptocurrency.

The time it takes to close a mortgage loan varies with the type of
mortgage, buyer or homeowner situations, and lender processing
efficiency. Cryptocurrency allow for a more efficient good rule
of thumb, a typical mortgage loan without the blockchain will
take around four to six weeks to close from application date. The
Bitcoin Blockchain shortens these times to less than a week or
two at a time. The loans process can be completed varied on the
blockchain. So, while a "typical" escrow is 30 days, they can go
from one week to many weeks. The length of an escrow can
vary widely depending upon the terms agreed upon by the par-
ties. Blockchain help by making the transaction more peer to
peer there making settlement and closing quicker and efficient
due to the prevention of fraud. The layer of security that the
blockchains provides is disruptive to today real estate networks
who can adapt to the new coming financial structure of the
blockchains and its technological advancement of the financial
industry, government, educations, etc.

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The full scalability of the blockchain technology is unspecula-

tive because the forward progressing advancement this sphere of
industrialization that cryptography introduces opportunities be-
yond measurement. With a conventional loan for a house that's
backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, for example, the mini-
mum score required is set at 620. But the lowest credit score to
buy a house with an FHA loan is 580. The credit worthiness can
now be measured via the blockchain and owner address ability
to makes payments can be verified through the open ledger
blockchain. Private Mortgage Loans can be issued via the block-
chain. The new electronic government as a service on the block-
chain can also be to underwrite government back loans on the

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Author Summary

We need pure and competent information regarding the here-

now global financial changes that will and can effect everyones
future. This small booklet was drafted to clarify how we will
move into that future starting with our most important essential
industry. The real estate market is an untapped financial sector
that the ecosystem of cryptocurrency has yet to unveil in it pow-
erful arsenal of utilizations.

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