1 Churchill v. Concepcion

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[No, 11572. September 22, 1916.

appellants, vs. VENANCIO CONCEPCION, as Acting Collector of Internal
Revenue, defendant and appellee.
1. 1.REVENUE STATUTES; VALIDITY OF.The validity of a revenue
statute or the exercise of the taxing power of the Legislature is not
dependent upon the opinion of two interested witnesses to the effect that a
certain tax is confiscatory when it is agreed that a number of other persons
have paid such tax.
Churchill vs. Concepcion.
1. BILLBOARDS.The Legislature having the power to impose a tax upon
signs, signboards, and billboards, the courts will not attempt to restrict
such power in the absence of a showing that the exercise thereof on the
part of the Legislature was so abused as to make it clear to the judicial
mind that the power had been exercised for the sole purpose of destroying
rights which could not be rightfully destroyed consistently with the
principles of freedom and justice.
1. 3.ID.; UNIFORMITY OF.Uniformity in taxation means that all taxable
articles or kinds of property of the same classes shall be taxed at the same
rate. A tax is uniform when it operates with the same .force and effect in
every place where the subject of it is found.
1. 4.ID.; ID.A tax of P2 a square meter or fraction thereof imposed upon
every electric sign, billboard, etc., wherever found in the Philippine
Islands, satisfies the requirement of the Philippine Bill "that the rule of
taxation in said Islands shall be uniform."
APPEAL from a judgment of the Court of First Instance of Manila. Ostrand,
The facts are stated in the opinion of the court.
Aitken & DeSelms for appellants.
Attorney-General Avancea for appellee.
Section 100 of Act No. 2339, passed February 27, 1914, effective July 1,
1914, imposed an annual tax of P4 per square meter upon "electric signs,
billboards, and spaces used for posting or displaying temporary signs, and
all signs displayed on premises not occupied by buildings." This section was
subsequently amended by Act No. 2432, effective January 1, 1915, by
reducing the tax on such signs, billboards, etc., to P2 per square meter or
fraction thereof. Section 26 of Act No. 2432 was in turn amended by Act No.
2445, but this amendment does not in any way affect the questions involved
in the case under consideration. The taxes imposed by Act No. 2432, as
amended, were ratified by the Congress of the United States on March 4,
1915. The ratifying clause reads as follows:
"The internal-revenue taxes imposed by the Philippine Legislature under
the law enacted by that body on December
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Churchill vs. Concepcion.
twenty-third, nineteen hundred and fourteen (Act No. 2432), as amended by
the law enacted by it on January sixteenth, nineteen hundred and fifteen
(Act No. 2445), are hereby legalized and ratified, and the collection of all
such taxes heretofore or hereafter is hereby legalized, ratified and confirmed
as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same had by prior Act of
Congress been specifically authorized and directed."
Francis A. Churchill and Stewart Tait, copartners doing business under
the firm name and style of the Mercantile Advertising Agency, owners of a
sign or billboard containing an area of 52 square meters constructed on
private property in the city of Manila and exposed to public view, were
taxed thereon P104. The tax was paid under protest and the plaintiffs
having exhausted all their administrative remedies instituted the present
action under section 140 of Act No. 2339 against the Collector of Internal
Revenue to recover back the amount thus paid. From a judgment dismissing
the complaint upon the merits, with costs, the plaintiffs appealed.
It is now urged that the trial court erred:
"(1) In not holding that the tax as imposed by virtue of Act No. 2339, as
amended by Act No. 2432, as amended by Act No. 2445, constitutes
deprivation of property without compensation or due process of law, because
it is confiscatory and unjustly discriminatory and (2) in not holding that the
said tax is void for lack of uniformity, because it is not graded according to
value; because the classification on which it is based is mere arbitrary
selection and not based on any reasonable ground; and furthermore, because
it constitutes double taxation."
We will first inquire whether the tax in question is confiscatory as to the
business of the plaintiff. Upon this point the lower court, in accepting the
testimony of the plaintiff Churchill, to the effect that "the billboard in
question cost P300 to construct, that its annual gross earning power is
P268, and that the annual tax is P104," found "that for a five years' period
the gross income from the billboard would be
Churchill vs. Concepcion.
P1,340, and that the expenditures for original construction and taxes would
amount to P820, leaving a balance of P520," held that "unless the tax equals
or exceeds the gross income, the court would hardly be justified in declaring
the tax confiscatory." These findings of fact and conclusions of law are
attacked upon the ground that the court failed to take into-consideration the
pertinent facts that the annual depreciation of the billboard is 20 per cent;
that at the end of five years the capital of P300 would be completely lost;
that the plaintiffs are entitled to receive a reasonable rate of interest on this
capital; and that there should be charged against the billboard its
proportion of the overhead charges such as labor, management,
maintenance, rental of office premises, rental or purchase of ground space
for board, repair, paints, oils, etc., resulting in an actual loss per year on the
business, instead of an apparent profit of P520 for five years, or P44 for one
year, If these contentions rested upon a sound basis it might be said that
the tax is, in a sense, confiscatory; but they do not, as we will attempt to
show from the evidence of record.
The plaintiff Churchill testified in part as follows:
"Q. In your opinion, Mr. Churchill, state what you would think of the
rates that are charged by you for advertising purposes in connection with
this board; could they be raised?A. No.
"Q. Why?A. The business wouldn't allow it; the business wouldn't
afford it; and otherwise it would mean bankruptcy to try to increase it.
"Q. Who couldn't afford it? Explain it fully Mr. Churchill?A, The
merchants couldn't afford to pay more.
On cross-examination: "Q. It is a fact, is it not, Mr. Churchill, that since
the passage of Act No. 2339 you have never made any attempt to raise the
advertising rates?A. It would be impossible to raise them.
"Q. My question is: You have never made any attempt to raise them?A.
We have talked it over with the merchants and talked over the price on the
event of a tax being put at a reasonable amount, about putting up some
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Churchill vs. Concepcion.
"Q. But you have never made an actual attempt to increase your rates?A.
I would consider that an actual attempt.
"Q. You have never fixed the rate higher than it is now?A. No; no."
It was agreed that Tait, the other plaintiff, would testify to the same
effect. The parties, plaintiffs and defendant, further agreed "that a number
of persons have voluntarily and without protest paid the taxes imposed by
section 100 of Act No. 2339, as amended by Act No. 2432, and in turn
amended by Act No. 2445."
It will thus be seen that the contention that the rates charged for
advertising cannot be raised is purely hypothetical, based entirely upon the
opinion of the plaintiffs, unsupported by actual test, and that the plaintiffs
themselves admit that a number of other persons have voluntarily and
without protest paid the tax herein complained of. Under these
circumstances, can it be held as a matter of fact that the.tax is confiscatory
or that, as a matter of law, the tax is unconstitutional? Is the exercise of the
taxing power of the Legislature dependent upon and restricted by the
opinion of two interested witnesses? There can be but one answer to these
questions, especially in view of the fact that others are paying the tax and
presumably making a reasonable profit f rom their business.
In Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway Co. vs. Wellman (143 U. S,, 339), a
question similar to the one now under consideration was raised and decided
by the Supreme Court of the United States. The principal contention made
in that case was that an Act of the Legislature of Michigan fixing the
amount per mile to be charged by railways for the transportation of a
passenger was unconstitutional, on the ground that the rate so fixed was
confiscatory. It was agreed in the pleadings that the total earnings and
income of the company from all sources for a given year were less than the
expenses for the same period. In addition to this agreed statement of facts,
two witnesses were called, one the traffic manager and the other the
treasurer of the
Churchill vs. Concepcion.
company. Their testimony was to the effect that in view of the competition
prevailing at Chicago for through business, it was impossible to increase the
freight rates then charged by the company because it would throw the
volume of business into the hands of competing roads. In overruling the
contention of the company that the act in question was unconstitutional on
the ground that the rate fixed thereby was confiscatory, the court said:
"Surely, before the courts are called upon to adjudge an act of the
legislature fixing the maximum passenger rates for railroad companies to be
unconstitutional, on the ground that its enforcement would prevent the
stockholders from receiving any dividends on their investments, or the
bondholders any interest on their loans, they should be fully advised as to
what is done with the receipts and earnings of the company; for if so
advised, it might clearly appear that a prudent and honest management
would, within the rates prescribed, secure to the bondholders their interest,
and to the stockholders reasonable dividends. While the protection of vested
rights of property Is a supreme duty of the courts, it has not come to this,
that the legislative power rests subservient to the discretion of any railroad
corporation which may, by exhorbitant and unreasonable salaries, or in
some other improper way, transfer its earnings into what it is pleased to call
'operating expenses.' "
It is further alleged that the tax in question is unconstitutional because
"the law herein complained of was enacted for the sole purpose of destroying
billboards and advertising business depending on the use of signs or
billboards." If it be conceded that the Legislature has the power to impose a
tax upon signs, signboards, and billboards, then "the judicial cannot
prescribe to the legislative department of the Government limitation upon
the exercise of its acknowledged powers." (Veazie Bank vs.Fenno, 8 Wall.,
533, 548.) That the Philippine Legislature has the power to impose such
taxes, we think there can be no serious doubt, because "the power to impose
taxes is one so unlimited in force and so searching in extent, that the courts
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Churchill vs. Concepcion.
venture to declare that it is subject to any restrictions whatever, except such
as rest in the discretion of the authority which exercises it. It reaches to
every trade or occupation; to every object of industry, use, or enjoyment; to
every species of possession; and it imposes a burden which, in case of failure
to discharge it, may be followed by seizure and sale or confiscation of
property. No attribute of sovereignty is more pervading, and at no point
does the power of the government affect more constantly and intimately all
the relations of life than through the exactions made under it." (Cooley's
Constitutional Limitations, 6th Edition, p. 587.)
In McCray vs. U, S. (195 U. S., 27), the court, in ruling adversely to the
contention that a federal tax on oleomargarine artificially colored was void
because the real purpose of Congress was not to raise revenue but to tax out
of existence a substance not harmful of itself and one which might be lawf
ully manufactured and sold, said:
"Whilst, as a result of our written constitution, it Is axiomatic that the
judicial department of the government is charged with the solemn duty of
enforcing the Constitution, and therefore, in cases properly presented, of
determining whether a given manifestation of authority has exceeded the
power conferred by that instrument, no instance is afforded from the
foundation of the government where an act which was within a power
conferred, was declared to be repugnant to the Constitution, because it
appeared to the judicial mind that the particular exertion of constitutional
power was either unwise or unjust. To announce such a principle would
amount to declaring that, in our constitutional system, the judiciary was not
only charged with the duty of upholding the Constitution, but also with the
responsibility of correcting every possible abuse arising from the exercise by
the other departments of their conceded authority, So to hold would be to
overthrow the entire distinction between the.legislative, judicial, and
executive departments of the government, upon which our system is
founded, and would be a mere act of judicial usurpation."
Churchill vs. Concepcion.
If a case were presented where the abuse of the taxing power of the local
legislature was so extreme as to make it plain to the judicial mind that the
power had been exercised for the sole purpose of destroying rights which
could not be rightfully destroyed consistently with the principles of freedom
and justice upon which the Philippine Government rests, then it would be
the duty of the courts to say that such an arbitrary act was not merely an
abuse of the power, but was the exercise of an authority not conferred.
(McCray vs. U. S., supra.) But the instant case is not one of that character,
for the reason that the tax herein complained of falls far short of being
confiscatory. Consequently, it cannot be held that the Legislature has gone
beyond the power conferred upon it by the Philippine Bill in so far as the
amount of the tax is concerned.
Is the tax void for lack of uniformity or because it is not graded according
to value or constitutes double taxation, or because the classification upon
which it is based is mere arbitrary selection and not based on any
reasonable grounds ? The only limitation, in so f ar as these questions are
concerned, placed upon the Philippine Legislature in the exercise of its
taxing power is that found in section 5 of the Philippine Bill, wherein it is
declared "that the rule of taxation in said Islands shall be uniform."
"Uniformity in taxationsays Black on Constitutional Law, page 292
means that all taxable articles or kinds of property, of the same class, shall
be taxed at the same rate. It does not mean that lands, chattels, securities,
incomes, occupations, f ranchises, privileges, necessities, and luxuries, shall
all be assessed at the same rate. Different articles may be taxed at different
amounts, provided the rate is uniform on the same class everywhere, with
all people, and at all times."
A tax is uniform when it operates with the same force and effect in every
place where the subject of it is found (State Railroad Tax Cases, 92 U. S.,
575.) The words "uniform throughout the United States," as required of a
tax by the Constitution, do not signify an intrinsic, but
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Churchill vs. Concepcion.
simply a geographical, uniformity, and such uniformity is therefore the only
uniformity which is prescribed by the Constitution. (Patton vs. Brady, 184
U. S., 608; 46 L. Ed., 713.) A tax is uniform, within the constitutional
requirement, when it operates with the same force and effect in every place
where the subject of it is found. (Edye vs. Robertson, 112 U. S., 580; 28 L.
Ed., 798.) "Uniformity," as applied to the constitutional provision that all
taxes shall be uniform, means that all property belonging to the same class
shall be taxed alike. (Adams vs. Mississippi State Bank, 23 South, 395,
citing Mississippi Mills vs.Cook, 56 Miss., 40.) The statute under
consideration imposes a tax of P2 per square meter or fraction thereof upon
every electric sign, bill-board, etc., wherever found in the Philippine Islands.
Or in other words, "the rule of taxation" upon such signs is uniform
throughout the Islands. The rule, which we have just quoted from the
Philippine Bill, does not require taxes to be graded according to the value of
the subject or subjects upon which they are imposed, especially those levied
as privilege or occupation taxes. We can hardly see wherein the tax in
question constitutes double taxation. The fact that the land upon which the
billboards are located is taxed at so much per unit and the billboards at so
much per square meter does not constitute "double taxation." Double
taxation, within the true meaning of that expression, does not necessarily
affect its validity. (1 Cooley on Taxation, 3d ed., 389.) And again, it is not for
the judiciary to say that the classification upon which the tax is based "is
mere arbitrary selection and not based upon any reasonable grounds." The
Legislature selected signs and billboards as a subject for taxation and it
must be presumed that it, in so doing, acted with a full knowledge of the
For the foregoing reasons, the judgment appealed from is affirmed, with
costs against the appellants. So ordered.
Torres, Johnson, Carson, and Araullo, JJ., concur.
Judgment affirmed.
Inchausti & Co. vs. Yulo.
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