Iccr Questions

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1- Yemen is bordered by Oman to .

a. The east
b. The north
c. The south-east
The answer: the east
Yemen is located in the Middle East in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. It is
bordered by the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden to the south, south-west
and south-east, Oman to the east and Saudi Arabia to the north?

2- The highest peak in Yemen is ..

a. Jabal An-Nab Shuayb (An-Nab Shuayb Mountain)
b. Jabal Aybn (Aybn Mountain)
c. Jabal Ash Sha`r (ash Sha`r Mountain)

The answer: Jabal An-Nab Shuayb (An-Nab Shuayb Mountain)

The Jabal An-Nabi Shu'ayb (meaning 'mountain of the prophet Shu'ayb') is a
mountain reaching a height of 3,666 m (12,028 ft). It is situated some 35 km (22
miles) west from the capital city, Sanaa.

3- Yemen is the .largest country in the Arabian Peninsula.

a. First
b. Second
c. Third
The answer: second
The biggest country in the Arabian Peninsula is Saudi Arabia. The second biggest is
Yemen with 530 000 square kilometers and the third is Oman with 300 000 square
4- South Yemen was under rule.
a. French
b. German
c. British
The answer: British
North and South of Yemen were previously separate countries. South Yemen was
under British rule, but the British withdrew in 1967.

5- Radio broadcasting in Yemen began in the

a. 1950s
b. 1940s
c. 1960s

The answer: 1940s

Radio broadcasting in Yemen began in the 1940s when it was still divided into South
by the British and North by Imami ruling system. After the unity of Yemen in 1990,
Yemeni government reformed its corporations and founded some additional radio
channels that can broadcast locally. Television is the most significant media platform
in Yemen. Given the low literacy rate in the country, television is the main source of
news for Yemenis
6- The main export commodities are .. crude oil, coffee, dried and salted
fish, liquefied natural gas
a. crude oil and coffee
b. dried and salted fish and natural gas
c. All mentioned
The answer: all mentioned
As of 2013, exports from Yemen totaled $6.694 billion. The main export commodities
are crude oil, coffee, dried and salted fish, liquefied natural gas. These products were
mainly sent to China (41%), Thailand (19.2%), India (11.4%), and South Korea
7- The Yemens commercial capital is
a. Aden
b. Sanaa
c. Hadramaut
The answer: Aden
Aden is located in the south Yemen and it is famous for its seaport that is used for
importation and exportation.

8- The government of Yemen launched an economic, financial, and

administrative reform program (EFARP) with the support of the World
Bank and the IMF, as well as international donors in.
a. early 1995
b. early 1885
c. early 2000
The answer: early 1995
In early 1995, the government of Yemen launched an economic, financial, and
administrative reform program (EFARP) with the support of the World Bank and the
IMF, as well as international donors. These programs had a positive impact on
Yemen's economy and led to the reduction of the budget deficit to less than 3% of
gross domestic product during the period 19951999 and the correction of macro-
financial imbalances.
9- The Sabaean Kingdom came into existence from at least the ..
a. 10th century BC
b. 11th century BC
c. 12thcentury BC
The answer: 11th century BC
The Sabaean Kingdom came into existence from at least the 11th century
BC.The four major kingdoms or tribal confederations in South Arabia were:
Saba, Hadramout, Qataban, and Ma'in. Saba is believed to be biblical Sheba
and was the most prominent federation
10- Yemens cultural capital is ..
a- Taiz
b- Aden
c- Ibb
The answer: Taiz
Taiz (Taizz) is a city in the Yemeni Highlands, near the famous Mocha port on the
Red Sea, lying at an elevation of about 1,400 metres above sea level. It is the capital
of Taiz Governorate. It is the third largest city in Yemen after the capital Sana'a and
the southern port of Aden. It is considered the cultural capital of Yemen.
Which country was the primary supporter of the
Yemen Arab Republic, established by a military
coup in 1962?

Which of these is little significance to the

economy of Yemen?

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