Rural Poultry Management Guide

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The document discusses rural poultry management strategies in India including housing, feeding, and health practices to support rural livelihoods and nutrition.

The objectives of rural poultry management are to achieve optimum body weight and flock uniformity during growth, and to obtain optimum egg production levels during the laying phase through proper housing, feeding, and health management.

The different types of rural poultry farming mentioned are chicken farming, duck rearing, turkey farming, quail farming, and guinea fowl farming using locally available resources and open range systems.

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Hessarghatta, BANGALORE - 560 088, KARNATAKA, INDIA.
Tel: 0091-80-28466236/28466232/28466226, FAX: 0091-80-28466444, Hostel: 28466231,
Chicken/Turkey Unit/Hatchery: 28466262, Duck Unit: 28466238
E-Mail: [email protected], [email protected]

For details visit our Website:


Poultry farming in India has transformed into a techno-commercial industry from
the status of backyard farming since three decades. India stands as third largest egg
producer and fifth chicken meat producer in the world with about 60 billion eggs and 2.2
million metric tons of chicken meat. This production is achieved generally by commercial
poultry operations; however a significant contribution comes from rural poultry also.
Keeping this in background, the Government of India formulated policies to
support and augment rural poultry which contributes nearly 30% of revenues in the poultry
sector. This was planned and being implemented through central sector schemes with 3-
tier structure. The first tier involves Central government institutions, ICAR organizations,
State Agriculture Universities, Veterinary Universities and private rural bird breeders for
supplying the requisite parent stock of rural birds. The second tier involves State
Institutions, State Poultry Farms, and District rearing centers etc., which were duly
assisted by a scheme called Assistant to State Poultry Farms for strengthening
infrastructure and to meet operational expenditure. The third tier involves grass root
institutions, NGOs and farmers to operationalize the scheme.
The present status of agriculture, and food crop production makes it inevitable to
design a policy which is complimentary and suitable for landless labourers and rural
masses. Animal Husbandry Sector plays a major role in alleviating protein deficiency and
sustainability of rural economy. Rural Poultry is a good occupation for the rural masses for
economic sustainability and nutritional security. Many countries have adopted Poultry as
a micro enterprise with women empowerment as a model for rural economic sustainability.
Rural Poultry involves Chicken Farming, Duck Rearing, Turkey, Quail and Guinea
Fowl Farming with minimum available infrastructure and open range farming. It is
suggested that these formats are made better sustainable with usage of locally available
materials such as food grain waste, floor mill waste, vegetable waste etc., to keep the
cost of production at a minimum. There are two benefits one can derive by way of rural
backyard Poultry Farming namely Income generation by selling eggs or Poultry for meat
and the major benefit would be supplementing the household nutritional requirement by
way of self consumption to the needy.
Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry has four Central Poultry
Development Organisations and a Central Poultry Performance Testing Centre catering to
the mandate of Rural Poultry Development, production, multiplication and supply of these
products across the country.
Basic concept of rural poultry revolves around production of coloured variety of
chicken similar to desi or local variety with a higher performance outputs namely more
body weight gain and more egg production under low input technology conditions.
The Central Poultry Develoment Organisation & Training Institute, Hessarghatta,
Bangalore was the pioneer regional poultry farm established during 60s for scientific
breeding and development of commercial poultry. As a significant achievement of the
scientific breeding, an egg variety named HH260 was developed and introduced in the
country way back in 70s. Present mandate being production and development of rural
poultry, this Organisation is developing and multiplying rural meat and egg varieties for the
benefit of rural masses.
The popular meat variety of this organization is CHABRO, egg variety is KAVERI FEEDING
and dual variety being Aseel Crosses. Apart from this Kalinga Brown, CARI NIRBHEEK
and HITCARI are also available for farmers. Recently, Vanaraja, a rural meat variety and The rural type chicks need balanced feed during the initial 6 weeks of age under
Grama Priya, a rural egg variety from Project Directorate on Poultry Hyderabad is being nursery rearing/brooding. In the nurseries, the chicks are reared on standard chick starter
introduced for multiplication and supply for the farmers. ration. For the Grower birds in the second phase, besides the feed material available in
the free range, natural food/greens like waste grains germinated seeds, mulberry leaves,
Following guide is an illustration of requirements of farming practices for all the azolla, drumstick leaves and subabul leaves ( high protein sources). The need for extra
rural chicken in case of semi intensive or intensive farming. feed depends on the free range available, intensity of vegetation, availability of waste
grains, insects, grass seeds. The average body weight of 1.3 to 2.4 kgs will be attained by
ESTABLISHMENT OF FARM 120 days and if required should be provided with supplemental calcium sources like lime
The main objective of farm is to ensure maximum security, from diseases, stone powder, stone grit, shell grit at 4 to 5 gms/bird/day.
environmental pollution and other stress factors. The farm should be located far from any This approach yields successful results with high rate of survivability and good
other commercial poultry operation to prevent contamination of environment and egg production. The eggs laid are tinted and will have fairly good size.
diseases, otherwise it will cause economic loss to the farm. Farm should be located in an
elevated area with good air current and the location should be well connected by road for CHICK MANAGEMENT
easy accessibility.
Brooding of chicks is very important operation in the early age of the chicks.
All our rural birds like, Cauvery, Kalinga Brown, Nirbheek, Hitcari, Gramapriya Chicks are provided with required temperature by artificial means. The details of various
and Vanaraj due to its moderate body weight and high egg yielding capacity are more brooding methods are presented below.
prefered under Semi-intensive farm conditions in rural/tribal areas. The feather colour of
all the rural type birds are multiple coloured and mostly brown eggers. They have the Preparation of poultry shed/house:
better immune capacity and thereby strength of survivability is maximum. Because of After liquidation of old flock the following operations are required to be created for
moderate body weight the birds can escape from predators. Initial brooding up to 6 clean and healthy environment in the poultry house.
weeks in brooding unit/nursery is required and are let out for semi free range or free range
management system.
Remove all the movable equipment from the shed. Soak in water and clean
PROMISING FEATURES/CHARACTERS: thoroughly in tap water and finally dip in disinfectant solutions. Finally wash in
clean water, sun dry and store.

Better egg production compared to other rural/nati chicken

Better adaptability to backyard/ free range system.
Litter should be removed from the shed and transported away from the farm
inclosed containers or in gunny bags and disposed off properly.

Tinted eggs/light brownish eggs.

Better survivability.

Lightings and feed and water pans should also be taken out of the shed and
cleaned properly.

Low or negligible input cost.

Accumulated dust and cob web formed on the wall, ceiling, mesh etc., should be
Rural chicks need brooding care during the initial 6 weeks of age. After 6
weeks, they can be let free for scavenging in the backyard. The excess males can be
Insecticide is to be sprayed over the litter, walls, mesh, roof etc.,
reared separately and marketed for meat purpose.
The birds need to be initially habituated/trained to return to the nest in the evening
Shed should be washed using a pressure washer.
for night shelter/security/safety. The night shelter should have good ventilation and
protection from predators and plenty of clean water should be made available. The birds
All the repair works of the shed including cages, equipment and mesh shoul be
must be vaccinated against Marek's and Ranikhet diseases. There should be periodic de carried out.
worming at 3-4 months intervals.

Water tank, pipeline and water channel in the shed be cleaned thoroughly. First Floor Brooding:
drain the water, fill the water lines with de-scaling and disinfectant agent
Spot brooding:
overnight. Flush with water for 2-3 times to remove all dirt and debris.
This conventional method of brooding depends overhang on spot heating either

Shed sould be pressure washed again with a suitable disinfectant solution by using electrical bulbs or gas brooders. In this system one (over hanging or standing)
is provided for every 300-600 chicks.

Flame guns should be used inside and outside of the houses. Hovers are reflectors which provide warmth to chicks using electrical bulbs or gas
brooders. The air temperature under the hover is kept at a required level. Hovers are

Walls should be white washed and metal surfaces should be painted if needed. made up of metal, wood or bamboo baskets fitted with electrical bulbs, infra red bulbs or
heating elements and gas heaters.

The equipment and fitting should be re-assembled and the curtains be tied. Brooder guard:
2 to 2 foot away from the hover, brooder guard is provided to prevent chicks

Spray an insecticide to kill the insects. straying away from heat source, feed and water. Brooder guards are generally made up of
G.I sheet with foot height. For first 2 days, feed is sprinkled on the paper and after that

Shedshould be kept under lock ( shed rest) for a minimum of 2 to weeks. chick feeders are provided. Chick waterers should be provided first day onwards.
Feeders and waterers are arranged in cart wheel manner, so that chick need not have to
One day before arrival of chicks: walk long distance to access feed and water.

Set heating system ( switch on brooders) at 29-32 ( 85-90)for cage brooing or at

32-35 (90-95) at chick level for floor brooding. The temperature is regulated by adjusting the height of hover have with the
number of bulbs/flame. During the first week, brooding temperature under hover ( 2 inches

Cover the floor (litter) of brooder with news paper and arrange feeders, waters above litter at the top of the hover) should be 32-34 (90F-95F)with a weekly reduction of
etc., 5 till it reaches 27 (80F).

Check water system and adjust to proper height of chicks, Disinfect and flush
water lines.
Brooder temperature for chicks at different ages:
On arrival of chicks:
While placing chicks in the brooders, count the number of chicks placed in each Age of chicks BROODER TEMPERATURE
portion cell to ensure proper stocking density.

Fill waterers with clean water or operate water system. during the first six weeks,
operate feeders to provde feed more than twice daily.
1st Week 90 32.2

Check brooder temperatures.

2nd Week 85 29.4

On placing chicks, trigger water cups to encourage drinking.'

3rd Week 80 26.7

Provide the feed in mash or crumble form. Crumble/pellet feed will ensure more
uniform growth. 4th Week 75 23.9

Provide adequate light continuously during the first two days. 5th Week 70 21.1

Electrolytes/antibiotics supplementation in drinking water will reduce

transportation and environmental stress and also reduce initial chick mortality. 6th Week 70 21.1
The correct temperature of brooder is known by the behavior of the chicks. When Water should be provided before the chicks are released under the brooders. Bell
the chicks are comfortable, they will spread out evenly with in chick guard area. If the type chick drinkers are essential during first three days of brooding irrespective of type of
hover temperature is too low the chicks will huddle together under hover, where as when brooding. In deep litter brooding drinkers should be evenly distributed. Height of the
the brooder temperature is high they tend to move away from hover. The brooder should drinkers needs to be adjusted according to the chick height. One chick drinker is enough
be started 8-10 hours before arrival of the chicks. for 100 chicks up to 2 weeks of age and regular bell drinker is sufficient for 50 birds from
third week onwards chick feed/grounded maize should be provided 2 hours after chicks
Floor Space: are placed under the brooder. During first week, frequent feeding of small quantity should
be practiced to stimulate feed consumption.
The chick should be provided sufficient hover and floor space. Growth and feed
conversion ratio (FCR) are proportionate to floor space available for chicks, apart from the Beak trimming:
genetic potential of the bird. Overcrowding results in stress and mortality chick requires 8 Trimming of beak is an important managemental practice. This is done to
square inches of hover space. In deep litter brooding 0.3 sq. ft. floor space per chick is to prevent cannibalism and wastage of feed. Beak trimming is a sensitive operation and it
be provided during the first week. During the 6 week, 1 sq. ft. floor space per chick is should be done by trained people. The beak trimming is done at 3rd week One third of the
essential. beak should be trimmed. There are different, methods, cutting and cauterization with hot
iron method is popular. Cauterization helps in arresting and destroys the tissue
Relative humidity: responsible for generating beak growth. Proper care should be taken not to burn the
During the first week of brooding, the relative humidity should be 65.70% when tongue of the chick.
the relative humidity drops below 50% it results in dehydration of chicks, which may affect Use electrolytes and vitamin (K and C) in the water two days before and after beak
growth, uniformity and livability of chicks. In houses where gas brooders and nipple trimming. Deeper feed should be provided for several days.
drinkers are used, relative humidity can drop down to as low as 25%. To maintain the
required humidity frequent spray of sanitized water is advised.
Litter Management:
Litter management place a vital role in controlling the disease in the flock. When
Ventilation: birds are housed on deep litter, placing of waterers and their maintenance should receive
due attention to keep the litter dry. The litter should be stirred at regular intervals
Supply of fresh air to the chicks is highly essential. Brooding will cause depletion depending on the environmental temperature, humidity, ventilation fecal moisture content,
of oxygen and buildup of carbondioxide, ammonia etc., the airtight curtains should be quality of water system. In case of humid coastal areas, add about 0.5 kg of
avoided. It is recommended to keep a gap of 3.5 inches between the ceiling and side superphosphate / hydrated lime may be thoroughly mixed up with litter spreading in 15
curtains to facilitate gas exchange between the house and environment. In extreme sq.ft. floor area.
weather conditions curtains, windows, doors and fans need to be effectively used to Birds are allowed to feed ad libitum during the first few weeks of age. To ensure
maintain optimum ventilation. proper development of feathers skeletal growth and immune system birds should be
provided feed all through the initial 4 and 5 weeks.
During the first day, feed may be sprinkled or provided in the trays for encouraging Grower Management:
the new born chicks to pick up feed. From day two onwards feed is provided in trough type The importance of growing systems are to provide growers an ideal environment to
of feeders. As the chick grow bigger suitable feeders are used. The feeders should be at obtain optimum body weight at sexual maturity so as to perform better during laying
proper height for the birds to eat properly. As chicks grow the feeder should be lifted up by phases and production phase. The main objective of the grower management is to
adjusting their height to the back level of the bird. The level of feed in feeder has a direct achieve target body weight and flock uniformity.
correlation with feed wastage. As a thumb rule, 10 percent feed is wasted if the feeders Housing:
are two thirds full compared to 3 percent wastage if they are half full and only 1 percent if
Generally the stock remains in the same building during brooding and growing. A
they are one third full. Therefore, feed should be offered more frequently with small
floor space of 2.75 and 2.80 sq. ft. per bird is required. During growing period as feed
quantity at each time and helps to gain weight more uniformly.
restriction is followed. The level of feed restriction is as low as 40% of ad libitum feeding.
Feeder space allowance: Trough feeders 2.5cm up to 2 weeks and 5cm up to 6 weeks.
Water restrictions:
Waterer space: Clean and fresh water should be provided to the chicks waterers from day Where wet litter and wet droppings is more common, water restriction to be
old chicks should be conveniently placed close to the hover and alternatively to feeders. followed and birds tend to consume more water during feed restriction. To prevent wet
Water may be provided using troughs, bell shaped drinkers and caps. With these drinkers litter, water is turned on one hour prior to feeding and kept available at least up to two hours
0.75 inches ( 2 cm) of water space per bird is recommended. after all the feed is consumed. Water restriction is not advisable when the ambient
temperature goes above 30oc.
Beak trimming: Performance of Rural Layers
The second beak trimming is done between 12-14 weeks of age. Day old chicks (gms) 42 - 45 gms
Prelay management: Age at sexual maturity 150 days
Objective of this period is to ensure optimum skeletal development body Age at peak egg production ( weeks) 34 37 weeks
conformation and leg strength to sustain reproductive ability and fitness throughout the Egg production up to 72 weeks 180-200 eggs
laying period. Growth during this period greatly influences uniform sexual maturity.
Average egg weight 45-55 gms.
Uniform flock will ensure to get all the birds into lay at the same time. The rate of
body weight gain increases every week. This is achieved by giving weekly feed Mortality:
increments from 17 to 20 weeks. Chicks (0 - 8 weeks) 3%
Lighting: Grower (9 - 20 weeks) 4%
Light affects the physical activity, metabolic rate and other physiological Adult (21 - 72 weeks) 1%
functions. Total lighting required during lay is upto 16 hours. Birds growing during the
period of increasing day length (January to June) mature earlier and perform better than Feed Formulation:
those grown during decreased day length (July to December). For rural type birds from day one to 42 days of age in percentage.
Health care and Bio-security: Sl. Ingredients Options
Bio- Security: No. 1 2 3 4
Bio-security is the system used to prevent and control of infections diseases in
01 Maize 17.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
poultry. Consider that people, vehicles, equipments, birds etc., entering the farm may 02 Bajra 10.0 0.0 0.0 45.3
carry infections agents, hence measures to be taken for restriction of their movement. 03 Ragi 20.0 18.6 0.0 0.0
Disinfection of sheds, equipments and internal shed surfaces should be done following
flock depletion. 04 Soya bean meal 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
05 Sunflower cake 8.9 12.3 40.9 0.0
Suggested vaccination schedule for the rural layer birds:
06 Mustard cake 15.0 15.0 0.0 0.0
Age Vaccine Route 07 De oiled Rice bran 200 20.0 0.0 25.2
1st day Marck's disease Subcutaneous 08 Salt 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
7nd day ND, Lasota (live) Eye drop 09 Declaim phosphate 1.4% 1.64 1.68 2.0
14rd day IBD Eye drop 10 Shell 0.80 0.77 1.21 1.21
6th Week Fowl pox (live) Subcutaneous 11 Methaonine 0.09 0.06 0.02 0.03
8thWeek R 2B Subcutaneous 12 Lycine HCL 0.05 0.05 0.34 0.22
Medication 13 Vitamin mixture 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Prevention Age Drug Route 14 Choline chloride 50% 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Anti stress
1 day Electrolytes Water 15 Trace Minerals 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
Early chick Mortality 1-5 days Antibiotic Water 16 Antibiotic 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
17 Coccidiostat 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05

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