Academic Weekly Planner: Department: Pharmaceutics Date: From 15/05/17 To 19/05/17

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Academic Weekly Planner

Department: Pharmaceutics Date: From 15/05/17 to 19/05/17

Day Date Prof. Subject Teacher Topic Time Venue Remarks

1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical 11:30-12:30 LT#1
Ms. Rabia Khokhar Extraction processes: Percolations for concentrated preparations Theory
(M) Pharmacy)
1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical 3:30- 4:30 LT#1
Mr. Asad Majeed Khan Extraction processes: Percolations for concentrated preparations Theory
(E) Pharmacy)
Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage Ms. Sana Javed Classification and Types of Gels 10:30 LT#2 Theory
form science) Single-Phase Gels /Two Phase System (Magma)Inorganic
/Organic Hydrogels /Organogels

Ms Huma Hameed/ Preparation of Liquid Parrafin emulsion (BP) 12:30-2:30 Pharmace Practical
2nd Ms kanwal Mazhar utics lab

Pharmaceutical Ms. Kanwal Ashiq Class Test 7:30-9:00 LT# 2 Theory

Monday 15-05-17 Microbiology & 12:30-2:30 Microbiol Practical
Immunology Instrumentation of Autoclave (Group A)
ogy Lab
Activity no: 15 To compute pharmacokinetic parameters for a drug 7:30- 10:00 Lab
Biopharmaceutics Ms Farah Qureshi Practical
of 1 compartment model after extravascular administration. chemistry
Biopharmaceutics Ms Farah Qureshi Multicompartment model 12:30-1:30 LT#6 Theory
4th Pharmaceutics-VI Dr Khurram Rehman Introduction to Statistical Analysis 10:30-11:30 LT#6 Theory
(Pharmaceutical Quality
Control Management)
Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Mr. GM Packing and Packaging materials 11:30-12:30 LT#6 Theory
Ms. Sadia Urooj Factors Considers in the designing of CSDDS 1:30-2:30 LT# 2 Theory
5th Pharmaceutical Technology 10:30-12:30 LAB
Ms Sadia Urooj Development of Colon specific Drug delivery system Practical
1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical 10:00-11:00 LT#1
Ms. Rabia Khokhar Extraction processes: Industrial scale extraction procedures Theory
(M) Pharmacy)
12:00- 1:00 LAB
1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical
Mr. Asad Majeed Khan Extraction processes: Industrial scale extraction procedures (Pharma- Theory
(E) Pharmacy)
10:00-12:00 LAB
1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical
Mr. Asad Majeed Khan Preparation of 0.1 Molar (M) Sodium carbonate Solution (Pharma- Practical
(E) Pharmacy)
Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage Ms. Sana Javed Preparation of Magmas and Gels 11:30-12:30 LT#2 Theory
form science) Examples of Gelling Agents
Tuesday 16-05-17
Examples of magmas and gels

2nd Ms Huma Hameed/ Preparation of Liquid Parrafin emulsion (BP) 12:30-2:30 Pharmace
Ms kanwal Mazhar Practical
utics lab
Pharmaceutical Ms. Kanwal Ashiq Tutorial 7:30-9:00 LT# 2 Theory
Microbiology & 12:30-2:30 Microbiol Practical
Immunology Instrumentation of Autoclave (Group B)
ogy Lab
Biopharmaceutics Ms Farah Qureshi Multicompartment model 11:30-12:30 LT#6 Theory
4th Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Mr. GM Packing and Packaging materials 10:30-11:30 LT#6 Theory
Pharmacy) Introduction to Multiple punch compression machine 7:30-10:00 Industrial Practical
11:30-12:30 LT# 5
5th Pharmaceutical Technology Prof. Dr. Nasira Preformulation Studies (pH Partition Theory) Theory
1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical 1:30-2:30 LT#1
Ms. Huma Hameed Adsorption process; Isotherms Theory
(M) Pharmacy)
1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical 12:00-1:00 Industrial
Ms. Huma Hameed Adsorption isotherms; Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm Theory
(E) Pharmacy) Lab
Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage Ms. Sana Javed 10:30-11:30 LT#2 Theory
form science)
Wednesday 17-05-17
2nd Pharmaceutical Ms. Kanwal Ashiq 7:30-9:00 LT# 2 Theory
Microbiology &
Pharmaceutics-VI Dr Khurram Rehman Exercise on statistical analysis 1:30-2:30 LT#6 Theory
4th (Pharmaceutical Quality
Control Management)
Pharmaceutics-I (Physical Ms. Huma Hameed Adsorption isotherms; Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm 11:30-12:30 LT#1 Theory
Pharmacy) 12:30-2:30 LAB
1st (Pharma-
(M) Ms. Rabia Khokhar Preparation of 0.1 Molar (M) Sodium carbonate Solution -ceutics) Practical

1st Pharmaceutics-I (Physical 3:30-4:30 LT#1

Thursday 18-05-17 Ms. Huma Hameed Adsorption Isotherms; Type I, II, III, IV & Type V. Theory
(E) Pharmacy)
Biopharmaceutics Ms Farah Qureshi Two compartment model 10:30-11:30 LT.#6 Theory
Pharmaceutics-VI Dr Khurram Rehman Variations, Variables and acceptance sampling 1:30-2:30 LT#6 Theory
(Pharmaceutical Quality
Control Management)
Pharmaceutics-IV (Industrial Mr. GM Packing and Packaging materials 9:00-10:00 LT#6 Theory
Pharmacy) Packing and Packaging materials 11:30-12:30 LT#6 Theory
5th Pharmaceutical Technology Ms. Sadia Urooj Approaches in designing Colon specific drug delivery system 12:30-1:30 LT#2 Theory
10:00- 12:00 LAB
Pharmaceutics-I (Physical
1st Ms. Rabia Khokhar Preparation of 0.1 Molar (M) Sodium carbonate Solution (Pharma- Practical
Pharmaceutics-I I(Dosage Ms. Sana Javed Pharmaceutical calculations. Physical/Chemical 7:30-9:00 LT#2 Theory
form science) Considerations in the Preparation of Isotonic Solutions
2nd Calculations of the i Factor
Pharmaceutical Ms. Kanwal Ashiq 12:00-1:00 LT# 2 Theory
Friday 19-05-17 Toxoplasmosis
Microbiology &
Biopharmaceutics Ms Farah Qureshi 2 compartment IV bolus 12:00- 1:00 LT#6 Theory
Pharmaceutics-VI Dr Khurram Rehman Control Charts and Plotting of Control charts 9:00-10:00 LT#6 Theory
4th (Pharmaceutical Quality
Control Management) Preparation of serial dilutions and plotting of calibration curve 10:00-12:00 Instrume practical
ntion lab
5th Pharmaceutical Technology Ms. Sadia Urooj Evaluation of Colon specific Targeted Drug Delivery System 11:00-12:00 LT#6 Theory

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