2016 2017 Budget Circular

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Circular No. 2 of 2016

To : Supervising Officers-in-Charge of Ministries/Departments

2016/17 Budget Circular

You are kindly requested to submit by the 7th of April 2016 the budget
proposals, both expenditure and revenue, of your Ministry/Department for the next
three fiscal years, that is, 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19. The Policy Guidelines for the
preparation of your submission are set out below while the Operational Guidelines are
at Annex I.

Macro-Fiscal Outlook

2. The 2016/17 Budget is being prepared in an adverse international economic

environment characterised by a general economic slowdown particularly in the BRICS
countries, low oil prices, and subdued growth in world trade. In addition, downside risks
to the economic outlook for the US and Europe have significantly increased recently.

3. Against this backdrop, the challenge is to steer our economy rapidly towards a
growth path of at least 5% annually to realise the Vision 2030 and attain the high
income country status. In this regard, appropriate policies and measures will have to be
implemented to further diversify our economy, boost private investment and
employment creation, raise productivity to global competitiveness levels, embed digital
technology in our development strategy and strengthen our economic resilience.

4. On the fiscal side, we are faced with a delicate balancing act. On the one hand,
our public debt has reached a too high level and has to be brought on a downward path
in line with Governments commitment to meet the target set in the Public Debt
Management Act. We have also to contend with rising fiscal risks and contingent
liabilities. On the other hand, investment in public infrastructure will have to be
increased significantly and would entail higher borrowing. At the same time, we have to
address meaningfully the immediate needs of the poor and the vulnerable groups.

5. This is, indeed, a dilemma which we will have to collectively resolve.

Policy Guidelines

6. The room for manoeuvre in the recurrent budget is very limited. This will be
further exacerbated with implementation of the 2016 PRB report. Moreover, growth-
enhancing infrastructure projects under implementation and in the pipeline will absorb
more public resources in the coming years. Additional resources will also be required for
the restructuring of public enterprises.

7. After considering the above constraints, challenges and targets, MOFED has
carefully worked out the expenditure ceilings for each Ministry and Sector. These will be
communicated to you individually. You are requested to ensure that your expenditure
proposals are within the set ceilings.
Annex I

Operational Guidelines for Budget Submission

Expenditure Proposals

Ministries/Departments are required to work out their expenditure proposals within

the expenditure ceilings (one under the recurrent budget and one under the capital
budget) that will be communicated to them shortly.

2. These ceilings have been worked out on the basis of the indicative estimates for
fiscal years 2016/17 and 2017/18 that were published in the 2015/16 Budget documents
which have been duly adjusted to take into account the following:
(i) status and actual pace of implementation of projects;
(ii) changes in cost of providing certain services;
(iii) changes in the number of beneficiaries under existing schemes;
(iv) firm policy decisions and expenditure commitments taken during the
year; and
(v) overall fiscal constraint and the need for efficiency gains/reduction in

Compensation of Employees

3. The expenditure ceiling for each Ministry/Department already includes appropriate

provision in respect of unfilled posts for which funding was provided in the last budget
and in the course of this fiscal year. It does not yet include provision in relation to
the 2016 PRB Report for which adjustments will be made to the Line Ministrys budget
by MOFED, once the report is approved and cost implications known.

Mission Expenses

4. The ceilings have also made provision for mission expenses at individual Ministry
level in view of the decision to decentralise the budget for such expenses for
administrative convenience. Ministries should, therefore, include proposals for mission
expenses in their submissions.


5. Within each expenditure ceiling, Accounting Officers will have the flexibility to
allocate resources to different expenditure Sub-Heads and Items for the delivery of
services as per their priority. They may also reallocate resources from current
expenditure to capital expenditure especially for new projects, but not vice-versa.

6. Consideration may be given to new capital projects that are critical to unlocking
growth prospects provided that they are well-prepared and properly costed with realistic
implementation plan and clear monitorable results.
Human Resource Budgeting

7. Proposals for human resources will have to be consistent with the policy guidelines
set out in this Circular. In particular, they should integrate efficiency gains in public
service delivery and in project implementation arising from Government investment
in ICT.

Unfilled Funded Positions

8. The number of approved posts for each grade (funded positions) was published in
the Estimates 2015/16 and will be carried over in 2016/17, allowing for developments
occurred and forthcoming during the year. The provision to be included in your
submission should be based on the stage actually reached in the process of filling of
those posts and a realistic timeframe for completion of the recruitment exercise.

Unfunded Promotional Posts

9. MOFED will, in principle, have no financial objection for the filling of vacant
promotional posts provided that they meet the organisational requirements and are
translated into improvement in service delivery.

Unfunded Entry Grade Posts

10. Any request for funding of (i) consequential vacancies at entry grade arising as a
result of promotional exercises; (ii) additional posts; and (iii) new posts for entry grades
will have to be justified in terms of organisational requirements and improvement in
service delivery.

11. Ministries/Departments should submit key information relating to:

(i) the expected timing for filling of approved funded positions, unfunded
promotional posts and unfunded entry grade posts;
(ii) the annual financial implications for the above three categories
separately; and
(iii) the number of all personnel (permanent staff as well as contractual staff,
such as Advisers, staff under STM and YEP programmes, and casual
workers) providing a service to the Ministry/Department.

Capital Projects

12. The capital expenditure ceiling amount to be communicated to you will be only in
respect of projects to be financed from the Consolidated Fund.

13. This figure has been worked out on the basis of information provided to MOFED
by Ministries/Departments in the capital budget monitoring system relating to the current
status of capital project implementation, expected progress and payments up to
June 2017 as well as new commitments taken during the year.

14. This year, MOFED will put enhanced emphasis on an integrated approach towards
public infrastructure investment and management. In this context, you are requested to
submit proposals for capital projects as per the format at Annex V. As will be noted, you
should arrange for providing this Ministry with information on capital projects being
implemented and planned under the purview of your Ministry, including those being
implemented by parastatal bodies and SOEs, and irrespective of the source of financing
(Consolidated Fund, Build Mauritius Fund, own funds and Public Private Partnership).

15. In addition, for projects above Rs 100 million, Ministries should submit information
as per Annex VI for analysis and monitoring of progress.

16. Proposals for new capital projects should invariably be submitted as per the
Project Request Form (PRF) for examination and eventual approval.

17. You are reminded that all capital projects with a project value above Rs 25 million
should be submitted first to the Project Plan Committee (PPC) before they can be
considered for inclusion in the Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) and
eventually in the Budget, subject to financial constraints. As to projects with a value of
up to Rs 25 million, they can be submitted directly to MOFED.

18. The information requested about should be submitted to the PSIP Unit of MOFED
at [email protected].

Statutory Bodies

19. As in past years, Ministries should submit updated information on the financial
standing of any statutory body seeking funding from Government as per Annex VII. As
will be appreciated, such information will be essential for examination of any funding

Supplementary Appropriation for FY 2015/16

20. You may also wish to note that this Ministry is proposing to introduce a
Supplementary Appropriation Bill before the presentation of the next budget so as to
cover additional expenditure commitments taken in the course of the current fiscal year.

Strategic Note of Ministry/Department

21. In addition to the financial proposals, Ministries/Departments are requested to

submit a Strategic Note as per Annex II (c) to be included in the National Budget

22. This Strategic Note aims at giving the National Assembly and the public in general
an overview of what the Ministry/Department undertakes to achieve with the resources
that have been appropriated.

23. The Strategic Note should not exceed two pages and should consist of the
(a) Mission Statement;
(b) Strategic Direction 2016-2019;
(c) Main Achievements for FY 2015/16;
(d) Key Actions for FY 2016/17; and
(e) Human Resource Allocation.
24. The Strategic Direction of a Ministry should be consistent with Governments
objectives as set out in the Government Programme 2015-2019, the Budget 2015/16,
Economic Mission Statement (August 2015) and Vision 2030 (blueprint).

25. Main Achievements provide a summary of the main realisations of the Ministry
over the FY 2015/16.

26. The Key Actions should reflect main deliverables of the Ministry/Department, with
monitorable targets for FY 2016/2017. These should primarily focus on (a) services
having significant budgets or where there are significant increases in spending, (b) new
services, and (c) services subject to major improvement.

27. Ministries/Departments should submit for each new Key Action being proposed
appropriate information as per Annex VIII to enable in-year monitoring of progress.

Revenue Estimates

28. You are also requested to submit at the same time estimates in respect of taxes,
duties, fees, charges, sales and other revenue falling under your Ministry, wherever

29. In your submission, you should indicate clearly:-

(i) the basis of your computation and assumptions, indicating any change in
respective legislation that has impacted on the amount of revenue collected
during the current fiscal year and/or would affect revenue in the following
fiscal years;
(ii) the amount of revenue in arrears in respect of each revenue item; and
(iii) the amount to be collected through administrative efforts, such as better
enforcement, audit, investigations and debt recovery.

30. As regards fees and charges (Revenue Item Code 142), the guiding policy is to
ensure that the rupee value of the fees/charges is not eroded by inflation and is
adjusted so as to reflect cost of delivery for goods and services. Due care has to be
given on possible adverse impact on the ease of doing business.

31. All funds received as external grants to finance projects should be recorded under
Revenue Category 13 (Grant) with the corresponding provision on the expenditure side
in line with the principles of good public financial management. Details of such grants
should be submitted as per Annex IX.

Revenue Arrears

32. Ministries are requested to closely monitor parastatal bodies and SOEs under their
purview to ensure that they settle their debt obligations to Government, if any, to avoid
accumulation of arrears. Parent Ministries of parastatal bodies/SOEs which have
accumulated arrears should come up with appropriate policy measures to redress their
financial situation.
E-Budget System/ Submission of Budget Proposals

33. Ministries/Departments are requested to submit both their expenditure proposals

and revenue estimates by e-mail to the relevant responsible officer of the Sector
Ministry Support Team (SMST) of MOFED as indicated in Annex IV. A copy of the
expenditure proposals should also be sent to the Budget Expenditure Management
Cluster ([email protected]) and a copy of the revenue estimates to the Non-Tax
Revenue Cluster ([email protected]).

34. The budget preparation process has now been computerised with the introduction
of the e-Budget System in Central Government. Ministries/Departments have been
accordingly connected to the e-Budget Application. Finance Officers posted in
Ministries/Departments have also been trained to operate the system. You are,
therefore, requested to arrange for inputting your expenditure proposals and revenue
estimates in the E-Budget System which is now operational for this budgeting exercise.

35. Following receipt of your proposals, the relevant SMST and other officers of
MOFED will hold technical working sessions with your officers to prepare for the Budget
Estimates Committee meetings. These Estimates Committee meetings are expected to
be held in mid-April. You will be informed of the date, time and venue in due course.
Annex II(a)

Format for Expenditure Proposals


Rs 000
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Details Revised
Estimates Estimates Planned Planned
of which
Recurrent - - - - -
Capital - - - - -

Sub-Head XX-X1: XX1 - - - - -

Recurrent Expenditure - - - - -
Capital Expenditure - - - - -
Sub-Head XX-X2: XX2 - - - - -
Recurrent Expenditure - - - - -
Capital Expenditure - - - - -
TOTAL - - - - -

Sub-Head XX-X1: XX1

Rs 000
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Item No. Details Revised
Estimates Estimates Planned Planned
Recurrent Expenditure - - - - -
21 Compensation of Employees - - - - -
21110 Personal Emoluments In Post Funded - - - - -
.001 Basic Salary 2015 2016/17 - - - - -
Permanent Secretary
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Assistant Permanent Secretary


Total 0 0
Rs 000
2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Item No. Details Revised
Estimates Estimates Planned Planned
.002 Salary Compensation
.003 Extra Remuneration
.004 Allowances
21111 Other Staff Costs
.001 Wages
.002 Travelling and Transport
21210 Social Contributions
.001 Contribution to the National Savings Fund
22 Goods and Services - - - - -
22010 Cost of Utilities
.001 Electricity and Gas charges
.002 Telephone
22020 Fuel and Oil
.001 Vehicles
22030 Rent
.001 Rental of building
.002 Rental of parking slots
22040 Office Equipment and Furniture
.001 Office Equipment
.002 Office Furniture
25 Subsidies - - -
xxxxx .
26 Current Grants
xxxxx .
26313 Extra Budgetary Units #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
Capital Expenditure - - - - -
Project Value - - - - -
Rs 000
26 Grants
26323 Extra-Budgetary Units

28 Other Expense
28221 Transfers to Non-Profit
31 Acquisition Of Non-Financial
31112 Non-Residential Buildings
32 Acquisition Of Financial Assets

xxxxx .

TOTAL - - - - -
Sub-Head XX-X2: XX2
Rs 000
Item 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Details Revised
No. Estimates Estimates Planned Planned
Recurrent Expenditure - - - - -
21 Compensation of Employees - - - - -
21110 Personal Emoluments In Post Funded - - - - -
.001 Basic Salary 2015 2016/17 - - - - -
Permanent Secretary
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Assistant Permanent Secretary


Total 0 0
.002 Salary Compensation
.003 Extra Remuneration
21210 Social Contributions
.001 Contribution to the National
Savings Fund
22 Goods and Services - - - - -
22010 Cost of Utilities - - - - -
.001 Electricity and Gas Charges
.002 Telephone
22900 Other Goods and Services
.001 Uniforms
26 Grants
26210 Contribution to International Organisations
Capital Expenditure - - - - -
31 Acquisition of Non - Financial Project Value - - - - -
Assets Rs 000
31121 Transport Equipment - - - - -
.801 Acquisition of Vehicles
TOTAL - - - - -
Annex II(b)


Funded Positions Unfilled Funded

Positions Promotional Posts
In Post Posts at Entry Grade Funded Positions
(as at 29 February
No. of 2016)
No. of Officers
Establish "In No of Officers
Salary Adjusted Posts" as
Position Titles ed Posts No of Costing due for
Code Funded Funded No. of staff
(CEO at 29 No of Positions for staff retirement
2015) 2015/16 2015/16 February Positions already In Post by "In
31 March Costing Costing 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019
2016 (Col 5 - advertise Post"(by Number Number
2016 (Rs) (Rs)
Col 6) d as at 31 March
31.03.16 2016)

VOTE XX 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sub-Head XX -101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other persons employed

Total (Other Persons Employed) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sub-Head XX-102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other persons employed

Total (Other Persons Employed) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Annex II(c)

Format for Strategic Note of Ministry/Department

1. Mission Statement
A concise statement of Ministrys core purpose: what the Ministry/Department does, why
it does it and for whom.

May be extracted from Ministrys Strategic Plan.

2. Strategic Direction 2016-2019

To be aligned to Government Programme and Economic Mission Statement 2015 and
would normally cover period 2016 to 2018 (in bullet point form).

3. Main Achievements for FY 2015/16

- To focus on (a maximum of 5) impact achievement(s) rather than process achievement.

4. Key Actions for FY 2016/17

- Main Deliverables aligned to strategic direction with monitorable targets for FY 2016/17.
- Key results/performance indicators should focus on (a) services having significant
budgets or where there are significant increases in spending, (b) new services and (c)
services subject to major improvement. Focus should be on outputs instead of activities.

- To indicate baseline/actual for FY 2015/16 where applicable.

- A maximum of five key actions is recommended per Ministry.

5. Human Resource Allocation

- Number of funded positions for 2016/17 in Ministry/Department. In addition, to mention
number of staff in parastatals, where applicable.
Annex III(a)

MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT ............................
(Rs '000)
Item No./ Jan-Jun 2015 2015/16 Estimates
Main Assumptions
Sub-item Description Approved Jul-Feb Mar Apr May Jun Revised for
(Note 2)
(Note 1) Actual Estimates Actual Rev Est Rev Est Rev Est Rev Est Estimates 2016/17

Note (1): The 2015/16 Revised Estimates and Forecast for FY 2016/17 Officer-in-Charge of Finance Section: ........................
should be worked out in respect of the major revenue sub-items Signature: ..
used for monitoring purposes. Tel. No.: ..

Note (2): The assumptions used in arriving at your estimates should be

clearly stated and submitted in separate attachments, Supervising Officer of Ministry/Department
together with your workings. Signature:
Annex III(b)
REVENUE FOR FISCAL YEARS 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19

MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT .......................
(Rs '000)
Item No./
Sub-item 2015/16 Estimates Planned Administrative efforts
Arrears as at Feb Main assumptions
(Note 1) Description
Approved Revised 2016 Rev Est Estimates (Note 2)
Estimates Estimates 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
2015/16 2016/17

Note (1): Estimates of revenue for FY 2016/17 and forecasts of revenue for FY Officer-in-Charge of Finance Section: ..........................................................
2017/18 and 2018/19 should be worked out in respect of the major revenue Signature: ...
sub-items, based on existing policies. Tel. No.:

Note (2): The assumptions used in arriving at your estimates should be clearly stated Supervising Officer of Ministry/Department
and submitted in separate attachments, together with your workings. Signature:
Date: ..........................................................
Annex IV
Responsible Officer &
Sector Team member Tel. No. Email Address
Contact Details
Social Security, National Solidarity and Mrs R. Jheengut [A] 201 3950 [email protected]
Reform Institutions Ms R. Moosoohur (STM) 201 3980 [email protected]
Social Integration and Economic Mr S. Aukhjee [A] 201 1104 [email protected]
Tel: 201 3945
Empowerment Ms. A. Muslun [A] 201 3980 [email protected]
[email protected]
Mrs N. Ramasamy(FO) 201 1224 nnaidoo-ramasamy @govmu.org


Mrs K. Sew Hee [A] 201 1145 spiang-sang-sew-hee @govmu.org
Education and Human Resources
Ms S. Mamode Hosmun [A] 201 1158 [email protected]
Tertiary Education (Incl. Knowledge Hub) MR C. PADDIA (LA) Mrs K. Nunkoo-Puttur [A] 201 1761 [email protected]
Tel : 201 1153
Labour and Employment
[email protected]
Ms R. Docile [A] 201 2879 [email protected]
Skills Working Group Ms R. Purahoo [A] 201 3760 [email protected]
Mrs S. Rama-Subhoo [FO] 201 2822 [email protected]
Mr P. Benee [A] 201 1259 [email protected]
Housing and Lands (Incl. Social Housing)
MR L. GOORAH (LA) Mr S. Majie [A] 201 2502 [email protected]
Tel: 201 1343 Ms D. Heerah [A] 201 2752 dheerah @govmu.org
Health and Quality of Life [email protected] Mr M. A. Peters [A] 201 1259 [email protected]
Mr R. Dhoomun (AMFO) 201 3892 [email protected]
Mrs. P. Bhantooa [A] 201 3950 [email protected]
Youth and Sports
Dr D. PALIGADU Mrs F. Codabux (FO) 201 2594 [email protected]
Arts and Culture (Director) Mrs. P. Bhantooa [A] 201 3950 [email protected]
Tel: 201-3902
Gender Equality and Child Development [email protected] Mr J. Tangman [A] 201 3950 [email protected]
(Incl. Ombudsperson for Children Office)
Mrs N. Ramasamy(FO) 201 1224 nnaidoo-ramasamy @govmu.org

Environment, Sustainable Development, Mrs W. ELAHEE-DOOMUN (LA) Ms S. Ramprosand [A] 201 3375 [email protected]
Solid waste & Beach Management Tel: 201 2390
(Incl. National Disaster Management) welahee-doomun @govmu.org Mr D. Sockalingum (FO) 201 2896 [email protected]


Energy, Water, Waste Water and Mrs S. APPANAH (LA) Mr H.R Urdhin [A] 201 2328 [email protected]
Radiation Protection Services Tel: 201 3750 Mr S. Oozeer [A] 201 2328 [email protected]
Procurement Issues & PPP Issues [email protected] Mrs M. Moolye(FO) 201 2767 [email protected]

Mr A. Ramdhany [A] 201 1420 [email protected]
Public Infrastructure and Land Transport MR C. CHARITAR (LA) Mr S. Mohungroo [A] 211 8159 [email protected]
National Development Unit Tel: 201 1566 Ms R. Rumzan-Maudarbaccus [A]
201 2566 [email protected]
(Incl. Build Mauritius Fund) [email protected] Mr G. Buckhory (STM) 201 2222 [email protected]
Mr D. Sockalingum (FO) 201 2896 [email protected]
Responsible Officer &
Sector Team member Tel. No. Email Address
Contact Details
Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and
MRS V. PAREEATUMBEE Mr V. Bhurosah [SA] 201 1233 [email protected]
International Trade
Regional Economic Integration Ms L. Kalloo [A] 201 3988 [email protected]
Tel: 201 3541
Ms S. Gokhool [A] 201 3988 [email protected]
Tourism cpareatumbee Ms A. Velappa-Naiken [A] 201 3414 [email protected]
Ms S. Hingoo (FO) 201 3335 [email protected]
Technology, Communication and MRS S. RAMA (LA) Mrs R. Nohur [A] 201 2448 [email protected]
Innovation (Inc. E-Government) Tel: 201 1998
Public Service Reform [email protected] Mrs M. Moolye(FO) 201 2767 [email protected]
Mrs N. Teeluckdary [A] 201 1637 [email protected]
Ministry of Financial Services, Good (Assistant Director)
Governance and Institutional Reforms Tel: 201 1482
[email protected]
Ms M. Ramsamy [A] 201 3457 [email protected]


Industry, Commerce and Consumer
Mr T. Kathapermal [A] 201 1091 [email protected]
Protection Mr S. GOPALL (LA)
Tel: 201 1224 Mrs S. Bedacee [A] 201 3992 [email protected]
Business Enterprise and Co-operatives [email protected] Ms S. Mahamoodally [A] 201 1155 [email protected]
Ms S. Hingoo (FO) 201 3335 [email protected]
SME Development Tel: 201 2491 Mr T. Kathapermal [A] 201 1091 [email protected]
[email protected]
Mr S. Jeebodhun [A] 201 1452 [email protected]
Agro-Industry and Food Security
Mr S. Hurry (FO) 201 3262 [email protected]
Ocean Economy, Marine Resources and MR D. BUNDHOO (LA) Mr R. Etwaroo [A] 201 3262 [email protected]
Outer Islands Tel: 201 1592 Mrs A. Canagareddy (FO) 201 3875 [email protected]
[email protected]
Ms G.Nunkoo [A] 201 2335 [email protected]
Mr S. Hurry (FO) 201 3262 [email protected]
Rodrigues Regional Assembly Dr D. PALIGADU Mr R. Sultoo [A] 201 3733 [email protected]
Local Government (Director) Mrs A. Pyneeadee [A] 201 3998 [email protected]
Fire Services Tel: 201-3902 Mrs C. Liong Fah [A] 201 2492 [email protected]
[email protected] Mrs I.Mungur (FO) 201 3840 [email protected]
VOTE 1 ( Constitutional Bodies Excl.
Mr S. Rungassamy [A] 201 2335 [email protected]
Ombudsperson for Children)
Attorney-General's Office Mr.A. PONNUSAWMY
Prison Service (Assistant Director) Mrs M. Moolye(FO) 201 2767 mmoolye @govmu.org
Printing & Meteorological Services Tel: 201- 2385
Prime Minister's Office (Excl. Rodrigues & [email protected]
Mr N. Mutty [A] 201 1104 [email protected]
Police Service Mrs N. Beedassy(FO) 201 1452 nbeedassy @govmu.org
Civil Service and Administrative Affairs Mrs D. LAN HING PO (LA) Mr H.K. Bachoo [A] 201 2752 [email protected]
HR Budgeting Tel: 201 3014 Mr R. Jugroop [FO] 201 2041 [email protected]
E-Budgeting [email protected]
Note: LA - Lead Analyst; SA - Senior Analyst; A - Analyst / Senior Analyst; AMFO - Assistant Manager, Financial Operations;
FO - Financial Officer / Senior Financial Officer
Annex IV
Responsible Officer &
Sector Team member Tel. No. Email Address
Contact Details
Mr S. Mohajur (SA) 201 3723 [email protected]
Public Debt Management Mr K. GUPTAR
(Advisor) Mr M. Ramen [A] 201 2958 [email protected]
Tel: 201 1577 Mr K. Domah [A] 201 2955 [email protected]
Loans Administration [email protected]
Mrs T. Chinien [A] 201 2940 [email protected]
Appropriations & Supplementary
Mr J .Ramyed [A] 201 3728 [email protected]
Public Expenditure Monitoring & Mr A. ACHARUZ
(Director) Mr A. Dreepaul [A] 202 3728 [email protected]
Tel: 201 1308
Centrally Managed Expenditure Mrs L. Mohit-Hoober [A] 201 2606 [email protected]
[email protected]
Medium Term Expenditure Framework
Mr S. K. Fowdur [A] 202 2606 [email protected]
Mrs N. Aubdoolah-
Public Financial Management Legislations Mr A. ACHARUZ 201 3761 [email protected]
Suhootoorah [A]
Financial Management Manual Mr A. Mooteea [A] 201 1158 [email protected]
Tel: 201 1308
Performance Based Budgeting Framework [email protected] Ms A. Salih Ahmad (STM) 201 3761 [email protected]
& Indicators
Mr R. Hittoo [A] 201 3464 [email protected]
Medium Term Fiscal Framework (MTFF) Mr A. ACHARUZ Ms N. Hingah [A] 201 3464 [email protected]
Statistics & Economic Indicators (incl.GFS) (Director) flowtun-boolakee
Tel: 201 1308 MrsF.Lowtun-Boolakee[A] 201 2762
Public Sector Investment Programme [email protected] Mr R. Sultoo [A] 201 3733 [email protected]
Mr S. Oozeer [A] 201 2328 [email protected]
Income Taxation Mr J. SUHOOTOORAH (LA) Mr G. Sokeechand [A] 201 3734 [email protected]
Property Taxation Tel: 201 3517 Mr K. Suddason [A] 201 1996 [email protected]
[email protected]
Land Development Issues Ms S. Gowrydoss [A] 201 3517 [email protected]
Indirect Taxation (incl. Green taxation) Ms R. Goolamamode [A] 201 1257 [email protected]
Non Tax Revenues Tel: 201 1078 Ms N. Codadeen [A] 201 3462 [email protected]
[email protected]
Revenue Policy Mr S. Doorgaparsand [A] 201 1231 [email protected]

MR K. SEEBUNDHUN (LA) Mr V. Ramkelawon [A] 201 1616 [email protected]

Long Term Fiscal risks (incl. Pension
Issues & State-Owned Enterprises) Tel: 201 1818 Mr A. Rughoobur [A] 201 2767 [email protected]
[email protected]
Assets and Liabilities Mrs K.Vyapooree-Ponin[A] 201 2492 [email protected]
Responsible Officer &
Sector Team member Tel. No. Email Address
Contact Details

Economic Analysis & Research Mr R. KHUSHIRAM Ms P. Kutwoaroo [A] 201 3733 [email protected]
Tel: 201 1514
Macro-Modelling [email protected] Mr A. Yearoo [A] 201 2955 [email protected]


Budget Speech Implementation Mrs P. OOGARAH- Ms H. Choolhye [A] 201 2420 [email protected]
Monitoring of Non-Financial Indicators Tel: 201 3230 Ms T. Hurchun [A] 201 2956 [email protected]
(Key Actions) poogarah-
[email protected]
Innovative Infrastructure Financing Ms J. Oogur [A] 201 3375 [email protected]
Port & Airport Development & Freeport
Tel: 201 2491 Mrs S. Dilmamode [A] 201 1603 [email protected]
Issues [email protected]
Shipping and Bunkering

Investment Promotion & Facilitation Mr A. KOKIL Mr D. Trilok [SA] 211 5695 [email protected]
Doing Business Facilitation Tel: 201 2766 Mrs T. Nathoo [A] 201 3437 [email protected]
[email protected]

Africa Strategy Mr M. RAWOTEEA (LA) Mr N. Armoogum [A] 201 3590 [email protected]
Special Economic Zones Tel: 201 3900 Mr S. Damree [A] 201 1233 [email protected]
Bilateral Agreements (Incl. DTA, IPPA) [email protected]

Cooperation with Development Mr G. BUSSIER Mrs R. Ramsurn [A] 201 2485 [email protected]
Partners(Incl. ADB & WB) Director
Foreign Technical Assistance Tel: 201 2339 Mr R. Ramayad [A] 201 3840 [email protected]
Foreign Aid [email protected] Mrs H. Rojoa [A] 201 1156 [email protected]
Mr F. Appavou [A] 201 2749 [email protected]
Note: LA - Lead Analyst; SA - Senior Analyst; A - Analyst / Senior Analyst
Annex V
PSIP 2016 - 2021
Updated Financial Profiles of On-going Investment Projects
Rs Million

Financing Projections
Psip Code

Start/ Original Revised Cumulative Actual 2015/16 Actual Expenditure 2015/16

Description Agency Vote Finish Status Project Project Expenditure up to Expenditure (Jul-Jun) (Jul 2015 -Feb Revised
Date Value Value 31.12.2014 (Jan-Jun) 2015 Estimates 2016) Estimates
Local Foreign 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21

Consolidated Fund

Project 1
Project 2

Special Fund
Project 1
Project 2

Parastatal Bodies
Project 1
Project 2

Public Private
Project 1
Project 2

Annex VI

New Investment Projects: Project Profile Form

PROJECT Background and justification:
DESCRIPTION Objectives of the project:

Main scope of project:

Expected outcome:


CAPITAL COST Revised Estimates at
Initial Estimates: Rs.M Rs.M
(latest date):
Foreign component Foreign component
Local Component Local Component
FINANCING Total (Local &
Local sources Rs M Foreign sources Rs M
Grant from Government - Grant
Loan from Government - Loan
Own Funds
Equity from Government/Others
Loans from Financing Institutions
Others: Others:
(i) Redeemable Preference Shares (i) Redeemable Preference
(e.g) Shares (e.g)
(ii) (ii)
Total - Local - Total - Foreign - -
Feasibility Study Provide any relevant details on status
Tender (works)
PROJECT STATUS % works completed
Handing Over
Defects Liability
Challenges / Bottlenecks Nature of bottlenecks and appropriate actions being taken to
address those:
Cum. Expd Projections
Estimates Rev Est
COMPONENTS up to Jun Total
2015/16 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Services -
Services - Design
& Supervision
Machinery &
Furniture &
Annex VII

Public Sector Bodies: Financial Information

Public Body: .............
A: Income & Expenditure Information Rs Million

2014 2015 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Details Planned
Actual Actual Estimates Planned

Grant from Government
Own-Source Revenue
Revenue 1
Revenue 2

Other Income

Recurrent Expenditure
Capital Expenditure


B: Other Financial Information

Balance Balance Estimated

Details as at as at Balance as at
31 Dec 2014 31 Dec 2015 30 Jun 2016

Cash & Bank Balance
Fixed deposit
Treasury Bills
Bank Overdraft
Contingent Liabilities
Financial Litigation
Annex VIII

Key Action Specification Template

To be completed for each Key Action under Note of Ministry/Dept in Budget.

MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT Name of Ministry / Department to which the key action is associated

VOTE Vote (Sub head if applicable) to which the key action is associated

KEY ACTION Key action as stated under Ministry/Department Note

How the actual result is calculated (e.g., number, percentage,

timeframe (month), completion rate (%), etc.)

Precise definition of source of data used to assess the result (source

document, e.g., annual reports, monthly surveys, website etc.)

LAST KNOWN RESULT Latest performance achieved and year of achievement (baseline)

This template will be used :

(i) to clearly define the actions listed in the Ministry/Department Note,
(ii) to assist in monitoring progress in achievement of the actions, and
(iii) to report on performance of each Ministry/Department as per amended Finance and Audit Act.
Annex IX
Projects Financed by Grants
Rs Million
Delivery Unit / 2015
Code Source of Vote/ 2014 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Description of Project Implementing Jan-Jul
(if any) Grant Sub-Head
Actual Actual Estimates Revised Estimates Planned Planned

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