Ch13 Cyclones

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Copyright 2015 by Roland Stull.

Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Survey of Atmospheric Science

13 Extratropical cyclones

Contents A synoptic-scale weather system with low pres-

sure near the surface is called a cyclone (Fig.
Cyclone Characteristics 426 13.1). Horizontal winds turn cyclonically around
Cyclogenesis & Cyclolysis 426 it (clockwise/counterclockwise in the Southern/
Cyclone Evolution 427 Northern Hemisphere). Near the surface these
Cyclone Tracks 430 turning winds also spiral towards the low center.
Stacking & Tilting 432
Ascending air in the cyclone can create clouds and
Other Characteristics 433
Midlatitude Cyclone Evolution A Case Study 433
Tropical cyclones such as hurricanes are covered
Summary of 3 to 4 April 2014 Cyclone 433
INFO Isosurfaces & Their Utility 436
separately in a later chapter. Extratropical cy-
Height, Pressure, Thickness 436 clones (cyclones outside of the tropics) are covered
Potential Temperature, Potential Vorticity 437 here, and include transient mid-latitude cyclones
Surface Maps, Rules 437 and polar cyclones. Other names for extratropi-
Weather-map Discussion for this Case 442 cal cyclones are lows or low-pressure centers
Lee Cyclogenesis 443 (see Table 13-1). Low-altitude convergence draws
Stationary Rossby Waves 444 together airmasses to form fronts, along which the
Potential-vorticity Conservation 444 bad weather is often concentrated. These lows have
Lee-side Translation Equatorward 446 a short life cycle (a few days to a week) as they are
Spin-up of Cyclonic Rotation 446 blown from west to east and poleward by the polar
Vorticity Tendency Equation 447 jet stream.
Quasi-Geostrophic Approximation 449
Application to Idealized Weather Patterns 450
Ascent 451
Continuity Effects 452
Rossby Waves 453  TUSBUJGPSN
1 L1B

Jet Streaks 454 DMPVETIJFME
Omega Equation 456
Q-Vectors 460 
Tendency of Sea-level Pressure 463 LN

Mass Budget 463

Latent Heating 465

Net Pressure Tendency 466


Cyclone Self Development 468 



Condensation 468 Z TFDUPS

Temperature Advection 468


Propagation of Cyclones 469


Creation of Baroclinic Zones 469


Propagation of Cold Fronts 470

Review 471
Homework Exercises 473 Figure 13.1
Broaden Knowledge & Comprehension 473 Components of a typical extratropical cyclone in the N. Hemi-
Apply 474 sphere. Light grey shading shows clouds. Grey arrows are
Evaluate & Analyze 476 near-surface winds. Thin black lines are isobars (kPa). Thick
Synthesize 479 black lines are fronts. The double-shaft arrow shows movement
of the low center L .
Practical Meteorology: An Algebra-based Survey
of Atmospheric Science by Roland Stull is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCom-
mercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. View this license at . This work is
available at .

426 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Table 13-1. Cyclone names. Core is storm center.

T is relative temperature.
Cyclone Characteristics
Common Formal Other T of Map
Name in Name Common the Sym-
N. Amer. Names Core bol Cyclogenesis & Cyclolysis
mid-latitude Cyclones are born and intensify (cyclogenesis)
cyclone and later weaken and die (cyclolysis). During cy-
extra- low-pressure clogenesis the (1) vorticity (horizontal winds turn-
low tropical center cold L ing around the low center) and (2) updrafts (vertical
cyclone storm system* winds) increase while the (3) surface pressure de-
cyclone creases.
(in N. America) The intertwined processes that control these
typhoon three characteristics will be the focus of three major
tropical (in W. Pacific) sections in this chapter. In a nutshell, updrafts over
hurricane warm
cyclone cyclone a synoptic-scale region remove air from near the
(in Australia) surface, causing the air pressure to decrease. The
pressure gradient between this low-pressure cen-
(* Often used by TV meteorologists.)
ter and the surroundings drives horizontal winds,
which are forced to turn because of Coriolis force.
Frictional drag near the ground causes these winds
to spiral in towards the low center, adding more air
molecules horizontally to compensate for those be-
ing removed vertically. If the updraft weakens, the
inward spiral of air molecules fills the low to make
it less low (cyclolysis).
INFO Southern Hemisphere Lows
Cyclogenesis is enhanced at locations where one
Some aspects of mid-latitude cyclones in the or more of the following conditions occur:
Southern Hemisphere are similar to those of N.
Hemisphere cyclones. They have low pressure at the (1) east of mountain ranges, where terrain slopes
surface, rotate cyclonically, form east of upper-level downhill under the jet stream.
troughs, propagate from west to east and poleward,
(2) east of deep troughs (and west of strong ridges) in
and have similar stages of their evolution. They often
have fronts and bad weather.
the polar jet stream, where horizontal divergence
Different are the following: warm tropical air is of winds drives mid-tropospheric updrafts.
to the north and cold polar air to the south, and the (3) at frontal zones or other baroclinic regions where
cyclonic rotation is clockwise due to the opposite horizontal temperature gradients are large.
Coriolis force. The figure below shows an idealized (4) at locations that dont suppress vertical motions,
extra-tropical cyclone in the S. Hemisphere. such as where static stability is weak.
(5) where cold air moves over warm, wet surfaces
such as the Gulf Stream, such that strong evapo-
 ration adds water vapor to the air and strong sur-

face heating destabilizes the atmosphere.


(6) at locations further from the equator, where


TDBMF XBSNBJS Coriolis force is greater.




If cyclogenesis is rapid enough (central pressures


-  dropping 2.4 kPa or more over a 24-hour period),
 the process is called explosive cyclogenesis (also
Z nicknamed a cyclone bomb). This can occur when
 multiple conditions listed above are occurring at
Y TUSBUJGPSN the same location (such as when a front stalls over
1 L1B
 DMPVETIJFME the Gulf Stream, with a strong amplitude Rossby-
wave trough to the west). During winter, such cy-
Figure a. clone bombs can cause intense cyclones just off the
Sketch of mid-latitude cyclone in the Southern Hemi- east coast of the USA with storm-force winds, high
sphere. waves, and blizzards or freezing rain.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 427

Cyclone Evolution
Although cyclones have their own synoptic-scale
winds circulating around the low-pressure center,
this whole system is blown toward the east by even DPPMBJS 5$   B
larger-scale winds in the general circulation such as

the jet stream. As a study aid, we will first move 


with the cyclone center as it evolves through its 1-

day to 2-week life cycle of cyclogenesis and cycloly-


sis. Later, we will see where these low centers form 

and move due to the general circulation.
One condition that favors cyclogenesis is a 

baroclinic zone a long, narrow region of large
temperature change across a short horizontal distance

near the surface. Frontal zones such as stationary 

fronts (Fig. 13.2a) are regions of strong baroclinicity.


Above (near the tropopause) and parallel to this

baroclinic zone is often a strong jet stream (Fig. 13.2b), 
driven by the thermal-wind effect (see the chapters XBSN

on General Circulation, and Fronts & Airmasses). If    BJS Y
conditions are right (as discussed later in this chap-
ter), the jet stream can remove air molecules from
a column of air above the front, at location D in
Fig. 13.2b. This lowers the surface pressure under C
location D, causing cyclogenesis at the surface.

Namely, under location D is where you would ex-


pect a surface low-pressure center to form.

The resulting pressure gradient around the sur-

face low starts to generate lower-tropospheric winds
that circulate around the low (Fig. 13.3a, again near

the Earths surface). This is the spin-up stage so

named because vorticity is increasing as the cyclone %

intensifies. The winds begin to advect the warm
air poleward on the east side of the low and cold
air equatorward on the west side, causing a kink in
the former stationary front near the low center. The BN

kinked front is wave shaped, and is called a frontal UTU
wave. Parts of the old front advance as a warm front,
and other parts advance as a cold front. Also, these Y 
winds begin to force some of the warmer air up over
the colder air, thereby generating more clouds.
If jet-stream conditions continue to be favorable,
then the low continues to intensify and mature (Fig. Figure 13.2
13.3b). As this cyclogenesis continues, the central Initial conditions favoring cyclogenesis in N. Hemisphere.
pressure drops (namely, the cyclone deepens), and (a) Surface weather map. Solid thin black lines are isobars.
winds and clouds increase as a vortex around the Dashed grey lines are isotherms. The thick black lines mark
the leading and trailing edges of the frontal zone. Grey shading
low center. Precipitation begins if sufficient mois-
indicates clouds. Fig. 13.3 shows subsequent evolution. (b) Up-
ture is present in the regions where air is rising. per-air map over the same frontal zone, where the dashed black
The advancing cold front often moves faster than arrow indicates the jet stream near the tropopause (z 11 km).
the warm front. Three reasons for this are: (1) The The grey lines are a copy of the surface isobars and frontal zone
Sawyer-Eliassen circulation tends to push near-sur- from (a) to help you picture the 3-D nature of this system.
face cold air toward warmer air at both fronts. (2)
Circulation around the vortex tends to deform the
frontal boundaries and shrink the warm-air region
to a smaller wedge shape east and equatorward of
the low center. This wedge of warm air is called the
warm-air sector (Fig. 13.1). (3) Evaporating precipi-
428 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

B  E






























Figure 13.3
Extratropical cyclone evolution in the N. Hemisphere, including cyclogenesis (a - c), and cyclolysis (d - f). These idealized surface
weather maps move with the low center. Grey shading indicates clouds, solid black lines are isobars (kPa), thin arrows are near-surface
winds, L is at the low center, and medium grey lines in (a) bound the original frontal zone. Fig. 13.2a shows the initial conditions.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 429

tation cools both fronts (enhancing the cold front but

diminishing the warm front). These combined ef-
fects amplify the frontal wave. -
At the peak of cyclone intensity (lowest central
pressure and strongest surrounding winds) the cold
front often catches up to the warm front near the low
center (Fig. 13.3c). As more of the cold front over-
takes the warm front, an occluded front forms near
the low center (Fig. 13.3d). The cool air is often drier, -
and is visible in satellite images as a dry tongue of
relatively cloud-free air that begins to wrap around -
the low. This marks the beginning of the cyclolysis
stage. During this stage, the low is said to occlude
as the occluded front wraps around the low center. -
As the cyclone occludes further, the low center
becomes surrounded by cool air (Fig. 13.3e). Clouds
during this stage spiral around the center of the low
a signature that is easily seen in satellite images.
But the jet stream, still driven by the thermal wind
effect, moves east of the low center to remain over -
the strongest baroclinic zone (over the warm and
cold fronts, which are becoming more stationary). -
Without support from the jet stream to continue
removing air molecules from the low center, the low
begins to fill with air due to convergence of air in the -
boundary layer. The central pressure starts to rise
and the winds slow as the vorticity spins down.
As cyclolysis continues, the low center often con- -
tinues to slowly move further poleward away from
the baroclinic zone (Fig. 13.3f). The central pressure -
continues to rise and winds weaken. The tightly
wound spiral of clouds begins to dissipate into scat- -
tered clouds, and precipitation diminishes.
But meanwhile, along the stationary front to the
east, a new cyclone might form if the jet stream is
favorable (not shown in the figures). -
In this way, cyclones are born, evolve, and die.
While they exist, they are driven by the baroclinic-
ity in the air (through the action of the jet stream). -
But their circulation helps to reduce the baroclinic-
ity by moving cold air equatorward, warm air pole-
ward, and mixing the two airmasses together. As -
described by Le Chateliers Principle, the cyclone
forms as a response to the baroclinic instability, and -
its existence partially undoes this instability. Name- (c)
ly, cyclones help the global circulation to redistrib-
ute heat between equator and poles. -
Figures 13.3 are in a moving frame of reference
following the low center. In those figures, it is not -
obvious that the warm front is advancing. To get a
better idea about how the low moves while it evolves Y
over a 3 to 5 day period, Figs. 13.4 show a superpo-
sition of all the cyclone locations relative to a fixed
frame of reference. In these idealized figures, you Figure 13.4
can more easily see the progression of the low cen- Illustration of movement of a low while it evolves. Fronts and
ter, the advancement of the warm fronts and the ad- low centers are from Figs. 13.3. Every second cyclone location
vancement of cold air behind the cold fronts. is highlighted in a through c.
430 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Cyclone Tracks
Extratropical cyclones are steered by the global
circulation, including the prevailing westerlies at
mid-latitudes and the meandering Rossby-wave pat-
tern in the jet stream. Typical storm tracks (cyclone
paths) of low centers are shown in Fig. 13.5. Multi-
year climate variations (see the Climate chapter) in
Figure 13.5 (below)
Climatology of extratropical cyclone tracks (lines with arrows)
the global circulation, such as associated with the El
for (a) January and (b) July. Other symbols represent genesis Nio / La Nia cycle or the North Atlantic Oscilla-
and decay regions, as explained in the text. Circled symbols tion (NAO), can alter the cyclone tracks. Mid-lati-
indicate stationary cyclones. tude cyclones are generally stronger, translate faster,

/ B

( ( N
/" B
/ N X X -B
/"0 X

4 5- X 5-
N 5-

4 (
( LX ( LX LX ( LX (
( LX (
4 LX

8 8 8 8  & & & &

/ C

/ N
/ 5-
X 5-
/ 5- 5-

5- N
4 N
4 (
( LX ( LX LX ( LX (
( LX (
4 LX

8 8 8 8  & & & &

R. Stull Practical Meteorology 431

and are further equatorward during winter than in

INFO North American Geography
One favored cyclogenesis region is just east of To help you interpret the weather maps, the map
large mountain ranges (shown by the m sym- and tables give state and province names.
bol in Fig. 13.5; see Lee Cyclogenesis later in this ", 

chapter). Other cyclogenesis regions are over warm




ocean boundary currents along the western edge -BCSBEPS

of oceans (shown by the symbol w in the figure), "MBTLB /5

such as the Gulf Stream current off the east coast )VETPO

#BZ /-
of N. America, and the Kuroshio Current off the /-

east coast of Japan. During winter over such cur- #$


4, .# 1&2$
rents are strong sensible and latent heat fluxes from

0/ /#

the warm ocean into the air, which adds energy to 8" .&

developing cyclones. Also, the strong wintertime 03 .5 /% ./ FB
U- 75 /) ." /


contrast between the cold continent and the warm /:

*% T 3*
4% 8*

8: .* $5
ocean current causes an intense baroclinic zone that 1" /+

/7 *" .JEXFTU 0) %&
drives a strong jet stream above it due to thermal-

$" 65 *- */ 87 7" .%

wind effects. ,4 .0 ,: %$
64" /$
Cyclones are often strengthened in regions un- 5/

"; 0, "3 4$ 

der the jet stream just east of troughs. In such re- .4 "- ("
gions, the jet stream steers the low center toward the 59
east and poleward. Hence, cyclone tracks are often '- #BIBNBT
toward the northeast in the N. Hemisphere, and to- .FYJDP (VMGPG
ward the southeast in the S. Hemisphere. .FYJDP


Cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere typically 

evolve during a 2 to 7 day period, with most lasting Figure b.

3 - 5 days. They travel at typical speeds of 12 to 15 Canadian Postal Abbreviations for Provinces:
m s1 (43 to 54 km h1), which means they can move AB Alberta NT Northwest
about 5000 km during their life. Namely, they can BC British Columbia Territories
travel the distance of the continental USA from coast MB Manitoba NU Nunavut
to coast or border to border during their lifetime. NB New Brunswick ON Ontario
Since the Pacific is a larger ocean, cyclones that form NL Newfoundland & PE Prince Edward Isl.
off of Japan often die in the Gulf of Alaska just west Labrador QC Quebec
of British Columbia (BC), Canada a cyclolysis re- NS Nova Scotia SK Saskatchewan
YT Yukon
gion known as a cyclone graveyard (G).
Quasi-stationary lows are indicated with circles
USA Postal Abbreviations for States:
in Fig. 13.5. Some of these form over hot continents in
summer as a monsoon circulation. These are called AK Alaska MD Maryland OK Oklahoma
thermal lows (TL), as was explained in the Gener- AL Alabama ME Maine OR Oregon
AR Arkansas MI Michigan PA Pennsyl-
al Circulation chapter in the section on Hydrostatic
AZ Arizona MN Minnesota vania
Thermal Circulations. Others form as quasi-station-
CA California MO Missouri RI Rhode Isl.
ary lee troughs just east of mountain (m) ranges. CO Colorado MS Mississippi SC South
In the Southern Hemisphere (Fig. 13.5), cyclones CT Connect- MT Montana Carolina
are more uniformly distributed in longitude and icut NC North SD South
throughout the year, compared to the N. Hemi- DE Delaware Carolina Dakota
sphere. One reason is the smaller area of continents FL Florida ND North TN Tennessee
in Southern-Hemisphere mid-latitudes and subpo- GA Georgia Dakota TX Texas
lar regions. Many propagating cyclones form just HI Hawaii NE Nebraska UT Utah
north of 50S latitude, and die just south. The region IA Iowa NH New VA Virginia
with greatest cyclone activity (cyclogenesis, tracks, ID Idaho Hampshire VT Vermont
IL Illinois NJ New WA Washing-
cyclolysis) is a band centered near 60S.
IN Indiana Jersey ton
These Southern Hemisphere cyclones last an
KS Kansas NM New WI Wisconsin
average of 3 to 5 days, and translate with average KY Kentucky Mexico WV West
speeds faster than 10 m s1 (= 36 km h1) toward the LA Louisiana NV Nevada Virginia
east-south-east. A band with average translation MA Massa- NY New York WY Wyoming
speeds faster than 15 m s1 (= 54 km h1; or > 10 chusetts OH Ohio DC Wash. DC
432 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

longitude day1) extends from south of southwest-

ern Africa eastward to south of western Australia.
The average track length is 2100 km. The normal
cyclone graveyard (G, cyclolysis region) in the S.
Hemisphere is in the circumpolar trough (be-
tween 65S and the Antarctic coastline).
Seven stationary centers of enhanced cyclone
activity occur around the coast of Antarctica, dur-
ing both winter and summer. Some of these are
believed to be a result of fast katabatic (cold
downslope) winds flowing off the steep Antarctic
terrain (see the Fronts & Airmasses chapter). When
CPVOEBSZ these very cold winds reach the relatively warm un-
)JHI MBZFSGMPX -PX frozen ocean, strong heat fluxes from the ocean into
1SFTTVSF 1SFTTVSF the air contribute energy into developing cyclones.
Also the downslope winds can be channeled by the
Figure 13.6
terrain to cause cyclonic rotation. But some of the
Two tanks filled with water to different heights are an analogy to
neighboring high and low pressure systems in the atmosphere. seven stationary centers might not be real some
might be caused by improper reduction of surface
pressure to sea-level pressure. These seven centers
are labeled with kw, indicating a combination of
katabatic winds and relatively warm sea surface.

USPVHIBYJTPG Stacking & Tilting




Lows at the bottom of the troposphere always



tend to kill themselves. The culprit is the boundary


layer, where turbulent drag causes air to cross iso-



bars at a small angle from high toward low pressure.



 By definition, a low has lower central pressure than
IFJH the surroundings, because fewer air molecules are

in the column above the low. Thus, boundary-layer

 XBSN flow will always move air molecules toward surface
 BJS lows (Fig. 13.6). As a low fills with air, its pressure
rises and it stops being a low. Such filling is quick
1L1B enough to eliminate a low in less than a day, unless a
FM compensating process can remove air more quickly.
JTPCB TF BMFW Such a compensating process often occurs if the
axis of low pressure tilts westward with increasing
height (Fig. 13.7). Recall from the gradient-wind
discussion in the Atmospheric Forces and Winds
chapter that the jet stream is slower around troughs
than ridges. This change of wind speed causes di-
vergence aloft; namely, air is leaving faster than it is
7FSUJDBMDSPTTTFDUJPO 1L1B arriving. Thus, with the upper-level trough shifted
west of the surface low (L), the divergence region (D)
[ USPQPQBVTF is directly above the surface low, supporting cyclo-
genesis. Details are explained later in this Chapter.
But for now, you should recognize that a westward
tilt of the low-pressure location with increasing
[J height often accompanies cyclogenesis.
Conversely, when the trough aloft is stacked
XFTU FBTU vertically above the surface low, then the jet stream

Figure 13.7
(a) Two N. Hemisphere weather maps superimposed: (thin black lines) sea-level pressure, and (grey lines) 30 kPa heights. Jet-stream
winds (thick grey arrows) follow the height contours (b) East-west vertical cross section through middle of (a). Heavy dashed line is
trough axis. L indicates low center at surface, and D indicates divergence aloft. (Pressure and height variations are exaggerated.)
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 433

is not pumping air out of the low, and the low fills
due to the unrelenting boundary-layer flow. Thus,
vertical stacking is associated with cyclolysis.
Other Characteristics XBSN
Low centers often move parallel to the direction
of the isobars in the warm sector (Fig. 13.1). So even EFTDFOEJOH 
without data on upper-air steering-level winds, you DPPM ESZ -
can use a surface weather map to anticipate cyclone
Movement of air around a cyclone is three-di- 
mensional, and is difficult to show on two-dimen- B UJPO
sional weather maps. Fig. 13.8 shows the main GPS
streams of air in one type of cyclone, corresponding E CFMU
to the snapshot of Fig. 13.3b. Sometimes air in the
warm-air conveyor belt is moving so fast that it Y
is called a low-altitude pre-frontal jet. When this Figure 13.8
humid stream of air is forced to rise over the cool- Ascending and descending air in a cyclone. Thin black lines
er air at the warm front (or over a mountain) it can with numbers are isobars (kPa). Thick black lines are fronts.
dump heavy precipitation and cause flooding.
Behind the cold front, cold air often descends
from the mid- or upper-troposphere, and sometimes
comes all the way from the lower stratosphere. This
dry air deforms (changes shape) into a diffluent
(horizontally spreading) flow near the cold front.
To show the widespread impact of a Spring mid-
latitude cyclone, a case-study is introduced next.

Midlatitude Cyclone Evolution

A Case Study

Summary of 3 to 4 April 2014 Cyclone

An upper-level trough (Fig. 13.10a) near the USA
Rocky Mountains at 00 UTC on 3 April 2014 propa-
gates eastward, reaching the midwest and Missis-
sippi Valley a day and a half later, at 12 UTC on 4
April 2014. A surface low-pressure center forms east
of the trough axis (Fig. 13.10b), and strengthens as
the low moves first eastward, then north-eastward.
Extending south of this low is a dry line that
evolves into a cold front (Figs. 13.10b & 13.11), which
sweeps into the Mississippi Valley. Ahead of the
front is a squall line of severe thunderstorms (Figs.
13.11 & 13.12). Local time there is Central Daylight
Time (CDT), which is 6 hours earlier than UTC.
During the 24 hours starting at 6 AM CDT (12
UTC) on 3 April 2014 there were a total of 392 storm
reports recorded by the US Storm Prediction Center
(Fig. 13.9). This included 17 tornado reports, 186 hail
reports (of which 23 reported large hailstones great- Figure 13.9
er than 5 cm diameter), 189 wind reports (of which 2 Storm reports (dots) during 06 CDT 3 Apr to 06 CDT 4 Apr
had speeds greater than 33 m/s). Next, we focus on 2014 [where 06 Central Daylight Time (CDT) = 12 UTC].
the 12 UTC 4 April 2014 weather (Figs. 13.13 - 13.19). Legend: Red = tornado, green = hail, blue = wind reports.
434 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

(1) 50 kPa Heights (m). Valid 00 UTC 3 Apr 2014 (2) 50 kPa Heights (m). Valid 12 UTC 4 Apr 2014

Figure 13.10a
Evolution of geopotential height contours (m) of the 50 kPa isobaric surface (known as 50 kPa heights) during a day and a half for the
case-study cyclone. Height contour interval is 60 m. X marks the surface-low location at the valid times of the two different maps.
The thick dashed line shows the axis of the low-pressure trough (i.e., the trough axis).


(1) Sea-level Pressure (kPa). Valid 00 UTC 3 Apr 2014 (2) Sea-level Pressure (kPa). Valid 12 UTC 3 Apr 2014


(3) Sea-level Pressure (kPa). Valid 00 UTC 4 Apr 2014 (4) Sea-level Pressure (kPa). Valid 12 UTC 4 Apr 2014

Figure 13.10b
Evolution of mean-sea-level (MSL) pressure (kPa) and surface fronts every 12 hours during a day and a half, from 00 UTC 3 April to
12 UTC 4 April 2014. Isobar contour interval is 0.4 kPa. L marks the location of the surface low-pressure center of the case-study
cyclone. The central pressure of the low every 12 hours in this sequence was: 99.4, 99.9, 100.0, and 99.7 kPa. Image (1) also shows a
dry line in Texas, and image (4) shows a squall line (of thunderstorms) in the southeast USA ahead of the cold front.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 435

Figure 13.11
Surface weather map,
valid 6 AM CDT
(12 UTC) on 4 April
2014. A higher reso-
lution surface weather
map for the same time
is on the last page of
this chapter as Fig.

Figure 13.12.
Radar reflectivity, valid at
roughly 6 AM CDT (12
UTC) on 4 April 2014.
Left: Overview map from
the US Univ. Corp. for
Atmos. Research (UCAR),
based on US government
radar data. Right: Com-
posite of zoomed maps
from the US Storm Pre-
diction Center.
436 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

INFO Isosurfaces & Their Utility INFO Isosurfaces (continuation)

Lows and other synoptic features have five-di- Pressure

mensions (3-D spatial structure + 1-D time evolution Recall that pressure decreases monotonically with
+ 1-D multiple variables). To accurately analyze and increasing altitude. Thus, lower pressures correspond
forecast the weather, you should try to form in your to higher heights.
mind a multi-dimensional picture of the weather. For any one pressure, such as 70 kPa (which is
Although some computer-graphics packages can about 3 km above sea level on average), that pressure
display 5-dimensional data, most of the time you are is closer to the ground (i.e., less than 3 km) in some lo-
stuck with flat 2-D weather maps or graphs. cations and is further from the ground in other loca-
By viewing multiple 2-D slices of the atmosphere tions, as was discussed in the Forces and Winds chap-
as drawn on weather maps (Fig. c), you can picture the ter. If you conceptually draw a surface that passes
5-D structure. Examples of such 2-D maps include: through all the points that have pressure 70 kPa, then
uniform height maps that isobaric surface looks like rolling terrain with
isobaric (uniform pressure) maps peaks, valleys (troughs), and ridges.
isentropic (uniform potential temperature) maps Like a topographic map, you could draw contour
thickness maps lines connecting points of the same height. This is
vertical cross-section maps called a 70 kPa height chart. Low heights on an
time-height maps isobaric surface correspond to low pressure on a uni-
time-variable maps (meteograms) form-height surface.
Computer animations of maps can show time evolu- Back to the analogy of hilly terrain, suppose you
tions. In Chapter 1 is a table of other iso-surfaces. went hiking with a thermometer and measured the
air temperature at eye level at many locations within
a hilly region. You could write those temperatures
L1B)FJHIUT on a map and then draw isotherms connecting points
of the same temperature. But you would realize that
L1B)FJHIUT these temperatures on your map correspond to the
hilly terrain that had ridges and valleys.
.4-1SFTTVSF You can do the same with isobaric charts; namely,
'SPOUT CPUUPN [ you can plot the temperatures that are found at dif-

- Z ferent locations on the undulating isobaric surface.

Y If you did this for the 70 kPa isobaric surface, you
would have a 70 kPa isotherm chart. You can plot
any variable on any isobaric surface, such as 90 kPa
isohumes, 50 kPa vorticity, 30 kPa isotachs, etc.
You can even plot multiple weather variables on
L1B)FJHIUT L1B)FJHIUT .4-1SFTTVSF any single isobaric map, such as 30 kPa heights and

isotachs or 50 kPa heights and vorticity (Fig. c).

The first chart tells you information about jet-stream
speed and direction, and the second chart can be used
to estimate cyclogenesis processes.

Figure c Thickness
A set of weather maps for different altitudes helps you gain Now picture two different isobaric surfaces over
a 3-D perspective of the weather. MSL = mean sea level. the same region, such as sketched a the top of Fig. c.
An example is 100 kPa heights and 50 kPa heights.
At each location on the map, you could measure the
height difference between these two pressure surfac-
Height es, which tells you the thickness of air in that layer.
Mean-sea-level (MSL) maps represent a uniform
After drawing isopleths connecting points of equal
height of z = 0 relative to the ocean surface. For most
thickness, the resulting contour map is known as a
land areas that are above sea level, these maps are cre-
100 to 50 kPa thickness map.
ated by extrapolating atmospheric conditions below
You learned in the General Circulation chapter
ground. (A few land-surface locations are below sea
that the thermal-wind vectors are parallel to thick-
level, such as Death Valley and the Salton Sea USA, or
ness contours, and that these vectors indicate shear in
the Dead Sea in Israel and Jordan).
the geostrophic wind. That chapter also showed that
Meteorologists commonly plot air pressure (re-
the 100-50 kPa thickness is proportional to average
duced to sea level) and fronts on this uniform-height
temperature in the bottom half of the troposphere.
surface. These are called MSL pressure maps.
(continues on next page)
(continues in next column)
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 437

INFO Isosurfaces (continued) INFO Isosurfaces (continued)

shown in the bottom of Fig. d. This bottom diagram
Potential Temperature is the isentropic chart that would be presented as a
On average, potential temperature increases to- weather map.
ward the equator and with increasing height. Day- For adiabatic processes, unsaturated air par-
to-day variability is superimposed on that average. cels that are blown by the wind tend to follow the
Over any region for any valid time you can create a isentropic surface that corresponds to the parcels po-
surface called an isentropic surface that follows any tential temperature. The reason is that if the parcel
desired potential temperature, such as the = 310 K were to stray off of that surface, then buoyant forces
isentropic surface shaded in blue in Fig. d. below. would move it back to that surface.
As was done for isobaric surfaces, you can also For example, if an air parcel has = 310 K and is
plot contours of the height of that surface above mean located near the tail of the arrow in the bottom of Fig.
sea level (e.g., 310 K heights). Or you can plot oth- d, then as the parcel moves with the wind it will the
er weather variables on that surface, such as 310 K 310 K isentropic surface. In this illustration, the par-
isohumes. cel descends (and its temperature would warm adia-
If you were to look straight down from above the batically while its is constant). Because of adiabatic
top diagram in Fig. d, you would see a view such as warming and cooling, winds descending along an
isentrope will warm and be cloud free, while winds
rising along isentropes will cool and become cloudy.
[ ,R Turbulence, condensation and radiation are not
TF adiabatic (i.e., are diabatic), and cause the parcels
 to change. This would cause the parcel to shift to
a different isentropic surface (one that matches the
 parcels new ).




Potential Vorticity (PVU)




 Recall the definition of isentropic potential




 vorticity from the General Circulation chapter. That


XFTU chapter also defined potential vorticity units (PVU) for



this variable. PVUs are very large in the stratosphere,

and small in the troposphere, with the tropopause of-
ten at about 1.5 PVU.
Thus, contour plots of the height of the 1.5 PVU
surface approximate the altitude of the tropopause at
,)FJHIUT different locations. The tropopause could be relative-
ly low (at z 6 km MSL, at P 35 kPa) near the poles,

and relatively high near the equator (z 15 - 18 km

MSL, and P 10 kPa). This contour plot can indicate


features such as tropopause folds where stratospheric

air can be injected into the troposphere.





The surface weather map shows weather

OPSUI at the elevation of the Earths surface. Namely, it fol-



lows the terrain up and down, and is not necessarily

at mean sea level.



Figure d It is impossible to have two different pressures,
Lines of uniform potential temperature (thin black lines) or two different potential temperatures, at the same
are sketched in the background of the 3-D diagram at top. point in space at any instant. For this reason, isobaric
Each line has a corresponding isentropic surface that goes surfaces cannot cross other isobaric surfaces (e.g., the
through it, such as sketched for = 310 K in both figures 70 kPa and 60 kPa isobaric surfaces cannot intersect).
(shaded in blue). The heights (z) of this surface above MSL Similar rules apply for isentropic surfaces. But iso-
are plotted as contour lines in the isentropic chart at bot- baric surfaces can cross isentropes, and they both can
tom. The thick grey arrow represents a hypothetical wind intersect the ground surface.
(continues in next column)
438 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones


20 kPa Heights (m). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 20 kPa Wind Vectors. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


50 kPa Heights (m). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 50 kPa Wind Vectors. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


85 kPa Heights (m). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 85 kPa Wind Vectors. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


100 kPa Heights (m). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 10 m Wind Vectors. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
Figure 13.13. Geopotential heights (left column) and wind vectors (right). Maps higher on the page are for higher in the atmos.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 439


20 kPa Temperature (C). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 20 kPa Isotachs (m s1). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


50 kPa Temperature (C). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 50 kPa Abs.Vorticity (10 5 s1). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


85 kPa Temperature (C). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 85 kPa Abs. Vorticity (10 5 s1). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


2 m Equiv.. Pot. Temperature (K) at 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 2 m Mixing Ratio (g kg1). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
Figure 13.14. Temperature (left column) and other variables (right). L and X indicate location of the surface low center.
440 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones


20 kPa Streamlines. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 20 kPa Divergence (10 5 s1). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


70 kPa Heights (m). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 70 kPa Temperature (C). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014


Precipitable water (mm). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 MSL P (kPa), 85 kPa T (C) & 1 h Precip.(in) at 13 UTC, 4 Apr 2014

Figure 13.15. Maps higher on the page are for higher in the atmosphere. L and X indicate location of surface low-pressure cen-

Figure 13.16.
Thickness (m) between the
100 kPa and 50 kPa isobaric
100 - 50 kPa Thickness. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 441

[ LN









Fig. 13.17
Tropopause pressure (hPa), valid 4 Apr 2014 from NCEP opera-
tional analysis. X indicates surface-low location. Thanks to
NOAA Earth System Research Lab. [ 100 hPa = 10 kPa. ]
Fig. 13.18 (below)
Hemispheric plot of 20 kPa height contours (unit interpretation:
1220 = 12.2 km), valid 4 Apr 2014 from NCEP operational A
analysis. The North Pole is at the center of the map. Thanks to
NOAA Earth System
Research Lab.

25 kPa Isentropic. Pot. Vorticity. 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014

Fig. 13.19 (above)
(a) Vertical cross section through the atmo-
sphere, along the dashed diagonal line shown
in (b). Black lines are isentropes (lines of
constant potential temperature ). Red line
indicates the tropopause, separating the tro-
posphere from the stratosphere. An Upper
Tropospheric (U.T.) Front corresponds to a
tropopause fold, where stratospheric air is
closer to the ground. Below the U.T. Front
is a surface-based Cold Front, where the cold
air to the left of the dark-blue line is advanc-
ing from left to right.

(b) Isopleths are of isentropic potential

vorticity in potential vorticity units (PVU).
These are plotted on the 25 kPa isobaric sur-
face. Values greater than 1.5 PVU usually
X are associated with stratospheric air. The di-
agonal straight dotted line shows the cross
section location plotted in (a). The bulls
eye just west of the surface low X indi-
cates a tropopause fold, where stratospheric
air descends closer to the ground. Surface
fronts are also drawn on this map.
442 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Weather-map Discussion for this Case kPa Absolute Vorticity chart shows a bulls-eye
As recommended for most weather discussions, of positive vorticity just west of the surface low.
start with the big picture, and progress toward the
details. Also, start from the top down. 70 kPa Charts (z 3 km MSL)
The second row of charts in Fig. 13.15 shows a
Hemispheric Map - Top of Troposphere closed low on the 70 kPa Height chart, just west
Starting with the planetary scale, Fig. 13.18 shows of the surface low. At this altitude the warm air
Hemispheric 20 kPa Geopotential Height advection poleward and cold-air advection equator-
Contours. It shows five long Rossby-wave troughs ward are even more obvious east and west of the low,
around the globe. The broad trough over N. Amer- respectively, as shown on the 70 kPa Temperature
ica also has two short-wave troughs superimposed chart.
one along the west coast and the other in the
middle of N. America. The jet stream flows from 85 kPa Charts (z 1.4 km MSL)
west to east along the height contours plotted in this Focus on the third row of charts in Figs. 13.13
diagram, with faster winds where the contours are - 13.14. The 85 kPa Height chart shows a deep
packed closer together. closed low immediately to the west of the surface
Next, zoom to the synoptic scale over N. Ameri- low. Associated with this system is a complete coun-
ca. This is discussed in the next several subsections terclockwise circulation of winds around the low, as
using Figs. 13.13 - 13.15. shown in the 85 kPa Wind Vector chart.
The strong temperature advection east and west
20 kPa Charts Top of Troposphere (z of the low center are creating denser packing of iso-
11.5 km MSL) therms along the frontal zones, as shown in the 85
Focus on the top row of charts in Figs. 13.13 - kPa Temperature chart. The cyclonically rotating
13.15. The thick dashed lines on the 20 kPa Height flow causes a large magnitude of vorticity in the 85
contour map show the two short-wave trough axes. kPa Absolute Vorticity chart.
The trough over the central USA is the one associat-
ed with the case-study cyclone. This trough is west 100 kPa and other Near-Surface Charts
of the location of the surface low-pressure center Focus on the last row of charts in Figs. 13.13-13.14.
(X). The 20 kPa Wind Vector map shows gen- The approximate surface-frontal locations have also
erally westerly winds aloft, switching to southwest- been drawn on most of these charts. The 100 kPa
erly over most of the eastern third of the USA. Wind Height chart shows the surface low that is deep
speeds in the 20 kPa Isotach chart show two jet relative to the higher pressures surrounding it. The
streaks (shaded in yellow) one with max winds 10 m Wind Vectors chart shows sharp wind shifts
greater than 70 m s1 in Texas and northern Mexico, across the frontal zones.
and a weaker jet streak over the Great Lakes. Isentropes of 2 m Equivalent Potential Tem-
The 20 kPa Temperature chart shows a bulls- perature clearly demark the cold and warm frontal
eye of relatively warm air (50C) aloft just west zones with tightly packed (closely spaced) isentropes.
of the X. This is associated with an intrusion of Recall that fronts on weather maps are drawn on the
stratospheric air down into the troposphere (Fig. warm sides of the frontal zones. Southeast of the
13.19). The 20 kPa Divergence map shows strong low center is a humid warm sector with strong
horizontal divergence (plotted with the blue contour moisture gradients across the warm and cold fronts
lines) along and just east of the surface cold front as is apparent by the tight isohume packing in the 2
and low center. m Water Vapor Mixing Ratio chart.
Next, focus on row 3 of Fig. 13.15. The high hu-
50 kPa Charts Middle of Troposphere (z midities also cause large values of Precipitable
5.5 km MSL) water (moisture summed over the whole depth
Focus on the second row of charts in Figs. 13.13 of the atmosphere), particularly along the frontal
- 13.14. The 50 kPa Height chart shows a trough zones. So it is no surprise to see the rain showers in
axis closer to the surface-low center (X). This low- the MSL Pressure, 85 kPa Temperature and 1-h
pressure region has almost become a closed low, Precipitation chart.
where the height contours form closed ovals. 50 kPa
Wind Vectors show the predominantly westerly 100 to 50 kPa Thickness
winds turning in such a way as to bring colder air Fig. 13.16 shows the vertical distance between the
equatorward on the west side of the low, and bring- 100 and 50 kPa isobaric surfaces. Namely, it shows
ing warmer air poleward on the east side of the low the thickness of the 100 to 50 kPa layer of air. This
(shown in the 50 kPa Temperature chart). The 50 thickness is proportional to the average temperature
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 443

in the bottom half of the troposphere, as described

INFO Multi-field Charts
by the hypsometric eq. The warm-air sector (red
isopleths) southeast of the surface low, and the cold Most of the weather maps presented in the previ-
air north and west (blue isopleths) are apparent. ous case study contained plots of only one field, such
Recall that the thermal wind vector (i.e., the verti- as the wind field or height field. Because many fields
cal shear of the geostrophic wind) is parallel to the are related to each other or work together, meteorolo-
gists often plot multiple fields on the same chart.
thickness lines, with a direction such that cold air
To help you discriminate between the different
(thin thicknesses) is on the left side of the vector.
fields, they are usually plotted differently. One might
use solid lines and the other dashed. Or one might be
Tropopause and Vertical Cross Section contoured and the other shaded (see Fig. e, Fig. 13.7a,
Fig. 13.17 shows the pressure altitude of the or Fig. 13.15-right map). Look for a legend or caption
tropopause. A higher tropopause would have lower that describes which lines go with which fields, and
pressure. Above the surface low (X) the tropopause gives units.
is at about the 20 kPa (= 200 hPa) level. Further to the
south over Florida, the tropopause is at even higher
altitude (where P 10 kPa = 100 hPa). North and
west of the X the tropopause is at lower altitude,
where P = 30 kPa (=300 hPa) or greater. Globally, the
tropopause is higher over the subtropics and lower
over the sub-polar regions.
Fig. 13.19 shows a vertical slice through the at-
mosphere. Lines of uniform potential tempera-
ture (isentropes), rather than absolute temperature,
are plotted so as to exclude the adiabatic tempera-
ture change associated with the pressure decrease
with height. Tight packing of isentropes indicates
20 kPa Heights (m) & Isotachs (m s1) 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
strong static stability, such as in the stratosphere,
upper-tropospheric (U.T.) fronts (also called Fig. e.
tropopause folds), and surface fronts. Geopotential heights (lines) and wind speed (color fill).

Special thanks to Greg West and David Siuta for

creating many of the case-study maps in Figs. 13.10
- 13.19 and elsewhere in this chapter.

In the next sections, we see how dynamics can be

INFO Synoptics
used to explain cyclone formation and evolution.
Synoptic meteorology is the study and analy-
sis of weather maps, often with the aim to forecast the
weather on horizontal scales of 400 to 4000 km. Syn-
optic weather maps describe an instantaneous
Lee Cyclogenesis state of the atmosphere over a wide area, as created
from weather observations made nearly simultane-
Recall from the General Circulation chapter that ously.
the west-to-east jet stream can meander poleward Typical weather phenomena at these synop-
and equatorward as Rossby waves, due to baro- tic scales include cyclones (Lows), anticyclones
(Highs), and airmasses. Fronts are also included in
tropic and baroclinic instability. Such waves in the
synoptics because of their length, even though frontal
upper-air (jet-stream) flow can create mid-latitude zones are so narrow that they can also be classified as
cyclones at the surface, as shown in Figs. 13.6 & 13.7. mesoscale. See Table 10-6 and Fig. 10.24 in the Atmo-
One trigger mechanism for this instability is spheric Forces & Winds chapter for a list of different
flow over high mountain ranges. The Rossby wave atmospheric scales.
triggered by such a mountain often has a trough just The material in this chapter and in the previous
downwind of (ie., to the lee of) mountain ranges. one fall solidly in the field of synoptics. People who
East of this trough is a favored location for cyclogen- specialize in synoptic meteorology are called syn-
esis; hence, it is known as lee cyclogenesis. Be- opticians.
cause the mountain location is fixed, the resulting The word synoptics is from the Greek synop-
Rossby-wave trough and ridge locations are station- tikos, and literally means seeing everything togeth-
er. It is the big picture.
ary with respect to the mountain-range location.
444 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

[ Stationary Rossby Waves
Consider a wind that causes air in the troposphere
LN USPQPQBVTF to blow over the Rocky mountains (Fig. 13.20). Con-
vective clouds (e.g., thunderstorms) and turbulence
[5B [5C [5D can cause the Rossby wave amplitude to decrease
8JOE 8JOE further east, so the first wave after the mountain (at
location c in Fig. 13.20) is the one you should focus
[NUO on.
LN These Rossby waves have a dominant wave-
3PDLZ.UOT length () of roughly

M (13.1)

where the mean wind speed is M. As you have seen
OPSUI 8JOE SJEHF SJEHF in an earlier chapter, is the northward gradient of
the Coriolis parameter (fc):

= = cos (13.2)
3PDLZ MFF y Rearth
XFTU B C D FBTU Y Factor 2 = 1.458x10 4 s1 is twice the angular rota-
tion rate of the Earth. At North-American latitudes,
Figure 13.20
is roughly 1.5 to 2x10 11 m1 s1.
Cyclogenesis to the lee of the mountains. (a) Vertical cross sec-
tion. (b) Map of jet-stream flow. Ridge and trough refer to Knowing the mountain-range height (zmtn) rela-
the wind-flow pattern, not the topography. tive to the surrounding plains, and knowing the ini-
tial depth of the troposphere (zT), the Rossby-wave
amplitude A is:
Sample Application fc zmtn
What amplitude & wavelength of terrain-triggered A (13.3)
Rossby wave would you expect for a mountain range
at 48N that is 1.2 km high? The upstream depth of the
troposphere is 11 km, with upstream wind is 19 m s1. Because is related to fc, we can analytically find
their ratio as fc/ = REarthtan(), where the average
Find the Answer radius (REarth) of the Earth is 6371 km. Over North
Given: = 48N, zmtn = 1.2 km, zT = 11 km, America the tangent of the latitude is tan() 1.
M = 19 m s1. Thus:
Find: A = ? km , = ? km z
A mtn Rearth
zT (13.4)
Use eq. (13.4):
A = [ (1.2 km) / (11 km) ] (6371 km) = 695 km
where 2A is the y distance between the wave trough
Next, use eq. (13.2) to find at 48N: and crest.
= (2.294x10 11 m1s1) cos(48) = 1.53x10 11 m1s1 In summary, the equations above show that
north-south Rossby-wave amplitude depends on
Finally, use eq. (13.1): the height of the mountains, but does not depend on
1/2 wind speed. Conversely, wind speed is important
19m s 1
2 11 1 1
= 6990 km in determining Rossby wavelength, while mountain
1.53 10 m s
height is irrelevant.
Check: Physics and units are reasonable.
Exposition: Is this wave truly a planetary wave? Potential-vorticity Conservation
Yes, because its wavelength (6,990 km) would fit 3.8 Use conservation of potential vorticity as a tool
times around the Earth at 48N (circumference = to understand such mountain lee-side Rossby-wave
2REarthcos(48) = 26,785 km). Also, the north-south triggering (Fig. 13.20). Create a toy model by as-
meander of the wave spans 2A = 12.5 of latitude. suming wind speed is constant in the Rossby wave,
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 445

and that there is no wind shear affecting vorticity.

For this situation, the conservation of potential
vorticity p is given by eq. (11.25) as:

( M / R) + f c
p = = constant (13.5)
For this toy model, consider the initial winds to be Sample Application
Picture a scenario as plotted in Fig. 13.20, with 25 m
blowing straight toward the Rocky Mountains from
s1 wind at location a, mountain height of 1.2 km, tro-
the west. These initial winds have no curvature at posphere thickness of 11 km, and latitude 45N. What
location a, thus R = and eq. (13.5) becomes: is the value of the initial potential vorticity, and what
is the radius of curvature at point b?
fc. a (13.6)
p =
zT .a Find the Answer
Given: M = 25 m s1, zmtn = 1.2 km, Rinitial = ,
where zT.a is the average depth of troposphere at zT = 11 km, = 45N.
point a. Because potential vorticity is conserved, Find: p.a = ? m1s1, Rb = ? km
we can use this fixed value of p to see how the Ross-
by wave is generated. Assumption: Neglect wind shear in the vorticity cal-
Let zmtn be the relative mountain height above culation.
the surrounding land (Fig. 13.20a). As the air blows
Eq. (10.16) can be applied to get the Coriolis parameter
over the mountain range, the troposphere becomes fc = (1.458x10 4 s1)sin(45) = 1.031x10 4 s1
thinner as it is squeezed between mountain top and
the tropopause at location b: zT.b = zT.a zmtn. Use eq. (13.6):
But the latitude of the air hasnt changed much yet,
so fc.b fc.a. Because z has changed, we can solve 1.031 10 4 s 1
p = = 9.37x10 9 m1 s1
eq. (13.5) for the radius of curvature needed to main- 11km
tain p.b = p.a.
Next, apply eq. (13.7) to get the radius of curvature:
M (25m/s)
Rb = Rb = = 2223. km
fc.a ( zmtn / zT .a ) (13.7)
(1.031 10 4 s 1 )(1.2 km / 11km)

Check: Physics and units are reasonable.

Namely, in eq. (13.5), when z became smaller while
Exposition: The negative sign for the radius of cur-
fc was constant, M/R had to also become smaller to vature means that the turn is anticyclonic (clockwise
keep the ratio constant. But since M/R was initially in the N. Hemisphere). Typically, the cyclonic trough
zero, the new M/R had to become negative. Nega- curvature is the same order of magnitude as the anti-
tive R means anticyclonic curvature. cyclonic ridge curvature. East of the first trough and
As sketched in Fig. 13.20, such curvature turns west of the next ridge is where cyclogenesis is sup-
the wind toward the equator. But equatorward- ported.
moving air experiences smaller Coriolis parameter,
requiring that Rb become larger (less curved) to con-
serve p . Near the east side of the Rocky Mountains
the terrain elevation decreases at point c, allowing
the air thickness z to increase back to is original
But now the air is closer to the equator where
Coriolis parameter is smaller, so the radius of cur-
vature Rc at location c becomes positive in order
to keep potential vorticity constant. This positive
vorticity gives that cyclonic curvature that defines
the lee trough of the Rossby wave. As was sketched
in Fig. 13.7, surface cyclogenesis could be supported
just east of the lee trough.
446 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

5SPQPQBVTF [ Lee-side Translation Equatorward

Suppose an extratropical cyclone (low center) is
positioned over the east side of a mountain range in
the Northern Hemisphere, as sketched in Fig. 13.21.
B In this diagram, the green circle and the air above
C E it are the cyclone. Air within this cyclone has posi-
D tive (cyclonic) vorticity, as represented by the rotat-
ing blue air columns in the figure. The locations of
these air columns are also moving counterclockwise
around the common low center (L) driven by the

- synoptic-scale circulation around the low.

As column a moves to position b and then
c, its vertical extent z stretches. This assumes
that the top of the air columns is at the tropopause,
while the bottom follows the sloping terrain. Due
Z to conservation of potential vorticity p, this stretch-
Figure 13.21 ing must be accompanied by an increase in relative
A low-pressure (L) center above terrain that slopes Y vorticity r :
downward to the east, for the Northern Hemisphere. r = 2 R p (13.8)

Sample Application R is cyclone radius and = z/x is terrain slope.

The cyclone of Fig. 13.21 has p = 1x10 8 m1s1 and Conversely, as column c moves to position d
R = 600 km. The mountain slope is 1:500. Find the and then a, its vertical extent shrinks, forcing its
relative-vorticity change on the equatorward side. relative vorticity to decrease to maintain constant
potential vorticity. Hence, the center of action of the
Find the Answer low center shifts (translates) equatorward (white ar-
Given: p = 1x10 8 m1s1, R = 600 km, = 0.002 row in Fig. 13.21) along the lee side of the mountains,
Find: r = ? s1 .
following the region of increasing r .
Assume constant latitude in Northern Hemisphere.
A similar conclusion can be reached by consid-
Use eq. (13.8): ering conservation of isentropic potential vorticity
r = 2 (600,000 m) (0.002) (1x10 8 m1s1) (IPV). Air in the bottom of column a descends and
= 2.4x10 5 s1 . warms adiabatically en route to position c, while
there is no descent warming at the column top.
Check: Physics and units are reasonable. Hence, the static stability of the column decreases
Exposition: A similar decrease is likely on the pole- at its equatorward side. This drives an increase in
ward side. The combined effect causes the cyclone to relative vorticity on the equatorward flank of the
translate equatorward to where vorticity is greatest. cyclone to conserve IPV. Again, the cyclone moves
equatorward toward the region of greater relative

Spin-up of Cyclonic Rotation
NPUJPO Cyclogenesis is associated with upward motion,
decreasing surface pressure, and increasing vorticity

(i.e., spin-up). You can gain insight into cyclogenesis

by studying all three characteristics, even though
they are intimately related (Fig. 13.22). Let us start

with vorticity.
The equation that forecasts change of vorticity
with time is called the vorticity tendency equa-
tion. We can investigate the processes that cause cy-
clogenesis (spin up; positive-vorticity increase) and
Figure 13.22
cyclolysis (spin down; positive-vorticity decrease)
Attributes of cyclogenesis. Updrafts remove air molecules from
near the ground, which lowers surface pressure. The pressure
by examining terms in the vorticity tendency equa-
gradient drives winds, which rotate due to Coriolis force. tion. Mountains are not needed for these processes.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 447

Vorticity Tendency Equation B

The change of relative vorticity r over time (i.e., Z MBSHF[S TNBMM[S
the spin-up or vorticity tendency) can be predict- 6
ed using the following equation:
f [ S Ym
r W
= U r V r W r + fc V c Y
t x y z z y
tendency horiz. advection vert. advect. stretching beta effect

+ +r CD r C
z y z x x y z zi
_tilting_(A)_______(B)________(C)_ stretching turbulent
of rel. vort. drag
Positive vorticity tendency indicates cyclogenesis.  8[
Vorticity Advection: If the wind blows air of
greater vorticity into your region of interest, then TNBMM8
this is called positive vorticity advection (PVA).
Negative vorticity advection (NVA) is when
lower-vorticity air is blown into a region. These ad-
vections can be caused by vertical winds and hori-
zontal winds (Fig. 13.23a). D
Stretching: Consider a short column of air that is Z
spinning as a vortex tube. Horizontal convergence IJHIMBUJUVEF MBSHFGD
of air toward this tube will cause the tube to become GDZ
taller and more slender (smaller diameter). The tall-
er or stretched vortex tube supports cyclogenesis MPXMBUJUVEF TNBMMGD
(Fig. 13.23b). Conversely, horizontal divergence MBSHF[S
shortens the vortex tube and supports cyclolysis
or anticyclogenesis. In the first and second lines of
eq. (13.9) are the stretching terms for Earths rota-
tion and relative vorticity, respectively. Stretching E
means that the top of the vortex tube moves upward MBSHF8
away from (or moves faster than) the movement of
the bottom of the vortex tube; hence W/z is posi- 8Z
tive for stretching.
Beta Effect: Recall from eq. (11.35) in the Gener- TNBMM8
al Circulation chapter that we can define = fc/y.
Beta is positive in the N. Hemisphere because the
Coriolis parameter increases toward the north pole [ TNBMM6
(see eq. 13.2). If wind moves air southward (i.e.,
V = negative) to where fc is smaller, then relative
vorticity r becomes larger (as indicated by the nega- Y
tive sign in front of the beta term) to conserve poten-
tial vorticity (Fig. 13.23c).
Tilting Terms: (A & B in eq. 13.9) If the hori-
zontal winds change with altitude, then this shear F
causes vorticity along a horizontal axis. (C in eq. [ [S
13.9) Neighboring up- and down-drafts give hori-
zontal shear of the vertical wind, causing vorticity
along a horizontal axis. (A-C) If a resulting horizon-  .
tal vortex tube experiences stronger vertical velocity %SBHGPSDFPQQPTFT
on one end relative to the other (Fig. 13.23d), then the
tube will tilt to become more vertical. Because spin-
ning about a vertical axis is how we define vorticity, Figure 13.23
we have increased vorticity via the tilting of initially Illustration of processes that affect vertical vorticity (see eq.
horizontal vorticity. 13.9). An additional drag process is shown in the next column.
448 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones


Turbulence in the atmospheric boundary lay-

[ .7H er (ABL) communicates frictional forces from the
ground to the whole ABL. This turbulent drag
acts to slow the wind and decrease rotation rates
[J (Fig. 13.23e). Such spin down can cause cyclolysis.
Z "UNPTQIFSJD#PVOEBSZ-BZFS .7H However, for cold fronts drag can increase
 Y vorticity. As the cold air advances (black arrow in
Fig. 13.23f), Coriolis force will turn the winds and
Figure 13.23 (part 2) create a geostrophic wind Vg (large white arrow).
Illustration of a turbulent-drag process that causes spin-up. Closer to the leading edge of the front where the
cold air is shallower, the winds M subgeostrophic
because of the greater drag. The result is a change
of wind speed M with distance x that causes positive
All of the terms in the vorticity-tendency equa-
tion must be summed to determine net spin down
or spin up.

You can identify the action of some of these terms

X by looking at weather maps.
Fig. 13.24 shows the wind vectors and absolute
vorticity on the 50 kPa isobaric surface (roughly in
the middle of the troposphere) for the case-study cy-
clone. Positive vorticity advection (PVA) occurs
where wind vectors are crossing the vorticity con-
tours from high toward low vorticity, such as high-
50 kPa Winds & Abs. Vorticity (10 5 s1). 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
lighted by the dark box in Fig. 13.24. Namely, higher
vorticity air is blowing into regions that contained
Figure 13.24 lower vorticity. This region favors cyclone spin up.
Absolute vorticity (shaded) and winds (vectors) at 50 kPa, high- Negative vorticity advection (NVA) is where
lighting regions of positive (green rectangle) and negative (red the wind crosses the vorticity contours from low to
oval) vorticity advection for the case-study storm. high vorticity values (dark oval in Fig. 13.24). By us-
ing the absolute vorticity instead of relative vorticity,
Fig. 13.24 combines the advection and beta terms.
Fig. 13.25 shows vertical velocity in the middle of
the atmosphere. Since vertical velocity is near zero
at the ground, regions of positive vertical velocity at
50 kPa must correspond to stretching in the bottom
half of the atmosphere. Thus, the updraft regions in
0 0
the figure favor cyclone spin-up (i.e., cyclogenesis).
0.10 In the bottom half of the troposphere, regions
up 0.15
down of stretching must correspond to regions of conver-
0.10 gence of air, due to mass continuity. Fig. 13.26 shows
down X 0.10
the divergence field at 85 kPa. Negative divergence
corresponds to convergence. The regions of low-al-
titude convergence favor cyclone spin-up.
Low-altitude spin-down due to turbulent drag
up occurs wherever there is rotation. Thus, the rotation
0.05 of 10 m wind vectors around the surface low in Fig.
0 13.13 indicate vorticity that is spinning down. The
50 kPa Vertical Velocity (m s1). 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 tilting term will also be discussed in the Thunder-
storm chapters, regarding tornado formation.
Figure 13.25
Vertical velocity (m s 1) near the middle of the troposphere (50
kPa) for the case-study storm. At this altitude, a value of w =
0.10 m s 1 corresponds to = 0.68 Pa s 1.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 449

Quasi-Geostrophic Approximation
Above the boundary layer (and away from fronts,
jets, and thunderstorms) the terms in the second line C
of the vorticity equation are smaller than those in
the first line, and can be neglected. Also, for syn- X
optic scale, extratropical weather systems, the winds
are almost geostrophic (quasi-geostrophic).
These weather phenomena are simpler to ana- D
lyze than thunderstorms and hurricanes, and can be
well approximated by a set of equations (quasi-geo-
strophic vorticity and omega equations) that are less
complicated than the full set of primitive equa-
tions of motion (Newtons second law, the first law 85 kPa Divergence (10 6 s1). Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
of thermodynamics, continuity, and ideal gas law).
As a result of the simplifications above, the Figure 13.26
Horizontal divergence (D = U/x + V/y) for the case-study
vorticity forecast equation simplifies to the follow-
storm. C = horizontal convergence (= D).
ing quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation:

g g g fc W
= U g Vg Vg + fc Sample Application
t x y y z Suppose an initial flow field has no geostrophic
spin-up horizontal advection beta stretching relative vorticity, but there is a straight north to south
geostrophic wind blowing at 10 m s1 at latitude 45.
where the relative geostrophic vorticity g is defined Also, the top of a 1 km thick column of air rises at 0.01
similar to the relative vorticity of eq. (11.20), except m s1, while its base rises at 0.008 m s1. Find the rate
using geostrophic winds Ug and Vg: of geostrophic-vorticity spin-up.

Vg U g (13.11) Find the Answer

g = Given: V = 10 m s1, = 45, Wtop = 0.01 m s1,
x y W bottom = 0.008 m s1, z = 1 km.
Find: g/t = ? s2
For solid body rotation, eq. (11.22) becomes:
First, get the Coriolis parameter using eq. (10.16):
2 G (13.12) fc = (1.458x10 4 s1)sin(45) = 0.000103 s1
g =
R Next, use eq. (13.2):
fc 1.458 10 4 s 1
where G is the geostrophic wind speed and R is the = = cos 45

y 6.357 106 m
radius of curvature.
The prefix quasi- is used for the following rea- = 1.62x10 11 m1s1
sons. If the winds were perfectly geostrophic or Use the definition of a gradient (see Appendix A):
gradient, then they would be parallel to the isobars. W Wtop Wbottom (0.01 0.008)m//s
= =
Such winds never cross the isobars, and could not z ztop zbottom (1000 0)m

cause convergence into the low. With no conver- = 2x10 6 s1
gence there would be no vertical velocity. Finally, use eq. (13.10). We have no information about
However, we know from observations that verti- advection, so assume it is zero. The remaining terms
cal motions do exist and are important for causing give:
clouds and precipitation in cyclones. Thus, the last g
= ( 10m/s)(1.62 10 11 m 1 s 1 )
term in the quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation in- t
cludes W, a wind that is not geostrophic. When such spin-up beta
an ageostrophic vertical velocity is included in an +(0.000103s 1 )(2 10 6 s 1 )
equation that otherwise is totally geostrophic, the
equation is said to be quasi-geostrophic, meaning stretching
=(1.62x10 10 + 2.06x10 10 ) s2 = 3.68x10 10 s2
partially geostrophic. The quasi-geostrophic ap-
proximation will also be used later in this chapter to
Check: Units OK. Physics OK.
estimate vertical velocity in cyclones.
Exposition: Even without any initial geostrophic
Within a quasi-geostrophic system, the vorticity vorticity, the rotation of the Earth can spin-up the flow
and temperature fields are closely coupled, due to if the wind blows appropriately.
450 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

the dual constraints of geostrophic and hydrostatic

HIGHER MATH The Laplacian balance. This implies close coupling between the
wind and mass fields, as was discussed in the Gen-
A Laplacian operator 2 can be defined as
eral Circulation and Fronts chapters in the sections
2 A 2 A 2 A on geostrophic adjustment. While such close cou-
2 A = + +
x y 2
z 2 2 pling is not observed for every weather system, it
where A represents any variable. Sometimes we are is a reasonable approximation for synoptic-scale, ex-
concerned only with the horizontal (H) portion: tratropical systems.
2 A 2 A
2H ( A) = 2
+ Application to Idealized Weather Pat-
x y 2
What does it mean? If A/x represents the slope terns
of a line when A is plotted vs. x on a graph, then An idealized weather pattern (toy model) is
2 A/x2 = [ A/x ]/x is the change of slope; namely,
shown in Fig. 13.27. Every feature in the figure is
the curvature.
on the 50 kPa isobaric surface (i.e., in the mid tropo-
How is it used? Recall from the Atm. Forces &
Winds chapter that the geostrophic wind is defined sphere), except the L which indicates the location of
as the surface low center. All three components of the
1 1
U g = Vg = geostrophic vorticity equation can be studied.
fc y fc x Geostrophic and gradient winds are parallel to
where is the geopotential ( = |g|z ). Plugging the height contours. The trough axis is a region of
these into eq. (13.11) gives the geostrophic vorticity: cyclonic (counterclockwise) curvature of the wind,
which yields a large positive value of geostrophic
1 1
g = + vorticity. At the ridge is negative (clockwise) rela-
x fc x y fc y tive vorticity. Thus, the advection term is positive
over the L center and contributes to spin-up of the
1 2
g = H ( ) cyclone because the wind is blowing higher positive
fc (13.11b)
vorticity into the area of the surface low.
This illustrates the value of the Laplacian as a way For any fixed pressure gradient, the gradient
to more concisely describe the physics. winds are slower than geostrophic when curving cy-
For example, a low-pressure center corresponds to clonically (slow around lows), and faster than geo-
a low-height center on an isobaric sfc. That isobaric strophic for anticyclonic curvature, as sketched with
surface is concave up, which the thick-line wind arrows in Fig. 13.27. Examine
corresponds to positive the 50 kPa flow immediately above the surface low.

curvature. Namely, the JTPC Air is departing faster than entering. This imbal-
Laplacian of |g|z is positive, DTVSGB ance (divergence) draws air up from below. Hence,
hence, g is positive. Thus, a Y
W increases from near zero at the ground to some
low has positive vorticity. Figure f. positive updraft speed at 50 kPa. This stretching
helps to spin-up the cyclone.
The beta term, however, contributes to spin-
OPSUI down because air from lower latitudes (with smaller
 Coriolis parameter) is blowing toward the location
UZ of the surface cyclone. This effect is small when the

 wave amplitude is small. The sum of all three terms

in the quasigeostrophic vorticity equation is often


PO positive, providing a net spin-up and intensification


of the cyclone.
  IUT POJD In real cyclones, contours are often more closely
ET IF spaced in troughs, causing relative maxima in jet


HSBEJFOU stream winds called jet streaks. Vertical motions as-


sociated with horizontal divergence in jet streaks are

discussed later in this chapter. These motions vio-
late the assumption that air mass is conserved along
FBTU an isobaric channel. Rossby also pointed out in
Figure 13.27 1940 that the gradient wind balance is not valid for
An idealized 50 kPa chart with equally-spaced height contours, varying motions. Thus, the toy model of Fig. 13.27
as introduced by J. Bjerknes in 1937. The location of the surface has weaknesses that limit its applicability.
low L is indicated.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 451


You can also use updraft speed to estimate cy-

clone strength and the associated clouds. For the X
case-study cyclone, Fig. 13.25 shows upward motion
near the middle of the troposphere (at 50 kPa).
Recall from classical physics that the definition of
vertical motion is W = z/t, for altitude z and time
t. Because each altitude has an associated pressure,
define a new type of vertical velocity in terms of
pressure. This is called omega ():
50 kPa Omega (Pa/s). Red up. Valid 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
= (13.13)
t Figure 13.28
Vertical velocity (omega) in pressure coordinates, for the case-
Omega has units of Pa s1.
study cyclone. Negative omega (colored red on this map) cor-
You can use the hypsometric equation to relate W
responds to updrafts.
and :
= g W (13.14)

for gravitational acceleration magnitude |g| = 9.8

ms2 and air density . The negative sign in eq.
(13.14) implies that updrafts (positive W) are associ-
ated with negative . As an example, if your weath-
er map shows = 0.68 Pa s1 on the 50 kPa surface,
then the equation above can be rearranged to give W
= 0.1 m s1, where an mid-tropospheric density of
0.69 kgm3 was used. Sample Application
Use either W or to represent vertical motion. Nu- At an elevation of 5 km MSL, suppose (a) a thun-
merical weather forecasts usually output the vertical derstorm has an updraft velocity of 40 m s1, and (b)
velocity as . For example, Fig. 13.28 shows upward the subsidence velocity in the middle of an anticyclone
motion () near the middle of the troposphere (at 50 is 0.01 m s1. Find the corresponding omega values.
The following three methods will be employed Find the Answer
to study ascent: the continuity equation, the omega Given: (a) W = 40 m s1. (b) W = 0.01 m s1. z = 5
equation, and Q-vectors. Near the tropopause, hori-
Find: = ? kPa s 1 for (a) and (b).
zontal divergence of jet-stream winds can force mid-
tropospheric ascent in order to conserve air mass as To estimate air density, use the standard atmosphere
given by the continuity equation. The almost-geo- table from Chapter 1: = 0.7361 kg m3 at z = 5 km.
strophic (quasi-geostrophic) nature of lower-tropo-
spheric winds allows you to estimate ascent at 50 kPa Next, use eq. (13.14) to solve for the omega values:
using thermal-wind and vorticity principles in the (a) = (0.7361 kg m3)(9.8 m s2)(40 m s1)
omega equation. Q-vectors consider ageostrophic = 288.55 (kgm1s2)/s = 288.55 Pa s1
motions that help maintain quasi-geostrophic flow. = 0.29 kPa/s
These methods are just different ways of looking at
the same processes, and they often give similar re- (b) = (0.7361 kg m3)(9.8 m s2)(0.01 m s1)
= 0.0721 (kgm1s2)/s = 0.0721 Pa s1
= 7.21x10 5 kPa s 1

Check: Units and sign are reasonable.

Exposition: CAUTION. Remember that the sign of
omega is opposite that of vertical velocity, because as
height increases in the atmosphere, the pressure de-
creases. As a quick rule of thumb, near the surface
where air density is greater, omega (in kPa s 1) has
magnitude of roughly a hundredth of W (in m s1),
with opposite sign.
452 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

USPQPQBVTF Continuity Effects

L1B .PVU Horizontal divergence (D = U/x + V/y) is
.JO [ where more air leaves a volume than enters, horizon-
tally. This can occur at locations where jet-stream
wind speed (Mout) exiting a volume is greater than
8NJE entrance speeds (Min).
[ Conservation of air mass requires that the num-
ber of air molecules in a volume, such as the light
blue region sketched in Fig. 13.29, must remain near-
ly constant (neglecting compressibility). Namely,
Figure 13.29 volume inflow must balance volume outflow of air.
For air in the top half of the troposphere (shaded light blue), if Net vertical inflow can compensate for net hori-
air leaves faster (Mout) than enters (Min) horizontally, then con- zontal outflow. In the troposphere, most of this in-
tinuity requires that this upper-level horizontal divergence be flow happens a mid-levels (P 50 kPa) as an upward
balanced by ascent Wmid in the mid troposphere. vertical velocity (Wmid). Not much vertical inflow
happens across the tropopause because vertical mo-
tion in the stratosphere is suppressed by the strong
static stability. In the idealized illustration of Fig.
13.29, the inflows [(Min times the area across which
the inflow occurs) plus (Wmid times its area of in-
flow)] equals the outflow (Mout times the outflow
50 m/s
X The continuity equation describes volume con-
20 servation for this situation as

Wmid = D z (13.15)

U V (13.16)
20 kPa Heights (m) & Isotachs (m s1) 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014 Wmid = + z
x y
Figure 13.30 or
Over the surface cyclone (X) is a region (box) with faster jet-
stream outflow than inflow (arrows). Isotachs are shaded. Wmid = z (13.17)
Sample Application where the distance between outflow and inflow lo-
Jet-stream inflow winds are 50 m s1, while out- cations is s, wind speed is M, the thickness of the
flow winds are 75 m s1 a distance of 1000 km further upper air layer is z, and the ascent speed at 50 kPa
downstream. What updraft is induced below this 5 (mid tropospheric) is Wmid.
km thick divergence region? Assume air density is 0.5 Fig. 13.30 shows this scenario for the case-study
kg m3.
storm. Geostrophic winds are often nearly parallel
to the height contours (solid black curvy lines in Fig.
Find the Answer
Given: Min = 50 m s1, Mout = 75 m s1, s = 1000 km,
13.30). Thus, for the region outlined with the black/
z = 5 km. white box drawn parallel to the contour lines, the
Find: Wmid = ? m s1 main inflow and outflow are at the ends of the box
(arrows). The isotachs (shaded) tell us that the in-
Use eq. (13.17): flow ( 20 m s1) is slower than outflow (50 m s1).
Wmid = [Mout - Min](z/s)
= [75 - 50 m s1][(5km)/(1000km)] = 0.125 m s1 We will focus on two processes that cause hori-
zontal divergence of the jet stream:
Check: Units OK. Physics unreasonable, because the Rossby waves, a planetary-scale feature for which
incompressible continuity equation assumes constant the jet stream is approximately geostrophic; and
density a bad assumption over a 5 km thick layer. jet streaks, where jet-stream accelerations cause
Exposition: Although this seems like a small num- non-geostrophic (ageostrophic) motions.
ber, over an hour this updraft velocity would lift air
about 450 m. Given enough hours, the rising air might
reach its lifting condensation level, thereby creating a
cloud or enabling a thunderstorm.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 453

Rossby Waves
From the Forces and Winds chapter, recall that USPQPQBVTF
the gradient wind is faster around ridges than BN


troughs, for any fixed latitude and horizontal pres-




sure gradient. Since Rossby waves consist of a train


of ridges and troughs in the jet stream, you can an- [ 8

ticipate that along the jet-stream path the winds are

- )



increasing and decreasing in speed.



One such location is east of troughs, as sketched


in Fig. 13.31. Consider a hypothetical box of air at the TVSGBDF Y
jet stream level between the trough and ridge. Hori-
zontal wind speed entering the box is slow around Figure 13.31
the trough, while exiting winds are fast around the Sketch showing how the slower jet-stream winds at the trough
ridge. To maintain mass continuity, this horizontal (thin lines with arrows) are enhanced by vertical velocity (W,
divergence induces ascent into the bottom of the dotted lines) to achieve the mass balance needed to support the
hypothetical box. This ascent is removing air mol- faster winds (thick lines with arrows) at the ridge. (N. Hem.)
ecules below the hypothetical box, creating a region
of low surface pressure. Hence, surface lows (extra-
tropical cyclones) form east of jet-stream troughs.
Sample Application
We can create a toy model of this effect. Sup- Suppose a jet stream meanders in a sine wave pat-
pose the jet stream path looks like a sine wave of tern that has a 150 km north-south amplitude, 3000
wavelength and amplitude y/2. Assume that the km wavelength, 3 km depth, and 35 m s1 mean geo-
streamwise length of the hypothetical box equals strophic velocity. The latitude is such that fc = 0.0001
the diagonal distance between the trough and ridge s1 . Estimate the ascent speed under the jet.
s = d = ( / 2)2 + y 2 (13.18) Find the Answer
Given: y = 2 (150 km) = 300 km, = 3000 km,
Knowing the decrease/increase relative to the geo- z = 3 km, G = 35 m s1, fc = 0.0001 s1
strophic wind speed G of the actual gradient wind M Find: Wmid = ? m s1
around troughs/ridges (from the Forces and Winds
Apply eq. (13.20):
chapter), you can estimate the jet-stream wind-speed
increase as: 1 (3000km)2 = 1520 km
(13.19) 2 2 (300km)
4G 4G
M = 0.5 fc R 2 1 1+ Simplify eq. (13.19) by using the curvature Rossby
f c R f c R
number from the Forces and Winds chapter:
For a simple sine wave, the radius-of-curvature R of G 35m/s
the jet stream around the troughs and ridges is: = Roc = 1 = 0.23
fc R (0.0001s )(1.52 106 m)
1 2
R= 2
2 y Next, use eq. (13.19), but with Roc:
M = 2 1 4(0.23) 1 + 4(0.23)
Combining these equations with eq. (13.17) gives 2(0.23)
a toy-model estimate of the vertical motion: = 76.1(m/s)[2 0.283 1.386] = 25.2 m s1
Apply eq. (13.18):
fc z 2 8 2G y 8 2G y d = [ (1500km)2 + (300km)2 ]1/2 = 1530 km
2 1 1 +
4 2 y fc 2 fc 2
Wmid = Finally, use eq. (13.17):
[( / 2)2 + y 2 ]1/2
25.2 m/s = 0.049 m s1
Wmid = 3km
For our case-study cyclone, Fig. 13.30 shows a
short-wave trough with jet-stream speed increasing Check: Physics, units, & magnitudes are reasonable.
from 20 to 50 m/s across a distance of about 1150 km. Exposition: This ascent speed is 5 cm s1, which
seems slow. But when applied under the large area of
This upper-level divergence supported cyclogenesis
the jet stream trough-to-ridge region, a large amount
of the surface low over Wisconsin (X on the map). of air mass is moved by this updraft.
454 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Jet Streaks
; - The jet stream does not maintain constant speed
LN in the jet core (center region with maximum speeds).
% Instead, it accelerates and decelerates as it blows
around the world in response to changes in horizon-
 tal pressure gradient and direction. The fast-wind
D regions in the jet core are called jet streaks. The
response of the wind to these speed changes is not
 instantaneous, because the air has inertia.
E Suppose the wind in a weak-pressure-gradient
region had reached its equilibrium wind speed as
 given by the geostrophic wind. As this air coasts
Y  LN ) into a region of stronger pressure gradient (i.e.,
tighter packing of the isobars or height contours), it
finds itself slower than the new, faster geostrophic
wind speed. Namely, it is ageostrophic (not geo-
strophic) for a short time while it accelerates toward
LN the faster geostrophic wind speed.
MFGUFOUSBODF % ( BH When the air parcel is too slow, its Coriolis force
RVBESBOU (which is proportional to its wind speed) is smaller

$ than the new larger pressure gradient force. This
BH D temporary imbalance turns the air at a small angle
SJHIUFYJU toward lower pressure (or lower heights). This is
 ( RVBESBOU what happens as air flows into a jet streak.
E The opposite happens as air exits a jet streak and
SJHIUFOUSBODF flows into a region of weaker pressure gradient. The
 RVBESBOU wind is temporarily too fast because of its inertia,
Y  LN ) so the Coriolis force (larger than pressure-gradient
force) turns the wind at a small angle toward higher
Figure 13.32 For northern hemisphere jet streams, the wind
Horizontal divergence (D = strong, d = weak) and convergence
vectors point slightly left of geostrophic while ac-
(C = strong, c = weak) near a jet streak. Back arrows represent
winds, green shading indicates isotachs (with the fastest winds
celerating, and slightly right while decelerating. Be-
having the darkest green), thin curved black lines are height cause the air in different parts of the jet streak have
contours of the 20 kPa isobaric surface, L & H indicate low & different wind speeds and pressure gradients, they
high height centers. Geostrophic (G) winds are parallel to the deviate from geostrophic by different amounts (Fig.
isobars, while (ag) indicates the ageostrophic wind component. 13.32a). As a result, some of the wind vectors con-
Tan dashed lines parallel and perpendicular to the jet axis divide verge in speed and/or direction to make horizontal
the jet streak into quadrants. convergence regions. At other locations the winds
cause divergence. The jet-stream divergence regions
drive cyclogenesis near the Earths surface.
Sample Application For an idealized west-to-east, steady-state jet
A west wind of 60 m s1 in the center of a jet streak stream with no curvature, the U-wind forecast equa-
decreases to 40 m s1 in the jet exit region 500 km to the tion (10.51a) from the Atmospheric Forces and Wind
east. Find the exit ageostrophic wind component. chapter reduces to:

Find the Answer 0 = U

+ fc V Vg ) (13.22)
Given: U = 4060 m s1 = 20 m s1, x = 500 km.
Find: Vag = ? m s1 Let (Uag, Vag ) be the ageostrophic wind compo-
Use eq. (13.25), and assume fc = 10 4 s1. Vag = V Vg (13.23)
The average wind is U = (60 + 40 m s1)/2 = 50 m s1.
Vag = [(50 m s1) / (10 4 s1)] [( 20 m s1) / (5x105 m)]
U ag = U U g (13.24)
= 20 m s1

Check: Physics and units are reasonable. Sign OK. Plugging these into eq. (13.22) gives for a jet
Exposition: Negative sign means Vag is north wind. stream from the west:
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 455

U U INFO Ageostrophic right-hand rule

Vag = (13.25)
fc x If the geostrophic winds are accelerating, use your
Similarly, the ageostrophic wind for south-to-north right hand to curl your fingers from vertical toward
jet stream axis is the direction of acceleration (the BDDFM
acceleration vector). Your thumb
V V [
U ag = points in the direction of the
fc y (13.26)
ageostrophic wind.
This right-hand rule also IJD
For example, consider the winds approaching the works for deceleration, for U S PQ
jet streak (i.e., in the entrance region) in Fig. 13.32a. which case the direction of BH E
The air moves into a region where U is positive and J O
acceleration is opposite X
increases with x, hence Vag is positive according to to the wind direction. Figure g.
eq. (13.25). Also, V is positive and increases with y,
hence, Uag is negative. The resulting ageostrophic
entrance vector is shown in blue in Fig. 13.32b. Simi- $BOBEB
lar analyses can be made for the jet-streak exit re-
gions, yielding the corresponding ageostrophic 
wind component.

When considering a jet streak, imagine it divided
into the four quadrants sketched in Fig. 13.32 (also 
Fig. 13.35). The combination of speed and direc-
tion changes cause strong divergence in the left  
exit quadrant, and weaker divergence in the right
entrance quadrant. These are the regions where 0DFBO
cyclogenesis is favored under the jet. Cyclolysis is
favored under the convergence regions of the right  

exit and left entrance regions. 1BDJGJD
This ageostrophic behavior can also be seen in the
maps for a different case-study (Fig. 13.33). This fig- L1B)FJHIUT *TPUBDIT 8JOET65$ 'FC
ure overlays wind vectors, isotachs, and geopotential Figure 13.33 (Not the 2014 case study.)
height contours near the top of the troposphere (at Superposition of the 20 kPa charts for geopotential heights (me-
20 kPa). The broad area of shading shows the jet dium-thickness black curved lines), isotachs in m s 1 (shading),
stream. Embedded within it are two relative speed and winds (vectors). The scale for winds and the values for the
maxima (one over Texas, and the other over New height contours are identical to those in Figs. 13.17. Regions of
England) that we identify as jet streaks. Recall that relatively darker shading indicate the jet streaks. White/black
if winds are geostrophic (or gradient), then they square outlines the exit region from a small jet streak over Texas,
should flow parallel to the height contours. and white/black oval outlines the entrance region for a larger jet
streak over the northeastern USA.
In Fig. 13.33 the square highlights the exit region
of the Texas jet streak, showing wind vectors that
cross the height contours toward the right. Name-
[ .BH .BH
ly, inertia has caused these winds to be faster than .BH
geostrophic (supergeostrophic), therefore Coriolis QBVTF
force is stronger than pressure-gradient force, caus-
ing the winds to be to the right of geostrophic. The 8NJE TFDPOEBSZ 8NJE
oval highlights the entrance region of the second jet, DJSDVMBUJPO
where winds cross the height contours to the left. $ E
Inertia results in slower-than-geostrophic winds  DZDMPHFOFTJT DZDMPMZTJT
(subgeostrophic), causing the Coriolis force to be OPSUIXFTU TPVUIFBTU
too weak to counteract pressure-gradient force.
Consider a vertical slice through the atmosphere, Figure 13.34
Vertical slice through the atmosphere at the jet-streak exit re-
perpendicular to the geostrophic wind at the jet exit
gion, perpendicular to the average jet direction. Viewed from
region (Fig. 13.32). The resulting combination of the west southwest, the green shading indicates isotachs of the
ageostrophic winds (Mag) induce mid-tropospheric jet core into the page. Divergence (D) in the left exit region
ascent (Wmid) and descent that favors cyclogenesis creates ascent (W, dotted lines) to conserve air mass, which in
and cyclolysis, respectively (Fig. 13.34). The weak, turn removes air from near the surface. This causes the surface
vertical, cross-jet flow (orange in Fig. 13.34) is a sec- pressure to drop, favoring cyclogenesis. The opposite happens
ondary circulation. under the right exit region, where cyclolysis is favored.
456 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

$BOBEB The secondary circulation in the jet exit region is

opposite to the Hadley cell rotation direction in that
 4USFBL hemisphere; hence, it is called an indirect circula-
 tion. In the jet entrance region is a direct secondary
Looking again at the 23 Feb 1994 weather maps,
Fig. 13.35 shows the entrance and exit regions of the

9 two dominant jet streaks in this image (for now, ig-

-FGU nore the smaller jet streak over the Pacific Northwest).
Thus, you can expect divergence aloft at the left exit
+FU 3JHIU and right entrance regions. These are locations that

FYJU would favor cyclogenesis near the ground. Indeed,

a new cyclone formed over the Carolinas (under the
right entrance region of jet streak # 2). Convergence
65$ 'FC aloft, favoring cyclolysis (cyclone death), is at the left
entrance and right exit regions.
Figure 13.35 (Not the 2014 case study.)
You can estimate mid-tropospheric ascent (Wmid)
Entrance and exit regions of jet streaks (highlighted with ovals).
X marks the surface low center. under the right entrance and left exit regions as fol-
lows. Define s = y as the north-south half-width
of a predominantly west-to-east jet streak. As you
move distance y to the side of the jet, suppose that
Sample Application Vag gradually reduces to 0. Combining eqs. (13.25)
A 40 m s1 in a jet core reduces to 20 m s1 at 1,200 and (13.16) with Vag in place of M, the mid-tropo-
km downstream, at the exit region. The jet cross sec- spheric ascent driven by the jet streak is
tion is 4 km thick and 800 km wide. Find the mid-tro-
pospheric ascent. fc = 10 4 s1.
U U z
Wmid =
Find the Answer fc x y (13.27)
Given: U = 20 40 = 20 m s1,
U = 40 m s1,
fc = 10 4 s1, z = 4km, y = 800 km, x = 1.2x106 m.
Find: Wmid = ? m s1 Omega Equation
The omega equation is the name of a diagnos-
Use eq. (13.27):
tic equation used to find vertical motion in pressure
( 40m/s)( 20m/s) ( 4km) units (omega; ). We will use a form of this equa-
Wmid = = 0.033 m s1
(10 4 s 1 )(1.2 106 m) (800km) tion developed by K. Trenberth, based on quasi-geo-
Check: Physics and units are reasonable. strophic dynamics and thermodynamics.
Exposition: This small ascent speed, when active The full omega equation is one of the nastier-
over a day or so, can be important for cyclogenesis. looking equations in meteorology (see the HIGHER
MATH box). To simplify it, focus on one part of the
full equation, apply it to the bottom half of the tro-
posphere (the layer between 100 to 50 kPa isobaric
surfaces), and convert the result from to W.
INFO Sutcliffe Development Theorem The resulting approximate omega equation is:
To help forecast cyclogenesis, Sutcliffe devised (13.28)
Dtop Dbottom = UTH
gc 2 z g g
fc x y
Wmid UTH + VTH + VTH
fc x y 2
where divergence is D = U/x + V/y, column
geostrophic vorticity is gc = g top + g bottom + fc , and where Wmid is the vertical velocity in the mid-tropo-
(UTH, V TH) are the thermal-wind components. sphere (at P = 50 kPa), z is the 100 to 50 kPa thickness,
This says that if the vorticity in an air column is UTH and V TH are the thermal-wind components
positively advected by the thermal wind, then this for the 100 to 50 kPa layer, fc is Coriolis parameter,
must be associated with greater air divergence at the is the change of Coriolis parameter with y (see eq.
column top than bottom. When combined with eq. 13.2), g is the geostrophic vorticity, and the overbar
(13.15), this conclusion for upward motion is nearly represents an average over the whole depth of the
identical to that from the Trenberth omega eq. (13.29).
layer. An equivalent form is:
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 457

Sample Application


2 z
g + ( f c / 2) )
The 100 to 50 kPa thickness is 5 km and fc = 10 4 s1.
A west to east thermal wind of 20 m s1 blows through
fc s a region where avg. cyclonic vorticity decreases by
10 4 s1 toward the east across a distance of 500 km.
Use the omega eq. to find mid-tropospheric upward
where s is distance along the thermal wind direc- speed.
tion, and MTH is the thermal-wind speed.
Regardless of the form, the terms in square brack- Find the Answer
ets represent the advection of vorticity by the ther- Given: UTH = 20 m s1, V TH = 0, z = 5 km,
mal wind, where vorticity consists of the geostroph- = 10 4 s1 , x = 500 km, fc = 10 4 s1.
ic relative vorticity plus a part of the vorticity due to Find: Wmid = ? m s1
the Earths rotation. The geostrophic vorticity at the
Use eq. (13.28):
85 kPa or the 70 kPa isobaric surface is often used to
approximate the average geostrophic vorticity over 2 (5000m) ( 10 4 s 1 )
Wmid (20m/s) + 0 + 0 = 0.4 m
the whole 100 to 50 kPa layer. (10 4 s 1 ) (5 105 m)
A physical interpretation of the omega equation
is that greater upward velocity occurs where there is Check: Units OK. Physics OK.
greater advection of cyclonic (positive) geostrophic Exposition: At this speed, an air parcel would take
vorticity by the thermal wind. Greater upward ve- 7.6 h to travel from the ground to the tropopause.
locity favors clouds and heavier precipitation. Also,
by moving air upward from the surface, it reduces OPSUI 
the pressure under it, causing the surface low to LN
move toward that location and deepen. B

Weather maps can be used to determine the loca-
tion and magnitude of the maximum upward mo- 
tion. The idealized map of Fig. 13.36a shows the
height (z) contours of the 50 kPa isobaric surface, - 

along with the trough axis. Also shown is the loca-

tion of the surface low and fronts.
At the surface, the greatest vorticity is often near
the low center. At 50 kPa, it is often near the trough
axis. At 70 kPa, the vorticity maximum (vort max) is
usually between those two locations. In Fig. 13.36a,
the darker shading corresponds to regions of greater
cyclonic vorticity at 70 kPa. OPSUI
Fig. 13.36b shows the thickness (z) of the layer C

of air between the 100 and 50 kPa isobaric surfaces. DPME 
Thickness lines are often nearly parallel to surface
fronts, with the tightest packing on the cold side 
of the fronts. Recall that thermal wind is parallel -
to the thickness lines, with cold air to the left, and
with the greatest velocity where the thickness lines 
are most tightly packed. Thermal wind direction is
represented by the arrows in Fig. 13.36b, with longer
arrows denoting stronger speed. XBSN
Advection is greatest where the area between FBTU
crossing isopleths is smallest (the INFO Box on the
next page explains why). This rule also works for Figure 13.36
(a) Weather at three different pressure heights: (1) 50 kPa heights
advection by the thermal wind. The dotted lines
(solid lines) and trough axis (thick dashed line); (2) surface low
represent the isopleths that drive the thermal wind.
pressure center (L) and fronts; (3) 70 kPa vorticity (shaded).
In Fig. 13.36 the thin black lines around the shaded (b) Trough axis, surface low and fronts, and vorticity shading are
areas are isopleths of vorticity. The solenoid at the identical to Fig. (a). Added are: 100 to 50 kPa thickness (dotted
smallest area between these crossing isopleths indi- lines), thermal wind vectors (arrows), and region of maximum
cates the greatest vorticity advection by the thermal positive vorticity advection by the thermal wind (rectangular
wind, and is outlined by a rectangular box. For this box). It is within this box that the omega equation gives the
greatest updraft speed, which support cyclogenesis.
458 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

HIGHER MATH The Omega Eq. INFO Max Advection on Wx Maps

One trick to locating the region of maximum
Full Omega Equation advection is to find the region of smallest area be-
The omega equation describes vertical motion tween crossing isopleths on a weather (wx) map,
in pressure coordinates. One form of the quasi-geo- where one set of isopleths must define a wind.
strophic omega equation is: For example, consider temperature advection by
2 the geostrophic wind. Temperature advection will
2 fo 2 fo
p +
p 2 =

V g p g + fc

( ) occur only if the winds blow across the isotherms at
some nonzero angle. Stronger temperature gradient
with stronger wind component perpendicular to that
2p V g p T gradient gives stronger temperature advection.
But stronger geostrophic winds are found where
where fo is a reference Coriolis parameter fc at the cen- the isobars are closer together. Stronger temperature
ter of a beta plane, is a measure of static stability, Vg gradients are found where the isotherms are closer to-
is a vector geostrophic wind, is the ideal gas law gether. In order for the winds to cross the isotherms,
constant, p is pressure, T is temperature, g is geo- the isobars must cross the isotherms. Thus, the great-
strophic vorticity, and means vector dot product. est temperature advection is where the tightest isobar

p () = () / x p + () / y p is the del operator, packing crosses the tightest isotherm packing. At
such locations, the area bounded between neighbor-
which gives quasi-horizontal derivatives along an ing isotherms and isobars is smallest.
isobaric surface. Another operator is the Laplacian: This is illustrated in the surface weather map be-
. low, where the smallest area is shaded to mark the
2 p () = 2 () / x 2 + 2 () / y 2
p p maximum temperature advection. There is a jet of
Although the omega equation looks particularly strong geostrophic winds (tight isobar spacing) run-
complicated and is often shown to frighten unsus- ning from northwest to southeast. There is also a front
pecting people, it turns out to be virtually useless. with strong temperature gradient (tight isotherm
The result of this equation is a small difference be- spacing) from northeast to southwest. However, the
tween very large terms on the RHS that often nearly place where the jet and temperature gradient together
cancel each other, and which can have large error. are strongest is the shaded area.
Each of the odd-shaped tiles (solenoids) between
Trenberth Omega Equation crossing isobars and isotherms represents the same
Trenberth developed a more useful form that amount of temperature advection. But larger tiles im-
avoids the small difference between large terms: ply that temperature advection is spread over larger

areas. Thus, greatest temperature flux (temperature
2 fo 2 2 2 fo V g
p +

p 2
p g + ((f c / 2 )
) advection per unit area) is at the smallest tiles.
This approach works for other variables too. If
isopleths of vorticity and height contours are plotted
For the omega subsection of this chapter, we focus on an upper-air chart, then the smallest area between
on the vertical (pressure) derivative on the LHS, and crossing isopleths indicates the region of maximum
ignore the Laplacian. This leaves: vorticity advection by the geostrophic wind. For
vorticity advection by the thermal wind, plot iso-

fo 2 2 2 fo V g plets of vorticity vs. thickness contours.
p 2
p g + ( f c / 2) )



Upon integrating over pressure from p = 100 to 50 
= (
V TH p g + ( fc / 2)

where the definition of thermal wind V TH is used, 1
along with the mean value theorem for the last term. 
The hydrostatic eq. is used to convert the LHS: L1B
/ p = W / z . The whole eq. is then integrated
over height, with W = Wmid at z = z (= 100 - 50 kPa
thickness) and W = 0 at z = 0.

This gives Wmid =

2 z
g + ( f c / 2) )
g + ( f c / 2) )
fc x y XFTU FBTU

Fig. h. Solid lines are isobars. Grey dashed lines are iso-
But fc varies with y, not x. The result is eq. (13.28). therms. Greatest temperature advection is at shaded tile.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 459

Figure 13.37 (At right. Not the 2014 case study.)  

Superposition of the vorticity chart (grey lines and shading) at DPME

85 kPa with the chart for thickness (thick black lines) between 
the 100 and 50 kPa isobaric surfaces, for a 1994 event. The 
thermal wind (arrows) blows parallel to the thickness lines with 

cold air to its left. The white box highlights a region of positive 

vorticity advection (PVA) by the thermal wind, where updrafts,
cyclogenesis, and bad weather would be expected.


particular example, the greatest updraft would be 

expected within this box. 1BDJGJD   5IJDL

Be careful when you identify the smallest area.

In Fig. 13.36b, another area equally as small exists L1B7PSUJDJUZL1B5IJDLOFTT65$ 'FC
further south-south-west from the low center. How-
ever, the cyclonic vorticity is being advected away
from this region rather than toward it. Hence, this is
a region of negative vorticity advection by the ther- INFO The Geostrophic Paradox
mal wind, which would imply downward vertical
Consider the entrance region a jet streak. Suppose
velocity and cyclolysis or anticyclogenesis.
that the thickness contours are initially zonal, with
To apply these concepts to the 1994 event, Fig.
cold air to the north and warm to the south (Fig. i(a)).
13.37 superimposes the 85 kPa vorticity chart with As entrance winds (black arrows in Fig. i(a) converge,
the 100 - 50 kPa thickness chart. The white box warm and cold air are advected closer to each other.
highlights a region of small solenoids, with the ther- This causes the thickness contours to move closer to-
mal wind blowing from high towards low vorticity. gether (Fig. i(b), in turn suggesting tighter packing
Hence, the white box outlines an area of positive of the height contours and faster geostrophic winds
vorticity advection (PVA) by the thermal wind, at location X via the thermal wind equation. But
so anticipate substantial updrafts in that region. the geo- [ B

Such updrafts would create bad weather (clouds and s t r o p h i c LN - [

precipitation), and would encourage cyclogenesis in wind in $PME

Fig. i(a) is
the region outlined by the white box. LN
advecting  NT
Near the surface low center (marked by the X in 
Fig. 13.37) is weak negative vorticity advection. This w i n d +FU

implies downdrafts, which contribute to cyclolysis. speeds to 

This agrees with the actual cyclone evolution, which l o c a t i o n 
began weakening at this time, while a new cyclone X. 8BSN

formed near the Carolinas and moved northward Pa ra-
along the USA East Coast. d o x : Z )
advection  Y
The Trenberth omega equation is heavily used
in weather forecasting to help diagnose synoptic- of the geo-

st roph ic
scale regions of updraft and the associated cyclogen-
wind by LN
[ - [
esis, cloudiness and precipitation. However, in the $PME

the geo-
derivation of the omega equation (which we did not LN
st roph ic
cover in this book), we neglected components that w i n d

describe the role of ageostrophic motions in helping seems to 9 +FU
to maintain geostrophic balance. The INFO box on undo geo-  
the Geostrophic Paradox describes the difficulties st roph ic
of maintaining geostrophic balance in some situa- balance at 8BSN

tions motivation for Hoskins Q-vector approach X. 
described next. Z )

Fig. i. Entrance region of jet streak on a 50 kPa isobaric surface.

z is height (black dashed lines), z is thickness (thin grey lines),
shaded areas are wind speeds, with initial isotachs as dotted black
lines. L & H are low and high heights. (a) Initially. (b) Later.
460 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

2Z 2WFDUPS Q-vectors allow an alternative method for di-
$ $ $
agnosing vertical velocity that does not neglect as
many terms.
2Y % % %
Defining Q-vectors


4PVUI Define a horizontal Q-vector (units m2s1kg1)

Figure 13.38 with x and y components as follows:
(a) Components of a Q-vector. (b) How to recognize patterns of
vector convergence (C) and divergence (D) on weather maps.
U g T Vg T
Qx = +
Sample Application TDBMF P x x x y (13.30)
Given the 65$'FC
weather map
at right showing
5 U g T Vg T (13.31)
the temperature Qy = +
and geostrophic m$ P y x y y
wind fields over m
the NE USA. Find
the Q-vector at 9  where = 0.287 kPaK1m3kg1 is the gas constant,
the X in S.E. Z P is pressure, (Ug, Vg) are the horizontal components
Pennsylvania.  of geostrophic wind, T is temperature, and (x, y) are
Side of each grid Y eastward and northward horizontal distances. On a
square is 100 km, Figure j weather map, the Qx and Qy components at any loca-
and corresponds to G = 5 m s1 for the wind vectors. tion are used to draw the Q-vector at that location,
as sketched in Fig. 13.38a. Q-vector magnitude is
Find the Answer
Given: P = 85 kPa, G (m s1) & T (C) fields on map.
( )
1/2 (13.32)
Find: Qx & Qy = ? m2 s1 kg1 Q = Q x 2 + Qy 2

First, estimate Ug, Vg, and T gradients from the map.

T/x = 5C/600km, T/y = 5C/200km, Estimating Q-vectors
Ug/x = 0, Vg/x = (2.5m s1)/200km Eqs. (13.30 - 13.32) seem non-intuitive in their ex-
Ug/y = (5m s1)/300km, Vg/y = 0, isting Cartesian form. Instead, there is an easy way
/P = 0.287/85 = 0.003376 m3kg1K1 to estimate Q-vector direction and magnitude using
weather maps. First, look at direction.
Use eq. (13.30): Qx = (0.003376 m3kg1K1) Suppose you fly along an isotherm (Fig. 13.39)
[( (0)(8.3) + (12.5)(25)]10 12 Km1s1 in the direction of the thermal wind (in the direc-
Qx = 1.06x10 12 m2 s1 kg1 tion that keeps cold air to your left). Draw an ar-
row describing the geostrophic wind vector that
Use eq. (13.31): Qy = (0.003376 m3kg1K1)
you observe at the start of your flight, and draw a
[( (16.7)(8.3) + (0)(25)]10 12 Km1s1
second arrow showing the geostrophic wind vec-
Qy = 0.47x10 12 m2 s1 kg1
tor at the end of your flight. Next, draw the vector
Use eq. (13.32) to find Q-vector magnitude: difference, which points from the head of the initial
|Q| = [(1.06)2 + (0.47)2]1/2 10 12 Km1s1 vector to the head of the final vector. The Q-vector
|Q| = 1.16x10 12 m2 s1 kg1 direction points 90 to the right (clockwise) from the
geostrophic difference vector.
Check: Physics, units are good. Similar to Fig. 13.40. The magnitude is
Exposition: The corresponding 2Y

Q-vector is shown at right; namely, 2Z
it is pointing from the NNE because Q = (13.33)
both Qx and Qy are negative. There was obviously a P n s
lot of computations needed to get this one Q-vector.
Luckily, computers can quickly compute Q-vectors for
where n is perpendicular distance between neigh-
many points in a grid, as shown in Fig. 13.40. Nor-
boring isotherms, and where the temperature differ-
mally, you dont need to worry about the units of the
Q-vector. Instead, just focus on Q-vector convergence ence between those isotherms is T. Stronger baro-
zones such as computers can plot (Fig. 13.41), because clinic zones (namely, more tightly packed isotherms)
these zones are where the bad weather is. have larger temperature gradient T/n. Also, s
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 461

is distance of your flight along one isotherm, and

Vg is the magnitude of the geostrophic difference

vector from the previous paragraph. Thus, greater Z


changes of geostrophic wind in stronger baroclinic Y
zones have larger Q-vectors. Furthermore, Q-vector

magnitude increases with the decreasing pressure P

found at increasing altitude.

Using Q-vectors / Forecasting Tips
Different locations usually have different Q-vec-

tors, as sketched in Fig. 13.40 for a 1994 event. In-

terpret Q-vectors on a synoptic weather map as fol-
lows: 7H

Updrafts occur where Q-vectors converge. O 7H

(Fig. 13.41 gives an example for the 1994 event).

Subsidence (downward motion) occurs where Q- 7HTUBSU
vectors diverge.
Frontogenesis occurs where Q-vectors cross
isentropes (lines of constant potential tempera- Z
ture) from cold toward warm. Y
Updrafts in the TROWAL region ahead of a warm
occluded front occur during cyclolysis where the Figure 13.39
along-isentrope component of Q-vectors con- Illustration of natural coordinates for Q-vectors. Dashed grey
verge. lines are isotherms. Aircraft flies along the isotherms with cold
air to its left. Black arrows are geostrophic wind vectors. Grey
Using the tricks for visually recognizing patterns arrow indicates Q-vector direction (but not magnitude).
of vectors on weather maps (Fig. 13.38b), you can iden-
tify by eye regions of convergence and divergence
in Fig. 13.40. Or you can let the computer analyze
the Q-vectors directly to plot Q-vector convergence
and divergence (Fig. 13.41). Although Figs. 13.40 and
13.41 are analysis maps of current weather, you can
instead look at Q-vector forecast maps as produced
automatically by numerical weather prediction
models (see the NWP chapter) to help you forecast
regions of updraft, clouds, and precipitation.
Remember that Q-vector convergence indicates
regions of likely synoptic-scale upward motion and
associated clouds and precipitation. Looking at Fig.
13.41, see a moderate convergence region running
from the western Gulf of Mexico up through eastern
Louisiana and southern Mississippi. It continues
as a weak convergence region across Alabama and
Georgia, and then becomes a strong convergence
region over West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland.
A moderate convergence region extend northwest
toward Wisconsin.
This interpretation agrees with the general loca-
tions of radar echoes of precipitation for this 1994
event. Note that the frontal locations need not cor-
respond to the precipitation regions. This demon- 65$
strates the utility of Q-vectors even when the up- 'FC
drafts and precipitation are not exactly along a front, L1B2WFDUPST TDBMFYmNpTmpLHm
you can use Q-vectors to anticipate the bad-weather
regions. Figure 13.40 (Not the 2014 case study.)
Weather map of Q-vectors. (o means small magnitude.)
462 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Also, along the Texas Gulf coast, the Q-vectors

 in Fig. 13.40 are crossing the cold front from cold to-
 m ward warm air. Using the third bullet on the pre-
 m vious page, you can anticipate frontogenesis in this


 Resolving the Geostrophic Paradox
 What about the ageostrophic circulations that
m m
were missing from the Trenberth omega equation?
Fig. 13.41 suggests updrafts at the Q-vector conver-
gence region over the western Gulf of Mexico, and
subsidence at the divergence region of central Texas.
65$ Due to mass continuity, expect an ageostrophic cir-
  'FC culation of mid-tropospheric winds from the south-
east toward the northwest over the Texas Gulf coast,
which connects the up- and down-draft portions
Figure 13.41 (Not the 2014 case study.) of the circulation. This ageostrophic wind moves
Convergence of Q-vectors (shaded). Divergence (dashed lines). warm pre-frontal air up over the cold front in a di-
rect circulation (i.e., a circulation where warm air
rises and cold air sinks).
But if you had used the 85 kPa height chart to
anticipate geostrophic winds over central Texas, you
would have expected light winds at 85 kPa from
the northwest. These opposing geostrophic and
ageostrophic winds agree nicely with the warm-air
convergence (creating thunderstorms) for the cold
katafront sketch in Fig. 12.16a.
Similarly, over West Virginia and Maryland, Fig.
Sample Application 13.41 shows convergence of Q-vectors at low alti-
Discuss the nature of circulations and anticipated tudes, suggesting rising air in that region. This up-
frontal and cyclone evolution, given the Q-vector di-
draft adds air mass to the top of the air column, in-
vergence region of southern Illinois and convergence
creasing air pressure in the jet streak right entrance
in Maryland & W. Virginia, using Fig. 13.41.
region, and tightening the pressure gradient across
Find the Answer the jet entrance. This drives faster geostrophic
Given: Q-vector convergence fields. winds that counteract the advection of slower geo-
Discuss: circulations, frontal & cyclone evolution strophic winds in the entrance region. Namely, the
ageostrophic winds as diagnosed using Q-vectors
Exposition: For this 1994 case there is a low center help prevent the Geostrophic Paradox (INFO Box).
over southern Illinois, right at the location of maximum
divergence of Q-vectors in Fig. 13.41. This suggests
that: (1) The cyclone is entering the cyclolysis phase of
its evolution (synoptic-scale subsidence that opposes HIGHER MATH Q-vector Omega Eq.
any remaining convective updrafts from earlier in the
cyclones evolution) as it is steered northeastward to- By considering the added influence of ageo-
ward the Great Lakes by the jet stream. (2) The cyclone strophic winds, the Q-vector omega equation is:
will likely shift toward the more favorable updraft re-
gion over Maryland. This shift indeed happened.
2 fo 2 2 Q1 Q2 fo Vg
p + 2
= + +
The absence of Q-vectors crossing the fronts in west- p x y p
ern Tennessee and Kentucky suggest no frontogenesis R / Cp 2
there. ( QH )
Between Maryland and Illinois, we would antici-
pate a mid-tropospheric ageostrophic wind from the The left side looks identical to the original omega
east-northeast. This would connect the updraft region equation (see a previous HIGHER MATH box for an
over western Maryland with the downdraft region explanation of most symbols). The first term on the
over southern Illinois. This circulation would move air right is the convergence of the Q vectors. The second
from the warm-sector of the cyclone to over the low term is small enough to be negligible for synoptic-
center, helping to feed warm humid air into the cloud scale systems. The last term contributes to updrafts if
shield over and north of the low. there is a local maximum of sensible heating QH.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 463

Tendency of Sea-level Pressure

Because cyclones are associated with low surface Fall

pressure, processes that lower the sea-level pressure L
(i.e., deepen the low) favor cyclogenesis. On iso-
baric surfaces such as 100 kPa, a deepening cyclone
corresponds to falling geopotential heights.
Conversely, processes that cause rising sea-level
pressure (i.e., filling the low) cause cyclolysis, or
even anticyclogenesis. On an isobaric surface, this
corresponds to rising geopotential heights.
For an isobaric surface, the change of geopotential 100 kPa Height tendency (m/24h). 12 UTC, 4 Apr 2014
heights with time is called the height tendency
Figure 13.42
(Fig. 13.42). The corresponding time variation of
Change of geopotential height with time near the surface, for
pressure on a constant height surface (e.g., sea-level) the case-study storm. Negative regions indicate where heights
is known as pressure tendency. Given the close (and surface pressures) are decreasing (falling); namely, regions
relationship between geopotential heights and pres- of cyclogenesis. Height rises favor anticyclogenesis.
sures (recall Fig. 10.2 in the Atmospheric Forces and
Winds chapter), falling heights correspond to falling
pressures, both of which favor cyclogenesis.

Mass Budget
Because sea-level pressure depends on the weight
of all the air molecules above it, a falling surface
pressure must correspond to a removal of air mol-
ecules from the air column above the surface. An
accounting of the total number of molecules in an
air column is called a mass budget.
Imagine a column of air over 1 m2 of the Earths B

surface, as sketched in Fig. 13.43a. Suppose there is a
weightless leaf (grey rectangle in that figure) that can SDPOTU So
move up and down with velocity Wmid in response
to movement of air molecules in the column. Pick 8 NJE m 8 NJE m
two arbitrary heights above and below the leaf, and
consider the air densities at these heights. Because SDPOTU So
air is compressible, the density (2) below the leaf is 9
greater than the density (1) above the leaf. But we JO PGG
will focus mostly on how the densities at these fixed
altitudes change for the following scenarios.

Scenario of Fig. 13.43a: Air is pumped into the PGG JO

bottom half of the column, while an equal amount 9
of air molecules are pumped out of the top. Since Sm Sm
mass_out = mass_in, the total mass in the column
8 NJE m 8 NJE  o
is constant. Therefore the surface pressure (Psfc) is
constant, and the two densities do not change. But
the leaf is pushed upward (Wmid = up) following the Sm Sm
flow of air molecules upward in the column. 9
What could cause analogous inflows and out- 1TGDm 1TGDm
flows in the real atmosphere: horizontal conver-
gence of wind just above the surface, and divergence Figure 13.43
aloft in the jet stream. (a) Column of air (blue shading) with a leaf (grey sheet) in the
Scenario of Fig 13.43b: Horizontal divergence of middle. (b) Leaf location changes after some air is withdrawn
air aloft removes air molecules from the top of the from the top. Assume that the weightless leaf moves up and
air column, with no flow in or out of the bottom. As down with the air.
464 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

air molecules are evacuated from the column, the

Sample Application
leaf moves upward, densities decrease, and surface
If the surface pressure is 100 kPa, how much
air mass is in the whole air column above a 1 meter pressure decreases because the fewer air molecules
squared surface area? in the column cause less weight.
Scenario of Fig. 13.43c: Low-level convergence
Find the Answer causes inflow, with no flow in or out of the top. As
Given: A = 1 m2, Ps = 100 kPa more molecules are pumped into the column, den-
Find: m = ? kg sities and surface pressure increase, and the leaf is
pushed upward.
Rearrange eq. (13.34) to solve for m: Scenario of Fig 13.43d: Horizontal convergence
m = PsA/|g| = [(100 kPa)(1 m2) ] / (9.8 m s2) aloft causes inflow at the top of the column, with
no flow in or out of the bottom. As more molecules
But from Appendix A: 1 Pa = 1 kgm1s2 , thus:
enter the column, densities and surface pressure in-
m = [(105 kgm1s2)(1 m2) ] / (9.8 m s2)
crease, but the leaf is pushed downward.
= 10.2 x 10 3 kg = 10.2 Mg
Pressure at sea level (Ps) is related to total column
Check: Physics and units are reasonable. air mass (m) by:
Exposition: This calculation assumed that gravita- g
Ps = m (13.34)
tional acceleration is approximately constant over the A
depth of the atmosphere.
Eq. 13.34 can be used for the pressure at any height where the column bottom surface as area (A) and
in the atmosphere, but only if m represents the mass of gravitational acceleration is |g| = 9.8 ms2. If the
air above that height. For example, if the tropopause column mass changes with time, then so must the
is at pressure 25 kPa, then the mass of air above the surface pressure:
tropopause is one quarter of the previous answer;
namely, 2.55 Mg over each square meter. Ps g m
= (13.35)
Subtracting this value from the previous answer t A t
shows that of the total 10.2 Mg of mass in the atmo-
Suppose that a hypothetical column of height z
sphere above a square meter, most of the air (7.65 Mg)
is within the troposphere. contains constant-density air. You can relate density
to mass by
m = Volume = A z (13.36)

Thus, m/t causes z/t, where z/t is vertical ve-

locity Wsurrogate. Plugging the previous two equa-
tions into eq. (13.34) gives a way to estimate the ten-
dency of surface pressure as a function of the motion
of our hypothetical leaf Wsurrogate:
= g ( z) Wsurrogate ( z) (13.37)
assuming we know the density (z) of the inflow or
outflow air occurring at height z. Use the negative
sign in eq. (13.37) if it is driven at the top of the tro-
posphere, and positive sign if driven at the bottom.
Consider the following four processes that can
cause inflow or outflow to/from the column:
Boundary-layer pumping
Upper-level divergence
Diabatic heating
We can estimate a Wsurrogate for the last three pro-
cesses, and then add all the processes to estimate the
net pressure tendency.

Advection moves a low-pressure region from

one location to another. If you know the wind di-
rection and speed Mc that is blowing the low-pres-
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 465

sure air column toward you, and if you know (Ps/

Sample Application
s) how surface pressure changes with distance s
Divergence of air at the top of the troposphere re-
between your location and the advecting column, moves air molecules from the top of a tropospheric col-
then you can estimate the pressure tendency due to umn, causing a 0.1 m s1 updraft at height 8 km above
advection by Ps/t|advection = Mc(Ps/s). ground level (AGL). No other processes add or remove
air mass. What is the corresponding surface pressure
Recall from the Atmospheric Forces and Winds tendency?
chapter that frictional drag in the boundary layer
causes the horizontal wind to spiral inward toward Find the Answer
a low-pressure center. Mass continuity requires that Given: z = 8 km, Wsurrogate(8 km) = 0.1 m s1
this horizontal inflow be balanced by vertical out- Find: Ps/t = ? kPa s1
flow WBL out of the top of the boundary layer. This
For air density at z = 8 km, assume a standard atmo-
boundary-layer pumping vertical velocity can be
sphere. Use = 0.5252 kg m3.
used with air density BL at the boundary-layer top
in the pressure tendency equation: Use eq. (13.37) with negative sign because the forcing
Ps/t|B.L.Pumping = |g| BL WBL . is at the top of the troposphere:
Ps/t = (9.8 m s2)(0.5252 kg m3)(0.01 m s1)
Earlier in this chapter we saw how jet-stream = 0.0515 kgm1s3 = 0.0515 Pa s1
curvature and jet-streak processes can cause upper- = 5.15x10 5 kPa s 1
level divergence (U.L.Diverg.), which can remove
mass from an air column and cause cyclogenesis. Check: Physics and units are reasonable.
The Wmid from that section, along with the average Exposition: The corresponding hourly pressure ten-
mid-level air density mid, can be used to give: dency is Ps/t = 0.185 kPa h1. If this rapid deepen-
Ps/t|U.L.Diverg. = |g| mid Wmid . ing of the cyclone were to continue for 24 h, we would
classify this explosive cyclogenesis as a cyclone
Non-adiabatic heating (diabatic heating) can bomb.
be caused by solar or IR radiation, by condensation
of water vapor, and other factors. The effect of latent
heating on the surface pressure is described next.


Latent Heating
Water vapor might condense into drops or de-
posit into ice crystals at some heights within an air 1   
'1( '1(
column releasing latent heat and warming the 
column. If some of these precipitation particles



evaporate before reaching the ground, then they ab-

sorb latent heat and cool the column. 
The precipitation that does reach the ground is

related to the net amount of condensational heating  

during time interval t by  

Tv a Lv liq
= RR (13.38)
t z Cp air
Figure 13.44
Illustration of diabatic heating. (a) Initial condition of cool air
where RR is rainfall rate (mm h1), Tv is average air- in the column. Green lines are isobars. (b) A deep cloud causes
column virtual temperature, a = 10 6 km mm1, z warming in the center of the air column due to latent heating,
is depth of the air column (km), the ratio of latent with precipitation falling out of the bottom of the column (repre-
heat of vaporization to specific heat of air is Lv/Cp = sented by black rain drops). But the outside of the air column is
2500 Kkgair /kgliq, and where (air , liq ) are air and not heated (contains no clouds) and remains cool. The thickness
liquid-water densities, respectively, with liq = 1000 between isobaric surfaces is thicker in warm air than cool. This
causes pressure gradient forces (FPG, purple arrows) from warm
kg m3).
to the cold air. These forces drive winds that remove air mol-
But the hypsometric equation relates pressure
ecules from high pressure into lower pressure. (c) The resulting
changes to temperature changes (Fig. 13.44). Thus, reduction of air mass in the warm core reduces sea-level pres-
eq. (13.38) and the hypsometric equation can be sure (Low; i.e., cyclogenesis), and adds mass into the cool-air
merged to give: regions (creating sea-level highs).
466 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Ps g L
= v liq RR (13.39)

t Tv Cp


for an air column with average virtual temperature

(Kelvin) of Tv ( 300 K), and where gravitational ac-

  celeration magnitude is |g| = 9.8 ms2. Although

latent heating and cooling might occur at different
heights within the air column, eq. (13.39) describes
 the net column-average effect.

For a typical value of Tv , eq. (13.39) reduces to:
b RR (13.40)
Figure 13.45 g Lv
with factor b = liq 0.082 kPa mmrain1 .
Precipitation (liquid equivalent) measured with rain gauges. Tv Cp
You can estimate rainfall rate with weather radar,
or you can measure it with rain gauges. Fig. 13.45
shows measured precipitation liquid-equivalent
Sample Application depth (after melting any snow) for the case-study
For the maximum contoured precipitation rate for storm.
the case-study storm (in Fig. 13.45), find the diabatic
heating contribution to sea-level pressure tendency.
Net Pressure Tendency
Find the Answer The previous heuristic models for horizontal
Given: RR = 60 mm/24 h advection (horiz. adv.) and boundary-layer pump-
Find: Ps/t = ? kPa h1 ing (B.L.Pumping) and upper-level divergence
(U.L.Diverg.) and latent heating can be combined
First, convert RR from 24 h to 1 hr:
within the framework of Fig. 13.46 to give an equa-
RR = 2.5 mm h1
tion for sea-level net pressure tendency:
Use eq. (13.40): (13.41)
Ps/t = (0.082 kPa/mmrain)(2.5 mm h1) Ps P
= 0.205 kPa h1 = Mc s + g BL WBL g mid Wmid bRR
t s
Check: Physics, magnitude & units are reasonable. tendency = horiz. adv. & B.L.Pumping & U.L.Diverg. & heating
Exposition: This deepening rate corresponds to 4.9
kPa day1 large enough to be classified as a cyclone where (BL, mid) and (WBL, Wmid) are the average air
bomb. densities and vertical velocities at boundary-layer
top and mid-troposphere, respectively. The air-col-
umn horizontal translation speed is Mc (defined as
[ positive for the average movement direction along
path s). RR is rainfall rate at the surface, |g| = 9.8
KFUTUSFBNEJWFSHFODF ms2 is gravitational-acceleration magnitude, and
% b 0.082 kPa/mmrain. Cyclogenesis occurs when
Ps/t is negative.
VQXBSE We can create a toy model of cyclone evolution
NPUJPO using the equation above. Initially (time A in Fig.
13.47a) there is no extratropical cyclone. But if there
CPVOEBSZ is a Rossby wave in the jet stream, then we can an-
MBZFSQVNQJOH ticipate horizontal divergence aloft (at the altitude of
the tropopause) at a horizontal location east of the
- upper-level trough. As this upper-level divergence
Figure 13.46 removes air molecules from the air column under-
Sketch of coupling between convergence (C) in the boundary
neath it, sea-level pressure begins to decrease (time
layer and divergence (D) in the upper atmosphere. Arrows rep-
B in Fig. 13.47).
resent winds. L is location of low-pressure center at surface.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 467

But once a low-center forms near the surface,

Sample Application
the combination of pressure-gradient force, Coriolis
A cyclone experiences the following processes:
force, and frictional drag start to create a bound- Rainfall of 2 mm h1.
ary-layer gradient wind that spirals into towards Advection due to a 15 m/s west wind across a hori-
the low. The resulting inflow and boundary-layer zontal gradient of P/x of 0.5 kPa/300 km.
pumping tends to fill (weaken) the low. So the only Upper-level divergence causing Wmid = 0.04 m s1 .
way the cyclone can continue to intensify is if the Boundary-layer pumping WBL = 0.02 m s1 .
upper-level divergence in the jet stream is greater Given: mid 0.5 kgm3 , BL 1.112 kgm3
than the convergence in the boundary layer (times B What is the sea-level pressure tendency?.
to C in Fig. 13.47). At this time, cyclogenesis contin-
ues and sea-level pressure continues to drop. Find the Answer
Rising air in the cyclone (Fig. 13.46) cools adia- Given: P/s = 0.5 kPa/300 km, RR = 2 mm h1 ,
batically, eventually creating clouds and precipita- Wmid = 0.02 m s1, WBL = 0.02 m s1,
Find: Ps/t = ? kPa h1
tion. The condensation creates diabatic heating,
which enhances buoyancy to create faster updrafts
Apply eq. (13.41): Ps/t =
and continued cyclogenesis (time C in Fig. 13.47).
Recall from Fig. 13.3 that circulation of air mass- m 0.5kPa m kg m
15 + 9.8 2 1.112 3 0.02
es around the cyclone center reduces the horizontal s 3 105 m s m s
temperature gradients there, leaving the strongest m kg m
9.8 2 0.5 3 0.04 0.084
kPa mm
temperature gradients eastward and equatorward s m s mm h
of the low center. Because these temperature gradi-
ents are what drives the jet-stream via the thermal- Ps/t = (2.5 + 21.8 19.6 4.7 )x10 5 kPa s1
wind, it means that the Rossby wave shifts eastward tendency = horiz. adv. & B.L.Pumping & U.L.Diverg. & heating
relative to the low center (times C to D in Fig. 13.47).
Latent heating in the cloudy updrafts continues = 5 x10 5 kPa s1 = 0.18 kPa h1
to support cyclogenesis. Meanwhile, the upper-level
divergence of the jet stream decreases. Eventually Check: Physics, magnitude & units are reasonable.
the sum of upper-level divergence and diabatic pro- Exposition: The negative sign implies cyclogenesis.
In the B.L.pumping and U.L.Diverg. terms I divided
cesses is insufficient to counterbalance the contin-
by 1000 to convert Pa into kPa. For the rainfall term I
ued boundary-layer pumping. At this point (time D converted from kPa h1 to kPa s1.
in Fig. 13.47), cyclogenesis ceases, and the sea-level
pressure stops dropping. The cyclone has reached
its mature stage and is still strong (low surface pres-
sures, strong winds, heavy precipitation), but will B
not be getting stronger. $ZDMPHFOFTJT KFUTUSFBN

The strong circulation around the low continues QSPDFTTFT

to cause strong boundary-layer pumping, which -BUFOUIFBUJOH
ceaselessly tends to weaken the cyclone. Without QSPDFTTFT
the jet-stream support aloft, the air column begins
 " # $ % & '
to fill with molecules cyclolysis has begun. UJNFMJOF
As the cyclone occludes (Figs. 13.3e & f), the Ross-
by wave shifts so far eastward that the jet-stream is
causing upper-level convergence over the weaken-
ing low (time E in Fig. 13.47), thereby helping to fill it $ZDMPMZTJT -PXBMUJUVEF CPVOEBSZMBZFS

even faster with air molecules. QSPDFTTFT

Eventually, the central pressure rises to equal the
surrounding pressures (i.e., no horizontal pressure C

gradient). Winds decrease, condensation and pre-
cipitation end, and the circulation spins-down. By )JHI
time F in Fig. 13.47, the cyclone has disappeared, and $ZDMPHFOFTJT $ZDMPMZTJT
anticyclogenesis (creation of surface high-pressure)  " # $ % & '
has begun.
During the three-day life cycle, the cyclone acted -PX
to move cold air equatorward and warm air pole-
ward to reduce the baroclinic instability that had
created it (as per Le Chateliers principle). Figure 13.47
Processes that cause extratropical cyclone evolution.
468 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Cyclone Self Development

Up to this point, cyclogenesis has been treated

as a response to various external imposed forcings.
However, some positive feedbacks allow the cyclone
to enhance its own intensification. This is often
called self development.

JUBUJPO Condensation
SFHJPO As discussed in the quasi-geostrophic vorticity
subsection, divergence of the upper-level winds east

of the Rossby-wave trough (Fig. 13.48) causes a broad


region of upward motion there. Rising air forms

clouds and possibly precipitation if sufficient mois-

ture is present. Such a cloud region is sometimes

called an upper-level disturbance by broadcast

meteorologists, because the bad weather is not yet


associated with a strong surface low.


Latent heating of the air due to condensation

enhances buoyancy and increases upward motion.

The resulting stretching enhances spin-up of the



vorticity, and the upward motion withdraws some

of the air away from the surface, leaving lower pres-
sure. Namely, a surface low forms.
FBTU Diabatic heating also increases the average tem-
perature of the air column, which pushes the 50
Figure 13.48
kPa pressure surface upward (i.e., increasing its
50 kPa chart showing cloud and precipitation region in the up-
per troposphere, causing latent heating and a westward shift of height), according to the hypsometric relationship.
the ridge axis. This builds or strengthens a ridge in the upper-level
Rossby wave west of the initial ridge axis.
The result is a shortening of the wavelength be-
tween trough and ridge in the 50 kPa flow, causing
tighter turning of the winds and greater vorticity
(Fig. 13.48). Vorticity advection also increases.
OPSUI As the surface low strengthens due to these fac-
tors (i.e., divergence aloft, vorticity advection, pre-

cipitation, etc.), more precipitation and latent heat-

ing can occur. This positive feedback shifts the
$PPM upper-level ridge further west, which enhances the
vorticity and the vorticity advection. The net result
is rapid strengthening of the surface cyclone.

Temperature Advection
Cyclone intensification can also occur when
warm air exists slightly west from the Rossby-wave
ridge axis, as sketched in Fig. 13.49. For this situa-
8BSN tion, warm air advects into the region just west of
the upper-level ridge, causing ridge heights to in-
crease. Also cold air advects under the upper-level
DPMEBJS XBSNBJS FBTU trough, causing heights to fall there.

Figure 13.49
50 kPa chart showing a temperature field (shaded) that is 1/4
wavelength west of the wave in the height contours (solid lines).
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 469






Figure 13.50
50 kPa chart showing the westward shift and intensification of ) - )
north-south wave amplitude caused by differential temperature
The net result is intensification of the Rossby-

wave amplitude (Fig. 13.50) by deepening the trough

and strengthening the ridge. Stronger wave am- 7HFOE 7H
plitude can cause stronger surface lows due to en-
hanced upper-level divergence. 2WFDUPS
Propagation of Cyclones
For a train of cyclones and anticyclones along
the mid-latitude baroclinic zone (Fig. 13.51a), a Q-
vector analysis (Fig. 13.51b) suggests convergence of
Q-vectors east of the low, and divergence of Q-vec-
tors west of the low (Fig. 13.51c). But convergence
regions imply updrafts with the associated clouds ) - )
and surface-pressure decrease conditions associ-

ated with cyclogenesis. Thus, the cyclone (L) in Fig.

13.51c would tend to move toward the updraft re- 8BSN
gion indicated by the Q-vector convergence.
The net result is that cyclones tend to propagate
in the direction of the thermal wind, i.e., parallel to Figure 13.51
the thickness contours. Using Q-vectors to estimate cyclone propagation. Grey dashed
lines are isotherms (or thickness contours). Thin black lines are
isobars (or height contours). (a) Airplane is flying in the direc-
Creation of Baroclinic Zones tion of the thermal wind. Black arrows are geostrophic wind
Cyclones and anticyclones tend to create or vectors encountered by the airplane on either side of the cyclone
strengthen baroclinic zones such as fronts. This (L). (b) Vector difference (black dashed line) between starting
works as follows. and ending geostrophic-wind vectors (drawn displaced to the
Consider a train of lows and highs in a region right a bit so you can see it) for the portion of aircraft flight
with uniform temperature gradient, as shown in Fig. across the low. Q-vector (grey thick arrow) is 90 to the right
13.52a. The rotation around the lows and highs tend of the dashed vector. (c) Q-vector from (b) is copied back to the
cyclone. Similar analyses can be done to find the Q-vectors for
to distort the center isotherms into a wave, by mov-
the anticyclones (H). Convergence of Q-vectors (grey shaded
ing cold air equatorward on the west side of the lows box with dotted outline) indicates region of updraft. Divergence
and moving warm air poleward on the east side. of Q-vectors (white box with dotted outline) indicates region of
downdraft. (for N. Hemisphere.)
470 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones






) - ) 

8BSN 7H 7H

7H 7H
Figure 13.52 7H
Rotational and divergent wind components (thin black arrows)
and isotherms (dashed grey lines) in the lower troposphere. (a)
Initial train of highs (H) and lows (L) in a uniform tempera- 2WFDUPS
ture gradient in the N. Hemisphere. (b) Later evolution of the
isotherms into frontal zones (shaded rectangle is a baroclinic
zone). D

In addition, convergence into lows pulls the iso-
therms closer together, while divergence around
highs tends to push isotherms further apart. The
combination of rotation and convergence/diver- 2WFDUPS
gence tends to pack the isotherms into frontal zones
near lows, and spread isotherms into somewhat ho- 2WFDUPS
mogeneous airmasses at highs (Fig. 13.52b).
Much of the first part of this chapter showed

how cyclones can develop over existing baroclinic


regions. Here we find that cyclones can help cre-


ate those baroclinic zones resulting in a positive


feedback where cyclones modify their environment VQ

to support further cyclogenesis. Thus, cyclogenesis 2WFDUPS
and frontogenesis often occur simultaneously.
Propagation of Cold Fronts
Recall from Fig. 13.8 that the circulation around Figure 13.53
Using Q-vectors to locate regions of upward and downward mo-
a cyclone can include a deformation and diffluence
tion due to diffluence of air behind a cold front. (a) Thin black
region of cold air behind the cold front. If the difflu- lines are wind direction. Dashed grey lines are isotherms, along
ent winds in this baroclinic zone are roughly geo- which an imaginary airplane flies. Thick black arrows show
strophic, then you can use Q-vectors to analyze the geostrophic wind vectors, with o representing zero wind. (b)
ageostrophic behavior near the front. Estimation of Q-vectors between points 1 and 2, and also be-
Fig. 13.53a is zoomed into the diffluence region, tween points 2 and 3. (c) The Q-vectors from (b) plotted in the
and shows the isotherms and geostrophic wind vec- baroclinic zone, with near-zero Q-vectors (grey o) elsewhere.
Q-vector convergence in grey shaded region suggests updrafts.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 471

tors. By flying an imaginary airplane along the iso-

therms and noting the change in geostrophic wind
tainty and Truth in Science
vector, estimate the Q-vectors at the front as drawn
in Fig. 13.53b. Further from the front, the Q-vectors The Supreme Court of the USA ruled that: There
are near zero. are no certainties in science. Scientists do not assert
Thus, Q-vector convergence is along the leading that they know what is immutably true they are
committed to searching for new, temporary theories
edge of the cold front (Fig. 13.53c), where warm air is
to explain, as best they can, phenomena. They ruled
indeed rising over the front. Behind the cold front
that science is a process for proposing and refining
is Q-vector divergence, associated with downward theoretical explanations about the world that are sub-
air motion of cool dry air from higher in the tropo- ject to further testing and refinement.
sphere (Fig. 13.8).
[CAUTION: The definition, role, and activities of science
cannot be defined or constrained by a legal court or reli-
gious inquisition. Instead, science is a philosophy that has
gradually developed and has been refined by scientists. The
Review A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE boxes in this book can
help you to refine your own philosophy of science.]
Extratropical cyclones (lows) are horizontally
large (thousands of km in diameter) relatively thin
(11 km thick) storms in mid latitudes. They undergo
an evolution of intensification (cyclogenesis) and
weakening (cyclolysis) within a roughly three-day
period while they translate eastward and poleward.
The storm core is generally cold, which implies that
the upper-level Rossby wave trough is generally
west of the cyclone.
Cyclones rotate (counterclockwise/clockwise) in
the (Northern/Southern) Hemisphere around a cen-
ter of low sea-level pressure. Bad weather (clouds,
precipitation, strong winds) are often concentrated
in narrow frontal regions that extend outward from
the low-pressure center. Cyclone strength can be in-
ferred from its vorticity (rotation), ascent (updrafts),
and sea-level pressure.
Weather maps are used to study synoptic-scale
storm systems such as mid-latitude cyclones and
fronts. Many case-study maps were presented in
this chapter for the 4 April 2014 cyclone, and a few
maps were for a similar cyclone during 23 February
472 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

INFO Landfalling Pacific Cyclones INFO Pacific Cyclones (continued)

Mid-latitude cyclones that form over the warm Sometimes there is a strong pre-frontal jet of
ocean waters east of Japan often intensify while ap- fast low-altitude winds just ahead of the cold front, as
proaching the dateline (180 longitude). But by the shown by the black arrows in Fig. 13.54. If the source
time they reach the eastern North Pacific ocean they region of this jet is in the humid sub-tropi-
are often entering the cyclolysis phase of their evolu- cal air, then copious amounts of moisture can be
tion. Thus, most landfalling cyclones that reach the advected toward the coast by this atmospheric riv-
Pacific Northwest coast of N. America are already oc- er. If the source of this jet is near Hawaii, then the
cluded and are spinning down. conveyor belt of moist air streaming toward N. Amer-
The cyclone labeled L1 in Fig. 13.54 has just started ica is nicknamed the Pineapple Express.
to occlude. Satellite images of these systems show a When this humid air hits the coast, the air is
characteristic tilted-T ( ) shaped cloud structure forced to rise over the mountains. As the rising air

(grey shaded in Fig. 13.54), with the cold front, occlud- cools adiabatically, clouds and orographic precipita-
ed front, and a short stub of a warm front. tion form over the mountains (indicated by m in
As the cyclone translates further eastward, its Fig. 13.54). Sometimes the cold front stalls (stops ad-
translation speed often slows and the low center vancing) while the pre-frontal jet continues to pump
turns northward toward the cold waters in the Gulf moisture toward the mountains. This atmospheric-
of Alaska a cyclone graveyard where lows go to river situation causes extremely heavy precipitation
die. In the late occluded phase, satellite images show and flooding.
a characteristic cinnamon roll cloud structure, such Fig. 13.55 shows an expanded view of the Van-
as sketched with grey shading for cyclone L2. couver, Seattle, Victoria region (corresponding to the
For cyclone L2, when the cold front progresses lower-right m from Fig. 13.54). Low-altitude winds
over the complex mountainous terrain of the Pacific split around the Olympic Mountains, only to con-
Northwest (British Columbia, Washington, Oregon), verge (thick dashed line) in a region of heavy rain or
the front becomes much more disorganized and dif-
snow called the Olympic Mountain Convergence
ficult to recognize in satellite and surface weather
Zone (also known as the Puget Sound Conver-
observations (as indicated with the dashed line over
British Columbia). gence Zone in the USA). The windward slopes of
The remaining portion of L2s cold front still over mountain ranges often receive heavy orographic pre-
the Pacific often continues to progress toward the cipitation (dotted ovals), while in between is often a
southeast as a headless front (seemingly detached rain shadow of clearer skies and less precipitation.
from its parent cyclone L2).

/ 3B 3B UOT
) /

/ 3B S



- N

/ /


8 8 8



) ) Figure 13.55
Zoomed view of the Pacific Northwest. Pacific Ocean,
Figure 13.54 sounds, and straits are white, while higher terrain is shaded
Sketch of occluding mid-latitude cyclones approaching the darker. Arrows represent low-altitude wind.
Pacific Northwest coast of N. America.
(continues in next column)
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 473

and largest negative vorticity advection. Identify a

location that supports cyclogenesis.
Homework Exercises
B12. Get upper-air maps of vorticity on the 70 kPa
Broaden Knowledge & Comprehension isobaric surface, and a map of 100 to 50 kPa thick-
For all the exercises in this section, collect informa- ness. For a location near a cyclone, estimate the ther-
tion from the internet. Dont forget to cite the web mal wind. Next, identify a point on the map having
site URLs that you use. largest advection of vorticity by that thermal wind.
Recall that ascent and cyclogenesis is supported at
B1. Collect weather maps for a new case-study cy- those max advection locations, as described by the
clone assigned by your instructor. Use these maps omega equation.
to explain the processes involved in the evolution of
this cyclone. B13. Get an upper-air map that shows contours of
the height or pressure of a surface of constant poten-
B2. What are some web sites that provide data tial temperature (i.e., an isentropic surface). Depend-
on damage, deaths, and travel disruptions due to ing on the potential temperature you pick, indicate
storms? which part of the isentropic surface might be in the
stratosphere (if any). Given typical wind directions
B3. Same as exercise B1, but use the maps to create (from other maps or information), indicate if the air
a sketch of the 3-D nature of the storm, and how the is like ascending or descending along the isentropic
storm dynamics affect its evolution. surface.

B4. Find weather maps of common cyclogenesis lo- B14. Get a map of isotachs for the 20 or 30 kPa iso-
cations and storm tracks. baric surface. Label the quadrants of relative to the
jet-streak axis. Suggest locations where cyclogenesis
B5. Get weather maps that display how a cyclone is favored. At one of those regions, calculate verti-
is affected as it moves over large mountain ranges, cal velocity in the mid-troposphere that would be
such as the North American Coast Range, Rocky caused by divergence in the jet-streak winds.
Mountains, Cascade Mountains, or other significant
range in the world (as assigned by your instructor). B15. Get a map of geopotential height on an iso-
baric surface of 20 or 30 kPa. Comment on how the
B6. Draw on a map the path of a cyclone center, packing of heights changes as the jet stream flows in
and encircle regions on that map experiencing bad troughs and ridges.
weather (heavy rains, blizzards, windstorms, etc.).
B16. Capture a radar reflectivity image (perhaps
B7. Get maps showing cyclone bombs, and discuss a composite from many radars) that show the dis-
their life cycle. tribution of dBZ around an extratropical cyclone.
Comment on the amount of sea-level pressure ten-
B8. Get upper-air weather maps (such as at 30 or 20 dency due to latent-heating in different parts of the
kPa) showing wind isotachs or geopotential height cyclone.
contours. Use these maps to identify Rossby wave
lengths and amplitudes. B17. The case-study in this textbook showed weather
maps of typical variables and fields often employed
B9. Using the maps from exercise B8, measure the by meteorologists. Get and comment on the value
radius-of-curvature of troughs, and combine with of weather maps of other types of fields or variables,
wind-speed information to calculate vorticity. as you can acquire from national weather services or
weather research centers.
B10. Get geopotential height and temperature maps
for the 70 or 85 kPa isobaric surfaces. Use the meth- B18. Find a web site that produces maps of Q-vec-
od of crossing isopleths to identify which point on tors or Q-vector divergence. Print this map and a
the map has the largest temperature advection. normal surface weather map with fronts, and dis-
cuss how you would anticipate the cyclone to evolve
B11. Get geopotential height and vorticity maps on based on a Q-vector analysis.
the 50 kPa isobaric surface. Identify points on the
map that have the largest positive vorticity advection
474 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

Apply C in Fig. 13.20 given an average wind speed (m s1)

A1. For latitude 50N, find the approximate wave- of: a. 20 b. 25 c. 30 d. 35 e. 40 f. 45 g. 50
length (km) of upper-atmosphere (Rossby) waves h. 55 i. 60 j. 65 k. 70 l. 75 m. 80 n. 85
triggered by mountains, given an average wind
speed (m s1) of: A8. Regarding equatorward propagation of cy-
a. 20 b. 25 c. 30 d. 35 e. 40 f. 45 g. 50 clones on the eastern slope of mountains, if a cyclone
h. 55 i. 60 j. 65 k. 70 l. 75 m. 80 n. 85 of radius 1000 km and potential vorticity of 3x10 8
m1s1 is over a slope as given below (z/x), find the
A2. Find the rate of increase of the parameter (i.e., change in relative vorticity (s1) between the north
the rate of change of Coriolis parameter with dis- and south sides of the cyclone.
tance north) in units of m1s1 at the following lati- a. 1/500 b. 1/750 c. 1/1000 d. 1/1250
tude (N): e. 1/1500 f. 1/1750 g. 1/2000 h. 1/2250
a. 40 b. 45 c. 50 d. 55 e. 60 f. 65 g. 70 i. 1/2500 j. 1/2750 k. 1/3000 l. 1/3250
h. 80 i. 35 j. 30 k. 25 l. 20 m. 15 n. 10
A9. Recall from the Atmospheric Forces and Winds
A3. Given a tropospheric depth of 12 km at latitude chapter that incompressible mass continuity implies
45N, what is the meridional (north-south) ampli- that W/z = D, where D is horizontal divergence.
tude (km) of upper-atmosphere (Rossby) waves trig- Find the Coriolis contribution to the stretching term
gered by mountains, given an average mountain- (s2) in the relative-vorticity tendency equation, giv-
range height (km) of: en the average 85 kPa divergence in Fig. 13.26 for the
a. 0.4 b. 0.6 c. 0.8 d. 1.0 e. 1.2 f. 1.4 g. 1.6 following USA state:
h. 1.8 i. 2.0 j. 2.2 k. 2.4 l. 2.6 m. 2.8 n. 3.0 a. AZ b. WI c. KS d. KY e. VA f. CO g. KA
h. AB i. MD j. ID k. central TX l. NY m. IN
A4. How good is the approximation of eq. (13.4) to
eq. (13.3) at the following latitude (N)? A10. Find the spin-up rate (s2) of quasi-geostrophic
a. 40 b. 45 c. 50 d. 55 e. 60 f. 65 g. 70 vorticity, assuming that the following is the only
h. 80 i. 35 j. 30 k. 25 l. 20 m. 15 n. 10 non-zero characteristic:
a. Geostrophic wind of 30 m s1 from north with-
A5. For a troposphere of depth 12 km at latitude in region where geostrophic vorticity increases to-
43N, find the potential vorticity in units of m1s1, ward the north by 6x10 5 s1 over 500 km distance.
given the following: b. Geostrophic wind of 50 m s1 from west with-
[wind speed (m s1) , radius of curvature (km)] in region where geostrophic vorticity increases to-
a. 50 , 500 ward the east by 8x10 5 s1 over 1000 km distance.
b. 50 , 1000 c. A location at 40N with geostrophic wind from
c. 50 , 1500 the north of 25 m s1.
d. 50 , 2000 d. A location at 50N with geostrophic wind from
e. 50 , 500 the south of 45 m s1.
f. 50 , 1000 e. A location at 35N with vertical velocity increas-
g. 50 , 1500 ing 0.5 m s1 with each 1 km increase in height.
h. 50 , -2000 f. A location at 55N with vertical velocity decreas-
i. 75 , 500 ing 0.2 m s1 with each 2 km increase in height.
j. 75 , 1000
k. 75 , 1500 A11. Find the value of geostrophic vorticity (s1),
l. 75 , 2000 given the following changes of (Ug, Vg) in m s1 with
m. 75 , 1000 500 km distance toward the (north, east):
n. 75 , 2000 a. (0, 5) b. (0, 10) c. (0, 8) d. (0, 20)
e. (7, 0) f. (15, 0) g. (12, 0) h. (-25, 0)
A6. For air at 55N with initially no curvature, find i. (5, 10) j. (20, 10) k. (10, 15) l. (15, 12)
the potential vorticity in units of m1s1 for a tropo-
sphere of depth (km): A12. Find the value of geostrophic vorticity (s1),
a. 7.0 b. 7.5 c. 8.0 d. 8.5 e. 9.0 f. 9.5 g. 10.0 given a geostrophic wind speed of 35 m s1 with the
h. 10.5 i. 11 j. 11.5 k. 12 l. 12.5 m. 13 n. 13.5 following radius of curvature (km). Assume the air
rotates similar to a solid-body.
A7. When air at latitude 60N flows over a mountain a. 450 b. 580 c. 690 d. 750 e. 825 f. 988
range of height 2 km within a troposphere of depth g. 1300 h. 1400 i. 2430 j. 2643 k. 2810
12 km, find the radius of curvature (km) at location l. 2900 m. 3014 n. 3333
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 475

calculated in the previous exercise is valid over a

A13. What is the value of omega (Pa s1) following layer between altitudes 8 km and 12 km, where the
a vertically-moving air parcel, if during 1 minute its tropopause is at 12 km, find the vertical velocity (m
pressure change (kPa) is: s1) at 8 km altitude.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 e. 10 f. 12 g. 14
h. 16 i. 18 j. 20 k. 0.00005 l. 0.0004 A22. Suppose that a west wind enters a region at
m. 0.003 n. 0.02 the first speed (m s1) given below, and leaves 500
km downwind at the second speed (m s1). Find the
A14. At an altitude where the ambient pressure is 85 north-south component of ageostrophic wind (m
kPa, convert the following vertical velocities (m s1) s1) in this region. Location is 55N.
into omega (Pa s1): a. (40, 50) b. (30, 60) c. (80, 40) d. (70, 50)
a. 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 20 e. 30 f. 40 g. 50 e. (40, 80) f. (60, 30) g. (50, 40) h. (70, 30)
h. 0.2 i. 0.5 j. 1.0 k. 3 l. 5 m. 0.03 i. (30, 80) j. (40, 70) k. (30, 70) l. (60, 20)

A15. Using Fig. 13.15, find the most extreme value A23. Use the ageostrophic right-hand rule to find
horizontal divergence (10 5 s1) at 20 kPa over the the ageostrophic wind direction for the data of the
following USA state: previous problem.
a. MI b. WI c. IL d. IN e. TN f. GA
g. MS h. AB i. KY j. PA k. NY l. SC A24. Using the data from A22, find the updraft
speed (m s1) into a 4 km thick layer at the top of
A16. Find the vertical velocity (m s1) at altitude 9 the troposphere, assuming the half-width of the jet
km in an 11 km thick troposphere, if the divergence streak is 200 km.
(10 5 s1) given below occurs within a 2 km thick
layer within the top of the troposphere. A25. Suppose that the thickness of the 100 - 50 kPa
a. 0.2 b. 1 c. 1.5 d. 2 e. 3 f. 4 g. 5 h. 6 layer is 5.5 km and the Coriolis parameter is 10 4 s1.
i. 0.3 j.0.7 k. 1.8 l. 2.2 m. 3.5 n. 5 A 20 m s1 thermal wind from the west blows across
a domain of x dimension given below in km. Across
A17. Jet-stream inflow is 30 m s1 in a 4 km thick lay- that domain in the x-direction is a decrease of cy-
er near the top of the troposphere. Jet-stream out- clonic relative vorticity of 3x10 4 s1. What is the
flow (m s1) given below occurs 800 km downwind value of mid-tropospheric ascent velocity (m s1),
within the same layer. Find the vertical velocity (m based on the omega equation?
s1) at the bottom of that layer a. 200 b. 300 c. 400 d. 500 e. 600
a. 35 b. 40 c. 45 d. 50 e. 55 f. 60 g. 65 f. 700 g. 800 h. 900 i. 1000 j. 1100
h. 70 i. 30 j. 25 k. 20 l. 15 m. 10 n. 5 k. 1200 l. 1300 m. 1400 n. 1400

A18. Find the diagonal distance (km) from trough to A26. On the 70 kPa isobaric surface, Ug/x = (4 m
crest in a jet stream for a wave of 750 km amplitude s1)/(500 km) and T/x = ___C/(500 km), where the
with wavelength (km) of: temperature change is given below. All other gradi-
a. 1000 b. 1300 c. 1600 d. 2000 e. 2200 ents are zero. Find the Q-vector components Qx, Qy,
f. 2500 g. 2700 h. 3000 i. 3100 j. 3300 and the magnitude and direction of Q.
k. 3800 l. 4100 m. 4200 n. 4500 a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 2.5 e. 3 f. 3.5 g. 4
h. 4.5 i. 5 j. 5.5 k. 6 l. 6.5 m. 7 n. 7.5
A19. Given the data from the previous exercise, find
the radius (km) of curvature near the crests of a si- A27. Find Q-vector magnitude on the 85 kPa isobaric
nusoidal wave in the jet stream. surface if the magnitude of the horizontal tempera-
ture gradient is 5C/200 km, and the magnitude of
A20. Find the gradient-wind speed difference (m s1) the geostrophic-wind difference-vector component
between the jet-stream speed moving through the (m s1) along an isotherm is __ /200 km, where __
anticyclonic crest of a Rossby wave in the N. Hemi- is:
sphere and the jet-stream speed moving through the a. 1 b. 1.5 c. 2 d. 2.5 e. 3 f. 3.5 g. 4
trough. Use data from the previous 2 exercises, and h. 4.5 i. 5 j. 5.5 k. 6 l. 6.5 m. 7 n. 7.5
assume a geostrophic wind speed of 75 m s1 for a
wave centered on latitude 40N. A28. Find the mass of air over 1 m2 of the Earths
surface if the surface pressure (kPa) is:
A21. Given the data from the previous 3 exercises. a. 103 b. 102 c. 101 d. 99 e. 98 f. 97 g. 96
Assuming that the gradient-wind speed difference h. 95 i. 93 j. 90 k. 85 l. 80 m. 75 n. 708
476 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

A29. Assume the Earths surface is at sea level. Find E8. Why are there no extratropical cyclone tracks
the vertical velocity (m s1) at height 3 km above from east to west in Fig. 13.5?
ground if the change of surface pressure (kPa) dur-
ing 1 hour is: E9. Contrast the climatology of cyclone formation
a. 0.5 b. 0.4 c. 0.3 d. 0.2 e. 0.1 f. 0.1 and tracks in the Northern vs. Southern Hemisphere
g. 0.2 h. 0.4 i. 0.6 j. 0.8 k. 1.0 l. 1.2 m. 1.4 (using the info in Fig. 13.5), and explain why there
is a difference in behaviors based on the dynamical
A30. Given the rainfall (mm) accumulated over a principles in the last half of the chapter.
day. If the condensation that caused this precipita-
tion occurred within a cloud layer of thickness 6 km, E10. Justify why the tank illustration in Fig. 13.6 is a
then find the virtual-temperature warming rate (C good analogy to atmospheric flow between cyclones
day1) of that layer due to latent heat release. and anticyclones.
a. 1 b. 50 c. 2 d. 45 e. 4 f. 40 g. 5
h. 35 i. 7 j. 30 k. 10 l. 25 m. 15 n. 20 E11. Fig. 13.7 shows the axis of low pressure tilting
westward with increasing height. Explain why this
A31. For the data in the previous exercise, find the tilt is expected. (Hints: On which side of the cy-
rate of decrease of surface pressure (kPa) per hour, clone do you expect the warm air and the cold air?
assuming an average air temperature of 5C. The hypsometric equation in Chapter 1 tells us how
fast pressure decreases with height in air of differ-
ent temperatures.)
Evaluate & Analyze E12. Redraw Fig. 13.7 a & b for the Southern Hemi-
E1. Compare the similarities and differences be-
sphere, by extending your knowledge of how cy-
tween cyclone structure in the Northern and South-
clones work in the Northern Hemisphere.
ern Hemisphere?
E13. Regarding stacking and tilting of low pressure
E2. In the Cyclogenesis & Cyclolysis section is a list
with altitude, make a photocopy of Fig. 13.3, and on
of conditions that favor rapid cyclogenesis. For any
this copy for Figs. b and e draw the likely position
3 of those bullets, explain why they are valid based
of the trough axis near the top of the troposphere.
on the dynamical processes that were described in
Justify your hypothesis.
the last half of the chapter.
E14. Fig. 13.8 shows a warm-air conveyor bring air
E3. For a cyclone bomb, are the winds associated
from the tropics. Assuming this air has high hu-
with that cyclone in geostrophic equilibrium? Hints:
midity, explain how this conveyor helps to strength-
consider the rate of air-parcel acceleration, based on
en the cyclone. Using dynamical principles from the
Newtons 2nd Law. Namely, can winds accelerate
last half of the chapter to support your explanation.
fast enough to keep up with the rapidly increasing
pressure gradient?
E15. Fig. 13.10a has coarse temporal resolution when
it shows the evolution of the case-study cyclone.
E4. Make a photocopy of Fig. 13.3. For each one of
Based on your knowledge of cyclone evolution,
the figure panels on this copy, infer the centerline
draw two weather maps similar to Fig. 13.10a, but
position of the jet stream and draw it on those dia-
for 12 UTC 3 Apr 2014 and 00 UTC 4 Apr 2014.
E16. Speculate on why the hail reports in Fig. 13.9
E5. Create a 6-panel figure similar to Fig. 13.3, but
are mostly in different regions than the wind-dam-
for cyclone evolution in the Southern Hemisphere.
age reports.
E6. Justify the comment that cyclone evolution obeys
E17. From the set of case-study maps in Figs. 13.9
Le Chateliers Principle.
through 13.19, if you had to pick 3 maps to give you
the best 5-D mental picture of the cyclones, which 3
E7. Refer back to the figure in the General Circu-
would you pick? Justify your answer.
lation chapter that sketches the position of moun-
tain ranges in the world. Use that information to
E18. Of the following isosurfaces (height, pressure,
hypothesize favored locations for lee cyclogenesis in
thickness, and potential temperature), which one
the world, and test your hypothesis against the data
seems the most peculiar (unusual, illogical) to you?
in Fig. 13.5.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 477

What questions would you want to ask to help you E28. Considering the terrain height changes, would
learn more about that one isosurface? anticyclones be triggered upwind of mountain rang-
es, analogous to lee-side cyclogenesis? Justify your
E19. Starting with a photocopy of the 4 height charts answer, and discuss how you can confirm if this
in the left column of Figs. 13.13, use a different color happens in the real atmosphere.
pen/pencil for each isobaric surface, and trace all
the height contours onto the same chart. Analyze E29. Suppose that all of North America is nearly at
the tilt with height of the axis of low pressure, and sea level, except for a 2 km deep valley that is 500
explain why such tilt does or does not agree with the km wide, running north-south across the center of
state of cyclone evolution at that time. North America (assume the valley is not filled with
water). Explain what Rossby waves would be trig-
E20. Compare and contrast the 85 kPa temperature gered, and the associated weather downwind.
map of Fig. 13.14 with the thickness map of Fig. 13.16
for the case-study storm. Why or why not would E30. Summer tropopause height is higher, and jet-
you expect them to be similar? stream winds are slower, than in winter. Explain
the seasonal differences you would expect in ter-
E21. Compare the wind vectors of Fig. 13.13 with rain-triggered Rossby waves, if any.
the heights in Fig. 13.13. Use your understanding of
wind dynamics to explain the relationship between E31. If extratropical cyclones tend to propagate
the two maps. equatorward on the lee side of mountain ranges, is
there any geographic feature that would cause these
E22. In the vertical cross section of Fig. 13.19a, why storms to propagate poleward? Justify.
are the isentropes packed more closely together in
the stratosphere than in the troposphere? Also, why E32. Fig. 13.22 highlights 3 important attributes of
is the tropopause higher on the right side of that cyclones that are discussed in greater detail in the
figure? [Hints: Consider the standard atmosphere last half of the chapter. Speculate on why we study
temperature profile from Chapter 1. Consider the these attributes separately, even though the caption
General Circulation chapter.] to that figure discusses how all 3 attributes are re-
E23. Describe the relationship between the surface
values of isentropes in Fig. 13.19a and the tempera- E33. For cyclogenesis we focused on three attributes:
ture values along cross-section A - A in Fig. 13.14 vertical velocity, vorticity, and pressure-tendency at
(bottom left). sea level. What attributes would you want to focus
on to anticipate cyclolysis? Explain.
E24. In Fig. 13.20, how would lee cyclogenesis be af-
fected if the tropopause perfectly following the ter- E34. Three vorticity tilting terms are given in eq.
rain elevation? Explain. (13.9), but just the first tilting term was illustrated in
Fig. 13.23d. Draw figures for the other two terms.
E25. In Fig. 13.20, speculate on why the particular
set of Rossby waves discussed in that section are E35. Except for the last term in the full vorticity ten-
known as stationary waves. dency equation, all the other terms can evaluate to
be positive or negative (i.e., gain or loss of relative
E26. Can stationary Rossby waves such as in Fig. vorticity). What is it about the mathematics of the
13.20 occur near the equator? If so, what are their turbulent drag term in that equation that always
characteristics? make it a loss of relative vorticity?

E27. Given zonal flow of the whole troposphere (12 E36. Based on what you learned from Fig. 13.24,
km depth) hitting a semi-infinite plateau at 32N what tips would you teach to others to help them
latitude. Use math to explain the flow behavior over easily find regions of PVA and NVA.
the plateau, assuming a 2 km plateau height above
sea level. Assume the tropopause height doesnt E37. Make a diagram that shows vertical advection
change. Would the triggering of cyclones, and the of vorticity, similar to the drawing in Fig. 13.23a.
wavelength of planetary waves be different? Why?
Can you relate your answer to weather over the Ti- E38. If drag were the only non-zero term on the right
betan Plateau? side of eq. (13.9), then how would vorticity change
478 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

with time if initially the flow had some amount of E50. Consider a steady, straight jet stream from west
positive vorticity? to east. Instead of a jet streak of higher wind speed
imbedded in the jet stream, suppose the jet streak
E39. Devise a tilting term for vertical vorticity that has lower wind speed imbedded in the jet stream.
is tilted into horizontal vorticity. For the right and left entrance and exit regions to
this slow jet streak, describe which ones would
E40. For what situations might the quasi-geostroph- support cyclogenesis at the surface.
ic approximation be useful, and for what situations
would it be inappropriate? E51. Does the Ageostrophic right-hand rule work
in the Southern Hemisphere too? Justify your an-
E41. The quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation in- swer based on dynamical principles.
cludes a term related to vorticity advection by the
geostrophic wind. The omega equation has a term E52. Eq. (13.25) was for a west wind, and eq. (13.26)
related to vorticity advection by the thermal wind. was for a south wind. What method would you use
Contrast these terms, and how they provide infor- to estimate ageostrophic wind if the wind was from
mation about cyclogenesis. the southwest?

E42. Employ Figs. 13.9 - 13.19 to estimate as many E53. Fig. 13.34 suggests low-altitude convergence of
vorticity-tendency terms as reasonably possible for air toward cyclones (lows), rising motion, and high-
that case study event, on the 50 kPa isobaric surface altitude divergence. Is this sketch supported by the
at the location of the X. case-study data from Figs. 13.15, 13.25, and 13.26?

E43. Create a toy model similar to Fig. 13.27, but E54. The green arrows showing near-surface winds
focus on the vorticity effects east of the ridge axis. are plotted in Fig. 13.34 as a component of the sec-
Use this to help explain anticyclogenesis. ondary circulation. What drives these near-surface
winds? (Hint: Recall that winds are driven by forc-
E44. If nothing else changes except latitude, explain es, according to Newton.)
the relationship between Rossby-wave radius-of-
curvature and latitude. E55. a. Use Figs. 12.12 from the Fronts & Airmasses
chapter to find the location where horizontal tem-
E45. Why does jet-stream curvature contribute to perature advection is greatest near a warm front. b.
surface cyclogenesis east of the jet trough axis rather Similar questions but using Fig. 12.11 for cold fronts.
than west of the trough axis? Hint: Use the technique shown in the INFO box for
max advection in Chapter 13.
E46. In the Forces and Winds chapter you saw that
the horizontal pressure gradient and wind speeds E56. Discuss how Fig. 13.37 relates to the omega
are weak. Does this physical constraint influence equation, and how the figure and equation can be
the possible strength of the jet-stream curvature ef- used to locate regions that favor cyclogenesis.
fect for cyclogenesis?
E57. Create a new form for the omega equation,
E47. At the X in Fig. 13.30, use the information based on:
plotted on that map to estimate how the jet-stream a. the change of geostrophic wind with height;
curvature and jet-streak processes influence changes b. the temperature change in the horizontal.
to sea-level pressure and ascent speed in the middle Hint: The horizontal-temperature gradient is relat-
of the troposphere. ed to the geostrophic-wind vertical gradient by the
thermal-wind relationship.
E48. Make a photo copy of Fig. 13.18. Using the jet-
stream curvature and jet-streak information that E58. What steps and assumptions must you make to
you can estimate from the height contours, draw on change eq. (13.28 into eq. (13.29)?
your copy the locations in the Northern Hemisphere
where cyclogenesis is favored. E59. Would the omega equation give any verti-
cal motion for a situation having zero temperature
E49. For the jet-streak illustration of Fig. 13.32b, ex- gradient in the horizontal (i.e., zero baroclinicity)?
plain why two of the quadrants have weaker conver- Why?
gence or divergence than the other two quadrants.
R. Stull Practical Meteorology 479

E60. What role does inertia play in the geostrophic E71. Use Fig. 13.52 to explain why fronts are associ-
paradox? ated with cyclones and not anticyclones. The same
figure can be used to explain why airmasses are as-
E61. Suppose that the 85 kPa geostrophic wind vec- sociated with anticyclones. Discuss.
tors are parallel to the height contours in Fig. 13.13
for the case-study storm. Use that information along E72. If global baroclinicity is absent (e.g., no air-
with the 85 kPa isotherms in Fig. 13.14 to estimate temperature gradient between the equator and the
the direction of the Q-vectors at the center of the fol- poles), could there be cyclogenesis? Why?
lowing USA state:
a. IL b. IA c. MO d. KS e. AR E73. Explain how the up- and down-couplet of air
motion in Fig. 13.53c (as diagnosed using Q-vectors),
E62. Use the Q-vector approach to forecast where works in a way to strengthen and propagate the cold
cyclogenesis might occur in the Pacific Northwest front.
USA (in the upper left quadrant of Figs. 13.40 and
13.41). E74. Use a Q-vector analysis to speculate on the dy-
namics needed to cause warm fronts to strengthen
E63. In Fig. 13.43 we showed have the vertical speeds and propagate.
of the leaf in the air column could be a surrogate
for changes in mass and surface pressure. Discuss E75. Synthesize a coherent description of the dy-
the pros and cons of that approach. namics of the case-study cyclone, based on informa-
tion from the weather maps that help you estimate
E64. If rainfall rate (RR) affects surface pressure, ascent, spin-up, and sea-level pressure tendency.
and weather-radar echo intensity (dBZ) can be used
to estimate rainfall rate, then devise an equation for E76. Compare and contrast the Pacific cyclones of
surface-pressure change as a function of dBZ. Fig. 13.54 with the case-study cyclone of Figs. 13.13
- 13.15.
E65. Considering surface-pressure tendency, what
cyclogenesis information can be gained from Dop-
pler velocities measured by weather radar? State the
limitations of such an approach.
S1. Consider Fig. 13.6. What if frictional drag is zero
at the bottom of the atmosphere (in the boundary
E66. Are there situations for which cyclolysis (quan-
layer). Describe differences in the resulting climate
tified by sea-level pressure tendency) might be
and weather.
caused by latent heating. Justify your arguments.
S2. What if the case-study cyclone of Figs. 13.9 - 13.19
E67. In Fig. 13.47, describe the dynamics that makes
occurred in February rather than April, what broad
the time of maximum convergence in the boundary
aspects of the storm data would change, if at all?
layer occur after the time of maximum divergence in
the jet stream, during cyclone evolution.
S3. What if there were no mountain ranges oriented
south-north in North America. Describe differences
E68. Suppose that the temperature wave in Fig. 13.49
in the resulting climate and weather.
was a quarter of a wavelength east of the height
wave. Would the flow differ from that sketched in
S4. What if all south-north mountain ranges disap-
Fig. 13.50? Speculate on how likely it is that the tem-
peared in North America, and were replaced by one
perature wave is shifted this way.
west-east mountain range. Describe differences in
the resulting climate and weather.
E69. Do you think that anticyclones could self de-
velop? Explain what processes could make this hap-
S5. Suppose western North America was cold, and
eastern North America was warm. Describe the
orientation of baroclinicity, the jet stream, and dif-
E70. Explain why the Q-vector analysis of Fig. 13.51
ferences in resulting climate and weather relative to
indicates the propagation of cyclones is toward the
our actual climate and weather.
east. Also explain why this relates to self-propaga-
tion rather than relating to cyclogenesis driven by
S6. Describe changes to Rossby waves and cyclo-
the jet-stream flow.
genesis for an Earth that rotates twice as fast as the
real Earth.
480 chapter 13 Extratropical cyclones

S7. How would you numerically solve (iterate) the S9. Describe changes in climate and weather that
quasi-geostrophic omega and vorticity equations to might be expected of stratospheric static stability ex-
step forward in time to forecast those variables. tended all the way to the Earths surface.
Next, describe how you could use those forecasts
to estimate the corresponding temperature and S10. Describe possible changes to climate and
wind. Finally, describe the pros and cons of using weather if there were no mid-latitude cyclones.
these quasi-geostrophic equations instead of using
the forecast equations for momentum, heat, water, S11. Suppose the sun turned off, but radioactive de-
continuity, and the ideal gas law (as is done in mod- cay of minerals in the solid earth caused sufficient
ern numerical weather prediction). heat to keep the Earth-system temperature the same
as now. Describe resulting changes to the jet stream,
S8. Accelerations and direction changes of the jet Rossby waves, and weather.
stream create regions of horizontal convergence and
divergence that support cyclogenesis and anticyclo- S12. Re-read this chapter and extract all the forecast-
genesis. What if this happened on a planet where ing tips to create your own concise synoptic-weather
the tropospheric and stratospheric static stability forecast guide.
were nearly the same. Describe the resulting dif-
ferences of climate and weather on that planet com-
pared to Earth.

Fig. 13.56.
Surface weather map for the case-study cyclone, from www.hpc. .

996 1004 1016

1004 1004 1012 1020 1028 1028 1020
1000 10081016 1024 1024
1000 998  

50  0 4 

25 054 0 32

1004 1000 7 0
 2 0
34 053

0 2 

 227 22 4
1008 43  25 043  1025
  5 3 
40 0 22 0 
 4 30 
45   207 
  25 235 20

7 0

20  1024
4 0

37 204

2 0
25 0  

4 0
 32 35 0
   0 2 
42  4 
45     33  
    02 204  2 
35     20 
44  42    25  22 20 0
  7  1023   3 
1016 4 47
  3 4 25
   3    1016
      3   40 200
44 3  22 34 070  42  
43  3  25  3  34
7 32     32     22  

1012 0  +2
4 5 32 20 20 2  

2 0
 22 23  
2 2 3 
23 0 3 
 2 0
 3    20 997   20  44 
  24 30  30 3 0 42 
40   2 +4  
3  24  

5  2 20 37 3 34 2
  30 40  24 5 33  45 
42 7  +5 30  37 007  
47  3  3  
  30 5  
53  3 0
   24 24 3 5   35 3 0 2
42 32   3 3
54 074
  42  5 3 3 

24   53 0 5 52 
4   3 205  42   



+4 32

40 47 0

27  30 4    
4 0 
57 32

42    34  +45 37  50 0 52  50 
42  52   
   +32 2 
 32   22    
33 5   035 57 043 47 4 50 
30     35   44 044 52   55 
57 77  5 0
52    +47 


54 0

4  1020 23   052 2 +7
3   34  1008 45 074 7  3 

23 205    +47 5 027 5   +3 1010
1020 4  

  27 37    52
20  1022 55  1020
42 2  2  7 
27  33 


 40  40 52
45 5  5  24 203      +27  +25 55
    22  30 57 72  077
  20  3 
1012 1015 5 0 53  4 
2  +4
54  54  1023 44    4   

    30  40   +4 50
  52  5 53 3 
47    33  33    32     
20     30 3   +4
27 42 5 5 23 
54  22
  54  7 
30  54     
33 3    7  1020
 +5 44  53  3 +24 
43  22  +24  +45 0 73  
  4 203 35 44 72  +5
44  37  30 4  3 
 25  +5   
 70  7 
50  7  +5 7   
 +20 2  7   0 0

2 0 5 
55   55 0
5    74 
3 0 
Weather 32

Prediction Center 7 
Analyst Ryan



4 0   7 70  
True at 40.00N 7  2 0 +32
NM 100 200 300 400 500 2  70
3 0


 1012 1012 
 72 1012 1016 


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