Soal Uts B Inggris Peminatan Kelas X

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1. Don't worry. We still have enough 12. 9.

We don't get enough sleep

time to get there before it closes. because we have _____ much
2. If she doesn't get enough sleep, homework to do.
she's bad tempered all day.
3. This recipe sounds easy enough. a) too
I'll make it for lunch.
4. Everyone got great marks in the b) very
exam. c) enough
5. It wasn't difficult enough. 13. 10. High-definition televisions are
6. This chicken's too small for five.
much _____ expensive for the
7. The man is _____ poor to buy a car.
average American consumer.
a) too
a) too
b) very
b) very
c) enough
8. 2. I am just _____ tired to work any c) enough
14. Do we have ________ food for our
camping trip?
a) too 15. Im afraid to get on the roller
coaster. I dont think its to get
b) very on.
a. safe enough
c) enough
b. b) enough safe
9. 5. Do you have _____ money for
16. Please remember to drink . Its
emergencies? very hot today.
a) too water enough
b) enough water
b) very 17. Is there any more sugar? This
coffee isnt
c) enough sweet enough
10. 7. Don't worry about your mother, b) enough sweet
she'll be home _____ soon. 18. Jack and I had to stand up. There
weren't for everyone to sit down.
a) too a) chairs enough
b) very b) enough chairs
19. We dont have . Please give us
c) enough more tests!
11. 8. I'm _____ interested in everyone's a. tests enough
opinion, so I appreciate your view. b. b) enough tests
20. Sam told me a joke but it wasnt
a) too to make me laugh.
funny enough
b) very
b) enough funny
c) enough a.
SUPER SALE 23. Which one is not mentioned in the
10TH ANNIVERSARY A. The website address.
In the whole month of July B. The contact number.
C. The founder's name.
Come and visit us this July D. Discount
to celebrate our 10th anniversary E. date of anniversary
and enjoy a lot of surprises.
We offer: 24. According to the flyer, what should
Up to 50% discount the reader do if they want to get
on dairy products, more information?
bakery and fresh meat. A. Participate in the trivia contests
Free food samples, free ice . B. Come and visit the customer
cream, and free gifts.
Trivia Contests to win 10
service counter.
mobile phones, 10 C. Call or visit the supermarket
microwaves, and 10 website.
desktop computer sets. D.Call editor
Daily live music from 5 to 9 E.Call manager of supermarket
25. What can a winner of a trivia
Weekend surprises.
Visit our website contest get? A. Mobile phone, microwave or
to get more information on all dekstop computer.
special events in July, or contact us B. Discount voucher, ice creaqm, or
at 7994352.
a weekend surprise.
See you at Crossroad C. Free food samples and free ic
Supermarket at no. 45 cream.
Washington Avenue. D.Bakery and fresh met
Bring this flyer and get a E.Free gifts
free gift at the Customer
Service Counter. Sylla Pizza
Authentic Italian Pizza by True-blue
Neapolitan Chef
A cozy little restaurant with creamy sand-
21. What is advertised in the flyer?
colored walls, deep-toned wood counters
A. A new supermarket. and furnishings and natural grey stone.
B. A series of anniversary events. Food and Beverage :
C. Summer sale. Italian Cuisine
D. Weekend Surprises Italian Pizza and Pasta
E. Crossroad Supermarket Various Kinds of juice
22. What will a shopper who brings Best Italian Wine
this flyer get? Business Hour Details :
A. Discount voucher. Sunday to Thursday : 11.30 AM to 2.30 PM
B. Free food samples. Friday to Saturday : 11.30 AM to 5.30 PM
Address :
C. Free gift.
30 Robertson Quay Riverside View
D. Free icecream #01-14 Singapore 277798
E. Free microwaves Tel : +659484938
26. What does Sylla Pizza Offer ?..
a) Chef
c) Food and drink Resort & Convention
d) Biscuit
e) Cake A hotel with cottages and high rise
27. Authentic Italian Pizza by True-blue building built on 17 ha, consist of 103
Neapolitan Chef. What does the standard and 49 luxurious rooms.
underlined word mean?.. A hotel, mixing business with pleasure,
a. A special cook you can go fishing, jogging cycling, play
b. An original recipe volleyball, enjoy our tennis court (2
c. An inherited recipe lines), billiard, badminton, fitness,
d. A professional cook soccer stadium, children playground,
e. A diner waitress horse back riding around the hotel, and
28. When does Sylla Pizza open?.. swim in Teratai swimming pool, enjoy
a. Every day apple, orange and strawberry plantation.
b. Six days in a week
c. Five days in a week Direct Reservation :
d. Four days in a week Jalan Abdul Gani Atas, Phone (0341)
e. Two days in a week 4573467647
29. Which one of food and beverage is Fax. (0143) 564-765
not mentioned on the advertisment?
A. Italian Cuisine
B. Italian Pizza and Pasta
C. Various Kinds of juice How many rooms does Kusuma Hotel
D. Italian Juice have?..
E. Best Italian Wine a. 103 rooms
30. where is sylla pizza located? b. 49 rooms hospital c. 17 rooms
B.near nandas home d. 19 rooms ciwalk e. 152 rooms bip 12). Where can the guest go swimming ?..
E.30 Robertson Quay Riverside a. At children playground
View b. In Teratai swimming pool
c. At the fitness center
d. At the cottages
e. At the soccer stadium
13). What fruit plantation is there around the
hotel ?..
a. Orange, strawberry, and many
b. Guava, apple, and orange.
c. Apple, orange, and
d. Cherry, apple, and orange.
e. Guava, cherry, and apple.
14).What are the facilities?in said this
hotel ,except
A. enjoy our tennis court
C. fitness
E. billiard
15).What kind of fruits are in that hotel ?
A.lemon and melon
B.banana and watermelon
C. apple and grape
D. durian and rambutan
E. apple and orange

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