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The document discusses Tolstoy's prophecy about a coming war, the symbolism of the serpent-wound staff, and evidence questioning whether Shakespeare truly wrote the works attributed to him.

Tolstoy's prophecy envisions a coming war sparked by nations pursuing an allegorical woman representing commercialism who carries torches of corruption including war, patriotism, and greed.

The serpent-wound staff is an ancient symbol of salvation with the central serpent representing a 'seraph' or savior figure. Its wings represent intuition and reason which 'raise' man, and the surrounding serpents are ignorance, superstition and fear which produce evil magic versus wisdom, love and service which achieve regeneration.


A Paper Vevoted to Philosophy, Science and ~eligion

Edited by MANLY P. HALL

Volume 3, No.2. Los Angeles, Calif., VVednesday, December 1st, 1926 10c a' Copy

Tolstoy dictated the prophesy to his
niece, Countess N astasia Tolstoy, at the
By Manly P. Hall
request of the Czar, who had wished for This is the first of a series of five ar
something from the pen of the old man ticles dealing with that most mysterious
which he did not intend for publication. of all literary problems-the Bacon
He suggested that it be in some sort a Shakespeare controversy. \Vere t he f a
message to himself, the King of England mous plays which bear his nam e from tht:~
and the Kai;,,~e t::...
Tolstoy agreed, and one day in the actor and producer, or were they t he prwl
Autumn of 1910 he dictated to his niece ucts of the litera r y genius of Sir Francis
... the following words, which the Kaiser Bacon, probably the greatest mind that
has de'Clared to be one of the most impres
England ever produced? There is much
sive literary prophecies of the age.
evidence to the effect that Shapespeare
"This is a revelation of events of a uni was not capable, either from the stand
versal character which must shortly come point of education or experience, of writ
to pass. Their spiritual outlines are now ing the documents with which the ages
before my eyes. I see floating on the sur have credited him. It has even been de
face of the Sea of human fate the huge clared by experts, who have carefully ana
silhouette of a nude woman. She is with lyzed his handwriting, that Shakespeare
her beauty, her poise, her smile, he'r jewels could not sign his own name without his
-a super-Venus. Nations rush madly hand being guided. In a future issue of
after her, each of them eager to attract
her especially. But she, like an eternal
courtesan, flirts with them all. In her
this publication we will re'print an ex
ample of \Nilliam Shapespeare's hand
writing from the signatures on his will.
hair-ornaments, of diamonds and rubies,
is engraved her name-COMMERCIAL
Special Article by Manly P. Hall On the other hand, it is scarcely cred
ISM. ible that Sir Francis Bacon could have
The most celebrated of all the Hermetic written all the documents which Baconian
"As alluring and bewitching as she' symbols is the serpent-wound staff. enthusiasts have ascribed to him. Lord
seems, much destruction and agony fol Though we see' it today on the radiators of Bacon was a man with a scintillating in
lows in her wake. Her bre'ath, reeking of doctors' motor cars and it is generally ac tellect; he traveled widely and was versed
sordid transactions; her voice of metallic cepted as the emblem of science and in every phase of life; he was therefore
character, like gold, and her looks of philosophy, this winged rod has preserved exceptionally well qualified to be the au
greed, are so much poison to the nations its secret inviolate for unknown centuries. thor of the versatile plays published under
which fall victims to her charms. Consider carefully the accompanying dia the name of Shakespeare. Then, again,
"And behold! She has three gigantic gram. Note that the conventional knob the so-called Shakespeare plays are filled
arms, with three torches of universal cor on the upper end of the rod has been re with valuable occult information, and Ba
ruption in her hands. The first torch turned to its original form-a serpent's con was recognized as one of the world's
represents the flame of war that the beau head. Therefore, the central staff with greatest occultists and mystic Masons.
tiful cortisan carries from city to city and its wings become's a flying serpent, or as It is firmly believed even today that he
from country to country. Patriotism it was called by the ancients, "a seraph," was a Rosicrucian and the real author of
answers with flashes of hone'st fire, but one of the oldest known symbols of the the first published Rosicrucian manifes
the end is the roar of guns anel musketry. Savior. Around this central serpent are toes.
(Continued on Page 4, Col. 2) (Continued on Page 7.. Col. 2) (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1)

Page 2 THE ALL-SEEING EYE Decem,ber 1} 1926


which undoubted)y revealed many addi
tiona]" things to ; .those capable of under
standing.: , Tl; e -hbiise had suddenly le'aped
into fame ,when the eyes of the law were.
An Oriental Occult Novel
fixed upon 'it in an obviously questioning
By Manly P. Hall
way. It was but one of 'many places in
cluded by the police in the great dragnet
I. him. He was olle of those peculiar indi
which they were gradually tightening
Hidden away in the heart of the bustl viduals so often met with who, having no around the dope traffic.
ing, teeming city of San Francisco, 11rs. visible means of support, ha,'e an ever
Murphy's boarding-house was squeezed in ready supply of money. The commissions Day after day Pink went in at the little
between a shoe-button factory and a place from his shoe polish sales did not keep front door, where, just inside the thres
where' artificial flowers were made more Pink V\Tilson in cigar money, but he blos hold an old Chinaman sat in his shinv
life-like than the genuine. The old two- somed forth in patent leathers, gray spats black suit and little' white-edged shoe;.
story brick "vas once glorious to behold, and red neckties, not to mention diamonds Outwardly the Oriental maintained an im
but "vith the coming of larger, mode mod.. for which he seemed to have quite an af~ passive front, but his slanty eyes never
ern and better appointed hostelries it finity. To be pe'r fectly candid, Pink was failed to follow Pink each time he came to
became second-rate, thenthird-rate, and a man of world affairs, and while wholly the house or went aw~y again.
finally boasted no classification at all. It honest, of course, would not bear very
was the favorite abode of second-am! scrutinizing investigation.
It was the morning after the night be
third-rat e drummers, traveling salesmen There were only about five feet and
fore', and Pink lay upon the small, rickety
and gentlemen crooks, who found its in four inches of our , hero, but what he bedstead with his feet on the end-board
conspicuous appearance in keeping with lacked in size he made' up in self-import
and a circle of cigar butts and cigarette
their sedl1sive dispositions. ance. No one ever denied the fact that
stubs on the chair and floor about him.
Mrs. Murphy was a motherly old lady Pink was his own best friend. and inci The Police Gazette was spread out beside
of somewhat peculiar type. Her mouth dentaliy his own worst enemy. ' The mark him. He still wore his checke'red vest, but
was square, supported by a vice-like jaw. of the dope field was upon him. His had slipped a nightshirt over it. The room
Her eyes were small and close together, sallow skin, his nervous, shifty gait, and was blue with the haze of smoke, and his
and for years she had de:xterously wielded twitching fingen told that he was a slave eyes were bleared as the result of the
a sharp tongue and a very dull rolling pin. to the needle. His beady black eyes were strange concoctions of home' brew which
At dinner there gathered around the fes queerly bleared at times, and his jaw, al had formed the chief attraction of the nre
tive board, where liver and bacon or ways prominent. became ever more ag vious night's escapade, .
ca :;;b:;:.a,~
~;: u2.SU~a!!lIL~in!-~gJe'ssive as the flesh shrank from it. He
~ evidence as the staples of diet, a sundry 1 e O US" f'm ci:""g~_--...:.:" eh-h - h!' he Itcpt ~1'OihiilIg, "tl at 3~
and miscellaneous conjury of individuals arette and seeking to conceal with invol was poison. My head! My poor head!
who, for varying considerations running untary twists of his hands a lurid scar on It feels like a balloon. Bah I'll bet thev
from three seventy-five to six-ten a we'ek, one side of his face. His dark hair was made that last one out of shellac and ca;
were allowed to break bread twice a day grayed and yellowed, and his entire make bolic acid." And with a long wail he' rolled
and once on Sunday over Mrs. Murphy's up showed the marks of years of dissipa over on the other side.
red tablecloth. tion. But in spite of it all there was a (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3)
certain gallant, care-free air about this
The star boarder was the Honorable swashbuckler which made the world like
Isaac GoldLaum, representing the Levin ANCIENT COMEDY DRAMA AT
him, although it recognized that he was no
skey Suspender Company, who ruled as POTBOILER THEATER
lord and master over the first floor front good. The most unique play yet offered to the
and hung his necktie on Mrs. Murphy's The police kept him under coil stant sur drama-loving public will grace' the stage
best chiffonier. Next to him sat Nicholas veillance for they were' convinced that the at the Potboiler Art Theatre, 1044 So,
Fitzpatrick, for many years representa illicit drug traffic and Pink were not
Hope Street, the week of December 6th.
tive of the McGillicutty and O'Brien Rain strangers. Every few days he would go
"The Little Clay Cart," gives us a charm
coat Company. His outstanding peculiar to a certain little house in Chinatown and
itie's were a shock of very red ,hair and a remain sometimes for many hours. Of ing picture of an India which has escaped
pronounced brogue. He occupied the sec course, if you have ever be'en through the the famous page's of Kipling and Tagore.
ond flqor fr' nt under Mrs. Murphy's tortuous by-ways, you will know the place. \;\Tritten by King Shudraka in an age
sometimes hospitable roof. To the right It had a little, over-lapping second story when the nobility and blue bloods of the
of Mrs. Murphy, engaged in the process with an old ginger-bread balcony on one land attended playwriting classes, this
of analyzing the evening meal, sat the side. It was partly fenced in, and over piece de Thea~er has at last been trans
hero of our story-a high-pressure sales the broken and discolored boards peered lated from the Sanscrit into the AmeTi
man for, a shoe polish company. He oc the strangest tree ever beheld by mortal can.
cupied the third floor side and held the eyes . It rose above the top of the fence
The play has been cC!.lled ll1any compli
unique position of being the only roomer only a short distance' and ended in a
il1entary and . conventional superlatives
with a floor shaft, which afforded his Utl ,kl)ob from which poured a,ut a d,o zen or
,u.s-ual opportunities. Pink Vvilson had more snake-like arms of yellowish green w,ith regard to its place in the historY of
three distinCt- peculiarities-a black-and seemingly half dead. It was the most the dr:ama, but for the sake of 1926, let us
white checkere'd vest, a peculiar habit of woebegone looking bush imaginable. caIl it the Brahmin arrangeme'nt of the
squinting one eye, and a shady reputation. The store occupying the main floor of eternal triangle.
Pink Wilson had spent several SUl1l the building was ostensibly a wholesale Dr. Arthur Ryder of the University of
mers vacationing in a secluded hotel that rice establishment, a branch of a famous Berkley, translated "The Little Clay Cart"
boasted iron bars on every window and Canton house. This information was sup from the Sanscrit, and Ole M. Ness di
even now a resenration was being held for plied by strange Chinese ' hieroglyphics, rected .the play. "
Dccctnber 1) 1926 . ~ .... THE ALL-SEEING EYE Page 3

NEW LIGHT ON AN <,', Title Page From First Folio Edition of 1623
OLD CON~RbVERSY The Famous Droeshout Portrait.

(Continued frOln Page 1,. Col. 3) MR. \IV I LLIAM

Francis Bacon's ability along the lines

of cryptography is too well known to re
quire discussion. He was an expert in
concealing cipher messages in the various

volumes which he eithe'r wrote or pub COMEDIES,

lished. Even a superficial investigation
demonstrates the fact that the first col HISTORIES, &
lected folio of Shakespeare's plays con
tains many complete cipher systems of TRAGEDIES.

writing. It would probably not be amiss to

hazard the speculation that there are
twenty or more complete cryptogram sys
Publifhed according to the True Origlnall Copies.
tems in his first folio. Several of the
ciphers in the Shakespearean folios have
been partly deciphered, and all point to
Bacon as the true author of these famous
Of course, we must not overlook the oc
cult .influences surrounding both Bacon
and Shakespeare. It is possible that the
two men worked together as emissaries of
a secret Mystery School which was then
flourishing in England and on the Con
tinent. In all probability, the true author
of the Shakespearean plays was the Rosi
crucian Fraternity; but which of the two
famous men acted as the mediator between
this school of mysticism and the outer
--wo tTci is a qu~ ti-o n whrcli. some time will
be solved but concerning \\'hich there is
not sufficient information at hand to make
dogmatic statements.
Accompanying this article is a reproduc
tion of the title page of the now priceless
first folio of the Shapespeare plays, pub
lished in 163. The first folio sells on the
open market at from $50,000 to $75,000
per copy. It is one of the rarest of all
books. The picture of Shakespeare which
adorns the title page is the famous Droe
shout portrait, concerning which there has
been so much controversy. It is interest
ing to note that there are no authentic
pictures of Shakespeare in existence. The
features of the bard of Avon have not
been preserved to posterity, and the death
masks are probably forgeries or, at least,
unauthenticated. The paintings of him
(regardless of statements to the contrary)
were all executed years after his death,
and the' only known examples of his hand
writing are the signatures on his will.
Realizing this, the reader should ponder
upon the remarkable fact that despite all LO:J\(VO:A(
the plays which he is supposed to have
written, not one scrap of his handwriting
Printedby Ifaac laggard, and Ed. Blount. J 61 3
is available, outside' of scrawling signa
some believe, the death mask of Bacon). portrait has been purposely made crude
tures which show the writer to be abso
Though engraved at a time of splendid to conceal the resemblance. In the next
lutely unacquainted with the use of a
artistic work in lines of engraving, it is issue we are publishing a very excellent
crude and incomplete. By comparing it portrait of Bacon so that you may trace
Returning t"o the Droe'shout portrait, if closely with poitraits of Bacon, it is the similarity, especially around the eyes
you will examine the face very closely you found that the structure of the two face'S and nose. If you will note carefully the
will realize' that it is only a caricature (as is exactly the same, but the Droeshout Continued on Page 7, Co!. 2)
Page 4 THE ALL-SEEING EYE Dece'1'!tber 1, 1926

A Vveekly Paper Devoted to Philosophy, have a right hand all to themselves it pantheism. God, Soul, Spirit, and Im
Science and Re'ligion. would seem obvious that Diety must have mortality will be molten in a new furnace,
more right hands than the average Hindu and I see' the peaceful beginnings of an
idol. ethical era. The man destined to this
Published every week at 301 Trinity Those who would be the greatest among mission is a Mongolian Slav. He is already
Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles, California. you, let them be the servants of all. walking the Earth, a man of active affairs.
He himself does not now realize the .mis
Phone TUcker 2603 sion assigned to him by a superior power.
How do you like this issue of "And behold the' flame of the third
Subscripdon rates, lOc per copy. "The All-Seeing Eye"? Thank you! torch, which has already begun to destroy
$2.25 per year, $1.00 for 20 weeks. For F or both criticism and praise. our family relations, our standards of art
eign rates $3.00 per year, $1.25 for 20
weeks. Each succeeding issue will be as and morals. The relation between woman
good if not better. and the man is accepted as a prosaic
We reserve the right to edit all advertising. We urge your co-operation in partnership of the sexes. Art has become
placing this before your friends as realistic degeneracy. Political disturb
MANLY P. HALL ........ . .............. ...............Editor

only a large subscription list (20 ances and religious disturbances have
HARRY S. GERHART ... . ........M anaging Editor

weeks for $1) will enable us to give shaken the spiritual foundations of all na
MAUD F. GALIGHER .............. Associate Editor

you the best and create a real pub tions. Only spots here and there have re
lication that will travel far. mained untouched by these three destruc
The cry of the new Yours sincerely, tive' flames. The anti-national wars in
age is for brother THE EDITORS. Europe, the class war of America, and the
hood and unity of ef Continued on Page 6, Col. 3)
fort. The spiritual
verse are not standing
behind or supporting (Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) (Continued from Page 2, Col. 3)
the arguments or As Pink lay there bemoaning his fate, a
" The second torch be'ars the flame of
wranglings of modern heavy and closed automobile, with drawn
creeds. Those who bigotry and hypocracy. It lights the lamps
curtains, came to a stop before the old,
build the wall of only in temples and on the altars of sacred
re'd-brick house. A second later the car
cree'ds around their institutions. It carries the seed of falsity door opened, and an elderly Chinese gen
truths are strangling and fanaticism. It kindle's the minds that tleman stepped out. His figure was so re
MANLY P. HALL God. India is . the
a 1 c <> cHlin cradle s and follows the-m to the markable. as to a.t.t.u.c1.-att@-nt.:l.C;m.-e:J.r..e.ll-l..n.....-~_
center of the world religio ~ 'as it is ' the that bizarre and bohemian neighborhood.
birth-place of the Aryan race. It is there grave.
The Oriental was all of six and a half feet
that the Great White' Brotherhood, tIlt "The great conflagration will start tall, and apparently as slender as a ghost.
rulers of world affairs, are located in the about 1912, set by the first arm in the He did not look his height, however, for
sacred Temple of Shamballal.1 in the Cobi countries of south-eastern Europe. It will his great back was so hunched that he
Desert of Mongolia. From this center of appeared scarce taller than the average
develop into a destructive calamity in
world truth has come forth all the creed;; man. He wore a long sweeping Mandarin
and religions of the modc'rn and <l.llcient 1913. In that year 1 see' all Europe in
cape of black satin brocaded with won
world. The true christian know; that tl}':re flames and bleeding. I hear the lamenta derful flowers, and a small black cap
is no such thing as a heathen religion, but tions of huge battlefields, but about the which fitted tightly to his brow which
that all religions came to the world in year 1815 a strange figure from the North was high an darched. Down the great
the name of the same God fro111 the same hunched baqk hung a queue reaching
-a new Napolean-enters the' stage of the
center of spiritual truth, with the' S,lmc nearly to the ground. All the'se things
ideal, the education ()~ the world. 1 he bloody drama. He is a man of little mili
were in strange opposition to the ac
duty of each truly religiou~ person is tl) taristic training, a writer or journalist, but cepted customs of Orientals in the West
perpetuate not only his own ideals but in his grip most of Europe will remain ern world.
those of others that 3.11 may grO\v in their until 1925. The end of the great calamity The Chinaman was apparently of great
own way.
will mark a new era for the Old vVorld. age and wore heavy, bone-rimmed spec
There will be left no empires and king tacles with tinted glasses, through which
Weare all surrounded eternally by his half closed eyes could be faintly seen.
problems which come to us in connection doms, but the world will form a federation
With hands crossed in the voluminous
with our every day life. Most people re of the United States of Nations. There sleeves of his coat the Oriental slipped
fuse to work out these problems, but seek v.rill be left only four great giants, the across the sidewalk with the agility of a
to shift them onto the shoulders of others. Anglo-Saxons, the Latins, the Slavs, and cat and entered the vestibule of the
God has given man out of the world cer boarding house.
the Mongolians.
tain people tied to him by relationship or Here an old-fashioned knocker con
the common needs of life, and we firmly "After the' year. 1825 I see a change in
fronted him, but inste'ad of lifting it his
believe that the great Father is choosing religious sentiments. The second torch of long, slender, yellow fingers closed im
his saints from among those who best the cortesan has brought about the fall of mediately over the door-knob and the
serve their fdlow men. the church. The ethical idea has almost finger nails, encased in gold boxes, scraped
Each religious faction in the world to vanished. Humanity is without the moral the paneling with a strange clawing sound.
day feels perfectly justified in assuming The door softly ope'ned. The black-robed
feeling. But then a great reformer arises.
that its final resting place shall be on the Oriental passed quickly in; closing the
right hand of the Father. According to He will clear the world of' the relics of portal behind him.
the number of organizations e'Xpecting to monotheism and lay the cornerstone of (To Be Continued)
December 1) ~926 THE ALL-SEEING EYE Page 5

BIG BOOK NEWS 17-19 Plants, Birds, Insects, Reptiles, and

20 Metals, Gems, and Stones.

21 Ceremonial Magic and Sorcery. for several years co-leader with his
Everyone who has seen the subject mat 22 The' Elements and Their Inhabitants. wife, Jennie B. Wickizer, of the Los
ter of Manly P. Hall's "Encyclopedic Out 23 Hermetic Pharmacology and Chem Angeles Branch of the Anthropo
line of Masonic, He'r metic and Rosicrucian istry. sophical Society, passed into the
S ymbolical Philosophy" is enthusiastic in 24 The Qabbalah-Israel's Secret Doc Greater Life a year ago this
praise of the volume. A local newspaper trine. Thanksgiving time. This group of
man , a' student of philosophy, connected 25 The Fundamentals of Qabbalistical faithful Anthrosophical students has
with many of the big things which have Cosmogony. met for many years with the Church
been written or produced in Hollywood 26 The Tree of the Sephiroth. of the People, of which both Mr.
and Los Angeles, made the following state' 27 Qabbalistical Keys to the Old Te'sta and Mrs. Wickizer were members.
ment concerning this work: ment. The memory of our friend recalls
"Entirely unique in conception, form and 28 An Analysis of the Tarot Cards. so much that is beautiful that we
typographical make-up, this overwhelming 29 The Tabernacle in the Wilderness. can hardly sense our loss or feel
volume is, in brief, very definitely a personal 30 The Fraternity of the Rose Cross. regret that he passed beyond the
message' to each individual reader pouring 31 Rosicrucian Doctrines and Tenets. veil. Appreciation of him springs
in upon him an unimaginable wealth 32 Fifteen Rosicrucian Qabbalistic Dia from a thankful heart in each of
of knowledge, supremely useful and nece s grams. his many friends ,-he had not a
sary to the illumination of the inner self, 33 Alchemy and Its Exponent'S . single enemy.
until now unavailable to any but the sa 34-35 Theory and Practice of Alchemy. His benediction now as then falls
vant or the ultra-rich collector of rare and 36 Ancient Manuscript. upon all alike, the blessings of a life
recondite treasures of literature." 3.7 Francis Bacon and the Rosicruciam ,
so full of love of service that it
We are glad to say that the work of 38 Secret Alphabets and Cryptograms.
knew neither faltering or failure in
the volume has reached that point ~her~ 39 The Origin of Masonic Symholis1l1.
the exemplification of true brother
it is possible to present those interested 40 Mystic Christianity.
hood. A simple, quiet, and faithful
with a complete table of contents approxi 41 The Cross and the Crucifixion.
follower of the gentle teacher of
mate'ly as it will appear in the printed 42 The Book of Revelation.
men. A student, patient and
volume. The 46 chapters, according to the 43 The Faith of Islam.
thoughtful of the values of this
outline which Mr. Hall recently completed, 44 American Indian Symbolism,
world and the worlds beyond, ac
are as follows : 45 The Emissaries of the ;'1 y.:->ttTics.
ce'p ting and meeting the .oqligations
46 In Conclusion.

..--~ - - Ehapt'cT ' ~-- - ilihis likfearlessly ann th e full -

T hefirst edition of this \'olu~ 1~--;;1-:
extent of his capacity. Looking
1-3 Ancient Mysteries and Secret So tirely exhausted and the scco!ld (King

clearly and with the assurance of

. cieties which have influenced Masonic So101110n's Edition) is selling rapidly.
faith at the infinite relationsh ips
Symbolism. ,"'rite for information concerning thi :~ re
outreaching time and space.
4 Gods and Goddesses of Antiquity. markable volume.

5 Life and Historical Writings of Thoth

Hermes Trismegistus. THE MESSIAH such soloists as Riccardo Martin, tenor ;
6 The Initiation of the Pyramid. Lovers of good music will soon have one Blythe Taylor, soprano; Julia Claussen,
7 Isis, the Virgin of the World. of the treats of the season in the single' contralto and Fred Patton, bass, will ap'
pre sentation of Handel's Messiah on De pear supported by a chorus of over four
8 The Sun, a Universal Deity.
cember 9th at the Shrine Auditorium by hundred trained voices.
9 The Zodiac and Its Signs. the Los Angeles Oratorio Society. Tickets can be procured at any of th e
10 The Bembine' Table of Isis. Under the dire'c tion of John Smallman, larger music stores.
11 Wonders of Antiquity.
12 Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras.
13 Pythagorean Mathematics.
14 The Human Body in Symbolism.
Ube <tburcb of tbe ~eople
Trinity Auditorium-Ninth at Grand

~5 The Hiramic Legend. MANLY P. HALL, Pastor.

16 Music and Color. MAUD F. GALIGHER, Associate Pastor.

Sundays, 10:30 A. M.
c c c
A Service Appealing to All Peo

ple in Those Matters of Individual

Preference as to the Right Care of Dec. 5th. The International Horoscope for 1927.

, the Body. Dec. 12th-Music~

Dec. 19th-The Miracle.

Dec. 26th-Digesting Christmas.

Jan. 2nd-The Balance Sheet of 1926.


Amado Fernandez, Soloist; Agnes )3uisseret, Pianist;

COMPANY, Inc. Emma C. Heatherington, Organist.

Funeral Directors

721 West Washington Blvd.,

Preludes: Every Sunday morning, Mr. Hall will give consideration, in a pre
lude to his sermon, to some item of human interest or problem in our daily life.
WEstmore 5151

Come and bring your friends-Silver offering.

Page 6 THE ALL-SEEING EYE December 1, 1926

"As soon as Napoleon sa",; 'L'Hommc (Continued from Page 4, Col. 2)

THE LITTLE RED MAN Rouge' he shut himself up in his private
cabinet with him. A long conversation
race wars in Asia have strangled progress
for half a century. But then, in the middle
OF THE TUILERIES followed; a few words were overheard;
the Emperor seemed to be asking some
of the century I see a hero of literature
and art rising from the ranks of the
favor which he was r:efused. Finally, the Latins and purging the world of the tecli
,\Tho is the 'Little Red Man of the door opened, the Red Man carne out, ous stock of the obvious.
Tuileries" and how came he to haunt that passed quickly through the corridors, and "It is the light of symbolism that shall
palace and so frighten Catherine de disappeared on the grand staircase, which outshine that light of the torch of com
Medicis. Catherine declared that the lit he v,ras not seen to descend. vVhether the mercialism. In place of the polygamy and
tle red monster had established himself story was true or not it was noised about monogamy of today there will come a
in the palace. appearing and disappearing in Paris and more than one individual was poetogamy-a relation of the sexes based
as he chose, and not only had she' seen arrested by the police for repeating it." fundamentally upon poetic conceptions of
him, but he had predicted to her that she Under the restoration "L'Homme Rouge" life.
would die "near St. Germain." The Tui showed himself several days before the "And I see the nations growing wiser
leries were too near St. Germain l' Auxer assassination of the Duc de Berry, and and realizing that the alluring woman of
wis; she would not visit the Abbey of St. he also appeared to Louis XVIII on his their destinies is after all nothing but an
Germain; but in vain, no one can avoid . deathbed. That there was a mysterious illusion. There will be a time when the
the hand of destiny. Catherine, dying at person who at certain times annoyed the world will have no use for armIes.
the Hotel de Soissons, asked the' Bene occupants of the Tuileries is not doubted, hypocritical religions, and degenerate art.
dictine friar, who had just heard her con but who he was and from whence he came, Life is evolution, and evolution is develop
fession, what his name was. "Kaurant de no historians have ever been able to ex ment from the simple to the more compli
Saint Germain," replied the priest. The plain. cated forms of the mind and the body. I
queen uttered a cry and expired. see the passing show of the world drama
(Reprint from an unsigned article ap
"The Little Red Man" showed himself pearing marlY years ago in an Eastern in its present form, ho\>,7 it fades like' the
during the night of May 14, 1610, the' newspaper.) glow of evening upon the mountains. One
date of Henry IV's death by the knife of motion of the hand of commercialism, and
Ravaillac. He foretold the troubles of the a new history begins."
Fronde to Richard XIV while that mon There is no doubt that in the majority Editors Note: How near right the wise
arch was still a child. The morning fol of case's so-called religion is a blill.d ailey old count was, the reader ma:y judge for
lowing the departure of Louis XVI for and not an open road to heaven, 3S most himself. As he' was two years too early on
Varennes, where' he was arrested, this people think. his 1912 prophecy of the war, it may be
mysterious r ;ng was found lying in the ~_ -.-t hat the ther da ar aha a ;p:l)' by
i;gs be{ ...,,;: he ,,'as agaIn seen in 1783. the same time. Time calculation is the
It is said that a soldier keeping guard FERNANDEZ IN CONCERT most illusive of all qualities of vision in
over Marat's remains, which lay in front that realm where there' is no time. Just
of the Tuileries, died of fright at sight of Amado Fernandez, the golden voiced
who are the great leaders he mentions is
this specte'r. Many believe that Napoleon tenor, we'll known soloist at the Church
not yet obvious.
I was visited by a familiar spirit, who is of the People, will give a concert at the

said to be identical with 'Le Petit Homme Ambassador Theatre December 5th, 1926,

Rouge" (The Little Red Man.) He is at 3 P. M. Mr. Fernandez has a voice of

said to have appeared to "The Little Cor unusual beauty and dramatic power.
poral" for the first time at Cairo, a few He will appear in a repe'rtoire of French.
Engagements and Pupils
days after the battle of the Pyramids, and Italian, Spanish and Mexican songs, which
1436 N. Manzanita St. 599-385
to have predicted to the young general his he presents in his inimitable manner. As

future destiny. M de Segur, in his "His sisting artists will be Mrs. Gentry Bas

torie de la Grande Armee," says that the kett, Soprano, and Agnes Buisseret, Ac

Emperor received many myste'rious warn companist. Ticketsat the California M u

ings at midnight in the ,\Tinter preceding sic Co. and Ambassador Theatre.
Dramatic Tenor
the Prussian campaign, Available for Opera, Concerts and Clubs

M. G. Lenotre, quoting from "Anec "No Place Like Holmes" Soloist Church of the People

Repertoire; English, Spanish, Italian and French

dotes of Napoleon and His Court," by

Chamberlain, says: "In the month of J an 1116 Myra Ave., Hollywood Phone 598-428
The Holmes Book Company, with large
uary of that year the Red Man, addressing
stores at five locations in downtown Los
a se'ntinel on duty on the staircase of the
Angeles, can supply everything from the
chateau, asked him if he might speak to
latest novel or volume on Science, Philos

the Emperor. The soldier replying in the Accompaniste

ophy, or religion to some of the most in

negative, he demon, pushing him aside Teacher of Piano

teresting of the rare old editions. Stores

and leaving him unable to move, went
at 128 and 620 S. Spring, 333 and 742 S. Residence Studio, 4231 Monroe Street

quickly up the steps. ,\Thether no one Phone 598-587

Main, and 814 W. 6th St.-Adv.

saw him or seeing him dare not stop him,
the spirit asked a chamberlain in the Sa
Engagements-Elementary and Advanced Pupils
lon de la Paix if he might see Napoleon. G. RAYMOND BROWN

M. d'A-replied that no one could enter PRINTING CO.


without permission. Violinist

Commercial Printing and

"'I have none; but go and tell him that Publications

1511~ So. Berendo St.

a man dressed in red whom he knew in 443 S. San Pedro Street

V Andike 7213
BEacon 8519
Egypt, asks to see him.'
December 1J 1926 THE ALL-SEEING EYE Page 7


sities must first, day by day and year by
year, work through the common school of
which stands unmoved in the midst of all
life and present to their new teachers the This One' is the Eternal Hermaphrodite.
(Continued) diplomas they have won, upon which is It dwells in the midst of darkness. This
In the pages that follow we shall try to written the name that none may read save unmanifest One, winged and transcendent,
show this great thread, the spiritual thread those' who have received it. comes into expression through the two.
of living Fire that winds in and out The hours may seem long and the teach The Divine Unity is broken up. The white
through all religions and binds them to ers cruel, but each of us must walk that serpent become's Henn and the black ser
gether with mutual ideals and mutual path and the on'y ones qualified to go on pent Aphrodite. Henn means "fire" and
needs. In the story of the Holy Grail and ward are those who have passed through Aphrodite, "water". Henn is the spirit of
the legends of King Arthur we find that the gateway of Experience. the sun, the divine Yang of China. Aphro
thread wound around the Table of the GOD'S GREAT SCHOOL FOR MAN. dite is the moon, the divine Ying of China.
King and the Temple of Mount Salvart. (To be continued.) The Ying and the' Yang are twisted
This same thread of Fire that passes around the central staff of the imperish
through the roses of the Rosicrucians is able One and thus the equilibrium of the
entwined about the petals of the Lotus BACON-SHAKESPEARE universe is established.
and around the temple pillars of Luxor.
(Continued from Page 3, Col. 3) In the creation the universe desce'nds
as three substances through four elements,
ALL THE WORLD and that is the wor righthand side of the neck, you will find
thus establishing the divine seven. The
ship of God, the Spiritual Flame of the a line drawn for the purpose of revealing
three substance's are the central snake,
universe. Under many names He is known the fact that the' face is a mask and that
Mercury; the white snake, Sulphur; and
in all lands, but whether as Ishwar, or the mask ends directly behind the ear.
the black snake, Salt. ' In the human body
Ammon, or God, He is ever the same-the You will also notice that the head is not
the elements descending from the brain
Creator of the unive'rSe-and Fire in His connected with the body but sits on the
are the head, air; the he'art, fire; the solar
universal symbol. t~p of the collar.
plexus, water; and the generative system,
We are the Flame-Born Sons of God, Most strange of all is the coat, one half earth. There is fifth element called
thrown off as sparks from the wheels of of which is on backwards. As you look Akaaa, or the Divine Fire', which is the
the Infinite. Around this Flame we have at the jacket, you will notice' that his right fifth head of Brahma, the Hindoo Creator
built forms which have hidden our light, arm (at left of picture) has the coat sleeve which was cut off by Shiva-the material
but as students we are incre'asing this light on backwards so that his left arm only is nature-thus signifying that man's spirit
by love and service, until it shall again usable. In drawing the ,jacket, the artist ual perceptions were destroyed when his
/ proclaim us Sons of the Eternal. has made the front on one side and the
(Continued on Page 8, Col. 1)
\\Tithin us burns that Flame and before back on the other side', instead of two
I ts altar the lower man must bow, a faith tronrs-as t ey sfiouIa Deln thIS picture.
ful servant of the Higher. When he serves There are also 157 letters on the page,
the' Flame, he grows and the light also which is one of the secret ciphers of the
grows until finally he takes his place with
the true Initiates of the universe, those
who have given all to the Infinite in the
Rosicrucians and which would indicate
that the man who de'signed the title page
of the first folio was an initiated Rosi

name of the Flame within.

Let us, therdore, seek this Flame and
Next Week-A Bacon Portrait. PRINT SHOP

also serve it, realizing that it is in all INCORPORATED

created things; that all are one because THE STAFF OF HERMES
all are parts of that Eternal Flame-the 540 So. San Pedro St.
Fire of Spirit, the Life and Power of t'he (Continued from First Page)
unive'rse. BRoadway 3913 BRoadway 3914
twisted two other snakes, one white and
To the true creator of this book, upon the other black. The' central winged
the altar of this Flame, the writer offers snake represents the spinal canal fire,
it and dedicates it to that one Fire which while the length of the Caduceus staff sig
blazes forth from God and which is now nifies the sixth ventricle, a tiny tube run
hidden ,,,,ithin each living thing. ning through the spinal cord itself. The'
white and black serpents signify the two
Printing and Engraving
accompanying canals, also technically
within the spinal column. These are called of all kinds
respectively the "Ida" and "Pingali" in
esoteric philosophy, while the central
canal is referred to as the "Sushumna."
The VI/arid is the schoolroom of God. The "Ida" is the vehicle of the energies of
Our being in school does not make us the moon, or the Great Mother, and the'
le'a rn, but within it is the opportunity for "Pingali" carries the energies of the sun, S atisfactor)! Prices cl.Hd

all learning. That school has its grades the Great Father. Therefore, the positive Good Seruice Guaranteed

and its classes, its sciences and its arts, and negative principle's-or the sharp and
and admission to it is the birthright of the flat of Fa, which is the musical note
man. Its graduates are its teachers and of the central canal-are symbolized by
its pupils are all created things. Its ex black and white snakes. The heads of the
amples are found in Nature and its rules three snakes represent the' three persons Phone for Representative
are God's laws. Those who would ma of the Trinity. The central head repre
triculate' in the higher colleges and univer sents the Eternal, Indestructible One,
Page 8 THE ALL-SEEING EYE December 1, 1926

(Continued from Page 7, Col. 3) three he'ads of the serpents, these heads is not given to everyone to discover this
objective senses were' unfolded. The two resting in the element of air which is used body, for thre'e murderers block the way
serpents-the one black and the other to symbolize a spiritual essence rather of discovery-three foul ruffians who are
white-have their heads in the world of than an atmosphere. The tails of the three called ignorance, superstition and fear.
reality, but their bodies stretch dowmvard snake'S, descending downward into the These three form the three serpents of an
into the' snare of illusion-the lower element of matter, are the three bodies of infernal Caduceus, the' shadow of the
worlds. According to the Mysteries, the man-his earth-water body, his fire body, magician's wand. By ignorance, supersti
physical world is established as the result and his air body. His air body is his tion and fear the magis of evil is wrought,
of a spark flying back and forth between mind, his fire body is his emotional na and the soul of man is held in bondage to
the tips of the two tails of the black and ture, and his earthwater body is his physi his own evil nature. .What ignorance, su
white snakes. cal form. That which is true in man is perstition and fear are in the realm of
The universe in forming desce'nds also true in the' world about man. In the evil, wisdom, love, and service are in the
through four elements. It is first a dark spiritual sphere are the three heads and sphere of good. While the former pro
airy mass, then it becomes a light fiery in the material sphere below are the three duce the magic of degeneration, the latter
mass, then a vaporous watery mass, and bodies. These' three bodies are represented achieve the miracle of rege'neration.
lastly a crystallized earthy mass. These by the three suns in our solar system. Our Daemon est Deus inversus. The wings of
also are the stages through which the' na planets are merely centers of substance the central serpent are intuition and rea
ture of man descends, and it is down this moving in the auras or bodies of these son, the two great powe'rs which "raise"
rod that Adam was cast out from the solar globes. man and ' bear him swiftly into the pres
Garden of his Lord. The two snake'S with their black and ence of light. In symbolism the feather
white bodies twisted together symbolize and the wing are always symbolic of su
There are many points of similarity be
the life of man, with the elements of right perphysical power, because they support
tween the symbolism of the Caduceus and
and wrong, light and darkness, knowledge man in the suble'st element and, according
the three-rung laddeT of Freemasonry.
and ignorance, each involved with the' to the' Mysteries, the lower powers dwell
The candidate seeking admission into the
other. Through the midst of this runs in the coarser elements, the higher and su
Mysteries stands at the point marked X
the path of enlightenment, which is in preme powers dWe'll in the subtil elements,
and begins his ascent up the central staff
of the winged snake. His ascent is me'as reality the body of the flying serpent. It FINIS.
ured purely, neither by intellect nor by
physical exertion. As he advances on the
path of initiation, a mysterious substance
within his own spinal column keeps pace
with his progre'ss. As he advances. this
s '..!bst~~ce ?.4~! :H~12 ~ s= }.",-~t h him, and unless
Innkn fnr <1Tqrhdman

he can cause this substance to rise he can -what more fitting ana acceptable

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derstands its power is an initiate in the Evolution ._.._..... ____ ..__ __________ .. ____ _._______ ____ __ ___ _________ _____ -----------------..----..-------- - .50
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they meet and cross each other. The
threefold divinity in man-the Father, Son 301 Trinity Auditorium Bldg. . Los Angeles, Calif.
and Holy Ghost-are represented by the

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