Kava Production Guide Final Edited1

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The document provides guidance on different aspects of kava production including site selection, planting, harvesting, post-harvest handling and marketing. It also discusses pests, diseases and traditional vs modern cultivation techniques.

The guide covers kava production including site selection, planting material, nurseries, transplanting, cropping methods, soil nutrition, weeding, watering, pruning, harvesting, post-harvest handling and marketing.

Traditionally kava is cultivated by direct planting of root cuttings or through nurseries and transplanting. Modern techniques discussed include use of shade cloth, mulching, fertilizers and weed management. Crop rotation and vegetative propagation are also mentioned.

2003 Library

Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com

"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Pacific Kava

A producers guide

Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Copyright Secretariat of the Pacific Community 2001

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Original text: English

Secretariat of the Pacific Community Cataloguing-in-publication data

Pacific kava : a producers guide

1. Piper methysticum. 2. Kava Diseases and pests. 3. Kava Planting. 4. Kava

Harvesting. 5. Kava Post harvest losses Prevention.
I. Secretariat of the Pacific Community

583.952 AACR2
AgDex 182

ISBN 982-203-810-0

Prepared for publication at the Secretariat of the Pacific Community,

Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001
2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Introduction 5
I. Production 6
A. Site selection 6
B. Planting material 7
C. Direct planting 8
D. Nurseries 9
E. Transplanting 16
F. Planting and spacing 16
G. Cropping methods 17
H. Soil and plant nutrition 20
I. Weeding 21
J. Water requirements 22
K. Pruning 22
L. Pest and disease management 23
II. Harvesting 26
A. Harvesting and yields 26
B. Harvesting techniques 27
III. Postharvest handling and marketing 28
A. Washing 28
B. Cutting and sorting 28
C. Drying 28
D. Storage 31
E. Commercial parts of the kava plant 32
F. Kavalactones 33
G. High quality kava 35
H. Quality specifications 37
I. Advanced processing 40
J. Marketing 41
IV. Conclusion 43
APPENDIX A: Hawaiian kava production 44
Different soils 44
Basket system 45
Fertility management 45
Weed management 46
Irrigation 46
Spacing and shading 47
Pruning 47
Fast propagation method 48
Organic kava production 52
APPENDIX B: False kava 53
Bibliography 55
Glossary 57
2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Kava (Piper methysticum Forst. f.) is a Pacific plant species of the pepper family. Following
its initial discovery, domestication and diffusion throughout the Pacific kava has become an
integral part of Pacific Island religious, economic, political and social life. Its cultural signifi-
cance is immense and these functions are still a vital part of life today. In recent years the uses
have expanded, the range of kava products has diversified, and the demand for kava now
comes from people all over the world. Kava has moved away from being a traditional crop
for ceremonial and personal use. It is now an important cash crop both for the local market
and for export.
Kava production in the Pacific has a long history. The plant has been domesticated for
around 3000 years. There is a very large body of traditional knowledge about kava produc-
tion. However, many farmers are unaware of the production systems used in other parts of the
Pacific. This guide is for agriculture extension staff to use with farmers and for progressive
farmers. It has been written to supplement traditional knowledge and to encourage experi-
mentation, adaptation, and the use of improved farming practises. As the growing conditions
for kava vary greatly throughout the Pacific, it is recommended that farmers experiment with
new techniques on a small scale before adopting them on a large scale.
The guide contains the principles for producing high quality kava as a commercial crop
for both the domestic and the export market. A range of improved farming methods is de-
scribed. Producing the quality of kava needed for the export market has been a difficult
challenge for Pacific Island growers and exporters. The guide includes chapters on the chemical
properties of kava and on the standards that are recommended for the increasingly discerning
domestic and export markets. These standards are especially important if Pacific Island farm-
ers and exporters are to continue supplying the overseas pharmaceutical market. The produc-
tion and marketing of high quality kava is essential if the industry is to grow in the Pacific.
This book is the result of a collaborative effort over a long period of time. Much of the
technical information is based on previous publications by Dr Vincent Lebot. He generously
allowed the reproduction from this material. Mr Jerry Konanui of the Association for Hawai-
ian Awa and Mr Jim Henderson of PuuOHoku Ranch contributed the section on kava pro-
duction methods in Hawaii. Other information has been adapted from the sources listed in the
bibliography. The guide would not have been possible without the considerable input from
many other contributors. The initiative and support of participants at the Regional Kava Meet-
ings in 1997 and 1998 who recommended the writing of a production guide is appreciated. Dr
Richard Beyer, Professor Bill Aalbersberg, Ratu Jo Nawalowalo, Reg Sanday, and Dr Ron
Gatty are acknowledged for their advice and guidance. The contents of this publication and
any errors contained therein remain the responsibility of the compiler.

Tom Osborn
SPC Agriculture Adviser

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

I. Production
A. Site selection
One of the most important decisions a farmer Kava is well suited for Pacific farming
needs to make is selecting a suitable site for systems because it is flexible in its cultiva-
growing kava. Kava is a shade-loving plant. tion requirements and thrives in the shade dur-
For the young plant to develop properly, care ing its first three years of growth. It grows
should be taken to shelter it from the suns well in traditional multicrop gardens, cut from
rays and the wind. The sun speeds up mois- the forest and partly shaded by taller crops
ture loss from the plant and causes it to wilt. such as bananas and papayas. In most islands
Winds bend stems and branches and may cause of Vanuatu, organic kava production involves
them to crack or break and thus encourage crop rotation, intercropping (with peanuts and
disease in the plant. sweet potato), and planting of windbreaks,
In traditional farming, the ideal site for shade trees, and leguminous tree species.
growing kava is mixed cropping fields that
have been recently cleared and planted. For
example, kava can be planted in fields with
taro, maize, yams and sweet potatoes. In these
fields the other crops provide the shade that
kava needs particularly when it is small. As
these other crops mature and are harvested
the kava plant gets additional space for
Kava is grown under a wide variety of
conditions but the following points are im-
To allow for vigorous root growth, soils
should be fertile and loose but not allowed
to dry out. Mulch can be useful on
some soils.
Avoid soils that are prone to water-
logging since this can inhibit
growth and cause root rot. For
this reason kava is often planted
on sloping land; ridging
(mounding up soil) can be used
for planting kava on flat land.
Provide shade and protection from
the wind for the young plants.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

B. Planting material
There is a substantial diversity in kava cultivars Planting material checklist:
of the Pacific. Many of the differences are in
Carefully select planting materials from
the appearance of the plant (plant morphol-
vigorous, healthy plants.
ogy) such as the colour of the stem, length of
the internodes, stem thickness, and shape of
Carefully inspect stems selected for
the leaves. There are also differences in the
cuttings to ensure they are free from
content of kavalactones in different cultivars.
mealy bugs and scale insects.
Surveys and research indicate that the great-
est diversity of kava cultivars is in Vananau
Use the more rot-resistant woody mid-
with 80; there are 13 in Hawaii, 12 in Fiji, 7 in
portion of the stem for good root and
Tonga, 6 in Samoa, 4 in Papua New Guinea,
crop development.
3 in Wallis and Futuna, 3 in French Polynesia,
and 2 in Pohnpei.
Avoid using the soft upper portion of the
Despite this diversity kava in fact has a
stem because it is prone to rot and does
very narrow genetic base. This is because
not easily develop roots and shoots.
kava does not produce viable seed so there is
no possibility of cross pollination to create
Do not use lateral branches for planting
new cultivars. The diversity of kava has been
material because they will produce plants
caused by farmers selecting mutant kava plants
with horizontal stems.
with desirable characteristics for personal and
ceremonial use. This selection system began
Do not buy planting material from un-
with the domestication of kava thousands of
known sources because it may carry plant
years ago and has produced the kava cultivars
diseases or may be of poor drinking
that we have today.
Experienced growers know that one of
the most important decisions in producing
quality kava is the selection of planting
materials. The first aspect is that the cutting
must come from a desirable kava cultivar, one
with good drinking characteristics. Secondly,
the cutting must be from a healthy and vigor-
ous plant. Diseases can be spread from un-
healthy kava plants to the surrounding plants
and cause great losses.
The normal method of propagation is to
use stem cuttings of one to four nodes in
length, but the process varies according to
area. Either shoots or stem cuttings can be
used, and cuttings can be either planted in a
nursery or directly planted in the field.

One-, two- and four-node stem cuttings are

often used for planting material.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

C. Direct planting
In many Pacific Islands the traditional plant-
ing method has been to plant the stem cuttings
directly in the field. There are a variety of tech-
niques. A handful of one- and two-node
cuttings can be planted together in a 30 cm
(12 in) diameter circle. In some places, four-
to six-node cutting are planted vertically with
several nodes in the soil. Sometimes cuttings
are rooted in loose soil before planting. Often
the cuttings are planted and covered with soil
and a layer of mulch to retain moisture since
adequate moisture is critical for the root and
shoot development.
However, direct planting of kava stems
has been abandoned in many areas for the fol-
lowing reasons.
Direct planted kava requires more plant-
ing material and longer pieces. The de-
mand for planting materials is usually high
and farmers want to use their planting ma-
terials efficiently so they can plant as large
an area as possible or so they can sell
planting material.
Kava cuttings require moist conditions at
the time of planting to develop shoots and
roots. Drought or water stress during this
early periods of growth can kill the
emerging shoots and roots. Watering
young plants is much more costly and
time consuming in the field than in a
The desired spacing can be difficult to
achieve with direct planting because not
all the cuttings will produce plants.
Weed competition with young kava seed-
lings is a problem that requires consider-
able labour input and can slow the growth
of the young kava plant.
Young plants require shade and it can be
difficult to provide sufficient shade in the
field compared with a nursery.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

D. Nurseries
Shortages of planting material caused by the If you want rapidly growing healthy vig-
expansion in production has stimulated inter- orous young plants, careful management of
est in kava nurseries. In several countries nurs- the nursery is essential.
eries are very successfully used for the propa-
gation of kava and are preferred to the direct Location of the nursery
planting propagation method. Often when di- The nursery should be located on well drained
rect planting kava larger cuttings are used, land to avoid being waterlogged or flooded
germination of the cuttings is low, and later during heavy rains. There should be access to
even plant survival is low. Nurseries use plant- water for irrigation of the young kava seed-
ing material more efficiently and there is a lings during dry periods.
higher survival rate of the plants when trans-
planted to the field. One- or two-node Soil for the nursery
cuttings, as well as larger cuttings, have been
successfully used for propagation in the nurs- Rich topsoil, sand and compost, and other
ery. media such as potting soil can be used. Pot-
It has been observed that root and shoot ting soil has the advantage that it has been
development can be affected by: sterilised, which will reduce problems with
soil-borne diseases attacking the young plants.
(a) the kava variety some root more Another good mix is 10 parts soil, 1 part sand,
easily and quickly than others; 1 part timber shavings or sawdust from un-
(b) the age of the plant two- to three- treated timber. It is important that the soil is
year-old stems are the best; and loose and that it doesnt dry out. Heavy clay
(c) the portion of the stem used avoid soil should be avoided in the nursery since it
the soft upper portion and very woody can become too wet and this encourages the
lower portion. development of fungus in the plants.
Some farmers plant the cuttings in beds
A study of the different kava varieties in of soil with compost. Others use plastic bags
Vanuatu showed that some varieties were (polypots) that make it easier to transfer
more difficult to propagate than others. Vari- young plants to the field, but these are more
eties with short internodes provided cuttings expensive.
which were very resistant to plant dis-
ease during sprouting and the
early stages of growth. Cuttings
from varieties with long
internodes were susceptible to
rotting before and after sprout-
ing, particularly in the rainy sea-
son. In addition, the shoots of va-
rieties with dark coloured stems
developed very slowly.

Shading is important for the

kava cuttings in the

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Keep the soil moist but not too wet. The nurs- This can be accomplished by gradually
ery should be checked daily to ensure the soil removing the palm fronds from the nursery
doesnt get too dry. The use of sand, timber roof. The shade cloth can be removed for part
shavings or compost in the soil can help the of each day.
soil from becoming too wet.
Time in the nursery
Plants are generally ready for transplanting
Soil and sand used in the nursery will con- when they are at least 30 cm tall (1012 in).
tain weeds and weed seed. These weeds It is difficult to predict how long it will take
should be carefully removed to avoid com- the seedling to reach this size because of dif-
petition with young kava plants. ferences in soils, kava varieties, size of
cuttings, quality of the cutting, and watering,
Shading but generally 35 months is sufficient. The
Kava requires shade. A structure with palm seedlings can be kept in the nursery until con-
fronds is adequate for shade though 3050% ditions in the field are right but if transplant-
shade cloth can also be used. Remember not ing is delayed the shading should be removed
to place seedlings too close to the edge of the to avoid tall plants with weak stems.
shade structure since it will expose them to
direct sunlight at some times of the day. Advantages of nurseries for kava
Before the seedlings are removed from Nurseries are adequately shaded to pro-
the nursery they should gradually be exposed mote development and prevent the
to the direct sun for a week to avoid stress to cuttings from drying out.
the plants when they are put into the field.
This process is called hardening off the plants. Seedlings can be watered more easily in a
nursery than in the field.

It is easier to judge the desired spacing

when you plant strong, healthy seedlings
in the field.

Seedlings can be placed in the field at a

time when moisture and shade conditions
are best for plant growth.

Using seedlings can reduce initial weed

competition problems in the field.

Weeding time and other labour costs are

reduced because the transplanted seed-
lings are bigger and stonger and need less

A well-maintained kava nursery.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Kava nursery methods

Choose the method that best suits your needs. material but they will develop faster than one-
Each method has its advantages and disad- node cuttings. When there is a shortage of
vantages. planting material one-node cuttings can be but
the disadvantage of one-node cuttings is that
Method 1: planting one- or two-node they will not develop as fast as two-node
cuttings in nursery beds. cuttings.
Take the cuttings when the plant is harvested. Dig a bed in the nursery 4 m (13 ft) long,
Select the woody mature stems, 23 years old, 2 m (6 ft) wide and 15 cm (6 in) deep, and
which are around the outside of the crown. cover the bottom with a layer of soil very rich
Young (non-woody) cuttings tend to rot in organic matter or compost, to a depth of
quickly whereas these woody cuttings are very about 10 cm (4 in). Lay out the cuttings length-
rot-resistant. Woody cuttings are also less wise and spaced about 10 cm (4 in) apart to
prone to damage when they are transported. make it easier when digging up and transplant-
When the kava stem is cut into pieces use ing. Lay another layer of earth about 3 cm
a sharp knife that makes a clean cut. It is very deep gently over the cuttings and water very
important to cut the stem near the node and thoroughly (see diagram below).
not in the middle of the internode. The soft Cuttings should be horizontal with bud
tissue in the internodes is prone to rot. The scars facing up. Whether the cuttings have one
microorganisms which rot the inside of the or two nodes, this method encourages a very
stem seem to have difficulty getting in if only high propagation rate and the seedlings will
the hard internode is exposed. have vigorous root systems.
Two-node cuttings require more planting

A well-shaded kava nursery.

3 cm
15 cm
5 cm

Cross section of two-node cuttings in the nursery bed.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Method 2: planting one or two node

cuttings in plastic bags
This is the same as Method 1 except that in-
stead of using beds the cuttings are placed in
polypots. Polypots are strong black plastic
nursery bags with holes in the bottom for
drainage, and are available in a variety of sizes.
Polypots are commonly used in commercial
nurseries. The polypots for kava should not
be too big or they become too heavy to trans-
port. Use a 1 litre (1 quart) size bag that is
approximately 7.5 cm (3 in) in diameter and
30 cm (12 in) tall to allow space for root de-
velopment. The cuttings are planted horizon-
tally in the polypot with the bud scar at the
Polypots are popular for kava nurseries
because they keep the roots of the kava seed-
lings from growing together and this reduces 300 mm 75 mm
the risk of damage to the roots when they are
transplanted into the field. The disadvantage
of this system is the cost of the bags and the
cost of transporting seedlings in polypots to
the field.

Kava cuttings growing in polypots in a nursery.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Method 3: germinating whole kava

stems in the nursery beds
Kava harvesting, cleaning, cutting, and dry-
ing requires a lot of labour, but harvest time is
also the best time to get the nursery beds
established with fresh kava stems. Farmers in
Vanuatu have developed a clever system that
overcomes the labour bottleneck during this
Dig a shallow trench in the nursery
approximately 15 cm (6 in) deep and 150 cm
(5 ft) wide. Remove the soft upper stem and
very woody lower part of the stem. Place the
remaining middle portion of the kava stems in
the trench and cover them with soil. Keep the
soil covering the stems moist. Under these
conditions the buds on the nodes will start to
sprout and grow. After three to four weeks,
one or two roots and leaf shoots will have
emerged from each node.

Place the stems in the nursery bed and cover

them with soil.

Cross section of sprouting kava stems in the nursery bed.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Carefully uncover the kava stems to re-

veal the shoots and roots that have developed
from the nodes. Then cut the stems into one-
node pieces, each containing a shoot with one
or two leaves and roots. Place the pieces in
polypots and put in the nursery to grow until
large enough to be planted in the field.
This method overcomes the problems of
fungus entering the individual one- and two-
node cuttings that can cause them to rot and
not sprout.

Kava stems in the nursery.

Method 4: planting four-node

cuttings in plastic bags

Polypots in the nursery ready for kava cuttings.

Cross section of polypot with two cuttings.

Cut the middle portion of the kava stem into low the soil surface and the other two above.
four-node cuttings. Plant two four-node Although this method uses more planting ma-
cuttings upright in soil and compost in terial, the seedling will grow faster and be
polypots that are 16 cm (7 in) wide and 34 more vigorous.
cm (14 in) tall. Two of the nodes must be be-

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Potted kava shaded by shade cloth.

Kava nursery with long cuttings in Pohnpei,

Federated States of Micronesia, under tree shade.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

E. Transplanting
Transplanting should be done when:

the kava plants are 30 cm (12 in) tall so

that they are large enough to avoid
competition from weeds;
moisture conditions in the field are
good; and
the land has been properly prepared
and cleared of weeds.
Remember to gradually expose the plants
to direct sunlight before removing them from
the nursery.
Take care to avoid damaging the roots
during transplanting when the polypot is re-
moved and the seedlings are placed in the
holes. If the soil is dry each hole should be
watered before the seedling is placed in it.
Even though the seedlings are 30 cm (12 in)
tall they still cant compete with aggressive
weeds. Keep the area around the seedlings free
of weeds during this initial period. The plants
must be well shaded to reduce competition
with grass weeds and avoid moisture stress.
Take care after transplanting the kava
seedlings. If there is a drought period after
transplanting, water the plants to avoid mois-
ture stress and possible wilting or death of the
seedlings. The period after transplanting is
critical. The plants need time to become prop-
erly established before they start to grow well
in the field.

F. Planting and spacing

Preparing the soil
In traditional kava farming methods soil cleared ground. As the kava grows farmers
preparation is minimal, and involves simply regularly ridge or mound up the soil around
and rapidly breaking the soil up with a plant- base of the plant to encourage the appearance
ing stick. Kava often does not receive the care of new shoots and discourages weeds.
in cultivation normally given to root crops that Trials at Tagabe Agricultural Station in
require the soil to be broken up to a fine tex- Vanuatu show that it is good to plant on ridges
ture. 80 cm (2 ft) wide and 40 cm (1 ft) high.
Normally, kava is planted together with The ridge permits good soil drainage and root
root crops in subsistence gardens on recently growth.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

G. Cropping methods
Kavas natural habitat is under the shade of There is no clear picture of the best com-
large trees with a diversity of other plants, and bination of crops. It appears that more com-
it is still most commonly grown in association monly than not kava is grown with many dif-
with other crops. Experience and research ferent crops in the same field.
have shown that intercropping has its advan- In intercropping the crops are changed
tages. It is believed that intercropping can in- over the growth cycle of the kava. When the
hibit the spread of disease among kava plants kava plants are small, intercrops that provide
whereas monocropping seems to encourage shade, such as taro and pigeon peas, are help-
it. This is an important point in favour of ful. Later, when the kava needs more sunlight,
intercropping because it can help prevent the intercrops such as sweet potatoes and pea-
establishment and spread of of devastating nuts which provide good ground cover are
diseases like kava dieback. useful.

Kava and coconuts in Taveuni, Fiji Islands.

Kava intercropped with root crops, bananas, and coconuts in Vavau, Tonga.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Kava and coconuts

Intercropping kava and coconuts is a com- Depending on the size of the coconut
mon and natural association for Vanuatu. palms and soil and water conditions, a dis-
The spacing used is important. Coconuts tance of 45 metres between the coconuts and
have shallow, fibrous roots that extend along the kava may be necessary to avoid root com-
the ground well beyond the canopy of the petition. Ridging the kava can also help over-
fronds. These roots can compete with the come root competition.
kava plants and make harvesting difficult. Spacing between kava plants in the row
Falling fronds or coconuts can also be is often 2 m (6 ft), but 1 m (3 ft) may be
destructive to the kava. sufficient.

Coconutkava intercropping in Vanuatu.

45 m 45 m
1m 1m
The spacing of plants in coconutkava intercropping.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Kava and sweet potato Kava and vegetables

The intercropping of kava and sweet potatoes Kava is sometimes grown with a variety of
is quite popular and effective in Vanuatu for a vegetable such as tomatoes, Chinese cabbage,
variety of reasons. The sweet potatoes cover English cabbage, capsicum, and eggplant.
the soil and crowd out the weeds but do not Kava is vulnerable to many diseases that may
compete with kava for light. The sweet pota- be associated with vegetables. There is con-
toes provide food from the plot for the farm cern that the diseases that attack vegetables
family while the kava cash crop grows. can also be transferred to kava through the
Coconut frond mulch can be used around the soil, water, wind and insects. Consequently
kava plants to conserve moisture and supress growing kava with vegetables should be
weeds. The coconut frond mulch can also pre- avoided.
vent sweet potatoes from growing too close
to the kava and creating root competition. Kava and taro
A disadvantage of this intercrop is that Kava is often grown with taro because it pro-
rats are sometimes attracted to the sweet po- vides shade for the young kava plants. Care
tatoes and they can also feed on the kava. should be taken to avoid competition for wa-
ter and nutrients when the two crops are
Kava and peanuts planted too close together.
Like sweet potatoes, peanuts provide good This form of intercropping has been quite
ground cover to suppress weeds. Peanuts can successful on the island of Pentecost, Vanuatu,
be a food crop or a cash crop for the farm where the spacing used between kava and taro
family. There is also the advantage that pea- is 1 m (3 ft).
nuts are a nitrogen-fixing legume that enriches
the soil. Kava and pigeon pea
Pigeon pea can be an effective plant for
Kava and ginger intercropping with kava. It is a vigorously
Planting kava with ginger can be difficult growing legume that fixes nitrogen in the soil
because of the nematode problem associ- and the leaves can be used as a nitrogen-rich
ated with ginger. The same kinds of nema- mulch. It will provide shade to the kava and
todes that attack ginger can also attack the function as a windbreak. The pigeon pea can
kava. For more information on nematodes be planted while the kava seedlings are grow-
see page 24. ing in the nursery. This way the pigeon pea

Kava can be planted between rows of pigeon peas for shade when the plants are young.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

will be large enough to provide shade by the H. Soil and plant nutrition
time the kava is planted out in the field.
The pigeon pea and kava are planted in The soil should have good drainage. Even
alternate rows. For good shading, which is though kava can be grown on a wide variety
needed when the kava is young, the pigeon of soils, the plant prefers deep, loose soils,
pea can be planted densely and then thinned moist but well drained. The roots of kava have
as the kava grows. little tolerance for the oxygen starvation that
occurs in poorly drained or heavy clay soils.
Monocropping In poorly drained soils the plant is also sus-
Monocropping of kava is not encouraged in ceptible to bacterial or fungal diseases. Kava
the Pacific Islands because this method has is often grown on hillsides, where drainage is
the potential to promote the development and much better than on the valley floor.
spread of disease and it is not good for long- Being a plant of forest habitats, kava
term soil fertility. requires soil rich in organic matter, which pro-
Although good coverage of the soil by vides the nutrients it needs. Kava is a very
the kava plants is desired, close planting and heavy feeder. Its vigorous growth depends on
little spacing between plants can lead to prob- rich soils and attention to soil fertility man-
lems. Closely planted kava monocropping in agement. Traditionally the planting of a kava
high rainfall areas creates a lack of air circu- crop starts with the clearing of the forest, but
lation between plants and damp conditions in most areas this is not a practice that can
develop that lead to onset of disease. continue. In Pohnpei State, in the Federated
In Vanuatu, young farmers looking for a States of Micronesia, the continued clearing
quick income are developing monoculture of forests for kava has become a major envi-
systems for kava (see diagram below). Fields ronmental issue. In Vanuatu, for example, a
are planted at a very high density of one plant kava crop is planted after two rotations of pea-
per square metre (10,000 plants per hectare) nuts, which improve the soil, assist in weed
and after two years of growth, half of the control, and provides extra income for farm-
plants are uprooted to allow more space for ers.
the 5,000 remaining plants. After another year, Kava has a very limited root system com-
when the plants are three years old, half of pared to other plants that live as long or grow
them are harvested and 2,500 plants are left as big as it does. The root system does not
to grow for up to five years. According to extend very far laterally from the plant or very
these farmers, this intensive system does not deep since it doesnt have a tap root. To find
affect kava growth. Vanuatus volcanic soils nutrients that are not mobile in the soil, roots
are rich but more research is needed to un- must grow into new soil. This only happens
derstand the advantages and disadvantages of during the first three years of growth. After
this system. three years of growth, the roots have taken

YEAR 1 After 2 years
3 years




The removal of plants over time in the kava monocrop.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

TREES I. Weeding
BUSHES Weed competition is a major problem in kava
WIND production and has led to the use of herbi-
cides. But herbicides should be avoided, for
these reasons:
There has been insufficient research into
herbicides for kava production.

WATER KAVA Kava is known to be very sensitive to

some herbicides, resulting in wilting even
when the herbicide is used some distance
from the plant.
The use of herbicides is prohibited on kava
WATER marketed as organic.
The weeding hoe should not be used too
close to the kava plant. Serious damage can
Trees planted above kava act as a wind break and be caused to the surface roots and adventi-
help to prevent soil erosion. tious roots from the stem and to the young
shoots. It is best to weed between the rows or
all the nutrients from the soil. The kava plants
ridges starting about 50 cm (20 in) from the
can then suffer nutrient stress making the plant
edge of the plant.
highly susceptible to disease. After two to
There are many strategies to avoid weed
three years, composting, mulching, and the
competition in kava:
addition of animal manure are needed to
maintain healthy vigorous plants. This is es- Raise seedlings in a nursery and transplant
sential in areas prone to disease problems. young plants into the field to avoid com-
petition when the kava plant is very small;
Key points for soil fertility
Use intercrops such as sweet potatoes or
Mulching provides nutrients and pre-
peanuts that provide good ground cover
vents moisture loss.
between the plants and between the rows.
Manure from pigs, chickens, cattle or When one crop is harvested replace it
horses, makes good fertiliser. with another one so that full ground cover
Compost can help maintain soil fertil- is maintained over time.
ity. Use black plastic mulch to re-
duce weeds and maintain soil
moisture. Black plastic mulch
is available in rolls a meter
wide. It is laid down on the top
of a row and secured with soil
around the edges. Holes are
made in the plastic and the kava
is planted in the holes.
Use mulch on the soil. The
mulch can be made from dried
weeds of species that will not
resprout. Palm fronds can also
be useful.
Black plastic sheets can be used to suppress weeds and retain moisture.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Cut grass is a useful mulch.

J. Water requirements K. Pruning

The cultivation of kava is recommended only Each node of the lateral branches sprouts roots
in high rainfall areas. Kava requires average and they root easily on contact with the soil.
temperatures ranging from 20 to 30C and Allow this to continue without interference for
high humidity. At altitudes of less than 400 m, at least the first 10 months of growth. At about
the plant requires annual rainfall of over 2200 one year the lateral branches should be
mm. At higher elevations kava requires less trimmed just beyond the root growth from the
water but even so it seems to need at least last node and at the point where a new shoot
1800 mm. This does not rule out its cultiva- has sprouted. The trimming of lateral roots
tion in locations with a very marked dry sea- encourages the development of the root sys-
son, provided that the drought does not last tem rather than the shoots which is preferable
too long, or irrigation is provided. since the roots are the valuable harvested part
It is very important to plant at the begin- of the plant.
ning of the rainy season so that the plant can
gain maximum benefit from rainfall during
the critical months of growth. The first six
months of growth are when kava is most sus-
ceptible to moisture stress.
Kava is sensitive to drought stress and
also to being too wet.
Young plants should be watered well.
Mulching will help reduce soil mois-
ture loss. To avoid retaining too much
moisture and encouraging disease do
not use mulch during extended peri-
ods of rainfall.
Shading young plants will reduce mois-
ture stress.
In windy areas use windbreaks to con-
serve moisture.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

L. Pest and disease management

Kava weevil (Elytroteinus Ants (many species)
subtruncatus) and other types of They can attack during the dry season and
weevils that burrow into the root- establish mealy bug colonies that feed on the
stock and stem. bark and attract fungi and bacteria.
Control: change planting site Control: irrigation

Slugs and snails (many species)

These pests can damage emerging
shoots of young plants.
Control: apply snail bait

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Nematodes are microscopic worm-like pests quickly infected by a form of root rot, which
that can attack the roots of crops. Nematodes can cause the death of the plant. If the nema-
are found all over the Pacific, and 28 species tode attack is severe the plant stops growing,
have been identified in kava. Because there wilts, and dies. Plants that have been attacked
are so many kinds of nematodes farmers may are very susceptible to falling over or lodg-
be familiar with the symptoms of some spe- ing.
cies but not others. Nematodes are too small To help avoid nematodes use healthy
to be seen with the naked eye so the symp- planting material; avoid planting material taken
toms can be confused with diseases that have from infected plants. The determining factor
similar symptoms. is the choice of a clean planting site where
For example, the root knot nematode there are no harmful nematodes.
(Meloidogyne spp.) of which four have been Root knot nematodes are controlled by
found in kava, produces nodules or lumps on intercropping with nematode-deterring crops
the roots which may grow up to 1 cm ( in) such as turmeric (Curcuma longa) and mari-
in diameter. The nematodes pierce the cell gold (Tagates sp.). To avoid the development
walls and absorb the contents, disturb the tis- of epidemic nematode populations, plants are
sue and lay their eggs in it. As soon as they usually spaced 2 m (6 ft) apart to allow
hatch out, the larvae move towards the healthy intercropping. The weed problem that occurrs
tissue to feed, which aggravates their harmful in widely spaced kava plants can be partly
effect. When the nodules burst they are solved by establishing a cover crop such as
sweet potatoes or unstaked yams.

are too small to be 1. They pierce root cell walls, absorb
seen by the naked contents and form nodules.

2. They lay their eggs in the


3. The larvae hatch and feed

on healthy tissue.

4.The nodules burst allowing bacteria and fungi

to enter and cause root rot.

5. The plant wilts and dies.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

A number of different plants can be in-

fected by CMV, including the following
weeds: Ageratum conyzoides (goatweed);
Commelina diffusa (wandering jew);
Gomphrena globosa (globe amaranth);
Lantana spp.; Physalis angulata (wild cape
gooseberry); and Solanum nodiflorum (small
flowered nightshade). To reduce the risk of
CMV, weeds that carry CMV should be re-
moved from the kava production site and sur-
rounding areas.
Cultivated crops that can be infected in-
clude: Capsicum annum (peppers); Cucumis
spp. (including rockmelon, honey dew, and
cucumber); Cucurbita spp. (including pump-
kin, squash and marrow); Lycopersicon
A kava plant affected by dieback.
esculentum (tomato); Musa sp. (banana);
Kava dieback Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco); Passiflora
edulis (passionfruit); Vigna spp. (including as-
A major constraint to the intensification of
paragus bean, black-eyed pea and cowpea);
cropping systems today is kava dieback dis-
and Zea mays (corn). In an area known to
ease, in which some of the stems rot from the
have CMV, take care when choosing crops
apex or from the nodes to the stump.
for intercropping; insects could transfer CMV
Evidence from Vanuatu suggests that
from other infected plants to kava.
kava dieback is linked to low soil fertility and
See the SPC Pest Advisory Leaflet on
plants which are weak due to nutritional stress.
kava dieback for further information
Kava grown on well-drained fertile soils do
not often develop kava dieback. To avoid kava
dieback attention should be given to growing
kava on fertile soils, and any infected plants Twenty species of plant fungi have been iden-
should be removed. It seems clear that the tified on kava, but not many have been re-
spread of the disease is being facilitated by corded as having any economic impact on pro-
monoculture and that growers should be en- duction.
couraged to intercrop below a tree canopy On recently cleared land, the remains of
in other words to maintain traditional tree trunks and stumps may be infected with a
intercropping planting methods. fungus which lives in the soil and attacks the
Recent studies (Davies, 1996) have root system of kava plants. It then spreads
shown that kava plants inoculated with the from plants to plant by contact. The first symp-
cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) developed toms of infection are wilting and rotting of
symptoms of dieback. It appears that kava leaf blades. The fungus lives as a parasite in
dieback may be caused by: the rootstock and root rot develops quickly,
causing the plant to die within three weeks.
CMV only;
This fungus has not been identified, but even
an interaction between CMV and another when it is, it is unlikely that any very effective
virus; treatment will be found. It is best to be care-
two or more strains of CMV interacting; ful in the choice and maintenance of the site.
an interaction between CMV and a non-
viral pathogen.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

A. Harvesting and yields
Harvesting and post-harvest handling account The kavalactone content is different in
for 40% or more of the labour involved in kava each part of the harvested plant. The
production. Particular attention should be kavalactone percentages of dry weight are
given to harvesting, handling, and drying the 1520% in the lateral roots, 812% in the
kava since these operations have a major ef- stump, 58% in the basal stems, 25% in
fect on the quality of the kava and the price. the stems and less than 12% in the leaves.
Kava is traditionally harvested at age three
The rootstock (stump) and roots become
or four years, but for local ceremonies plants
larger over time, although soil fertility, ad-
may be grown for over ten years before har-
equate rainfall and the kava variety are
vesting. When kava is grown as a commercial
more important factors than plant age in
crop the decision as to when to harvest is more
determining yield. The green weight of
individual rootstock varies from 5 to 50
Some farmers want to obtain the maxi- kg. In the measurement of 1500 plants in
mum yield per hectare rather than the Vanuatu, three-year-old plants yielded
maximum yield per plant. They increase about 10 kg of fresh material; 70% was
the number of plants per unit area, pro- the rootstock and basal stems. The re-
vide better soil fertility, and harvest some maining 30% of the harvested plants was
of the plants when they become too the roots. The harvested portion of the
crowded. The remaining plants are al- plant includes the lateral roots, the root-
lowed to grow for a few more years be- stock, and part of the basal stems.
fore harvesting. There are dangers in this
approach, such as the risk of the devel-
opment and spread of kava dieback or
other diseases.
In general, the kavalactone content of
kava increases with age (kavalactones are
the active compounds in kava). There are
six kavalactones in kava that occur in vari-
ous concentrations. However, some re-
search indicates that kavalactone content
depends more on the type of soil, the avail-
ability of nutrients for plant growth and
the kava variety than on the age of the
It is not only the total kavalactone con-
tent that determines the quality of the
kava but also the proportion of each of
the six different kavalactones or the
chemotype of the kava cultivar (see
Kavalactones, page 33). Different va-
rieties of kava have different
chemotypes. As the kava export mar-
ket develops it will be important to pro-
duce kava with a specific kavalactone.
A proud Fijian farmer with his harvested kava.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

B. Harvesting techniques
The first step is to remove the upper part of (6 ft) in length. You will need to carefully
the plant. Cut the stems above the first node. dig around and under the rootstock and roots
From the stems there will be adventitious roots to harvest the plant. Care should be taken not
extending directly into the soil. Take care to to break the thin fragile roots. A digging fork
harvest these small roots without breaking with flat blades like the ones used for harvest-
them, since they are valuable. ing potatoes is ideal for harvesting kava since
The rootstock is the enlarged portion of it normally doesnt cut or damage the thin
the plant at the base of the stems. Depending roots.
on the variety the thickness of the rootstock Kava is often planted on ridges, or soil is
can reach 30 cm (1 ft) to 60 cm (2 ft), and mounded around the plant. It is easier to har-
some creeping roots may measure over 2 m vest plants in ridges or mounds.

Transporting kava to the market in Pohnpei FSM.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

III. Postharvest handling

and marketing
In general you must take care not to damage
the kava plant before it is dried. Physical dam-
age or bruising of the kava can cause rot that
affects its quality.

A. Washing
After you have dug up the the rootstock and
roots, wash them carefully in water to remove
the soil particles. Access to sufficient water
for washing the kava and moving the bulky
freshly harvested kava to a water source can
pose a problem. If the kava is washed in a
tank a small quantity of soap should be added
to the water for easier cleaning.

B. Cutting and sorting

After the kava is washed, it is ready to be cut
Drying kava on raised metal roof sheets in Fiji
up and divided into the various plant parts be- Islands.
fore drying. The basal stems (the first 20 cm
(8 in) of the stems) are cut from the rootstock,
peeled and cut into pieces. The roots are re- matter. Metal roofing sheets are often used as
moved from the rootstock, which is then a drying platform to increase the temperature
peeled, and the peeled rootstock is then cut and keep the kava clean.
into small pieces. Each part of the harvested Drying in the sun gives a good quality
kava is kept separately because kavalactone product but may not be possible if there is
content and the price for each of the plant parts frequent rain. If it starts to rain the kava will
is different. For more details see pages 32- get wet and it may become discoloured or rot.
33. For this reason kava buyers for the local In the rainy season, use a solar hot air drying
market or exports require that the kava be method instead. Kava can also be left to dry
separated into basal stems, peeling of root more slowly in the shade.
stock, chips of root stock and roots. Several drying technologies have been de-
veloped and tested in Vanuatu. Two are pre-
C. Drying sented here: the clear and black plastic cover,
and the vented roof design drying facility.
Lay the rootstock and the roots out to dry in Analysis of the composition of kava root-
the sun after cutting them into small pieces. stock indicates that fresh material on average
The pieces of stem, peelings, and chips should is 80% water. In very humid climates, the re-
be thin slices to accelerate the drying process. covery of dry kava from green kava is about
The valuable thin long roots are not cut up 25%. Tests carried out on drying times and
before drying. Never dry kava on the ground weight losses showed that a sample of cut-up
but always on raised platforms to avoid mix- fresh roots weighing 10 kg placed in the sun
ing it with dirt, insects, grass or other foreign to dry for 10 hours followed by 14 hours in

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

the shade over 3 days weighed 2 kg at the end

of the experiment.
The speed of drying depends on the wa-
ter content of the fresh root, and the dryness
of the air (relative humidity).
To avoid any risk of mould, the dry prod-
uct should not contain more than 12% mois-
ture. To test for moisture content, bend a dried
root if it is sufficiently dry it will break but
if it needs further drying it will not break. It
seems that if the root breaks the moisture con-
tent is actually about 6% moisture.
After drying, the basal stems, rootstock
peelings, rootstock chips and roots are pack-
aged separately in 25 kg polypropolene wo-
ven bags (similar to flour sacks) which per-
mit the pieces of kava to continue to dry. Kava drying on screen racks in Vanuatu.

Drying technologies

Clear and black plastic solar dryer

Black plastic

Clear plastic
Drying rack

This is a simple and cheap drying technology that increases the temperature because it encloses the drying
platform and the black plastic absorbs the rays of the sun. The clear plastic panels should face the sun. This
structure also protects the kava from rain.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Vented roof design solar dryer

This is a permanent building for drying kava. It has a vented roof made of clear fibreglass and the sides are
also vented. The design increases the air temperature while maintaining air flow to speed the drying of the
kava. This building also protects the kava from wind and rain.

A kava drying shed in Samoa with clear plastic roof and vents on sides.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

D. Storage
Storing kava is similar to storage of other dried
agriculture commodities.
Dried agricultural products are
hygroscopic: they attract and absorb moisture
from the air particularly in high humidity cli-
mates such as the Pacific. A dried product left
in the open will continue to absorb moisture
until there is no further movement of mois-
ture in or out of the product, when the kava is
said to have acheived equilibrium moisture
content. Unfortunately, in the high humidity
environment of the Pacific the equilibrium
moisture content of kava allows the deterio-
ration of the commodity, and development of
fungus and a mouldy smell, which results in a
low quality or useless product.
The storage of kava requires special at-
tention to avoid loss in quality. Kava mois-
ture content needs to be monitored during
storage. Kava will need to be dried again if it
Drying kava on black plastic in Tonga before
is stored for a few months. Kava can be stored, pounding.
but the following points should be considered.
After kava is dried it will start to very
slowly absorb moisture from the high
humidity air unless it is protected in a
moisture-proof container.
Dried kava can be stored at any tem-
perature below 50C if it is kept in
moisture-proof containers.
Well-ventilated storage areas are not
suitable for extended storage of kava in
a high humidity environment.
The moisture content of the kava must
be monitored and tested by smell,
looking for mould, and noticing if the
roots bend rather than break.
Although kava can be redried if neces-
sary, multiple drying will cause the
quality to deteriorate.

Kava storage in Suva Fiji at kava exporter


2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

E. Commercial parts of
the kava plant
There are five commercial products from the
kava plant: basal stems, chips of the rootstock,
roots, peeling of the rootstock and residues.
The kavalactone content of each part of the
plant is quite different. (There may have been
some confusion in the past between the peel-
ings of the rootstock, which are high in
kavalactones, and peelings of the basal stem,
which are low in kavalactones.) The five com-
mercial products and approximate kavalactone
ranges are:

Basal Stems: stems more than 20 cm

(8 in) above the rootstock. Low in
kavalactones (35%) and used only as Basal stems
planting material.

Chips of the rootstock: made from t h e

peeled rhizome or rootstock or the first
20 cm (8 in) of the stems; 38% kavalactones.
Used for drinking.

Peelings of the rootstock: peelings or

skin of the rhizomes/rootstock and first 20
cm (8 in) of the stems. It
has been preferred for ex-
port because of its high
kavalactone content
(711%). Used for drinking and the
pharmaceutical market.

Roots: very high kavalactone content

Chips Peelings
Residues: the mixed small pieces of
the other commercial parts of the
kava plant of variable
kavalactone content. Used
for drinking.


2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

F. Kavalactones
Fifteen kavalactones have been isolated from
kava. Each kavalactone has a different physi- The chemotype of a kava cultivar is de-
ological effect.They are divided into the ma- fined by listing, in decreasing order, the pro-
jor kavalactones and minor kavalactones. The portion of the six major kavalactones. Nor-
six major kavalactones account for 96% of mally the first three kavalactones in the code
the fat soluble extract from kava and are con- for the chemoptype represent over 70% of the
sidered to be the most important active total kavalactone content. Consequently buy-
ingredience. They are: demethoxy-yangonin, ers and producers pay attention to the first
dihydrokavain, yangonin, kavain, three kavalactones of the chemotype. For ex-
dihydromethysticin, and methysticin. Kavain, ample two popular chemotypes in Vanuatu are
for example, is rapidly absorbed by the body 246531 and 426135, both of which have
and quickly creates a feeling of relaxation. dihydrokavain, kavain and meththysticin as the
Dihydromethstysticin and dihydrokavain are first three kavalactones.
very potent and produce nausea and long-term The chemotype of a kava cultivar may
drowsiness. These two kavalactones are found not be important for the local drink market.
in high concentrations in the famous tudei However there is interest by the pharmaceu-
kava cultivar of Vanuatu, which is known to tical industry in Europe to buy only kava with
make the drinker feel drunk for two days. For certain chemotypes. Hawaii, in the develop-
more details of the different effects of each ment of its kava industry, is increasingly
kavalactone read the research by Lebot (see cultivating the preferred chemotypes. In the
biblography). future most kava producers and international
Although such kavalactones as kavain
and methysticin can now be synthesised, these
artificial kavalactones do not induce the same
physiological effects as the natural extracts.
The efficacy of kava evidently does not stem
from a single active substance but rather from
a mixture, a blending of several kavalactones
that results in a synergistic physiological
Chemotypes:The kavalactones are num-
bered and used to define the kavalactone pro-
file of kava cultivars. The kavalactone profile
is referred to as the chemotype of that par-
ticular kava cultivar.
1 = demethoxy-yangonin
2 = dihydrokavain
3 = yangonin
4 = kavain
5 = dihydromethysticin
6 = methysticin

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

kava exporters will need to pay attention to Kavalactones cause a greater biological ef-
the production of preferred chemotypes. Kava fect when given in combination, possibly be-
content and the chemotype can be determined cause constituents are more readily absorbed
by analysis in the laboratories of the Institute when consumed as part of a mixture. The phar-
of Applied Sciences of the University of the macological effect of kava is dose-dependent.
South Pacific in Suva. Kava and its constituents have been shown to
Fresh kava rootstock, when prepared by have sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, mus-
mastication, pounding or grinding, yields a cle relaxant, anaesthetic, antimycotic, and
greenish milky solution that is considerably anxiolytic properties. Clinical trials with stand-
stronger in kavalactone content and taste than ardised kava extracts have shown pharmacologi-
the grey mixture obtained from dry roots. The cal activity comparable to benzodiazepines (e.g.
main factor determining the psycho-active im- Valium). Benzodiazepines are the most com-
pact of kava is the degree of separation in wa- monly used pharmaceuticals for anxiety. Kava
ter of the resinous active ingredients called products are used as a substitute and have fewer
kavalactones. The active substance in this side effects and have not been shown to be ad-
resin, insoluble in water, becomes available to dictive or to lead to dose tolerance.
the drinker after emulsification. However, this Key points:
emulsion is not stable and infused kava is
therefore a suspension of lipid-like compounds The kavalactone is the chemical respon-
rather than a real emulsion. sible for changing how you feel.
The resinous compounds are present in 15 kavalactones have been identified.
each cell as microscopic drops of
The mix of kavalactones in a kava variety
kavalactones that are dispersed when the root
is known as a chemotype.
tissues are pounded or ground, macerated and
infused. When the beverage is ingested, thou- Each part of the kava plant has a differrent
sands of these microscopic particles are ab- mix of kavalactones. Scientists are not
sorbed rapidly through the stomach mem- sure but it seems that you need a mixture
brane to the bloodstream. If the emulsion is of differrent kavalactones to achieve a par-
rich in active compounds, this will induce a ticular effect. Naturally produced
rapid and pronounced psycho-active effect. kavalactones are still much stronger than
The resin becomes more fluid when tem- the synthesised kavalactone.
perature increases and if hot water is drunk How you prepare the kava drink and what
after absorbing kava, the effects will be mag- you drink after the kava changes the ef-
nified. Kavalactones are soluble in alcohol and fects of kava on your body.
there is a synergistic effect when a drinker
mixes the two beverages.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

G. High quality kava

How to improve the quality through good harvest and postharvest practices
Age Heat Damage
Kava should be at least three years old when Do not dry your kava at temperatures too hot
harvested for an acceptable yield and to touch (above 70C). Kava that is over-
kavalactone content. heated can become discoloured and it will have
less value to the buyer.
Wash kava in clean running water, or in a Sorting
tank of water with a bit of household deter- Buyers will pay on the basis of the class of
gent if running water is not available. If you kava, so the different classes should be kept
can still see dirt on the kava it is not clean separate. However the price also depends on
enough. the kavalactone content that buyer expects.
The laboratory at the Institute of Applied Sci-
Drying ences at the University of the South Pacific
Dry kava on a clean surface such as metal roof campus in Suva, Fiji, offers quality kavalactone
sheets. analysis at a reasonable price.
Mildew and mould will grow on the kava
if it is too damp. Although you may not see it, Foreign matter or kava residues
it could be present by the time the kava reaches Do not try to add kava residues, pounded
your buyer. If the kava is brittle (snaps when leaves or other adulteration to the kava. Most
bent) it is dry enough to prevent mould buyers have equipment to detect foreign mat-
growth. ter or spent kava. It will be detected and your
Remember that kava will attract moisture reputation as a reliable supplier of quality kava
in the high humidity conditions of the Pacific. will be damaged.

Kava ceremony in Tonga.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Appearance and aroma

The kava should appear clean and not Remember, you will have higher quality kava
discolored and have the characteristic aroma if it:
of kava without the smell of mould.
is at least three years old;
Storage is clean and free of soil;
Do not store your kava near strong smelling is dry;
substances such as petrol, spices, or kerosene is not heat-damaged;
that can affect the aroma of the kava. Store in
new polypropylene bags in a clean, well- is free of mould and mildew;
ventilated area and off the floor. is separated into peelings, chips, and roots;
contains no foreign matter or spent kava;
has good appearance and aroma;
is stored in clean bags under good condi-

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

H. Quality specifications
The quality of an agricultural product is al- ers and middlemen who sell the kava have
ways an important issue. In the world of learnt through experience the factors kava
international trade, sellers and buyers rely buyers and exporters are looking for so that
on quality specifications to facilitate the they can get the best price. But there have
trading of products. A quality specification always been problems and the farmer, the
is a pre-sale agreement on the quality of middlemen and the buyers have all suffered.
the product which is to be traded. Quality More recently, developed countries have
specifications exist for most internationally become involved in the international trade of
traded products. An essential part of qual- kava. Furthermore, more advanced analytical
ity monitoring is taking representative sam- techniques have been introduced which have
ples of consignments and testing of sam- led to the introduction of detailed, indisput-
ples. The quality specifications are en- able quality specifications for kavalactones
forced by the industry and/or by legisla- As we get to know more about the chemi-
tion and licensing of exporters. cal make-up of kava, we have been able to
There is no established physical or develop a set of quality specifications (stand-
chemical quality specification for kava ex- ards) which can be checked and verified any-
ported to the pharmaceutical industry. The where in the world.
result has been that buyers and importers have The establishment and use of a quality
experienced problems and possible rejection specification for kava can protect Pacific Is-
of exported kava when there are quality- land kava producers and traders in the event
related problems. of a dispute over quality. SPC funded the In-
Kava has been traded for many years stitute of Applied Sciences of the University
both domestically and between islands of the of the South Pacific in 1995 to develop a draft
Pacific without a quality specification. In- quality specification for kava. These specifi-
stead the quality is based on the buyer exam- cations are explained in the following pages.
ining the kava before purchasing it. The farm-

The kavalactone analysis in a laboratory at the University of the South Pacific.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Background information on quality specifications

This is an explanation of each of the fac- Filth

tors that are normally included in the quality Soil adhering to the product can be removed
standards of a commodity. They include: and measured. Soil contains a very large
physical and chemical characteristics for number of bacteria and unfairly adds to the
kava. weight of the kava. It is important to remove
as much soil as possible from the kava to en-
Description sure that the bacterial level is as low as possi-
ble and to ensure that the purchaser does not
The offical description for a quality specifi-
in effect pay for soil.
cation normally contains the botanical name
and a brief description of the product. Thus
adulteration means that the product does not
conform to the specification and the purchaser The keeping quality of vegetable matter de-
may reject the consignment. It can be diffi- pends to a large degree on the moisture con-
cult to visually detect adulteration but there tent. Reducing the moisture content below
are tests that can detect when other vegetable 12% is essential. Above this figure the kava is
matter has been added. Adulteration has been likely to become mouldy. If the roots break
common in the food industry and a number when bent that is a good indication of low
of instances have been reported in which kava moisture content. There are also oven-drying
has been adulterated with spent (used) kava techniques used in the laboratory to determine
and other matter. moisture content.

Physical properties Chemical characteristics

A series of simple physical tests can give a Ash
quick, easy assessment of quality. For in- Ash testing is one of the indicator tests. It
stance, because the appearance of kava is well gives a guide to other characteristics such as
known, discoloration, insect fragments, to- age, cleanliness, moisture content and con-
bacco, stones and other vegetable matter can tamination with other plant material. The test
be easily detected. Kava aroma is also well is inexpensive and simple and is a means of
known and common contaminants such as verifying other tests.
diesel, petrol or spices can be detected very
quickly by simply smelling the kava. A lack Kavalactones
of aroma may indicate staleness.
The most important the characteristic of kava
for international buyers is the kavalactone
Flavour content. Six kavalactones are tested for each
This can be tested informally by simply pre- part of the plant. Experience indicates that for
paring a solution and assessing it. A taste panel the root and rootstock, the range of values ob-
can score the flavour using a previously ac- tained for each kavalactone is fairly narrow.
ceptable product for comparison. In so do- Values falling outside these accepted values
ing, very small differences can be assessed may indicate blending with other less valu-
and the flavour profiles can be assessed ob- able parts of the plant, blending with kosa
jectively. Taste panels in which as many as or previously used kava residues or contami-
20 panellists assess flavour, appearance, and nation with other plant material. Furthermore,
aroma can be used for dispute resolution. values outside these ranges would indicate
that the kava is not of export quality.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Proposed kava quality specifications

These are the draft physical and chemical Flavour

quality specifications based on research at the
In the event of dispute, kava samples will be
Institute of Applied Sciences of the Univer-
subject to a taste panel assessment using the
sity of the South Pacific.
triangular taste test. There will be at least 20
panellists and results will be subjected to sta-
tistical analysis. Statistically significant sam-
Kava will be the roots, rootstock, basal stems ples will be treated as contaminated.
or scrapings derived from the plant Piper
methysticum. It will be sound, clean and sub- Filth
stantially free from filth, soil and other con- Using standard methods heavy filth will not
taminants. exceed 0.63% on a dry weight basis. Heavy
It will be prepared in accordance with filth exceeding 0.63% but less than 0.7% will
good manufacturing practice and will not con- be considered to be second grade. Heavy filth
tain vegetable matter derived from other spe- exceeding 0.7% will be rewashed and redried.
cies, insect fragments, or any other extrane-
ous matter. It will have the following physi- Moisture
cal and chemical properties. The moisture content will not exceed 12.54%
when dried to constant weight at 105C.
Physical characteristics Moisture content exceeding 12.54% but less
Colour than 12.88% will be considered to be second
grade kava. Kava samples with a moisture
Kava will have a characteristic light brown/ content in excess of 12.88% will be redried.
grey colour.
Aroma Chemical Characteristics

Kava will have the aroma characteristics of Ash

the product. The aroma will be free of extra- The ash content will not exceed 5.36% when
neous aromas indicating contamination with organic matter is removed at 440C. Samples
other plant material, solvents or other vola- exceeding 5.36% but less than 5.93% will be
tile matter. considered to be second grade kava. Samples
with an ash content in excess of 5.93% will
be washed and redried.

A quality specification for kavalactone con-
tent is still under development and it is very
difficult to specify because of the great varia-
tions between kava varieties. The important
point, especially if large consignments are in-
volved, is the need for both buyer and seller
to test the kavalactone content. Once the re-
sults are available prices can be accurately

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

I. Advanced processing
For kava to be used in the pharmaceutical in- by the body in this form than in capsules.
dustry the kavalactones must be extracted so This technique is expensive however, and re-
that they can be contained in capsules for easy quires an investment of about US$500,000
use by patients. In the pharmaceutical indus- for a small spray drying unit capable of
try the most commonly used method for ex- processing about one tonne of fresh roots per
tracting kavalactones is the solvent extraction day.
method. Kavalactones are insoluble in water, Steps in the spray drying process:
so extraction is done with volatile solvents.
Volatile solvents are used because they dont 1 Fresh root
leave a residue in the kavalactone extract. The 2 Crushing
volatile solvents are recyclable by evapora- 3 Filtration
tion and distillation, but are flammable, and 4 Fresh juice
thus should be handled carefully. The ex-
5 High pressure pump
tracted kavalactones are in the form of a dark
thick viscose substance that is not easy to use 6 Spray drying
directly. It is combined with an inert substance 7 Water-soluble powder obtained
such as starch to create a powder with 30% Much of the attraction of kava is the cer-
kavalactone content that is then placed in emony attached to its preparation and social
capsules. consumption in the Pacific. For the local mar-
Steps in the solvent extraction process: ket and export there is a need for a high qual-
ity, pre-dried, ground kava for those who want
1 Dry matter
to consume kava in this manner.
2 Crushing Ready-to-drink extracted kava with other
3 Reduction to fine powder tropical flavours is now available. There are
4 Maceration, hot or cold in a solvent also kava candies and other novel products
5 Filtration on the market. These products have not gen-
erated significant consumer demand, how-
6 Elimination of solid residues
7 Evaporation and recovery of solvent There continues to be interest from the
8 Extraction of a brown coloured resin private sector in establishing kavalactone
9 Resin mixed with a base to create a extraction facilities in the Pacific. One facil-
30% kavalactone powder ity was established in Port Vila but it is no
The kava residues from domestic con- longer functioning. Another facility was es-
sumption still contain significant levels of tablished in Savusavu, Fiji Islands, but at a
kavalactones. Processing offers the potential time of a decline in the market and demand
to extract the kavalactones from these resi- was not sustained. Currently there are plans
dues, which are normally discarded. A suit- to relocate this plant elsewhere in the Pacific
able economical extraction method, perhaps region. The key aspect in the establishment of
using a combination of organic solvents, viable processing facilities is that they must
needs to be developed. be connected directly to the company that will
Another method of processing is spray further process the kavalactone extract and
drying. Spray drying is a well-established produce the final product. Large pharmaceu-
agro-industrial technique that produces water tical and natural products companies have
soluble powders such as milk powder that are substantial investments in their own process-
easy to handle and store. This technology is ing facilities to use with a wide variety of raw
well suited to kava because the powder dis- material. They prefer to use their own process-
solves in water and it is more rapidly absorbed ing facilities to control quality and in order to
add value to the raw material themselves.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

J. Marketing
There are several distinct markets for kava, toms of stress. This market is very precise.
but in all markets there is a demand for high Buyers seek kava with a specific chemotype
quality kava. and the pharmaceutical laboratories process
the kava to make a capsule with an exact
Domestic drinking market kavalactone content. There has been a con-
The local market is still the most important sistent demand for high quality kava for this
market for kava in terms of total size and cash market.
value. At the village level there is still a sub- Nutritional supplement market: In the
stantial amount of production for household United States many non-prescription herbal
and village consumption. Middlemen often buy remedies are considered nutritional supple-
at the village or villagers bring their kava to ments by the Federal Drug Administration, and
sell at markets in the urban centres. There is kava recently became popular in this market.
an increasing demand for pounded kava sold Kava is packaged in capsules, as teabags, and
in packets for local consumption in kava shops added to other beverages. This market saw a
and in private homes. dramatic growth particularly in 1998, but since
This market is also less risky than the then the demand has declined. Kava became a
export market for the buying and selling of fad in the herbal products market which
small quantities of kava. Producers know the meant that people tried it once. If a product in
buyers and the prices they will get. this market is poor quality, people quickly lose
interest, and the market fades as quickly as it
Export market appeared. Some authorities believe that the
lack of a standardised, high quality kava prod-
Kava exporters have emerged to serve a uct for the consumer contributed to the de-
number of markets. The exporters usually have cline in consumption in the US market.
their own buyers, who purchase the kava at
the village from known producers of quality
kava. Some large growers sell directly to the Buyers
exporters. On occasion large growers form The export market demands high quality. The
partnerships with overseas kava buyers and buyer is interested in finding the lowest price
processors. The exporter make the growers possible for a high quality kava. Buyers will
aware that they must follow many of the discuss purchases with exporters in several
princples outlined in this publication for pro- countries before negotiating a quantity and
duction of high quality kava in order to re- price. They prefer to buy sorted kava rather
ceive a good price. than pounded kava so they can verify the qual-
Drinking market: The main drinking ity immediately
markets are in the Pacific, such as Fiji Islands,
Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Tonga. There is Price is related to three factors:
also kava drinking in Australia, New Zealand, Quality: High quality kava will have a
the United States particularly in California, and higher price than low quality kava. For exam-
Canada. ple, kava that is clean and free of soil, well
Pharmaceutical market: In Germany dried, with a fresh kava aroma will fetch a
and France kava has been a prescription drug higher price than kava that is dirty, only some-
for many years, prescribed in capsule form what dry, and mouldy smelling.
for patients with psychological problems. As Consistency: Buyers of kava prefer to
previously explained, the kavalactones are establish more long-term business relation-
considered a natural replacement for other ships with kava exporters. Not only do buy-
drugs such as Valium that relieve the symp- ers want high quality, they also want to be

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

able to buy kava of consistently high quality. Supply and demand: When there an is
This is how a grower, middleman or exporter abundant supply available for the market,
establishes a good reputation. Customers will prices will be lower. Conversely, when supply
keep coming back to purchase more kava. is low the prices will rise. A good example of
However, if the quality of your kava is not the effect of supply and demand on kava prices
consistent then buyers will find suppliers who was seen during 1998. Buyers from the United
are more reliable. States herbal market made substantial
Part of the plant: The roots and peel- purchases in 1998 and prices moved to very
ings are higher in kavalactones and demand a high levels. However by the end of 1998, there
higher price than the chips and stems. Inter- was very little kava being purchased for the
national buyers often prefer the peelings, export market and prices declined substan-
which they feel are better value and have the tially.
quality kavalactone they need.

Marketing of fresh kava at The Kava Store in Port Vila, Vanuatu..

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

IV. Conclusion
There is good potential for growth in the local Processing research
and export kava market. However, the future
Further research into appropriate processing
growth and development of the kava industry
techniques for the smallholder and for large-
needs attention in the areas of production,
scale production is necessary. Appropriate
research and marketing.
equipment and packaging techniques are also
needed. Among the different processing tech-
Production research
niques to be studied, priority should be given
It is often debated which is more important: to the improvement and development of spray
markets or production? It would appear that drying techniques, ultra-high temperature
further market opportunities are constrained treatment, and identifying the ideal combi-
by production, as the large domestic market nation of organic solvents for the treatment
restricts the amount available for export. of residues from domestic consumption. Na-
Kava needs attention as a commercial tional Kava Councils should be established
crop. Effective cropping systems adapted to to encourage intiative and coordinate devel-
the local conditions need to be developed for opment of the industry.
smallholders as well as for large-scale planta-
tions. Facilitation of marketing activities
Organic kava production systems need
Inconsistent supply and poor quality of kava
further study because of the high value niche
inhibit market development and destabilise
market for organic products.
prices. The kava industry needs to establish
There are also major bottlenecks and
kava quality specifications.
needs for agronomic research:
National or regional names should be de-
Establishment of national germplasm col- veloped and protected to symbolise quality
lections needed. kava from original sources and to protect it
from competition from other tropical coun-
Selection of kava varieties of the best tries.
chemotype and kavalactone content. Ha-
waii has undertaken this and only good Organic certification
chemotypes are promoted for production.
A valuable niche market with potential for
Development of reliable tissue culture Pacific Islands kava producers is the organic
techniques and micropropagation systems market. Much of the kava grown in the Pacifi
for virus-free planting material. Hawaii is grown without the use of pesticides and
has made progress in this area but the sur- chemical fertilizers. An organic certification
vival rate of plants from tissue culture is system for kava is needed to verify the or-
still only 50% ganic production methods used for the growth
of the industry.
Identification, prevention and control
of existing kava pests and diseases,
including dieback, and a comprehen-
sive study of the epidemiology.
Determining the suitability of kava
monocropping by smallholders in the
Kava fertility management for maxi-
mum production and sustainability.
Working group of Kava Industry leaders at Regional Kava in
meeting, 1998.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Appendix A
Hawaiian kava production
On 11 May 1998 the Association for Hawai- Deep soil
ian Awa (AHA) was formed as a non-profit These lands, formerly used for sugar or pine-
organisation for reserach, education, and pres- apple, are often depleted of nutrients. These
ervation of the cultural and medical values as- soils are deep-ploughed and rotor tilled with
sociated with the awa (kava) plant. compost and /or manure. Calcium and other
Hawaii has a long tradition of growing minerals may be added depending on the soil
and consuming kava that is now being revived. analysis. The field are then formed into ridges
Hawaiian kava growers are applying modern that are as much as 150 cm (5 ft) wide and
production and propagation technologies to 75100 cm (23 ft) high to promote good
kava. Gowers in other Pacific Islands may be drainage.
interested in the technical information, which
provides a much different approach to kava Rocky soil
production. If you are interested in experi-
menting based on the following information, These soils are often not very deep but ridges
please do so on a small scale and with cau- are still made in the field. The same proce-
tion. dure as above is followed, with no deep
ploughing because of the often shallow soils.

Different soils Forested and rocky with limited soil

The trees are left growing on this land. Kava
There are five basic production systems in is grown among and under the trees on
Hawaii, depending on the type of land where mounds of cinder, soil, compost and fertiliser
the kava is planted. mix.

Jerry Konanui in a kava plot that will be used for cuttings.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Rocky with very little or no soil Fertility management

These lands, where papaya or anthurium may
Many different methods of fertility manage-
have been grown before fertility depletion or
ment are are used, includeing both organic and
the disease of ring spot virus on papaya or
non-organic approaches. There is very little
anthurium blight, are cleared of weeds. The
documented data on kava nutrient require-
kava is grown in mounds of a mixture of cin-
ments. Farmers are experimenting with a wide
der, soil, and compost with fertiliser added.
range of fertiliser application methods such
as pre-plant, side dressing and foliar applica-
Basket system tion. The timing of fertiliser application is also
The weed mat basket method, though not ex- an area of experimentation. Ginger farmers use
tensively used, is attractive for smaller farm- their usual method with some variations. Taro
ers including backyard kava growers. This growers are also using their knowledge and
method consists of wire baskets varying from experiences in formulating their own adapta-
75 cm (2 ft) to 130 cm (4 ft) tall made tion of fertility management.
from welded steel wire, hog wire, or wire mesh
used for concrete reinforcement. The open Here are two examples:
wire baskets are lined with weed mats and Monthly application of NPK of different
filled with a mix of cinder, soil, compost and formulations:
fertiliser. The savings in labour costs and main-
14-14-14 time release (13 months)
tenance time, ease of pest and disease con-
14-14-14 commercial (3 months1 year)
trol, and the ease of harvesting make this an
16-16-16 commercial (12 years)
attractive alternative for small growers want-
10-20-20 commercial (After 2 years)
ing to supplement their income.
Monthly application of NPK of these formu-
lations in rotation:
14-14-14 or 16-16-16

Fertiliser rates
A small handful of NPK is spread around and
over the mound for small plants. A handful
for 30 cm (1 ft) tall plants is well broadcast
around the plant and two to four handfuls of
NPK are applied for plants over 120 cm (4 ft)
tall. It is important not to throw handfuls of
NPK into piles on the mounds, as it will burn
your plant. It is better to have more frequent
light applications of fertiliser than less frequent
heavy applications.

Kava planted in a large basket.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Height and Yield of Kava Irrigation

A three year old plant can yield from 8 to 17
Irrigation is a real bonus for those fortunate
kg of green kava. One organic farmer got 16
enough to have it. To get better irrigation cov-
kg in twelve months; his fertiliser application
erage, an emitter style head is recommended
is not known. The plant height at harvest de-
rather than a drip head.
pends to a great extent on the variety. Plants
Farmers who have to rely on rainfall need
with short nodes can reach a height of only
ways to ensure that the kava plants will have
1.2 to 1.8 m (4 to 6 ft). Plants with long
enough moisture throughout the year, espe-
internodes can reach a height of 3.5 to 5 m
cially during the hot summer months.
(12 to 16 ft) in the shade, or a bit shorter in
In high rainfall areas, large, well-drained,
direct sunlight.
high mounds or ridges with a high proportion
of moisture-holding materials can help pro-
Weed management vide the right drainage.
For drier and windy areas, shade-provid-
Especially during the period just after trans-
ing, nitrogen-fixing windbreaks are very help-
planting, weeds are a major problem. Farm-
ful in preventing the kava from drying out.
ers transplant large plants from the nursery to
Nitrogen-fixing windbreak species include
help beat the weeds growth rate. Mulches of
Casuarina equisetifolia, Calliandra calo-
cinders, grass clippings, shade tree chips and
thyrsus, Gliricidia sepium, and Leucaena
trimmings, weed mats, and rows of shade and
leucocephala. Ask forestry or agriculture
nitrogen fixing windbreaks help keep the
extension agents for the best trees for wind-
weeds down until the kava canopy can pro-
breaks for your area. In this situation, rocky
vide its own weed control.
mounds and hills aid in retaining moisture, so
In some areas with no irrigation, farmers
leave the rocks in. Mulch, weed mats, black
allow a ground cover of weeds to grow, claim-
plastic mulch, and cover crops also help to
ing that this helps maintain moisture during
retain moisture.
the hot summer months.
Herbicides are not approved for use in kava
cultivation. The drift or wind carry of
Roundup, a systemic herbicide, from road
maintenance on non-organic farms can have
devastating effects on kava.

Irrigation in a field of young kava plants.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Spacing and shading

Spacing Shading
The initial frenzy of kava planting brought Planting out acclimatised young plants calls
spacing as close as 60 cm (2 ft) between for shade or at least partial shade. Planting
plants within the rows and 120 cm (4 ft) kava between rows of pigeon pea or nitrogen-
between rows. Experience has now shown fixing windbreak trees seems to work well.
that this spacing was too close. Now 180 After one year, or when the kava plants allow
cm by 180 cm (6 ft by 6 ft) or 240 cm by it, the shade trees are pruned and chipped on
240 cm (8 ft by 8 ft) is the recommended site and added to the top of the mounds or
spacing. ridges as mulch or later as compost.

Rows of kava plants properly spaced and shaded by windbreak trees.

Due to the urgent need for planting material a variety of Hawaiian kava, famous for its
kava crops were pruned drastically. It was then strength, which grew in the crotch of trees in
noted that a healthy kava plant can handle the district of Puna, Hawaii, was strong be-
drastic pruning twice a year without adverse cause the roots coming down the tree were
effect. On the contrary, the plants seem able exposed to the sunlight. I feel that pruning is
to not only to recover but to increase in size: an extension of that idea. It opens up the
more shoots come out; more roots develop canopy of the plant and lets the sunlight pen-
from these shoots, the rootstock increases etrate to the base of the plant. Testing done
because there are more branches developing. on Hawaiian kava in 1998 also supports this.
About 1030% of the stems are removed once
or twice a year, depending on how the plants Advantages of pruning
are growing. The woody stem closer to the 1) Pruning provides planting material.
ground branches is removed, leaving the
softer and more succulent stems. 2) It promotes an increase in rootstock size.
It is believed that Hawaiian ancestors were 3) It enhances production of kavalactones.
right when they said that the Awa Kau Laau,

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Fast propagation method

A major constraint to expanding kava
production in Hawai is lack of planting
materials. There has been a high degree of
innovation to get large amounts of vigor-
ous planting material from a small number
of plants in a short period of time. In the
tipping and pinching approach, the buds are
stimulated to grow into shoots while they
are still on the plant rather than after plant-
ing, with the result that you can have much
faster growing plants once they are put in Kava stem (primary branch) before tipping.
the ground.

1. Plant preparation (before taking

A. Fertilise plants one or two weeks before

B. Tipping the removal of the primary

branch tip:
(i) Tip only hard, woody branches (if your
thumbnail can penetrate the stem or node,
it is too soft).
(ii) The purpose of tipping is to accelerate
the growth of the axillary buds into shoots.
(iii) Use only nodes from primary branches. Pinching removing the upper portion of axillary
Material from secondary branches will bud to stimulate the development of more buds.
develop into plants with horizontal growth

C. Pinching the removal of the upper por-

tion of the axillary bud, leaving the base
of the node. The purpose of pinching is
to prevent damage to the sprouted bud
(breaking off of the node). In addition,
the pinching stimulates three to four eyes
to come out of the base of the axillary
bud. This gives you three to four stems
from one plant rather than a one-stem
(i) Pinching should be done when axillary
shoots are at least 2.5 cm (1 in). The larger
the shoots the better.
Buds (eyes) developing because
of pinching.

2003 Library
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"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

2. Removing nodes from the stem

A. Cutting individual nodes C. Soak tray of nodes in a marinade of
(i) Cut with sharp clippers/loppers or a clean seaweed extract and high phosphate
cutting saw. foliar mix (optional).

(ii) Cut close to node. (i) Soak for five minutes.

(iii) Place cutting into plastic bucket; damp (ii) Remove tray from marinade and let drain
sphagnum moss is helpful to keep the cut- and dry.
ting moist. (iii) Paint freshly cut node ends with pruning
(iv) Dont place the bucket in sun or subject paint (optional).
it to heat. D. Place tray on a bench in a mist cham-
(v) Upon completion immediately transport ber so that the nodes are kept moist.
to nursery. (i) Keep in 60% to 80% shade.
After the top node is removed from the (ii) Every day:
stem, the next node is allowed to sprout and a. Check for drop-off (stubs from second-
be pinched. This process can continue down ary cut branch)
the stem. Always leave one node at the bot- b. Check for and remove rotten nodes
tom of the stem to prevent potential entry of c. Hose down the nodes to keep them
fungi that can cause rotting of the rootstock. clean
d. Watch for rooting and when roots ap-
pear put the node in a pot of media (see
page 50).
(iii) Weekly: spray or soak in high phosphate
foliar seaweed extract (optional).

Sprouted node ready to be cut near the node.

3. Preparing Nodes in the Nursery

A. Lay nodes in trays with pinched axil-
lary buds facing up.
B. Dip the tray of nodes in a marinade of Nodes in trays with buds facing up.
fungicide and bactericide to prevent rot
(optional but highly recommended).
(i) The length of time to soak the tray de-
pends on the type and strength of fungi-
cide and bactericide used but a few
mintues is usually sufficient.
(ii) After soaking, rinse with fresh clean wa-
ter to prevent burn damage to soft/small
buds and shoots.
(iii) Let water drain off until dry. Node with shoots facing up.

2003 Library
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"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

4. Potting rooted nodes

A. Use a 4 litre pot or bag. D. Fertiliser application can be done in
This is so that you can keep the plant in several ways.
the same container until transplanting. Smaller (i) Slow release (balanced with minerals) as
pots can be used but transferring to a larger per directions.
pot will be necessary before transplanting to
the field. Using a 4 litre pot also means the (ii) Foliar spray/soak every other week.
plant can be grown even if transplanting is (iii) Manure tea or in the potting mix.
(iv) High phosphate seaweed extract as per
B. Media (use sterile media where possible) instructions.
(i) 80% cinder/perlite, 20% compost (pre- E. The size of the plant at transplanting
ferred). depends on field conditions (small
(ii) 100% cinder/perlite (2nd choice). plants are under 30 cm (12 in), large
plants are over 30 cm).
(iii) Drip or mist irrigation is recommended
though watering daily is acceptable once (i) Shaded conditions for small plants and
the plants are well established. unshaded conditions for large plants.

C. Start with 6080% shade in the nurs- (ii) Weedy conditions require large plants;
ery. Just before transplanting, gradu- small plants need weed-free conditions.
ally increase exposure first to 6070% (iii) If pests (insects, slugs and snails) are
for a week and then to 30% shade for present, plant large plants; if field is pest-
a week. free you can plant small plants.

Nodes after planting in pots.

2003 Library
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"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Hawaiian Pacific Kava Company nursery in

Hilo, Hawaii.

Small backyard kava nursery in Hilo Hawaii with owner Ed Johnston

2003 Library
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"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Organic kava production

Jim Henderson of Puu O Hoku Ranch in 4. The kava is grown on raised beds 30 cm
Kaunakakai, Hawaii, has taken an organic (12 in) tall and 1.8 m (6 ft) across that are
approach to growing kava. Hawaiian soils are made with a tractor and a ridging attach-
low in phosphorous and the pH levels were ment. The three-month-old kava seedlings
all well below 6. Much of the fertilisation is are planted 1.6 m (5 ft) apart in the row.
based upon what is known of other plants At planting Jim adds 450 g each of lime,
needs. What kava needs for high kavalactone phosphorous, Norwegian kelp (algit), fish
content and vigorous growth is relatively un- or blood meal, and diatomaceous earth.
known. It does seem to be a heavy feeder and Compost is added at a rate of 28 kg per
therefore foliar fertilising is necessary to keep bed of 65 m. A mulch cover of chipped
the nitrogen at a high level for maximum trees is overlaid on beds to a depth of
growth. So far, the plants are looking quite 10 cm (4 in).
vigorous, on the whole. There is no yield data 5. There are windbreaks every 150 m
yet because the oldest plants are only 16 (500 ft) and rows of pigeon pea, gliricidia
months old. and sesbania at closer intervals. Shading
is not considered necessary.
1. Soil evaluation: soil nutrient levels vary 6. There is not much pruning of the kava.
greatly. A soil test is important to know Exceptions are for propagation and
what to add to the soil. Based on the soil culling out poor stems at fertilisation and
analysis Jim has developed a soil fertility weeding.
management plan.
7. A foliar fertiliser spraying schedule begins
2. Preplant application of one tonne/hectare after planting, using Maxicrop (commer-
of calcium (oyster shell lime) and one cial brand) foliar fertiliser and Mermaids
tonne/hectare of phosphorous (soft rock (commercial brand) fish powder, applied
phosphate). with a small tractor and sprayer at a rate
3. When possible he plants the field with of 9 kg of formulation per 400 litres of
either Sudan grass or crotalaria before it water per 0.45 hectare. This is ideally
is prepared for planting kava. Both are done every three weeks. The process can
known to kill nematodes. Crotalaria is a be improved upon with the use of
legume that fixes nitrogen thereby adding spreader stickers (yucca extract) and
soil nutrients. Crotalaria can and should oxygen and pH modifiers (hydrogen
be inoculated with rhizobium bacteria for peroxide or vinegar).
maximum nitrogen production. There are 8. At six months of age the kava is side
also other good tropical cover crops that dressed with 500 kg phosphorus, 500 kg
can be used. This crop is allowed to grow lime and 125 kg blood meal per hectare.
to crowd out the weeds and enrich the At 11 years we side dress with 500 kg
soil. It is then cut and plowed into the algit and 500 kg fishmeal (potassium and
soil. nitrogen) per hectare.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Appendix B
False kava
a threat to the South Pacific kava industry
The development of the kava industry has Piper auritum. This species causes the
brought with it new producers and buyers. In most confusion in Hawai'i. The distinguishing
the rush to produce and sell kava, a problem characteristic are:
has appeared in the form of false kava. The Vein pattern: there is a central vein with
false kava is sold to unsuspecting buyers here smaller veins branching off it. This contrasts
in the Pacific or shipped directly to overseas with the distinctive vein pattern of kava, which
buyers, usually mixed in with true kava. The has 9 to 13 veins all spreading from the base
result is that the shipment will be rejected when of the leaf.
the kavalactone content is tested. Smell: crushed leaves smell strongly of
False kava is a threat to quality kava pro- safrole (similar to sassafras or root beer).
duced in the region. It gives kava producers Safrole found in the leaves and stems is con-
and exporters a bad name in the international sidered a carcinogen by the FDA.
kava market. Piper spp. There are other members of the
In Samoa and Fiji Islands false kava is re- Piper genus, such as Piper wichmannii in
ferred to as Tongan kava or yaqona ni Vanuatu, that may be confused with kava. If
onolulu, and in Tonga Hawaiian kava. What you are an experienced kava producer you will
are these other kinds of kava? The scientific notice the differences on close examination of
name of kava is Piper methysticum. False the plant: leaves, stem, flowers, and plant
kavas are other species within the Piper ge- form. If the plant is already dried, the roots
nus but they do not contain kavalactones. will not have the characteristic smell of kava
Piper aduncum. This species is a tree up and will sometimes be a different colour. The
to 56m (1520 ft) tall with leaves up to 15 cm roots are more woody and contain less starch,
(6 in) long and flowers borne on cream col- and are not slender and flexible.
oured drooping spikes about 12 cm (5 in) These other members of the Piper genus
long. The leaves are bigger and lighter green are widespread in the Pacific and they do not
than kava. This species apparently was intro- contain kavalactones.
duced in the 1920s and now is a widespread
weed in the wet and intermediate zones of Viti Do not let the false kava destroy the reputa-
Levu, Fiji Islands. tion of kava from the Pacific.

False kava leaf

(Piper auritum)

Kava leaf.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

False kava being removed in Fiji Islands.

(Piper aduncum)

False kava.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Brown, J.F. 1989. Kava and kava diseases in the South Pacific. Canberra, Australia: Australian
Centre for International Agricultural Research. (Working paper no. 24.)

Carley, K.P. 1998. Strategy for the development of a sustainable kava industry on Pohnpei.
Unpublished report prepared for the Pohnpei Office of the Nature Conservancy.

Davis, R.I. 1996. Causal relationship between cucumber mosaic cucumovirus and kava dieback in
the South Pacific. In Plant Disease. 80(2):194197.

. 1999. Kava dieback. Suva, Fiji Islands: Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Plant Protection
Service. (Pest advisory leaflet no. 25.)

Davis, R.I. and Brown, J.F. 1999. Kava (Piper methysticum) in the South Pacific: its importance,
methods of cultivation, cultivars, diseases and pests. Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre
for Agricultural Research. (ACIAR technical reports 46.)

Konanui, J.; Henderson, J.; Ooka, J.; Johnston, E.; Nelson, S. and Osborn, T. 1999. Awa
production guide. Hilo, Hawaii: Association for Hawaiian Awa.

Kumar, S; Kaitetara, T. and Mudaliar, T. 1998. Opportunities for the production of yaqona in Fiji
for export situation analysis 1. Suva, Fiji Islands: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries and Soil and Crop Evaluation Project, AusAID.

Lebot, V. 1986. Growing kava in Vanuatu. In South Pacific Ag Teacher. 4(1):118.

. 1988. Lhistoire du kava commence par sa dcouverte. In Journal de la Socit des Ocanistes.
(1 & 2):89114.

. 1989. Survey of the genetic resources of Piper methysticum Forst. f. in Oceania. In Plant
Genetic Resources Newsletter. (80):3032.

. 1992 Genetic vulnerability of Oceanias traditional crops. In Experimental Agriculture.


. 1996. Genetic control of kavalactone chemotypes in Piper methysticum cultivars. In

Phytochemistry. 43(2):397403.

. 1997. An overview of kava production in the Pacific Islands: what we do know and what we
dont. In Journal of South Pacific Agriculture. 4(1 & 2):5562.

Lebot, V. and Cabalion, P. 1986. Les kavas de Vanuatu : cultivars de Piper methysticum Forst.
Paris, France: Office Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer (ORSTOM).
(Travaux et documents no. 205.)

. 1988. Kavas of Vanuatu : cultivars of Piper methysticum Forst. Noumea, New Caledonia: South
Pacific Commission (SPC). (Technical paper no. 195).
Note: First published as Les kavas de Vanuatu: cultivars de Piper methysticum Forst. Paris,
France : ORSTOM, 1986.

Lebot, V. and Lvesque, J. 1989. The origin and distribution of kava (Piper methysticum Forst. f.,
Piperaceae) : a phytochemical approach. In Allertonia. (2):223281.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

. 1996. Evidence for conspecificity of Piper methysticum Forts. f. and Piper wichmannii C. DC.
In Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 24(7/8):775782.

Lebot, V., Aradhya, M.K., and Manshardt, R.M. 1991. Geographic survey of genetic variation in
kava (Piper methysticum Forst. f. and P. wichmannii C. DC.). In Pacific Science.

Lebot, V., Merlin, M., and Lindstrom, L. 1992. Kava the Pacific drug. New Haven, USA: Yale
University Press. (Psychoactive plants of the world.)

. [ca.1997]. The Pacific elixir: the definitive guide to its ethnobotany, history and chemistry.
Rochester, Vermont, USA: Healing Arts Press.
Note: First published as Kava the Pacific drug. New Haven, USA: Yale University Press,

Milne, M. 1997. Crop profile 1: Kava. Apia, Samoa: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests, Fisheries and
Meteorology, Economic Analysis and Planning Unit.
Note: Published in 1996 by the Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture
(IRETA) for the Western Samoa Farming Systems Project Phase 2.

Nevenimo, T. and Ngere, O. 1991. Kava, a potential cash crop for Papua New Guinea Lowlands.
Keravat, Papua New Guinea: Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Lowlands
Agricultural Experiment Station. (Technical bulletin: cash crops diversification series 2/91.)

Onwueme, I.C. and Papademetriou, M.K. 1997. The kava crop and its potential. Bangkok,
Thailand: FAO. Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific. (RAP publication 1997/12.)

Politoni, K. and Hoponoa, T. 1999. Kava in Tonga. In: Rogers, S. and Thorpe, P., editors. Diffusion
and transfer of agricultural technology in the Pacific: reports and papers from the third
annual meeting of cooperators, Vavau Kingdom of Tonga, 2428 November 1997. Suva,
Fiji Islands: Pacific Regional Agricultural Programme (PRAP); p. 124. (PRAP report no.

Qioniwasa, J. V. 1985. Planting kava. In South Pacific Ag Teacher. 3(2):3941.

Valentine, N. 1999. A preliminary report on non-timber forest products in some Pacific Island
countries: with a case study on Morinda citrifolia. SPC/UNDP/AusAID/FAO. Pacific
Islands Forests & Trees Support Programme (RAS/97/330). Suva, Fiji Islands: Pacific
Islands Forests & Trees Support Programme. (Working paper no. 6.)

Kava drying shed in Vanuatu.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Adulteration is the term used when the product for sale has other foreign material mixed
with it so that it doesnt conform to the specification agreed on, e.g., the
kava is dirty; is mixed with false kava, or has other plant materials mixed

Adventitious roots roots which develop spontaneously from the stem when it is placed in a
moist environment. In the case of kava these roots develop quite easily. In
other species it can be quite difficult for the roots to develop.

Bacterium very small (microscopic) organisms that can cause diseases in plants.

Basal stem the stem, 20 cm (8 in) above the rootstock.

Bud scar small rough scar on the nodes (stem joints) where shoots will emerge when
the conditions are right.

Competition plant and root competition occurs when two or more compete with one
another for light, water, nutrients etc. One plant may grow well and the
other dies or grows sickly.

Compost a mixture of dried plant material, animal manure and other organic
materials such as sea weed or saw dust that is combined and goes though a
microbiological breakdown that turns it into a compound that looks like
soil. It is then used to fertilise the soil.

Cortical layer the part between the bark (epidermis) and the central core of the stem.

Cover crop a crop, often of the legume family, planted to fully cover the soil between
stands of trees and between other crops. Cover crops are useful because
they protect and also enrich the soil. Yams and sweet potatoes are often
used as a cover crop.

Crop rotation refers to planting a sequence of different crops on a plot of land. The
practice help maintain soil fertility and break the life cycle of many pests
and diseases that may only survive on one crop and thereby reduce pest
and disease attack.

Cropping system pattern of growing crops over time as well as the mixture of plants grown
together at the same time.

Cultivar any variety and selected plant that is produced or grown by farmers and is
not found naturally in the wild.

Cultivation shallow digging of the soil to allow water to soak into the soil and also to
remove weeds.

Cutting plant stem cut into pieces and planted to start a new plant.

Dieback a disease in which a plant starts to die from the ends of its branches. See
kava dieback.

Direct planting making a hole and planting a cutting without first growing the seedlings in
a nursery.

2003 Library
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"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Disease any condition that is not normal in a plant. Diseases usually produce signs
and symptoms.

Epidemiology the study of diseases.

Extraneous matter any material which is not in the specification, e.g. foreign matter dirt,
stones, false kava, etc.

Farming system different methods used to grow crops, including shifting cultivation,
continuous cropping, mixed cropping, monocropping etc.

Foliar fertiliser a fertiliser which is applied to the leaves of a plant.

Genetic vulnerability A species of plant such as kava that has only a limited number of cultivars
which means that it has a narrow genetic base and limited variability.
These plants are generally more susceptible to environmental stress, pest,
and diseases.

Germinating the first stages in growth of a cutting or seed.

Green kava/ not dried.

green weight

Intercropping planting together more than one type of crop, in lines and with a definite

Internode space between two nodes.

Lateral branches side branches.

Maceration breaking up the kava plant bits to release the chemicals or kavalactones.

Markets domestic/local: within a community, district or country.

export: outside the country where the kava was grown.
nutriceutical: health food, nutritional and diet supplements.
pharmaceutical: medicines and drugs.

Mealy bugs Small insects of not more than 5 mm in length that suck the juice from
plants. Usually on the underside of leaves. Mealy bugs get their name
from the white material that covers their bodies as protection and comes
off when touched. Mealy bugs produce honeydew that is visible as black
stain on the leaves.

Micro-organism any organism that can only be seen with a microscope. Bacteria, viruses
and fungi are all microorganisms.

Mixed cropping method of planting crops in which more than one type of crop is planted in
the same garden, at the same time, without any definite spacing and
without any rows or lines.

Moisture soil moisture is the medium in which plant food is carried from the soil
into the plant.

Monocropping planting only one crop throughout the plantation.

Mulch dried leaves and grasses placed around the base of a plant to reduce water
loss, control weeds and add plant food to the soil. Plastic mulch does all of
this except add plant food to the soil.

2003 Library
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"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Multicrop garden growing several different plants in the same garden.

Mutation is a change in the hereditary materials of a plant. Mutations may happen

spontaneously or because of specific factors in the environment.

Nitrogen-fixing legume a legume which can change the free element nitrogen in the soil to plant
food substances called nitrates. Examples are peanuts, pigeon pea, and

Node point of a stem from which stems or leaves grows. The internode is the
part between the nodes.

Nursery place where cuttings or seeds are planted and tended to grow into young

Nutrient element or other substance that can be used as a source of plant food.
Some nutrients can move in water. The water in the soil transports the
nutrient to the plant. Other nutrients are not mobile in the soil and when
the soil is exhausted the plant needs to grow more roots to reach the
nutrients in fertile soil, or the farmer needs to fertilise the soil with mulch
and animal manure.

Organic matter decomposed material from living or once living things.

Organic farming/ growing crops with the use of compost, manure and other natural plant
organic production food, and without the use of any chemical pesticides or man-made plant

Physiological effect the effect on the bodys normal functions.

Potting soil a special blend of organic matter and soil which is prepared for nursery
and potted planting.

Pathogen any living thing that can cause disease, e.g. bacteria, fungi, viruses,

Propagate to increase the number of plants by natural means, e.g. cuttings or seeds.

Relative humidity the moisture in the air at any temperature compared to the maximum
amount of moisture the air can contain at that temperature high levels
of relative humidity are favorable for the the outbreak and spread of plant
disease. High relative humidity is unfavorable for storage of kava.

Representative sample a small sample of a larger quantity of kava product that is obtained in such
a way that it will provide an accurate sample of the larger quantity for

Ridging mounding up soil around the plants either individually or in a long

continuous seedbed or plantbed.

Rot the plant or plant material is attacked by micro-organisms and is


Rotation see crop rotation.

2003 Library
Hawaiian Kava Center, http://hawaiiankava.com
"Pacific Kava - A producer's guide," Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva, Fiji Islands, 2001.

Scale insects Small insects of not more than 5 mm in length that suck the juice from
plants. Usually on the underside of leaves. They get their name from the
round shell that covers their bodies as protection and looks similar to
scales on fish. Scales produce honeydew that is visible as black stain on
the leaves.

Shade protection from the sun. Kava needs shade if the roots and young plants
are to grow quickly and easily.

Shade cloth manufactured cloth designed in several different thicknesses, used to

shield nursery plants from exposure to too much sun.

Seedling a young plant grown from a cutting or from seed.

Soil fertility ability of the soil to provide essential nutrients in the correct amounts and
proportions for plant growth.

Sterile does not produce seeds that will grow. Kava plants are sterile.

Stress when a plant suffers stress it does not grow well or easily. Stress can be
due to a variety of causes, including lack of moisture or lack of nutrients in
the soil.

Systemic herbicide a chemical which will kill the plant by being absorbed by the plant and
transported through the plants own systems.

Transplant to transfer a young plant from where it was first grown and looked after, to
a permanent place in the garden.

Variety is a grouping below the species (Piper methysticum). A type of kava differs
from other types e.g. Vanuatu variety and Papua New Guinea variety.

Vegetative propagation propagation by planting part of the plant and not by seed. Each generation
is identical to the parent. The danger is that the plants are genetically

Vigorous strong and healthy.

Virus small infectious agent that causes disease that passes on from one sick plant
to a healthy one. Insects sometimes pass the virus from infected plants to
healthy plants. A virus can produce a variety of symptoms in a plant and
reduce yield. Diseases caused by viruses are difficult to control. The disease
kava dieback is thought to be caused by the cucumber mosaic virus


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