Internet & Web Technology

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1. DTD includes the specifications about the markup that can be used within the document, the
specifications consists of all EXCEPT
A. the browser name
B. the size of element name
C. entity declarations
D. element declarations
2. The AH Protocol provides source authentication and data integrity, but not
A. integrity
B. not privacy
C. nonrepudiation
D. none
3. Network layer firewall has two sub-categories as
A. stateful firewall and stateless firewall
B. bit oriented firewall and byte oriented firewall
C. frame firewall and packet firewall
D. none of the mentioned
4. An attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users is called
A. denial-of-service attack
B. virus attack
C. worms attack
D. botnet process
5. .. are used in denial of service attacks, typically against targeted web sites.
A) Worm
B) Zombie
C) Virus
D) Trojan horse

6. A attaches itself to executable files and replicates, when the infected program is executed,
by finding other executable files to infect.
A) Stealth virus
B) Polymorphic Virus
C) Parasitic Virus
D) Macro Virus
7. A packef.filter firewall filters at the
A. application or transport
B. data link layer
C. physical
D. network or transport layer

8. A proxy firewall filters at the

physical layer
application layer
data link layer
network layer
9. A firewall is installed at the point where the secure internal network and untrusted external network
meet which is also known as
A) Chock point
B) meeting point
C) firewall point
D) secure point

10. Network layer firewall has two sub-categories as

a) stateful firewall and stateless firewall
b) bit oriented firewall and byte oriented firewall
c) frame firewall and packet firewall
d) none of the mentioned

11. Network layer firewall works as a

a) frame filter
b) packet filter
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the mentioned

12. Electronic Data Interchange, or EDI, uses which of the following to allow the computers of two
different companies to 'talk' to one another?
A. Application software
B. Interaction software
C. Translation software
D. None of the above

13. Which of the following describes e-commerce?

A. Doing business electronically
B. Doing business
C. Sale of goods
D. All of the above
Answer: A

14. What is the name for direct computer-to-computer transfer of transaction information contained in
standard business documents?
A. internet commerce
B. e-commerce
C. transaction information transfer
D. electronic data interchange

15. The viruses spreads through-------------

a. Mails
b. Pen drives and cds
c. Websites
d. All the above
16. What are plastic cards the size of a credit card that contains an embedded chip on which digital
information can be stored?
a. Customer relationship management systems cards
b. E-government identity cards
c. FEDI cards
d. Smart cards

17. Paisapay is facilitated in

d. none of the above

18. What is the name given to an interactive business providing a centralized market where many buyers
and suppliers can come together for e-commerce or commerce-related activities?
a. Direct marketplace
b. B2B
c. B2C
d. Electronic marketplace
Answer: D

19. Who protects system from external threats?

a. firewall
b. EDI
c. ERP
d. Script kiddies
Answer: A

20. EDI use

a. requires an extranet
b. requires value added network
c. can be done on internet
d. requires a corporate intranet

21. The practice of forging a return address on an e-mail so that the recipient is fooled into revealing
private information is termed?
a. hacking
b. cracking
c. dumpster diving
d. spoofing
Answer: D

22. Which of the following is an Internet-based company that makes it easy for one person to pay
another over the Internet?
a. electronic check
b. electronic bill presentment and payment
c. conversion rates
d. financial cybermediary

23. The responsibility of a certification authority for digital signature is to authenticate the
a. hash function used
b. private keys of subscribers
c. public keys of subscribers
d. key used in DES

24. In electronic cheque payments developed, it is assumed that most of the transactions will be
a. customers to customers
b. customers to business
c. business to business
d. banks to banks

25. Filtering of packets by firewall based on a router has facilities to

a. i, iii
b. i, ii, iii
c. i, ii, iii, iv
d. ii, iii, iv


1. The following protocols and system are commonly used to provide various degrees of security services
in computer network.
i) IP filtering ii) Reverse Address Translation iii) IP security Architecture (IPsec)
iv) Firewalls v) Socks
A. i, ii, iii and iv only
B. i, iii, iv and v only
C. ii, iii, iv and v only
D. All i, ii, iii, iv and v
2. A _____________ is an extension of an enterprises private intranet across a public Network such as
the Internet across a public Network such as the Internet, creating a secure private connection.
3. Select the correct order for the different phases of virus execution.
i) Propagation phase ii) Dormant phase
iii) Execution phase iv) Triggering phase
A) i, ii, iii, and iv B) i, iii, ii and iv
C) ii, i, iv an iii D) ii, iii, iv and i

4. What is an internal organizational Internet that is guarded against outside access by a special security
feature called a firewall (which can be software, hardware, or a combination of the two)?
a. Client/server network
b. Intranet
c. Extranet
d. Thin client
Answer: B

5. What is the use of physical characteristics such as your fingerprint, the blood vessels in the retina of
your eye, the sound of your voice, or perhaps even your breath to provide identification?
a. Backup
b. Anti-virus
c. Firewall
d. Biometrics
Answer: D

6. For carrying out B2B e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential: (i) World Wide Web
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v)Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses
a. i, ii, iii
b. ii, iii, iv
c. ii, iii, iv, v
d. i, ii, iii, iv, v

7. For carrying out B2C e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential (i) World Wide Web
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v) Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses
a. i, iv
b. i, iii, iv
c. ii, iii
d. i, ii, iii, iv

8. In B2B e-Commerce
(i) Co-operating Business should give an EDI standard to be used
(ii) Programs must be developed to translate EDI forms to a form accepted by application program
(iii) Method of transmitting/receiving data should be mutually agreed
(iv) It is essential to use internet
a. i, ii
b. i, ii, iii
c. i, ii, iii, iv
d. ii, iii, iv

9. Proxy application gateway

(i) acts on behalf of all intranet users wanting to access interne securely
(ii)monitors all accesses to internet and allows access to only specified IP addresses
(iii) disallows use of certain protocols with security problems
(iv) disallows all internet users from accessing intranet
a. i, ii
b. i, ii, iii
c. i, ii, iii, iv
d. ii, iii, iv
10. Disadvantages of e-Commerce in India are (i) internet access is not universally available
(ii) Credit card payment security is not yet guaranteed
(iii) Transactions are de-personalized and human contact is missing
(iv) Cyberlaws are not in place
a. i and ii
b. ii and iii
c. i, ii, iii
d. i, ii, iii, iv

11. A hardened firewall host on an intranet

(i) has a proxy application gateway program running on it
(ii)Allows specified internet users to access specified services in the intranet
(iii) Initiates all internet activities requested by clients and monitors them
(iv) prevents outsiders from accessing IP addresses within the intranet
a. i, ii
b. i, ii, iii
c. i, ii, iii, iv
d. ii, iii, iv

12. Certification of Digital signature by an independent authority is needed because

a. it is safe
b. it gives confidence to a business
c. the authority checks and assures customers that the public key indeed belongs to the business which
claims its ownership
d. private key claimed by a sender may not be actually his

13. A hashing function for digital signature

(i) must give a hashed message which is shorter than the original message
(ii)must be hardware implementable
(iii) two different messages should not give the same hashed message
(iv) is not essential for implementing digital signature
a. i and ii
b. ii and iii
c. i and iii
d. iii and iv

14. A firewall is a
a. wall built to prevent fires from damaging a corporate intranet
b. security device deployed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized physical access
c. security device deployed at the boundary of a corporate intranet to protect it from unauthorized
d. device to prevent all accesses from the internet to the corporate intranet

15. In electronic cheque payments developed, it is assumed that most of the transactions will be
a. customers to customers
b. customers to business
c. business to business
d. banks to banks
1. Express how business transactions take part in EDI.

2. Elucidate various threats posed by servers in a client server environment?

3. Show the working of a screened host and dual homed firewalls

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