Sadat 2013

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The effect of bone marrow mononuclear stem

cell therapy on left ventricular function
and myocardial perfusion
Kamel Sadat, MD,a Sameer Ather, MD, PhD,a Wael Aljaroudi, MD, FACC,b
Jaekyeong Heo, MD, FACC,a Ami E. Iskandrian, MD, MACC,a
and Fadi G. Hage, MD, FASH, FACCa,c
Division of Cardiovascular Disease, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Division of Cardiovascular Disease, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut,
Section of Cardiology, Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Birmingham, AL

Received Jul 10, 2013; accepted Dec 8, 2013


Background. Bone morrow stem cell (BMC) transfer is an emerging therapy with potential
to salvage cardiomyocytes during acute myocardial infarction and promote regeneration and
endogenous repair of damaged myocardium in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction.
We performed a meta-analysis to examine the association between administration of BMC and
LV functional recovery as assessed by imaging.
Methods and Results. Our meta-analysis included data from 32 trials comprising infor-
mation on 1,300 patients in the treatment arm and 1,006 patients in the control arm. Overall,
BMC therapy was associated with a significant increase in LV ejection fraction by 4.6% 0.7%
(P < .001) (control-adjusted increase of 2.8% 0.9%, P 5 .001), and a significant decrease in
perfusion defect size by 9.5% 1.4% (P < .001) (control-adjusted decrease of 3.8% 1.2%,
P 5 .002). The effect of BMC therapy was similar whether the cells were administered via
intra-coronary or intra-myocardial routes and was not influenced by baseline ejection fraction
or perfusion defect size.
Conclusions. BMC transfer appears to have a positive impact on LV recovery in patients
with acute coronary syndrome and those with stable coronary disease with or without heart
failure. Most studies were small and a minority used a core laboratory for image analysis. (J
Nucl Cardiol 2013)
Key Words: Bone marrow stem cell myocardial perfusion imaging single-photon
emission computed tomography cardiac magnetic resonance imaging echocardiography
myocardial infarction stable coronary artery disease heart failure

INTRODUCTION tissue, with a limited ability to regenerate the lost cells.

Despite the advances in therapy on the quality of life and
Myocardial infarction results in necrosis and perma- longevity, coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the
nent loss of cardiomyocytes and the formation of scar number one cause of death worldwide.1 The ideal therapy
for myocardial infarction and ischemic heart failure (HF),
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this in which the primary mechanism is cardiomyocyte loss, is
article (doi:10.1007/s12350-013-9846-4) contains supplementary to recuperate injured myocytes or regenerate new ones. The
material, which is available to authorized users. rationale for bone morrow stem cell (BMC) transfer is
Reprint requests: K. Sadat, MD, Division of Cardiovascular Disease,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Lyons-Harrison Research
based on the assumption that the transplanted cells may
Building 314, 1900 University Blvd, Birmingham, AL 35294; have the potential to either transform into cardiomyocytes,
[email protected] hence replacing lost tissue, or repair the injured vascular
1071-3581/$34.00 and cardiac cells through paracrine effects.2-5 The benefits
Copyright 2013 American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.
Sadat et al Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

of BMC therapy have been modest though variable and (age, sex, number of patients), follow-up period, imaging
occasionally conflicting.6,7 Cardiovascular imaging has modalities used to assess the endpoints, mode of cell transfu-
played an essential role in the assessment of left ventricular sion, type of cell transfused, time from the chest pain or
(LV) functional recovery as an endpoint in these trials. percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to cell transfusion,
and the success of reperfusion therapy. The endpoints for each
Prior meta-analyses have examined the effect of BMC
study were also extracted and tabulated with particular
therapy on LV function, remodeling, and change in infarct
attention to LVEF and myocardial perfusion, the modalities
size. In a meta-analysis of ten studies, BMC therapy was used for their assessment and the methods of assessment. In
associated with an improvement of LV ejection fraction studies that reported the endpoints at multiple time points, we
(EF) of 3.0% (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.9%-4.1%) used the values provided at the latest available follow-up.
and a reduction in infarct size of 5.6% (95% CI 2.5%-8.7%) Cardiac MRI was used to quantify infarct size in eight
compared with controls in the setting of acute myocardial studies,13-16,19,21,22,29-31,34-36,43 but the results were expressed
infarction.6 In patients with chronic ischemic cardiomy- in different units in the included studies (%LV, g and mL).
opathy, a meta-analysis of ten studies showed an increase in Thus, our primary analysis for perfusion defect size (PDS)
LVEF of 4.5% (95% CI 2.4%-6.5%). These studies includes data exclusively by SPECT MPI. In a secondary
combined results from different imaging modalities in analysis, we combined data from studies that assessed PDS by
MRI and PDS. In studies that used multiple methods to
order to present an overall assessment of effect.8 We here
measure LVEF and/or PDS, we used cardiac MRI if available.
review the trials that have studied BMCs for the treatment
of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and for stable CAD
with or without HF with particular attention to the role of Statistical Analyses
imaging parameters and the choice of the endpoints. The
Primary analyses were performed for control-adjusted
results show a wide variability in the methods used as well changes in LVEF and PDS with BMC therapy. We also report
as the endpoints. The differences could conceivably have the unadjusted change in LVEF or PDS with BMC therapy in
an impact on the conclusions of these studies, which often all the trials (whether or not a control group is included).
involved small number of patients. To assess risk of bias, methodological quality was
assessed by reported allocation generation, allocation conceal-
ment, blinding, documentation of withdrawal, selective
reporting, and intention to treat analysis, in line with the
recommendation by the Cochrane Collaboration.51
Literature Search Strategy Statistical analyses were done in accordance with the
We used Cochrane, Pub Med, Ovids MEDLINE search of PRISMA statement.52 Mean difference was chosen as the
English literature through June 2012 to identify eligible trials; principal measure of effect as the unit of measurement was
complex search strategies were formulated using the following same across all studies. Data were analyzed for heterogeneity
medical subject heading terms and text words: bone morrow, by I2 statistic proposed by Higgins and Thompson.53 In the
stem cell progenitor cells, cell transplantation, cell therapy, presence of significant heterogeneity, a random effects model
intra-coronary transfusion, ACS, CAD, HF, myocardial perfu- (DerSimonian and Laird approach) was used to pool the data;
sion, LVEF, single-photon emission computed tomography otherwise, a fixed effects model (inverse-variance) was used.
(SPECT), myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), and magnetic Publication bias was assessed and quantified using Eggers
resonance imaging (MRI). The search was supplemented by regression intercept.54 Metaregression was performed using
review of references listed for all relevant studies. fixed effects model in the absence of heterogeneity and method
of moments in the presence of significant heterogeneity. To
evaluate the effect of BMC therapy on PDS using data from
Selection Criteria studies that used either MRI or PDS, we used standardized
Clinical trials investigating the effects of intra-coronary means since the included studies used different units of
and intra-myocardial autologous BMC transfer for patients measurement of PDS. Outlier was defined as a data point more
with ACS or stable CAD/HF were considered whether they than 1.5 interquartile range below the first quartile or above the
involved a control group or not. Trials were excluded if they third quartile. The results are reported as mean standard
did not include human participants, involved less than 20 error of the mean (SEM). A P value \.05 was considered
participants in the treatment group, or if the transferred cells statistically significant. All analyses were conducted using
were other than autologous BMCs. Duplicate reports and Comprehensive Meta Analysis Version 2.2.046.
ongoing or unpublished studies were excluded.
Study Enrollment and Data Extraction
Search Results
From each trial included in the current review,9-50 we
extracted information regarding study information (first Of 70 human trials identified by the electronic
authors name, year of publication), baseline characteristics database search, 38 were excluded; 25 had less than 20
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Sadat et al
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

patients in the treatment arm, four used cells other than characteristics and design features of the included
BMCs in the treatment arm (peripheral blood cells or studies based on the acuity of presentation (ACS vs
myocytes), three used subgroups from other trials CAD/HF) are shown in Table 1. Table S1 (in the online
already included in the review, four did not specifically supplement) summarizes the features of the studies
assess the change in LVEF or PDS after BMC therapy, used for quality assessment. The BMCs were introduced
one study was prematurely stopped secondary to patient via the intra-coronary route in 24 studies9-37,43,46,48,50
safety issues, and one study did not distinguish between and via the intra-myocardial route in eight
patients with ACS and those with stable CAD/HF. Thus, studies.38-42,44,45,47,49
32 trials were included. Figure 1 shows our search and Most of the studies included in our analysis were
study selection strategy. randomized, some in a 1:1,9-11,13-17,19-27,29-31,35,37,43,44,46
1:2,18,32,34,36,45,47,48 or 1:333 ratio to control vs treatment
with the exception of some studies that were not
Study Characteristics
randomized.12,28,50 Three studies did not have a control
These trials9-50 included a total of 1,300 patients in group,38-42,49 and were used only for comparison before
the treatment arm (range 20-191 per study) and 1,006 and after stem cell therapy. Four studies involved two
patients in the control arm (range 10-200 per study), active treatment arms in addition to the control group;
predominately men, with a mean age of 50-65 years, one study9,10 compared low vs high dose bone morrow
and a mean follow-up 3-61 months. The baseline mononuclear cells; one study32 compared CD34?

Figure 1. Flow chart showing our strategies for literature search and study selection. ACS, Acute
coronary syndrome; CAD, coronary artery disease; EF, ejection fraction; HF, heart failure; LV, left
ventricle; PDS, perfusion defect size.
Table 1. Study characteristics

Patients Time to
numbers Mean cell PDS by MPI Other
First author, age Men F/U Cell number therapy Reperfusion visual/ imaging
Sadat et al

Study year, Ref# T C (years) (%) (M) (3106) (days) success (%) automated modality
1 Meluzn, 2008,9,10 20 20 54 95 12 10100 7 100 V and A PET, 2DE, LVG
2 Kaminek, 2008,11 31 31 54 90 3 100 7 100 V and A PET, 2DE, LVG
3 Lipiec, 2008,12 26 10 57 70 6 NR 5 100 V and A
4 Lunde, 2009,13-16 50 50 58 84 36 54130 5 94 A 2DE, MRI
5 Cao, 2009,17 41 45 51 95 48 50 7 100 A 2DE, LVG
6 Grajek, 2010,18 31 14 50 87 12 410 5 100 V 2DE, LVG
7 Roncalli, 2011,19 52 49 56 81 3 98.3 9 100 A 2DE, MRI, LVG
8 Chen, 2004,20 34 35 58 94 6 48,00060,000 18 100 2DE, LVG
9 Janssens, 2006,21,22 33 34 56 82 4 BMNC:304, 1 100 MRI, 2DE, LVG
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

10 Li, 2006,23 35 35 60 80 6 NR 6 100 2DE
11 Huikuri, 2008,24 40 40 60 90 6 402 2 98 2DE, LVG
12 Wollert, 2009,25-27 30 30 53 67 61 2,460 5 100 MRI
13 Youcef, 2009,28 62 62 51 87 60 61 7 100 2DE, LVG
14 Schachinger, 2009,29-31 101 103 55 82 24 236 4 100 MRI, LVG
15 Tendera, 2009,32 80 40 55 71 6 178 7 100 MRI, LVG
16 Traverse, 2010,33 30 10 53 83 6 100 5 100 MRI
17 Wohrle, 2010,34 29 13 61 90 6 381 7 100 MRI, LVG
18 Hirsch, 2011,35 69 65 56 84 4 296 6 100 MRI
19 Traverse, 2011,36 58 29 58 79 6 147 17 100 MRI, 2DE
20 Chen, 2006,37 24 24 59 88 12 30 289 100 NR 2DE
21 Fuchs, 2006,38 27 58 82 12 28 NR V 2DE
22 Beeres, 2006,39,40 25 64 84 12 84 NR A
23 Beeres, 2006,41 20 63 80 6 82 NR V MRI
24 Beeres, 2007,42 30 64 87 12 94 NR A MRI
25 Yao, 2008,43 24 23 55 96 6 190 390 100 A 2DE, MRI, LVG
26 Van ramshort, 2009,44 25 25 64 92 6 98 NR A MRI
27 Perin, 2011,45 20 10 61 80 6 30 NR A 2DE, LVG
28 Hu, 2011,46 31 29 57 93 6 132 NR 100 A 2DE, MRI
29 Perin, 2012,47 61 31 64 87 6 100 NR NR 2DE, LVG
30 Assmus, 2006,48 35 23 60 89 3 205 2,430 100 MRI, LVG
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Sadat et al
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

HF, coronary artery disease/heart failure; D, day; F/U, follow-up; LVG, left ventriculogram; M, month; MPI, myocardial perfusion imaging; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging;
2DE, Two-dimensional echocardiography; A, automated; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BMMNC, bone morrow mononuclear cell; BMNC, bone morrow nucleated cell; CAD/
CXCR4? cells and non-selected BMCs; and two stud-


ies35,48 compared peripheral blood cells and BMCs, both
introduced via the intra-coronary route. The primary

intervention was PCI in 21 studies,9-23,25-37,43,50 fibrino-
lysis followed by PCI in two studies,13-16,24 coronary
artery bypass grafting in one study,46 and no interven-


tion in nine studies.38-42,44,45,47-49 Time to BMC transfer


from onset of chest pain or PCI to cell therapy ranged

from 1 to 18 days in the ACS trials and was not reported

in most CAD/HF trials (Table 1). The BMCs were
administered via the intra-coronary route in all the ACS
trials and in five of the CAD/HF trials.37,43,46,48,50 The
success (%)

remaining eight studies administered BMCs via the

intra-myocardial route.38-42,44,45,47,49

Table 2 details the endpoints used in each study with

special emphasis on the imaging endpoints, especially
LVEF and PDS. A core laboratory was used to analyze the
imaging data in only 6 of the 32 trials.19,24,29-31,35,38,43 Of
Time to

the 19 trials studying patients with ACS, seven used MPI



for assessment of PDS9-19 while the other 12 studies did


not.20-36 Of the 1337-50 trials studying patients with stable

NR, none-reported; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; PDS, perfusion defect size; V, visual; Y, year.

CAD/HF, ten used MPI for the assessment of PDS37-47

while the other three did not.48-50 Cardiac MRI was
Cell number

used to quantify infarct size in eight stud-


ies.13-16,19,21,22,29-31,34-36,43 Quantitation of PDS with


MPI was either supervised automated (n = 3), automated

alone (n = 9), visual assessment alone (n = 3), or
unspecified (n = 2). While the readers were generally
blinded to patients history, it is not clear if the readers

read the pre- and post-BMC transfusion studies side-by-


side and hence were also blinded to treatment effect. In

addition, the number of readers for each imaging modality

was unknown in many studies. There was heterogeneity in


the modalities used to measure LVEF as well. Cardiac

MRI, MPI, two-dimensional echocardiography (2DE),

and left ventriculography were used, and some studies



used more than one modality.

The Effect of BMC Therapy on LVEF and PDS


Overall in 32 studies, BMC therapy was associated

with a significant increase in LVEF by 4.6% 0.7%

(P \ .001). In the 27 studies that had a control arm, there


was a significant increase in LVEF by 2.0% 0.8%

(P = .008) in the control group. BMC therapy was
Strauer, 2010,50
Beeres, 2008,49
First author,
year, Ref#

associated with a control-adjusted significant increase in

Table 1. Continued

LVEF by 2.8% 0.9% (P = .001; Figure 2, right panel).

Overall, in 15 studies, BMC therapy was associated
with a significant decrease in PDS by 9.5% 1.4%
(P \ .001). In the 12 studies that had a control arm, there
was a significant decrease in PDS by 3.6% 1.5%
(P = .01) in the control group. BMC therapy was associated

with a control-adjusted significant decrease in PDS by


3.8% 1.2% (P = .002; Figure 3, right panel). The

Table 2. Study endpoints

Primary end Secondary end

point/modality point/modality Other end points/modality
First author,
Sadat et al

Study year, Ref# LVEF PDSMPI LVEF PDS/MPI Primary Secondary

1 Meluzn, 2008,9,10 - - ?/MPI ? Regional systolic LVV/MPI
2 Kaminek, 2008,11 ?/MPI ? - - Regional systolic
3 Lipiec, 2008,12 ?/MPI ? - -
4 Lunde, 2009,13-16 ?/MPI - - - Infarct size/MRI, quality
of life, exercise capacity
5 Cao, 2009,17 ?/2DE - - - Efficacy
6 Grajek, 2010,18 ?/LVG ? - - Exercise capacity, side effect,
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

wall motion score

7 Roncalli, 2011,19 - ? ?/LVG, MRI, 2DE - LVV/MRI, infarct size/MRI,
8 Chen, 2004,20 - - - - Cardiac death
9 Janssens, 2006,21,22 ?/MRI, 2DE - - - Regional function/ Infarct size/MRI
strain imaging
10 Li, 2006,23 - - - - Safety, feasibility,
initial outcome
11 Huikuri, 2008,24 ?/LVG, 2DE - - - Arrhythmia risk,
12 Wollert, 2009,25-27 ?/MRI - - - LVV, Infarct size/MRI,
wall motion score
13 Youcef, 2009,28 ?/LVG - - - Long-term outcome,
LV geometry
14 Schachinger, 2009,29-31 ?/LVG - - - Infarct size/MRI wall
motion score
15 Tendera, 2009,32 ?/MRI - ?/LVG - LVV/MRI
16 Traverse, 2010,33 ?/MRI - - - Safety LVV/MRI
17 Wohrle, 2010,34 ?/MRI - - - Infarct size/MRI
18 Hirsch, 2011,35 - - ?/MRI - Regional systolic Infarct size/MRI, LVV/MRI
19 Traverse, 2011,36 ?/MRI - - - Safety, regional LVV/MRI
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
Table 2. Continued

Primary end Secondary end

point/modality point/modality Other end points/modality
First author,
Study year, Ref# LVEF PDSMPI LVEF PDS/MPI Primary Secondary
20 Chen, 2006,37 - - - - -
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology

21 Fuchs, 2006,38 - - - - Safety, efficacy -

22 Beeres, 2006, 39,40 - - - - Mechanism of -
23 Beeres, 2006,41 ?/MRI ? - - Decrease in angina symptoms -
24 Beeres, 2007,42 - - - - Restenosis/Ccath -
25 Yao, 2008,43 ?/MRI, MPI, 2DE - - - -
26 Van ramshort, 2009,44 - ? ?/MRI - CCS, quality of life
27 Perin, 2011,45 - - - - Safety Efficacy
28 Hu, 2011,46 ?/MRI - - ? LVV/MRI, wall motion score,
29 Perin, 2012,47 ?/2DE ? - - Oxygen consumption CCS, angina score, NYHA,
30 Assmus, 2006,48 ?/LVG - - - LVV, Regional systolic
31 Beeres, 2008,49 - - - - LV diastolic function/MRI, TDI -
32 Strauer, 2010,50 ?/LVG - - - Long-term outcome, LV geometry -

2DE, Two-dimensional echocardiography; 6MWT, 6-minute walking test; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CAD/HF, coronary artery disease/
heart failure; Ccath, cardiac catheterization; CCS, Canadian Cardiovascular Society Angina Grading Scale; EF, ejection fraction; LVV, left ventricle volume; LVG, left ventric-
ulogram; MPI, myocardial perfusion imaging; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NYHA, New York Heart Association Functional Classification; PDS, perfusion defect size; TDI,
tissue Doppler imaging.
Sadat et al
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion
Sadat et al Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

Figure 2. Effect of bone marrow cell therapy on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). The
change in LVEF with active treatment, control, and the difference between treatment and control is
shown for studies that recruited patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS, left), stable coronary
artery disease or heart failure (CAD/HF, middle), and acute coronary syndrome plus stable coronary
artery disease or heart failure (ACS ? CAD/HF, right) . The number of studies in each analysis is
indicated in parenthesis and the P value is shown above the bars.

Figure 3. Effect of bone marrow cell therapy on left ventricular perfusion defect size. The change
in perfusion defect with active treatment, control, and the difference between treatment and control
is shown for studies that recruited patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS, left), stable
coronary artery disease or heart failure (CAD/HF, middle), and acute coronary syndrome plus stable
coronary artery disease or heart failure (ACS ? CAD/HF, right). The number of studies in each
analysis is indicated in parenthesis and the P value is shown above the bars.

association between BMC therapy and control-adjusted There was significant heterogeneity between studies
improvement in PDS was also significant when results of for the effect of BMC therapy on LVEF and PDS
studies that used MRI were added to the analysis (Figure S1). (P \ .001 for heterogeneity for both).
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Sadat et al
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

Publication Bias and Effect of Study Quality control-adjusted significant decrease in PDS by
3.3% 0.8% (P \ .001) (Figures 3, left panel, 5A).
There was no evidence of publication bias for the
primary analyses of control-adjusted change in LVEF
and PDS with BMC therapy (P = .13 and .17, respec- BMC Therapy in CAD/HF Patients
tively; Figures S2 and S3). Effect of study quality on
The effect of BMC therapy on LVEF was compared
results was assessed by metaregression. There was no
with a control group in CAD/HF patients in eight
significant association between the study quality and
studies.37,43-48,50 In these studies, BMC therapy was
effect of BMC therapy on LVEF or on PDS (P = .10
associated with a trend toward control-adjusted increase
and .18, respectively).
in LVEF by 3.0% 1.7% (P = .09) (Figures 2, middle
panel, 4B). On comparing the effect of BMC therapy
Effect of Baseline LVEF and PDS between studies in CAD/HF and ACS patients there was
no statistically significant difference based on significant
On metaregression, baseline LVEF did not affect
overlap of 95% CIs (P = .58).
the control-adjusted LVEF response to BMC therapy
The effect of BMC therapy on PDS was compared
(P = .99). Similarly, baseline PDS did not affect the
with a control group in CAD/HF patients in six stud-
control-adjusted PDS response to BMC therapy
ies.37,43-47 In these studies, BMC therapy was significantly
(P = .13).
associated with a control-adjusted decrease in PDS by
4.8% 2.4% (P = .04) (Figures 3, middle panel, 5B).
These results were not significantly different from the
Effect of Number of Cells Injected
effect of BMC therapy in ACS patients (P = .64).
We assessed the effect of number of cells injected
on magnitude of response. The number of cells injected
BMC Therapy Via Intra-coronary Route
was reported in 26 studies that evaluated the effect of
BMC therapy on LVEF.9-11,13-22,24-38,43-48,50 Among The effect of BMC therapy (vs control) adminis-
these, there were 2 outliers that injected 54,000 and tered via intra-coronary route on LVEF was assessed in
2,460 million cells, respectively.20,25 In the rest of the 24 studies.9-37,43,46,48,50 In these studies, BMC therapy
studies, a median of 100 million cells (IQR: 68-201 was associated with a significant control-adjusted
million cells) was injected. In these 24 studies, there was increase in LVEF by 3.0% 0.9% (P = .002). The
no association between number of cells injected and effect of BMC therapy (vs control) administered via
change in LVEF (b = -0.006, P = .39). intra-coronary route on PDS was assessed in nine
The number of cells injected was reported in 12 studies.9-17,19,37,43,46 In these studies, BMC therapy
studies9-11,13-19,37,43-47 that evaluated the effect of BMC was associated with a control-adjusted significant
therapy on PDS. These studies injected a median of 98 decrease in PDS by 4.4% 1.6% (P = .006).
million cells (IQR: 56-100 million cells). Unexpectedly,
a higher number of injected cells was associated with
BMC Therapy Via Intra-myocardial Route
reduced response (b = 0.067, P = .01; Figure S4A).
There was significant heterogeneity that was attributed to The effect of BMC therapy (vs control) adminis-
a study by Chen et al.37 On excluding this study from the tered via intra-myocardial route on LVEF was assessed
analyses, there was no significant heterogeneity between in only three studies.44,45,47 In these studies, BMC
studies and the association became less robust although a therapy was associated with a control-adjusted signifi-
trend toward reduced response remained (Figure S4B). cant increase in LVEF by 2.8% 0.9% (P = .002). On
comparing the effect of BMC therapy administered via
the intra-myocardial vs intra-coronary routes, there was
BMC Therapy in ACS Patients
no statistically significant difference based on significant
The effect of BMC therapy on LVEF was compared overlap of 95% CIs (P = .92).
with a control group in ACS patients in 19 studies.9-37 In The effect of intra-myocardial BMC therapy (vs
these studies, BMC therapy was associated with a control) administered via intra-myocardial route on PDS
control-adjusted significant increase in LVEF by was assessed in only three studies.44,45,47 In these studies,
2.8% 1.0% (P = .005) (Figures 2, left panel, 4A). BMC therapy was associated with a significant control-
The effect of BMC therapy on PDS was compared with adjusted decrease in PDS by 2.8% 1.2% (P = .02).
a control group in ACS patients in six studies.9-17,19 In These results were not significantly different from the
these studies, BMC therapy was associated with a effect of BMC therapy in ACS patients (P = .42).
Sadat et al Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

Figure 4. Change in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) with bone marrow cell therapy in
individual studies. The change in LVEF from pre- to post-bone morrow cell therapy and control
therapy for individual studies that recruited patients with (A) acute coronary syndrome and (B)
stable coronary artery disease or heart failure are displayed. The imaging modality used, follow-up
time in months (F/U), and the baseline LVEF are shown for each study. LVG, Left ventriculogram;
M, months; MPI, myocardial perfusion imaging; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; 2DE, two-
dimensional echocardiography.

Core Laboratory Analysis increase in LVEF by 3.0% 1.0% (P = .003) in studies

using on-site image analysis. These results were not
The effect of BMC therapy on LVEF was compared
significantly different from the effect of BMC therapy
with a control group using a core laboratory for image
using core laboratory for image analysis based on signif-
analysis in five studies.19,24,29,30,35,43 In these studies, BMC
icant overlap of 95% CIs (P = .42). Since only two studies
therapy was associated with a control-adjusted significant
used a core laboratory to assess the change in PDS,19,43 we
increase in LVEF by 1.5% 0.6% (P = .008). BMC
did not perform a subgroup analysis for this variable.
therapy was associated with a control-adjusted significant
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Sadat et al
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

Figure 5. Change in perfusion defect size (PDS) with bone marrow cell therapy in individual
studies. The change in PDS from pre- to post-bone morrow cell therapy and control therapy for
individual studies that recruited patients with (A) acute coronary syndrome and (B) stable coronary
artery disease or heart failure are displayed. The follow-up time in months (F/U) and the baseline
PDS are shown for each study. LV, left ventricle; M, months.

Modality for Assessment of LVEF (n = 13, 1.1% 0.7%, P = .08; I2 = 56, P = .007
for heterogeneity) or SPECT MPI9-16,43 (n = 5,
There was significant heterogeneity in our primary
2.0% 1.9%, P = .28; I2 = 56, P = .06 for heteroge-
analysis for the assessment of LVEF change with BMC
neity). Thus, the type of modality used did not affect the
therapy vs control wherein we combined the results of
heterogeneity between the studies.
all imaging modalities (I2 = 89, P \ .001). Thus, we
performed a sensitivity analysis by the modality used
for LVEF assessment. BMC therapy was associated
with a significant control-adjusted increase in LVEF In this meta-analysis, by pooling the results of
in studies that used 2DE13-18,20-24,36,43,45,47 (n = 11, multiple trials, BMC therapy appears to be associated
2.9% 0.9%, P = .002; I2 = 75, P \ .001 for hetero- with an increase in LVEF and reduction in PDS. The
geneity) or left ventriculography18-20,24,28-31,45,48,50 effect of BMC therapy was found to be similar whether
(n = 9, 5.7% 1.7%, P = .001; I2 = 83, P \ .001 for the cells were administered via the intra-coronary or
heterogeneity) and a trend toward significant increase intra-myocardial routes and was not influenced by
in studies that used MRI13-16,19,21,22,25-27,29-36,43,44,46 baseline LVEF or PDS. We did not find evidence of a
Sadat et al Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

dose-response relationship between BMC therapy and with active treatment in all the studies except one.46 We
change in LVEF or PDS. There was significant vari- have not included the study by Fuchs et al38 in our
ability between studies in the effect of BMC therapy on analysis since the stress score was reported separately
the change in LVEF, however, this variability was not for injected and remote territories. The stress score
dependent on the modality used to assess LVEF. improved in the segments within the injected territories
In our meta-analysis, BMC therapy was associated but not in the segments within remote territories.
with a modest control-adjusted increase in LVEF. Cell-based therapy for CAD is a novel technique
Although this effect was statistically significant only in that has the potential to improve myocardial function
patients with ACS, the effect had a similar trend in those and act as adjunctive therapy to medical and reperfusion
with stable CAD/HF and the overall results were not strategies.55 In experimental mechanistic studies, both
statistically different between the two sets of studies in vitro and in vivo, administration of BMCs has been
(ACS vs CAD/HF). Most studies in patients with ACS shown to regenerate areas of infracted myocardium and
have demonstrated a greater increase in LVEF with coronary capillaries through differentiation into new
BMC than control.9-11,17,18,20-24,28-32 Some studies cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells.56-59
showed discordant results with a decrease in LVEF However, data suggest that the main effect of BMCs
with treatment or a more robust increase in LVEF in the may be mediated through their paracrine effects via
control group.12-16,19,25-27,33-36 This may be due to: (1) secretion of cytokines, fibroblast growth factors, and
late timing of PCI and BMC transfusion; (2) the vascular endothelial growth factors that are involved in
dynamic nature of LVEF (for example, in the study by angiogenesis,2-5 inhibition of cardiomyocyte apopto-
Wollert et al25-27 LVEF increased by 6.7% at 6-month in sis,60 and cell-cell transaction.61-63 The end-result of
the treatment group but the effect was lost at 18 months) these effects is the replacement of lost myocardial tissue
raising the issue of possible time-limited benefit; (3) and rescue of ischemic and hibernating tissue and
discrepancy in the measurements of LVEF when multi- improvement of LV function.
ple modalities were used for the same patient; or (4) There was significant heterogeneity in the efficacy
BMC therapy is not associated with benefit in this of BMC administration in our analyses. This heteroge-
population or the benefit is modest compared to the neity may be linked to multiple factors including cell
effect of revascularization and is therefore not detect- type, origin, number of injected cells, method of
able. In the CAD/HF studies, an improvement in LVEF preparation and injection, and patient selection. It has
with BMCs was evident in all the studies. When a been suggested that mononuclear BMCs enriched with
control group was available, this improvement was more CD34? and CD133? cells may represent the ideal cell
marked with active treatment vs control except in the source because of their ability to induce angiogenesis.56
study by Chen et al37 which showed initial benefit at 3, Cells from older individuals64 or from those with
6, and 9 months but that was subsequently lost at multiple comorbidities such as diabetes and hyperten-
12 months, again indicating the possibility of time- sion2,65,66 may have reduced cellular function and thus
limited benefit. Thus, the effect of BMC therapy is when injected in subjects may induce less favorable
similar irrespective of the acuity of presentation and the results. In addition, the method of cell isolation and
lack of statistical significance in the CAD/HF group may processing may impact the viability of BMCs and the
be related to the lower number of studies in this group. expression of surface receptors and/or adhesion mole-
BMC therapy was also associated with a control- cules that are important for the success of cell therapy.63
adjusted decrease in PDS (assessed by MPI). Unlike Many studies have used the Ficoll method that isolates
with LVEF, the change in PDS was statistically signif- predominantly mononuclear cells with few granulo-
icant in patients with ACS as well as in those with stable cytes, while the point-of-care system isolates nucleated
CAD/HF and the results in the 2 sets of studies were cells with mononuclear and specific stem cell popula-
again not statistically different. In the ACS studies, tions (CD34? and CD133?) and platelets, with higher
BMC administration was associated with an improve- yield of isolated BMCs compared to the Ficoll system.67
ment in PDS in all studies and this improvement was Another factor that should be taken into account when
greater than that seen with controls except in one evaluating the efficacy of therapy is cell number68
study.11 In this study, patients with radionuclide tracer (varied from 106 to 109 in the reviewed studies,
uptake in the range of 31%-50% of maximum in the Table 1). Since only a small fraction of the injected
infracted area responded to BMC therapy while those cells is retained in the myocardium, while the majority is
with less than 30% uptake did not. In the CAD/HF lost via cell death due to the hostile inflammatory
studies, BMC treatment was associated with an milieu, it has been proposed that injecting a larger
improvement in PDS in all studies. When a control number of cells will help achieve greater benefit.
group was used, the improvement in PDS was greater However, successful myocardial repair depends also
Journal of Nuclear Cardiology Sadat et al
The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

on other factors like the specific BMC type, the timing, the effect was lower when a core laboratory was used
and the route of injection.6,56,68 In our analysis, the (1.5% 0.6%, P = .008) compared to on-site analysis
number of administered BMCs was not associated with (3.0% 1.0%, P = .003). We did not perform a similar
the change in LVEF but the administration of a higher analysis for PDS since only two studies used a core
number of cells was associated with less decrease in laboratory to assess the change in PDS.19,43
PDS. As discussed, this was influenced by the results of Most of the studies included in this review did not
a single study but also highlights the complexity of compare perfusion images of the pre- and post-BMC
combining data from multiple studies that use different treatment side-by-side in a manner that allows the reader
protocols. Thus, we do not see any signal in our meta- to adjudicate the contribution of extraneous factors on
analysis that a higher number of cells injected is image interpretation and better assess the effect of
associated with greater improvement in either PDS or therapy. If such an approach is considered the reader(s)
LVEF. One of the studies included in our analysis9,10 should obviously be blinded to which image is pre- or
compared the administration of a high cells dose post-therapy. Such an approach has been extensively
(100 million) with lower dose (10 million) BMCs via used in trials assessing the effects of medical therapy on
the intra-coronary route in patients with a first acute MI. myocardial perfusion75-77 and should be considered in
The increase in LVEF at 12 months was dose dependent future BMC trials.
(0% 2% for control, 4% 1% for low dose, 7% 2%
for high dose, ANOVA P = .027) whereas there was no
Strengths and Limitations
statistically significant change in PDS (-6% 2% for
control, -9% 3% for low dose, and -10% 2% for The absolute changes in LVEF and PDS were small
high dose, ANOVA P = .3). The role of cell delivery is and fall within the error margin of the measuring
crucial; intravenous administration results in a small techniques. Further, some studies used multiple imaging
fraction of the infused cells reaching the target region,69 modalities and showed discrepant findings based on
while intra-coronary and intra-myocardial injections are which modality was used for analysis.13-16,33 Another
more efficient but also more invasive. One method that aspect for variation between studies in the effect on PDS
has promise for future applications is the targeting of is that the results could vary based on the methodology
cells administered systemically to the region of used for quantitation (automated vs visual), method of
interest.70 quantitation (summed stress score, summed rest score,
Determining the ideal time for cell transfer is vs polar maps), the change in PDS vs change in size and
complicated. While delayed treatment may decrease the severity of the defect, and the use of rest only vs rest and
efficacy of therapy due to scar formation, very early stress images. It should be stated that the PDS was not
treatment can negatively influence the transplanted cells always considered as the primary endpoint of these
due to local inflammation, tissue edema, and toxic studies and the rest PDS does not always represent scar
reperfusion products. Thus, the golden period may be as in some patients it might represent hibernating
around 6-7 days after ACS when the inflammatory myocardium. Even when automated measurements are
process cools down and the healing process starts, and used, the results could still vary based on the software
the chance of a successful BMC transfer is most used for analysis.78 Lack of a core laboratory in the
optimal.64-67,71,72 Another factor that has important majority of studies (26 out of the 32 studies), the lack of
implications on the result of BMC transfer is the time side-by-side interpretation, unclear methodology in
between the onset of symptoms and the initial coronary some studies, and the small sample size per study are
revascularization therapy. With prompt revasculariza- other important limitations. Cardiac MRI was used in a
tion, the myocardium is injured rather than dead and minority of the studies. The follow-up time varied
thus its recuperation is more likely. Finally, careful among studies and there might be time-dependent
recipient selection is paramount with recent data show- effects on LVEF as evidenced in some studies that
ing that those with more myocardial damage and lower showed initial improvement followed by subsequent
LVEF are, not surprisingly, set to derive the greatest worsening. Both LVEF and PDS improve in the early
benefit with treatment.21,27 phase after injury. These BMC-independent changes
On-site reading has a tendency to overcall PDS and although accounted for in the control-adjusted analyses
the change in perfusion pattern, and to underestimate make it harder to see a true effect of BMC therapy on
LVEF compared to core laboratory analysis.73,74 Based LVEF and PDS especially in the ACS group. The
on the utilization of core laboratory for image analysis, studies included in our meta-analysis are relatively small
our results show that the change in LVEF with active therefore limiting the conclusions that can be derived
therapy vs control was similar between centers that used from the analysis. Currently, larger studies are being
core laboratory vs on-site analysis but the magnitude of conducted that will shed lights on the benefits of BMC
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The effect of stem cell on LV function and perfusion

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