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12 Talisman of Shendu

As seen in Jackie Chan Adventures

The Talismans of Shendu are a collection of twelve powerful
magical artifacts named after the twelve Noble Animals that Dragon Talisman
represent the zodiac. The origin of their powers were
unknown, but it may be that the Jade Emperor bestowed Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
them to the Noble Animals as rewards after they completed attunement)
the swimming race. Shendu the demonic dragon then This octagonal stone medallion has 4 charges. While holding
claimed their powers for himself. This blasphemous act was this item in your hand, you can use an action to expend one
possibly one of the reason Lo Pei, the Great Warrior, calls charge to cast the Fireball spell as a 8th level spell from the
him "the ultimate evil". Combined with his demonic magic, talisman with a save DC of 19. You can also choose for up to
he successfully conquered the known world. half of the damage dealt by this effect to be force damage
instead of fire damage. The talisman regains 1d4-1 charges
Shendu's subjects rose up against him, led by Lo Pei. at dawn. You cannot attune to any other talisman while
Using an extraction spell, he trapped Shendu in statue form, attuned to this one.
separating his powers from him in the form of twelve
Talismans. Lo Pei scattered them across the four corners of
the globe to make sure Shendu that would never again rise to
Even if two talismans are found, they cannot be used at the
same time by one person. It was only the power of the Tiger
Talisman that allowed all twelve of them to be used at once.
On the front of each talisman is an animal of the zodiac,
while on the back are inscriptions that describe their powers.
Horse Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
While holding this octagonal stone medallion in your hand,
you can use a bonus action to regain 3d12 hit points. You can
also cast the Lesser Restoration and Mending spells at will by
using an action to touch the talisman to the target. Lastly, you
can cast the Greater Restoration spell once per short rest by
using an action to touch the talisman to the intended target.
You cannot attune to any other talisman while attuned to this

Dog Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
While holding this octagonal stone medallion in your hand,
you become immune to acid, cold, bludgeoning, fire, lightning,
piercing, slashing, and thunder damage. While attuned to this
item, your physical aging reversus, making you one year
younger every week. This continues until you are physically
the age of the time in your past when you were in peak
physical condition at which point you stop aging entirely. You
cannot attune to any other talisman while attuned to this one.
Monkey Talisman Pig Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement)
attunement) This octagonal stone medallion has 4 charges. While holding
This octagonal stone medallion has 5 charges. You can this item in your hand, you can use an action to expend one
expend a charge to cast the spell True Polymorph from the charge to cast the Lightning Bolt spell as a 7th level spell with
item with a save DC of 19, no concentration required. Things a save DC of 19. The beam of energy emanates from you
that are transformed retains some visual aspects of their eyes, however, when the Lightning Bolt spell is cast, it deals
original forms, be it eye color, recognizable features, overall fire damage instead of lightning. The talisman regains 1d4-1
color, or body shape. For example, a bush polymorphed into a charges at dawn. While you are attuned to this item, you gain
hippo will be greenish and appear to still have some leaves darkvision to a range of 120 feet, and truesight to a range of
growing from its hide. A young girl transformed into a rabbit 30 feet. You cannot attune to any other talisman while
will look far more cute and innocent than an evil dragon thats attuned to this one.
also polymorphed into a rabbit.
The effects of the spell are not permanent; even if the spell
does not end within 1 hour, the effect wears off after 24
hours. You cannot attune to any other talisman while attuned
to this one.

Rabbit Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
This octagonal stone medallion has 7 charges. While holding
this item in your hand, you can use a bonus action to expend
Ox Talisman one charge to add 100 feet to your normal movement speed
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires until the start of your next turn. You can also expend multiple
attunement) charges to cast the following spells upon yourself only.
Freedom of Movement (3 charges) and Haste (2 charges).
This octagonal stone medallion has 7 charges. While holding The talisman regains 1d4+2 charges at dawn. You cannot
this item in your hand, you can use an action expend a charge attune to any other talisman while attuned to this one.
to gain a strength of 26 (+7) for 1 minute and advantage on
strength based skill checks and saving throws. While your
strength is increased in this way you count as one size larger
when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
can push, drag, or lift.
For the duration of this effect, you also gain a charge
attack. When you move 20 feet in a straight line towards a
target you can then attempt one unarmed attack that deals
2d12 damage instead of the normal unarmed damage. The
talisman regains 1d4+2 charges at dawn. You cannot attune
to any other talisman while attuned to this one.
Sheep Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
This octagonal stone medallion has 3 charges. While holding
this item in your hand, you can use an action to expend one
charge to cause one of the following effects. The talisman
regains 1d3-1 charges at dawn. You cannot attune to any
other talisman while attuned to this one.
You cast the Magic Jar spell from the talisman.

You cause your spirit to depart from your body and travel
through the ethereal plane leaving your physical body
incapacitated. During this time, you can move in any direction.
If you move up or down, every foot of movement costs an
Rat Talisman extra foot. You can see and hear the plane you originated from,
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires but everything there looks gray, and you cant see anything
attunement) more than 60 feet away. Creatures on your plane of origin
This octagonal stone medallion has 3 charges. While holding cannot perceive you.
this item in your hand, you can use an action to expend a Your spirit has all of your abilities while in the ethereal plane
charge to cast the Animate Objects spell through the talisman
(no concentration required with an increased duration of 10 and resistance to all forms of damage except for psychic
minutes). When you do this, the objects animated are notably damage, but it can perform no actions except for dash, dodge,
more capable than if someone casts the spell without the disengage, or cast the Magic Jar spell using the talisman. If you
talisman. Each object becomes resistant to bludgeoning, spirit is reduced to 0HP while disembodied, it is returned to
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapon and your physical body which must begin making death saving
each gains a multiattack and can attack twice on its turn. You throws. As an action, your spirit can return to your body
can choose to give any of the objects affected increased regardless of distance.
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, up to 10. Objects
with increased intelligence can also be given the ability to
speak Common. The talisman regains all expended charges
at dawn. You cannot attune to any other talisman while
attuned to this one.
Rooster Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires
This octagonal stone medallion has 7 charges. While holding
this item in your hand, you can use an action to expend a
charge to cast the Telekinesis spell from the item with a save
DC of 19.
The limits of this spell are more powerful than normal. The
range of the spell extends to 120 feet and saving throws to
resist the effects as made at disadvantage. You can
simultaneously move up to two objects or creatures of your
choice instead of one. When you choose to affect a creature,
you can choose a creature of gargantuan size. When you
choose an object, the weight limit becomes 5000 pounds.
While the Telekinesis spell is active, you are also under the
effects of the Fly spell. The talisman regains 1d4+2 charges
at dawn. You cannot attune to any other talisman while
attuned to this one.
Snake Talisman Tiger Talisman
Wondrous item, Artifact (requires Wondrous item, Artifact
attunement) Upon coming in contact with this octagonal stone medallion,
While holding this octagonal stone medallion in your hand, your consciousness is split and divided between two
you can use an action to become invisible along with any duplicate and identical bodies. Each body has the same
items you are wearing or carrying. However, items that you appearance, and abilities of the original but the forces of light
are not wearing or carrying at the time this effect becomes and dark within the mind are split between the two bodies. In
active are not affected. You must maintain concentration on one body your mind becomes a maelstrom of selfish desire
this effect as if you were concentrating on a spell. If the and freedom; this body becomes extremely chaotic, but the
talisman leaves your hand, you instantly become visible. good/evil balance of the body remains the same. The other
body becomes the most stalwart adherent to order and
You can also cause an object to become invisible by using righteousness; this body becomes unflappably lawful, but the
an action to press the talisman against it. The object stays good/evil balance is unchanged from the original.
invisible as long as the talisman is in contact with it, even if
you are not. However, other objects or creatures in contact When this transformation occurs, the talisman itself is split
with with the disappeared object are not affected. in half with each body now holding one of the halves.
Common mundane items you are carrying are duplicated,
Once per day, while invisible, you can use an action to while magic items or other items at the DMs discretion are
become truly undetectable. For one minute you do not make distributed randomly between the duplicates. The only way to
noise unless you choose to, you cannot be tracked through reverse this effect is to touch the two halves together, at
non-magical means, and you cannot be seen, even with which point the two versions of the affected creature are also
truesight. Also, a Detect Magic spell does not detect you or once again made whole.
any items you are carrying. This special undetectability ends
if you attack or cast a spell. You cannot attune to any other While this item is on your person, you are not limited in the
talisman while attuned to this one. number of different talismans you can attune to or benefit
from (even if you are normally limited in your attunement

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