High Performance Concrete by TC Holland

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High Performance Concrete

by Terence C. Holland, D. Eng. FACI

ost ready-mixed concrete producers are familiar with
the concept of performance concrete. Table 1 Some Typical Properties of
Performance concrete implies that specifications will High Performance Concrete
stipulate minimum concrete strengths and leave the propor-
tioning of the concrete mixture to the concrete producer. High Ultimate Strength
However, lately, another similar term, high-performance
concrete, is being heard in the industry. This article exam- 6,000 to 10,000 psi compressive strength at
ines what high-performance concrete (HPC) is, what its 28 or 56 days
properties are, what materials are needed to produce it, 10,000 to 18,000 psi compressive strength at 56 days
what role the engineer must play in regards to HPC, and
where it is being specified and used. High Early Strength (18 to 24 hours)
2,500 to 4,000 psi compressive strength
What is High-Performance Concrete? 400 to 600 psi flexural strength

In 1990, researchers at the Strategic Highway Research High Modulus of Elasticity

Program (SHRP) defined a HPC as concrete meeting one of
Greater than 6,500,000 psi
the following requirements:
4-hour compressive strength > 3,000 psi
High Durability
24-hour compressive strength > 5,000 psi
28-day compressive strength > 10,000 psi Protection against corrosion of embedded steel
Water-cementitious materials ratio < 0.35 Protection against other severe service environments
Also, the concrete must have a durability factor greater
than 80 after 300 cycles of freezing and thawing to meet High Workability, Pumpability and Finishability
their definition,
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) formed a special Mid-range concrete: 6 to 8 in. slump
committee on HPC in 1992. This committee has taken a Flowing concrete: greater than 8-in slump,
broader view of HPC to include performance aspects other without segregation
than compressive strength in its definition (this definition is Reduced pumping pressures
similar to an earlier definition proposed by the National Easier finishing
Institute of Standards and Technology): Self consolidating
Concrete meeting special performance and uniformity
requirements which cannot always be achieved routinely Placable in Cold Weather
using only conventional constituents and normal mixing,
placing and curing practices. These requirements may Normal setting time
involve enhancements of the following: Accelerated strength gain
Ease of placement and completion without segregation Low temperatures freeze protection
Long-term mechanical properties
Early-age strength Placable in Hot Weather
Toughness Normal slump retention
Volume stability
Control of hydration
Long life in severe environments
In a nutshell, HPC is simply concrete which is expected
Controlled Hydration
to provide superior performance in a particular application.
That application may or may not require a higher compres- Extended setting time as required by project conditions
sive strength. Note that unlike the performance concretes
which are seen in todays specifications, the sole responsi-
Table 2Admixtures for High-Performance Concrete

Admixture Applications/Uses Standards Considerations for

Category Most Effective Use

Conventional Water Reducers ASTM 494 Allow use as requested

Admixtures Retarders Types A, B, C, D, E by producer or contractor

Superplasticizers Greater Water ASTM C 494 Allow slumps in excess

reduction 12 to 30+% of 8 in.
Flowing Concrete Allow free fall of 15
Increased Pumpability to 25 ft.
Self-consolidation Allow redosing, if
Allow batch plant

Silica Fume High Strength AASHTO M-307 Must include use of

High Durability ASTM in progress superplasticizer specify
Specify amount
suitable to the application

Corrosion Extend time to None Allow use as required

Inhibitors corrosion caused by conditions
by deicing salts or
marine exposure

Non-Chloride Improved setting ASTM C 494 Reduce protection

accelerators at low temperatures Types C and E time
Improved strength Allow early form
gain characteristics removals

Cold Weather Allows concrete to None Reduce winter heating/

admixtures set at ambient tempera- concrete
tures as low as 20F Allow placements
Reduced winter protec- without protection

Hydration Extend setting time None Allow use of treated

control admixtures long haul applications concrete
Allow increased haul

Reprinted from CONCRETE PRODUCTS, June 1993

bility for proportioning a HPC to What Materials are Typically addressed regarding using admixtures
meet the enhanced performance Used to Produce HPC? in HPC are included in Table 2.
level is not necessarily on the con-
crete producer. The basic materials used to produce Where Does The Industry Stand
day-to-day concrete-cement, aggre- Today?
What Are the Properties of High- gates, water and admixturesare also
Performance Concrete? used to produce HPC. The most noti- Many concrete producers are
cable differences will be increased already working with HPC; they sim-
The definitions above list some of cement contents, reduced water con- ply havent associated what they are
the general performance enhancements tents and increased use of chemical currently doing with this name.
that fall into the category of HPC. and mineral admixtures. In the area of Whether the material is called HPC or
More specific examples of the perfor- cementitious materials, it is not unusu- something else, the concept of
mance characteristics of HPC, which al to see combinations of three materi- expecting and specifying more than
are being specified today, include als: portland cement, fly ash and silica simply compressive strength from
high-ultimate strength; high-early fume or portland cement, ground gran- concrete is here to stay. Chemical
strength; high modulus of elasticity; ulated blast-furnace slag cement and and mineral admixtures will play a
high durability; increased workability, silica specifying of HPC beyond stat- major role in the production of HPC.
pumpability, and finishability; ing what they expect the hardened Concrete producers who follow and
increased placeablilty in hot and cold concrete to do in place. An engineer understand this trend will be the lead-
weather; and absolute control of con- must not ask for performance on one ers in their markets
hand and take away options on the
crete hydration. These performance
other hand. For example, restrictions
properties are described in more detail
on slump or the requirement to verify
in Table 1. a certain slump before a superplasti-
More than one of the properties of cizer is added will limit the perfor-
HPC mentioned may be required for a mance that can be expected of a given
given project. For example, a high- concrete.
rise structure may require a concrete ACI is currently going through all
with high-ultimate strength, high mod- of its documents and standards with
ulus of elasticity, high pumpability the intention of removing any barriers
and the ability to be placed without to the use of HPC from those docu-
consolidation. More than one HPC ments. These barriers include upper
may be required on a particular pro- limits on slump, time-based rather
ject. The same high-rise structure may than strength-based criteria for form Terrence C. Holland is Director
also require a concrete which has a removal and building code require- of Engineering, Admixture Division,
high resistance to corrosion damage ments that hinder the use of HPC. of Master Builders Inc.
for an attached parking structure. Other considerations that need to be

Master Builders, Inc.

Admixture Division
23700 Chagrin Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44122
Phone: (216) 831-5500
FAX: (216) 831-3470

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