Larouche - The Lost Art of The Capital Budget
Larouche - The Lost Art of The Capital Budget
Larouche - The Lost Art of The Capital Budget
Dedicated, poetically, to my wife, Helga, for the Senate and also much of our House of Representatives,
ominously lovely occasion of our 29th Wedding our Congress had, in the main, lately misplaced the piv-
Anniversary. otal conception on which the future existence of our
nation now depends: the concept of the capital budget.
Lyndon LaRouche in this article, completed for pub- This must now be changed.
lication December 2006, warned of the danger of out- What has been lost, is a sense of the meaning of in-
of-control derivatives speculation, which had then dispensable capital investment in the physical condi-
brought the economy careening toward a blow-out, tions of progress; it means a loss of the meaning of the
which should be, ordinarily, expected within the span investment required, not only to rescue the U.S.A., but
of a few months ahead. The housing bubble implosion to secure the civilized future existence of the world as a
surfaced in February 2007 and exploded in mid-2008 whole.
with the now well-known mas-
sive economic dislocation from
which we are still suffering
greatly. Now is the time to re-
cover: This lost art of recov-
ery must now be mastered.
Financial aggregates
Financial aggregates
This Triple Curve graphic was introduced by Lyndon
LaRouche during his campaign for the Democratic Partys
Presidential nomination in 1996, to depict the paradoxical During 2000, LaRouche introduced a modified version of the
relationship of rates of change among monetary, financial, and Triple Curve, which took into account the tendency of the
physical-economic curves for the U.S. economy. required rate of monetary emission required to sustain
apparent financial expansion, combined with an accelerated
rate of decline of the physical economy, per capita and per
fund bubble. The explosive state of the related real- square kilometer.
estate bubbles of the U.S.A., Britain, Spain, et al., is to
be considered as an inevitable effect of attempting to
create an illusion of net growth under conditions of hy- ber 2000 U.S. general election, the U.S.A. economy has
perinflationary speculation in what is otherwise an ac- been careening toward presently impending free-fall-
celerating rate of decline of the relevant physical econ- like conditions, with the present world monetary system
omies, that under the state of hyper-instabilities inherent ripe for a blow-out, should the dollar crisis reach the
in the yen-based carry trade. degree of collapse which should be, ordinarily, ex-
Unless there is a rather immediate, radical, Frank- pected within the span of a few months ahead.
lin-Roosevelt-style reform-in-bankruptcy of the com- Only a comprehensive monetary and financial
bined international monetary system and financial reform, of a type which could not be initiated except by
system, the planet as a whole is presently on the brink the U.S.A., could now prevent an earlier careening of the
of a general, chain-reaction collapse into a more or less world at large into a kind of chain-reaction collapse cul-
prolonged, and deep new dark age of the type which minating in the early arrival of a planetary new dark age.
modern history associates with the Fourteenth-Century It could, and should be said, that the relevant institu-
collapse of the House of Bardi. tions of the world at large, have either failed, or simply
What should have happened as a reaction to the refused, on the wishful premises of No! No! No! It
GKO bubble, in September-October 1998, but did not, cant be true!, to learn the lesson of Europes mid-
would have been a general reform of the monetary-fi- Fourteenth-Century plunge into a New Dark Age.
nancial system then. Such a reform was mooted by
President Bill Clinton and his Secretary of the Treasury, The Monetary System
but the threat of impeachment, on constitutionally friv- The idea of a system of value as associated with a
olous premises, impelled the Clinton Administration to money-system, is a hoax and a delusion. Value lies only
back away. The difficult postponement of the GKO- in the physical form of the economic process as a whole.
speculation crisis was managed, but at a terrible price, a However, the organization of the combined effort of the
price reflected in the developments beginning with the society as a unit, requires a system of regulation which
mid-2000 demise of the Y2K bubble. Since the Novem- guides the participating members of the society in the