Health and Dietary Supplements: September 2016

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Health and Dietary Supplements

Article September 2016


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Lambrini Kourkouta
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki


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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-9, September 2016

Health and Dietary Supplements

Lambrini Kourkouta, Christos Iliadis, Ekaterina Frantzana, Alexandros Monios, Alexandra
Dimitriadou, Ioanna V. Papathanassiou

Abstract Introduction: Nutritional supplements provide provisions on medicinal products or special diet products and
nutrients, which may not ingest in sufficient quantities. Dietary is not intended for specific categories of people [3].
supplements may be vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids Supplements offer the missing ingredients to the body in order
or other substances, and are present in the form of pills, tablets, the latter to be kept in good physical and mental condition.
capsules and liquids.
Thus, the human organism is not exhausted and, at the same
Purpose: The purpose of this review is to present the
correlation of nutritional supplements to the human body
time, injuries and fatigue are avoided [4].
through food, in order to protect and promote health. Dietary supplements have been multiplied during the last
Review Methods: The methodology of this study included decades. They are made in the form of tablets or powder.
search of review studies and research in leading databases such Their consumption is also on the increase. Individuals who
as PUBMED, MEDLINE and IATROTEK. The criterion for receive systematically dietary supplements ought to know that
the selection of the articles was the Greek and English language, they may take more vitamins and other nutrients than their
with keywords: nutrition, food supplements, health. organism is able to tolerate. As a result, there are health risks
Results: It is true that today our diet is much richer than due to excessive consumption quantities of dietary
before. On the other hand, the abundance of processed food and
supplements. The problem becomes more serious because
ignorance of the basic principles of nutrition have led much of
the population to an unbalanced diet. Thus, the phenomenon of a
people can receive these supplements by themselves, without
very rich food in calories and fat and poor in proteins, vitamins a prescription and medical supervision [5].
and minerals. So sometimes recommend the consumption of food The purpose of this review project is the presentation of the
supplements to meet these human needs. Nutritional correlation between nutritional supplements and the human
supplements help in improving performance, physical organism. It is aimed at health protection and promotion.
appearance, to avoid making dangerous drugs and meet the Medical and nursing journals and books were searched via
increased needs of the organization or deficiencies in nutrients electronic databases MEDLINE, IATROTEK and their
caused by and which cannot be met by normal diet. respective libraries. The key words used were: nutrition,
Conclusions: Consumption of food supplements should be
dietary supplements, health.
done in moderation because their excess consumption can cause
various side effects in the person's body.
Index Terms nutrition, food supplements, health.
In accordance with the legislation, the labeling of these
I. INTRODUCTION substances should include [6]:
Nowadays, diet is thought to be much richer than it used to Declaration that it is a dietary supplement after the name of
be. However, the abundance of food industry and peoples the product
ignorance of the basic principles of nutrition has led a large The recommended dose of the product for daily
part of the population to a non-balanced diet which is rich consumption
both in calories and fat and low in proteins, vitamins and The statement that the supplements do not replace a
minerals [1]. balanced and varied diet.
This long-term situation leads to the emergence of various Statement about the storage of the product away from
degenerative diseases. At this point, nutritional supplements children
come to give solution to the problem [2]. According to National Agency of Medicines, dietary
As dietary supplements are defined the products that contain supplements are divided into two categories depending on
one or more concentrated nutrients whose goal is to their intended use [7]:
supplement the individuals daily diet, when his diet is not 1. Food supplements as food products. They supplement the
balanced and does not belong to the category of common usual diet.
food, is not medicine in accordance with the applicable 2. Foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses as a beverage,
which due to its special composition, are intended for special
Lambrini Kourkouta, Professor, Nursing Department, Alexander diet of certain population groups e.g. for healthy infants or
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece, Alexander children between the ages of two and five, for special
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece Phone: categories of persons with disordered metabolism, or for
Christos Iliadis, RN, Nursing Department, Alexander Technological categories of persons who are in a special physiological
Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece condition.
Ekaterina Frantzana, Biologist, Professor of 7th High School of The supplements also can be distinguished, depending on the
Athens, Greece. origin: supplements of natural or synthetic origin.
Alexandros Monios, Associate Professor, Nursing Department,
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece. They are classified comparably to their texture or form in
Alexandra Dimitriadou, Assistant Professor, Nursing Department, which they are available as follows [8]:
Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly, Greece.
Ioanna V. Papathanassiou

Health and Dietary Supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements, whether they are IV. ADVANTAGES-DISADVANTAGES OF DIETARY
combined in the form of multivitamins or multiminerals SUPPLEMENTS
or not.
Protein supplements in the form of liquid or tablet in The advantages that nutritional supplements generally offer
combination or not with carbohydrates, fats, vitamins are as follows [14]:
and minerals. High content of nutrients in small volume
Amino acids of every form and composition. Special nutrient composition.
Supplements for gaining weigh
Lack of undesirable accompanying substances such as fats,
Meal surrogates in the form of powder, wafers or biscuits.
cholesterol and purines
Carbohydrate supplements with or without electrolytes and
Offer complete coverage of specialized sporting needs
Supplements which have natural anabolic effect and which Nevertheless, these formulations should be treated as a
are not included in the "banned substances. supplement of basic healthy diet and not as a replacement.
Activator supplements of growth hormone and other Users of dietary supplements often increase the dosage or
hormones. frequency. As a result, doses become less and less effective.
Supplements of basic fatty acids. Thus, the human organism is forced to work harder to
Foodstuffs or food ingredients such as yeast, garlic, kelp, eliminate the extra amounts of these [15].
royal jelly. All these factors lead to the appearance of side effects due to
Herbs. toxicity of dietary supplements, which depends on the
There are thousands of supplements in the market. Many of following factors [16]:
them are very good, other moderate or some of them provide The dosage because the exceeding of the recommended
very little. The main reason for their low efficiency is their dosage may cause side effects
manufacturing method and the source of their basic The duration of substance intake. That is due to the fact that
substances [9]. the human organism is overloaded, owing to specific
substances that the supplement contains, till the
substance is eliminated.
III. FORMS OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS The special chemical properties of some substances and
their interactions with other food and substances
Person's weight who takes those supplements
Food supplements are in various packages, sizes and types, Age, because lots of supplements are not recommended for
depending on how they are taken. There are tablets, capsules, underage persons or the elderly.
powders, oral ampoules, effervescent tablets, chocolate, The individual capacity because each person reacts
mastic which is available whether in syrup form or not. More differently in the face of various substances
specifically, the ways of taking food supplements are the No supplement is innocent. For instance, some overdose of
following [10, 11]: fat-soluble vitamins causes hypervitaminosis. Protein
Oral pills, powders, for relatively quick absorption overdose damages kidneys and the liver. A lot of
Sublingual drops, oral disintegrated tablets, to increase carbohydrate intake in the form of powder can cause fat
their intake and limit the damage of their active increase. A large dose of fatty acids may lead to some inability
substance of the organism to form some muscle proteins. Last but not
Nose spray or drops to over multiply their absorption. least, performance-enhancing drugs may cause endocrine
Injectables as intramuscular injections for quick absorption disorders [17].
and action
Bone anchored for slow and gradual absorption and V. CONCLUSION
prolonged action.
Some supplements are not well absorbed, some are almost
completely destroyed by the stomach fluids and other irritate Individuals who systematically take dietary supplements
the mucosa of the stomach and intestine. Powders and liquid ought to be informed that they might take more nutrients than
preparations are useful for those who have difficulty, for their organism is able to tolerate. Upper tolerable levels are
psychological or other reasons, to swallow the capsules or those, which if the concentration of the substance is exceeded,
tablets. If the problem is psychological, it can be solved, when then, side effects and toxicity start to appear to the human
simultaneously with the pill intake, the athlete will drink water organism. People may not be aware that there are risks that
in a special way. Supplements in the form of sprays cause may arise from those formulations. So, they often consume
intense local irritation or possible lung aspiration. excessive amounts [18].
Injecting supplement is always done under the guidance of a The problem becomes more serious for, they can receive these
physician. Regarding bone anchored supplements, due to substances by themselves, without a prescription and medical
surgical technique, require monitoring and laboratory control supervision [19].
to prevent local inflammations and complications [12]. Therefore, users of nutritional supplements have to read
If there is intense change in color of urine by taking a carefully the labels on supplements and enriched foods and
supplement, then, a large portion of the supplement is avoid taking multiple doses that exceed the Recommended
excreted either because it cannot be absorbed, or it is Dietary benefits (RDAs) [20, 21]. In cases of doubt, people
overdosed. This must lead to reflections on its effectiveness should seek the advice of a specialist before they choose a
[13]. dietary supplement

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-9, September 2016
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