Syllabus 2017-2018: Learning Disabilities/ Neurological Disorders Self-Contained Class Grades 3-5

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2017- 2018

Learning Disabilities/ Neurological Disorders

Self-Contained Class
Grades 3-5

Summer Hankins

Brushy Creek Elementary

1344 Brushy Creek Road
Taylors, SC 29687
(864) 355-5400

Syllabus Index

I. Schedule

II. Description of Students

III. Learning and Developmental Goals

IV. Materials and Resources

V. Units of Study

VI. Assessment Procedures

VII. Grading Scale

VIII. Rules for Behavior

IX. Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

X. Communication with Parents

I. Class Schedule
7:45-8:05 Morning Work /Calendar Morning Work /Calendar Morning Work /Calendar Morning Work /Calendar Morning Work /Calendar
8:05-8:30 Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise
Reading/Mainstream Reading/Mainstream Reading/Mainstream Reading/Mainstream Reading/Mainstream
8:40-9:30-Math in 8:40-9:30-Math in 8:40-9:30-Math in 8:40-9:30-Math in 8:40-9:30-Math in
Black Black Black Black Black
th th th th
9-9:45 5 SS in Farr 9-9:45 5 SS in Farr 9-9:45 5 SS in Farr 9-9:45 5 SS in Farr 9-9:45 5th SS in Farr
8:30-9:45 rd rd rd rd
9:30- 10:15- 3 SS/Sci 9:30- 10:15- 3 SS/Sci 9:30- 10:15- 3 SS/Sci 9:30- 10:15- 3 SS/Sci 9:30- 10:15- 3rd SS/Sci
in Black in Black in Black in Black in Black
th th th th
10-10:45- 5 Sci in 10-10:45- 5 Sci in 10-10:45- 5 Sci in 10-10:45- 5 Sci in 10-10:45- 5th Sci in
Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush

9:45-10:00 Snack/Bathroom Break Snack/Bathroom Break Snack/Bathroom Break Snack/Bathroom Break Snack/Bathroom Break

10:00-11:00 Math Rotations Math Rotations Math Rotations Math Rotations Math Rotations

11:00-11:15 Daily Language Daily Language Daily Language Daily Language Daily Language

Related Arts w/ 4th Computer in class Related Arts w/ 4th Related Arts w/ 4th
11:15-12:00 Planning Planning Planning Planning Writing

12:00-12:25 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Library (A)/ STEAM
12:25-12:55 Writing Writing Writing Writing
Lab(B) / Planning
12:55-1:20 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess

1:20-1:50 SS/Science SS/Science SS/Science SS/Science SS/Science

1:50-2:10 Free Centers Free Centers Free Centers Free Centers Free Centers
2:10-2:20 Pack-up and Dismissal Pack-up and Dismissal Pack-up and Dismissal Pack-up and Dismissal Pack-up and Dismissal
II. Description of Students

The class consists of students who receive individualized instruction based on

Individual Education Plans (IEP) that take into account the students instructional
level. Instruction in the classroom is modified in order to meet the needs of the
students. The disability categories in the class include: Learning Disabilities,
Other Health Impairment, Autism, and Speech/Language Impairment. Learning
disability deficit areas include: math, reading, writing, language, and listening
comprehension. Reading and math instructional levels vary from kindergarten to
fifth grade level. Students in the class may also receive related services of
Occupational Therapy.
All students are mainstreamed for Related Arts classes with age appropriate
peers. Students may also mainstream for science and/or social studies with grade
level peers.

III. Learning and Development Goals

My primary goal is to instruct my students based on the goals and objectives

set out in their Individual Education Plans. Due to the diversity of my students
ability levels, I will use a variety of instructional strategies, including, whole group,
small group and individual instructional time.

IV. Materials and Resources

Multi-colored pens Index cards Various supplementary

Pencils Television/VCR workbooks
Poster board/construction Novels Crayons
paper Yardsticks Colored markers/colored
Textbooks Calendar pencils
SRA Decoding Skills Computers Highlighters
SRA Word Attack Basics Dictionaries Encyclopedias
Social Studies Curriculum- Promethean board Videos
based Newspaper Childrens Literature (i.e. Flash cards
Time for Kids One Hundred Hungry Tape/scissors/glue
Audio equipment Ants, Follow the Drinking Clock
Maps Gourd, Do You Want to Educational software
be an Inventor?) Dry erase board/markers
Educational games
V. Course Content Standards/Objective

First Quarter

Goal Objectives/Skills
Basic Reading: The student will use decoding Discriminate between sounds in words
skills to determine words and read with (beginning, middle, end)
fluency. Identify word families
Blend sounds to pronounce words in
R-controlled vowels, vowel combinations

Reading Comprehension: The student will Finding details

integrate various cues and strategies to Identifying characters, setting,
comprehend what he or she reads. problem/solution
Making connections

Writing: The student will write for a variety Capitalization and Punctuation
of purposes. Fragments / sentences
Spell high frequency spelling words
Use a graphic organizer to prewrite

Math: The student will develop an Place value

understanding of the place value system and Rounding
improve skills in adding, subtracting, Addition / subtraction with and without
multiplying, and dividing whole numbers. regrouping

Language: The student will use speaking skills Illustrate / answer questions about a story
to participate in large and small groups in both Tell how objects are the same or different
formal and informal situations.
Listening: The student will use listening skills Follow up to 2 oral directions
to comprehend and analyze information he or Illustrate / answer questions about a story
she receives in both formal and informal
Behavior/Social Skills: Comply with the request of an adult
Work cooperatively with peers in groups
Remain on task
Second Quarter

Goal Objectives/Skills
Basic Reading: The student will use decoding Word endings (ed, s, ing)
skills to determine words and read with Contractions
fluency. Blend sounds to pronounce words in
Read multi-syllable words in isolation (if
Reading Comprehension: The student will Read and follow directions
integrate various cues and strategies to Make Predictions
comprehend what he or she reads. Sequence
Writing: The student will write for a variety Spell high frequency spelling words
of purposes. Using connecting words to write compound
sentences (and, but, or, so)
Writing relevant supporting details to
develop a paragraph
Math: The student will develop fluency in Word problems (addition/subtraction)
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing Multiplication and division
whole numbers. Money

Language: The student will use speaking skills Retell a story

to participate in large and small groups in both illustrate / answer questions about a story
formal and informal situations. group and classify words / objects
Listening: The student will use listening skills Follow up to 2 oral directions
to comprehend and analyze information he or Illustrate / answer questions about a story
she receives in both formal and informal Retell a story
Behavior/Social Skills: Comply with the request of an adult
Work cooperatively with a peer on a
Remain on task
Complete task without asking unnecessary
Third Quarter

Goal Objectives/Skills
Basic Reading: The student will use decoding Identify the number of syllables in words
skills to determine words and read with Read multi-syllable words in texts
fluency. Reading appropriate instructional level
texts independently
Reading Comprehension: The student will Read and follow directions
integrate various cues and strategies to Main idea
comprehend what he or she reads. Cause / effect
Drawing conclusions / making inferences
Writing: The student will write for a variety Spell high frequency spelling words
of purposes. Writing paragraphs with topic sentence,
details, and concluding sentence

Math: The student will understand attributes Time

for specific geometrical figures. Fractions

Language: The student will use speaking skills Illustrate / answer questions about a
to participate in large and small groups in both story
formal and informal situations. Identify synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
Listening: The student will use listening skills Follow up to 3 oral directions
to comprehend and analyze information he or Illustrate / answer questions about a
she receives in both formal and informal story
Behavior/Social Skills: Comply with the request of an adult
Work cooperatively with a peer on a
Remain on task
Complete assignments
Fourth Quarter

Goal Objectives/Skills
Basic Reading: The student will use a Prefixes and suffixes
knowledge of graphophonics and word analysis Apply decoding skills to read words
to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words independently
and to read tests with understanding
Reading Comprehension: The student will Read and follow directions
integrate various cues and strategies to Apply comprehension strategies to
comprehend what he or she reads. comprehend text
Writing: The student will write for a variety Write complete sentences with correct
of purposes. punctuation and capitalization
Spell high frequency spelling words
Writing multiple paragraphs
Math: The student will determine uses for Measurement
measurement in everyday life and practice Data analysis
measurement skills.
Language: The student will use speaking skills Illustrate / answer questions about a
to participate in large and small groups in both story
formal and informal situations. Tell how objects are the same or
Listening: The student will use listening skills Follow oral directions
to comprehend and analyze information he or Illustrate / answer questions about a
she receives in both formal and informal story
Behavior/Social Skills: Work cooperatively with a peer on a
Remain on task
Complete all assignments
Third Grade Social Studies / Science
1 quarter
Places and Regions of SC. Animals and their
Exploration and Settlement environments
Plants and their
2nd quarter From Colony to State Plants and their
Civil War environments
Earths materials
3 quarter
Civil War Processes
Moving into a New Century Properties and
changes in
4th quarter Moving into a New Century Properties and
Growth and Change change in matter
Electricity and

Fourth Grade Social Studies/Science

1 quarter
Map skill Forms of Energy:
Native Americans Light and
Exploration of the New World sound

2nd quarter Exploration of the New World Stars and the Solar
(continued) System
Development of the colonies
Revolutionary War

3rd quarter Characteristics and

Formation of the New growth of organisms

4th quarter Westward Movement Weather and

Civil War Climate
Fifth Grade Social Studies/Science
1 quarter
Map Skills Changes in Motion
Review of Civil War
Industrial Revolution

2nd quarter Immigration Changes in Oceans

The Progressive Party and Landforms
Overseas Expansion

3rd quarter World War I Relationships in

The Great Depression Ecosystems
World War II

4th quarter Cold War Matter and

Korean War Mixtures
Civil Rights

VI. Assessment Procedures

The students who are assigned to this class have had psycho-educational
evaluation and have exhibited discrepancies between aptitude and achievement.
Evaluation data and formal and informal assessments are used to develop annual
Individual Education Plans (IEP) with appropriate goals and objectives. An
individual criterion for mastery of each objective is included in the IEP as are
methods by which mastery will be assessed. In addition to academic requirements,
all students must also meet the attendance policy requirements of the district.
I will periodically assess the students formally and informally using the
standard grading scale. My students will be graded on the work accomplished at
their instructional level. Grades will be recorded in my grade book by grade level
and subject area.
Students in my classroom will participate in state and district assessments
including PASS and MAP. All students are required to take state and district
assessments on grade level.
Reporting to parents will be done at least quarterly through progress reports,
report cards, narratives, and conferences. Progress made on IEP goals will be
updated quarterly and the results of my students progress will be provided to
their parent/guardian. Evaluation to measure progress will include curriculum-
based assessments, teacher-made tests, standardized tests, grading rubrics, and
teacher observations paired with recording of data. Portfolios (homeward bound
folders) of the students work will be maintained and sent home weekly for parent
review and signature.

VII. Grading Scale

The grading scale utilized in my classroom will follow the standardized grade scale
used throughout the school district.
Uniform Grading Policy Numerical Grade Range
90-100 A
80-90 B
70-80 C
60-70 D
60 and below (the grading floor F
is 50)

The grades for my students are not determined by their grade placement, but by
their instructional level. Grades are given for Reading, Math, Language (includes
English and Composition), Spelling, Science/Health, and Social Studies/Social
Skills. Primary goals for my students in all subject areas are ones related to
continuous improvement and the achievement of mastery when possible.

Credit is earned for tests, quizzes, daily work, projects and class participation.
Grading criteria varies from subject to subject, and student-to-student based
upon individual IEPs.
VIII. Rules for Student Behavior:

During the first week of school the rules are presented and modeled to the
class. We discuss the rules and expectations as a class. The rules are also
posted in the classroom.

Rules and Expectations:

1. Listen when your teacher or others are talking.

2. Follow directions quickly.

3. Raise your hand and only speak when it is your turn.

4. Respect yourself. Respect Others. Respect your school.

5. Be safe. Be honest.

Behavior System

My behavior system is designed to acknowledge and reinforce positive behavior.

During the first two weeks of school, all rules, consequences, re-enforcers, and
procedures will be discussed and modeled with students. Rules, are posted in the
classroom and will be reviewed as needed.

Daily Earnings Chart:

Great Job: Purple- 6+ class dollars

Good Choices: Blue- 5 class dollars

Ready To Learn: Green- 3 class dollars

Think About It (Warning): 2 or fewer class dollars

Parent Contact: Red- 0 class dollars

The class behavior system will be a combined clip color chart and money system.
The students will have the potential to earn or lose class dollars daily. The
students will begin each day with an allowance of three dollars which equals green
on the visual behavior chart. As the students earn or if they lose class dollars
throughout the day, they will move up or down on the visual behavior chart. They
will be able to earn class dollars through completion of work/activities, being
caught with super behavior, helping others, or when given compliments by other
teachers in the building. At the end of each day the students will review and
discuss their earnings with the teacher. The class dollars earned daily will
correlate to the color earned (as shown above) and noted on the nightly behavior
log. Parents will be asked to check and sign the behavior log nightly. At the end of
the week the students will work with the teacher to total up their earnings to
spend in the class store.

This year we will also be incorporating Class Dojo into our positive
reinforcement system. The students will have the opportunity to earn points as
individuals, partners, and teams daily. Once a student reaches ten points in Class
Dojo, they will earn an extra class dollar to go towards the class store. The
purpose of our use of Class Dojo will be to catch and reinforcement our students
with Super behavior! Special Class Dojo certificates will be sent home with
students for excellent days at school!

IX. Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines

1. Upon arrival at school, students are to complete the Morning Activities
(including making lunch choice, unpacking materials, starting morning work).
2. The teacher will take attendance at the 8:00 bell. A student will take the
lunch count to the office.
3. Students may go to the restroom and sharpen pencils during independent
work times and after lunch. They may not go to the restroom or sharpen
pencils during instructional time unless there is an emergency.
4. The students will line up for lunch in the order of their lunch choice:
Lunchbox, Yogurt, Choice 1, Choice 2, Soup/Salad.
5. Students will have some nightly homework expectations, typically spelling
and occasionally studying for upcoming quizzes or tests. As a class we will
plan to maintain a homework assignment book. Assignment books will contain
student homework assignments.
6. Absences require a doctors note or parent note. District attendance policy
is reinforced and when needed an intervention conference may be held.
7. Please send a note with your child in the morning if there will be a change in
afternoon dismissal transportation. Brushy Creek will no longer accept calls
or emails the day of unless it is considered an emergency.
8. Students will line up to be dismissed at the end of the day based on the
school dismissal schedule.

X. Communication with Parents

Parents will be contacted throughout the school year and are encouraged to call
the school or send me a note if a concern arises. Each family will receive:

1. Copy of school Calendar Handbook that list policies, procedures, and yearly
2. Access to the classroom rules, consequences, re-enforcers, and procedures
through the class website
3. Daily homework folders and behavior notes
4. Student work and PTA information will be sent home on Thursdays in
student communication folders.
5. Telephone calls concerning student behavior or work which is outstanding or
which needs improvement
6. Letters regarding homework and/or behavior as needed
7. Weekly newsletters/note describing class and school activities
8. Mid-nine week progress report
9. Nine week report cards/Quarterly reports
10. Notification of scheduled parent/teacher conferences to be held at least
twice a year

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