2016 Judgement 10-Aug-2017
2016 Judgement 10-Aug-2017
2016 Judgement 10-Aug-2017
Dipak Misra, J.
C.R.P. (MD) No. 847 of 2015 (PD), whereby the High Court
of the Tamil Nadu Court Fees and Suit Valuation Act, 1955
his name and paid the government taxes and enjoyed the
patta in his name bearing patta Nos. 621, 705, 2032 and
2014 praying for directing the plaintiff to pay the court fees
of the case, i.e., on 15.01.2015, and her legal heirs have been
brought on record.
contended before the High Court that the learned trial Judge
deeds and hence, she was liable to pay the court fee under
1 (2011) 6 MLJ 399
2 (2014) 7 MLJ 732
3 (5) CTC 255 : (2006) 4 MLJ 924
Section 40 of the Act and not under Section 25 (d) of the said
Act. It was also urged that the trial court has completely
been advanced that she had not executed any sale deed and
limitation was raised before the trial court which was not
the effect that the sale deeds were not executed by their
requisite court fees as payable under the Act is not paid, the
court has no other option but to reject the plaint and the
Court of Madras.
Judge has opined that for the value of the Court Fee payable
tiffs had not executed the sale deed and did not receive any
favour of any one. In the said case, the third defendant was
favour of the third defendant was null and void. The High
the sale deed and when he seeks only a declaration that the
of the suit under Section 25(d) of the Act. The learned single
13. The learned counsel for the appellant would submit that
and another6, the learned single Judge took note of the facts
that the plaintiff had filed a suit for declaring the sale deeds
Civil Procedure Code (CPC) was filed as proper court fee had
not been paid and the suit was not properly valued and it de-
dent was the power of attorney of the first respondent and af-
of the fact that when the first respondent was not a party to
the document, the relief sought for in the suit would not
that was filed by the plaintiff assailing the order of the trial
court directing the plaintiff to pay the court fee under Section
40 of the Act. The narration of the facts in the plaint was ad-
17. The further stand taken by the plaintiff was that the
sale deeds were obtained from him under fraud and hence,
suit had been filed for declaration that the sale deeds were
not binding on the plaintiff and since the suit was not filed
the Act. The trial court recorded a find that the sale deeds
whether in the Suit filed for Declaration that the Sale Deeds
are invalid, Court Fee paid under Section 25(d) of the Act is
Plaintiff to pay the Court Fee under Section 40 of the Act suf-
And again:
x x x x x
Being of this view, the High Court dismissed the civil re-
vision and directed the plaintiff to pay court fee with further
and law and opined that the trial court has rightly rejected
the petition. Thus, the said decision does not really deal with
plaint and summarized the same. The Court took note of the
fact that the issue had come before the trial court which had
sideration in respect of the sale deeds. The said view was af-
declaration that the sale deeds were void and not binding on
that the view expressed by the trial court and the High Court
suit filed seeking a declaration that a will and a sale deed are
noted, in the said case the trial court had taken the view that
the court fee had to be paid under Section 7(iv-A) and the
Bench took note of the provisions of the Court Fees Act, 1870
23. The Court took note of the fact that the suit was filed af-
ter the death of the testator and, therefore, on that basis ob-
served that the suit property covered by the will was required
Court Fees Act would not apply. The U.P. Amendment Act,
ject-matter and the trial court as well as the High Court have
find that the said authority nowhere addresses the issue that
seemly to reproduce:
proper valuation and the stand of the defendant was that the
court fee had not been properly paid and in that context, the
benefit of the revenue and the State and not to arm a con-
[Dipak Misra]
[A.M. Khanwilkar]
[Mohan M. Shantanagoudar]
New Delhi;
August 10, 2017.