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Sumeet Get free chart (kundli) at http://www.AstroSage.


Basic Details
Sex Male
Date of Birth 11 : 1 : 1989
Time of Birth 22 : 0 : 0
Day of Birth Wednesday
Ishtkaal 036-34-51
Place of Birth Bhavnagar
Time Zone 5.5
Latitude 21 : 46 : N
Longitude 72 : 9 : E
Local Time Correction 00.41.23
War Time Correction 00.00.00
LMT at Birth 21:18:36
GMT at Birth 16:30:0
Tithi Panchami
Hindu Week Day Wednesday
Paksha Shukla

Avkahada Chakra Yoga Variyan

Karan Bav
Paya (RasiBased) Tamra
Sunrise 07.22.03
Varna Sudra
Sunset 18.16.35
Yoni Ashva
Day Duration 10.54.31
Gana Rakshas
Vasya Manav Ghatak (Malefics)
Nadi Adi Bad Day Thursday
Dasa Balance Rah 0 Y 8 M 2 D Bad Karan Kimstughna
Lagna Leo Bad Lagna Kanya
Lagna Lord Bad Month Chaitra
Rasi Aquarius Bad Nakshatra Aridra
Rasi Lord Sat Bad Prahar 3
Nakshatra-Pada Satabhisa 4 Bad Rasi Dhanu
Nakshatra Lord Rah Bad Tithi 3, 8, 13
Julian Day 2447538 Bad Yoga Vyaghat
SunSign (Indian) Bad Planets Jupiter, Mars
SunSign (Western) Capricorn Favourable Points
Ayanamsa 023-42-12 Lucky Numbers 6
Ayanamsa Name Lahiri Good Numbers 1, 3, 7, 9
Obliquity 023-26-27 Evil Numbers 5, 8
Sideral Time 04.43.12 Good Years 15,24,33,42,51
Lucky Days Sat, Wed, Sun
Good Planets Sat, Merc, Sun
Friendly Signs Vir, Cap, Aqua
Good Lagna Leo, Sco, Cap, Pis
Lucky Metal Silver
Lucky Stone Diamond, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 1
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Name Sumeet Julian Day 2447538 Asc Lord SUN Bal. Dasa Rah 0 Y 8 M 2 D
Sex Male Ayan Type Lahiri Asc Leo Karan Bav
Date 11.1.1989 Ayan 023-42-12 Yoga Variyan Star Lord RAH
Day Wednesday Place Bhavnagar Tithi Panchami Star - Pada Satabhisa-4
Time of Birth 22.0.0 Longitude 72.9.E Sunset 18.16.35 Rasi Lord SAT
SID 04.43.12 Latitude 21.46.N Sunrise 07.22.03 Rasi Aquarius

Lagna Chart Navamasa Chart

7 5
6 4 8 4 Sa
Pl 7 Ke 3
Su 9 3 Ve
8 2 Ju
11 Ju 10 Mo 2 Me
11 1
Ra Pl Ma
Ur Ve Su 9 Mo 1 Ma
Sa Ne 10 12 Planetary Positions
Ra Planets Sign Latitude Nakshatra Pada
Me ASC Leo 18-30-46 Purvaphalgini 2
Sun Sagittarius 27-44-48 Uttarashadha 1
Moon Aquarius 19-30-08 Satabhisa 4
Mars Aries 02-06-08 Ashvini 1
Vimshottari Dasha Merc Capricorn 16-30-34 Sravana 2
RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years
11/ 1/89 - 13/ 9/89 13/ 9/89 - 13/ 9/05 13/ 9/05 - 13/ 9/24 Jupt [R] Taurus 02-30-10 Krittika 2
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 1/11/91 SAT 16/ 9/08 Venu Sagittarius 07-28-14 Mula 3
JUP 00/00/00 SAT 13/ 5/94 MER 25/ 5/11 Satn Sagittarius 13-08-59 Mula 4
SAT 00/00/00 MER 19/ 8/96 KET 4/ 7/12 Rahu [R] Aquarius 13-30-47 Satabhisa 3
MER 00/00/00 KET 25/ 7/97 VEN 4/ 9/15 Ketu [R] Leo 13-30-47 Purvaphalgini 1
KET 00/00/00 VEN 25/ 3/00 SUN 16/ 8/16 Uran Sagittarius 08-44-31 Mula 3
VEN 00/00/00 SUN 13/ 1/01 MON 16/ 3/18 Nept Sagittarius 16-34-27 Purvashadha 1
SUN 00/00/00 MON 13/ 5/02 MAR 25/ 4/19
Plut Libra 21-04-39 Vishakha 1
MON 00/00/00 MAR 19/ 4/03 RAH 1/ 3/22
MAR 13/ 9/89 RAH 13/ 9/05 JUP 13/ 9/24 Ashtakvarga Table
Sign No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
MER -17 Years KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years Sun 2 4 5 5 2 4 6 5 5 5 1 4
13/ 9/24 - 13/ 9/41 13/ 9/41 - 13/ 9/48 13/ 9/48 - 13/ 9/68 Moon 5 6 4 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 6 3
MER 10/ 2/27 KET 10/ 2/42 VEN 13/ 1/52 Mars 4 5 3 4 2 2 6 3 2 2 3 3
KET 7/ 2/28 VEN 10/ 4/43 SUN 13/ 1/53 Merc 4 5 3 4 4 4 6 5 6 5 2 6
VEN 7/12/30 SUN 16/ 8/43 MON 13/ 9/54
Jupt 5 6 5 3 5 4 5 5 4 5 6 3
SUN 13/10/31 MON 16/ 3/44 MAR 13/11/55
MON 13/ 3/33 MAR 13/ 8/44 RAH 13/11/58 Venu 4 2 4 3 4 7 5 3 5 3 5 7
MAR 10/ 3/34 RAH 1/ 9/45 JUP 13/ 7/61 Satn 3 3 4 2 3 4 6 3 3 3 2 3
RAH 28/ 9/36 JUP 7/ 8/46 SAT 13/ 9/64 Total 27 31 28 24 25 28 39 27 28 26 25 29
JUP 4/ 1/39 SAT 16/ 9/47 MER 13/ 7/67
Chalit Table
SAT 13/ 9/41 MER 13/ 9/48 KET 13/ 9/68
Bhav Sign Bhav Begin Sign Mid Bhav
1 Leo 03.31.25 Leo 18.30.46
SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years 2 Virgo 03.31.25 Virgo 18.32.04
13/ 9/68 - 13/ 9/74 13/ 9/74 - 13/ 9/84 13/ 9/84 - 13/ 9/91 3 Libra 03.32.44 Libra 18.33.23
SUN 1/ 1/69 MON 13/ 7/75 MAR 10/ 2/85 4 Scorpion 03.34.02 Scorpion 18.34.41
MON 1/ 7/69 MAR 13/ 2/76 RAH 28/ 2/86 5 Sagittarius 03.34.02 Sagittarius 18.33.23
MAR 7/11/69 RAH 13/ 8/77 JUP 4/ 2/87 6 Capricorn 03.32.44 Capricorn 18.32.04
RAH 1/10/70 JUP 13/12/78 SAT 13/ 3/88 7 Aquarius 03.31.25 Aquarius 18.30.46
JUP 19/ 7/71 SAT 13/ 7/80 MER 10/ 3/89 8 Pisces 03.31.25 Pisces 18.32.04
SAT 1/ 7/72 MER 13/12/81 KET 7/ 8/89 9 Aries 03.32.44 Aries 18.33.23
MER 7/ 5/73 KET 13/ 7/82 VEN 7/10/90 10 Taurus 03.34.02 Taurus 18.34.41
KET 13/ 9/73 VEN 13/ 3/84 SUN 13/ 2/91 11 Gemini 03.34.02 Gemini 18.33.23
VEN 13/ 9/74 SUN 13/ 9/84 MON 13/ 9/91 12 Cancer 03.32.44 Cancer 18.32.04, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 2
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|| Your Ascendant ||
What is Ascendent?
The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a person, the sign
which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant. And, the sign which comes in this house is called the
ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas,
the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign.

Your Ascendant is: Leo

Health for Leo Ascendant

The diseases of Leo mainly involve the heart, most seriously occlusion of cardiac arteries by blood clot or
occlusion bringing on a heart attack. Nervous tension can affect the heart with palpitations and the like. The
ailments related to Leo are pain in the back and lungs, spinal complaints, diseases of the heart and blood,
sickness in ribs and sides, convulsions, pleasantries, violent burning fevers including, and some trouble of the

Temperament & Personality For Leo Ascendant

People fall under this zodiac sign are the owner of dynamic and attractive personality. A typical Leo is
ambitious, courageous, strong willed, positive, independent and self-confident. They are straightforward and
uncomplicated individual who know very well what they want and pursue it with complete enthusiasm and a
creative spirit. Usually they are temperamental, sometimes blunt and nasty when affronted are deeply hurt by
malice or aggression. Too sensitive to personal criticism and when their governance is threatened, they can go
into a sudden anger. They are stubborn and will hold onto a belief or stick to a course of action through thick or
thin. Possess idealistic and humane nature. Basically Leos are outgoing, happy, kind and generous, self-
expressive, intelligent and broad minded. They have a fixed determination but will get unjustifiably into a bad
temper at the slightest provocation but the anger can be quickly pacified. They may hold a grudge for long and
are an independent thinker. They stick to orthodox principles in religion but are preferably tolerant towards
other's precepts and practices.

Physical Appearance For Leo Ascendant

Leo ascendants are the owner of charismatic personality they often cast majestic and magnetic impression on
people. But in terms of structure they are not as blessed as their persona they usually have average height with
perfectly carved upper body. Leo possesses large oval shaped face with yellowish tinge eyes with a prominent
chin. Male and female leo may appear controlled, but are easily moved and belligerent. Quick responsiveness
and aggressiveness is common, as is vigour and passion., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 3
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|| Life Predictions ||
You started out your life under favourable circumstances, It might be said that you were born with a silver
spoon in your mouth. Your memory is unusually good and you never forget a kindness. You are generous even
to excess. You have a methodical nature, which is reflected in your work, your dress and your particular place
of abode.You are personally attractive, graceful and refined. You are large-hearted and large-minded. You are
considerate when things go awry. You are forceful in character.You are a born leader but you are too modest to
parade this quality. You think in big things, and act in big things and you cannot be bothered with niggling
details.Your ambitions are exalted and you set yourself a very high goal to aim at. Often, you fall short of the
mark, as is bound to happen, but what you do achieve is above the average.

Happiness And Fulfillment

You are a practical person. You have the ability to systematically organise your life, sober-mindedly realising
that you must work for success. You tend to be a loner, preferring to think and study, and excel at solving
difficult problems. Sober and cautious, you can be completely fulfilled if you will view life with more
optimism. You are usually happier in life when you come to the realisation that life is not as bad as you thought
it be.

Life Style
You are precisely the one, people are talking about when they say that behind every successful person there is a
lover. Your marriage partner will motivate you to accomplish your objectives., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 4
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|| Life Predictions ||
Because you are patient and want a career with permanence, it is hardly necessary for you to rush. Pursue a
career in an area such as banking, Government service, Insurance Companies where you advance slowly but
surely. Not only will you be much better off in the long run, but you have the patience and the attitude to see it

You have an excellent memory, excellent health, and plenty of force in your character. All this makes it clear
that you were born to command. It hardly matters what the particular line of occupation is, You should do well
in it. But where you will chafe is in passing up from junior posts to the executive positions. If promotion is
slow, you may become despondent and even spoil your chances by plain speaking. Once you climb up the
ladder and reach a good height, your abilities will establish you firmly. From this, it is seen that you will fare
better in the higher ranks of service than in the lower. Clearly, it will be wise for you to go cautiously while
getting your footing.

You have a good constitution. You possess a considerable amount of vitality and it will be preserved well into
old age, if you take plenty of outdoor exercise. But, this can be easily overdone. Should you exceed a
reasonable amount, trouble will manifest itself in the breathing apparatus and will lead to bronchial diseases.
You are liable to attacks of sciatica and rheumatism after 45 years of age. It will be difficult to assign a reason
for these attacks, but manifestly they are due to exposing yourself too frequently to the night air., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 5
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|| Life Predictions ||
you have strenuous hobbies and pastimes. Games like cricket, football, tennis are very interesting for you. You
will toil at business all day, and in the evening, play tennis, golf, badminton or such king of games. You have
great interest in participating athletic sports. You might have won many prizes in sports. Your vitality is
amazing as far as sports concerned.

Love Matters
In love matters, you are just as vigorous as you are in work and play. Once you fall in love, you want to be in
the company of your intended-one every available minute of the time. You are too wise to neglect your work.
But, once the work is accomplished you will hurry off to trysting-place to keep the appointment. When
marriage is an accomplished fact, you will want to rule the home. The ruling will not be done, necessarily in an
aggressive manner, it will certainly be efficient. If you are a woman, you often help your husband in his
business affairs and this you perform with marked efficiency.

You will have great ability in making money in all forms of industry, business organisation or in the
employment of others. You will always see a way out of any difficulty and be self-reliant and determined in
whatever course of action you may decide to follow. You will be a speculator on a large scale in all you
undertake. You will treat life more as a game than from a serious standpoint. As a general rule, luck will favour
you during the greater part of your life. In relation to finance you need have nothing to fear. Once the early part
of your life is over, you will begin to reap forward for the foundation you have laid and from that point you are
likely to accumulate wealth and position., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 6
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|| Manglik Details / Mangal Dosha ||

Generally Manglik Dosha is considered from the position of Lagna and Moon in the birth chart.

In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Ninth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in
Third house.

Hence Mangal Dosha is present neither in Lagna Chart nor in Moon Chart.
Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha
results in frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s).

It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets
cancelled and has no effect.

Some Remedies (in case Mangal Dosha is present)

Remedies (needs to be performed before marriage)

Kumbha Vivah, Vishnu Vivah and Ashwatha Vivah are the most popular remedies for Mangal Dosha.
Ashwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and cutting the tree after that. Kumbha Vivah,
also called Ghata Vivaha, means marriage with a pot and breaking it after that.

Remedies (can be performed after marriage)

1.Keep Kesariya Ganapati (Orange coloured idol of Lord Ganesha) in worship room and worship daily.
2.Worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily.
3.Mahamrityunjaya paath (recitation of Mahamrityunjaya mantra).

Remedies (based on Lal Kitab, can be performed after marriage)

1.Feed birds with something sweet.
2.Keep ivory (Haathi Daant) at home.
3.Worship banyan tree with milk mixed with something sweet.

Note: We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 7
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|| Sadesati Report ||

Name Sumeet
Date 11/1/1989
Time of Birth 22:0:0
Place of Birth Bhavnagar
Sex Male
Rasi Aquarius
Tithi Panchami
Nakshatra Satabhisa

S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Sade Sati Capricorn March 21, June 20, 1990 Rising
2 Sade Sati Capricorn December 15, March 05, Rising
1990 1993
3 Sade Sati Aquarius March 06, October 15, Peak
1993 1993
4 Sade Sati Capricorn October 16, November Rising
1993 09, 1993
5 Sade Sati Aquarius November June 01, 1995 Peak
10, 1993
6 Sade Sati Pisces June 02, 1995 August 09, Setting
7 Sade Sati Aquarius August 10, February 16, Peak
1995 1996
8 Sade Sati Pisces February 17, April 17, Setting
1996 1998
9 Small Panoti Taurus June 07, 2000 July 22, 2002
10 Small Panoti Taurus January 09, April 07,
2003 2003
11 Small Panoti Virgo September November
10, 2009 14, 2011
12 Small Panoti Virgo May 16, 2012 August 03,
13 Sade Sati Capricorn January 24, April 28, Rising
2020 2022
14 Sade Sati Aquarius April 29, July 12, 2022 Peak
15 Sade Sati Capricorn July 13, 2022 January 17, Rising
16 Sade Sati Aquarius January 18, March 29, Peak
2023 2025
17 Sade Sati Pisces March 30, June 02, 2027 Setting
2025, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 8
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|| Sadesati Report ||

S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
18 Sade Sati Pisces October 20, February 23, Setting
2027 2028
19 Small Panoti Taurus August 08, October 05,
2029 2029
20 Small Panoti Taurus April 17, May 30, 2032
21 Small Panoti Virgo October 23, April 05,
2038 2039
22 Small Panoti Virgo July 13, 2039January 27,
23 Small Panoti Virgo February 06, September
2041 25, 2041
24 Sade Sati Capricorn March 07, July 09, 2049 Rising
25 Sade Sati Capricorn December 04, February 24, Rising
2049 2052
26 Sade Sati Aquarius February 25, May 14, 2054 Peak
27 Sade Sati Pisces May 15, 2054 September Setting
01, 2054
28 Sade Sati Aquarius September February 05, Peak
02, 2054 2055
29 Sade Sati Pisces February 06, April 06, Setting
2055 2057
30 Small Panoti Taurus May 28, 2059 July 10, 2061
31 Small Panoti Taurus February 14, March 06,
2062 2062
32 Small Panoti Virgo August 30, November
2068 04, 2070
33 Sade Sati Capricorn January 15, April 11, Rising
2079 2081, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 9
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|| Sadesati Report ||

S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
34 Sade Sati Aquarius April 12, August 02, Peak
2081 2081
35 Sade Sati Capricorn August 03, January 06, Rising
2081 2082
36 Sade Sati Aquarius January 07, March 19, Peak
2082 2084
37 Sade Sati Pisces March 20, May 21, 2086 Setting
38 Sade Sati Pisces November February 07, Setting
10, 2086 2087
39 Small Panoti Taurus July 18, 2088 October 30,
40 Small Panoti Taurus April 06, September
2089 18, 2090
41 Small Panoti Taurus October 25, May 20, 2091
42 Small Panoti Virgo October 12, May 02, 2098
43 Small Panoti Virgo June 20, 2098 December 25,
44 Small Panoti Virgo March 18, September
2100 16, 2100
45 Sade Sati Capricorn February 25, July 28, 2108 Rising
2108, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 10
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|| Sadesati Report ||

Shani Sade Sati: Rising Phase

This is starting period of Shani's Sade Sati. In this period Saturn will be transiting in 12th house from the Moon.
It generally indicates financial loss, problems by hidden enemies, aimless travel, disputes, and poverty. During
this period, you may face problems created by your hidden enemies. Relationship with your colleagues will not
good enough and they will create problems in your work environment. You may also face challenges on your
domestic front. This may create pressure and tension. You need to exercise control over your spending
otherwise it be lead to bigger financial problems. Long distance travels may not be fruitful during this period.
Saturns nature is of delay and dejection, but generally you will get results eventually, so be patient and wait for
your turn. Take this period as learning period, put your hard work and things will fall in place. You are advised
not to take high risks in business matters in this period.

Shani Sade Sati: Peak Phase

This is the peak of Shani's Sade Sati. Generally this phase of Saturn is the most difficult one. Saturn transiting
over natal Moon indicates health problems, character assassination, problems in relationship, mental afflictions,
and sorrows. You will find it difficult to achieve success in this period. You may not get results of your hard
work and feel restricted. Your constitution and immune system will not be strong. As first house is the house of
health, you should start exercising and taking care of your health, otherwise you can be caught by chronic
diseases. You may suffer from depression, unknown fear or phobia. Your will lack clarity in thinking, action,
and decision making. You will be spiritually inclined and will be attracted by intricacies of nature. Acceptance
and doing basics right will sail you out of this period.

Shani Sade Sati: Setting Phase

This is 'setting' period of Shani's Sade Sati. Saturn will be transiting in the 2nd house from the natal Moon,
which indicates difficulty on financial and domestic front. You will start feeling slight relief after having two
difficult phases of Sade Sati. Still, misunderstandings and financial stress can be seen during this period.
Expenses may keep soaring high and you need to continue exercising control. Sudden financial losses and fear
of theft is also a possibility. You may be pessimistic in thinking, you are advised to deal with matters
enthusiastically. You will require paying good attention to family and personal front, otherwise those can also
lead to a bigger problem. For students, education may be slightly affected and they will have to work harder to
hold on to their existing level. Results will be slow and almost always with the delay. This is a period which
indicates danger and apart from other things, you need to be careful while driving. If possible, stay away from
non-veg and your drinking habits to keep Saturn happy. You will be able to sail through this period by
intelligently handling your domestic and financial matters.

Note: Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Truly
speaking, we found that it is not always the case and we recommend reading this article on Sade Sati. Any
conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current
running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period
will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt,
consult a good astrologer., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 11
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|| Kalsarpa Dosh ||
Kalsarpa Dosh/Yog
As per the current definition, when all planets are situated in middle of Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or
horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions about this dosh are vogue among
Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are mostly because of Kalsarp Dosh.
Without analyzing other areas of astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept kalsarp dosh is main root of
problems. But the reality is this that if all planets are well posited in horoscope, kalsarp dosh will not be
harmful, and can be supportive to beneficial results endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is
inauspicious when positions of planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope. Therefore, it is not wise to fear
hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on remedies only after consulting jyotishi
for deep analysis on negative influences of Kalsarp dosh. Interestingly, influence of kalsarp dosh is different in
different people. Because influence of kalsarp dosh is based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and
what other planets occupied that house, what are their influences and so on.

Result: Your Horoscope is free from Kalsarpa Yoga

Lagna Chart:

6 4
Pl 7 Ke 3

8 2 Ju

Ur Ve Su 9 Mo 1 Ma
Sa Ne 10 12
Me, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 12
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Janam (Birth) Varsha (Year)
Male Sex Male
11/1/1989 Date of Birth 12/1/2016
22:0:0 Time of Birth 20:7:30
Wednesday Day of Birth Tuesday
Bhavnagar Place of Birth Bhavnagar
21 Latitude 21
72 Longitude 72
00.41.23 Local Time Correction 00.41.23
00.00.00 War Time Correction 00.00.00
21.18.35 LMT at Birth 19.26.05
07.22.03 Sunrise 07.22.02
18.16.35 Sunset 18.16.49
Leo Lagna Cancer
SUN Lagna Lord MON
Aquarius Rasi Aquarius
SAT Rasi Lord SAT
Satabhisa Nakshatra Dhanishta
RAH Nakshatra Lord MAR
Variyan Yoga Siddhi
Bav Karan Gar
Capricorn Sun Sign (Western) Capricorn
023-42-12 Ayanamsa 024-04-49
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri

Varshphal Chart (Solar Return Chart)

5 3
Ra 6 2

Ma 7 1

Sa Ve 8 Me 12 Ke Ur
9 11
Pl Su Ne Mo, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 13
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Muntha:5 Bhav
This a good position for Muntha. Your intelligence will help you earn accolades from various quarters of life.
You might shine brightly in profession and business. Birth of a child in the family will bring happiness and joy
for you. This period is characterized by wisdom and religious learning for you. You will have visit to the
religious places or the places of recreation. You will get honor and appreciate from rules and higher authorities.

January 12, 2016 - March 07, 2016 Dasha Rahu

Rahu is in Bhav Number 3
You will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. You can make
great progress professionally. Business/trade prospects will be very good, a promotion should be anticipated if
employed somewhere. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic
fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of your
official duties/ travels. Your relationship with your brothers and sisters will be fine. Though there will be
problems to your siblings.

March 07, 2016 - April 25, 2016 Dasha Jupiter

Jupiter is in Bhav Number 2
You enjoy sharing your musical talents, and creating a new musical piece is a very strong possibility. You can
be very successful in expressing your higher principles, whether it is work related or community oriented.
Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice. Money will definitely be coming your way and
will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and philosophies. Your enemies will not be able to prevail
over you. Overall, happiness is assured in this period. There will be addtioan to your family members.

April 25, 2016 - June 22, 2016 Dasha Saturn

Saturn is in Bhav Number 5
Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work environment will remain
disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally. You should
avoid major activity during this period. If working as a professional, this year will experience hurdles and some
challenges. There will be uncertainty and some confusion. You will lack full support from your own people.
Possiblity of some legal action against you is also there. The health of your dear ones may create anxiety for
you. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. You should keep a low profile during this time
and avoid changes.

June 22, 2016 - August 12, 2016 Dasha Mercury

Mercury is in Bhav Number 7
A highly productive year that will leave you feeling satisfied with what you have achieved. During this period
you will enjoy the life with full optimism and vivacity. There will be ample opportunity for travel, study, and
progress in life. You will find that the opposite sex will help you in your sphere. You will get the respect that
you richly deserve and your life will be more stable. Speculative activities will be gainful. There may be
acquisition of land or vehicle., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 14
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
August 12, 2016 - September 03, 2016 Dasha Ketu
Ketu is in Bhav Number 9
This is a good time for self-expression and the use of your creative abilities in various fields. Some auspicious
ceremony may be celebrated in your family. The most unexpected changes could be expected in your work area
and in professional activities which are outstanding for you. Positive changes in your personal and professional
life will take place and you will undertake journeys in connection with your business which will be very
rewarding and fruitful. Make the best use of this wonderful period. You will attend relegious functions and will
come in contact with respected and religious people.

September 03, 2016 - November 02, 2016 Dasha Venus

Venus is in Bhav Number 5
Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at you, and your activities. It is high time that you are given
credit for your efforts and other recognize you and look up to you. You will be able to carry out your
responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your parents, sibling and relatives. You might receive a
very good piece of news through communication.Keep up the tempo and believe in your abilities, the year will
see you off in a completely new position. A long distance travel will be rewarding. During this period you will
live an aristocratic life.

November 02, 2016 - November 21, 2016 Dasha Sun

Sun is in Bhav Number 6
Youll be successful in whatever you take up. All your endeavors will be successful and youll
overcome all your difficulties. Your enemies will face defeat. A promotion is status can be speculated. You
will gain respect and good will. You will win litigation. A successful period on the whole. You need to be
careful from inflmation and eye relation problems. There can be illness to mother and maternal relatives.

November 21, 2016 - December 21, 2016 Dasha Moon

Moon is in Bhav Number 8
There may be some bad news regarding business or new venture. Dont get indulge in taking risks as it is
not a very favorable period for you. Family members health may cause anxiety. Speculation must be
avoided or else they may cause financial losses. Opponents will try to create problems on your personal as well
as professional front. Stay away from water as there is fear from drowning. Fever and cold will give some
health problems.

December 21, 2016 - January 11, 2017 Dasha Mars

Mars is in Bhav Number 4
Be careful while dealing with friends, relatives or associates, as chances of disputes are very much there. This
will not be a good time for business and there are chances of sudden loss financially. Expenditure on secret
activities is possible. You may suffer due to mental stress and strain. Injuries and wounds are on the card during
this period, so be careful especially while driving., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 15
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||
Rahu Mahadasha Phal (Birth - September 13, 1989)
Rahu is in Aquarius in your 7th house
Though you will try a lot to maintain good relation with your partners or associates but all in ruin. Growth &
new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges and difficulties. There could be
controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb you.
You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of
taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

Jupiter Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 1989 - September 13, 2005)

Jupiter is in Taurus in your 10th house
Partnerships are good for you this year, in both the professional and personal sphere. However, the most
important thing is that you might just have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that you were waiting
for so long. You will be able to carry out your responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your
parents, sibling and relatives. Communications and negotiations will click for you and bring in new
opportunities. There will be frequent travels regarding business/job etc. You may purchase precious metals,
gems and jewelry.

Saturn Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2005 - September 13, 2024)

Saturn is in Sagittarius in your 5th house
Job matters will remain mostly below average and not entirely satisfactory. Work environment will remain
disturbed and under pressure during this period. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally. You should
avoid major activity during this period. If working as a professional, this year will experience hurdles and some
challenges. There will be uncertainty and some confusion. You will lack full support from your own people.
Possiblity of some legal action against you is also there. The health of your dear ones may create anxiety for
you. There will be problem in the progeny during this period. You should keep a low profile during this time
and avoid changes.

Mercury Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2024 - September 13, 2041)

Mercury is in Capricorn in your 6th house
You may suffer due to health complications. You will find it difficult to retain money as you will have tendency
towards spending on luxuries and pleasures. This is not a good period for indulging in rash speculative
activities. Silly quarrels, misunderstanding and arguments can affect familys peace and serenity. People
jealous of you can cause problems, thus may get un-based accusations and create unhappiness in the family
beware of them. You may have trouble from women so you need to be careful of them.

Ketu Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2041 - September 13, 2048)

Ketu is in Leo in your 1st house
A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates is possible. Major
expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on gains from existing sources, throughout
the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Your enemies will put their best efforts to harm you.
Even you should be careful about your friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of yourself
as it may become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of chonic
diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act you will be inclined towards unproductive
pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with the characterless persons., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 16
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||

Venus Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2048 - September 13, 2068)
Venus is in Sagittarius in your 5th house
Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at you, and your activities. It is high time that you are given
credit for your efforts and other recognize you and look up to you. You will be able to carry out your
responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your parents, sibling and relatives. You might receive a
very good piece of news through communication.Keep up the tempo and believe in your abilities, the year will
see you off in a completely new position. A long distance travel will be rewarding. During this period you will
live an aristocratic life.

Sun Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2068 - September 13, 2074)

Sun is in Sagittarius in your 5th house
You will be enthusiastic towards life. Youll be courageous and have a violent temper. There will be lack of
mental control and loos of discremination. Your popularity with public will decrease and there can be trouble
due to disputes. This period is unfavorable for love and romance. Children and life partner may suffer from ill
health. In case of benefic aspects, this period may result in child birth and gain from higher authorities.

Moon Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2074 - September 13, 2084)

Moon is in Aquarius in your 7th house
This period would be an excellent stepping stone for growth vertically and a rise on your career. There are
chances of getting benefits from the associates/partners. There will be happiness from the opposite sex. Love
and romance will be on the rise. There will be gains through trade and foreign travels. Health related problems
may disturb your peace of mind. Your self-discipline, self-monitoring and control over your daily routine will
be beneficial to you. Be careful from fever and rheumatic pains. This period also gives indication to ill health to
your life-partner.

Mars Mahadasha Phal (September 13, 2084 - September 13, 2091)

Mars is in Aries in your 9th house
It could be some good period promising some success provided you are willing to work on it. New
opportunities will come your way without your seeking them consciously. Changes at work-place or at home
can be fortunate. You will take decisive steps forward along the path of progress. There may be increase in
expenditure which needs to be controlled. You will also find yourself vigourless and berift of confidence., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 17
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Dh 3 Years Br 4 Years Ba 5 Years Ul 6 Years
From 21/ 4/86 From 21/ 2/89 From 21/ 2/93 From 21/ 2/98
To 21/ 2/89 To 21/ 2/93 To 21/ 2/98 To 21/ 2/04
Dh 21/ 4/86 Br 30/ 6/89 Ba 28/ 9/93 Ul 17/ 1/99
Br 21/ 8/86 Ba 19/ 1/90 Ul 28/ 7/94 Si 18/ 3/00
Ba 21/ 1/87 Ul 19/ 9/90 Si 18/ 7/95 Sn 18/ 7/01
Ul 21/ 7/87 Si 29/ 6/91 Sn 28/ 8/96 Ma 18/ 9/01
Si 20/ 2/88 Sn 19/ 5/92 Ma 18/10/96 Pi 18/ 1/02
Sn 20/10/88 Ma 29/ 6/92 Pi 28/ 1/97 Dh 18/ 7/02
Ma 20/11/88 Pi 18/ 9/92 Dh 28/ 6/97 Br 18/ 3/03
Pi 21/ 2/89 Dh 21/ 2/93 Br 21/ 2/98 Ba 21/ 2/04

Si 7 Years Sn 8 Years Ma 1 Years Pi 2 Years

From 21/ 2/04 From 21/ 2/11 From 21/ 2/19 From 21/ 2/20
To 21/ 2/11 To 21/ 2/19 To 21/ 2/20 To 21/ 2/22
Si 28/ 5/05 Sn 27/10/12 Ma 23/ 1/19 Pi 20/ 2/20
Sn 18/12/06 Ma 16/ 1/13 Pi 12/ 2/19 Dh 20/ 4/20
Ma 28/ 2/07 Pi 26/ 6/13 Dh 12/ 3/19 Br 10/ 7/20
Pi 18/ 7/07 Dh 26/ 2/14 Br 22/ 4/19 Ba 20/10/20
Dh 18/ 2/08 Br 15/ 1/15 Ba 11/ 6/19 Ul 20/ 2/21
Br 28/11/08 Ba 25/ 2/16 Ul 11/ 8/19 Si 10/ 7/21
Ba 17/11/09 Ul 24/ 6/17 Si 21/10/19 Sn 20/12/21
Ul 21/ 2/11 Si 21/ 2/19 Sn 21/ 2/20 Ma 21/ 2/22

Dh 3 Years Br 4 Years Ba 5 Years Ul 6 Years

From 21/ 2/22 From 21/ 2/25 From 21/ 2/29 From 21/ 2/34
To 21/ 2/25 To 21/ 2/29 To 21/ 2/34 To 21/ 2/40
Dh 9/ 4/22 Br 18/ 6/25 Ba 16/ 9/29 Ul 5/ 1/35
Br 9/ 8/22 Ba 7/ 1/26 Ul 16/ 7/30 Si 6/ 3/36
Ba 9/ 1/23 Ul 7/ 9/26 Si 6/ 7/31 Sn 6/ 7/37
Ul 9/ 7/23 Si 17/ 6/27 Sn 16/ 8/32 Ma 6/ 9/37
Si 8/ 2/24 Sn 7/ 5/28 Ma 6/10/32 Pi 6/ 1/38
Sn 8/10/24 Ma 17/ 6/28 Pi 16/ 1/33 Dh 6/ 7/38
Ma 8/11/24 Pi 6/ 9/28 Dh 16/ 6/33 Br 6/ 3/39
Pi 21/ 2/25 Dh 21/ 2/29 Br 21/ 2/34 Ba 21/ 2/40, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 18
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Si 7 Years Sn 8 Years Ma 1 Years Pi 2 Years
From 21/ 2/40 From 21/ 2/47 From 21/ 2/55 From 21/ 2/56
To 21/ 2/47 To 21/ 2/55 To 21/ 2/56 To 21/ 2/58
Si 16/ 5/41 Sn 15/10/48 Ma 11/ 1/55 Pi 11/ 2/56
Sn 6/12/42 Ma 4/ 1/49 Pi 31/ 1/55 Dh 11/ 4/56
Ma 16/ 2/43 Pi 14/ 6/49 Dh 3/ 3/55 Br 1/ 7/56
Pi 6/ 7/43 Dh 14/ 2/50 Br 13/ 4/55 Ba 11/10/56
Dh 6/ 2/44 Br 3/ 1/51 Ba 2/ 6/55 Ul 11/ 2/57
Br 16/11/44 Ba 13/ 2/52 Ul 2/ 8/55 Si 1/ 7/57
Ba 5/11/45 Ul 12/ 6/53 Si 12/10/55 Sn 11/12/57
Ul 21/ 2/47 Si 21/ 2/55 Sn 21/ 2/56 Ma 21/ 2/58

Dh 3 Years Br 4 Years Ba 5 Years Ul 6 Years

From 21/ 2/58 From 21/ 2/61 From 21/ 2/65 From 21/ 2/70
To 21/ 2/61 To 21/ 2/65 To 21/ 2/70 To 21/ 2/76
Dh 31/ 3/58 Br 11/ 6/61 Ba 8/ 9/65 Ul 26/12/70
Br 31/ 7/58 Ba 31/12/61 Ul 8/ 7/66 Si 25/ 2/72
Ba 31/12/58 Ul 31/ 8/62 Si 28/ 6/67 Sn 24/ 6/73
Ul 1/ 7/59 Si 10/ 6/63 Sn 7/ 8/68 Ma 24/ 8/73
Si 31/ 1/60 Sn 30/ 4/64 Ma 27/ 9/68 Pi 24/12/73
Sn 1/10/60 Ma 9/ 6/64 Pi 6/ 1/69 Dh 24/ 6/74
Ma 1/11/60 Pi 29/ 8/64 Dh 6/ 6/69 Br 24/ 2/75
Pi 21/ 2/61 Dh 21/ 2/65 Br 21/ 2/70 Ba 21/ 2/76

Si 7 Years Sn 8 Years Ma 1 Years Pi 2 Years

From 21/ 2/76 From 21/ 2/83 From 21/ 2/91 From 21/ 2/92
To 21/ 2/83 To 21/ 2/91 To 21/ 2/92 To 21/ 2/94
Si 4/ 5/77 Sn 2/10/84 Ma 31/12/90 Pi 30/ 1/92
Sn 24/11/78 Ma 22/12/84 Pi 20/ 1/91 Dh 30/ 3/92
Ma 3/ 2/79 Pi 1/ 6/85 Dh 20/ 2/91 Br 19/ 6/92
Pi 23/ 6/79 Dh 1/ 2/86 Br 30/ 3/91 Ba 29/ 9/92
Dh 23/ 1/80 Br 21/12/86 Ba 20/ 5/91 Ul 29/ 1/93
Br 2/11/80 Ba 31/ 1/88 Ul 20/ 7/91 Si 18/ 6/93
Ba 22/10/81 Ul 31/ 5/89 Si 30/ 9/91 Sn 28/11/93
Ul 21/ 2/83 Si 21/ 2/91 Sn 21/ 2/92 Ma 21/ 2/94, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 19
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|| Char Dasha ||
Char Maha Dasha

LEO 08 Year 11/ 1/89 11/ 1/97 SCO 05 Year 11/ 1/07 11/ 1/12

VIR 08 Year 11/ 1/97 11/ 1/05 SAG 05 Year 11/ 1/12 11/ 1/17

LIB 02 Year 11/ 1/05 11/ 1/07 CAP 01 Year 11/ 1/17 11/ 1/18

AQU 02 Year 11/ 1/18 11/ 1/20 TAU 07 Year 11/ 1/42 11/ 1/49

PIS 10 Year 11/ 1/20 11/ 1/30 GEM 07 Year 11/ 1/49 11/ 1/56

ARI 12 Year 11/ 1/30 11/ 1/42 CAN 05 Year 11/ 1/56 11/ 1/61

Char Antardasha

LEO 8 Years VIR 8 Years LIB 2 Years

VIR 11/ 1/89 11/ 9/89 LIB 11/ 1/97 11/ 9/97 SCO 11/ 1/05 11/ 3/05
LIB 11/ 9/89 11/ 5/90 SCO 11/ 9/97 11/ 5/98 SAG 11/ 3/05 11/ 5/05
SCO 11/ 5/90 11/ 1/91 SAG 11/ 5/98 11/ 1/99 CAP 11/ 5/05 11/ 7/05
SAG 11/ 1/91 11/ 9/91 CAP 11/ 1/99 11/ 9/99 AQU 11/ 7/05 11/ 9/05
CAP 11/ 9/91 11/ 5/92 AQU 11/ 9/99 11/ 5/00 PIS 11/ 9/05 11/11/05
AQU 11/ 5/92 11/ 1/93 PIS 11/ 5/00 11/ 1/01 ARI 11/11/05 11/ 1/06
PIS 11/ 1/93 11/ 9/93 ARI 11/ 1/01 11/ 9/01 TAU 11/ 1/06 11/ 3/06
ARI 11/ 9/93 11/ 5/94 TAU 11/ 9/01 11/ 5/02 GEM 11/ 3/06 11/ 5/06
TAU 11/ 5/94 11/ 1/95 GEM 11/ 5/02 11/ 1/03 CAN 11/ 5/06 11/ 7/06
GEM 11/ 1/95 11/ 9/95 CAN 11/ 1/03 11/ 9/03 LEO 11/ 7/06 11/ 9/06
CAN 11/ 9/95 11/ 5/96 LEO 11/ 9/03 11/ 5/04 VIR 11/ 9/06 11/11/06
LEO 11/ 5/96 11/ 1/97 VIR 11/ 5/04 11/ 1/05 LIB 11/11/06 11/ 1/07, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 20
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|| Char Dasha ||

SCO 5 Years SAG 5 Years CAP 1 Years

LIB 11/ 1/07 11/ 6/07 SCO 11/ 1/12 11/ 6/12 SAG 11/ 1/17 11/ 2/17
VIR 11/ 6/07 11/11/07 LIB 11/ 6/12 11/11/12 SCO 11/ 2/17 11/ 3/17
LEO 11/11/07 11/ 4/08 VIR 11/11/12 11/ 4/13 LIB 11/ 3/17 11/ 4/17
CAN 11/ 4/08 11/ 9/08 LEO 11/ 4/13 11/ 9/13 VIR 11/ 4/17 11/ 5/17
GEM 11/ 9/08 11/ 2/09 CAN 11/ 9/13 11/ 2/14 LEO 11/ 5/17 11/ 6/17
TAU 11/ 2/09 11/ 7/09 GEM 11/ 2/14 11/ 7/14 CAN 11/ 6/17 11/ 7/17
ARI 11/ 7/09 11/12/09 TAU 11/ 7/14 11/12/14 GEM 11/ 7/17 11/ 8/17
PIS 11/12/09 11/ 5/10 ARI 11/12/14 11/ 5/15 TAU 11/ 8/17 11/ 9/17
AQU 11/ 5/10 11/10/10 PIS 11/ 5/15 11/10/15 ARI 11/ 9/17 11/10/17
CAP 11/10/10 11/ 3/11 AQU 11/10/15 11/ 3/16 PIS 11/10/17 11/11/17
SAG 11/ 3/11 11/ 8/11 CAP 11/ 3/16 11/ 8/16 AQU 11/11/17 11/12/17
SCO 11/ 8/11 11/ 1/12 SAG 11/ 8/16 11/ 1/17 CAP 11/12/17 11/ 1/18

AQU 2 Years PIS 10 Years ARI 12 Years

PIS 11/ 1/18 11/ 3/18 ARI 11/ 1/20 11/11/20 TAU 11/ 1/30 11/ 1/31
ARI 11/ 3/18 11/ 5/18 TAU 11/11/20 11/ 9/21 GEM 11/ 1/31 11/ 1/32
TAU 11/ 5/18 11/ 7/18 GEM 11/ 9/21 11/ 7/22 CAN 11/ 1/32 11/ 1/33
GEM 11/ 7/18 11/ 9/18 CAN 11/ 7/22 11/ 5/23 LEO 11/ 1/33 11/ 1/34
CAN 11/ 9/18 11/11/18 LEO 11/ 5/23 11/ 3/24 VIR 11/ 1/34 11/ 1/35
LEO 11/11/18 11/ 1/19 VIR 11/ 3/24 11/ 1/25 LIB 11/ 1/35 11/ 1/36
VIR 11/ 1/19 11/ 3/19 LIB 11/ 1/25 11/11/25 SCO 11/ 1/36 11/ 1/37
LIB 11/ 3/19 11/ 5/19 SCO 11/11/25 11/ 9/26 SAG 11/ 1/37 11/ 1/38
SCO 11/ 5/19 11/ 7/19 SAG 11/ 9/26 11/ 7/27 CAP 11/ 1/38 11/ 1/39
SAG 11/ 7/19 11/ 9/19 CAP 11/ 7/27 11/ 5/28 AQU 11/ 1/39 11/ 1/40
CAP 11/ 9/19 11/11/19 AQU 11/ 5/28 11/ 3/29 PIS 11/ 1/40 11/ 1/41
AQU 11/11/19 11/ 1/20 PIS 11/ 3/29 11/ 1/30 ARI 11/ 1/41 11/ 1/42

TAU 7 Years GEM 7 Years CAN 5 Years

ARI 11/ 1/42 11/ 8/42 TAU 11/ 1/49 11/ 8/49 GEM 11/ 1/56 11/ 6/56
PIS 11/ 8/42 11/ 3/43 ARI 11/ 8/49 11/ 3/50 TAU 11/ 6/56 11/11/56
AQU 11/ 3/43 11/10/43 PIS 11/ 3/50 11/10/50 ARI 11/11/56 11/ 4/57
CAP 11/10/43 11/ 5/44 AQU 11/10/50 11/ 5/51 PIS 11/ 4/57 11/ 9/57
SAG 11/ 5/44 11/12/44 CAP 11/ 5/51 11/12/51 AQU 11/ 9/57 11/ 2/58
SCO 11/12/44 11/ 7/45 SAG 11/12/51 11/ 7/52 CAP 11/ 2/58 11/ 7/58
LIB 11/ 7/45 11/ 2/46 SCO 11/ 7/52 11/ 2/53 SAG 11/ 7/58 11/12/58
VIR 11/ 2/46 11/ 9/46 LIB 11/ 2/53 11/ 9/53 SCO 11/12/58 11/ 5/59
LEO 11/ 9/46 11/ 4/47 VIR 11/ 9/53 11/ 4/54 LIB 11/ 5/59 11/10/59
CAN 11/ 4/47 11/11/47 LEO 11/ 4/54 11/11/54 VIR 11/10/59 11/ 3/60
GEM 11/11/47 11/ 6/48 CAN 11/11/54 11/ 6/55 LEO 11/ 3/60 11/ 8/60
TAU 11/ 6/48 11/ 1/49 GEM 11/ 6/55 11/ 1/56 CAN 11/ 8/60 11/ 1/61, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 21
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|| Transit Today (2-7-2016) ||

Sun is in Gemini in your 11th house
This is the year for you to add some spice into your romance life. This is an excellent year for you to get profits
from your contracts and agreements. This is the perfect time for you to enter into deals that will surely work in
your favor. There will be increase in income from business and other ventures and ries in position and status.
Now you have enough prerequisites in order to fully harmonize this area of your personal life. You will aquire
vehicles and other comforts. This is the time for you to add status and position to your family life. A marked
increase in your income is indicated.

Moon is in Taurus in your 10th house

Very successful and perspective period is waiting for you ahead. Creative approaches and opportunities for
additional earning are on the cards. You will share a very good rapport with seniors and supervisors. A marked
increase in your income is indicated. There will be expansion of trade and increase iof reputation. Overall this is
a period of all round successs.

Mars is in Libra in your 3rd house

Physically as well as mentally you will be very courageous during this period. This is a good phase for your
relatives especially your brothers will grow. Go for attempts in your career life as the success is assured. Gain
of material things is also indicated. Your enemies will not be able to plunk before you. Your desired will be
fulfilled during this period. You will come out as a winner., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 22
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|| Transit Today (2-7-2016) ||

Mercury is in Gemini in your 11th house
Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. This is a good time to start new ventures. This
transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Previous work, as well as newly
starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled. You may get into
new trade or get new contracts. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be
expected. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period. You need to pay special attention to the
relationship with your life-partner and some caution is required there.

Jupiter is in Leo in your 1st house

Your personal needs will be met the more you tune into your spiritual side, and your growth will be directly
connected with your ability to accept your deep philosophical transformation. You could greatly benefit by
finishing that degree or get that certificate you've been working on. This is a good time to follow that urge to
express your deep inner changes in your personal growth. You can be very successful in expressing your higher
principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Your outlook will be optimistic and your enemies
will be in touble during this period. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice. You will
gain from government and mistry and may work together with them for the success. There will be expansion in
the trade or will get job promotions. Family happiness is assured for you.

Venus is in Gemini in your 11th house

This period brings you success in all comings and goings. Some form of pleasant culmination in your
professional life brings rewards and recognition. Happier period for recreation and romance. Your brother and
sisters will flourish this year. There will be an increase in your income due to your own efforts. Family life shall
be quite happy. An exciting job offer, reward, recognition, or promotion is very possible. You will buy gold
items, and precious stones. In general, you will get on very well with friends/associates and people from
different walks of life., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 23
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|| Transit Today (2-7-2016) ||

Saturn is in Scorpion in your 4th house
Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. You don't like to get backed into a
corner, so this can cause some strain. The period will begin with a phase of volatility and pressure in career.
New project and risks should be avoided. You need to curb new investments and commitment. There are
chances of gain but swings in work environment which will not be entirely comfortable. This period is not good
as far as worldly comforts are concerned, religious and spiritual deeds can get you out of troubles. You may
face sorrow through your relatives. Sudden accidents and losses are also possible.

Rahu is in Leo in your 1st house

New areas you explore this year could be loss generating as there could be steady rise in expenses which might
not yield direct gains or any long term position. There may be trouble from the enemies and legal problems.
You will be able to continue with existing line of work & remain low profile and stable in your outlook. The
outlook for gain should be short term only. Medium & long term projects are better started. There may be
problem s related to your eyes. Your friendship with the opposite sex will not be cordial plans of making quick
money should be scrutinized first. There can be problem to your girl friend/ boy friend.

Ketu is in Aquarius in your 7th house

This is a period of mixed results for you. In this period you will suffer due to mental stress and strain. You may
face problem in your business partnerships. Financially the period is not so good. Journeys will not be fruitful.
Risk taking tendencies could be curbed totally. You can get into conflicts with your dear ones so better try to
avoid these kinds of situations. However, this is not a good period for love and romance. You should be very
careful in love and relationship as it can bring disrespect and loss of honor to you., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 24
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Sun in your 5th house:
If benefic
(1) The progress and prosperity of family and children will be assured. If the Mars is placed in the 1st or 8th
house and Rahu, Ketu, Saturn are placed in 9th and 12th houses, the native will lead king's life.
(2) If in 5th house placed with any planet inimical to Sun, the native will be bestowed hour by the government
(3) If Jupiter is placed in 9th or 12th house, the enemies will be destroyed, but this position will not be good
for children of the native.

If malefic
(1) If the Sun in the 5th is inauspicious and Jupiter is in 10th, the wife of the native will die and wives in
subsequent marriages will also die
(2) If the Sun in the 5th house is inauspicious and Saturn is placed in 3rd, sons of the native will die.

Remedial Measures
(1) Do not delay in having a child.
(2) Build your kitchen in the eastern portion of your house.
(3) Drop a lit the quantity of mustard oil on the ground continuously for 43 days., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 25
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Moon in your 7th house:
The 7th house belongs to Venus and Mercury. When the Moon is placed here, the results of this house will be
affected by the Venus, Mercury and Moon. Venus and Mercury combined together give the effects of the Sun.
The 1st house aspects the 7th house. Consequently the rays of the Sun from the 1st house would be enlightening
the Moon if placed in the 7th, which means that the things and the relatives represented by the Moon will
provide highly beneficial and good results.

Educational achievements will prove fruitful for earning money or wealth. He may or may not have
properties but will certainly have cash money in hand always. He will have good potential for being a poet or
astrologer, or else he will be characterless and will have great love for mysticism and spiritualism.

The 7th Moon also denotes conflict between the native's wife and mother, adverse effects in milk trade.
Disobedience towards mother will cause overall tensions and troubles.

(1) Avoid marriage in the 24th year of your life.
(2) Always your mother keep happy.
(3) Never sell milk or water for profit.
(4) Do not burn milk for making Khoya.
(5) Ensure that in marriage your wife brings silver and rice with her from her parents, equal to her weight.

Mars in your 9th house:

This house belongs to Jupiter, a friend of Mars. Mars placed in this house will prove good in every manner to
the native by virtue of the help and blessings of the elders. His brother's wife proves very fortunate for him.
Generally he will have as many brothers as his father had. Living with brothers in a joint family will enhance all
round happiness. The native will gain a highly prestigious administrative post upto the 28th year of his age. He
may earn large profits in the trade of goods associated with warfare.

(1) Obedience to elder brother.
(2) Render services to your Bhabhi i.e., brother's wife.
(3) Do not become an atheist and follow your traditional customs and rituals.
(4) Offer rice, milk and jaggery at religious places of worship., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 26
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Mercury in your 6th house:
Mercury becomes exalted in the 6th house. The native will be selfmade man and will receive benefits from
agricultural land, stationery, printing press and trade. Good or evil words from his mouth will never go waste.
North facing house will give bad results. Daughter's marriage in the north direction will make her unhappy in
every way.

(1) Burying a bottle filled with Ganga water into the agricultural land.
(2) Putting on a silver ring in the left hand of ones wife.
(3) Starting any important work in the presence of a girl or daughters, or with flowers in hand proves

Jupiter in your 10th house:

This house belongs to Saturn. So the native will have to imbibe the qualities of Saturn only then he will be
happy. The native should be cunning and sly, only then the can enjoy the good results of Jupiter. If sun is in the
4th house Jupiter will give very good results. Venus and Mars in the 4th house ensure multi-marriages for the
native. If friendly planets are placed in the 2nd, 4th and 6th houses, Jupiter provides highly beneficial results in
matters of money and wealth. A malefic Jupiter in the 10th makes the native sad and impoverished. He is
deprived of ancestral properties, wife and children.

(1) Clean your nose before beginning any work.
(2) Throw copper coins in the running water of a river for 43 days.
(3) Offer almonds to religious places.
(4) A temple with idols must not be established within the house.
(5) Put tilak of saffron on the forehead., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 27
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Venus in your 5th house:
5th house is the Pukka ghar of the sun, where Venus will get burnt with the heat of the Sun. Consequently the
native is a flirt and amorous by nature. he will face big misfortunes in life. However, if the native maintains a
good character he will steer through the hardships of life and obtain great riches and promotions in service after
five years of his marriage. Such a native is generally learned and destroyer of enemies.

(1) One should not marry against the wishes of his parents.
(2) Serving cows and mother like women.
(3) Avoid relationship will other women.
(4) Native's wife should wash her private parts with curd or milk.

Saturn in your 5th house:

This house belongs to Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native will be proud. He should not construct a
house till 48 years, otherwise his son will suffer. He should live in the house bought or constructed by his son.
He should keep articles of Jupiter and Mars in his ancestral house for welfare of his children. If the native has
hairy body, he will be dishonest.

(1) Distributing salty things while celebrating son's birthday.
(2) Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the house., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 28
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Rahu in your 7th house:
Native will be rich, but wife would suffer. He would be victorious over his enemies. If the marriage takes place
before twenty one years, it would be inauspicious. He would have good relations with the government. But if he
engages in business connected with Rahu, like electrical equipments, then he will have losses. Native would
suffer from head ache and if Mercury, Venus or Ketu is in 11th house, then sister, wife or son would destroy the

(1) Never marry before 21st year of age.
(2) Offer six coconuts in river.

Ketu in your 1st house:

If Ketu is auspicious or benefic in this house, the native will be laborious, rich and happy, but will always be
concerned and troubled because of his progeny. He may fear frequent transfers or travels, but ultimately it
would always be postponed.

Whenever Ketu comes in 1st house in Varsha Kundli there may be birth of a son or nephew. there may also
be a long journey. The native with Ketu in 1st house will always be beneficial for his father and/or guru and
causes exaltation of Sun.

If ketu in 1st house is malefic, the native would suffer from headache. His wife would have health problems
and would have worries concerning kids. If 2nd and 7th houses are empty then Mercury and Venus would also
give bad results. There would be travels, transfers with no gain. If Saturn is malefic it would destroy father and

If Sun is in 7th or 8th house then after the birth of a grandson the health would suffer. No alms should be
given in morning and evening.

(1) Feed jaggery (gur) to monkeys.
(2) Apply saffron as Tilak.
(3) If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to temple., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 29
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|| Lal Kitab Calculation ||
Name Sumeet Sunrise 07.22.03 Dasa Balance RAH 0 Y 8 M 2 D
Sex Male Longitude 72.9.E Tithi Panchami Sunset 18.16.35
Date 11.1.1989 Latitude 21.46.N Yoga Variyan Karan Bav
Day Wednesday Place Bhavnagar Lagna Leo Lagna Lord SUN
Time of Birth 22.0.0 Ayan 023-42-12 Rashi Aquarius Rasi Lord SAT
SID 04.43.12 Ayan Type Lahiri Naskshatra Satabhisa-4 Naskshatra Lord RAH

Lagna Chart
Planetary Degree And Their Positions
Planets Sign Positions Soya Kismat Benefic /
Jaganewala Malefic 2 12
Sun Leo ---- Yes Yes Benefic Pl 3 11
Moon Libra ---- No No Benefic
Mars Sagittarius ---- Yes No Benefic
Mercury Virgo ---- Yes No Benefic 4 10 Ju
Jupiter Capricorn ---- Yes No Malefic 7
Venus Leo ---- Yes No Benefic
Saturn-Ret Leo ---- Yes No Malefic Ur Ve Su 5 Mo 9 Ma
Rahu-Ret Libra ---- No No Malefic Sa Ne 8
6 Ra
Ketu-Ret Aries ---- No No Benefic Me

Lal Kitab Dasha

Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year
From 11/01/1989 From 11/01/1995 From 11/01/2001 From 11/01/2004 From 11/01/2010 From 11/01/2012
To 11/01/1995 To 11/01/2001 To 11/01/2004 To 11/01/2010 To 11/01/2012 To 11/01/2013
Rahu 11/01/1991 Mars 11/01/1997 Sat 11/01/2002 Ketu 11/01/2006 Sun 11/09/2010 Jup 11/05/2012
Mer 11/01/1993 Ketu 11/01/1999 Rahu 11/01/2003 Jup 11/01/2008 Moon 11/05/2011 Sun 11/09/2012
Sat 11/01/1995 Rahu 11/01/2001 Ketu 11/01/2004 Sun 11/01/2010 Mars 11/01/2012 Moon 11/01/2013

Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year
From 11/01/2013 From 11/01/2016 From 11/01/2022 From 11/01/2024 From 11/01/2030 From 11/01/2036
To 11/01/2016 To 11/01/2022 To 11/01/2024 To 11/01/2030 To 11/01/2036 To 11/01/2039
Mars 11/01/2014 Mars 11/01/2018 Moon 11/09/2022 Rahu 11/01/2026 Mars 11/01/2032 Sat 11/01/2037
Sun 11/01/2015 Sat 11/01/2020 Mars 11/05/2023 Mer 11/01/2028 Ketu 11/01/2034 Rahu 11/01/2038
Moon 11/01/2016 Ven 11/01/2022 Jup 11/01/2024 Sat 11/01/2030 Rahu 11/01/2036 Ketu 11/01/2039

Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year
From 11/01/2039 From 11/01/2045 From 11/01/2047 From 11/01/2048 From 11/01/2051 From 11/01/2057
To 11/01/2045 To 11/01/2047 To 11/01/2048 To 11/01/2051 To 11/01/2057 To 11/01/2059
Ketu 11/01/2041 Sun 11/09/2045 Jup 11/05/2047 Mars 11/01/2049 Mars 11/01/2053 Moon 11/09/2057
Jup 11/01/2043 Moon 11/05/2046 Sun 11/09/2047 Sun 11/01/2050 Sat 11/01/2055 Mars 11/05/2058
Sun 11/01/2045 Mars 11/01/2047 Moon 11/01/2048 Moon 11/01/2051 Ven 11/01/2057 Jup 11/01/2059

Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year
From 11/01/2059 From 11/01/2065 From 11/01/2071 From 11/01/2074 From 11/01/2080 From 11/01/2082
To 11/01/2065 To 11/01/2071 To 11/01/2074 To 11/01/2080 To 11/01/2082 To 11/01/2083
Rahu 11/01/2061 Mars 11/01/2067 Sat 11/01/2072 Ketu 11/01/2076 Sun 11/09/2080 Jup 11/05/2082
Mer 11/01/2063 Ketu 11/01/2069 Rahu 11/01/2073 Jup 11/01/2078 Moon 11/05/2081 Sun 11/09/2082
Sat 11/01/2065 Rahu 11/01/2071 Ketu 11/01/2074 Sun 11/01/2080 Mars 11/01/2082 Moon 11/01/2083

Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year

From 11/01/2083 From 11/01/2086 From 11/01/2092
To 11/01/2086 To 11/01/2092 To 11/01/2094
Mars 11/01/2084 Mars 11/01/2088 Moon 11/09/2092
Sun 11/01/2085 Sat 11/01/2090 Mars 11/05/2093
Moon 11/01/2086 Ven 11/01/2092 Jup 11/01/2094, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 30
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Sun Consideration
Your Sun is in Sagittarius sign which is a Friendly sign for Sun. Sun is lord of 1st house and situated in 5th
house. Sun aspects 11th house and aspected by Ketu.

If the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect Gods
and Brahmins, be skillful in rendering training in use of weapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to
deal with, be honourable, be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to
relatives and be energetic.

If the Sun occupies the 5th, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons and wealth, will live by husbandry, will
move in hills and fortresses, be fickle-minded, scholarly, devoid of strength and be short-lived.

When the Sun is in the 5th house from the Lagna, the person concerned will be short tempered and will be
deprived of happiness, wealth and children. He will be intelligent and wander in forest regions.

Moon Consideration
Your Moon is in Aquarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Moon. Moon is lord of 12th house and situated in 7th
house. Moon aspects 1st house and aspected by Saturn,Ketu.

If the Moon is in Aquarius at birth, the person will have elevated nose, rough, or uneven body and stout hands
and legs, will be addicted to intoxicants, will be averse to the virtuous, be not himself virtuous, will obtain
illegal sons, will have stout head, ugly/diseased eyes, bright face and prominent waist, be an artisan, will have
bad mentality, be miserable and will be very poor.

If the Moon is in 7th, the native will be amiable, happy, will possess a good physique and be sensuously
disposed. If the weak Moon is in 7th, the native will be pitiable and weak.

Should the Moon be housed in the 7th at birth, the person concerned will be beautiful in his looks, and will be
loved by a faithful and illustrious wife., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 31
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Mars Consideration
Your Mars is in Aries sign which is a Own sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 9th, 4th, house and situated in 9th
house. Mars aspects 12th, 3rd, 4th house and aspected by Ketu.

If Mars at birth occupies Aries, the native will be splendourous, truthful, valorous, be a king, be fond of war,
interested in adventurous acts, be an Army chief, or head of a village, or a band; be delighted, charitable be
endowed with a number of cows, goats etc. and grains, be fierce and will join many women.

If Mars occupies the 9th, the native will not be skillful in acts, be odious, will kill living beings, be not virtuous,
be very sinful and honoured by the king.

Should Mars occupy the 9th house, the native will face animosity from others even if he be a favourite of the
king. He will not enjoy the happiness of his father (i.e. he will lose his father prematurely), and will oppress
other people.

Mercury Consideration
Your Mercury is in Capricorn sign which is a Neutral sign for Mercury. Mercury is lord of 11th, 2nd, house
and situated in 6th house. Mercury aspects 12th house and aspected by Jupiter.

If Mercury is in Capricorn at birth, the native will be mean, dull, impotent, will do other`s work, be devoid of
virtues, be subjected to various kinds of miseries, will dream, wander etc., be a tale bearer, be untruthful, devoid
of relatives, dirty and timid.

If Mercury occupies the 6th, the native will always be successful in litigations and disputes, will contract
diseases, be indolent, not given to anger, be harsh in speech and much insulted.

Should Mercury happen to occupy 6th house, the native will be indolent, harsh in speech and will be capable of
overcoming his enemies. He will become adament when people enter into arguments with him., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 32
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Jupiter Consideration
Your Jupiter is in Taurus sign which is a Enemy sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 5th, 8th, house and situated
in 10th house. Jupiter aspects 2nd, 4th, 6th house and aspected by .

Should Jupiter be in Taurus, one will be endowed with a broad body, be corpulent, will honour Brahmins and
Gods, be splendourous, fortunate, attached to his wife, be endowed with good appearance, profession, cows and
abundant wealth; will possess good articles and ornaments, be distinguished in speech, intelligence and skill;
will have political / judicial wisdom, be modest, be endowed with medical accomplishments and be skillful in

If Jupiter occupies the 10th, the native will attain successful beginning in his undertaking, be honourable,
effortful and will be endowed with abundant welfare, happiness, wealth, relatives, conveyances and fame.

Should Jupiter be occupying the 10th house at birth, the native will be very wealthy and a favourite of the king.
Be earns a high reputation and is virtuous.

Venus Consideration
Your Venus is in Sagittarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Venus. Venus is lord of 10th, 3rd, house and
situated in 5th house. Venus aspects 11th house and aspected by Ketu.

One, who has Venus in Sagittarius will be endowed with good results accruing out of virtues, dutifulness and
wealth, be dear to all people, be splendourous, be an excellent personage, will shine like the Sun before his
family members, be a scholar, will be endowed with cows, be fond of decoration, will enjoy wealth, wife and
fortunes, be a king`s minister, be skillful, will have a stout and long physique and be respected by all.

If Venus is posited in the 5th, the native will be endowed with happiness, sons and friends, be fond of sexual
union, be very affluent, full of everything and be a minister, or a justice.

When Venus be in the 5th house at birth, the native will be endowed with wealth and will be as influential and
renowned as a king. He will be learned and will be blessed with the happiness of children., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 33
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Saturn Consideration
Your Saturn is in Sagittarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 6th, 7th, house and
situated in 5th house. Saturn aspects 7th, 11th, 2nd house and aspected by Ketu.

If Saturn occupies Sagittarius, one will be skillful in behavior, teaching, Vedic meanings, learning and
denotation, (i.e. he will be best placed in these respects), be famous due to virtuous children, family profession
and his own virtues, will enjoy excellent affluence in his old age, will speak less, will have many names and be
soft in disposition.

Should Saturn occupy the 5th Bhava, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons, friends, intelligence and
kindness, be agitated and be poor.

If Saturn occupied the 5th house the person concerned will be evil minded and wicked. He will be bereft of
learning, children, wealth and happiness. He roams about aimlessly.

Rahu Consideration
Your Rahu is in Aquarius sign which is a - sign for Rahu. Rahu is lord of house and situated in 7th house. Rahu
aspects 11th, 1st, 3rd house and aspected by Saturn,Ketu.

Rahu in the 7th house at birth makes the person concerned independent, but without intelligence. He squanders
away his money by associating with women. He will become a widower and also impotent., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 34
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Ketu Consideration
Your Ketu is in Leo sign which is a - sign for Ketu. Ketu is lord of house and situated in 1st house. Ketu
aspects 5th, 7th, 9th house and aspected by Moon,Rahu.

When Ketu occupies the 1st house or the Lagna, the person born will be ungrateful, unhappy and tale bearer,
will associate with unsociable elements, deformed in his body, fallen from position and outcaste., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 35
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Lagna Chart Hora Wealth
Ur Ve Ke
Ra MeSa
6 4 5 Pl 3
Pl 7 Ke 3 6 Su 2
Ju Mo Ne

5 4
8 2 Ju 7 1
11 10

UrVe Su 9 Mo 1 Ma 8 12
SaNe 12 11
10 Ra 9

Drekkana - Siblings Chaturthamsha - Luck

10 8 12 10
11 Ve 7 Pl Ma 1 9 Ve
Ur Ke
9 11
12 6 Ju 2 8 Ke
3 5

Sa Ma 1 Mo 5 Su Ne 3 Mo 7
Ne 2 4 4 6
Pl Ra
Ju Me Me Su

Saptamamsha - Children Navamsha - Spouse

Ur Ke Ne
Ve Ju Ke
10 8 7 5
Pl 11 7 Me 8 4 Sa

Ne Ur
9 6
Sa 12 6 Su 9 3 Ve
3 12

Ma 1 Su 5 Ju 10 Mo 2 Me
2 4 11 1
Ra Ra Pl Ma, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 36
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Dashamamsha - Profession Dwadashmamsha - Parents

Ju Ma Ve
12 10 1 11
Sa Ma 1 Me 9 Ke Sa Ju 2 Ur 10 Ke
Ur Ve
Pl Pl
11 12
Ne 2 8 Ne 3 9
5 6

Ra 3 Mo 7 Ra Me 4 Mo 8
4 6 5 7
Su Su

Shodashamsha - Vehicles Vimshamsha - Religious Inclinations

Mo Ur Mo
3 1 Pl 10 8
Sa 4 Ma 12 Ra Ve Su 11 Ve 7
2 9
Ne 5 11 Su Me 12 6 Ra
8 3

Ju 6 10 Sa 1 Pl 5
7 9 2 4

Me Ma Ne

Chaturvimshamsha - Education Saptavimshamsha - Strength

Ju Ju
Mo Ma Me
8 6 6 4
Pl 9 5 Me Ra Ve 7 3 Ne

7 5
Ve 10 4 Ur 8 2 Ma
1 11

Ur 11 3 Su Sa 9 1 Su Ke
12 2 Ra 10 12 Pl
Sa Mo, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 37
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Trimshamsha - Misfortune Khavedamsha - Auspicious Results

Ju Ur
4 2 2 12
5 Mo 1 Ma MaMo 3 Su 11 Ne
3 1
6 12 Me 4 10 Ju
9 7

Su 7 Sa 11 Ve Ur Pl Me 5 Ra 9
8 Ke Ra Ne 10 6 Ke 8

Akshvedamsha - Well Being Shastiamsha - Well Being

Ne Me Ma
9 7 7 5
Ur Mo 10 Ju 6 Ke 8 Ne 4 Su
Pl Ve

8 6
11 5 9 3
2 12

12 Su 4 Ma Sa 10 2 Mo Ra
1 3 11 1 Ur
Ra Me Ke Sa Ve Pl, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 38
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|| KP System / Nakshatra Nadi ||
Name Sumeet Sunrise 07.22.03 Dasa Balance RAH 0 Y 8 M 2 D
Sex Male Longitude 72.9.E Tithi Panchami Sunset 18.16.35
Date 11.1.1989 Latitude 21.46.N Yoga Variyan Karan Bav
Day Wednesday Place Bhavnagar Lagna Leo Lagna Lord SUN
Time of Birth 22.0.0 Ayan 023-36-49 Rashi Aquarius Rasi Lord SAT
SID 04.43.12 Ayan Type KP Naskshatra Satabhisa-4 Naskshatra Lord RAH
Ruling Planet
Planet Rasi Lord Nak Lord Sub Lord
Ke(5) Moon SAT RAH MAR
Day Lord MER
6 4 Cuspal Positions
Pl(7) 7 3 Cusp Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
1 138-36-09 SUN VEN RAH JUP
2 166-55-24 MER MON SAT MON
3 197-32-12 VEN RAH SUN MAR
4 228-40-05 MAR MER KET VEN
Ne(9) Ve(9) 5 259-17-37 JUP VEN RAH KET
8 2
6 289-22-39 SAT MON MER SAT
11 7 318-36-09 SAT RAH MON SAT
8 346-55-24 JUP MER MER MER
9 017-32-12 MAR VEN MAR JUP
10 048-40-05 VEN MON MER MON
Su(9)9 Mo(11) 1 Ju(2) 11 079-17-37 MER RAH MAR RAH
12 109-22-39 MON MER VEN VEN
10 12
Planetary Positions
Planet Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Ra(11) Ma(1)
Sun 267-50-11 JUP SUN MON SAT
Moon 319-35-30 SAT RAH MAR SAT
Mars 002-11-31 MAR KET VEN JUP
RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years Mercury 286-35-57 SAT MON SAT VEN
11/ 1/89 - 13/ 9/89 13/ 9/89 - 13/ 9/05 13/ 9/05 - 13/ 9/24
Jupiter 032-35-33 VEN SUN JUP MON
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 1/11/91 SAT 16/ 9/08
Venus 247-33-36 JUP KET JUP JUP
JUP 00/00/00 SAT 13/ 5/94 MER 25/ 5/11
Saturn 253-14-22 JUP KET MER SAT
SAT 00/00/00 MER 19/ 8/96 KET 4/ 7/12
Rahu 313-36-10 SAT RAH MER MAR
MER 00/00/00 KET 25/ 7/97 VEN 4/ 9/15
Ketu 133-36-10 SUN VEN VEN VEN
KET 00/00/00 VEN 25/ 3/00 SUN 16/ 8/16
Uranus 248-49-54 JUP KET JUP MON
VEN 00/00/00 SUN 13/ 1/01 MON 16/ 3/18
Neptune 256-39-50 JUP VEN MON JUP
SUN 00/00/00 MON 13/ 5/02 MAR 25/ 4/19
Pluto 201-10-01 VEN JUP JUP VEN
MON 00/00/00 MAR 19/ 4/03 RAH 1/ 3/22
MAR 13/ 9/89 RAH 13/ 9/05 JUP 13/ 9/24 Significators of Houses
House Planet
MER -17 Years KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years 1 SU JU
13/ 9/24 - 13/ 9/41 13/ 9/41 - 13/ 9/48 13/ 9/48 - 13/ 9/68 2 ME
MER 10/ 2/27 KET 10/ 2/42 VEN 13/ 1/52 3 VE KE
KET 7/ 2/28 VEN 10/ 4/43 SUN 13/ 1/53 4 MA VE SA KE
VEN 7/12/30 SUN 16/ 8/43 MON 13/ 9/54 5 SU ME JU
SUN 13/10/31 MON 16/ 3/44 MAR 13/11/55 6 MO SA RA
MON 13/ 3/33 MAR 13/ 8/44 RAH 13/11/58 7 MO ME SA
MAR 10/ 3/34 RAH 1/ 9/45 JUP 13/ 7/61 8 MA JU
RAH 28/ 9/36 JUP 7/ 8/46 SAT 13/ 9/64 9 MA JU
JUP 4/ 1/39 SAT 16/ 9/47 MER 13/ 7/67 10 VE KE
11 ME
SAT 13/ 9/41 MER 13/ 9/48 KET 13/ 9/68
SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years Planet Signification
13/ 9/68 - 13/ 9/74 13/ 9/74 - 13/ 9/84 13/ 9/84 - 13/ 9/91
SUN 1/ 1/69 MON 13/ 7/75 MAR 10/ 2/85 Planet House
Sun 1 5
MON 1/ 7/69 MAR 13/ 2/76 RAH 28/ 2/86
Moon 6 7 12
MAR 7/11/69 RAH 13/ 8/77 JUP 4/ 2/87
Mars 4 8 9 12
RAH 1/10/70 JUP 13/12/78 SAT 13/ 3/88 Mercury 2 5 7 11 12
JUP 19/ 7/71 SAT 13/ 7/80 MER 10/ 3/89 Jupiter 1 5 8 9
SAT 1/ 7/72 MER 13/12/81 KET 7/ 8/89 Venus 3 4 10 12
MER 7/ 5/73 KET 13/ 7/82 VEN 7/10/90 Saturn 4 6 7 12
KET 13/ 9/73 VEN 13/ 3/84 SUN 13/ 2/91 Rahu 6
VEN 13/ 9/74 SUN 13/ 9/84 MON 13/ 9/91 Ketu 3 4 10 12, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 39
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Dasa Balance: RAH 0 Y 8 M 2 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 11/ 1/89 - To 1/11/91 From 1/11/91 - To 13/ 5/94 From 13/ 5/94 - To 19/ 8/96 From 19/ 8/96 - To 25/ 7/97 From 25/ 7/97 - To 25/ 3/00

JUP 26/12/89 SAT 26/ 3/92 MER 9/ 9/94 KET 9/ 9/96 VEN 5/ 1/98
SAT 27/ 4/90 MER 5/ 8/92 KET 27/10/94 VEN 5/11/96 SUN 23/ 2/98
MER 16/ 8/90 KET 28/ 9/92 VEN 13/ 3/95 SUN 22/11/96 MON 13/ 5/98
KET 1/10/90 VEN 2/ 3/93 SUN 23/ 4/95 MON 20/12/96 MAR 9/ 7/98
VEN 9/ 2/91 SUN 16/ 4/93 MON 1/ 7/95 MAR 9/ 1/97 RAH 3/12/98
SUN 17/ 3/91 MON 2/ 7/93 MAR 19/ 8/95 RAH 2/ 3/97 JUP 11/ 4/99
MON 21/ 5/91 MAR 25/ 8/93 RAH 21/12/95 JUP 15/ 4/97 SAT 13/ 9/99
MAR 6/ 7/91 RAH 12/ 1/94 JUP 10/ 4/96 SAT 8/ 6/97 MER 29/ 1/00
RAH 1/11/91 JUP 13/ 5/94 SAT 19/ 8/96 MER 25/ 7/97 KET 25/ 3/00

From 25/ 3/00 - To 13/ 1/01 From 13/ 1/01 - To 13/ 5/02 From 13/ 5/02 - To 19/ 4/03 From 19/ 4/03 - To 13/ 9/05 From 13/ 9/05 - To 16/ 9/08

SUN 10/ 4/00 MON 23/ 2/01 MAR 3/ 6/02 RAH 29/ 8/03 SAT 5/ 3/06
MON 4/ 5/00 MAR 21/ 3/01 RAH 23/ 7/02 JUP 24/12/03 MER 8/ 8/06
MAR 21/ 5/00 RAH 3/ 6/01 JUP 8/ 9/02 SAT 11/ 5/04 KET 12/10/06
RAH 4/ 7/00 JUP 7/ 8/01 SAT 1/11/02 MER 13/ 9/04 VEN 12/ 4/07
JUP 12/ 8/00 SAT 23/10/01 MER 19/12/02 KET 4/11/04 SUN 6/ 6/07
SAT 28/ 9/00 MER 1/ 1/02 KET 9/ 1/03 VEN 28/ 3/05 MON 6/ 9/07
MER 9/11/00 KET 29/ 1/02 VEN 5/ 3/03 SUN 11/ 5/05 MAR 10/11/07
KET 25/11/00 VEN 19/ 4/02 SUN 21/ 3/03 MON 23/ 7/05 RAH 22/ 4/08
VEN 13/ 1/01 SUN 13/ 5/02 MON 19/ 4/03 MAR 13/ 9/05 JUP 16/ 9/08

From 16/ 9/08 - To 25/ 5/11 From 25/ 5/11 - To 4/ 7/12 From 4/ 7/12 - To 4/ 9/15 From 4/ 9/15 - To 16/ 8/16 From 16/ 8/16 - To 16/ 3/18

MER 4/ 2/09 KET 19/ 6/11 VEN 14/ 1/13 SUN 22/ 9/15 MON 4/10/16
KET 30/ 3/09 VEN 25/ 8/11 SUN 11/ 3/13 MON 20/10/15 MAR 7/11/16
VEN 12/ 9/09 SUN 15/ 9/11 MON 16/ 6/13 MAR 10/11/15 RAH 3/ 2/17
SUN 30/10/09 MON 18/10/11 MAR 23/ 8/13 RAH 1/ 1/16 JUP 19/ 4/17
MON 21/ 1/10 MAR 12/11/11 RAH 14/ 2/14 JUP 17/ 2/16 SAT 19/ 7/17
MAR 18/ 3/10 RAH 12/ 1/12 JUP 16/ 7/14 SAT 11/ 4/16 MER 10/10/17
RAH 13/ 8/10 JUP 5/ 3/12 SAT 16/ 1/15 MER 30/ 5/16 KET 13/11/17
JUP 22/12/10 SAT 8/ 5/12 MER 28/ 6/15 KET 19/ 6/16 VEN 18/ 2/18
SAT 25/ 5/11 MER 4/ 7/12 KET 4/ 9/15 VEN 16/ 8/16 SUN 16/ 3/18, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 40
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Dasa Balance: RAH 0 Y 8 M 2 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 16/ 3/18 - To 25/ 4/19 From 25/ 4/19 - To 1/ 3/22 From 1/ 3/22 - To 13/ 9/24 From 13/ 9/24 - To 10/ 2/27 From 10/ 2/27 - To 7/ 2/28

MAR 10/ 4/18 RAH 29/ 9/19 JUP 3/ 7/22 MER 16/ 1/25 KET 1/ 3/27
RAH 10/ 6/18 JUP 16/ 2/20 SAT 27/11/22 KET 7/ 3/25 VEN 1/ 5/27
JUP 3/ 8/18 SAT 29/ 7/20 MER 7/ 4/23 VEN 1/ 8/25 SUN 19/ 5/27
SAT 6/10/18 MER 24/12/20 KET 30/ 5/23 SUN 15/ 9/25 MON 18/ 6/27
MER 3/12/18 KET 24/ 2/21 VEN 2/11/23 MON 27/11/25 MAR 9/ 7/27
KET 26/12/18 VEN 15/ 8/21 SUN 17/12/23 MAR 18/ 1/26 RAH 3/ 9/27
VEN 2/ 3/19 SUN 6/10/21 MON 3/ 3/24 RAH 28/ 5/26 JUP 20/10/27
SUN 22/ 3/19 MON 2/ 1/22 MAR 27/ 4/24 JUP 23/ 9/26 SAT 17/12/27
MON 25/ 4/19 MAR 1/ 3/22 RAH 13/ 9/24 SAT 10/ 2/27 MER 7/ 2/28

From 7/ 2/28 - To 7/12/30 From 7/12/30 - To 13/10/31 From 13/10/31 - To 13/ 3/33 From 13/ 3/33 - To 10/ 3/34 From 10/ 3/34 - To 28/ 9/36

VEN 27/ 7/28 SUN 23/12/30 MON 26/11/31 MAR 4/ 4/33 RAH 28/ 7/34
SUN 18/ 9/28 MON 18/ 1/31 MAR 26/12/31 RAH 28/ 5/33 JUP 1/12/34
MON 13/12/28 MAR 6/ 2/31 RAH 12/ 3/32 JUP 15/ 7/33 SAT 26/ 4/35
MAR 13/ 2/29 RAH 22/ 3/31 JUP 20/ 5/32 SAT 12/ 9/33 MER 6/ 9/35
RAH 16/ 7/29 JUP 3/ 5/31 SAT 11/ 8/32 MER 3/11/33 KET 30/10/35
JUP 2/12/29 SAT 21/ 6/31 MER 23/10/32 KET 23/11/33 VEN 3/ 4/36
SAT 13/ 5/30 MER 5/ 8/31 KET 23/11/32 VEN 23/ 1/34 SUN 18/ 5/36
MER 8/10/30 KET 22/ 8/31 VEN 18/ 2/33 SUN 11/ 2/34 MON 5/ 8/36
KET 7/12/30 VEN 13/10/31 SUN 13/ 3/33 MON 10/ 3/34 MAR 28/ 9/36

From 28/ 9/36 - To 4/ 1/39 From 4/ 1/39 - To 13/ 9/41 From 13/ 9/41 - To 10/ 2/42 From 10/ 2/42 - To 10/ 4/43 From 10/ 4/43 - To 16/ 8/43

JUP 17/ 1/37 SAT 8/ 6/39 KET 22/ 9/41 VEN 20/ 4/42 SUN 17/ 4/43
SAT 26/ 5/37 MER 25/10/39 VEN 17/10/41 SUN 11/ 5/42 MON 27/ 4/43
MER 22/ 9/37 KET 22/12/39 SUN 24/10/41 MON 16/ 6/42 MAR 5/ 5/43
KET 10/11/37 VEN 3/ 6/40 MON 6/11/41 MAR 11/ 7/42 RAH 24/ 5/43
VEN 26/ 3/38 SUN 22/ 7/40 MAR 15/11/41 RAH 14/ 9/42 JUP 10/ 6/43
SUN 6/ 5/38 MON 12/10/40 RAH 7/12/41 JUP 10/11/42 SAT 30/ 6/43
MON 14/ 7/38 MAR 9/12/40 JUP 26/12/41 SAT 16/ 1/43 MER 18/ 7/43
MAR 2/ 9/38 RAH 4/ 5/41 SAT 20/ 1/42 MER 16/ 3/43 KET 25/ 7/43
RAH 4/ 1/39 JUP 13/ 9/41 MER 10/ 2/42 KET 10/ 4/43 VEN 16/ 8/43, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 41
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Dasa Balance: RAH 0 Y 8 M 2 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 10/ 4/43 - To 16/ 8/43 From 16/ 8/43 - To 16/ 3/44 From 16/ 3/44 - To 13/ 8/44 From 13/ 8/44 - To 1/ 9/45 From 1/ 9/45 - To 7/ 8/46

SUN 17/ 4/43 MON 4/ 9/43 MAR 25/ 3/44 RAH 10/10/44 JUP 16/10/45
MON 27/ 4/43 MAR 16/ 9/43 RAH 17/ 4/44 JUP 1/12/44 SAT 9/12/45
MAR 5/ 5/43 RAH 18/10/43 JUP 7/ 5/44 SAT 30/ 1/45 MER 27/ 1/46
RAH 24/ 5/43 JUP 16/11/43 SAT 30/ 5/44 MER 24/ 3/45 KET 17/ 2/46
JUP 10/ 6/43 SAT 19/12/43 MER 21/ 6/44 KET 16/ 4/45 VEN 13/ 4/46
SAT 30/ 6/43 MER 19/ 1/44 KET 29/ 6/44 VEN 19/ 6/45 SUN 29/ 4/46
MER 18/ 7/43 KET 1/ 2/44 VEN 24/ 7/44 SUN 8/ 7/45 MON 27/ 5/46
KET 25/ 7/43 VEN 6/ 3/44 SUN 1/ 8/44 MON 9/ 8/45 MAR 17/ 6/46
VEN 16/ 8/43 SUN 16/ 3/44 MON 13/ 8/44 MAR 1/ 9/45 RAH 7/ 8/46

From 7/ 8/46 - To 16/ 9/47 From 16/ 9/47 - To 13/ 9/48 From 13/ 9/48 - To 13/ 1/52 From 13/ 1/52 - To 13/ 1/53 From 13/ 1/53 - To 13/ 9/54

SAT 11/10/46 MER 7/11/47 VEN 3/ 4/49 SUN 1/ 2/52 MON 3/ 3/53
MER 7/12/46 KET 28/11/47 SUN 3/ 6/49 MON 1/ 3/52 MAR 8/ 4/53
KET 30/12/46 VEN 27/ 1/48 MON 13/ 9/49 MAR 22/ 3/52 RAH 8/ 7/53
VEN 7/ 3/47 SUN 15/ 2/48 MAR 23/11/49 RAH 16/ 5/52 JUP 28/ 9/53
SUN 27/ 3/47 MON 15/ 3/48 RAH 23/ 5/50 JUP 4/ 7/52 SAT 3/ 1/54
MON 30/ 4/47 MAR 6/ 4/48 JUP 3/11/50 SAT 1/ 9/52 MER 28/ 3/54
MAR 23/ 5/47 RAH 29/ 5/48 SAT 13/ 5/51 MER 22/10/52 KET 3/ 5/54
RAH 23/ 7/47 JUP 17/ 7/48 MER 3/11/51 KET 13/11/52 VEN 13/ 8/54
JUP 16/ 9/47 SAT 13/ 9/48 KET 13/ 1/52 VEN 13/ 1/53 SUN 13/ 9/54

From 13/ 9/54 - To 13/11/55 From 13/11/55 - To 13/11/58 From 13/11/58 - To 13/ 7/61 From 13/ 7/61 - To 13/ 9/64 From 13/ 9/64 - To 13/ 7/67

MAR 8/10/54 RAH 25/ 4/56 JUP 21/ 3/59 SAT 14/ 1/62 MER 8/ 2/65
RAH 11/12/54 JUP 19/ 9/56 SAT 23/ 8/59 MER 25/ 6/62 KET 7/ 4/65
JUP 7/ 2/55 SAT 10/ 3/57 MER 9/ 1/60 KET 2/ 9/62 VEN 27/ 9/65
SAT 13/ 4/55 MER 13/ 8/57 KET 5/ 3/60 VEN 12/ 3/63 SUN 18/11/65
MER 13/ 6/55 KET 16/10/57 VEN 15/ 8/60 SUN 9/ 5/63 MON 13/ 2/66
KET 7/ 7/55 VEN 16/ 4/58 SUN 3/10/60 MON 14/ 8/63 MAR 13/ 4/66
VEN 17/ 9/55 SUN 10/ 6/58 MON 23/12/60 MAR 20/10/63 RAH 16/ 9/66
SUN 8/10/55 MON 10/ 9/58 MAR 19/ 2/61 RAH 11/ 4/64 JUP 2/ 2/67
MON 13/11/55 MAR 13/11/58 RAH 13/ 7/61 JUP 13/ 9/64 SAT 13/ 7/67, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 42
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|| Friendship Table ||
Permanent Friendship
SUN --- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy
MOON Friend --- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral
MARS Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
MERC Friend Enemy Neutral --- Neutral Friend Neutral
JUPT Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Neutral
VENU Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral --- Friend
SATN Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---

Temporal Friendship
SUN --- Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy
MOON Friend --- Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend
MARS Enemy Friend --- Friend Friend Enemy Enemy
MERC Friend Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Friend
JUPT Enemy Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Enemy
VENU Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Enemy --- Enemy
SATN Enemy Friend Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy ---

Five-fold Friendship
SUN --- Intimat Neutral Friend Neutral Bitter Bitter
MOON Intimat --- Friend Intimat Friend Friend Friend
MARS Neutral Intimat --- Neutral Intimat Enemy Enemy
MERC Intimat Neutral Friend --- Enemy Intimat Friend
JUPT Neutral Intimat Intimat Bitter --- Bitter Enemy
VENU Bitter Neutral Enemy Intimat Enemy --- Neutral
SATN Bitter Neutral Bitter Intimat Enemy Neutral ---, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 43
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|| Shadbala and Bhavabala Strength Calculations ||

Shadbala is a method in Vedic astrology that gives quick insight in the strength of planets and the houses.
Sanskrit means 'Six' and hence Shadbala consists of 6 different sources of strength. Shadbala calculation is a
laborious process but thanks to computers one can get these strength calcualtions by just one mouse click.
Shadbala method gives a value to each planet and each house. The more points a planet and a house gets in
Shadbala the stronger it is.

ShadBala Table


Ochcha Bala 25.92 35.5 38.63 19.5 39.17 23.49 42.28
Saptavargaja Bala 86.25 150 202.5 116.25 56.25 54.38 30
Ojayugmarasyamsa Bala 30 15 30 0 0 0 15
Kendra Bala 30 60 15 15 60 30 30
Drekkana Bala 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total Sthan Bala 172.17 260.5 301.13 165.75 170.42 107.87 132.28
Total Dig Bala 13.06 29.69 44.51 10.67 24.66 53.7 38.21
Nathonnatha Bala 14.11 45.89 45.89 60 14.11 14.11 45.89
Paksha Bala 42.75 42.75 42.75 17.25 17.25 17.25 42.75
Thribhaga Bala 0 60 0 0 60 0 0
Abda Bala 0 0 0 0 0 15 0
Masa Bala 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
Vara Bala 0 0 0 45 0 0 0
Hora Bala 0 60 0 0 0 0 0
Ayana Bala 4.85 38.39 42.66 52.44 54.55 0.08 59.51
Yuddha Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Kala Bala 61.71 247.03 131.3 174.7 145.91 76.45 148.14
Total Chesta Bala 7.15 17.25 36.35 42.22 42.78 11 5.3
Total Naisargeka Bala 60 51.42 17.16 25.74 34.26 42.84 8.58
Total Drik Bala 3.8 -10.55 -5.34 12.01 -5.53 2.3 3.01
Total Shad Bala 317.88 595.34 525.1 431.08 412.5 294.15 335.53
Shadbala In Rupas 5.3 9.92 8.75 7.18 6.88 4.9 5.59
Minimum Requirements 5 6 5 7 6.5 5.5 5
Ratio 1.06 1.65 1.75 1.03 1.06 0.89 1.12
Relative Rank 4 2 1 6 5 7 3

BhavBala Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala 317.88 431.08 294.15 525.1 412.5 335.53 335.53 412.5 525.1 294.15 431.08 595.34
Bhavdig Bala 30 50 40 30 10 40 0 20 50 60 40 20
Bhavdrishti Bala 53.73 36.51 24.37 35.16 31.41 51 -4.43 7.37 30.28 15.4 -14.48 63.72
Total Bhav Bala 401.61 517.59 358.52 590.26 453.92 426.52 331.1 439.87 605.38 369.55 456.61 679.06
Total Bhav In Rupas 6.69 8.63 5.98 9.84 7.57 7.11 5.52 7.33 10.09 6.16 7.61 11.32
Relative Rank 9 4 11 3 6 8 12 7 2 10 5 1, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 44
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|| Ashtakvarga Table ||
Rashi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN 2 4 5 5 2 4 6 5 5 5 1 4
MOON 5 6 4 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 6 3
MARS 4 5 3 4 2 2 6 3 2 2 3 3
MERC 4 5 3 4 4 4 6 5 6 5 2 6
JUPI 5 6 5 3 5 4 5 5 4 5 6 3
VENU 4 2 4 3 4 7 5 3 5 3 5 7
SATU 3 3 4 2 3 4 6 3 3 3 2 3
Total 27 31 28 24 25 28 39 27 28 26 25 29

Ashtakvarga Chart:

28 24

6 4
39 7 3 28

27 8 2 31

28 9 1 27
10 12

26 29, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:10 PM, Page No. 45
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|| Prastharashtakvarga Tables ||
Sun Moon
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT

Su 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 Su 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 6

Mo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 Mo 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 6

Ma 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8 Ma 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 7

Me 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 7 Me 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 8

Ju 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 Ju 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 7

Ve 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 Ve 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 7

Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 Sa 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4

As 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 6 As 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 4

Total 2 4 5 5 2 4 6 5 5 5 1 4 Total 5 6 4 3 5 3 5 3 3 3 6 3

Mars Mercury
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT

Su 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 Su 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5

Mo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 Mo 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 6

Ma 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 7 Ma 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8

Me 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 Me 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8

Ju 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 4 Ju 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 4

Ve 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 Ve 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 8

Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 7 Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8

As 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 5 As 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 7

Total 4 5 3 4 2 2 6 3 2 2 3 3 Total 4 5 3 4 4 4 6 5 6 5 2 6

Jupiter Venus
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT

Su 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9 Su 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3

Mo 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 Mo 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9

Ma 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 7 Ma 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 6

Me 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 Me 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 5

Ju 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 8 Ju 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 5

Ve 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 6 Ve 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9

Sa 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 Sa 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 7

As 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 9 As 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 8

Total 5 6 5 3 5 4 5 5 4 5 6 3 Total 4 2 4 3 4 7 5 3 5 3 5 7

Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction
Su 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 7
that you receive from us is not to be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment
Mo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor,

Ma 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we
do not rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no
Me 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 6
guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any
Ju 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 4
interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above. If you
Ve 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of

Sa 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 law shall be the only courts of Agra, UP (India).

As 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 6

Total 3 3 4 2 3 4 6 3 3 3 2 3, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 7/2/2016 6:18:11
6:18:10 PM, Page No. 46

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