Understanding, Improving, and Resolving Issues With The SQL Server Procedure Cache PDF

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Understanding, Improving, and

Resolving Issues with the SQL

Server Procedure Cache

Becoming a Query Plan

Caching Superhero!

Charlie Arehart, Independent Consultant [email protected]

Thinking through DB request processing
Observing the plan cache
Code for evaluating query plan usage
Cache Plan Management
How cache is managed, may be cleared
Understanding query parameterization
Parameterized queries
Monitoring & performance implications
Changes in 2005, especially SP2
About Charlie Arehart
Member of Atlanta MDF and .NET UGs about 2 years
Just sharing, returning favor to community thats helped me
25 Yrs IT Experience:
Databases (25), Web Apps (10), SQL Server (7), .NET (3)
Frequent speaker to user groups, conferences worldwide,
including recent MS events
Atlanta MDF August 2006
2006 Atlanta and Greenville
PASS 2006
Frequent writer, speaker on other web app dev topics
Not claiming to be a SQL Server expert
Nor even expert on this topic
Just sharing things Ive learned
I welcome observations, questions tonight
Lets also realize people are at very different experience levels
Sources for this talk
Where to find much more
SQL Pass talk by Bart Duncan
His chapter in the book, SQL Server 2005 Practical
Troubleshooting, The Database Engine
Safari chapter online
And I have a copy to give away tonight!
Of course, BOL
Perhaps best of all, 16-part plan cache article series
Bart and other MS reps put together incredibly resourceful
series of blog entries on this topic
Find links to each at:
Thinking through DB request processing

Application Environment SQL Server

SQL Server Mgt Studio, SQL Statement



But things are really more

involved than that
Thinking through DB request processing

Application Environment SQL Server

J2EE, CF, Create
SQL Server Mgt Studio, SQL Statement Query Plan

Result Query Plan Cache

Data Cache/Buffers


And, of course, if same

query is repeated, will look in
caches first to reuse
Understanding query plan creation
Query plan creation analyzes many
Influenced by indexing, row count, value distribution
within columns, and more

This takes time, thats separate from getting

It is good that DBMS does this for us
But its also relatively expensive
Fortunately, SQL Server caches this
We can influence how often and how well it does plan
Some terminology, variations
Query plan also called execution
plan, compiled plan
Technically, Execution Plan comprised
Query Plan reusable by many users
Execution Contexts user-specific details,
parm vals

Query plan cache also referred to as

procedure cache, statement cache
Observing the cache
Simple count of query plan (proc) cache size
And its Proc Cache Size value
SQL Server 2000 and 7
syscacheobjects system table
Cacheobjtype=Compiled Plan, Executable Plan, etc.
Objtype=Ad hoc query, Prepared statement, Stored
Procedure, etc
Usecounts number of times used since cached
Refcounts count of other objects using it
And more
SQL Server 2005 DMVs have this and much
SQL 2005 Cache Plan DMVs
Offers similar info, and more
Usecounts - Number of times the query plan
has been used
Size_in_bytes - Number of bytes consumed
by this cache object
Cacheobjtype - Type of the cache object i.e. if
its a compiled plan, or a parse tree or an
Memory_object_address - Memory address of
the cache object
And much more
Some simple code to observe query plans
-- simple queries to observe cached plans
select count(*) from
sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
select count(*) from
sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans where
cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
select count(*) from
sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans where
cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan' and
objtype = 'Adhoc'
select count(*) from
sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans where
cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan' and
objtype = 'Prepared'
More SQL 2005 DMVs
Text actual SQL statement of the query

Can combine with previous to get more

info about each query plan
More code to observe query plans
-- list query plans
select st.text, cp.plan_handle,
cp.usecounts, cp.size_in_bytes,
cp.cacheobjtype, cp.objtype,
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
cross apply
sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) st
order by cp.usecounts desc
Some More SQL 2005 DMVs
returns execution and resource consumption
information for currently executing requests in the
can be used to identify the long running queries
among the requests currently executing
returns aggregate performance statistics for cached
query plans
contains a row per query/statement within the cached
plan (plan could be for a batch of SQL statements)
If cache or cache entry is flushed, will no longer be
Can combine these in a variety of ways
Long running current queries
-- long running queries among the requests currently
select top 10 substring(st.text,
(er.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
((case statement_end_offset
when -1
then datalength(st.text)
- er.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as statement_text
, *
from sys.dm_exec_requests er
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) st
order by total_elapsed_time desc
Top queries in proc cache by CPU
-- top 10 queries in proc cache, with highest CPU time
select top 10 substring(st.text,
(qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
((case statement_end_offset
when -1
then datalength(st.text)
- qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as statement_text,
from sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle) st
order by total_elapsed_time/execution_count desc
Top 10 compiled plans by usecount
-- top 10 used compiled plans
SELECT TOP 100 objtype, usecounts,
size_in_bytes, cacheobjtype,
REPLACE (REPLACE ([text], CHAR(13), ' '),
CHAR(10), ' ') AS sql_text
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS p
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text
WHERE p.objtype in
('Proc','Prepared','Adhoc') AND
cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
ORDER BY objtype, usecounts DESC
More details about cached plans
-- show more details, worker_time, etc.
select substring(st.text,
(qs.statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
((case qs.statement_end_offset when -1
then datalength(st.text)
else qs.statement_end_offset
- qs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as
qs.execution_count, qs.last_worker_time,
qs.max_worker_time, qs.last_execution_time
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
inner join sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
on cp.plan_handle = qs.plan_handle
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.sql_handle)
order by execution_count desc
Other queries
To get a count of the number of compiled plans use:
select count(*) from sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans
where cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
To get a count of the number of adhoc query plans use:
select count(*) from sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans
where cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
and objtype = 'Adhoc'
To get a count of the number of prepared query plans use:
select count(*) from sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans
where cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan
and objtype = 'Prepared'
For the number of prepared query plans with a given usecount
select usecounts, count(*) as no_of_plans
from sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans
where cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
and objtype = 'Prepared'
group by usecounts
Other queries
For the number of adhoc query plans with a
given usecount use:
select usecounts, count(*) as no_of_plans
from sys.dm_Exec_Cached_plans
where cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
and objtype = 'Adhoc'
group by usecounts
For the top 1000 adhoc compiled plans with
usecount of 1 use:
select top(1000) * from sys.dm_Exec_cached_plans
cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(plan_handle)
where cacheobjtype = 'Compiled Plan'
and objtype = 'Adhoc' and usecounts = 1
Internal Cache Management
SQL Server manages cache objects
Data cache/buffers cleared based on use
counts, underlying data being changed
Query plan cache cleared by aging
execution plans
Can clear query plan cache manually
DBCC FreeProcCache
Useful for testing, but beware in production
Well come to appreciate value of cache, so dont
cavalierly clear it in production!
Plan cache aging
Cache plan saved with an age and cost
Latter determined by cost of creating the plan
Each time a plan is referenced, age field is
incremented by the compilation cost factor
Cache swept periodically
age field of each object decremented by 1
Execution plan removed if all are true:
memory manager requires memory
all available memory is currently in use
age field for object is 0
not currently referenced by a connection
Source: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181055.aspx

Observing Cached Plan Management
Our goal in processing is generally to have
high reuse of cache entries
Avoid thrashing by removing/inserting same
entries into cache
Have a couple of hi-level ways to monitor this
SQL Profiler
Stored Procedures event (even for dynamic SQL)
SQLServer:PlanCache event
Cache Hit Ratio for SQL Plans instance
Cache Object Counts/Cache Objects in use
Non-Cached Plans
Certain query plans are never inserted
into the procedure cache
plans used to create or update statistics
those used to execute DBCC commands,
those used to create or rebuild indexes
dynamic SQL executed via EXEC()
any stored procedure or query executed with
query that contains string/binary literal > 8KB
Zero Cost Plans
Some query plans may not be cached, called zero-cost
extremely inexpensive to compile
cache could fill up quickly with invaluable plans
SQL 2000 never caches them
SQL 2005 makes some exceptions
SQL 2005 exceptions
zero cost cursor fetch plans are cached because they are
likely to be reused many times
any batch that includes BEGIN TRAN, COMMIT TRAN, or a
SET statement will be cached
in an attempt to avoid repeated parsing of certain batches that
are frequently executed by the SQL Server ODBC driver and
OLEDB provider
any plan that undergoes full optimization
encompasses nearly every SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or
DELETE query
Plan Recompilation
Certain changes in db cause an execution plan to be either
inefficient or invalid
based on the new state of the database
Conditions that invalidate a plan
Changes made to a table or view referenced by the query (ALTER
Changes to any indexes used by the execution plan
Updates on statistics used by the execution plan, generated either
explicitly from a statement, such as UPDATE STATISTICS, or
generated automatically
Dropping an index used by the execution plan
An explicit call to sp_recompile
Large numbers of changes to keys (generated by INSERT or DELETE
statements from other users that modify a table referenced by the
For tables with triggers, if the number of rows in the inserted or
deleted tables grows significantly
Executing a stored procedure using the WITH RECOMPILE option
Source: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181055.aspx
Plan Recompilation
SQL 2000
whole batch, whether submitted through a stored
procedure, trigger, ad-hoc batch, or prepared
statement, is recompiled
SQL 2005
only the statement inside the batch that causes
recompilation is recompiled
Statement-level recompilation benefits performance
Observe in Profiler
In 2005, TextData column of this event is populated
2005 adds new event
SQL:StmtRecompile, reports statement-level
Operations that clear Procedure Cache in 2k5
Certain database maintenance operations or regular
transaction operations clear the whole procedure cache
Any of these database operations
Detach, restore, change state to Off/Online
Rebuild transaction log for a database
Specify various options via ALTER Database
Run DBCC CheckDB (though no longer as of SP2)
Have DB with AUTO_CLOSE option set to ON
When no user connection references or uses the database, the
background task tries to close and shut down the database
Run several queries against DB w/ default options, then
drop database
Source: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-
Impact of Unqualified Tablenames
Plan sharing: ability for different users to reuse the same
compiled plan
Failure to use schema-qualified table names will prevent
plan sharing
the dbo in dbo.MyTable is the schema
For user Joe, could refer to table Joe.MyTable, owned by Joe
If user Dan executes same query, could refer to a different
table named Dan.MyTable
A table name without a schema reference is ambiguous
Indicated in indicated sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes by a
special user_id value of -2
Why worry?
Impact of Unqualified Tablenames
Important for applications that connect to db with
different login for each end user
Consider 100 logins executing same unqualified query
Will have 100 copies of query plan in cache
Cache will be 100 times larger than it needs to be
And overall CPU cost paid for query compilation will be up
to 100 times higher
Applies only to queries in ad hoc or prepared batches
Queries in stored procedures, triggers, or user-defined
functions are unambiguous even without schema-
tables referenced by a T-SQL object always resolve as if
they were being referenced by the user that created the
Understanding parameterization
SQL Server creates new query plan for each
unique SQL statement
Even if statement varies by a WHERE value, such as
a search by one state, then one by another state
Engine will not reuse the same query plan
Parameterization increases the ability of SQL
Server to reuse compiled
In Code: many may know this can be controlled in
Also known as explicit parameterization
By Config: can also be controlled in the database
And for particular queries that were not handled in

Parameterized queries
One solution: parameterized queries
Can cause DBMS to reuse previous query plan
If a given statement has variable values
Also reused by multiple users, if same SQL statement

Could save significant time (for query compilation)

Parameterized queries
In ADO.NET, ODBC, ADO, or via
specify parameter holders, data types, lengths
Tells DB to expect variations by given value(s)
Parameterized queries also known as
Using bind variables, prepared statements
Opposite of direct or immediate execution

Non-parameterized query (C#)
static private bool RunQueriesNotParameterized()
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = cn;

for (int i = 0; i < QueryIterations; i++)

cmd.CommandText = @
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail d ON h.SalesOrderID =
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.vSalesPerson p ON h.SalesPersonID =
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears sfy
ON sfy.SalesPersonID = h.SalesPersonID
WHERE h.OrderDate BETWEEN 20040101 AND 20040110
AND h.SalesPersonID = + i.ToString();
return true;
Parameterized query
static private bool RunQueriesParameterized()
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = cn;
cmd.CommandText = @
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail d ON h.SalesOrderID =
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.vSalesPerson p ON h.SalesPersonID =
LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.vSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears sfy
ON sfy.SalesPersonID = h.SalesPersonID
WHERE h.OrderDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
AND h.SalesPersonID = @SalesPersonID;
cmd.Parameters.Add(@StartDate, SqlDbType.DateTime);
cmd.Parameters.Add(@EndDate, SqlDbType.DateTime);
cmd.Parameters.Add(@SalesPersonID, SqlDbType.Int);

Parameterized query

for (int i = 0; i < QueryIterations; i++)
cmd.Parameters[@SalesPersonID].Value = i;
cmd.Parameters[@StartDate].Value = DateTime.Parse(2004/01/01,
cmd.Parameters[@EndDate].Value = DateTime.Parse(2004/01/10,
return true;
Other ways to parameterize in code
use SQLExecDirect or SQLPrepare/SQLExecute with ?
as a placeholder for each parameter
execute query with a Command object after
explicitly populating Command objects Parameters
use the sp_executesql stored procedure to explicitly
parameterize a query
Observing parameterized queries
Using SQL Server Profiler
Stored Procedures event (yes, even for SQL not in
RPC:Starting/Completed; SQL:StmtStarting/Completed
Performance event
Showplan All/XML for Query Compile
Query plans include those compiled for
stored procedures
parameterized queries
ad-hoc SQL queries
Queries that are not SP or parameterized

What if you cant change the code?
SQL Server comes to the rescue
In some ways, automatically
In others, requires configuration
Forced parameterization
Simple, or auto-parameterization
Forced parameterization
New db level option in 2005
Any query that arrives at the server while that
database has context will be implicitly
Cant work for all queries
literals in a SELECTs column list or certain query hints
will prevent
See BOL for more examples
Also also prevent queries from making use of
indexes on views
Sounds very compelling. Be sure to test!
Simple Parameterization
If Forced is not enabled, SQL Server uses a simple, more
limited form of auto-parameterization: Simple
In SQL Server 2000, was indeed simply called auto-parameterization
Implicitly parameterizes queries as long as they dont use the
Reference to more than one table
SELECT with TOP, IN clauses, or OR expressions, Subqueries, GROUP
Any query hint
UPDATE SET @variable=...
DELETE or UPDATE with a FROM clause
Reference to fulltext catalogs, linked server queries, or table variables
A predicate of the form Expression <> Constant
References to most intrinsic functions
More examples: http://www.sqlteam.com/article/introduction-
Plan Guides to Force Parameterization
Plan guides are yet another solution
Instead of global setting for entire database,
declare way to handle particular query
Can then either:
force paramerization for that query
or optimize the query plan built using a particular
representative value
For more examples, features,
restrictions, best practices, useful case
Plan Guides to Force Parameterization
Consider the example below:
select t1.col2, t2.col2 from t1 join t2 on
t1.col1 = t2.col1 and t1.col2 > 5
does not get parameterized under parameterization
Can create plan guide for this query
declare @stmt nvarchar(max), @params
exec sp_get_query_template N'select t1.col2,
t2.col2 from t1 join t2 on t1.col1 = t2.col1
and t1.col2 > 5', @stmt output, @params
exec sp_create_plan_guide N'JoinGuide', @stmt,
N'Template', NULL, @params,
Parameter Sniffing
Be careful about forced parameterization
Parameter values specified during first
execution of a query cause query optimizer
attempts to pick best plan for that
That may not make sense for all query values
Can cause severe problems, very slow queries
Definitely take time to learn more on detecting,
See the book or blog series for more info
How to determine if DBs use forced
sys.databases - name,
0 - means no, uses simple parameterization
When Parameterized Queries Can Hurt
Query plan may be created for one value that
does not work well for other values
Obvious example is NULL
A query plan created for SELECT WHERE col=null
would not use index
So could force tablescan
Subsequent query using real value could end up
using that query planBAD!
Could happen for other than null (value with low
distribution across records vs value with high)
SQL Server offers some solutions to help
Can offer WITH RECOMPILE hint
Can also create plan guides and template plan guides
Beyond the scope of this talk to discuss in details
Performance implication of query plan
The query plan cache requires memory
So using it most effectively can be important
Failure to use parameterized queries means
unique entries for statements varying by
some arg
Parameterized queries would reuse one cached
DMV analysis can help address evaluating
For determining which so parameterize, find SQL
statements that look alike
But vary by some one parameter
For multiple user/no schema problem, will find entries
with identical sql
Change in SQL2k5 SP2
As compared to RTM and SP1
Reduced contention in the creation and eviction of plan
cache entries
To increase throughput and eliminating an Out of Memory error
Implemented fairness policy in evicting cache entries across all
NUMA nodes
To avoid a drop in throughput due to contention
Decreased number of plan cache entries by not caching some
zero-cost plans
dynamic batches containing at least one set (option) statement and/or
at least one transaction statement (begin/commit/save/rollback
transaction statement) are no longer cached, with some exceptions
Aligned plan cache size limit to be similar to that of SQL Server
More on next page
Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/sqlprogrammability/archive/2007/01/23/4-0-
3.2 Improvements made to Plan Cache behavior in SQL Server 2005 SP2
Change in Max Cachestore Memory Use in SP2
SQL Server Internal Memory Pressure
Version Indication in Cachestore
SQL Server 2005 75% of server memory from 0-8GB +
RTM & SP1 50% of server memory from 8Gb-64GB
+ 25% of server memory > 64GB
SQL Server 2005 75% of server memory from 0-4GB +
SP2 10% of server memory from 4Gb-64GB
+ 5% of server memory > 64GB
SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2000 4GB upper cap on the
plan cache

Example for a SQL Server with 32Gb total SQL server memory:
SQL Server 2005 RTM and SP1, limit will be 75% X 8 + 50% X (32 - 8) = 18GB
SQL Server 2005 SP2, limit will be 75% X 4 + 10% X (32-4) = 5.8GB
Indicators that this has happened
Performance object: Process>Counter: %Processor Time>Instance:
The value of this counter will increase because of increased CPU activity
Essentially, the whole procedure cache is cleared if this issue occurs. Therefore,
subsequent requests must generate new plans to be cached
This behavior will slightly increase CPU activity.
Performance object: SQLServer:Plan Cache>Counter: Cache Object
Counts>Instance: _Total
Performance object: SQLServer:Plan Cache>Counter: Cache Pages>Instance:
The values of these counters will suddenly decrease.
Note For a named instance of SQL Server 2005, the performance object is
named MSSQL$InstanceName:Plan Cache.
Performance object: SQLServer:SQL Statistics>Counter:
The value of this counter will significantly increase after this incident.
Note For a named instance of SQL Server 2005, the performance object is
named MSSQL$InstanceName: SQL Statistics.
If you capture SQL Profiler Trace by using the SP:CacheRemove event
notice that this event is generated together with the following TextData column
value when this issue occurs: "Entire Procedure Cache Flushed"
Other topics covered in the article series
Structure of the Plan Cache and Types of Cached Objects
Sql_Handle and Plan_Handle Explained
How Cache Lookups Work
Query Parameterization
Retrieving Query Plans from Plan Cache DMV's
Best Programming Practices
Costing Cache Entries
Factors that affect Batch Cache-ability
Memory Pressure Limits
Plan Cache Flush
Temporary Tables, Table Variables and Recompiles
Plan Cache Trace Events and Performance

Machine Configuration Information That Can Impact Plan Cache

Diagnosing Plan Cache Related Performance Problems and Suggested Solutions
Changes in Caching Behavior between SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 RTM
and SQL Server 2005 SP2
Useful Queries on DMV's to understand Plan Cache Behavior
Other resources
Many examples
Thinking through DB request processing
Observing the plan cache
Code for evaluating query plan usage
Cache Plan Management
How cache is managed, may be cleared
Understanding query parameterization
Parameterized queries
Monitoring & performance implications
Changes in 2005, especially SP2
Questions on presentation
Charlie Arehart
[email protected]
So, who learned something new?
Id really appreciate your feedback
Also available for consulting
Remote or on-site

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