21 Pecb Whitepapers Iso 28000

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When Recognition Matters


ISO 28000

3 Introduction

4 An overview of ISO 28000:2007

4 Key clauses of ISO 28000:2007

4 Clause 4.2: Security management policy

4 Clause 4.3 Security risk assessment and planning

5 Clause 4.4 Implementation and operation.

6 Clause 4.5 Checking and corrective action

6 Clause 4.6 Management review and continual improvement

7 ISO 28000 and other integrated management system standards

7 Other security management standards

7 Integration with other management systems

8 Supply Chain Security - The Business Benefits

9 Implementation of SCSMS with IMS2 methodology

10 Certification of organizations

11 Training and Certifications of Professionals

12 Choosing the right certifications



The ISO 28000, Supply Chain Security Management System International Standard, has been developed in
response to the high demand from industries.
Increasingly, organizations are discovering that they must depend on effective supply chains to compete
in the global market. Recent threats and incidents relating supply chains and their level of security have
demonstrated that it is crucial for organizations to secure their supply chains to prevent risks.

Organizations of all sizes and types that are involved in production and services, storage or transportation
at any stage of the product, should consider implementing or improving their Supply Chain Security
Management System to determine adequate security measures and comply with regulatory requirements.
If security needs are identified by this process, the organization should implement mechanisms and
processes to meet these needs.

Considering the dynamic nature of supply chains, some organizations managing multiple supply chains
may look to their service providers to meet related governmental or ISO supply chain security standards as
a condition of being included in that supply chain in order to simplify security management.
A formal approach to security management can contribute directly to the business capability and credibility
of the organization.

This International Standard is based on the ISO

format adopted by ISO 14000:2004 because of What is a Supply Chain?
its risk based approach to management systems. A supply chain is an associated set of resources
However, organizations that have adopted a and processes that begin with the sourcing of
process approach to management systems (e.g. raw materials and extend through the delivery
ISO 9001:2000) may be able to use their existing of products or services to the end user across
management system as a foundation for a modes of transport.
security management system as prescribed in this A supply chain may include vendors, manufac-
International Standard. turing facilities, logistics providers, internal dis-
tribution centers, distributors, wholesalers and
The ISO 28000:2007 is based on the methodology other entities that lead to the end user.
known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), which can be
described as follows.

Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the
organizations security policy.
Do: implement the processes.
Check: monitor and measure processes against security policy, objectives, targets, legal and other
requirements, and report results.
Act: take actions to continually improve performance of the security management system.


An overview of ISO 28000:2007
ISO 28000:2007 specifies the requirements for a security management system, including those aspects
critical to security assurance of the supply chain.

ISO 28000 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, (Ships and marine technology) in collaboration with
other relevant technical committees responsible for specific nodes of the supply chain.
This first edition of ISO 28000 cancels and replaces ISO/PAS 28000:2005, which has been technically revised.

ISO is applicable to all sizes of organizations, from small to multinational, in manufacturing, service, storage
or transportation at any stage of the production or supply chain that wishes to:

1. establish, implement, maintain and improve a security management system;

2. assure conformance with stated security management policy;
3. demonstrate such conformance to others;
4. seek certification/registration of its security management system by an accredited third party
certification body;
5. make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with ISO 28000:2007.

Key clauses of ISO 28000:2007

The ISO 28000 is organized into the following main clauses:

Clause 4.2: Security management policy

Clause 4.3: Security risk assessment and planning
Clause 4.4: Implementation and operation
Clause 4.5: Checking and corrective action
Clause 4.6: Management review and continual improvement

|| Clause 4.2: Security management policy

Top management shall authorize an overall security management policy that will:

be consistent with other organizational policies;

provide a framework that enables the specific What is a Security Management Policy?
security management objectives, targets and
A security management policy includes over-
programmes to be produced;
all intentions and direction of an organization,
be consistent with the organizations overall
related to the security and the framework for
security threat and risk management framework;
the control of security-related processes and
be appropriate to the threats of the organization
activities that are derived from and consist-
and the nature and scale of its operations;
ent with the organizations policy and regula-
clearly state the overall security management
tory requirements.
include a commitment to continual improvement
of the security management process;
include a commitment to comply with current applicable legislation, regulatory and statutory
requirements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes;
be visibly endorsed by top management;
be documented, implemented and maintained;
be communicated to all relevant employees and third parties;
be available to stakeholders where appropriate;
and provide for its review.

|| Clause 4.3 Security risk assessment and planning

Furthermore, the organization shall prepare the security risk assessment and planning for the supply chain
security management system.


Security risk assessment - This assessment shall consider the likelihood of an event and all of its
consequences which shall include:

physical failure threats and risks, such as functional failure, incidental damage, malicious damage or
terrorist or criminal action;
operational threats and risks, including the control of the security, human factors and other activities
which affect the organizations performance, condition or safety;
natural environmental events (storm, floods, etc.), which may render security measures and equipment
factors outside of the organizations control, such as failures in externally supplied equipment and
stakeholder threats and risks such as failure to meet regulatory requirements or damage to reputation
or brand;
design and installation of security equipment including replacement, maintenance, etc.
information and data management and communications;
a threat to continuity of operations.

Legal, statutory and other security regulatory requirements A procedure should be established, implemented
and maintained to identify and have access to the applicable legal requirements and other requirements
to which the organization subscribes related to its security threat and risks, and to determine how these
requirements apply to its security threats and risks.

Security management objectives A procedure should be established, implemented and maintained to

document security management objectives at relevant functions and levels within the organization, which
shall be consistent with the policy.

Security management targets Documented management targets shall be appropriately established,

implemented and maintained to the needs of the organization, which shall be consistent with the security
management objectives. These targets shall be:

to an appropriate level of detail;

specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based (where practicable);
communicated to all relevant employees and third parties including contractors;
and reviewed periodically to ensure that they remain relevant and consistent with the security
management objectives. Where necessary the targets shall be amended accordingly.

Security management programmes Management programmes are established, implemented and

maintained for achieving objectives and targets, which shall be optimized and then prioritized.

|| Clause 4.4 Implementation and operation

After the risk assessment and planning of the security management system, an organization must consider
the following processes for the implementation and operation of the management system:

Structure, authority and responsibilities for security management An organizational structure of roles,
responsibilities and authorities shall be established and maintained consistent with the achievement of its
security management policy, objectives, targets and programmes.

Competence, training and awareness Personnel responsible for the design, operation and management
of security equipment and processes shall be suitably qualified in terms of education, training and/or

Communication Pertinent security management information shall be communicated to and from relevant
employees, contractors and other stakeholders.


Documentation A security management documentation system shall include, but is not limited to:

the security policy, objectives and targets,

scope of the security management system,
main elements of the security management system and their interaction, and reference to related
documents, including records, required by this International Standard, and
documents, including records determined by the organization that ensure the effective planning,
operation and control of processes that relate to its significant security threats and risks.

Document and data control All documents, data and information required for this International Standard
shall be controlled.

Operational control - Necessary operations and activities shall be identified for achieving:

the security management policy;

the control of activities and mitigation of threats identified as having significant risk;
compliance with legal, statutory and other regulatory security requirements;
its security management objectives;
the delivery of its security management programmes;
and the required level of supply chain security.

Emergency preparedness, response and security recovery The organization shall establish, implement
and maintain appropriate plans and procedures to identify the potential for, and responses to, security
incidents and emergency situations, and for preventing and mitigating the likely consequences that can be
associated with them.

|| Clause 4.5 Checking and corrective action

Moreover, after the implementation and operation of the supply chain security management system, the
following actions shall be taken to evaluate and correct possible inaccuracies relating the management

Security performance measurement and monitoring The performance of the security management
system shall be monitored and measured. Associated security threats and risks shall be considered,
including potential deterioration mechanisms and their consequences, when setting the frequency for
measuring and monitoring the key performance parameters.

System evaluation Security management plans, procedures, and capabilities shall be evaluated through
periodic reviews, testing, post-incident reports, lessons learned, performance evaluations, and exercises.
Significant changes must immediately be reflected in the procedure(s).

Security-related failures, incidents, non-conformances and corrective and preventive action Responsibilities
and authorities for evaluating and initiating preventive actions, investigating failures/ incidents, initiating
and completing corrective actions for these failures/ incidents, and confirming the effectiveness of the
corrective actions taken shall be defined.

Control of records - Records shall be established and maintained as necessary to demonstrate conformity
to the requirements of its security management system and of this standard, and the results achieved.

Audit The audits of the security management system shall be carried out at planned intervals.

|| Clause 4.6 Management review and continual improvement

To conclude, top management shall review the organization's security management system at planned
intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Management reviews shall include
assessing opportunities for improvement or changes to the security management system.


ISO 28000 and other integrated management system standards
The ISO 28000 International Standard is based
on the ISO format adopted by ISO 14001:2004 SCSMS
because of its risk based approach to management (ISO 28000)

The integration of all management systems into QMS

a single centrally managed system is defined as (ISO 9001, ISO
(ISO 27001)
an Integrated Management System (IMS) and 13485)
it includes standards such as:

SCSMS (ISO 28000)
ISMS (ISO 27001)
QMS (ISO 9001, ISO 13485) OHSMS
EMS (ISO 14001) EMS
EnMS (ISO 50001) (ISO 14001)
Other security management standards (ISO 50001)

ISO 31000 - Risk Management

ISO 27001 - Information Security Management
ISO 22301 - Business Continuity

ISO 28000 series

The ISO 28000 series of International Standards specifies the requirements for a security management
system to ensure safety in the supply chain.

The series consists of the following standards:

ISO 28000:2007, Specification for security management systems for the supply chain;
ISO 28001:2007, Security management systems for the supply chain Best practices for implementing
supply chain security Assessments and plans Requirements and guidance;
ISO 28003:2007, Security management systems for the supply chain Requirements for bodies
providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems;
ISO 28004:2007, Security management systems for the supply chain Guidelines for the implementation
of ISO 28000.

Integration with other management systems

The general requirements are ordinarily identified in every management system. These requirements assist in:

determining and applying objectives according to the organizations habits and needs;
upholding the objectives based on strong management commitment by monitoring and reviewing;
documenting pertinent management system processes;
regular health-checks via internal or external audits;
and gaining benefits through continual improvement as achieved by a regular management review.

In addition, the table below presents the general requirements of several standards, which also serves as
a comparing tool between SCSMS and other management systems. This will authorize the organization
to envision combined audits in order to achieve their compliance goals with adequate effort and budget.


9001:2008 14001:2004 8001:2007 20000:2011 22301:2012 27001:2005

of the
5.4.1 4.3.3 4.3.3 4.5.2 6.2 4.2.1
Policy of the
management 5.3 4. 2 4.2 4.1.2 5.3 4.2.1
5.1 4.4.1 4.4.1.a 4.1 5.2 5
4.2 4.4 4.4.4 4.3 7.5 4.3

Internal audit 8.2.2 4.5.5 4.5.5 9.2 6

8.5.1 4.5.3 4.6 4.5.5 10 8
5.6 4.6 4.6 9.3 7

Supply Chain Security - The Business Benefits

ISO 28000, although dedicated to supply chain security, is potentially applicable to any organization
that wishes to implement self-assessment or become certified to an internationally recognized security
management standard.


There are several motives why one might seek this certification. Some of the key benefits include:

Integrated enterprise resilience

Systematized management practices
Enhanced credibility and brand recognition
Aligned terminology and conceptual usage
Improved supply chain performance
Benchmarking against internationally recognizable criteria
Greater compliance processes

Implementation of SCSMS with IMS2 methodology

Considering the well documented benefits of implementing a Supply Chain Security Management System
based on ISO 28000, makes the proposal easier to decide on.

Most companies now realize that it is not sufficient to implement a generic, one size fits all social security
plan. For an effective response, with respect to maintaining the supply chain, such a plan must be customized
to fit to a company. A more difficult task is the compilation of an implementation plan that balances the
requirements of the standard, the business needs and the certification deadline.

There is no single blueprint for implementing ISO 28000 that will work for every company, but there are
some common steps that will allow you to balance the frequent conflicting requirements and prepare you
for a successful certification audit.

PECB has developed a methodology (please see example below) for implementing a management system;
the Integrated Implementation Methodology for Management Systems and Standards (IMS2), and it is
based on applicable best practices. This m;ethodology is based on the guidelines of ISO standards and also
meets the requirements of ISO 28000.

1. Plan 2. Do 3. Check 4. Act

1.1 Initiating the QMS 2.1 Organizational Structure 4.1 Treatment of Non-conformities
3.1 Monitoring, Measurement,
Analysis and Evaluation
1.2 Understanding the Organization 2.2 Document Management 4.2 Continuous improvement

3.2 Internal Audit

1.3 Analyze the Existing System 2.3 Design of Controls and Procedures

3.3 Management Review

1.4 Leadership and Project Approval 2.4 Communication

1.5 Scope 2.5 Awareness and Training

1.6 Security Policy 2.6 Implementation of Controls

1.7 Risk Assessment 2.7 Incident Management

1.8 Objectives, Targets

2.8 Operations Management
and Programmes

IMS2 is based on the PDCA cycle which is divided into four phases: Plan, Do, Check and Act.
Each phase has between 2 and 8 steps for a total of 21 steps. In turn, these steps are divided into 101
activities and tasks. This Practical Guide considers the key phases of the implementation project from the
starting point to the finishing point and suggests the appropriate best practice for each one, while directing
you to further helpful resources as you embark on your ISO 28000 journey.


4 21 101 Undefined
Phases Steps Activities tasks




The sequence of steps can be changed (inversion, merge). For example, the implementation of the
management procedure for documented information can be completed before the understanding of the
organization. Many processes are iterative because of the need for progressive development throughout
the implementation project; for example, communication and training.

By following a structured and effective methodology, an organization can be sure it covers all minimum
requirements for the implementation of a management system. Whatever methodology used, the
organization must adapt it to its particular context (requirements, size of the organization, scope, objectives,
etc...) and not apply it like a cookbook.

Certification of organizations
The following common processes for an organization that wishes to be certified against ISO 28000 are:

1. Implementation of the management system: Before being audited, a management system must be in
operation for some time. Usually, the minimum time required by the certification bodies is 3 months.
2. Internal audit and review by top management: Before a management system can be certified, it must
have had at least one internal audit report and one management review.
3. Selection of the certification body (registrar): Each organization can select the certification body
(registrar) of its choice.
4. Pre-assessment audit (optional): An organization can choose to perform a pre-audit to identify any
possible gap between its current management system and the requirements of the standard.
5. Stage 1 audit: A conformity review of the design of the management system. The main objective is to
verify that the management system is designed to meet the requirements of the standard(s) and the
objectives of the organization. It is recommended that at least some portion of the Stage 1 audit should
be performed on-site at the organizations premises.
6. Stage 2 audit (On-site visit): The Stage 2 audit objective is to evaluate whether the declared management
system conforms to all requirements of the standard, is actually being implemented in the organization
and can support the organization in achieving its objectives. Stage 2 takes place at the site(s) of the
organizations sites(s) where the management system is implemented.
7. Follow-up audit (optional): If the auditee has non-conformities that require additional audit before being
certified, the auditor will perform a follow-up visit to validate only the action plans linked to the non-
conformities (usually one day).
8. Confirmation of registration: If the organization is compliant with the conditions of the standard, the
Registrar confirms the registration and publishes the certificate.
9. Continual improvement and surveillance audits: Once an organization is registered, surveillance activities
are conducted by the Certification Body to ensure that the management system still complies with the
standard. The surveillance activities must include on-site visits (at least 1/year) that allow verifying the
conformity of the certified clients management system and can also include: investigations following a
complaint, review of a website, a written request for follow-up, etc.


Training and Certifications of Professionals
PECB has created a training roadmap and personnel certification schemes which is strongly recommended
for implementers and auditors of an organization that wish to get certified against ISO 28000. Whereas
certification of organizations is a vital component of the supply chain security field as it provides evidence
that organizations have developed standardized processes based on best practices. Certifications of
individuals serve as documented evidence of professional competencies and experience for/of those
individuals that have attended one of the related courses and exams.

It serves to demonstrate that a certified professional holds defined competencies based on best practices.
It also allows organizations to make intelligent choices of employee selection or services based on the
competencies that are represented by the certification designation. Finally, it provides incentives to the
professional to constantly improve his/her skills and knowledge and serves as a tool for employers to
ensure that training and awareness have been effective.

PECB training courses are offered globally through a network of authorized training providers. They are
available in several languages and include introduction, foundation, implementer and auditor courses.

The table below gives a short description relating PECBs official training courses for supply chain security
systems based on ISO 28000.

Training title Short description Who should attend

Members of an supply chain
security team
Supply chain professionals
wanting to gain a comprehen-
sive knowledge of the main
One day training
processes of a Supply Chain
Introduction to concepts
Security Management Sys-
management and
ISO 28000 Introduction tem (SCSMS)
implementation of a SCSMS
Staff involved in the imple-
Do not lead to certification
mentation of the ISO 28000
Employees involved in opera-
tions related to a SCSMS

Members of an supply chain

security team
Physical security profession-
als wanting to gain a com-
prehensive knowledge of the
A two days training
main processes of a Supply
Become familiar with best
Chain Security Management
practices for implementation
ISO 28000 Foundation System (SCSMS)
and management of SCSMS
Staff involved in the imple-
One hour exam
mentation of the ISO 28000
Employees involved in opera-
tions related to a SCSMSAu-


Project managers or
consultants wanting
to prepare and support
an organization in the
implementation of a Supply
Chain Security Management
System (SCSMS)
ISO 28000 auditors who wish
to fully understand the Supply
A five days training Chain Security Management
Manage the implementa- System implementation
tion and a management of a process
ISO 28000 Lead Implementer
BCMS Persons responsible for
Three hours exam the supply chain security
conformity in an organization
Members of an supply chain
security team
Expert advisors in physical
Technical experts wanting to
prepare for an supply chain
security function or for a
SCSMS project management
Internal auditors
Auditors wanting to perform
and lead Supply Chain
Security Management
System (SCSMS)
certification audits
Project managers or
consultants wanting to
master the Supply Chain
A five days training
Security Management
Manage the audit of a SC-
System audit process
ISO 28000 Lead Auditor SMS
Persons responsible for the
Three hours exam
supply chain security or
conformity in an organization
Members of a supply chain
security team
Expert advisors in supply
chain security
Technical experts wanting to
prepare for an supply chain
security audit function

Choosing the right certifications

The ISO 28000 Foundation certification is a professional certification for professionals needing to have an
overall understanding of the ISO 28000 standard and its requirements.

The ISO 28000 Implementer certifications are professional certifications for professionals needing to
implement a SCSMS and, in case of the ISO 28000 Lead Implementer Certification, needing to manage an
implementation project.


The ISO 28000 Auditor certifications are credentials for professionals needing to audit a SCSMS and, in
case of the ISO 28000 Lead Auditor Certification, needing to manage a team of auditors.

The ISO 28000 Master certification is a professional certification for professionals needing to implement
a SCSMS and to master the audit techniques and manage (or be part of) audit teams and audit program.

Based on your overall professional experience and your acquired qualifications, you will be granted one or
more of these certifications based on projects or audits activities you have been performing by the past or
which you are currently working on.

Professional Audit Project

Certification Exam
experience experience experience

Foundation None None None

Implementer None None None

Two years One

Lead year of work Project activities
Implementer Implementer experience in the None totaling
Exam field of 200 hours

Five years
Lead Two years of Project activities
Implementer work experience None totaling
Exam in the field of c 300 hours

Provisional Lead Auditor

None None None
Auditor Exam

Two years One

year of work Audit activities
Lead Auditor
Auditor experience in the totaling 200 None
field of hours

Five years Two

years of work Audit activities
Lead Auditor
Lead Auditor experience in the totaling 300 None
field of hours

Lead Auditor Ten years Two

Exam years of work Audit activities Project activities
Master Lead Implement- experience in the totaling 500 totaling
er Exam field of hours 500 hours



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