Jio Porters

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Int ern a tio na l Jo u rna l of Appli ed R esea rch 201 7; 3(3): 209 -2 1 2

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2
The impact of Reliance Jio on Indian mobile industry-
IJAR 2017; 3(3): 209-212
A case study on mergers and acquisitions of idea
Received: 03-01-2017 Vodafone and Airtel Telenor
Accepted: 05-02-2017

D Satyanarayana
Research Scholar,
D Satyanarayana, Dr K Sambasiva Rao and Dr S Krishnamurthy Naidu
Rayalaseema University,
Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, Abstract
India Indian mobile industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Indians are habituated to
touch mobiles within a short span of a time. In the world India is second largest market for mobile
Dr K Sambasiva Rao service providers and it is a good avenue for network providers from indigenous and exogenous
Professor, Department of CMS,
entrepreneurs. Not only Indian network providers but also global providers occupied and earn
Andhra University,
significant market share in the Indian mobile industry. Reliance Jios free tsunami creates lot of radical
Visakhapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh, India.
and unexpected changes in consumers behaviors and competitors strategies. The impact of this new
entrant affects equilibrium in the mobile industry and makes rivals vulnerable that they resort to
Dr S Krishnamurthy Naidu mergers and acquisitions in Indian mobile network providers. The major giants in the industry viz,
Associate Professor, Airtel and Idea strategically responding in a similar way. To strengthen themselves in the industry,
Department of MBA, Sri Airtel and Idea acquiring Telenor and Vodafone respectively. The present research paper makes an
Vasavi Engg. College, attempt to examine the impact of new entrant R-Jio on competitive strategies of rivals in the industry.
Tadepalligudem, Andhra
Pradesh, India Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions, Indigenous &Exogenous and Price sensitive

1. Introduction
The rain bow of Indian telecommunications sector is one of the backbones for fast growth in
all aspects of Indian economic scenario of this decade. In the world, telecom industry is most
developing and profitable industries of the world. Different forms of communication media
such as smart phones, internet, Wi-Fi, broad band services are dealt in communication
industry. It creates remarkable changes in the minds set of consumers, business entities, legal
frame work, ideologies of entrepreneurs, philosophy of the governments policies and
procedures. It is a mega path for new waves to open employment opportunities, better
standards of living with fast communication as a global village, and accumulation of its share
in our GDP continuously. The telecom operators continue to focus on providing a high
quality, consistent network experience offering the speeds and coverage expected by
customers.Net work techno-providers are expected to do more to leverage their potential in
usage analytics, packet probing and pushing content based offerings, all in a bit to protect
their challenged revenue base. The Indian regulatory authorities are likely to face new
challenges from these new trends and keep their commitments for providing a quality
service, doing so transparently and responsibily. Our market will settle on five major sector
players and one state owned one. The infusion of Jio free creates new combinations may
come in form of outright mergers or spectrum sharings such as recently announced by Idea-
Vodafone and Airtel-Telenor. These two new consolidations exists with many-fold
manifestations like one is sustainability or remove from battle field and another one is to
compete with free gigantic market leader and so on. Because of its immense importance, the
proposed research is going to explore the mergers and acquisitions in Indian telecom sector.

2. Objectives of the study

Correspondence To examine the impact of new entrant R-Jio on competitive strategies of rivals in the
D Satyanarayana
Research Scholar,
Rayalaseema University, To analyze the major changes in Indian telecom industry.
Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh,
International Journal of Applied Research

3. Industry Overview by subsidiaries of Bharti group. Airtel served first time low
call rates in India. The revenue of Rs. R966.021 billion,
3.1 Brief about Idea cellular: EBIT is Rs.341 with net profit of Rs.54 billion for the year
Idea Cellular is the subsidiary of Aditya Birla group ending 2016.The Jio,s trumph have stung Airtel which
founded in the year 1995.The Idea has gone far ahead of the reported a 55% fall in third quarter net profit to Rs.504
major competitors and occupying incremental revenue is the big moment to make restructuring it
market share of 33% from last three years. Now Idea offers stategies to compete the market leader with Telenor.
3G and 4Gs LTE services on its own spectrum auction in 13
circles of telecom service areas and 340 towns in all over
the India. Idea strengthened its customer base after 3.5 Briefly about Telenor:
launching mobile number portability. Idea is Indias third Telenor is Norway based Telecommunications Company. It
largest mobile operator and it has 191 million subscribers, has strong network in 13 countries and operations in 26
Rs.354 Billion (US$5.3 billion) Revenue and Net income is countries particularly in Europe, Africa and Asia. Form it is
Rs.31.92 billion(US$470million) for the year ending 31st known as Uninor. Thus it is one of the world largest mobile
2016.In January, 2017 it was announced that Idea talks to service provider. The Telenor formerly known as Uninor.
merge with Vodafone in Indian operations. Unitech and Telenor groups agreed to enter as ajoint venture
in India 2008 with 22 telecom circles. Uninor has facilitated
rapid scaling of the company through a lean operation
3.2 Briefly about Vodafone: model, where a large share of the network infrastructure is
It is a Brtish based multinational telecommunications outsourced to business partners. Uninors modern was establised in the year 1991. Vodafone is equipment has enabled it to introduce targeted offerings and
now ranked in world second largest mobile operator in serve a large audience with limited spectrum. Uninor
number of connections. It owns and operates networks in 76 introduced dynamic pricing a concept that gives consumers
countries and also IT services to corporate clients in 150 discounts that are based on current network traffic at an
countries. Vodafone was entered in India sep.2007.It has individual site and change with location and time. On 2
been expands its operations across the country over all 22 February 2012, the Supreme Court of India cancelled 122
telecome circles and service to 203 million indian licenses of 22 mobile operators, including Uninor. In July
customers. This journeyis a strong testimony of Vodafones,s 2012, Uninor decided to gradually scale down its operations.
commitment and succes in competitive and price sensitive The cancellation of Uninor's licences, Unitech and Telenor
of Indian mobile market. The free price war of Reliance jio,s were involved in a dispute over control of Uninor. In
impact results accumulates continuous loss doubled to $5.5 October 2012, the two companies signed an agreement
billion from last two quarters of 2016.But its home market is under which Unitech transferred Uninor assets to Telenor
a bright spot. and exited the joint venture. On 23 September 2015, Uninor
announced it has re-branded itself as Telenor India. The
3.3 Motives for merge of Idea cellular with Vodafone Telenor Group spent Rs.100 crore on the re-branding
India exercise. It has strong network providing 4G services to
Jio,s aggressive stabbing on market forced Vodafone to take 44.33 million subscribers in India (TRAI-2016). Total
$5 billion write down on end of the last year. The Chief revenue Rs.6.033 million (2016).
Executive Vitorio Colao to say at that the market would
have to consolidate. I think Consolidation is the answer. 3.6 Motives for merge of Airtel with Telenor India
he said. Less than a year ago Vodafone was still planning to Jios free price war also opens new challenges all network
float Vodafone India on the local stock exchange, despite a providers. The Telenor was taken a strategy to join hands
long-running battle with the government over a $2 billion with Airtel. Telenor has on 23 February 2017 entered into a
tax claim related to its acquisition of the unit from CK definitive agreement with Airtel will take full ownership of
Hutchison in 2007.For Vodafone a sale of the Indian Telenor India. Airtel is Indias largest wireless operator with
business to Idea could reignite speculation about an eventual over 269 million subscribers and a revenue market share of
tie-up between Vodafone and John Malone's Liberty Global. over 33 per cent. As the new owner, Airtel will take over
The two have held merger talks before but analysts say Telenor Indias spectrum, licenses and operations, including
Vodafone's ownership of numerous assets in emerging its employees and customer base of 44 million. Telenors
markets had complicated valuations for Liberty, which is operations and services will continue as normal until the
mainly interested in the European market. completion of the transaction. Telenor ASA has on 23
February 2017 entered into a definitive agreement with
Airtel, whereby Airtel will take full ownership of Telenor
3.4 Briefly about Artel: India.
Sunil Mittal was founded Airtel in the year 1995.Airtel is an
indian Global third largest telecommunications
operates in 18countries and proveds GSM,3G and 4G LTE 3.7 R-Jios line of attack
services with 400 million subsribers. Airtel was ramed The Reliance Company commercially launched its services
India,s second most value brand in the first ever ranking by on 5 September 2016. Jio crossed 100 million subscribers
Milliward Brown and WPP plc. Airtel is credited with end of February 2017. This is the fastest ramp-up by any
pioneering the business strategy of out sourcing all of its mobile network operator anywhere in the world. Jio owns
business opertations with minute factory model of low cost spectrum in 800 MHz and 1,800 MHz bands in 10 and 6
and high volumes. Its strategy has since been adopted by circles, respectively, of the total 22 circles in the country,
several operators. The transmission towers are maintianed and also owns pan-India licensed 2,300 MHz spectrum. The
International Journal of Applied Research

spectrum is valid till 2035. The company has a network of MyJio - Manage Jio Account and Digital Services
more than 250,000 km of fiber optic cables in the country, associated with it.
over which it will be partnering with local cable operators to JioTV - A live TV channel service.
get broader connectivity for its broadband services. With its JioCinema - An online HD video library.
multi-service operator (MSO) licence. Jio offers its not only JioChat Messenger - An instant messaging app.
4G broadband services but also providies data, network, JioMusic - A music player.
instant messaging, live TV, movies on demand, news, Jio4GVoice (earlier JioJoin) - A VoLTE phone
streaming music, digital payments platform and free Wi-Fi simulator
hotspot services etc.
JioMags - E-reader for magazines
JioXpressNews - A news and magazine aggregator
3.8 LYF Smartphones
JioSecurity - Security app
Jio tied up with domestic handset maker Intex to supply 4G
handsets enabled with voice over LTE (VoLTE) feature. Jio JioDrive - Cloud-based backup tool
launched its own smart phone series with Earth, Water 1& JioMoney Wallet - An online payments/wallet app
2, Wind and Flame through its chain of electronic Reliance JioSwitch - Transfer content
retail outlets. Jiofi -Wireless router

3.9 Induction of Multimedia apps! 4. Industry Analysis Using Michael Porters Five Force
R-Jio launched a bundle of multimedia apps on Google Play Model
as part of its 4G services. While the apps are available to The present scenario in the Indian telecom sector can be
download for everyone, a user will require a Jio SIM card to better analysed by suing Michael Porters Five Force Model.
use them. Additionally, most of the apps are in beta phase Figure1.1 shows the competitive analysis in any industry.
Following is a list of the apps.

Fig 1: Michael E Porters Five Force Model.

4.1 Threat of New Entrant - RJios impact on its competitors 4.2 Competitive rivalry
The entire Indian telecom sector redesigned by the new Customers low switching cost intensifies the competition in
aggressive entrant of free R-Jio. The Reliance the industry. Price sensitivity of customers also adds to this.
announcement of its free offers creats drastic changes not Telecom sector in India is almost saturated. Almost every
only on its rivalry competitors but also on subscribers, household possess a mobile network. In this case, every
power of suppliers, power of buyers and threat of substitues. rival is fighting for the same share. There is no market left
Here we can apply the Porterprophets in Indian telecom for new entrants. New entrant Jio must get significant share
market. only from the competitors. This maximises the rivalry in the
Major market leaders Airtel, Idea and some others ready to industry. Exit barriers are also found in the industry. Hence,
dig new strategies to attack and protect by themselves. It is the players must fight aganst major competitor till the end.
an time for structural alters exists. RJio strategies. As the Jio
works only with 4G mobile, the impact of Joi on the 4.3 Threat of substitutes
competition in the segment of feature phone users is absent. Hardly there are no substitute products for mobile services
However, Jio has come up with a device that upgrade 3G in the industry. Hence the impact of sbstitutes is
mobile to function 4G services. Jio competes even in the 3G insignificant in this case.
mobile user segment.
International Journal of Applied Research

affect industry profitability. Also become threat to the new

4.4 Bargaining power of buyers entrant.
Bargaining power of buyers will be a major force in the
industry. Customers are exercising high bargaining capacity. 4.5 Bargaining power of suppliers
The reasons for high bargaining power of buyers would be Being supplier of mobile services such as messaging,
switching cost is very low. Customers can switch their calling, data and other value added services, the players
service through the option port without changing their have less bargaining power with the customers. This force
number. Customers in this industry is observed to be price the players to offer better services at reasonable price.
sensitive. Therefore, customers expect superior quality The table 1: Shows the current market share of mobile
service at lower cost. This made mobile giants Airtel and service operators in India as on 16th February 2017.
Idea to slassh their tariff nearly 40%. Eventually it adversely

Table 1: This is a list of mobile operators of India as on 16 February 2017

Rank Name of the operator Subscribers (In million) Active Subscribers Ownership
Bharti Enterprises 64%
1 Airtel India 263.09 96.83%
Sing Tel 36%
2 Vodafone India 209.90 94.84% Vodafone Group
Aditya Birla Group 49.05%
3 Idea Cellular 190.52 94.26% Axiata Group 19.96%
Provident Fund 10.09%
4 R-Jio 98.93 100% Reliance Industries
5 BSNL-Mobile 94.95 78.11% State- Owned
Maxis communications 64%
6 Aircel 90.34 69.94%
Sindiya securities 36%
7 RCom 86.16 87.28% Reliance ADAG
Tata Teleservices 76%
8 Tata DoCoMo 55.70 82.23%
NTT Docomo 24%
9 Telenor India 53.02 82.23% Telenor Group
Sistema 56.68%
10 MTS India 6.71 64.51% Shyam Group 23.98%
Govt.of Russia 17.14%
11 MTNL 3.61 64.79% State-Owned

The table 1.1 shows that Airtel is in leading position with more stronger to compete with Jio is to make strategic
263 million subscribers. Followed by Vodafone (209) and alliances with other competitors The major giants in the
Idea (190). Jio occupies the 4th position with 99 million industry viz, Airtel and Idea strategically responding in a
subscribers. Though Jio is at 4th position, in terms of pricing similar way. To strengthen themselves in the industry, Airtel
Jio posing a challenge to the market leaders. It is already and Idea acquiring Telenor and Vodafone respectively.
noticed that the customers are price sensitive in India, after
31st march 2017 Jio is no more free service. So, it is too 6. References
early to judge the customer base of jio. Jio tariff plans will 1.
decide the number of customers will be active with Jio. The es_in_India
price of data of Jio is relatively cheaper. This element 2. Sharma RK, Shashi Gupta K. Industrial Organization
making Airtel and Idea to think various strategic and Management, Kalyani
alternatives. Since the exit barriers are present in the 3. Gupta CB. Industrial Organization and Management,
industry, they can not get out of the industry. It will be too Sultan Chand.
difficult for small players in the industry to make a 4. Adrian Haberberg, Alison. Strategic Management,
significant market share. The only option to become more Oxford University, New Delhi, 2010.
stronger to compete with Jio is to make strategic alliances 5. Edward Freeman R. Strategic Management, Cambridge
with other competitors. Airtel merges with Telenor India University Press, New Delhi, 2011.
and Idea with Vodafone. Airtel and Telenor together will 6. Rajindar Aurora S et al. Mergers &Acquisitions,
have 316 million subscribers, while Idea and Vodafone Oxford University, New Delhi, 2014.
tohether will have 400 subscribers and lead the market.

5. Conclusion
Reliance Jios free introducing offer creates lot of radical
and unexpected changes in consumers behaviors and
competitors strategies. The impact of this new entrant
affects equilibrium in the mobile industry and makes rivals
vulnerable that they resort to mergers and acquisitions in
Indian mobile network providers. Since the exit barriers are
present in the industry, they can not get out of the industry.
It will be too difficult for small players in the industry to
make a significant market share. The only option to become

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