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The key takeaways are that a straw man is an artificial legal entity created by filing a birth certificate, and there are strategies discussed to gain control over the straw man and use copyright of one's name.

A straw man is an artificial legal entity with a similar sounding name to one's own name in all capital letters, which exists by force of law and is used to represent one in commercial and legal matters.

The text discusses filing UCC statements to take control of one's straw man by establishing a debtor-creditor relationship where one provides services to the straw man in exchange for certain considerations, making one the superior creditor over the straw man's assets.

Meet Your Straw Man

by Moses G. Washington
revised on 10/27/03

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As a child, you have had an imaginary friend. You may be surprised to learn that evidence exists
that you have had a make-believe twin from the time your mother and father permitted a Birth
Certificate to be filed for you. This make-believe friend is not real, but artificial. It is a straw
man, an artificial entity that has a name very similar to yours. Here is a definition of straw man

“A ‘front’; a third party who is put up in name only to take part in a transaction. Nominal party to a
transaction ...” [Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition]

“The term is also used in commercial and property contexts when a transfer is made to a party,
the straw man, simply for the purpose of retransferring to the transferor in order to accomplish
some purpose not otherwise permitted.” [Barron's, 3rd Edition]

So, in layman's terms, what is a straw man? The straw man is an artificial person. The straw man
was created by law shortly after you were born via the registration of the application for your
birth certificate. The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. You
will notice that the inscription on the birth certificate is your name in all-capital letters. The
English language has precise rules of grammar that make no provision for writing proper nouns
in all-capital letters. So, your name spelled with all-capital letters is a fictitious name. Your straw
man has a same-sounding name as your name, but is an artificial entity which exists only “by
force of or in contemplation of law.” The all-caps name is not your “true name” which consists
of the given (Christian) name plus the surname (family name), and appears with only initial
letters capitalized. The all-caps version of your name is a TRADE NAME, the name under which
you “do business.”

We may also say that the straw man is a “person” according to the legal dictionary.

“Person. 1. a human being. 2. An entity (such as a corporation) that is recognized by law as

having the rights and duties of a human being…” [Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th Edition]

The straw man may also be said to be an “artificial person” which is also defined in the legal

“An entity, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a
human being; a being, real or imaginary, who for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or
less as an human being. – Also termed fictitious person; juristic person; legal person; moral
person.” [Blacks Law Dictionary, 7th Edition]

A straw man may also be thought of as a “legal fiction.”

“Legal fiction. Assumption of fact made by court as basis for deciding a legal question. A situation
contrived by the law to permit a court to dispose of a matter …” [Black’s Law Dictionary 5th

As we explore further, we must distinguish between the straw man (an it or person), and the real,
flesh and blood being (human being) which we will call a “man.” “Man” has a legal definition.

“A human being. A person of the male sex. A male of the human species above the age of
puberty. In the most extended sense the term includes not only the adult male sex of the human
species, but women and children. … In feudal law, a vassal; a tenant or feudatory.” [Blacks Law
Dictionary, 5th Edition]

So we conclude that “man” is a term of nature. But who created nature? Some would say God,
others would say the Creator (a term often used by the founder of our country), while others
might hold a different view. On the other hand, we see “person” as a term of the civil law. Who
is the creator of civil law?

“Civil law … a rule of civil conduct prescribed by the supreme power of a state … the civil or
municipal law of the Roman empire.” [Ballentine’s Law Dictionary, 3rd Edition]

So kings, emperors or legislative bodies acting a sovereign capacity are the ”creators” of civil
law. When our government acts as a sovereign, it is acting outside it’s constitutional authority.

So we see that a man and a person are very different terms identifying very different things. If
you study Roman civil law, you will see that it originates and uses fictions of law – that is,
concepts that are contrary to the natural order of things, and based upon presumptions that are
untrue. You will realize that this person recognized in the civil law is a fictional entity. You will
come to see the vast difference between man and person. So the straw man is a person, a public
name that is recognized in a civil society.

We’ve mentioned “legal fiction” and “fiction of law”, so let’s see how these are defined.

“Fiction of law. An assumption or supposition of law that something which is or may be false is
true, or that a state of facts exists which has never really taken place. An assumption, for
purposes of justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist. A rule of law which assumes as true,
and will not allow to be disproved, something which is false, but not impossible.” [Black’s Law
Dictionary 5th Edition]

This distinction between a man and a person is a difficult concept to grasp. But a proper
understanding of the relationship between the government, the man and the straw man is

essential to gaining increased freedom. While the concept of these relationships is very simple,
there are some foundational principles that must be explored.

We have mentioned that the straw man is an artificial entity or person. But there are several types
of organizations or artificial entities. There are corporation soles, aggregate corporations,
municipal corporations, revocable living trusts (sole), and unincorporated business organizations.
Many people use these entities for various reasons including maintaining personal control over
their assets; protection from lawsuits and judgments; avoidance of probate; avoidance of estate
taxes; reduction in tax liability; and many other reasons. We will look into the difference
between a sole entity and an aggregate entity; the construction of these entities and the results of
that construction as it apply to the straw man.

In all organizations there are two basic operational positions: 1) the stock
holder/owner/beneficiary (we will call this the beneficiary position); and 2) The
officer/president/chairman/trustee (we will call this the operational position). A sole corporation,
as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary, is one consisting of one person only and his successors in
some particular station, who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities
and advantages, particularly that of perpetuity, which in their natural state as persons they could
not have. In a corporation sole, one person holds both operational positions of the organization.
A corporation sole may be established under legislative authority. It is considered by statute a
citizen of the government. As such, the safe guards of the bill of rights do not extend to corporate
soles. The courts have warned that statutory licensed sole proprietorships are in a fact a
government agency by definition of how they are created. Most people who chose a sole
organization do so because they maintain personal control over their assets.

An aggregate corporation such as corporations or business trusts, according to Black’s Law

Dictionary, is composed of a number of individuals vested with corporate powers. With an
aggregate organization, different parties must hold the beneficiary and operational positions. If
the same party holds them, they are a sole organization. Family members are always counted as
one party, therefore would be a sole organization. In an aggregate organization, the one who is in
control is immune from damages or liabilities of the beneficiaries. In an aggregate corporation,
the holder of the first operative position controls the assets for the holder of the second operative
position. The control of the assets has been turned over to someone else’s control.

The founder of the wealthy Rockefeller family said one his secrets to wealth was to “own
nothing, but control everything”. In other words, always function from an aggregate relationship.
Do not own the straw man; control the straw man. If you are not the beneficiary/owner of the
straw man you are not liable for his debts or obligations. If you are in control, you have the
highest lien hold interest on the straw man; you must be paid before anyone else collects from
the straw man, and you cannot go to jail for his misdoing. A look at the structure of the straw
man entity shows the ownership/control relationship, and which position it is best to hold. Prior
to the redemption process [redemption is a term used among freedom loving people to describe
the process of regaining control of your straw man], the man is considered both a beneficiary in
the relationship and surety for the straw man. After redemption, the man is no longer a
beneficiary, and is no longer surety. After redemption, the man is the controller and creditor with
the highest lien hold interest in the straw man. The man is now in an aggregate relationship with

the straw man. He does not own the straw man but he controls the straw man by the primary lien
hold interest.

In this country, the power was granted to government by the people. Power is granted to the
government by the people individually - to create States, and by the people as a whole to create
the National government. Once the people decided individually to create States, they can only
change the policy or law of the State as people collectively. That is because they have agreed to
become part of the public. They are one person in a larger body of people that act collectively.
The people are in the State and National government at that same time. The public government is
an artificial entity. The government is owned and controlled by the same people. So the
government is a sole organization, not an aggregate organization. As long as a man is dealing
publicly, he is in a sole relationship with the public. The straw man, being artificial, lives in
the artificial place called the public. At the same time as people are acting collectively in the
larger body of people called the State and National government, they maintain their ability to act
individually on a private basis. The people did not give up the rights they did not delegate to the
government - they retained those rights. Any man can contract privately as they see fit and
government cannot interfere with the private contracts of men. The straw man lives in the public
side of government. He is part of the public government, and functions under the laws of the
public. This is necessary and proper because the creator of an entity has the right to control it.
Since the government created the straw man, it is only right that the straw man live under the
rules of it’s creator. But once the straw man has been redeemed, the government is no longer in
control of the straw man. He is now controlled by the man using his right to private contracts.
The man has left the public as a beneficiary in sole relationship to the straw man to live
privately as creditor in an aggregate relationship with the straw man. As far as this
relationship is concerned, the straw man is privately controlled. The straw man still exists as a
public entity because that is the only world in which he has reality. His relationship with the man
is private. The relationship with the man being is controlling because the man has a higher
priority lien on the straw man than the government.

Now that we understand who the straw man is, it is appropriate to ask who benefits from the
creation of the straw man? We will see that the straw man benefits the creator (the government),
any company that uses it and you.

The government began to benefit from the straw man in 1933. In the Article on the U.S.
Bankruptcy, we’ve already seen evidence that the United States went bankrupt in 1933. When
this happened, the governors of all the states met to discuss what should be done. The state
governors made a "pledge" to the federal government, to fund the bankruptcy. They pledged the
assets and the energy of the people belonging to the state governments. They would back the
“government” and secure the national debt. But there was one problem: The states could only
speak for the people in their public capacity. They could not pledge private, living human beings
or property. So it was necessary to create a “bridge” between the living people and the creditors
for the bankruptcy. The answer was to create straw men to stand in the place of the people. Now
the only problem was devising a scheme whereby the people would agree to contract with the
straw man as its surety.

When the governors made the pledge, they agreed to register the application form for the birth
certificates of the people with the U.S. Department of Commerce. The application form for the

birth certificate is the security instrument (collateral) used to back the pledge. The straw man, the
legal fiction was created by using the name on the birth certificate and writing it in all capital
letters, the designation for a legal fiction. Then, because of the “pledge", the people were
determined to be the representative and surety for the legal fiction. This is how they made us
responsible to pay back the debt of the United States.

When the "government" or any corporation uses any process whatsoever, they are using it
against the legal fiction, which they want the people to think is them. But when a name is written
in all capital letters, IT IS NOT the name of a real person! It is the designation of a legal fiction -
that is an entirely separate entity. A living human cannot be a legal fiction, and a legal fiction
cannot be a living human. One is real or natural, the other is created by “law.” Because the entire
thing is based on paying the bankruptcy, the straw man is the debtor and the "government" is
agent for the creditor, the international bankers who own the Federal Reserve.

Whenever a government agency (such as a court) determines liability, it is a liability of the legal
straw man since everything is done in commerce. The people are presumed, as evidenced by the
pledge of their governors, to be the surety for the straw man and they must pay the liability.

Now let’s see how the straw man benefits others. Our straw man though of as a “transmitting
utility” which we define as “an agent solely utilized for the purpose of transmitting commercial
activity for the benefit of the Secured Party”. Government and big business have set up a system
so that the only way a man can access the goods and services of the nation is through the straw
man. The straw man serves as a utility through which goods and services may be transmitted to
you. You are forced to interface with society through your straw man.

You will notice that the straw man’s name is used on virtually all public documents, including
but not limited to: birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, Social Security card, bank account
(checks and statements), credit cards, the checks you receive from your employer, legal
documents, any letter from the government entity at any level, etc. You will discover that
government agencies, banks and other corporations, courts and tax agencies deal with you
exclusively through the straw man. These organizations insist on dealing with you only via an
all-caps version of your name in any and all key documents, contracts, accounts, and agreements
with them.

One of the many "benefits" and services made available through your straw man is your Social
Security Number (SSN). The SSN is a "public" number associated with a "public persona," your
straw man. The SSN is a benefit because it allows you to open a bank account or to get a job. A
federal law was passed in 1994 that made it a requirement to give your SSN to get a driver's
license. It would be difficult (though not impossible) to do any of these things without using the
SSN. All of these things, and many more, can be thought of as "benefits" granted to the straw

But these benefits come with a price. It should be obvious that the straw man has not body, and
that you benefit from the consumption/use of the goods and services made available through the
straw man. At this point, you probably do not hold title to your straw man (the redemption
process can correct this problem). Since these things are true, it is also true that you are the one
responsible for discharging the public liabilities associated with the "benefits" that you enjoy

courtesy of your straw man. These public liabilities include but are not limited to income tax,
social security tax, plus any and all debts that the straw man incurs.

For further evidence that the straw man is not you, look at your personal checks. Here is an
example of a check.

Notice the two read arrows. Their first arrow points to the all-caps name, John’s straw man. You
will not find your true name on your checks. The second arrow points to the signature line that
ends with the letters “MP” which stands for “micro-print”. If you look carefully at the signature,
you will notice that it is not a solid line. The line is made up of some words and spaces that are
repeated over and over again as shown here.

The next image shows a section of the signature line magnified 60 times. You can clearly see
that the words that make up the line are "AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE." (You can also read
about security features on checks on the "Deluxe" site. )

The reason the signature line on personal checks is made up of the words "AUTHORIZED
SIGNATURE" is because it is a physical impossibility for the account holder (your straw man)
to sign the check. Remember, your straw man has no hands with which to sign the check. The
banks know that every signature appearing on a personal check is the signature of the flesh-and-
blood agent, the authorized representative, you. However, the words are printed in micro-print to
disguise the fact that you are the authorized representative rather than the principal on the
account. When you sign the check or any other document for the straw man, you are actually an
accommodating party, i.e. surety, and therefore 100% liable for everything the principal (straw
man) is liable for. Further proof that you are liable for the benefits you receive through your
straw man.

Do not despair, there is a way out of this malaise. There are a couple of elements to a strategy to
gain freedom. One element is to copyright your name (both your true name, the all-caps version
and all it's derivatives). A second element is to use UCC filings to take control of your straw man
(a process that is often called redemption).

Names are nothing more than property. No one is his TRADE NAME (all-caps spelling of your
name), nor is anyone his true name. A name can be trademarked, service-marked, and
copyrighted by the owner for the purpose of restricting others form unauthorized use and unjust
enrichment at the expense of the owner. If you are 18 or older, you, the flesh-and-blood man or
woman, own your name and you may copyright it under the common law.

After copyrighting your name, no one will be able to use your name to enrich themselves without
first gaining your agreement. Let's say a police officer pulled you over and wanted to give you a
ticket. You can warn the officer that he is using your copyrighted name for financial benefit and
that is a violation of your copyright. You should also inform him that to persist in the use of your
copyrighted material without your permission carries an automatic penalty of $500,000. You
have just formed a legally binding verbal contract with the officer. If the officer then persists in
using your name without permission, he has breached the contract. You then have the right,
under UCC article 9, to default judgment against them using non-judicial proceedings to collect
on the debt that he owes you. This is a very powerful concept that can be used in dozens to
hundreds of ways.

The copyright notices also establishes a private contract between you and your straw man
whereby you offer services to the straw man (e.g. signing documents for it) in exchange for
certain considerations. You become the creditor over your straw man who becomes the debtor to
you. You can file a UCC financing statement to receive official, government acknowledgment of
this private contract. This UCC is a financing statement which creates an interest in property that
secures payment/performance of an obligation by your straw man for the services you render to
it. This UCC filing establishes a seniority position of claim over other creditors who may make a
claim based upon date and time of filing. In this way, if any party ever attacks your straw man’s
assets, you will have a superior claim on it.

For further study in your journey toward greater freedom, read the article entitled "The
Exemption" and then read the article entitled "Redemption".

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