Waste Stabilisation Pond Design Manual
Waste Stabilisation Pond Design Manual
Waste Stabilisation Pond Design Manual
Report Type: External
Date: 19 December 2011 Container No: F2006/6541
Authors: J Ashworth; M Skinner Document No: D2011/578598
Drafting: R Innes; A Chin
Approved by: S McKenzie
Reviewed by N McCarthy; S Tsoukalis; C Evans
(WA Water Corporation); L
Monteith (GHD); Department of
Health & Families, NT
Supported by: D D Mara
Title: Waste Stabilisation Pond Design
Version: 19 December 2011
copyright notice
Content and use of information in this manual is subject to the operation of the
Copyright Act 1968. This copyright information is owned by Power and Water Corporation.
You may not use this information other than for your own private use (such as for research,
non commercial or personal use). You may not copy, distribute, post, mirror, reproduce, alter,
store or transmit the material which appears on this manual, in any form, without the
express written consent of Power and Water Corporation.
Offenders may be sued and/or prosecuted.
foreword by professor duncan mara
Waste stabilisation ponds are a very appropriate method of wastewater treatment in the
Northern Territory of Australia as land availability is not normally a problem. PowerWater,
as the utility responsible for wastewater treatment in the Territory, is to be congratulated
for producing this Waste Stabilisation Ponds Design Manual as it provides clear guidance
on pond design for the 21st century. Many people are unaware of the benefits of WSP and
they sometimes think that, because they are the cheapest option, they cannot possibly
also be the best option after all, high performance and low cost do not often go hand-
in-hand. However, with WSP they do, especially when they are properly designed and well
operated and maintained. This may not please manufacturers of the electromechanical
equipment for other more conventional wastewater treatment processes (such as activated
sludge), but it should please PowerWaters customers as their bills will be lower and the
treated wastewater can be used for crop irrigation without the need for costly chemical
The term conventional is commonly used by many wastewater-treatment engineers, to
refer to processes like activated sludge and its variants, but it is not always an appropriate
descriptor, especially here in the Northern Territory where it is in fact more conventional to
use WSP. This Manual will help to ensure that this conventional Northern Territory solution
remains a wholly appropriate choice for at least the rest of this century.
Duncan Mara, PhD, DSc(Eng), EurIng, FICE, FSBiol, FCIWEM, August 2010Professor of Civil
Engineering, University of Leeds, UK
3 WSP Biological Processes....................................................... 40
3.1 Aerobic............................................................................... 40
3.2 Anaerobic...........................................................................43
3.3 Odour Production...........................................................44
3.4 Mosquito and Midge Infestation............................. 46
4 WSP Principal Units.................................................................. 48
4.1 Preliminary treatment................................................. 48
4.2 Anaerobic and facultative ponds
(primary ponds).............................................................. 49
4.3 Maturation ponds (secondary ponds)......................50
4.4 Tertiary treatment...........................................................51
4.5 Sludge treatment............................................................ 52
5 WSP Process Design..................................................................56
5.1 Guide...................................................................................56
5.2 Design Parameters.........................................................56
5.3 Anaerobic ponds............................................................. 57
5.4 Facultative ponds............................................................58
5.5 Maturation ponds...........................................................62
5.6 Sludge Production..........................................................62
5.7 Tertiary treatment..........................................................63
6 Pond Hydraulics......................................................................... 69
6.1 General.............................................................................. 69
6.2 Inlet Works and Storm Flows......................................70
6.3 Pond Short-circuiting......................................................71
6.4 Pond inlets......................................................................... 74
6.5 Stub walls..........................................................................76
6.6 Aerators and Pumps.......................................................78
6.7 Outlets and emergency overflows........................... 80
6.8 Recirculation..................................................................... 81
6.9 Pond Hydraulic Grade.................................................... 81
7 Pond Parameters & Structures..............................................82
7.1 Guidance............................................................................82
7.2 Location, drainage & Mid Depth Area.....................82
7.3 Pond Geometry, Soils & Wave Action.......................82
7.4 Inlet works.........................................................................85
7.5 Anaerobic ponds.............................................................87
7.6 Facultative ponds............................................................87
7.7 Maturation ponds...........................................................87
7.8 Sludge Handling Structures....................................... 88
7.9 Ancillaries......................................................................... 89
7.10 Standard designs 1,0005,000 populations..... 94
7.11 Individual pond design.................................................95
how the systems work
The Figure following, Option 1: is an illustration of how this manual might be applied to
a typical pond system, such as Leanyer Sanderson waste stabilisation ponds which serve
a Darwin population of some 46,000. The ponds have a mid depth area of 35 hectares.
Possible hydraulic improvement shown on the Leanyer half of the ponds would probably
reduce effluent Escherichia coli by two log orders (99%).
The diagram shows how with relatively simple, low cost modifications traditional WSP
systems can be modified. The construction of the anaerobic pond and other features
described in this manual shown on the Leanyer pond would considerably increase the
treatment capacity of the ponds. Pond curtaining of the facultative and first maturation
pond would allow the final three maturation ponds to be taken out of operation.
The anaerobic pond would be sufficiently small to allow covering and methane gas
collection a desirable objective with current concern of global warming for possible
power generation.
The closure of the final maturation pond could provide stormwater treatment during the
Northern Territory wet season. In the dry season, experience has shown that it could be
used for dewatering pond sludge using the hot climate to produce a dry sludge within two
months. There would be sufficient time to return the pond to its storm duties before the
next rains.
The Figure after, Option 2: is another illustration of how to upgrade an existing pond system
(in this case the Leanyer Sanderson ponds) using Professor Maras future direction of
waste stabilisation pond design. Anaerobic pre-treatment, a facultative pond and tertiary
polishing by an aerated rock filter reduces considerably the area of ponds, permitting long
term expansion.
MAT 3 (1.6)
(1.8) TANK
(2.4) (2.4)
Figure 2: option 2, upgrading a pond system
Figure 1.1: Planning and design relationship
Queensland WS&S
Planning Guidelines
Produce Planning
Planning Report
Produce specifications
and drawings for
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and control technology (Power and
Water uses CITEC). Flow, vertical temperature possible stratification and dissolved
oxygen monitoring provide advance warnings of out of specification performance.
Control technology permits pond mixers to be remotely switched and directed in advance
of limited or adverse wind conditions that reduce pond mixing.
The combination of these factors makes it possible to a design a WSP system that is
controllable by remote supervision resulting in a tight and more consistent effluent
standard. The proposition that other processes are more controllable or easier to supervise
carries far less weight in process selection than in the past.
The importance of green house gases (GHG) to climate change is generally accepted and
the carbon footprint needs to be considered in engineering designs, although compared
to natural methane omission from swamps etc, emissions from WSP are a small part.
Waste stabilisation ponds are solar powered and may require an external energy source for
relatively light loads such as control equipment (which are still amenable to solar power in
any event). Further, the addition of an anaerobic pond at the head of the WSP train provides
a practical opportunity for the collection of the majority of the methane emitted from the
process. The methane a GHG twenty-one times more damaging than carbon dioxide can
be either burned or used as fuel for generation of electricity. Most of the power generated
can be fed to the grid, unlike processes, such as activated sludge, where the plant demands
for aeration require generally more energy than can be produced. This provides further
economic incentives to invest in WSPs rather than alternative treatment technology.
This manual is designed to be used for both greenfield design of a new plant, as well as for
assessment and upgrading of existing ponds.
To achieve this, the Waste Stabilisation Ponds Manual structure is as follows:
Part 1 - A Planning Template for use by Project Officers and Designers showing the
requirements for design this template is designed to be used by Power and Water project
officers to develop a comprehensive brief for pond designers, and for designers to ensure
that all aspects of a design brief are addressed. It is also intended that the template form
the basis of the design report accompanying the design documentation.
Part 2 - A Pond Design Code which has the following information to be referred to, as
necessary, during the design process covering:
Consideration of effluent and odour standards;
Plant loads and temperatures;
Descriptions of processes and process units;
Process design;
Pond hydraulics and structures;
Pond upgrading;
A brief discussion of reuse as it applies to WSPs;
Cost estimates.
Appendices - with checklists for design.
An Excel spreadsheet design aid - incorporating the various design equations herein.
The Waste Stabilisation Design Manual together with construction master texts, and Power
and Waters Strategic Products Manual and Standard Drawings, will enable designers to
produce final specifications, estimates and drawings for tender and construction purposes.
glossary of terms and abbreviations
3.1 Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Equivalent population (EP) A measure of the potential for waste water
contribution equivalent to that from a single person
at their place of residence.
Disability adjusted life years The sum of years of potential life lost due to
(DALYs) premature mortality and the years of productive life
lost due to disability.
Groundwater Water present in the sub-surface strata
Helminth Nematode worm e.g., Strongyloides, Ascaris,
Schistosoma, Taenia etc
Infiltration Ingress of groundwater into a sewer system
Inflow Ingress of stormwater into a sewer system
Pan evaporation Evaporative losses in mm of water due to atmospheric
temperature, humidity, solar radiation and wind
Sewage Water polluted by use and discharged to a sewer
Sewerage: sewer Pipes carrying sewage
Sewage flows:
Dry weather flow (ADWF) The average flow in a sewer measured after a period
of three days without rain for the process critical
Peak Daily Flow (PDF) The most likely peak wastewater flow in the sewer
during a normal day. It exhibits a regular pattern of
usage with morning and evening peaks related to
water usage for toilets, showers, baths, washing and
other household activities.
Standards (1) Documents that specify the minimum acceptable
characteristics of a product or material, a test
procedure, an installation method etc, issued by an
organisation that develops such documents e.g.
Standards Australia. Such standards may or may not
be used as (or called) specifications
(2) A set numerical limit e.g. a contaminant limit set
by a regulatory agency
Stormwater (surface water) Runoff due to rainfall from roofed, paved and unpaved
areas, which has not seeped into the ground
Tertiary treatment Effluent treatment following on from maturation
ponds to further improve the effluent quality
3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Interpretation
ADWF Average dry weather flow for the process critical month.
AS/NZS Australian/New Zealand Standards
BoM Bureau of Meteorology
BOD or BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand at 20C and 5 days
DHF Department of Health and Families
DALYs Disability adjusted life years
EP Equivalent population
E. coli Escherichia coli
GHG Green house gases
H2S Hydrogen sulphide
ha Hectare
L/s Litres/second
m/s Metres per second
mg/L Milligrams/litre
NRETAS Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport
NT Northern Territory
OH&S Occupational health and safety
PDWF Peak dry weather flow
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor
SS Suspended solids
UWWTD 1991 Council of the European Communities Urban
Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWTD)
UV Ultraviolet
WHO World Health Organization
Part 1 pond planning template
waste stabilisation pond design template
- design/design report
Obtain design data either from Planning Report, or, if not available, using the methods
described in Section 1 and 2 of Part 2 this manual.
1.1 Inflow
Design tabulate inflow calculations from the planning report. If inflow calculations are not
in the planning report calculate inflow using method agreed with PWC Project officer and
in Section 2 of Part 2 of this manual. (Power and Water project officer to use the methods
outlined in the Connection Code in the absence of better information).
Design report tabulate inflow calculations and state the methods used, the reliability, and
any other assumptions the designer has assigned to those calculations.
Design tabulate sewage strength from the planning report. If sewage strength data is not
available from the planning report use values agreed with Power and Water and using
methods outlined in Section 2.2 of this manual.
Design report tabulate the calculations, state methods used, reliability, and assumptions
as in 1.1.
Design and design report state here the required treated effluent quality from either the
planning report, or the Power and Water project officer requirement. In the design brief, the
Power and Water project officer must state the effluent quality requirement at this point.
2. Recirculation
Design - determine the need for a recirculation report based on planning data and 1.1 and 1.2
above. Typically used for upgrading of existing plants rather than for new plants.
Calculate recirculation hydraulics based on Section 6.8 of Part 2 of this manual.
Design report tabulate the decision on whether or not to use recirculation or to allow for
future recirculation facilities.
If the decision is made to employ recirculation, tabulate flows required and likely hours of
operation for use in Sections 7.6 and 7.7 of this template.
3. Inlet works
Design from planning report, item 1.1 above, and from this manual Section decide on the type
of grit removal and screening to be used. (See Table 4.1 of Part 2 of this manual). Then size the
grit and screenings area (See Section 7.4 of Part 2 of this manual). Allow space around the plant
for personnel and vehicle access, including allowance for crane to remove and install. Use at
least two and preferably three different manufacturers of screens and grit removal products to
arrive at grit and screenings plant footprint. Complete screening, washing and crushing of grit
as required with the facility to load into trucks or bins for disposal. Either allow for one years
storage of washed crushed grit and screenings, or check with Power and Water project officer
that regular removal of washed crushed grit and screenings will be undertaken. Allow space for
transport and handling of grit and screenings.
Design report state relevant dimensions and characteristics of the plant to achieve the
planning report and flow requirements append the data from the manufacturers and refer
to the information in those data sheets that confirm those requirements (eg screen aperture,
flow rates, head required etc.).
Power and Water project officer should specify whether a separate specification is required for
transport of grit and screenings off site.
Design from planning report determine the design flows at the inlet, what the
appropriate route to and from the grit and screenings treatment area is. Size and
route the inlet channels (or pipework) and specify the bypass to enable construction.
(eg if a channel, then concrete specification, reinforcement details, cover etc.). Ensure
that all OH&S issues are addressed covering of channels, access control, elimination
of confined spaces. Provide information to enable the drawings to be completed.
Design report State the assumptions and flows for the inlet channels, and the relevant
sizes and its location. Refer to the drawings that form part of this design.
3.4. Metering
Design from 1.1 above, the designer is to specify metering that will measure the flows. Ensure
that there is access to maintain the meter and avoid placing the meter in a confined space if
possible. If a confined space is unavoidable, provide information on the drawings and allow for
any required safety equipment in the design.
Design report include details of metering required, including manufacturers data. Refer to
the drawings that form part of this design.
Change Section title above depending on what type of pond is being designed.
Design refer to this manual Part 2 Sections 5, 6, and 7. Use the Excel program provided as
part of this manual using the flow and quality parameters in 1 above. The decision whether to
design an anaerobic or facultative pond will be in the planning report. If not in the planning
report, the Power and Water project officer is to state at this point the requirement or
preference, or whether the consultant is to investigate both as part of a preliminary design
step. At this point, the designer must consider whether to have two parallel trains or a single
train. This is considered at some length in the manual. However, if only one train is proposed,
then the designer must consider the following: how is the primary pond to be desludged? Is it
possible or economical to bring in a contractor to desludge the pond? If not, then how is the
pond to be desludged? If no practical method for desludging is available, then two process
trains are mandatory unless either the plant is to be abandoned within the time required for
desludging, OR the plant is to be augmented within that time and the future augmentation
will then allow one pond to be taken off line for desludging.
Design report to discuss desludging method recommended by the designer and number
of process trains.
Design from the Excel spreadsheet extract the primary pond volume use either the anaerobic
or facultative option as appropriate.
Design if the plant has screening and grit removal depth is 1.8m facultative, if no screening
and grit removal, the depth is 2.5m for the first third of the facultative pond and 1.5m for the
balance. For an anaerobic pond the depths are 3.5m to 5m. Anaerobic pond outlets are 300mm
deep, facultative pond outlets are to be 600mm deep. See Fig. 4.1 Part 2 of this Manual.
Pond freeboard is at Section 10.3.
Ponds must have bottoms which grade slightly to one end to avoid pooling when ponds are
being decanted for maintenance to eliminate insect breeding sites.
Design report state the depth of pond required and the freeboard.
4.4. Primary pond area
Design facultative use an aspect ratio of 3 to 1 and the pond depth from Section 4.3 above
to derive the primary pond area. For anaerobic option, use square ponds. Allow 10m access
all round to enable access for desludging of pond.
Design use the Shilton Harrison method to size the inlet jets for facultative ponds and the
location of the stub walls (see Figure 6.4 A and B)
Design report list the jet size and wind speed assumptions used to derive the jet size. List the
stub wall length and materials required.
5. Maturation pond
Design refer to this manual Part 2 Sections 5, 6, and 7. Use the Excel program provided as part
of this manual using the flow and quality parameters in Section 1 above. The comments in
4 above relating to the number of process trains apply in this Section as well. However, since
desludging of maturation ponds is much more infrequent than that of facultative ponds the
designer needs only provide space for future duplication.
The Planning Report may replace all maturation ponds by an aerated rock filter, depending
upon discharge consent. Particularly for weak sewages, low organic loading in maturation
ponds is likely to result in high levels of Cyanobacteria in the final effluent.
If raw sewage has high levels of salinity, the Planning Report may give direction on using less
maturation ponds to reduce evaporative losses and increased salinity.
Note loading limits for midge breeding Figure 3.5.
Design use the excel program with flow and quality parameters in Section 1. above.
Design report state volume required
Design Guidelines Part 2 Section 4.3 and Fig 4.1 or use 1.3m depth.
Pond freeboard is set out in Section 7.3. Pond bottoms must be flat and grade slightly to one
end to ensure no insect breeding sites when ponds are decanted for maintenance.
Design report state the depth of pond required and the freeboard.
Design use spreadsheet provided, use an aspect ratio of 3 to 1 and the pond depth from
Section 4.3 above to derive the primary pond area. Allow 10m access on at least one side, and
5m on other sides round to enable access for maintenance and monitoring of pond. All ponds
to be able to be accessed on at least one side by cranes and heavy machinery.
Design report state the pond areas and access requirements. Provide information to be
placed on drawings suitable for construction purposes.
6. Maturation pond (1,2,)
Repeat process as for 5 above. Note that there is a preference for no more than two
maturation ponds to reduce the risk of Cyanobacteria in the final effluent. An aerated rock
filter will improve both nutrient and pathogen levels compared to two maturation ponds
in series. To meet discharge consents levels, the Planning Report may require the use of an
aerated rock filter.
7.1 Issues
General - Design Guidelines Part 2 Section 7 and the Planning report especially in relation to
buffer distances.
Planning Report what were the issues relating to aesthetics and plant layout canvassed
therein? Incorporate these in the design.
7.3. Wind
Bank protection may be required as a result of consideration of tidal surges the requirements
should be specified in the planning report, or as part of environmental review documents.
Design report to specify the shape, the factors that have led to that shape, and any bank
protection requirements detailed to enable construction.
7.5. Location of treatment plant elements
Design report describe the design philosophy and outcomes on the location of the plant
elements. Locate the various process elements, interconnecting pipework, power and
communications facilities, roads, buildings and fences on site.
7.6. Recirculation system
Design - In the case of excessive inflows during storm events and to ensure that overtopping
does not cause catastrophic pond failure, ponds shall have overflow points capable of passing
ten times dry weather flow. These will be broad crested weirs based on water flowing over
slightly lower pond walls which have been designed to take flow at that point. The designer
may use concrete, spray seal, or stabilised cement fill for smaller ponds (less than 1000 EP).
The designer shall identify flow paths for such flows to the nearest low point. Note that this is
an emergency condition, not normally expected to be used.
Plant overflows of greater than six times dry weather flow should be designed to be routed
through the final maturation pond before discharge to the environment.
Design report locations, details and specifications of emergency and wet weather bypasses
as well as overflow routes. Information for placing on construction drawings.
7.8. Flow measuring points
Consider effects of wind and short circuiting. Use the Shilton Harrison method outlined in this
manual Section 6.4.1 For design of small plants use the layout indicated in Figure 6.4, scaled
up or down as appropriate.
Inlet and outlet structures to be accessible for maintenance wherever possible. If not possible,
the designer is to state how inlet and outlet structures are to be maintained.
(e.g. by boat, or by draining the pond. If by pond drainage, then there must be parallel process
trains to allow that to occur).
Calculate outlet sizes based on design flows from 1 above.
Inlets and outlets are to be in the shortest dimensioned pond wall unless modelling shows
other locations to be feasible in specific cases.
Depths as stated in pond depths above.
Design report state the size and location of the inlet jets and outlets.
9. Buildings
Fencing in accordance with Power and Water standard drawings is required around the site
as indicated by the Power and Water project officer for the particular plant. Power and Water
project officer to provide this information if not in the planning report.
Signage in accordance with Manual Part 2 Section 7.9.6.
OH&S risk assessment in conjunction with Power and Water corporate procedure.
Power and Water project officer to provide latest reference to designers.
Design report certify that the Power and Water corporate procedure has been
complied with.
Refer planning report and Design Manual Part 2 Section 7.9.2 and Section 13.
Project officer to confer with Operations to develop brief for designers to take into account
planning issues, operational issues and Sections 7.9.2, 13.
List and specify the SCADA and control requirements to undertake monitoring and process
control as determined in the first two paragraphs above.
14. Commissioning, decommissioning and operation during construction
Refer to Design Manual, Part 1 Section 14 for cost estimates. Power and Water project officer
to specify which items are to be included in the estimate. Preliminary estimates may also be
available from the Planning Report and these will be useful for comparison purposes.
Design report to tabulate the estimate including any caveats the designer considers significant.
Part 2 - waste stabilisation pond design code
The Department of Health and Families (DHF), Environmental Health Fact Sheet,
Requirements for the design of waste stabilisation ponds and the associated disposal or
recycling of sewage effluent, 2009, is based on the World Health Organizations (WHO) risk
management approach. DHF have adopted the validation and verification recycled water
approach summarised in Table 1.1.
The unrestricted urban irrigation standard of 1 E. coli/100ml is even 2.2 times higher
than the stringent Californian standard. However, waste stabilisation ponds are able to
consistently meet standards of less than 100 E. coli/100ml.
The significant variation that the DHF guidelines have from the WHO guidelines in recycled
water effluent standards is the omission of consideration of helminths. Instead, the
requirement is for residual chlorine disinfection. Chlorination can kill nematodes (Ascaris)
and other helminth (whip and hook worms) if the dose is very high. Chlorine will not kill
protozoa, such as Cryptosporidium. WSPs however do have the ability to remove all viable
helminth eggs if designed in accordance with this manual. Discussions and decisions during
the planning phase will elicit the regulators requirement on chlorination. With increased
confidence in ponds ability to remove pathogens, chlorination may not be a future
regulatory requirement because of the carcinogenic risks from chlorinated organics. The
designer is referred to the planning report.
Fish farming is not specifically addressed in the DHF fact sheet. A full risk assessment
analysis would be required for approval. DHF may consider supporting the WHO
recommendations depending on the case presented:
0 human intestinal trematode eggs/L Ascaris, Trichuris and Ancylostoma;
1,000 E. coli/100ml in the fishpond.
Again, the designer is referred to the planning report where appropriate consultation with
DHF will have occurred and been reported on if this option were considered.
<5NTU Continuous Continuous
(maximum) online (or online
Disinfection Cl: 0.2-1.0mg/
L residual N/A
Ozone: TBA
Coliphages <1cfu/100ml Fortnightly Weekly
Clostridia <1cfu/100ml Fortnightly Weekly
Med. End users with E. coli <1,000cfu Weekly 2 times/week
a medium level /100ml
human contact,
Urban irrigation BOD <20mg/L Not required 2 times/week
with some
access and
food crops
Fountains and SS <30mg/L Not required 2 times/week
water features
pH 6.5-8.5 Continuous Continuous
online (or online
Turbidity <5NTU Continuous Continuous
(95%ile) online (or online
Disinfection Cl: 0.2-1.0mg/ N/A Continuous
L residual online
Ozone: TBA
Low End users with E. coli <1,000cfu Weekly 2 times/week
a low level of /100ml
human contact
Urban irrigation BOD <20mg/L Not required 2 times/week
with enhanced
restricted access
and application
Commercial food SS <30mg/L Not required 2 times/week
pH 6.5-8.5 Continuous Continuous
online (or online
Disinfection Cl: 0.2-1.0mg/ N/A Continuous
L residual online
Ozone: TBA
Non-food crops E. coli <10,000cfu 12 monthly 12 monthly
(trees, turf, /100ml
woodlots, flowers)
Notes: * Urban irrigation with the potential for full public contact, no control to restrict access or minimise spray drift
** Urban irrigation with restricted public access
*** Urban irrigation with restricted public access. Source: NT FHD
The Environmental guidelines for the establishment and maintenance of turf and grassed
areas, by the Department of the Environment, 2001, is the basis of nutrient loading. This has
been updated by the Department of Water, Western Australia, Irrigation with nutrient-rich
wastewater, 2008 and tabled below.
Inorganic nitrogen (ammonia and nitrate) and reactive phosphorus (orthophosphate, PO4)
are the prime nutrients required by plants to carry out photosynthesis. An excess of these
nutrients on trees, for example, produces excess branches and devalues the timber to no more
than firewood.
Scientific studies have provided guidelines for the application of sewage effluent to the land
and these are summarised in the tables below.
Table 1.2 Irrigation Soil Characteristic
Table 1.4 Irrigation Chemical Application Rate Application rate
Potassium, essential to plants, may need to be added as Australian sewage effluents and
soils are often low in this necessary metal.
1.3.1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Suspended Solids
The DHF guidelines (see Table 1.1) require two other important parameters to be met in
effluent discharge:
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5): indicates the level of organic matter left to be
oxidised generally in the receiving water;
Suspended solids (SS): contaminates the receiving water and settles to be digested
anaerobically on the bed of the river or lake.
The levels range from 10:10, BOD:SS mg/L, for areas of high human contact to 20:30, BOD:SS
mg/L, for low human contact. DHF require the tests include the algae component, which is
70%-90% of WSP effluent.
In comparison with this, for waste stabilisation pond designs it is recommended that
the 1991 Council of the European Communities Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive
(UWWTD) be discussed extensively with regulators in the design stage with a view to
relaxation of this requirement for WSPs. The EC directive requires WSP effluent to be filtered
to remove algae before determining the BOD. The European Union accepts that there is
a difference to the receiving water on the oxygen demand exerted by algae BOD and SS
compared to the effluent from other processes where the BOD and SS are not algal based:
The WSP process converts sewage BOD to algal BOD (Gray, 2004);
During daylight, algae discharged to a receiving water continue to undertake
photosynthesis and give off oxygen to the benefit of the water (Mara 2003, p51);
Algae provides zooplankton, fish and other predators in the receiving water with food;
In Europe, WSP effluent discharges follow the 1915 Royal Commission recommendation
of eight times dilution with clean water. Eutrophication is primarily related to the
upstream nutrient concentration and would be little affected by the algae addition;
Algae laden effluent used for agricultural irrigation acts as a slow release fertilizer.
(Designing irrigation systems to be self-flushing last ten minutes with clean water
might negate the need for dissolved air flotation (DAF) or direct filtration processes
such as Dynasand for removing algae from WSP effluent). In addition, the DAF process
removes some 2 log order of pathogens.
Thus, the UWWTD requires WSP effluent to be pre-filtered to remove algae and then
achieve <25mg/L BOD and <150mg/L SS. The 150mg/L SS would be excessive for many rivers
and is expected to be reduced.
Whatman glass fibre C (1.2 m) filter paper is recommended for the separation of algae
from WSP effluent organic BOD.
WSPs reduce phosphorus by typically 45%, but reactive phosphorus limits are normally
much higher than the preferred level of less than 1mg/L. Nitrogen, not phosphorus, is likely
to be the nutrient critical for discharge to the sea or a high salinity tidal estuary.
Phosphorus removal can be achieved by algal growth and algal settlement (Gray, 2004)
within the receiving water. An interesting example is the Ruhr River. Artificial shallow
basins were created in the river bed similar in performance to maturation ponds. The Ruhr
nutrient load provides food for algae to proliferate in the basins. Algae die and sink to form
Part of the benthic or bed sediment. Phosphorus is held in the bed sediment until dredged.
Dredging removes sediment that contains phosphorus as well as industrial metals. The
aerated rock filter (see Section 5.7.3) utilises a similar process where phosphorus is taken up
by algae that eventually are precipitated in the sludge as dead cells.
Traditionally, effluent is dosed with coagulants such as aluminium sulphate. The subsequent
sludge incorporates phosphorus as a salt in the pond sludge.
1.5 Odour buffer distances
Power and Water guidelines for WSP odour buffer distances are contained in the Power
and Water draft publication Guidelines for Buffer Zones for Waste Water Treatment Plants,
Wellheads and Chlorine Installations.
Odour problems do occur:
Where raw sewage sulphate concentrations are in excess of 500 mg/L SO4 (Gloyna, 1969).
Potable water supplies can contain excessive levels of sulphate and these are passed to
the sewage. Odour from anaerobic ponds is likely at such levels;
When households use high levels of sodium sulphate based detergents. To reduce the risk
of odour at the WSP, it may be necessary to repeat campaigns to discourage the sale of
sodium sulphate detergents;
From certain illegal trade waste discharges. Tracing the illegal trade waste and
implementing pre-treatment before discharge to the public sewer is essential. WSP do
have a substantial buffer capacity against shock organic loads or trade waste discharges,
but both the algae and microbes are fragile and will die at sustained toxic levels;
With long rising mains in hot climates. The depletion of oxygen in the raw sewage will
activate anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria (for example, Desulfovibrio spp.) (Pomeroy,
1981) bacteria to reduce the pH and give off hydrogen sulphide that is likely to gas off
on arriving at the sewage treatment inlet works. Discharging the rising main flow at mid
depth in the first pond can contain much of the odour;
When ponds are inundated by sea water, raising the sulphate levels in excess of 500mg/L.
The Darwin Sanderson pond has received sea water at some time as it is well stocked
with oxeye herring (Megalops cyprinoides), which only breeds in sea water.
Additional discussion on odour control measures is given in Section 3.3.
2 sewage flows, loads & temperatures
2.1 Flows
WSP process design is based on the average flow and organic load conditions. The long
retention time from 20 to, in some cases, 40 days provides a buffer to average out peak
flows and loads. In comparison, an activated sludge reactor has 4 to 16 hours retention and
consequently little buffering capacity against peak flows and organic loads.
Pond hydraulic structures must be designed on peak, not average, flows and the storm
rainfall inflow derived from the pond area to ensure storm flows are controlled and not a
threat to embankments. The intense Northern Territory rain, inflow and infiltration require
storm bypasses if pond bio-mass is not to be washed out into the receiving water.
The hot Northern Territory climate results in high water usage. The tropical north (see Figure
below) is a wet/dry climate where a long dry season with no rainfall has led to consistent
high water usage. In the southern states, which lie in temperate zones, water consumption
is lower. On average, water consumption in the Northern Territory is 950L/capita day, but
1,100L/capita day is used for design.
Water consumption for design purposes should be either derived from measured values for
a specific project, or from Power and Waters developers guidelines available on line at:
In the temperate winter climates of Alice Springs, facultative ponds need to be three times
the size to those in tropical climates, such as Darwin. Chapter 5 discusses pond design
related to temperature in detail.
Domestic sewage flows in the Northern Territory are typically taken as:
300 L/capita day in the tropical north
270 L/capita day in the temperate south.
The flows do vary considerably depending upon the climatic zone, sewer inflow and
infiltration, prosperity and whether the water supply is metered.
There is a wide variation in sewage flows, which ideally requires each project to be considered
separately if efficiency in design is to be achieved. For upgrading or expanding existing WSPs
flow monitoring in both seasons should provide a better guide for use in pond process design.
However, where flow monitoring has not taken place, flows should be estimated using the
methods stipulated in Power and Waters guidelines for developers:
Northern Territory community populations are not static. Seasonal workers are common.
Tourism is also an important industry in the NT and contributes significantly to the dry
season sewage flows. WSP process design is undertaken for both seasons to cover the range
of flows and temperatures. Often there can be a significant difference in the pond sizes
appropriate for differing seasons. Table 2.1 below gives guidance on population variations
that occur in the Northern Territory.
Designers should also consider the possibility that populations in some centres may fall,
such as happened in Tennant Creek after gold mining ceased in 1985. Lower occupancy
rate with changing prosperity, loss of industry such as mining and the migration to cities
are other factors to a reduce sewage flow. In all cases, an accurate assessment of seasonal
populations will secure a better WSP design.
2.1.3 Commercial and Industrial Flows
Commercial sewage flows are occasionally measured but often will have to be estimated
from water consumption data Figures and the assumption that 100% enters the public
sewer. Power and Water does hold water meter readings for all commercial consumers.
Power and Waters Water Services officers will be able to give guidance on the extent
of commercial properties discharging to the sewers. The strength of sewage would be
expected to be the same as the domestic population (see Section 2.3).
Major industrial discharges are regulated under the Power and Water trade waste
agreements for discharge to public sewers. A site-by-site investigation to check actual
discharge records will be required. Accurate information for the organic strength of the
sewage should be determined by individual sampling and analysis. Power and Waters
trade waste officers will be able to provide advice and guidance. Often, a few companies
discharge the majority of the waste loading, making it unnecessary to test more than these
for a representative sample.
2.1.4 Inflow and Infiltration
Heavy tropical rain in the Top End, low annual rainfall in Alice Springs/Tennant Creek and
the current theories on climate change influence predictions of inflow to the sewers. During
cyclones or heavy storms, flooding from torrential downpours may directly discharge to the
sewer. Campaigns by Power and Water to disconnect illegal storm water to the sewer are
on-going, but making these illegal connections is relatively simple. Repeated campaigns
against illegal inflow are required to limit inflows to less than 20% of the domestic flow.
Above this level, flows become significant for WSP design.
Groundwater infiltration to the sewer is also correlated to rainfall and high tides where
sewerage is in coastal areas. Projects have been undertaken to seal sewer joints, but the cost
is high and sometimes the repairs are short lived by increased head from a rising ground
water table. New sewerage schemes have the benefit of better pipe jointing and less illegal
interconnection to storm water disposal systems.
The large variation in inflow and infiltration to Power and Water sewers requires individual
hydraulic assessment by catchment. Where total flows to the WSPs have been recorded
over many years, it may be possible to assess inflow and infiltration by deducting the
theoretical flows calculated for domestic, commercial and industrial discharges. This should
be undertaken for the two seasons used for the process analysis. An alternative method
is to measure chloride ion of potable water and the influent to calculate the inflow and
infiltration flows.
To emphasize the range of inflow and infiltration in Power and Waters sewers, Table 2.2
gives preliminary values. It is emphasised that this is no substitute for flow monitoring
undertaken over several seasons.
As mentioned, WSP hydraulic structures are designed on peak flows to prevent over topping
and embankment failure. Storm inflows are likely to dominate the hydraulics. Information
may be available from:
Actual flow records during a severe storm;
Hydraulic analysis of the incoming sewer pipe full capacity and any related flow splitting
or diversion before or at the WSP;
Knowledge of any flooding or stream flows that have discharged to the WSPs during
extreme weather.
The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) has recorded Cyclone rainfalls up to 1,300 mm in 72
hours. The concern here is not primarily the sewer flow as there is a maximum for each
pipe or pumped system. The pond freeboard is generally 300mm and relative to a deluge
of 400mm of rain in a day can add considerably to pond hydraulic bypass requirements.
Concrete apron pond embankment overflows, based on dam spillway design, can safeguard
embankments for such catastrophic conditions.
2.2 Organic loads
Biochemical oxygen demand at five days and 20oC (BOD5, grams/day) is used to measure
the organic waste produced by the average person. Commercial and industrial organic
discharges are expressed either as BOD kg/day or as a domestic equivalent population (EP).
Increased wealth during the last three decades has seen the per capita BOD5 loadings
rise from 40g to 80g per day in many American states. Much of the increase is due to sink
grinders for the disposal of food waste that would earlier have been composted or added
to the household refuse. However, sink grinders in the Northern Territory do not mimic the
American experience.
The social and economic conditions throughout the Northern Territory vary considerably.
Power and Water has adopted 60g per capita day BOD for sewage treatment design. The
table below does not show organic loading varying between NT towns as the data is
inconclusive. By providing the table, it will be a reminder to establish the variations when
data is available. It is always preferable to carry out extensive raw sewage BOD sampling for
at least two years before undertaking a final process design.
Table 2.3 Domestic Organic Loadings
The WSP process designer will also wish to calculate the reduction in pathogens and
nutrients. Licences to discharge effluent now commonly demand high standards to reduce
both public health and environmental contamination risks. To assist in the preliminary
process designs, an indication of the loadings is given below.
Nitrogen, g N/cap day:
Total nitrogen 14
Ammonia (NH3): 14
o Inorganic: 8.4
o Organic: 5.6
TKN 14
Phosphorus, g P/cap day:
Total phosphorus 4
Reactive P (PO4) 3
Alkalinity, mg/L, CaC03 200
Escherichia coli, No/100ml 10 million
Helminth, eggs/L 500
Note: Almost all nitrogen in raw sewage is present as organic nitrogen and ammonia: that is, total nitrogen and TKN are
numerically the same.
Power and Water has considerable records of raw sewage strengths throughout the Northern
Territory, summarised below. The designer should investigate further if the correlation is poor.
Modern WSP process design is based on temperature dependant equations (see Section 5)
for the two seasons July (the coldest together with peak tourist population) and February
(the hottest and wettest) for the Northern Territory. Generally, BoM has temperature records
for even small communities. Mean maxima and minima air temperatures for the particular
month are averaged and used for the pond process.
Power and Water has reasonable records of raw sewage temperatures, more for the final
effluent and increasing records on individual pond temperatures. Often the final effluent
will be warmer than the raw sewage due to the solar heating of the ponds, especially in
both the summer and dry seasons.
For pond process design, the more conservative mean air temperature values (see Figure
5.1) should be used. If a process review of an existing works is being undertaken, the actual
sewage temperatures can be used with an upper limit of 28C (400kgBOD/ha day loading,
Mara 2010).
2.5 Evaporation
Pan evaporation is included in the WSP process designs (see Section 5) to correct the change
in sewage strength and retention time between ponds. It is also used in the irrigation area
analysis (see Section 10). The summary Figures below do not substitute for BoM detailed or
individual site analysis.
Chloride ion measurement in the sewage influent and final effluent is another way to
estimate evaporation. The chloride ion is retained in the pond during evaporation. Where
there is high infiltration, the accuracy will be lost.
Life on earth would not exist without micro-organisms. The single cell bacteria, viruses,
protozoa and algae break down waste and provide compounds to support life. These
micro-organisms, together with fungi, are the main consumers of organic waste contained
in sewage. Aerobic micro-organisms require oxygen for metabolism as well as minerals
such as nitrates and phosphates. Their rate of growth depends upon sufficient organic
matter to nutrients ratios (100:5:1 BOD:N:P), pH and temperature. In addition, algal cell
division supports the pathogen killing process by the significant diurnal pH change in the
pond when changing from oxygen production in sunlight to carbon dioxide (respiration)
and lower pH at night. In sunlight, algal production has its maximum demand for carbon
dioxide some of which is derived from carbonate and bicarbonate. The result is a rapid rise
in pH to 9.5 or more.
The production of oxygen by algae is proportional to solar intensity and the larger the pond
surface area, the greater the total oxygen production. The oxygen is used by the bacteria to
break down the complex organic matter (sewage) into simple compounds. The higher the
temperature, the more rapid the reaction. The stronger the organic waste, the greater the
aerobic pond area needed for a given temperature. Because of these considerations, the
temperature differences between Darwin (28C in the dry season), and Alice Springs (13C in
the winter) mean that facultative ponds need to be three times larger in Alice Springs than
in Darwin.
Modern compact treatment systems, such as activated sludge and membranes, also rely
on microbes to convert the organic mass of sewage to gases (carbon dioxide; nitrogen)
and sludge. Their source of oxygen is air, which is blown through the water and so allows a
much smaller footprint for the treatment works. Electricity is the major operational cost of
modern electromechanical sewage works. Nearly all of this cost is avoided by ponds as they
are solar driven.
The nitrogen content of sewage has complex relationships in ponds:
Anaerobic ponds convert the organic nitrogen in excreta, urine and food waste to
ammonia, significantly increasing the ammonia discharged from the pond;
Aerobic nitrification is the conversion of ammonia to nitrites and then nitrates
by bacteria;
Nitrates are stripped in the anoxic zone of the pond (denitrification) to nitrous gases.
In the high NT pond temperatures the nitrification and de-nitrification can be rapid. It is not
clear how this can happen, but effluent results do not show the expected nitrites.
3.1.1 Algal relationships in WSP treatment processes
Sewage ponds provide the conditions for the symbiotic relation between algae and bacteria
(see Figure 3.1A):
Aerobic bacteria break down (catabolism) of organic waste to give off carbon dioxide;
Algae use the carbon dioxide for cell growth (anabolism) and, in turn, give off oxygen in
day light;
Aerobic bacteria use the oxygen given off by the algae and diffused from the atmosphere
for their own metabolism and new cell production.
Figure 3.1a Daytime: Algae and Bacteria Symbiotic Relationship
Note: the daytime photosynthesis uses up the night time carbon dioxide leading to pH 9 or greater
There are many thousands of algal species in nature. WSPs have a considerable range of
algae. The dominance of individual species gives a good indication on the effectives of the
treatment process - see table below.
Evidence from the last twenty years of research suggests the successful operation of waste
stabilisation ponds depends upon the ecology within the pond. Pond thermal stratification
distresses the non-motile algae (Mara, 2003) such as Chlorella, Senedesmus, Micractinium,
diatoms etc that have become trapped in the hot static top layer of the pond. The distress
seems to allow cyanobacteria to proliferate, often close to 100% of the final effluent.
The use of pond mixers to break up the stratification is effective in reducing the algal
cyanobacteria. The mixers do not need to provide aeration. Mixing provides:
Vertical movement within the water column, cooling the surface strata;
Brings nutrients from the settlement zone to the surface to support algae growth
through photosynthesis;
A reduction in the volume of digested sludge.
Organically lightly loaded ponds will encourage cyanobacteria to dominate (Lawty, 1998).
For this reason Mara (2010) recommends no more than two maturation ponds in tropical
climates such as Darwin. Mara now believes replacing maturation ponds by aerated rock
filters is preferable.
Ammonia and hydrogen sulphide are both highly toxic to pond algae which are a dominant
part of the pond ecology. Pond design or operation is affected by:
Increasing toxicity of ammonia with rising pH due to algal photosynthesis. This limits
algae growth, setting up a self correcting relationship;
Discharging anaerobic pond effluent, with its sulphide content, close to a facultative
pond surface will distress or kill many of the algae - the reason for mid depth discharge.
Algae diurnal variation (Figure 5.3) shows facultative pond effluent algae concentration can
drop to a fifth at the end of the day. Maturation pond effluent would show less variation
but should be sufficient to support a diurnal regulated discharge for lower nutrients in the
receiving water. However, where there is cyanobacterial dominance, it does not allow this
advantage to be taken (PWC Sanderson, Sampling October 2009).
Marais (1976) experience in Zambia gave the first proof of the importance of wind shear on
pond ecology, preventing a pond from becoming odorous and going septic from lack of oxygen.
By removing the vegetation that had overgrown the fence surrounding the ponds, the ponds
returned to normal operation within two days. Wind is now known to provide vertical mixing
and prevent stratification that supports odour and algal mats.
Even so ponds are highly complicated reactors that are still too difficult to define.
3.2 Anaerobic
Methane is given off in WSPs by a four stage break down of the organic matter beginning
with glucose and finishing with bacterial conversions of acetates to methane (CH4). The
biogas given off is some 70% methane and 30% carbon dioxide both green house gases.
Methane is considered to be up to 25 times more damaging to the atmosphere than carbon
dioxide (see Section 16.7).
The actual volumes of greenhouse gas emitted from sewage treatment processes are not
that well known. However, for design purposes, the following approach is suggested until
better Figures are available.
Traditional sewage works primary sludge digestion is some 15 litres per capita day of
digester gas at standard pressure and temperature. This increases to 20L/capita day for
secondary digestion (Gray, 2004). The very long sludge retention time in WSPs probably
is closer to secondary digestion, whilst the primary sludge digestion would mimic an
anaerobic pond. Based on two thirds of the 15 L/capita day bio-gas produced being methane,
this equates to close to 35 kWh per capita year.
Sewage works, such as Western Australias Woodman Point, use methane given off during
sludge digestion to drive generators powered by reciprocating engines. Below populations
less than 100,000 it is unlikely to be economic. The advances in fuel cell technology do
allow scrubbed sewage derived gas to be used for producing electricity. Fuel cell costs are
reducing, but with efficiencies of 40% do not match modern gas condensing boilers 90%
efficiency. Unfortunately, most of the Power and Water pond schemes are remote from
industries requiring hot water.
Micro-turbines are a practical alternative to fuel cells for generating electricity. They have an
efficiency of up to 30%.
Even if anaerobic pond gas collection is undertaken and the gas is flared, producing carbon
dioxide, green house gas effects will have been reduced by 25%.
Influent BOD
algae Algae
bacteria Soluble
Settleable Soluble
Solids Fermentation
BOD converted
to sludge
Sludge layer
NO3 + pseudomonas (day)
urine nitrogen (N) ph: 9.4
organic N + enzymes
ammonium (NH4)
pH: 7.2
Note: Mara and Curtis suggest NH3 to NO3 + NO2 then rapidly converted to N2 + NO2
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), or the rotten egg smell, is easily recognisable and correctly
related to anaerobic conditions. Examination of the chemistry shows that the pH controls
the diffusion reaction and it is quickly reversible. Unusual levels of sulphur and an alkalinity
buffer can avoid the objectionable hydrogen sulphide odour and maintain the benefit
of a simple anaerobic pond system to remove over 70% BOD in the Northern Territory
Top End climate.
The Figure below shows that the non-smelling bisulphide ion (HS-) replaces hydrogen
sulphide at pH 7.3 or higher. The daytime high pH of the pond surface band will reduce the
loss of hydrogen sulphide to the atmosphere.
Figure 3.4 Hydrogen Sulphide vs. pH
% More Odour Less Odour
h 2s
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Notes: Source: Sawyer 2002 with modification by C Evans 2010; (H2S line in red; HS line in blue)
More attention is now being given to reduce odour from septic sewage arriving at sewage
works. Aeration cascades can be used where hydraulic head is available. Recent promotion
of pumping back well oxygenated final effluent can provide the missing oxygen to the
septic sewage. Particularly for activated sludge plants this will allow some of the ammonia
to be converted to nitrate before the mechanical treatment process. Hydrogen sulphide can
be removed by chemical and biological scrubbers (see website below) if covering of the inlet
works or pond is practical. Biological and chemical scrubbers are used at Woodman Point
sewage works (Perth, WaterCorporation). Both are successful but the chemical scrubbers are
expensive to build and operate.
Similarly, if influent sewage is directed to the half depth of the facultative pond, a further
reduction in odour is possible due to some of the gas remaining in solution for use by
sulphur bacteria in their metabolism.
Desludging anaerobic ponds, when one third full of sludge, reduces the risk of odours.
Encouraging the development of a crust over the anaerobic pond, allowing odours to
remain longer in the pond, also helps. Creating a biomass of blown straw and grass seed
over pond produces its own odour control bio-filter. Covering the anaerobic pond and
collecting the methane gas given off is a more promising way of odour control. The difficulty
is finding a use for the contaminated methane, especially if generated in a remote location.
Midge and mosquito breeding in still waters have become a significant health problem in
Australia. The hotter climate and the tropical conditions in the NT are quite suited to the
growth of mosquito vectors and subsequent spread of disease.
Poorly designed WSP embankments, the formation of cyanobacteria or sludge mats on the
ponds as well as vegetation growing from these can support mosquito breeding. Even sludge
stockpiles or poor site drainage may provide pools of water for mosquitoes to breed from.
NT midges can readily breed at WSP sites. The table below summarizes some of the health
Table 3.2 Mosquito and Midge Vectors
WSPs are considered too high in suspended organic matter for two malaria mosquito
vectors Anopheles annulipes s.I. and hilli in the NT. However these two species can breed
in evaporation ponds or effluent spray of flood irrigation that form shallow pools. Dirty
water mosquitoes that breed in WSPs are primarily those of the Culex family. Their
breeding ground is the waters edge, where grass or plants straddle the water line and
provide harbourage for larvae. By removing the harbourage areas, the mosquito larvae
are controlled by aquatic predators (DHF, 2009b).
Concrete margin slabs have been used to prevent bank erosion and avoid grass growing at
the ponds water edge. It is the grass that often provides the habitat for mosquito breeding.
For these reasons, WSP designs that do not specifically address the issues of control
of mosquito breeding habitats are not acceptable in the NT.
The Entomology Branch of the Department of Health and Families has laid out the
requirements for control of insects (Mosquito Breeding and Sewage Treatment Plants
in the NT DHF, 2009) and designs are required to comply with those requirements.
Watercare Ltd (Lawty, 1996) researched midge breeding in the Auckland Mangere ponds.
Two elements influenced the Chironomus infestations:
The low organic level in the final maturation ponds. Figure 3.5 shows organic loading of
less than 25kg BOD/ha day in winter to 60kg/ha day in the Auckland summer were linked
to midge breeding and infestation of the local community. Chironomous larvae need
oxygen but could readily be digested by cat fish an obnoxious species in Australia;
Minimal buffer zone to the local houses. The pressure to build more houses as the city
expanded led to the reduction of the original 1960 buffer distances.
Figure 3.5 Pond Organic Loading vs. Midges and Blue Green Algae
Sewage may be 99.9% water but the rags, plastics and grit that make up only part of the
remaining 0.1% require a disproportionate effort and cost to separate and treat.
WSPs allow two different options (see Table 4.1) for screening and grit removal depending
upon the sludge disposal policy:
Where pond sludge is not to be recycled to land use, there is less need to remove plastics
and other deleterious matter before discharge to the primary pond;
If sludge is to be used for compost, or spread on farmland as a soil conditioner, it is
simpler to remove plastics from raw sewage rather than digested sludge.
Table 4.1 Screening and Grit Removal Guidelines
Possible screening disposal options are given in the table below.
Table 4.2 Screening Disposal Options
Option Comment
Buried on site Regulators wish to limit the risk of ground water contamination.
Modern screen equipment employs washing and compaction
technology. Hard standing and covered skips are needed to support
the operators in undertaking the unpleasant task.
Land fill Not all landfill sites are licensed to receive sewage screenings. The risk
of groundwater contamination and treatment of leachate are points
to be answered. Washed and compressed screenings are more likely to
be accepted.
Incineration Once dried most screenings have sufficient combustible material to
be burnt. Unfortunately, basic drum incinerators are not hot enough:
dioxins will be given off from the combustion of plastics. Hospital
incinerators are regulated and operate at high temperatures to
avoid carcinogenic pollution. Negotiating with hospitals to use their
incinerators will be easier if screenings are washed and compacted.
Flow monitoring, inlet works design and management of storm flows are discussed in
Section 6.
4.2 Anaerobic and facultative ponds (primary ponds)
Anaerobic ponds are 3m to 5m deep excavations, lined if necessary, where bacteria, without
the presence of oxygen, break down organic sewage. Anaerobic ponds are excellent at
treating high strength sewage of 30,000mg/L BOD, encountered at offal rendering plants
or piggeries. For domestic sewage, they are frequently kept in reserve until WSPs require
upgrading for additional capacity. Storm water inflow in the tropical north of Australia,
may dilute the raw sewage to prevent anaerobic conditions forming. Actual experience of
sewage strengths during the wet months will allow an assessment to be made for using
anaerobic ponds. In temperate zones, such as Alice Springs and Tennant Creek, anaerobic
ponds will be larger, but BOD reduction will be less in the winter temperatures.
Facultative ponds are, preferably 1.5 to 1.8m deep, but deeper (1.8 to 2.5m) at the inlet end if
screenings or grit removal are to take place inside the pond. The top half to one third of the
pond supports aerobic bacteria and algae to provide oxygen.
The bottom part of the pond stores grit and organic sludge for slow anaerobic digestion.
Facultative ponds are preferred as the primary pond for a new WSP scheme to allow
confidence in the actual raw sewage flows and strength to be gained.
Primary anaerobic and facultative ponds in the tropical temperatures can remove some 70%
BOD. Anaerobic ponds in the tropics would achieve this by one days retention. In comparison,
the facultative pond requires six days. In temperate climates, such as Alice Springs, Tennant
Creek and Yulara - which might experience sub zero overnight temperatures - the retention
times will be longer (see Section 5 for the pond temperature-dependent design equations).
The decision to use anaerobic ponds vs. facultative ponds is generally economically
driven. Usually, the use of anaerobic ponds will provide the lowest cost outcome. Mara
recommends anaerobic ponds should be used as a default.
However, uncovered anaerobic ponds may have odour issues which may not meet
planning criteria.
SEWAGE 1.3-1.5
1.6 0.05
Notes: Secondary refers to the facultative pond not receiving raw sewage BOD removal equations change. Similarly for
maturation where it is the order in the design process. Ponds below 1m depth are much more likely to support weed grasses
Secondary ponds provide some additional organic removal but are important for pathogen
reduction. Pathogen reduction is based on first order kinetics four ponds in series each of
four days retention can achieve 5,000 times better pathogen reduction compared to one
pond of 16 days retention.
If the raw sewage has been pre-treated by an anaerobic pond, a (secondary) facultative pond
would follow. Where the pre-treatment was by a primary facultative pond, a maturation
pond would provide the next level of treatment.
Secondary facultative ponds can be between 1.5m and 2.5m deep, but 1.8m is preferred as it
balances the aerobic and anaerobic zones without frequent desludging. The accumulation
of 0.6m of sludge will still allow aerobic conditions to continue in the top 1.2m of the pond.
The oxygen coming from algae is mostly concentrated in the top 300mm.
The base of the pond stores the sludge from suspended solids and the dead microbial
activity in the pond. The sludge blanket is anaerobic. Generally secondary facultative pond
retention time is eight or more days in tropical temperatures but twice this time in the
temperate climate of Alice Springs and Tennant Creek.
Maturation ponds could be 1m or less deep, but would risk supporting grasses and other
vegetation growing in the bottom sludge and eventually blocking the flow. A depth of
1.3m is recommended. Their primary function is disinfection, achieved by a combination of
change in pond pH, oxygen, visible light (400mm penetration as against UV of 3mm) and an
inhospitable environment for enteric bacteria.
Maturation ponds will reduce organic load by some 25%. However, if additional organic
removal is required, tertiary treatment is necessary.
4.4 Tertiary treatment
WSPs can produce a 10:20:12, BOD:SS:NH3 mg/L effluent pre-filtered to remove algae
(reference Section 1.3.1). Inorganic nitrogen (NH3 and NO3-) of 20mg/L and reactive
phosphorus (P2+) of 5mg/L are achieved in the Northern Territory.
Effluent pathogen levels for unrestricted irrigation would be less than 0.1 helminth eggs/L
and less than 500 E. coli per 100ml. The World Health Organisation recommends less than
0.1 nematode eggs and a Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) to determine
E. coli per litre to protect field workers less than 15 years of age when standing in effluent
being used for irrigation.
For a regulator to accept pre-filtering of the compliance effluent sample to remove algae,
designers will need to convince the regulator that consistent effluent quality at the 90%
percentile is achievable. This is likely to require compliance with best pond practice using
flow mixers, baffle walls, correctly positioned scum boards and storm flows diverted and
treated separately. Otherwise, tertiary treatment of the final effluent may be required, or at
the very least, the regulator will not accept filtered sampling results.
One of the oldest and simplest tertiary treatments is the grass plot. Recent developments
in Australia have used Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), sand filtration and, finally, reverse
osmosis to provide high quality industrial water. Alice Springs WSPs use both DAF and Soil
Aquifer Treatment (SAT) using sand filtration, and chlorination prior to aquifer recharge. The
chlorination of WSP effluent is not supported as ponds are exceptionally good at pathogen
reduction. Tri-Halomethanes (THMs) are formed from chlorination and are now known to be
The most promising low carbon footprint tertiary treatments for WSP effluent are:
Aerated rock filters to follow the facultative pond. BOD and SS removals above 70%, 40%
for inorganic nitrogen, and E. coli reduction to 100/100ml in the Top End temperatures are
Slow sand filters, with a schmutzdecke, are likely to achieve similar results to aerated
rock filters. If used on an intermittent dosing and rotating basis, algae removal should
be practical;
Sub-surface wetlands (See Figure 4.2), as with rock filters, block the light to algae and are
also likely to see nutrient reductions similar to un-aerated rock filters. Often sub-surface
wetland performance drops after one or two years;
Membrane mats (see Figure 4.2) is a recent advancement using vertically suspended
curtains and bottom curtain aeration to promote biomass and nutrient reduction.
Figure 4.2 Sub-surface wetland and Aquamats
It is essential that the proposed methods and cost of treating WSP sewage sludge
be considered in the initial designs. If this does not occur the desludging operation,
unsurprisingly, may be expensive and possibly hazardous. Unlike conventional treatment
works, where sludge treatment and disposal is a daily occurrence, pond desludging may
only be once in ten years.
This means that construction of sludge removal services can be staged to coincide with the
first de-sludging operation. However, designers must not fail to provide those designs as
part of the initial plant design.
Anaerobic ponds can be desludged by constructing a second pond to operate in parallel
with the first or by taking out of operation of one pond if two are already operating
together. An example of where this has worked well is at the Katherine WSPs (see Figure
below) where the one of the two facultative ponds was shut down at the end of the rainy
season. After decanting, the sludge was allowed to dry out naturally before removal.
Sludge treatment designs must include allowance for areas for storage and handling of
removed sludge, as well as land for associated mechanical and electrical plant and road
access. Plant drawings should include layouts showing the sludge processing details.
Figure 4.3b Desludging the Pond above at the final mopping up stage
The dried sludge is simply removed by a tracked excavator. Using nature to dry the sludge is
likely to reduce the whole pond desludging operation cost by 80%.
Process calculations often show that the pond size required in summer is much less than
in winter. Thus, by referring to the design calculations, it is often possible that critical
maintenance requiring an empty pond (such as sludge removal) can be undertaken during
summer as the full plant influent load may be able to be treated by a parallel facultative
pond. It is recommended to set up primary ponds in parallel pairs to allow flow diversion for
In tropical climates where there is less temperature variation, an economic analysis should
be undertaken to determine whether the provision of an extra pond, which can be used
while desludging is undertaken in the other ponds, is warranted. Given that costs of
dredging ponds while in service is expensive - normally undertaken by contractors coming
in remotely with specialised equipment it can be seen that an extra primary primary or
anaerobic pond solely for desludging may be economic.
Additional land is needed, whatever the dual primary pond arrangement, for stockpiling the
sludge for a year to ensure helminth eggs have been sufficiently destroyed for the organic
matter to be used as a soil conditioner.
Facultative ponds can be desludged whilst operating. A suction barge (see Figure below)
traverses the pond and the 2% to 3% solids are pumped ashore. Dewatering and stockpiling
the sludge requires bunded space, which must be planned for as part of the design process.
The health and safety aspects of operating the suction dredger will need to be considered.
Maturation ponds are unlikely to need desludging within 20 years unless excess sludge
from a facultative pond has been carried over to the maturation pond, particularly by
storm flows.
Dewatering WSP sludge can be by:
Traditional sewage works sludge drying beds. Construction is typically 300mm of gravel
overlaid with 500mm of sand. Some 2.5m2 is required per 100 equivalent population.
The underdrain should discharge the leachate back to the inlet works. The crust shrinks
on drying and improves dewatering;
Discharge to an open deep pond and dewatering by evaporation during the dry season.
Mostly, the sludge stratifies and the evaporation time needed is more than the duration
of the dry season. Wide shallow sludge ponds (similar to Katherine; see Figure 4.3b) can
be desludged within the season;
Centrifuge or belt press mechanical dewatering systems that produce a cake of some
22% solids content. Polymers are normally added to the sludge for effective dewatering;
Geotexile bags that have the advantage of completing the dewatering over months.
However, removing the cake from the bags is not easy and the designer must provide areas
for holding the bags that enable access by cranes and loaders during the removal process.
Surprisingly, odour from the desludging operation is rarely objectionable. The exception is
when the suction dredger stirs up the facultative or maturation pond bottom contents
instead of pumping ashore and crashes the pond.
Mosquito breeding can be a problem in the desludging process if extended pooling occurs
in the sludge or effluent run off areas during the pond drying process or in the sludge
storage areas after rain. Particular precautions need to be taken for the prevention and
monitoring of these operations against mosquito breeding.
Leaving space for future anaerobic ponds may provide operational space for the first pond
desludging. As a general guide, an area equivalent to half the facultative pond area should be
incorporated into the WSP layout. A hard standing will be required for dewatering machinery
if the pond cannot be decommissioned to naturally dry out during the dry season.
Space for stockpiling or burying dried sludge on site should be set aside if there is no
immediate agricultural use or disposal to landfill.
Figure 4.5 Dried Sludge Stockpile
Note: Well screen and sump, in the background, to remove leachate when stockpile completed and rains begin
Depending upon the method of desludging, providing a ramp to allow suction dredgers to
be slid in and out of the pond should be considered. The same ramp would be suitable for
excavators and lorries if desludged by the natural drying process.
Notes: New design: use BoM monthly mean air temperature. Existing scheme use actual faculative pond temperature for
the design month. The Mara (blue) line has been adopted by this design manual with a process peak of 28C for Top End
climate. Source: Mara, 2003; modified for NT in July 2010
5.2.1 Seasonal temperatures
The Mara mean air temperature dependant equations allow ponds to be sized for the seasonal
changes in temperature and population. Tourism during the short dry period of May to October
often provides the critical loading for the ponds. The December to April rains in northern
Australia mostly dictate pond hydraulic design. Similarly, the colder months of June, July and
August provide critical loading conditions for ponds in the southern part of Australia.
Table 2.5 seasonal temperatures provide guidance on sewage temperatures for the process
designer. The mean monthly air temperature for the design month is used. This provides
several degrees of additional process design safety. (Note: the design month may not be the
coldest month if population numbers vary greatly throughout the year).
Process assessment of existing WSP is preferable performed using measured pond temperatures.
Raw sewage inlet temperatures should not be used. Alice Springs July 2009 influent was recorded
as 25C, but this dropped to 13C in the facultative pond. A comparison against the Bureau of
Metrology mean air temperature for the assessment month provides a check.
Whether air or pond sewage temperatures are used an upper limit of 28C ensures
facultative pond algae density is sufficient for effective treatment (see Figure 5.2).
5.2.2 Average & storm flows
The pond process design equations are based on average dry weather flows and organic
loads for the design month, as the substantial pond buffer capacity evens out diurnal peaks.
Section 2.1.2 provides guidance on sewage flows.
Rain inflow and ground water infiltration into the sewer is substantial in older sewers. Table
2.3 provides guidance on likely flows and Section 7 on the design of hydraulic structures and
storm diversions.
5.2.3 Average organic loads
The ability for ponds to absorb large daily fluctuations in organic loads, by their long
retention time, supports process design based on average loadings. Table 2.5 provides
guidance on sewage organic loadings in the NT.
5.3 Anaerobic ponds
Li Q
R 1001 0.41exp 0.49 0.0085 2
R is percentage egg removal, 95percentile;
is pond retention time in days.
1 k1T f
Mid depth area is used for all WSP process calculations. It self cancels surface and bottom
areas where embankments are used to build the pond.
Le is the Li is the unfiltered effluent strength, mg BOD/L;
unfiltered effluent strength, mg BOD/L;
Le is raw sewage strength, mg BOD/L;
1T f
Li is raw
1 ksewage strength, mg BOD/L;
is first order rate constant per day;
k1T isisthe unfiltered
first order rate effluent strength,
constant per mg BOD/L;
is israwthe unfiltered
sewage effluent
strength, strength, mgisBOD/L;
mg BOD/L; retention time, days.
Lef isisretention
the time, effluent
unfiltered days. strength, mg BOD/L;
isis first
sewage rate strength,
constant permgday;
Li is raw sewage strength, mg BOD/L;
is first order
is retention time,ratedays. constant per day;
kk1T is first
1(Tis k
) retention
1( 20 )
order1 .05 T 20
rate constant per day;
time, days. For primary facultative pond,
For f is retention time,
primary facultative pond, days. per day
k1( 20primary
For ) 0.3 facultative
per day pond, For secondary facultative pond,
20 ) 1facultative
T 20 per day
For k1(per
1(T )secondary
For secondary
For primary facultative pond,
day pond,
per day
kFor 0.3 per
1( 20 )secondary day
and Settings\m2g\Local Settings\Temporary
facultative pond, Internet
WATER:1074786_PW WS Ponds Design Manual:supplied
58 per day
For secondary facultative pond,
Stabilisation Pond Design Manual Equations 16May11.doc
Stabilisation Pond Design Manual Equations 22Nov11.doc
Le 11 kk1T f
1T f
Le is
Le is the
the unfiltered
Li is raw sewage strength, mg BOD/L;
Li is raw sewage strength, mg BOD/L;
k1T is first order rate constant per day;
k1T is first order rate constant per day;
f is retention time, days.
f is retention time, days.
The primary
BELOWfacultative pondBE
IT SHOULD surface loadingsin
..equations and BOD5.2
Table removal
NOTare in
TABLE 2 with the table below.
Table 5.2 Facultative Surface Loading and BOD Removal
To ensure algae have sufficient time to complete cell division, 4 days has been used as the
minimum retention time.
5.4.2 E. coli removal
Notes: is the mean air temperature in the design month, oC;
Notes: removal
Notes: isisthe doesair
mean take
air place in anaerobic
temperature ininthe ponds,
design butisois
month, it is mainly
o pond
mean nematode
retention temperatureegg in the design month, C;
time in days.
Notes: and thesulphide attacktimeon cholera bacillus.month,
E. coli removal
isooC; takes place
pond retention timeininfacultative
Notes: isisispondthemean
pond air
mean time inindays.
temperature ininthe
days. thedesign
design month,Source: C; Mara 2003
and maturation
isispond ponds, but
retention there is controversy over quantifying the
Source: Mara 2003 reduction. Marais,
Source: pondMara 2003 time
Mara 2003 timeinindays.
1974, developed
the first order kinetic equation for faecal
ADAM: coliform
IN TEXTdie off. TheIT
BELOW analysis
SHOULD wasBE ..equations in Table 5.
Source:Mara Mara2003
temperature related for a fully mixed reactor. This suggests
BE ..equations
degree Celsius
in Table
in Table 5.2
5.2 for..
rise in
NOT BE ..equations in Table 5.
temperature will increase E. coli rate of die off byTABLE
19% (Evans
2 2010). This does not relate to
SHOULD BE ..equations in
in Table 5.2
5.2 for.. NOT
light intensity, considered as the most likelyBE ..equations
mechanism Table(not
for pathogen for..
coli) die off.
Von Sperling (2003) looked at dispersed flow models to represent pathogen die off in
maturation ponds in warm climates. However, Pearson, Mara (1996) concluded that
pathogen die off was better represented by the Marias equation:
There is not sufficient knowledge on the nitrogen cycle in the Northern Territory WSPs,
especially the high
D:\Documents andTop End temperatures.
Settings\m2g\Local The ponds need to
Settings\Temporary be operating
Internet at the peak
efficiency before
Stabilisation Pondcalibrating nutrient
Design Manual removal22Nov11.doc
Equations equations. Where ponds have marked short-
circuiting, excess sludge or inadequate influent data deciding on the best nitrogen removal
equation is arbitrary.
The primary nitrogen removal equations are given below to encourage the designer to gain
better field information. There are two possible equation types Pano Middlebrook and Silva.
Discussion of the use of these is set out as follows:
Ammonia removal in facultative and maturation ponds by the Pano Middlebrooks (1982)
equation is:
T 20 o C
1 A / Q 0.0038 0.000134T exp1.041 0.044T pH 6.6
T 20 o C
1 5.035 * 0.001 A / Q exp1.540 pH 6.6
Brazils Recife and the Northern Territory tropical climates are both similar. Recent work by
Silva et al (1995) on ammonia removal in Recife may have better correlation than the Pano
Middlebrooks equations. The Pano work was based on organic loading up to 40kg BOD/ha
day. Silvas work increased the loadings to 220kg BOD/ha day.
1 8.65 * 0.001 A / Q exp1.727 pH 6.6
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 61
C c is ammonia sampled from the middle of the pond, mg N/L and includes
Qe isis flow,
C m3/d;
influent ammonia, mg N/L;
C ie isis temperature,
T effluent
influent ammonia,C; mg N/L;
Alk isispond
A alkalinity, mg CaCO
mid depth area,3/L. 2
C i is effluent ammonia, mg N/L;
A is
Q is flow,
pond m mid/d;depth area, m2;
The is temperature,
Q Pano Middlebrooks
flow, C;
m3/d; equations may be better suited for the southern temperate and arid
zone is alkalinity,
winter mg
T lkis temperature, C; o CaCO
3 /L.
the Silva equations are more suited to the tropics.
Ammonia removal inmg
Alk is alkalinity, facultative
CaCO3/L. and maturation ponds by the Silva equation:
1 8.65 * 0.001 A / Q exp1.727 pH 6.6
C is ammonia sampled fromCthe i middle of the pond, mg N/L and includes
1 8.65 * 0.001 A / Q Cexp
algal nitrogen.
Cc i 1.727 pH 6.6
1 8.that
It is suggested 65 *for A / Qremoval,
0.001 exp1including
.727 pH
algal 6.6
c is ammonia
CBelow sampled
20C, use the from the middle
Pano Middlebrooks of the pond, mg N/L and includes
Cc Ci exp
Thise division
20C, use the
is nitrogen.
ammonia Silva equation.
from Tthe
20 middle of the pond, mg N/L and includes
60.6 pH 6.6
has been used in the pond software program.
algal nitrogen.
Total nitrogen removal in facultative and maturation ponds by Reeds (1985) equation is:
is pond retention time in days
Ce Ci exp 0.00641.039
T 20
60.6 pH 6.6
Ce Ci exp 0TKN T 20
.00641.0391 60.6 pH 6.6
Ccispond / s
time in days
C is the pond column sample as TKN, mg N/L;
c isKjeldahl
Total pond retention timeremoval
nitrogen (TKN) in daysin facultative and maturation ponds was predicted by
(1995) using the following equation:
is the TKN loading, kg N/ha day.
Cc 0.19 / s
C cc is pond
/ s column 1
.063 as TKN, mg N/L;
is the
C pond
is the TKNcolumn sample
loading, as TKN,
kg N/ha day. mg N/L;
s TKN is the TKN loading, kg N/ha day.
D:\Documents and Settings\m2g\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2E\Waste
Inorganic nitrogen
Stabilisation Pond (ammonia + nitrate
Design Manual + nitrite)
Equations discharge to freshwater is the main
eutrophication risk. Inorganic nitrogen is some 80% of the final effluent total nitrogen.
Methods to reduce nitrogen levels, such as aerated rock filters, are discussed in Section
5.7 and Settings\m2g\Local
and Section 5.7.3. Settings\Temporary
Where possible nitrogen Internetup
should remain locked Files\OLK2E\Waste
in algae to use it
Stabilisation Pond Design Manual Equations 22Nov11.doc
beneficially as an agriculture slow-release fertiliser.
D:\Documents and Settings\m2g\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2E\Waste
Stabilisation Pond Design Manual Equations 22Nov11.doc
Phosphorus removal in facultative and maturation ponds is mainly by precipitation at pH
greater than 9. Phosphorus reduction is unlikely to be more than 50% unless coagulants
such as aluminium sulphate or ferric chloride etc are added. However, this then leads to
increased sludge volumes, the metal salts constituents of which are hard to dewater.
Worked examples are given in Appendix 1.
5.5 Maturation ponds
Maturation ponds sole function is pathogen removal. Viruses and bacteria do settle and are
held by the sludge. Sunlight penetration to the first 50mm of the pond surface will kill both
bacteria and viruses. But the full mechanism is still unclear.
The three main design parameters are:
The first maturation pond surface loading (BOD/ha day) to be no more than 70% of the
facultative pond surface loading;
The second and subsequent maturation ponds surface loading to be less than the first
maturation pond;
The minimum pond retention time is 3 days.
The maximum number of maturation ponds is 2 to reduce cyanobacterial prevalence at
low organic loading.
The calculations for pathogen, nitrogen and phosphorus reductions in maturation ponds are
given in the previous Sections.
BOD removal in each maturation pond is taken as a nominal 25%. However, in
secondary maturation ponds BOD is probably mostly attributable to the production
of new micro-organisms and their own life cycle (Evans, 2010).
Worked examples of maturation pond design are given in Appendix 1.
5.6 Sludge Production
Sludge accumulation in ponds is between 0.01 and 0.04m3/person year. It is mostly grit and
sand that traps organic matter as it settles. More important is the sludge from algae in the
last part of their life cycle. By drawing off effluent below 600mm from facultative pond
surface, most algae are kept back in the pond to die, settle and over a long time to break
down to add to organic and nitrogen loadings. Unlike activated sludge, sludge digestion
takes place over several years, considerably reducing the organic content.
5.7 Tertiary treatment
5.7.1 General
The tertiary treatment systems discussed below are systems that match more closely
the simplicity of waste stabilization ponds. High technology systems, such as chemical
precipitation, are not discussed as they are adequately covered in many standard texts.
5.7.2 Knowledge Limit
WSP tertiary treatment has not had sufficient research to declare firm design parameters in
every situation. Specific processes may have wide variation in their effectiveness depending
on the location, the actual sewage characteristics and needs for operator training and
attendance on site. There is high confidence in the processes below but they still need pilot
projects to support their use in particular geographic conditions.
5.7.3 Rock filters
The Veneta (Oregon, USA) 1970 rock filter a vertical flow system - constructed after the
final maturation pond. The hydraulic loading was 200L/m3 and stone of 75-100mm. A 50%
reduction in BOD and SS was achieved.
Mara (2003) suggests rock filter design based on:
1 kL of average flow for every 1 cubic metre of rock
The rocks are a nominal 100mm and extend 100mm above the pond depth (1.5 to 2 m) to
reduce light penetration. This has been found to support the largest surface area without
long-term clogging.
The Veneta rock filter achieves a 40% and 60% reduction in BOD and SS, respectively.
The Esholt (Yorkshire, UK) aerated rock filter pilot project (Johnson, 2005) loaded a
facultative pond at 80kg BOD/ha day and the effluent was pumped to a horizontal-flow
aerated rock filter and recently based on a hydraulic design of:
0.6 kL day of average flow for every 1 cubic metre of rock
The rocks were 40100 mm. The depth of flow was 0.5 m and the rock layer extended
100mm above the pond water surface.
Aeration was provided at the inlet through a submerged fine-bubble disk diffuser. Airflow
was 20L/minute equivalent to 50kL/kL effluent day.
The pilot project was undertaken in the cold Yorkshire climate. The aerated rock filter
showed a 90% reduction in BOD and SS, ammonia reduction of 75% and E. coli levels of less
than 1,000/100ml throughout the year and less than 100/100 ml in summer (~18C).
Mara supports a hydraulic loading of 1kL effluent to 1m3 rock (100mm), but increasing
incrementally up to 2kL/m3 if operating in Top End temperatures. Successful testing is likely
to support the replacement of maturation ponds by an aerated rock filter. Odour, blocking of
the aerated filter and possibly Psychoda (trickling filter) fly breeding need to be monitored
in addition to the nutrients, particularly phosphorus for which there seems to be little data.
If steel blast furnace slag readily available, it is an effective filter medium for absorbing
Effluent quality from anaerobic, facultative and aerated rock filter is likely to be a mean of
10:3, BOD:NH3 mg/L and 100 E. coli/100ml for an unfiltered sample.
Figure 5.3 pilot aerated rock filter
Small pond schemes in New Zealand have operated intermittent sand filters, using
spray irrigation. The micro-organisms in the top band of the slow sand filter form a
schmutzdecke and are able to remove algae without rapid clogging.
Work by Torrens (2009) in France on reducing algae in final pond effluent recommended the
intermittent slow sand filter loading rate of:
0.8kL effluent per m2 day
The filter grading is based on 10% of the sand passing through a 0.25mm mesh (d10) (Torrens,
2009). Filter depths of:
0.65m gave reductions in BOD:SS:NH4, 85%, 75%, 90%;
0.25m the reductions were BOD:SS:NH4, 75%, 60%, 80%.
Two filters are provided for alternating wet and dry operation:
Filter is operated for 3.5 days continuously;
Filter is then rested for 7 days.
This allows the surface to dry out. It also is essential to ensure that mosquitoes do not breed
in the pools that inevitably form on the surface of such filters. If the filters are allowed
to dry out within the breeding cycle of the particular insect, eggs, which rely on water,
desiccate and the breeding cycle is disrupted.
The alternating wetting and drying of the surface also means that there are both aerobic
and anaerobic processes at work in the beds. These processes are quite separate from the
physical filtering of the sand bed. Effectively, this is a soil aquifer treatment process where
the soil is an artificially placed sand bed.
A small tractor periodically tills the beds and, occasionally, dried algae are removed. Column
and pilot trials are essential as the bed performances vary significantly with sand grading
and effluent loading.
5.7.5 Wetlands
V Dw
Acw *
is 0.4;
Vcw is the gravel volume, m ;
Acw is the bed area, m ;
Dw is the bed depth, m;
is gravel bed porosity, 0.4 for 25mm gravel;
Q is flow, m3/day.
The BOD effluent quality is calculated from:
is 0.4;
T is temperature, oC.
SS e SS i 0.106 0.11AHLR
Ce Ci exp 0.1261.008T 20
T 20
BOD and SS reduction is reported as an 80% improvement. Nutrient levels can be as low as
2:3, Nitrogen:Phosphorus mg/L, but depend upon pre-treatment.
Another example of the use of proprietary products is duckweed in final ponds to remove
nutrients and block sun light from algae. However with aquatic plant treatment, particular
attention is required to achieve complete coverage of the surface by plants and the
treatment areas are monitored for mosquito breeding. It is not clear if pathogen reduction
is adversely affected by blocking sunlight.
There are various proprietary products in the market that can be retro-fitted to existing
ponds to provide improvements in the various effluent parameters. Thus, designers should
be aware of these products and consider the following:
Pilot work should be undertaken to ensure that the process works effectively in the pond
system under consideration:
How well does the process work under the varying temperatures and winds prevailing?
How well does the process work under varying loads both hydraulic and quality?
What are the cost implications of a proprietary system? Are there on-going licence
fees, or are they built into the capital cost? Is there a lock-in for ongoing technical and
maintenance support?
Are there operating plants with similar climate and influent characteristics that can be
referred to or visited to confirm operating experience?
Are there associated issues such as noise, odour or extra energy costs to take into account?
6 pond hydraulics
6.1 General
In the Sections on process design, flows considered are those of the average dry weather.
However, for pond hydraulic structures, the ability to pass or divert (as the case may be)
peak flows is the criterion to be adopted (see Section 6.2).
In those one to two months of the year when there is little wind for vertical mixing in the
pond, there is a danger that the ponds will stratify:
In time, the temperature related change in density due to the stratified layers causes
inversion and the bottom sludge rises to the surface, crashing the pond;
Particularly if it is hot, the top 200mm of pond water warms up making it unpleasant
for algae. Motile algae are able to swim away to the cooler depths. The non-motile
algae are trapped and stressed. Their ability to carry out photosynthesis is considerably
reduced and, it seems, and replaced by cyanobacteria blue green algae. Coupled with
less efficient photosynthesis by the motile algae at the lower depth, there is a significant
reduction in oxygen available for the carbonaceous bacteria. The blue green algae create
surface mats, blocking the sunlight to algae and adding to the risk of a pond crash.
The importance of being able to control process to ensure a consistent final effluent quality
cannot be overstated. This is critical to compliance with licence conditions and confidence in
the ability of the operator to meet those conditions.
In order to maximise the control over the process by the operator, the operator and the
designer must understand the hydraulics of the system they have designed, and be
confident that it will perform as they have intended.
Without that understanding and system design, it is likely that the WSP will have a highly
variable effluent quality.
Designers will need to be able to understand the following:
The effect of storm flows on the plant and how it operates;
Pond short circuiting and how that may degrade plant performance and how wind may
affect the degree of short circuiting;
The substitution of inlet nozzles or mixers for wind induced mixing during those periods
of no or little wind. It is these windless conditions in hot weather that often cause lack
of vertical mixing and subsequent stratification in the pond. Stratification can become
unstable due to change in pond density or subsequent resumption of normal winds and
result in a pond crash;
Inlet and outlet depths and baffling why they are required where they are required;
The uses for stub walls, mixers, aerators and where they should not be used;
The hydraulic profile of the plant under various critical conditions;
The need for recirculation of effluent to the head of the plant.
Detailed design parameters will be found in Section 7.
It is recommended that the following Sections be read keeping in mind that the best
approach to optimal pond design is to undertake hydraulic modelling studies of the
proposed layouts. This will enable prevailing winds as well as the best location of pond
hydraulic elements such as stub walls, inlet jets, mixers and outlets to be assessed.
Since this is not always possible, and in the case of small ponds, not economical, designers
should build as much flexibility in the design of these elements as possible so that
operators can make adjustments quickly and easily as possible. Therefore, flow inlet nozzles
should be able to be easily adjusted in direction, stub walls and mixers movable.
Similarly in initial plant layout, designers should consider where elements such as duplicate
pond trains, sludge processing, mixers, recirculation, stub walls could need to be retrofitted
in the future if upgrading is required, and allow appropriate space on site.
The diurnal dry weather sewage flow entering the works is related to population and may
the Inlet Works
equation below: and Storm Flows
4. Sec 6.2 Inlet Works and Storm Flows
Power and Water Corporation Peak Wet Weather Flow =
330 0.5
PF 1.74 330
PF 1.74 EP 00..55
EP 55
EP is equivalent population;
EP isis 3.8
PF equivalent population;
for 10,000 population.
PF is 3.8 for 10,000 population.
Northern Australia has extremes in sewer flows. Flows can exceed twenty times the average
5. Sec 6.4 Pond Inlets
Sec 6.4 flowPond
a tropical storm. Where flows are pumped to the sewage works,
pumping station capacity is usually limited to 8ADWF in the Southern Region and 4ADWF
0.5 Leanyer
forP1Darwins wV 3 A
and Sanderson WSPs. To cover for site specific peak storm flows, PWC
P1 be
should wV A before undertaking the detailed hydraulic design.
P1 is4.1power
makes recommendations
in watts; on screening raw sewage in relation to population
P is Drum
in of
watts;5mm or less
3 do remove most 3 cotton bud tips. Macerators have a
1w reputation
poor is densityforofreliability,
water, kg/m : 1,000kg/m
3 suffering from
sewage;problems when cutting
is density
of water, kg/m : 1,000kg/m for sewage;
V is
ofcan haveleaving
water difficultythe withnozzle,
rags andm/s;
sanitary towels, but are more reliable
VA is
than velocity
is the nozzleofRemoving
water section
cross leaving the from
area, nozzle,
. rawm/s; sewage reduces the level of scum
development on the cross
A is the nozzle facultative
It alsomassists
. in compliance of sludge reuse, where
farmers reject plastic contaminated sludge. The Figure below shows the position of screens,
grit removal and bypass channels as recommended in Section 4.1.
811Q 33
70 P1 8114Q
P1 4
Figure 6.2 Typical Gravity Flow Inlet Works
The Guidelines for the Hydraulic design of waste stabilisation ponds (Shilton, Harrison, 2003)
provides many inlet and outlet configurations that suggest improvements in coliform
reduction. Below, is one example that is simple and low cost to install. It provides a good
starting point to consider designs that are more elaborate.
Figure 6.4a Nozzle Inlet and Stub Baffle Pond Hydraulic Design
The long baffle wall shown below is recommended by Mara (2010) for facultative ponds.
In order to maintain the flow patterns above, it is important to understand the relationships
between the power of wind shear across the pond compared to the power from the
pond influent stream. Shilton (2003) shows that wind power, because it is variable, is less
important that the momentum power - created by the inlet flow in improving pond
mixing and subsequent performance.
is possible
Sec 6.2 to model
Inletthe effect of
Works andbothStorm
the wind and the influent stream numerically or
in pilot scale and this is preferred. However, where this is not possible, then approximate
4. Secare
solutions 6.2 Inletusing
available Works 0.5 and Storm
judgement Flows
and basic hydraulic principles.
4. judgement 330 the
.74 lies Works
in orienting
0.55 0.5
and Storm Flows
pond across (C Evans 2010) the direction of the
4. Sec wind
prevailing 6.2 and EP
Inlet inlet
Works at the downwind end. This orientation may maximise
PF 1 .74 .5 and Storm Flows
wind mixing of
4. Sec 6.2 Inletthe pond,
330 but
0Works the wind rose should be studied in detail.
PF 1 .74 EP and Storm Flows
EP is equivalent
Secondly, population;
positioning the inlets
0.5and baffles as indicated in Figure 6.4 above to disperse the
0.55 0.5
PFandis 3.81.74
EP is equivalent
PF 1.74
Momentum EP
principles the inlet nozzles to be sized so that the horizontal energy of
EP isis 3.8
PF for
EP 0.55population.
be selected to exceed, preferably double, that of the wind.
1. Sec
Sec 6.4
6.4 Pond
the average influent flow can Inlets
PF is 3.8 for 10,000 population.
EP is equivalent
Additional measures may population;
be needed to deal with peak flows if flooding is not to occur. In
5.inSec 6.4ofPond Inlets
PF is
PP11 Sec equivalent
is 3.8 for wind,population;
00..556.4 or if
AA Inlets it is not possible to orient the ponds to take advantage of the
PF is then3.8towfor
energy of the wind that otherwise would contribute to short
P1 Sec
5. 0.5the winfluent
6.4 VPondA momentum
Inlets is sufficient. The numerical approach is as follows:
is power
PP is power in
5. Sec0.56.4 in3 watts;
A ofInlets
The the inlet nozzle can be calculated using the Shilton Harrison
formula: is
is density
density of
of water,
Pww is power in3 watts; kg/m33::1,000kg/m
water,kg/m 1,000kg/m3 3forforsewage;
P1 0.5 V A
1 w 3
density of
.5 wVinof water
of water, leaving
leaving :the
kg/m3the nozzle,m/s;
2 2
for sewage;
AA isisisthe
the nozzle
density ofcross
cross section
kg/m 3area,
: mm. . 3 for sewage;
VP1w is velocity
power inofwatts;
water leaving the nozzle, m/s;
VP is
A1w isthepower
density ofwatts;
of cross leaving
water,section :the
kg/m3area, m2. m/s;
1,000kg/m 3
for sewage;
A is the nozzle cross section 3 area, m . 3
V w isisvelocity
3 of of water
kg/m :the1,000kg/m for sewage;
nozzle, m/s;
VA1 is 811
the4Q 3 of cross
nozzle water section
leaving area,
the nozzle,
m2. m/s;
A is
the 4nozzle cross section area, m2.
In a1more 811 convenient
Q 3 form:
Q P1 is 811
4Q m /s;
P1 4 3 3
Q isisnozzle
811 m /s;
Q diameter, m.
Q1 isisnozzle
8114Q m 3diameter,
3 m.
P1 flow, 4 3/s;
Q isisnozzle
m /s;
diameter, m.
Q isisnozzle diameter,
flow, m 3
/s; 3 m.
P power
0.003is kcalculated
V A using the Shilton Harrison formula:
w 3a w p
Q isisnozzle
flow, m /s; 3 m.
P 0 .003k aVw A p m.
is nozzle diameter,
PPw is wind
k aVwinAwatts;
w 3 p3
P 0wind
Paww is air k aVwkg/m
.003 : 1.274kg/m3 at normal temperature and pressure;
3 3
VP wa isis
P is wind
.003 velocity,
3 usually
inA watts; monthly average,
: 1.274kg/m at normal m/s;
temperature and pressure;
w a w 32 p
wpwa is
P 0wind
is pond
air k aVwmkg/m
density, inA
3 monthly 3average,
p : 1.274kg/m at normal m/s;
temperature and pressure;
kVP w
Aap isis pond
air area,
power m 2
kg/m ; 3
in usuallyto
: wind
1.274kg/m 3
watts; monthly average, m/s; normal height:
temperature and pressure;
forwind for measurement at 0.25m abovem/s; water surface
Awap is
is pond
air power
density, min2usually
area,at 0.25m
kg/m ;watts;
3 water monthly
: 1.274kg/m 3average,
at normal temperature and pressure;
0.0011 0.0011 for
for measurement measurement
at 10m above3 water at
surface 10m
can3be above
used by water
BOM; surface can be used
A is
p is
a air
wind density,
velocity,m 2
kg/m ;
usually: 1.274kg/m
monthly at normal
average, temperature
m/s; and pressure;
w for
Sec by6.8BoM
measurement at 3m and
preferred by Shilton and BoM.
VAw is wind
0.0017 velocity, usually
for measurement monthly 3maverage,
atfacultative m/s; by Shilton and3 BoM
and preferred
For p is pond
example, area,
the Leanyer ; Sanderson pond, average flow 10,000m /day, area
of6. Sec 6.8 Recirculation
A is
p pond2
, anarea,
average m ;
wind of 3.5m/s and k=0.0017, the wind power would be 137W. This
is6. Seca6.8
against singleRecirculation
500mm diameter inlet pipe of nozzle power 21W.
6. Sec 6.8 Recirculation
D:\Documents and Settings\m2g\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2E\Waste
74 6. 6.8
Pond Design Manual Equations 22Nov11.doc
R kADWFand Settings\m2g\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2E\Waste
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andDesign Manual Equations
Settings\m2g\Local 22Nov11.doc Internet Files\OLK2E\Waste
If the nozzle was reduced to 200mm discharging horizontally, the hydraulic power would
increase to 850W.
Note: this calculation is at normal temperature and pressure, and the design month
temperature and pressures should be used.
These calculations give an indication of the power needed to overcome mixing by wind
from the wrong direction and, what is possible by using a nozzle inlet. The small amount
of inlet flow energy, with the assistance of the prevailing wind, will, after a month, set up a
substantial momentum in the pond. This momentum can be maintained during the annual
one to two months of still or no wind conditions. Historically, the aerobic pond process has
often failed during windless periods.
A worked example is given in Appendix 1.
6.4.2 Inlet depth
In general, the influent to each pond should be discharged at mid depth. This reduces the
incoming flow from short circuiting across the surface of the pond, or stirring up settled
sludge if the incoming pipe is too deep.
Anaerobic ponds require the inlet pipe to discharge downwards (see Figure below). This
allows screenings and grit to be deposited and light material to float to the surface to form
the crust and biological gas filter to the anaerobic pond.
A primary facultative pond would benefit from a similar downward discharge to the
anaerobic pond. Unfortunately, this would lose the benefit of a nozzle inlet to provide the
momentum for the preferred flow pattern in the pond. All facultative and maturation pond
inlet pipes should preferably discharge horizontally at mid depth.
Figure 6.5a Inlet Pipe Depths
1 D/2 D/2
Pond baffle walls are needed to deflect the nozzle flows to achieve minimum short
circuiting (see Figure 6.3). Figure 6.4 stub baffle wall is L/8 or 15% of the pond length.
The pond is aligned along the direction of the prevailing wind to obtain improved
surface mixing for as long as possible. Shilton and Harrison (2003) experimented with
long and short baffles. If the designer has resources for modelling and experimentation
improvements to the short baffle wall should be possible.
Simple plastic sheet curtaining attached to a wire hawser across the pond can be used to
form a stub baffle wall. The curtain is weighted at the bottom and floats attached at the top
to provide buoyancy (see Figure 6.6). Retaining posts need to be sufficiently anchored in the
embankment to resist storm winds and waves on the curtain. Plastic curtains can be moved
to find the optimum location for pond performance.
Figure 6.6 Pond curtaining
Corrugated cement-fibre partition, 70% across pond
Plastic curtain partition
A permanent stub wall (see below) built of treated timber does allow a mixer to be attached
if additional pond movement is needed. The Figure below shows an electrical mixer that can
be clamped to the end wall. The walkway on top of the baffle wall allows column sampling -
considered by Pearson (1987) as a better representation of the pond performance than grab
samples - to be practised.
Figure 6.7 Permanent stub wall and mixer fitting
Stub wall designs should enable operators to have safe access to the whole length of the
wall to enable easy removal of scum and other floatables that may accumulate against the
wall, and thereby eliminate sites for breeding biting insects.
An alternative to a physical stub wall is to use a horizontal mixer located at the desired
location and placed at an angle to the wall to achieve the same flow diversion as the
physical stub wall (see Figure 6.7). This is discussed in more detail in the next Section.
The power of the inlet nozzle can be matched to the average wind condition to achieve
both horizontal and vertical mixing in the pond for improved pond performance. This is not
possible where the inlet pipe discharges vertically downwards (see Figure 6.5) to ensure
deposition of screenings. An electric mixer is needed to provide the horizontal momentum.
For horizontal mixing, a horizontal propeller or brush type mixer (see Figure 6.8) can replace
a stub walls function of diverting the direction of flow to minimise short circuiting. A brush
mixer also has the added advantage over a stub wall that it does not provide a potential dead
zone for breeding of biting insects. The major disadvantage is some five times the power
consumption of a submerged mixer (see Figure 6.7).
Finally, in modern plants, where there is remote monitoring and control, mixers can
be remotely switched on and off and their direction varied to provide a much more
sophisticated level of process control.
The alternative to nozzle power is to add mixers or pumps to move the water during the
months where there is insufficient wind for vertical mixing.
Vertical mixers, such as a Solar Bee, should not be placed in the flow path in such a way that
the flow patterns set up by horizontal jets or mixers are disrupted.
6.6.2 Brush aerators
Oxidation ditch brush aerators (see Figure 6.8) are used to assist organically overloaded
WSPs. A 2.5kW unit can provide sufficient oxygen to support 100kg BOD per day. Shiltons
research suggests the aerators also provide movement of the water column and vertical
mixing, all of which reduce the risk of a pond crash.
Figure 6.8 Brush Mixer and Aerator
Source: Sindico, NZ
Aspirator aerators, but also brush aerators to a lesser extent, stir up the bottom sludge
layer in shallow ponds or ponds in need of desludging. It may require two weeks before
conditions settle and sludge is not resuspended. If the pond is close to failing, the additional
organic load of partially digested sludge is likely to be sufficient to crash the pond.
It is dangerous to expect installing an aerator on a failing pond will solve the overloading
problems. Stirring up the bottom sludge contents must be avoided. Installation of baffle
plates under the mixers may help avoid some of the adverse effects of stirring up bottom
sludge layers.
Aeration capacity above 3W/m3 of pond will slow or stop algae from carrying out
photosynthesis. The pond becomes an aerated lagoon an activated sludge process.
Brush aerators can be attached to land fixed pontoon platforms (see above Figure) or
anchored by wire hawsers to provide the direction of flow required.
6.6.3 Small mixers
Several pump manufacturers produce small mixers for use in sewage treatment. The
smallest mixer is 0.75kW and can be fixed to the end of a baffle wall (see Figure 6.7). If a
plastic curtain wall is used, the mixer vertical rail can be bolted to a concrete plinth on the
floor of the pond. Servicing the mixer, or even changing the depth of operation and angle,
would be by a small boat. This may not be acceptable on grounds of health and safety,
and so designers should consult with the mixer manufacturer to detail appropriate access
6.6.4 Vertical Mixer Solar Powered Pumps
The Australias long sunshine hours and the cost of providing electricity to a WSP provided
two advantages for solar pumps, such as the Solar Bee photovoltaic pond mixer. Power
and Water has installed Solar Bee mixers at the Nhulunbuy WSP and units have also been
installed and monitored at the Alice Springs Detention Centre. The mixers were of the
vertical propeller type and have been successful in reducing outbreaks of blue green algae
in the ponds. The laminar flow vertical mixer draws water from above the sludge zone by
means of an intake tube fitted with a 90o bend (see Figure below). The discharge from the
mixer is in a 360o horizontal flow from the top of the aerator. The anoxic or low oxygen
lower levels are brought to the surface to gain from the higher rate of oxygen diffusion
and exchanged for well saturated upper water layers. Although the flow pattern does not
match the Shilton and Harrison stream flow approach vertical mixing generally replaces
cyanobacteria by green algae.
Mono solar pumps (see Figure below) with a power output of 150 to 450 watts can direct
the pump discharge horizontally to achieve the Shilton Harrison stream flow.
Figure 6.9 Mono Solar Pump
The pump can be mounted on the bank, attached to the stub baffle bridge or tethered in
the pond on a float.
The additional cost of the solar units, particularly batteries over the asset life, is only
justified if electricity is not available on site. Mains powered mixers should be used if power
is readily available and the mixers do not need to be relocated on a frequent basis.
In emergencies, a power boats have been used to break up stratification. While this is an
operational matter, the designer should discuss with operators whether purchase of this boat
is to be included in the plant construction specification and estimate as part of the project.
As noted above, vertical mixers should not be placed where they will disrupt the flow
patterns established by horizontal mixers or inlet jets.
Q/L = q = 0.0567h3/2
EP is equivalent population;
PF is 3.8 for 10,000 population.
theSec 6.4
case of Pondinflows
excessive Inletsduring storm events and to ensure that overtopping does
not cause catastrophic pond failure, ponds shall have overflow points capable of passing ten
P1 dry
5 wV 3 flow.
A These will be broad crested weirs based on water flowing over slightly
lower pond walls which have been designed to take flow at that point. The designer may use
concrete, spray tar seal, or stabilised cement fill for smaller ponds (less than 1,000 EP).
P is power in watts;
The1 designer shall identify flow paths
for such flows3 to the nearest low point from the
w is density
overflow of that
point. Note water,
thiskg/m : 1,000kg/m
is an emergency for not
condition, sewage;
normally expected to be used.
V isoverflows
Plant velocityofofgreater
leaving thedry
six times nozzle, m/s;
weather flow should be designed to be routed
A is the
through the nozzle cross section
final maturation area,discharge
pond before m. to the environment.
6.8 Recirculation
R is recirculation rate;
D:\Documents and Settings\m2g\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2E\Waste
k is factor, 0.15 to 1.5;
Stabilisation Pond Design Manual Equations 22Nov11.doc
ADWF is average dry weather flow
Use a variable recirculation flow rate within these limits.
The recirculation is to be introduced to the surface of the primary pond in parallel to but
independent of the incoming raw sewage inlets. One recirculation entry point per raw
sewage inlet point is required.
Recirculation is to take place from the end of the final maturation pond into the primary pond.
7. Sec 7.3 Pond Geometry Soils & Wave Action
so it is suitable
Recirculation should
F log10 A beable
1 to run on a timer, typically 8-10 hours per day (day light hours)
for solar powered pumps.
6.9 Pond Hydraulic Grade
F is freeboard, m;
AllApond designs
is pond mustm
area, include
. a hydraulic grade line calculation and Section for use of
operators, designers and planners.
For operators, the ability to compare actual pond levels with the calculated levels will
provide them with early warning of plant malfunction and possible overflows.
Figure 7.1 Alice Springs WSP and Bird Hide
Sharp corners provide hydraulic dead areas and are to be avoided. They are harder to
construct and desludge, and therefore more expensive. Figure 7.9 shows rounded corners to
the ponds.
Pond hydraulics design in accordance to Shilton and Harrison parameters are required.
Facultative and maturation ponds with an aspect ratio of 3:1 are preferable even though
evidence suggests nominal advantages to square ponds (see Section 6) due to the benefit
from jet attachment to the pond wall. The Shilton Harrison recommendations support
horizontally angled inlet nozzles and stub baffle walls to reduce short circuiting. Electrical
mixers may be necessary to overcome stratification during periods of no wind.
Nominally square (i.e. with rounded corners of >10m radius) or round anaerobic ponds are
preferred to support the stilling basin hydraulics of a downward discharge pipe.
Twin process streams for WSPs greater than 1,000 population are recommended. This will
allow the closure in the dry season of one stream for maintenance. Should the designer not
provide twin process streams, then the design should include direction on the strategy to
be employed to bypass or otherwise the single pond and undertake maintenance while still
treating incoming sewage and provide a design of those services required to implement
the strategy. This is particularly critical for the sludge removal process.
Blasting in rock has been done (Half Tree Hollow, St Helena). Ponds have also been
constructed in a mangrove swamp (Palmerston; Negril, Jamaica) and sand (Guyabal,
Colombia). These are unusual schemes and expensive.
Lining ponds to reduce infiltration into ground water is also expensive. General guidance on
the lining requirements for different soil permeabilities (k) is:
k< 1x10-9m/s, pond may be unlined;
k= 1x10-8m/s, pond will seal during operation;
k= 1x10-7m/s, lining of the pond is required.
Regulators may not accept the self-sealing soil without a liner. Tar seal bitumen spray has
been used on sandy soils to change the soil permeability to the unlined category. It may be
effective for cohesive soils that should self seal.
Unlike septic tanks, where the drainage field is to infiltrate effluent into the soil, ponds
should contain the sewage, avoiding possible faecal and organic contamination of any
local ground water sources. Leakage from ponds may also raise local groundwater tables
altering the natural groundwater flow patterns in the area. This could cause downstream
salinisation, which is potentially serious.
Pond floors should be designed to avoid pooling of water during maintenance periods when
the ponds are drained, for example when desludging. This is a requirement of the DHF
(2009) for evaporation ponds to minimise breeding of biting insects.
Wave action (concrete margin) slabs see Figure 7.3 are necessary to stop embankment
erosion and prevent mosquito breeding conditions.
Pond banks of unlined earth and stone pitching on internal walls are unacceptable except
for emergency or short term (less than one season) use (DHF, 2009).
Where the planning report indicates that the plant is in a zone subject to tidal surge, the
external pond walls should be designed to withstand the surge specified in the planning
report. These heights may exceed other requirements (such as for freeboard).
TWL 100
120 300
3 10
The Figure above shows a combined vertical margin and freeboard arrangement.
Figure7.4 Free Board and Combined Wave Action Slab
R is recirculation rate;
k is factor, 0.15 to 1.5;
ADWF is average dry weather flow
F is freeboard, m;
A is pond area, m2.
A freeboard of less than 0.5m is not recommended for populations greater than 1,000.
For larger plants, the analysis above can give excessive freeboard. However, given that Top
End rainfall can cause potential overtopping of pond structures, freeboard of no less than
300mm during the worst design rainfall event should be allowed for, and calculated as part
of the plant hydraulic profile.
Overflow relief structures, such as spillways (see Figure 6.1), weirs or outlet pipes which can
pass the storm flow (design hydraulic flow) without embankment erosion, are particularly
important in cyclone climates where rainfall can exceed 500mm in a day. Such intensities
will overtop pond embankments.
Rodding eyes in inter-pond pipework can allow samples to be taken without the need to
enter the pond.
7.4 Inlet works
Magnetic flow meters are preferable to flumes for monitoring raw sewage flows to the
WSPs. The magnetic flow meter requires the inlet pipe to be full at all times.
Note: the inverted siphon shown above needs careful design to ensure a daily self cleaning velocity. The magnetic flow
meter should be above ground wherever possible or in a pit.
Screening and grit removal is not required at the inlet works for populations less than 10,000,
unless sludge is to be used for land disposal. Sewage solids will settle out in the primary pond.
5mm drum screens are preferred for populations greater than 5,000EP. A screen bypass
channel is required in case of failure.
Vortex grit separators are favoured in preference to constant velocity grit channels.
Since most grit and screening systems are now proprietary products, designers should
obtain grit and screening footprints from, preferably, three manufacturers and allow for
those sizes in layout calculations.
Designers should allow at least one years storage of washed, crushed grit and screenings and
check with the Power and Water project officer to provide details on the exact removal process
and parameters such as frequency of collection.
The regulators approval (discharge licence) should be sought to discharge screened storm
flows direct to the receiving water. A check should be made on any final pumping station
capacity to ensure it does not peak above the flows to be diverted when operating under
dry weather conditions.
7.5 Anaerobic ponds
Twin anaerobic ponds (see Section 4.2 for depths) are required to allow for one pond to be
taken out of operation for desludging. Each pond is to be sized for 50% of the design flow. If
a designer wishes to use a single pond, then the design must address how the pond is to be
desludged and how other maintenance can be undertaken with only one pond train.
The raw sewage inlet pipe is to discharge downwards and at mid depth. The pipe is to be
readily remountable to assist desludging.
The pond outlet scum board to be set 300mm below static water level (see Figure 6.10A).
A concrete ring beam is to be incorporated in the pond bund to allow for future securing of
a cover for methane gas collection. The beam therefore should be designed to be gas tight
and integral with the liner and margin. The type of cover and ring beam allowed for should
be a membrane type as used for gas tight seals for grain silos. Non-flexible conventional
roofs are unlikely to be economical given wind loads in cyclone areas. Should a flexible cover
be even severely damaged during a cyclone, there is unlikely to be any lasting adverse effect
on process.
7.6 Facultative ponds
A primary facultative pond inlet depth of 2.5m (see Section 4.2 for depths) is the preferred
to provide additional sludge storage. The pond depth should then be reduced to 1.8m (see
Section 4.2).
Secondary facultative pond depth is to be 1.5m.
Facultative ponds serving less than 10,000 equivalent population (EP) would preferably have
a single inlet and outlet pipe, following Shiltons hydraulic recommendations.
Pond inlet pipes are to discharge at mid depth.
Weir outlets, rather than pipes, should be considered for facultative ponds with populations
greater than 5,000.
A pond outlet scum board depth should be located 600mm below the static water level.
Pond free board height is to be determined by calculation based on pond surface area
(see Section 7.3).
Wave protection is to be provided to the pond embankments and the design to discourage
mosquito breeding at the waters edge. Storm overflow provision to be considered: spillway
is shown in Figure 6.1.
7.7 Maturation ponds
Primary maturation pond depth is to be 1.3m. For secondary maturation ponds, the depth
could be reduced to 1.0m if weed control is likely. Experience has shown that pathogen
destruction is better with shallow ponds. Taking a maturation pond off line for three
months to dry and remove sludge (see Figure 4.3A) could be a weed control operation.
Ponds serving less than 10,000 equivalent population would preferably have a single inlet
and outlet pipe, following Shilton and Harrison hydraulic recommendations (see Figure 6.4).
Weir outlets should be considered for maturation ponds with populations >5,000EP.
Pond inlet pipes to discharge at mid depth.
Pond outlet scum board depth is to be 50mm below the static water level. The depth of the
scum board is to be able to be easily varied by the operator for optimum performance.
Pond free board height is to be determined by calculation based on wind and pond surface
area (see Section 7.3). Wave protection is to be provided to the pond embankments and the
design to discourage mosquito breeding at the waters edge.
Sewage treatment sludge drying beds act in a similar way to slow sand filters. The beds of
graded stone and sand (see Figure below) provide rapid dewatering three weeks in hot
climates. The sludge loading rate, unless otherwise determined by pilot plant study, is:
3.5 kL sludge per m2 day
Figure 7.6 Sludge Drying Bed
The minimum standard for sludge hardstand and stockpile areas is derived from:
Calculation of the sludge volume based on desludging when sludge volume is 20% of the
facultative pond;
This volume is used for the site hardstand area and applied to the stockpile sizing of the
initial desludging;
The drying and storage areas need to be designed and managed to prevent shallow
pooling and the breeding of mosquitoes.
The hardstand area must be impervious (in accordance with the same standards as the floor of
the other ponds), sloping to a drainage sump and either free draining back to the head of the
facultative pond or a suitable sump. If the pump option is chosen, then the sump and drainage
pump should be sized to account for disposal of rainwater falling onto the sludge area.
Figure 7.7 Sludge Hard Standing Area
Figure 7.8 Sludge Cake Stockpile
Freeboard is a minimum of 300mm (noting any requirement stated in the planning report
on storm surge in tidal zones which may be greater than 300mm).
Sludge handling structures and procedures require early discussion with the environmental
manager to ensure environmental compliance is met.
Sludge handling facilities and procedures should be in accordance with the organisations
bio-solids handling policy as well as the plant operational environmental management plan.
The sludge drying area should be located above the relevant Q100 flood level.
7.9 Ancillaries
Aesthetics may have been identified in the planning report as being important for public
acceptance of the ponds. This public acceptance may be crucial to project success since
public consultation is required at several stages during the project (environmental, planning
and building for example).
Therefore where the planning report has identified aesthetics as being of importance, the
designer must incorporate aesthetic considerations in the design.
Pond shapes should use the existing contours as much as possible. Angular shapes, such as
rectangles, are unlikely to be hydraulically efficient, and therefore need not be the shape of
first choice.
If the local community has an active bird watching group, then provision of islands and bird
friendly habitats (see Figure 7.1) will provide a ready source of public support for the project.
However, the increased faecal load from birds should also be discussed with the health
regulator this may be a critical design issue as one duck excretes four times the pathogens
of a human being.
Supervisory control and data acquisition assists Power and Water in operational monitoring
of treatment works. The table below shows recommended levels of SCADA to be considered
for ponds. Remote monitoring and control for small remote communities may well be
economic if it reduces the number of trips required by supervisory personnel.
Table 7.1 Use of SCADA
WSPs do not usually need complex monitoring and control that is associated with other
sewage treatment systems. However, in large or complex works, the control of the pond
to meet the quality objectives specified by regulators, may dictate the use of SCADA and
remote control systems. Flow monitoring of the raw sewage entering the works and the
final effluent discharge are the most important. The regulator always requires the latter.
Monitoring both flows gives information on storm flows and allows the operator to take
steps to reduce the risk of overflows.
Designers should seek agreement on parameters required for monitoring and control by
discussing those requirements with regulators and operators and may include:
Flow weir and level or magnetic flow in some circumstances;
Level ultrasonic as per Power and Water standards;
Dissolved oxygen (DO) need regular calibration and maintenance;
pH need regular calibration and maintenance;
Total dissolved solids (TDS) need regular calibration and maintenance;
Wind speed and direction important for determining pond operational changes and
likely odour complaints;
Video to monitor the formation of weed and sludge mats, and growth of weeds on pond
margins. These growths are often sources of insect breeding;
Sensors for odour, dissolved oxygen and pH - note instrument accuracy is not reliable so
these are not recommended.
Thermistor chains to enable monitoring of thermal stratification in the facultative pond
that will be the most heavily organically loaded and cause the greatest odour if it inverts
and crashes.
Flow-measuring flumes (see Figure 7.4) are the only practical alternative to magnetic
flow meters.
SCADA and control equipment design and specification must be approved by Power and
Water as being compatible with Power and Waters systems.
7.9.3 Sampling and Flow Monitoring
Sampling points are set by the regulator to confirm that the effluent quality and quantity
meet the discharge licence conditions. Similar parameters should be recorded at the inlet to
the WSP to assist in assessing pond performance. The table below summarises the analyses
to be performed.
Table 7.2 Sampling and flow measurements
Designers should note that at sampling points, personnel who undertake sampling are
able to access the water surface. Steps, ladders, ramps or other access methods must be
provided. In the areas of Katherine and Darwin ponds, crocodiles are likely to inhabit ponds
and structures and cages to prevent attack should be considered.
WSP fencing is to prevent both the public and animals coming to harm in the ponds.
Drowning is the main concern, but the NT WSPs occasionally house crocodiles.
Chain link fences should be in accordance with Power and Water standard drawings. The
fence line should be set back 20m to ensure it does not noticeably reduce wind shear across
the pond. This will also allow vehicular access around the periphery of the ponds.
Trees can prevent wind shear across the pond. The extent the tree line should be moved
back from the ponds depends upon the pond hydraulic assessment (see Section 6.4). If there
is no other assessment, then a distance of 50m is a useful guide.
DHF (2009) also requires that ponds be located in areas that enable wind to create wave
action that inhibits the breeding of biting insects.
Trees are to be provided to shade operational buildings and to reduce carbon footprint from
Tree types should be local native varieties and, in tropical areas, selected as being cyclone
The design should specify tree types, numbers and locations as well as temporary irrigation
or other requirements for plant establishment.
7.9.6 OHS and Signage
Occupational health and safety (OHS) require siting of warning signs on all sides of the
pond. Typical signs are given in the Figure below.
Figure 7.10 Warning Signs
Lifebuoys should be provided on all four sides of the ponds and housed against sun and storm.
Shelter for operators, containment of chemicals, washing and first aid kits are to be provided
(see Section below).
Confined spaces of all types should be designed out of the WSP as a matter of course. By
their nature, space is plentiful at WSP sites. Wherever possible maintainable items should be
located above ground or where they can be accessed at ground level - mixers should be on
guide rails for winching to ground level for maintenance.
7.9.7 Building, Lighting and Water Supply
Encouragement to the operator can create a lifetime interest in the WSP site. An
operators building is essential for the extremes of climate of the Northern Territory and
from OHS perspective.
In the heat of the summer, air conditioning is necessary. In the wet season shelter from the
heavy rain and relief from humidity is also required.
An operators building is used for storing operational equipment, SCADA and control
equipment, engineering drawings and for reception and induction of visitors.
The building should be provided with water for washing and hosing down, a latrine or flush
lavatory and electricity for lighting and fans or air-conditioning as well as locations for first
aid kits.
Rainwater harvesting and photovoltaic cells make the basic of these services possible in
isolated areas.
Figure 7.11 Operators Building and Services, Town Location
While a design population below 1,000 in some cases may be better served by septic tanks
than a WSP (see WSP Planning Manual), septic tanks may not be an acceptable solution due
to the higher health or ground water contamination risk, and therefore WSP are preferred.
Standard WSP designs have been prepared for a 1,000 equivalent population. The assumed
design data in the table below should still be considered carefully. If there is doubt about
the suitability of using standard designs, a full analysis should be undertaken.
The table below gives a possible licence conditions and data for a standard design serving a
peak winter population of 1,000 and a non tourist summer population of 30% less.
Table 7.3 Effluent Licence conditions and Design Data
Item Standard
Licence conditions, 95 percentiles: Low level of human contact (Table 1.1):
BOD:SS:NH3:Inorganic N:PO4: 20:30:10:12:5, mg/L
E. coli : helminth: 1,000/100ml:<1 egg/L
Design parameters: Tropical zones (eg Temperate zones (eg
Katherine) Tennant Creek)
Equivalent population:
o summer: 700 700
o winter, tourist: 1,000 1,000
esign temperature (mean air):
o summer: 28C 28C
o winter: 25C 18C
Water supply: 1,000L/capita day
Proportion to sewer: 25%
Inflow & Infiltration: 20%
BOD:SS:TKN:P: 55:60:12:3 g/capita day
Alkalinity: 100g/m3, as CaCO3
o summer 7mm/d
o winter: 3mm/d
Raw pathogens:
o E. coli: 5million/100ml
o Helminth: 500eggs/L
Notes: Inorganic Nitrogen: Ing N;
Process calculations have been undertaken for northern Australian and southern WSP
options. The table below summarises the mid depth areas for a primary facultative and
maturation pond option. The mid depth areas can then be compared against an anaerobic,
secondary facultative and maturation pond scheme. In all cases, the winter design requires
the largest ponds.
Table 7.4 Top End Pond Mid Depth Areas (mda), Winter 1,000 Population
Table 7.5 Southern NT Pond Mid Depth Areas (mda), Winter 1,000 Population
In the southern climate Tennant Creek example above the faecal coliform discharge
standard of less than 1,000 E. coli/100ml will not be met for the coldest month - an increase
of 2C is required. In practice, actual sewage temperatures are likely to be more than 2C
above the Bureau of Meteorologys average air temperature for the coldest month. Mara
(Darwin, 2010) recommends no more than two maturation ponds to avoid the risk of
cyanobacteria (see Figure 3.5 for problems associated with lightly loaded ponds). However
pond mixing (see Section 6.4) is likely to reduce the cyanobacteria and would support four
maturation ponds needed for Alice Springs winter temperatures (12C).
The BOD of less than 20mg/L from an unfiltered effluent sample is close to 6mg/L if the
algae (70%) are omitted. Algae in the final effluent, not the original sewage BOD, is the main
contributor to organics in the final effluent.
The tables give the total pond mid-depth areas. To construct two parallel streams, the areas
should be divided by two.
Building a larger facultative pond option first would allow later upgrading to an anaerobic
option, by using a divided facultative pond.
If the design population is 3,000EP or 5,000EP, and all other parameters are the same, the
pond mid-depth areas are 3 or 5 times the size for the 1,000 population, respectively.
The process calculations are given for the Top End in Appendix 1.
Drawings showing engineering design of the Top End facultative pond option are given in
Appendix 2.
7.11 Individual pond design
Individual WSP process analysis allows better data to be used for the process design. If
raw sewage strength, pathogen levels and sewage flows can be determined from field
measurement (see WSP Planning Manual) a more efficient design should result.
Secondly, sufficient confidence can be gained from the individual analysis to stage the
construction of the ponds to match the flows. By building two streams, one stream may
be built first to allow for delayed sewer connection rates. Alternatively, one or more of the
final maturation ponds can be delayed if both streams are built as part of the first stage.
Changes to sewage strength or flows can also be adjusted during the second phase.
Detailed planning requirements associated with the design are given in the WSP Planning
Manual. However, the designer is required to assess the suitability of the planning
information provided.
Planning documents available to designers engaged in WSP upgrading should have
considered the following items at least:
Overall need for the site and treatment works in light of existing master plans for the
sewerage system, populations, loads, influent quality etc.;
Site suitability;
Appropriate technology and costs;
Strategies for operation during upgrading;
Stakeholder consultation and analysis.
These are addressed in more detail below.
8.1.1 Overview of site needs and existing master plans
The designer should critically review the master plans for the site associated with the
design, as they will provide information on the likely life of the plant, the timing of any
upgrading and relevant existing strategic planning information.
Site suitability will include cut off drains to the proposed pond area to allow surface water
flows to be diverted away from the plant and to reconnect to existing flow paths.
If master plans do not exist, then a master plan for the site itself should be drawn up using
the Power and Water WSP Planning Report template.
8.1.2 Site suitability
The designer should undertake a quick reality check on site suitability to ensure that there
have been no obvious issues overlooked. In addition, detailed design considerations may
require further testing (such as geotechnical) or detailed contour surveys that should be
included in the scope of the design work.
8.1.3 Appropriate technology and costs
During upgrading, a plant must normally operate while the upgrades are being constructed
and commissioned. Strategies for operation during upgrading should consider:
Areas needed not only for the new site, but also for access to the existing and
How the upgrading will be commissioned? How will cut-ins to existing treatment works
occur? Will there be partial commissioning? For example, when one process element in
the existing plant is severely overloaded, will the corresponding part of the new plant be
required earlier?
Is there a seasonal difference in the performance of the ponds (such as between summer
and winter and tourism). It is possible that during the summer period, there will not
only be less inflow, due to inflow and infiltration, but also a much smaller pond area
required due to the hotter temperatures. This should be checked by using the process
assessment methods in Section 8. The analysis may well show that one or more parallel
pond treatment trains can be taken out of service with no detrimental effect on pond
performance. This makes upgrading works associated with that part of the plant simpler.
Involvement of operators is necessary for these questions to be answered during design.
8.1.5 Training
An outline training plan for both designers and operators should have been developed
as part of the master-planning process. The designer is to develop this training plan to
the point where it is able to provide a specification for the training provider to tender for.
It should include training in the process, commissioning, operating, health (OH&S) and
environmental responsibilities.
Where a training plan has not been developed, the designer should ascertain training
requirements from the project officer.
8.2 Data & Performance Verification
Short circuiting from poor pond hydraulics or accumulation of excess sludge reduces the
treatment capacity.
GPS drogues (see Appendix 4) are a low cost way to confirm flow patterns within the
pond. The drogue float elevation should be 1/40th of the sock to reduce the influence of
wind during the test. They can also be used to test the benefit of changes to the inlet and
outlet hydraulic structures. Applying the Shilton and Harrison flow principles may provide
sufficient performance improvement to allow time to implement an orderly upgrade
Population projections beyond five years are little more than a guess. Upgrading of a pond
scheme should be phased and in steps no more than seven years ahead.
Population data should be available from the Planning Report. If no such report has been
commissioned, then the processes outlined in Power and Waters WSP Planning Manual
should be used.
Anaerobic pre-treatment (see Section 5.3) can provide, at low cost and in short time, relief
to overloaded facultative ponds. Twin anaerobic ponds in parallel allow desludging to be
undertaken without loss of treatment.
Public support for anaerobic ponds and methane collection is more likely with the current
world climate change awareness. Mara (Darwin, 2010) states anaerobic ponds should
always be used unless there are valid arguments not to.
8.4.2 Pond curtaining
Quite often facultative ponds have been oversized. Curtaining, to partition the pond into a
facultative and maturation, will not increase the organic treatment capacity. However, it will
improve the effluent quality, particularly that of the pathogens.
Curtaining can be undertaken without closing ponds using hawsers, floats and weighted
plastic sheet (see Figure 6.6).
8.4.3 Rock filter
WSPs that are efficient but not in compliance with pathogen and nutrient discharge
requirements can be helped by rock filters. Aerated rock filters, constructed in the final
maturation pond, do require a power supply for the air compressors. Without aeration the
filters are similar in performance to submerged wetlands (see Figure 4.2).
If it is not possible to place a filter in the final pond, then consideration of land purchases
is required.
Rock filters should have a bypass mechanism for use when replacing the rock media.
The blocking of sunlight by the rock above the pond level reduces photosynthesis and lowers
algae in the discharge. Pathogen and nutrient improvements in the order of 50% are likely.
Aerated rock filter design is given in Section 5.7.3.
8.4.4 Wetlands
Submerged wetlands are very similar to rock filters. Tanner (2006) has demonstrated that
planted submerged wetlands have little long-term benefit to unplanted.
Submerged wetland design is given in Section 5.7.5.
Wetlands may require land acquisition. This is often a drawn out process, so it should be
covered in the planning process. However, it may well be a significant portion of the project
price and should be included in the project estimate.
8.4.5 Algal reduction
Algae account for some 70% of organic matter and nutrients in the final effluent. Reducing
the level of algae results in a direct benefit to final effluent quality. Blocking the sunlight
in the last two days the final effluent is in the pond will kill a large proportion of algae.
The algae will settle and add to the pond sludge.
Floating covers or duckweed have been used. In cyclones, both are likely to be battered,
but can be recovered.
Duckweed is easily blown by the wind. The Figure below shows duckweed covering a pond
that 30 minutes earlier was 80% free of the weed.
Figure 8.1 Duckweed: Rapid Cover and Dispersion
Intermittent slow sand filters have been used in both New Zealand and France (Torrens 2009)
for algae reduction. The hydraulic parameters are given in Section 5.7.4. The land requirements
are excessive for large populations but acceptable for communities of 1,000 or less.
Figure 8.2 Intermittent Sand Filters
9 septage ponds
9.1 Septic tank
Septic tanker waste has already undergone anaerobic digestion and should be mineralised,
or nearly so. Treating septage by anaerobic pond would not further the demineralisation
process. In practice, too much septage is from flooded septic tanks due to failed
infiltration fields - and is only partially digested. In this case primary septage ponds do
operate anaerobically (see Figure below).
Figure 9.1 Primary and secondary septage ponds
Oily crust covering the first septage pond Aerobic conditions in second septage pond
Small volumes of septage can be discharged to waste stabilisation ponds. Larger volumes of
septage should be treated in an exclusive primary facultative pond without raw sewage.
Septage pond process design is as for facultative ponds and is given in Facultative Ponds,
Section 5.4. Septage should be analysed for BOD to confirm the process design. Generally
septage is close to 5,000mg BOD/L.
The primary facultative ponds should be in parallel to allow duty and standby operation. In
the coldest or wettest month net evaporation should equal septage flow.
Discharging septage at the same position in a primary facultative pond will cause a bank of
solids to block future inflow. Several inlets around the pond should be provided to reduce
this problem. Ideally, water should be added to spread the septage across the pond.
Screening septage to remove plastics should be undertaken if the final sludge is to be
disposed of on farmland.
9.2 Commercial Oil and Grease
The discharge of oil or grease to facultative ponds must be avoided. The oil covers the pond
and stops algae photosynthesis resulting in a pond crash. The oil will reduce the natural
transfer of oxygen between the atmosphere and the water interface.
Even discharging oil and grease to an anaerobic pond is risky. Unless the inlet and outlet
structures are correctly designed there is likely to be a carryover of oil to the downstream
facultative pond. Regular removal of the anaerobic crust would be required. Composting
grease and sludge would need investigation.
Septage ponds are unlikely to be any more successful in treating oil and grease. Both oil and
grease would likely seal the pond surface reducing the evaporation rate.
Compliance with trade waste agreements for pre-treatment of oil and grease at source
reduces the risk of discharges to the WSPs. There have been several cases of oil and grease
tanker drivers fly tipping their loads into the public sewer. They are very difficult to catch but
should be pursued. Restarting a WSP treatment process can take weeks and it is normally
accompanied by objectionable odour.
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 101
10 effluent reuse
10.1 Effluent Reuse
Climate change has focused public opinion on the environment that they live in. In response,
federal and state environmental regulators are encouraging water recycling schemes.
Water recycled from ponds is a valuable source of water and contains nutrients that have
considerable benefit to farmers during the dry season. During the wet season, receiving
waters can provide sufficient dilution to relax effluent discharge standards. However, the
regulator may not agree to this.
The main financial limitations to water recycling in the north of Australia are:
Transferring the pond effluent to the farmer, or industry, at an economic price;
Persuading the farmers and industry to grow their produce or locate their industry
adjacent to the sewage works.
Alice Springs has in part overcome these limitations by pioneering aquifer recharge.
Although using expensive tertiary treatment, dissolved air floatation (DAF), aquifer recharge
overcomes the cost of transporting the effluent to farms if there is common access to the
aquifer. There are less expensive tertiary treatment methods, such as intermittent slow sand
filtration, that require trials to give confidence to the regulator.
10.2 Effluent Reuse Standards
Effluent and Odour Standards, Section 1, prescribes effluent reuse parameters and
monitoring requirements. Waste stabilisation ponds have the ability to reduce pathogen
levels to log orders lower than activated sludge plants. Pond effluent often meets pathogen
levels required for reuse (see Table 1.1) without further treatment.
10.3 Agriculture
Farmers can save more than the required annual fertiliser quota by changing to WSP
sewage effluent (Mara, 2003). Sewage effluent, compared to clean water plus fertilizer, can
increase crop yield by 25% (see table below).
In addition, phosphorus is becoming increasingly scarce and costly. As the price of
phosphorus increases, the value of pond effluent recycled with nutrients increases as well.
Table 10.1 Comparison of Crop Production by Sewage Effluent
Pond effluent for horticulture may prove more profitable than agriculture.
Application rates for three categories of soils are given in Section 1.3. The common failure of
sewage effluent irrigation schemes are:
Over irrigation. Not allowing the crop to rest resulting in lower yield or even die back;
Excess nutrients. There is a limit to nutrient uptake before a crop is spoiled. Trees receiving
excess nitrogen produce additional branches that downgrade the timber to firewood;
Salinity, sodium absorption ratio (SAR), boron, pH and heavy metals are all factors that
can prevent a successful effluent reuse scheme and should be measured.
An approximate guide to effluent capital piping and pumping cost is $150,000/km of
100mm diameter main which will transfer some 1,000kL of effluent a day.
10.4 Aquaculture
Sewage ponds overseas are successfully used for fish farming and provide over 20% of
demand in Calcutta. Fish yields range from 4 to 8 tons per hectare year.
Human consumption of pond raised fish in Australia is very unlikely to receive public support
but there may be acceptance of using pond-raised fish for animal feed. Fish raised in the
ponds transfer nutrients locked up in the algae to the fish. The fish are removed from the
ponds depleting the nutrients in the final effluent.
The DHF has yet to set an effluent quality standard for aquaculture. Section 1.1 suggests
WHO standard of zero trematode eggs per litre of effluent might be appropriate.
The Department of Fisheries would need to be consulted for approved species that will not
become a pest in Australian waters.
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 103
Other examples are:
Organically under or over loading of ponds increase the chance of mosquito and midge
breeding in ponds where there is a grass at the waters edge or floating mats for breeding
(see Section 7.3). If time or staff for regular maintenance have been reduced and the asset
condition drops below agreed level, then there is not only the issue of insect breeding,
but also possibly a breach of the WSP licence the designer must consider how insect
breeding sites can be eliminated as part of any acceptable design;
Excess accumulation of sludge. Desludging can cost up to $100/m3 - desludging and
offsite disposal of accumulated sludge exceeds many operational budgets. Design
of desludging facilities can reduce this to $15/m3 so plant design without adequate
consideration of sludge handling is incomplete;
Lack of resources, such as power boats and pumps, to maintain pond movement during
still wind conditions on hot days. Designers should provide a listing of resources required
to maintain their design;
Substandard design. Lack of preliminary treatment such as screening, flow bypass
channels, incorrect hydraulic structures resulting in short circuiting or excess algae carry
over. Ponds of too shallow a depth to support sufficient aerobic treatment. Over- and
under-sized ponds because of insufficient funds to research better data;
Illegal trade waste discharges or excess septic tank septage resulting from lack of funds
to implement and monitor policies;
Lack of operator training. Not knowing that grass growing at the waters edge will
encourage mosquitoes or midges. Or, excess sludge does reduce the treatment capacity.
Or, how to help vertical mixing and reduce the chance of a pond crash are common
amongst operators. The lack of appropriate equipment for cleaning channels and
operation are other examples, often due to underfunding;
Lack of planning. For instance, no reserve land for undertaking desludging or sludge
drying see Figure below as budgets did not allow for sufficient land purchase.
Figure 11.1 WSP Sludge Drying Beds
Good housekeeping would result in many operational problems not occurring. The designer
ensuring there is better data and the operators concerns have been addressed will optimise
efficiency and the capital investment.
12 pilot pond projects
12.1 Philosophy and Planning
It is very difficult to have confidence in new ideas without direct experience. The theory of
pond desludging is clear, but pond hydraulics requires more work. Implementing theory
sometimes leads to project failure unless backed with practical pilot plant results. Personal
experience in using pilot plants enables designers to explore better ways and establish firmer
costs to support efficient use of money.
Large WSPs are critical assets. For critical assets, it is not acceptable to temporarily
decommission a pond for desludging without being confident that the action is manageable.
Without experience, desludging a live pond can lead to a crash.
Some of the necessary steps in considering, implanting and undertaking a pilot project are:
Decide on the matter under investigation that is to be piloted;
Consult with all parties from the regulator to the public;
Undertake a publication search to confirm what has already be achieved or may prejudice
the proposed pilot project results;
Specifically design the experimental program that will answer the questions raised in the
first step above;
Design the pilot plant and seek approvals not covered by the existing discharge licence;
Verify that the pilot plant will do the experimental work required - this may involve a
third party review, computer modelling or in the worst case, trial and error;
Estimate costs, time and other resources to undertake and review the final results from
the pilot project. Laboratory tests can be extensive and expensive when personnel time
is included;
Obtain formal approvals and budgets;
Run the experimental program;
Assess and repeat as necessary to obtain confidence in outputs;
Report and recommend;
Dismantle pilot equipment and restore site.
12.2 Effluent Improvement
Failure of discharge licence conditions is the most common reason for pilot projects that
is, to find a solution to the failure. Improving the final effluent quality may be achieved by:
Additional primary treatment: this might be an anaerobic pond;
Introducing tertiary treatment: reducing the level of algae entering the receiving water
may be sufficient to achieve this. Section 5.7 outlines various possibilities, such as rock
filters that may provided the necessary improvement;
Improving pond hydraulics: to improve the efficiency of the expensive asset. This is
discussed further below;
Effluent reuse: to divert the effluent from the receiving water.
The pilot trials may need to extend to two seasons to ensure results are well correlated for
temperature and wet weather conditions.
A frequent root cause of failure of pond improvement projects is not undertaking a pilot
project to confirm manufacturers claims. There are many examples of claimed quality
improvement technology that have been expensive or not even worked.
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 105
12.3 Hydraulic efficiency
Recent advances by Drs Shilton and Harrison have shown short circuiting is common in
WSPs. Studies of several Australian ponds suggest no more than 30% of the ponds area
is supporting the treatment process. Simple methods of nozzle inlets, stub baffle walls
and mixers can reduce short circuiting, stratification, blue green algae and lower effluent
pathogen levels by more than one log order.
To improve pond hydraulics, pilot projects should use GPS drogues (see Appendix 4) to confirm
flow patterns before and after pond modifications. Two dimensional mathematical modelling
has been shown to be unpredictable for WSP hydraulics (Shilton 2003). More recent models
have been developed by Professor Howard Fallowfield of Flinders University, Adelaide.
12.4 Pond desludging
WSP desludging may not occur for 5-10 years. When desludging is required, the costs can far
exceed the previous years operation and maintenance costs combined.
Invariably, information is required on the extent of accumulated pond sludge, the most
efficient methods of removal, dewatering and disposal and for formulating a desludging
pilot project.
Possible desludging methods are discussed in Section 4.5. Costs of one tenth of
conventional dredger and dewatering operations may be possible.
12.5 Methane Collection
Gas collection can be undertaken by the simple addition of a cover over an anaerobic pond.
Flaring the methane gas results in a less damaging green house gas. A successful pilot trial
would give support to the use of anaerobic ponds at other WSPs.
Section 3.2.1 sets out the order of methane production and power available for heating or
electricity generation.
12.6 Collaboration
Too often, the wheel is re-invented. Collaboration through the Australian Water Association,
university research Departments and Co-operative Research Centres (CRCs) will often result
in better solutions and understanding.
Channel Island Aquaculture could provide support to undertake trials in pond fish farming.
Private companies engaged in horticulture or agriculture might be willing to support trial
irrigation to support effluent reuse.
The research Departments in bodies such as the Arid Zone Research Institute and
universities have repetitive experience in running pilot projects and, where needed,
supported by cohort studies. Providing wide publicity of results through the Water
Services Association of Australia benefits the country and encourages others to offer up
their own experience.
13 monitoring and control
Section 11 on operations and maintenance, explains the importance of data to make
decisions on pond operation, trouble shooting and process design.
The investment in ponds is often considerable. Running the ponds at less than optimal
efficiency means that capital is sitting idle with not only interest and depreciation costs,
but also on-going maintenance of the unused portion of the plant.
Proposed investment programmes may add a similar amount, which may or may not be
necessary if the data to support better design were available.
Monitoring all Power and Water WSPs influent and effluent, as tabled below, will provide
information for better decisions and eventually more efficient ponds. Secondly, it will
provide warning of operational problems and may give time to avoid pond failure.
It is also a requirement of most discharge licences that specific monitoring takes place, and
reports submitted periodically to the regulator.
In addition, apart from planning and regulatory reasons for monitoring, operational control
of WSPs is supported by monitoring of hydraulic, quality and weather data.
Monitoring of pond hydraulic and many of the process parameters is now possible even
in remote communities via satellite. In fact, the ability to monitor and assess remotely
will enable operators to tailor their expensive maintenance visits to these sites only when
necessary, rather than on a time basis. This means that maintenance can be much more
effective, as well as cheaper.
Similarly, control of the WSP processes can be achieved via satellite enabled Supervisory
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).
The following parameters should be considered for monitoring at WSP:
Hydraulic grade line the various pond outlet weir heights (or degree of outlet valve
opening) can be lowered or raised should there be a storm requiring higher than normal
discharge, or should the regulator stipulate a time or tide height based discharge. Waste
stabilisation ponds, because of their large relative storage, can discharge on high tides
to maximise dilution and flushing, should that be required something not available to
other processes without further expensive storage;
Inlet jet direction controlling the inlet jet direction is one of the means of counteracting
the effects of an adverse wind. Should the wind change, then the direction of the inlet
jet may change so that short circuiting in the pond is stopped. The inlet jet also may be
changed in direction periodically to remove the build up of scum or sludge in the pond
and hence to eliminate a potential source of mosquito breeding;
Hydraulic mixer jet direction If the design shows that there is significant wind and
temperature effect on the pond, then in addition to the inlet jet, a horizontal hydraulic
mixer (of the propeller variety) can be substituted for a baffle wall. (ie where a baffle
wall can be placed using the Shilton Harrison models, one can substitute a horizontally
directed jet from a mixer). By varying the angle of the horizontal mixer, a very precise
control of the pond hydraulics can be achieved. The second use of the horizontal mixer
is to use a variable speed drive to vary the length of the horizontal plume. This has the
same effect as varying the length of the pond baffle;
Weather parameters such as rainfall, wind speed and direction and temperature;
Flows as per previous discussions;
Quality parameters on inlet and outlets.
Ideally, the design brief will detail which of these are required. However, if not, then the
designer should consult with operators and planners to ascertain their requirements.
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 107
Table 13.1 WSP Control and Monitoring Parameters
In formulating the design brief, it is also essential that the monitoring and control system
must be compatible, if not identical, with the existing system used by the pond operator.
In considering sampling at an early stage, the designer may be able to:
Avoid sampling in confined spaces;
Provide easy access, whether for vehicles or ramps instead of ladders for sampling;
Standardisation of equipment and procedures to reduce confusion and error in sampling
and monitoring. If a procedure does not already exist, justification should be provided;
Automate monitoring through SCADA.
The table below lists raw sewage sampling that should be undertaken for all WSPs.
Table 13.2 WSP Raw Sewage Sampling
Constant raw sewage flow monitoring should be undertaken at all WSPs. Wet weather
sampling, particularly in the Top End, currently shows raw sewage flows of one third
strength (50mg BOD/L) of the dry season values. Understanding the seasonal variation
in flows and strengths is essential to designing for the critical season.
Monitoring all PWC WSPs influent and effluent would provide information for better
decisions and eventually more efficient ponds. Secondly, it would provide warning of
operational problems and may give time to avoid pond failure.
It is also a requirement of most discharge licences that certain monitoring take place,
and reports submitted periodically to the regulator.
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 109
14 cost estimates
14.1 General
Pond project cost estimation should be based on an established method, such as that
outlined in Rawlinsons, or by the engagement of a quantity surveyor. The individual parts
of the estimate which are specific to pond design can be obtained by comparison to similar
projects elsewhere in Australia, suitably factored for the different locations (using a location
index of the type employed by Rawlinsons for example).
14.2 Financial and programme planning
Lack of budgeted funds or cost overruns compromise many WSP projects. To help with more
reliable budgeting and programming a Check List (see Appendix 2) and WSP Design Report
Template (see Appendix 3) have been prepared. Each project is different but all projects
require a budget and programme.
Below are stage summary points that will assist in improving project costing and
14.3 Investigations and Planning
The lead time and cost of consultancy services to take the outline of the project through
discharge regulation and on to process design is often noticeably under estimated. If not
otherwise able to be specified allow $5,000 or 1.0% of construction cost whichever is
the greater.
14.5 Detailed Design
Attention is given to the construction programme and final costs. Variations to the contract
should be limited to less than the provided contingency.
Budget constraints often do not allow adequate construction supervision. Compaction
of soil embankments and installation of hydraulic structures are the most important
construction items for WSPs. The integrity of the contractor may allow less daily supervision.
If not otherwise able to be estimated, use $12,000 or 3% of construction cost whichever is
the greater.
14.7 Operations
Providing sufficient information on operational costs will confirm financial support for
pond works. Budgets for operators to undertake monitoring and sampling should also be
supported by provision of additional equipment. Small submersible pumps and GPS drogues
for improved hydraulic performance, physical and chemical test kits, scum skimming bucket,
screening skips, grass cutting tractors are prime items to support operations.
14.7.2 Staff Training
Generally, if operational staff does not receive sufficient training in the WSP process, the
operational needs and problem solving required will not be achieved.
Designers should allow at least $1,500 per operator to be trained and $1,000 for ancillary
personnel such as supervising engineers, and $2,000 for any laboratory training per
technical officer undertaking laboratory work, if no better information is available.
14.7.3 As Constructed Drawings
Each operator should have his own set of A1 sized engineering drawings for each WSP scheme.
Remote from an office, paper copies are still preferred on site for problem solving. Copies
should be kept on site and electronic copies updated and made available to the operator.
Without the drawings to refer to unnecessary and expensive mistakes will be made.
Marked up as-constructed drawings should be referred to designers to allow for feedback
of design problems and areas where original designs needed to be changed. This assists the
continuous improvement process.
Door stopper operation and maintenance manuals are discarded by operators. Developing
an operations manual with the operators, secures their trust and interest. Therefore allow at
least one meeting with operators for every six weeks of construction and every two weeks
of commissioning time.
Allow $500 per drawing requiring modification for as-constructed information.
14.7.4 AMP Asset Registration
Asset management planning (AMP) is the backbone of all budgeting and programming.
AMP establishes the level of service to be met, the deficit in performance or condition on
which to build remedial or new works. AMP justifies operational costs and reflects discharge
licence conditions compliance or failure.
New WSP schemes require full registration with the asset register and AMP system. Often it
is an expensive exercise in setting up the data. When delayed, weekly operational sampling
data can be forgotten reducing the reliability.
A budget of $5,000 should be allowed for.
14.8 Post Commissioning Review
Confirming the original design has worked in practice gives support for using the process
again. If it has not worked in some respect, then designers need to be informed so that
future designs can incorporate any lessons learned. A post commissioning review enables
continuous improvement of the design of WSPs.
During the first year of operation, if sewage flows and loads are sufficient, quarterly reviews
should confirm the success of the project. Notes can be drawn on cost saving measures for
use in new schemes.
The following items are suggested for inclusion in a post commissioning review of WSPs:
Follow up GPS drogue study of hydraulic design;
Review of inflow quantity and quality;
Review of effluent quality against design;
Review of reliability of effluent quality;
Review of public and regulator issues:
o Insect breeding;
o Odour problems;
o Other issues as identified in the planning report;
Identify operational problems;
Review of operational costs.
Allow $10,000 for post-commissioning review if undertaken with local resources add
travel and accommodation costs if the review is to be undertaken by external reviewers.
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 111
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appendix 1: WSP Worked Example
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 115
Facultative Pond (Primary)
Retention Time (days): 8.9
Depth (m): 1.8
Mid-Depth Area (m2): 1,422
Inflow (m /day):
Outflow (m /day):
BOD Surface Loading (kg/ha day): 350
BOD Removal (%): 77
Effluent Unfiltered BOD Concentration (mg/L): 39
NH3 Removal (%): 34
Effluent NH3 Concentration (mg/L): 34
Total Nitrogen Removal (%): 53
Effluent Total Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L): 41
E. coli Removal (%): 98.2
Effluent E. coli Concentration (/100ml): 178,401
Helminth Removal (%): 99.0
Effluent Helminth Concentration (egg/L): 5.2
Total BOD5 Removal (%): 77
Total NH3 Removal (%): 34
Total Nitrogen Removal (%): 53
Total P Removal (%): -
Total E. coli Removal (%): 98.2
Total Helminth Removal (%): 99
Maturation Pond 1
Retention Time (days): 3.0
Depth (m): 1.3
Mid-Depth Area (m2): 651
Inflow (m /day):
Outflow (m /day):
BOD Surface Loading (kg/ha day): 170
BOD Removal (%): 25
Effluent Unfiltered BOD Concentration (mg/L): 29
NH3 Removal (%): 20
Effluent NH3 Concentration (mg/L): 27
Total Nitrogen Removal (%): 50
Effluent Total Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L): 20
E. coli Removal (%): 94.9
Effluent E. coli Concentration (/100ml): 9,096
Helminth Removal (%): 89.8
Effluent Helminth Concentration (egg/L): 0.5
Total BOD5 Removal (%): 83
Total NH3 Removal (%): 47
Total Nitrogen Removal (%): 77
Total P Removal (%): -
Total E. coli Removal (%): 99.91
Total Helminth Removal (%): 99.9
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 117
Maturation Pond 2
Retention Time (days): 3.0
Depth (m): 1.3
Mid-Depth Area (m2): 642
Inflow (m /day):
Outflow (m /day):
BOD Surface Loading (kg/ha day): 128
BOD Removal (%): 25
Effluent Unfiltered BOD Concentration (mg/L): 22
NH3 Removal (%): 20
Effluent NH3 Concentration (mg/L): 22
Total Nitrogen Removal (%): 50
Effluent Total Nitrogen Concentration (mg/L): 10
E. coli Removal (%): 94.9
Effluent E. coli Concentration (/100ml): 464
Helminth Removal (%): 89.8
Effluent Helminth Concentration (egg/L): 0.1
Total BOD5 Removal (%): 87
Total NH3 Removal (%): 57
Total Nitrogen Removal (%): 88
Total P Removal (%): 25
Total E. coli Removal (%): 99.995
Total Helminth Removal (%): 99.99
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 119
appendix 2: design example engineering drawings
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 121
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 123
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 125
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appendix 3: check lists for designers and project officers
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 129
Serial Description Reference Comment
D7 Design inlet jets 6.2
to eliminate short
circuiting and wind
effects 6.4
LO2 Eliminate angular 6.5
corners and locate stub
LO4 Locate recirculation 6.8
LO5 Locate metering points 7.4
LO6 Locate and size pond 7.4
LO7 Locate and size stub 6.5
walls and baffles
LO8 Locate sampling points 7.9.3
8.2 Check that there is
design info on sampling
LO9 Locate pipework into 6.2
and out of plant and
between ponds
D8 Specify soils or pond Planning report7.3
liners to ensure no
Planning report
leakage to any aquifer.
DNRETAS advice on tidal
Specify wall treatments
for wave/tidal surge
resistance if necessary.
D9 Calculate pond 6.1
hydraulic profile
D10 Calculate sludge 4.5
disposal area
Fig 7.7
LO10 Locate sludge disposal 7.8
PD1 Determine building 7.9.7
D6 Design SCADA and 7.9.2
Control system
LO11 Locate buildings and 7.9.4
internal roads
LO12 Check buffer zone Buffer Zone Guidelines
Serial Description Reference Comment
LO13 Locate trees round 7.9.5
buildings and in relation
to plant
LO14 Check that site 7.9.1
aesthetics satisfy
LO15 Locate and specify 7.9.5
fencing, external OH&S
items (lifebuoys, hand
rails, boats etc) and
LO16 Locate the SCADA 7.9.2
and control system
equipment and links
DOC1 Complete preliminary
DOC2 Complete estimate 14
DOC3 Complete design report Manual Part 1
for approval
DOC4 Complete final drawings Construction Typical documentation
other documentation mastertext is construction
including construction specifications for and operational
environmental concrete, earthworks. environmental
management plan. management plans,
Power and SCADA as
AAPA approval
per Power and Water
applications, Waste
Discharge Licence
power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 131
Appendix 4 GPS Flow Tracking Drogues
Appendix 4 GPS sitting on top of additional battery, both housed inside the drogue
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power and water corporation waste stabilisation pond design manual 133