Are You Serious About Winning The Lottery PDF

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Are You Serious about ..

Winning the Lottery

Free Lotto Systems gathered

from the best sites on the Internet

Our FREE Gift to You

Please feel free to pass this on to Friends

You may distribute this Special Report freely, provided you do not alter anything.
Copyright LottoMasta International 2003 email: [email protected] 2

Can you REALLY Improve Your Odds?

Absolutely. Even the Lotto companies themselves tell you so.

How? There are two recommendations that always come up:

a) Play a System Entry and
b) Form a Lotto Syndicate / Lotto Club.

Do these recommendations make sense? Definitely.

Take the following example from a 49-ball lottery :

A single 6-number entry has a 1-in-13,983,816 chance of winning;
An 8-number system entry has a 1-in-499,420 chance of winning;
A 10-number system entry has a 1-in-66,589 chance of winning;
A 12-number system entry has a 1-in-15,134 chance of winning;
A 15-number system entry has a 1-in-2,794 chance of winning;

For a 40-ball lottery, the figures are :

A single 6-number entry has a 1-in-3,838,380 chance of winning;
An 8-number system entry has a 1-in-137,085 chance of winning;
A 10-number system entry has a 1-in-18,278 chance of winning;
A 12-number system entry has a 1-in-4,154 chance of winning;
A 15-number system entry has a 1-in-767 chance of winning;

In summary - Playing a 15-ball entry improves

your odds OVER 5,000 TIMES!

The problem is - System Entries are expensive.

A System 8 requires 28 games
A System 10 requires 210 games
A System 12 requires 924 games

If you can afford to play a System Entry, we recommend you do, preferably
sharing the cost with friends.

If you can't, let's look at the next-best alternatives.

We have picked the best free lotto systems from several websites on the
Internet. Check them out. Visit the websites. Then make a judgement.

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Let's suppose you wanted to Improve your Odds by 33% - How would you
do it? By playing a System 8. Instead of just six numbers to pick the winners
(requiring a 100% success rate), choose eight numbers - a 33.33% increase that
allows you to get two wrong and still walk off with First Prize. Sorry, ride off,
probably in a Ferrari !

At this stage you need to make a choice. At $1 per game, you need $28 plus
agents commission. What do you do if you only have $5 ? Either:
Find 5 friends, each with $5, giving you $30 in total - and off you go, or
Decide the best entry you can play for $5.

Surprisingly, there is a very effective way to play eight numbers - if you

know the secret of combining them properly - that guarantees First Prize
and costs under $5.

Let's suppose you chose the following eight numbers:

3 8 15 20 23 28 35 42

Before you go any further, circle six of these eight numbers.

Here's how to combine the eight numbers for the best results less than $5.00:

Game 1: 3 8 15 20 23 28
Game 2: 3 8 15 20 35 42
Game 3: 3 8 23 28 35 42
Game 4: 15 20 23 28 35 42

Now check off the six numbers you chose previously. How did you do? Pretty
effective, huh ? You will ALWAYS have Five or Six winning numbers
together if you have all six winning numbers in your eight.

* LOTTOMASTA's HOT TIP * If you play them as FOUR PAIRS, eg

3&8 15 & 20 23 & 28 35 & 42
You are GUARANTEED First Prize if you have any three pairs correct.

We agree - it is not as good as a full system 8 - and if you can afford all 28
games, we highly recommend you play the full system 8. If not, this four-game
arrangement is pretty neat.

What's the Magic Formula ? This is -

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Game 1: 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6=
Game 2: 1= 2= 3= 4= 7= 8=
Game 3: 1= 2= 5= 6= 7= 8=
Game 4: 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8=

No matter what 8 numbers you choose, substitute your 8 numbers for the 1 to 8
above and you are guaranteed:
First Prize if any 3 pairs (1/2, 3/4, 5/6, or 7/8) include the six winning
Five or Six winning numbers together if you have six winning numbers
anywhere in your eight
Five winning numbers together if you have five winning numbers
together within any 3 pairs
Four winning numbers together if you have four winning numbers
together within 2 or 3 pairs

Here's how the conversion looks:

1: 1=3 2=8 3=15 4=20 5=23 6=28
2: 1=3 2=8 3=15 4=20 7=35 8=42
3: 1=3 2=8 5=23 6=28 7=35 8=42
4: 3=15 4=20 5=23 6=28 7=35 8=42

See more great FREE lotto systems at:

Magic Lotto System - or Snake Oil ?

There are some great Lotto Systems on the Web. There are also plenty of B-S
systems, snake oil peddled by people with no respect for their customers.
So how do you tell which is which ?
a) Does the System have a Guarantee? If not, avoid it like the plague.
b) Are they prepared to give you a Free System you can test? If not,
ask yourself - why not?
c) Does the System have a 100% Money Back Guarantee ?

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Copyright LottoMasta International 2003 email: [email protected] 5

The Magic NINE Number Lotto System

Dramatically different - that's the boast of and boy, are
they different! Check out how many winners you can get from just 21 games!
You probably already know a system 9 requires 84 games. The version below
requires 21 games - Saving you $63 a week or $3,276 in a full year. Let's
suppose you want to play the following 9 numbers:
1, 7, 15, 18, 23, 28, 35, 40 & 45.
The left-hand column below shows the basic system, using numbers 1-9.
The middle column shows your 9 numbers, after substituting them for our 1-9.
The right hand column below gives the Guarantees - brilliantly effective !
The Basic 1-9 Your 9 numbers, A "LottoMasta" System,
Lotto System when converted. Giving these Guarantees :
123456 1: 1 7 15 18 23 28 a) If the 6 winning lotto numbers
123457 2: 1 7 15 18 23 35 are from the first 7 of your 9
123467 3: 1 7 15 18 28 35 numbers - A Guaranteed First
123567 4: 1 7 15 23 28 35 Prize plus multiple other prizes.
124567 5: 1 7 18 23 28 35
124589 6: 1 7 18 23 40 45 b) If the 6 winning lotto numbers
126789 7: 1 7 28 35 40 45 are from the last 7 of your 9
134567 8: 1 15 18 23 28 35 numbers - A Guaranteed First
234567 9: 7 15 18 23 28 35 Prize plus multiple other prizes.
234568 10: 7 15 18 23 28 40
234578 11: 7 15 18 23 35 40 c) If the 6 winning lotto numbers
234678 12: 7 15 18 28 35 40 are from the middle 7 of your 9
235678 13: 7 15 23 28 35 40 numbers - A Guaranteed First
245678 14: 7 18 23 28 35 40 Prize plus multiple other prizes.
345678 15:15 18 23 28 35 40
345679 16:15 18 23 28 35 45 d) With 6 winning lotto numbers
345689 17:15 18 23 28 40 45 anywhere in your nine - You are
345789 18:15 18 23 35 40 45 guaranteed Five or Six together,
346789 19:15 18 28 35 40 45 plus multiple winners.
356789 20:15 23 28 35 40 45
456789 21:18 23 28 35 40 45

A magic way to get top value for money! Again, if you can afford the 84 games
in a full system 9 - go for it. If your budget is limited, this is the Smart Play.

If you think this free system is good - Check out what they sell at: - it's mind blowing !

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Copyright LottoMasta International 2003 email: [email protected] 6

Here's a table for your nine numbers. Simply substitute as we did on pages 3-4.
1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9=

1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= .
1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 7= .
1= 2= 3= 4= 6= 7= .
1= 2= 3= 5= 6= 7= .
1= 2= 4= 5= 6= 7= .
1= 2= 4= 5= 8= 9= .
1= 2= 6= 7= 8= 9= .
1= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= .
2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= .
2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 8= .
2= 3= 4= 5= 7= 8= .
2= 3= 4= 6= 7= 8= .
2= 3= 5= 6= 7= 8= .
2= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= .
3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= .
3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 9= .
3= 4= 5= 6= 8= 9= .
3= 4= 5= 7= 8= 9= .
3= 4= 6= 7= 8= 9= .
3= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= .
4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= .

LOTTOMASTA's HOT TIP * Play six of these 9-number systems - and

you can cover 54 numbers ! Get friends to form a small Syndicate. Each
one of you plays 9 different numbers, covering all the numbers in your
lottery, using the above system (or a cheaper / different system from one of
our books). For a 49-ball lottery, you can play 5 numbers a second time.
If you play a 45-ball lottery, 5 of the above covers all the numbers
If you play a 36-ball lottery, 4 of the above covers all the numbers
This technique is covered in detail in the Pro Version of the LottoMasta's
book "Winning Lotto - Secrets The Experts Don't Want You to Know" -
see "The Lotto Buster" and "The Saturday Night Special" chapters for even
better ways to use the "LottoMasta Guaranteed Winning Numbers

Details are at

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Copyright LottoMasta International 2003 email: [email protected] 7

Okay - But What Other Systems Can I Play?

"Winning Lotto - Secrets The Experts Dont Want You To Know" includes :
The Saturday Night Special } Two approaches designed around the
The Oz Lotto Buster } "Guaranteed Winning Numbers Strategy"
The Secret of Why You Shouldn't Play Large Systems
9 Number System - 8 Games - Guarantees 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
10 Number System - 18 Games - Guarantees 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
11 Number System - 34 Games - Guarantees 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
12 Number System - 48 Games - Guarantees 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
"System Combo's" - Mixing Full & Reduced Guarantee Systems
18 Number System - 48 Games - Guarantees 4, 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
16 Number System - 36 Games - Guarantees 4, 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
14 Number System - 18 Games - Guarantees 4, 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
12 Number System - 10 Games - Guarantees 4, 5 or 6 Winning numbers*
A "Double Your Money Back" Guarantee (conditions apply) And More !
* - Requires SIX winning Numbers for the Guarantee to operate

The PRO VERSION includes all the above, plus:

8 Number System - 12 Games - Guarantees 5 winning numbers from 5*
9 Number System - 32 Games - Guarantees 5 winning numbers from 5*
10 Number System - 52 Games - Guarantees 5 winning numbers from 5*
12 Number System - 142 Games - Guarantees 5 winning numbers from 5*
With just FIVE winning Numbers, they are Guaranteed together. With SIX
Winning Numbers, you are Guaranteed all six together or Multiple sets of 5.

The Double-Guarantee Systems

8 Number System - 8 Games - Double Guarantee*
9 Number System - 14 Games - Double Guarantee*
10 Number System - 28 Games - Double Guarantee*
12 Number System - 44 Games - Double Guarantee*
Double-Guarantee Systems guarantee that if -
- You have Six Winning Numbers, either 5 or all 6 will be together and
- You have just Four Winning Numbers, all four will be together

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Copyright LottoMasta International 2003 email: [email protected] 8

Systems for Pairs

Four Pairs System, 8 Numbers = 8 Games
Five Pairs System, 10 Numbers = 10 Games
Six Pairs System, 12 Numbers = 20 Games
Guarantee of First Prize if any 3 pairs include the six winning numbers

Great Lotto Websites to check out: for -
The stunning "Strategies for Success" that explode Your lottery results
Uncovered - the astonishing truth about lottery systems - And why we
think the "Conventional Wisdom" about system entries is dead wrong!
The exclusive "Lottery Buster" - Your ticket to the good life
How You Can Use the "Saturday Night Special" to create
"Guaranteed Winning Numbers"
Discover the amazing" Smart-Play Zones"
The Magic of "Double Guarantee" Systems
With 157 pages, 29 Chapters, and 26 mind-blowing lotto systems - this Pro
Version of "Lotto Secrets" is today's book for the thinking lottery player. for -
The Best 10 and 12 number lotto systems on the web!

This report is a FREE service to our loyal Lotto Customers. Copyright belongs to
LottoMasta International, PO Box 196, Bond University, Qld 4229 - you are
allowed to:
Make copies for friends and family
Use the Systems in this Report free-of-charge
You may NOT charge others for this Report.
Address: LottoMasta International, PO Box 196, Bond University, Qld 4229
Websites: &

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