Tutorials On Final Accounts

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From the following balances, taken from the Trial Balance of Shri Mukesh, prepare a Trading and Profit
and Loss account for the year ending 31st Dec. 2011:

Particulars Amount in Amount in

Rs. (DR.) Rs. (CR.)
Stock as on 1.1.2011 2000
Purchases and Sales 20000 30000
Returns 2000 500
Carriage 1000
Octroi 1000
Rent 3000
Interest Received 1000
Salaries 2000
General Expenses 500
Discount 500
Insurance 500
TOTAL 32000 32000
The Closing Stock as on 31st December 2011 was Rs.5,000.

(Ans. Gross Profit:Rs.9,500; Net Profit:Rs.5,000)

From the following balances extracted from the books of M/s Rajendra Gupta & Sons., prepare a Trading
and Profit & Loss account and a Balance Sheet:

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount in

in Rs. Rs.
Opening Stock 1250 Plant and Machinery 6230
Sales 11800 Returns Outwards 1380
Depreciation 667 Cash in Hand 895
Commission (Cr.) 211 Salaries 750
Insurance 380 Debtors 1905
Carriage Inwards 300 Discount (Dr.) 328
Furniture 670 Bills Receivable 2730
Printing Charges 481 Wages 1589
Carriage Outwards 200 Returns Inwards 1659
Capital 9228 Bank Overdraft 4000
Creditors 1780 Purchases 8679
Bills Payable 541 Petty Cash in Hand 47
Bad Debts 180
The value of stock on 31 December 2011 was Rs. 3700.

(Gross Profit: Rs.3, 403; Net Profit:Rs.628;Balance Sheet:Rs.16,177)

The following are the trading, profit and loss account and balance sheet of B as on 31 December 2011.
Redraw them in proper form, giving reasons for your correction:

Trading and Profit & Loss a/c

For the year ended 31 December 2011

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount

in Rs. in Rs.
(Dr.) (Cr.)
Purchases 466800 Sales 559900
Stock 55110 Profit on Consignment to A & Co. 19080
Salaries 11010 Interest on Capital 7500
Bs drawings 19170 Stock as on Ist Jan. 50310
Wages 65590 Commission received 27990
Rent 2250 Discount received 11250
General Expenses 17470
Interest on Loan 3000
Bad Debts 11890
Net Profit to B/S 23740
676030 676030

Balance Sheet

As on 31 December 2011

Liabilities and Capital Amount Assets Amount

in Rs. in Rs.
Creditors 195070 Debtors 261580
Bills Receivable 130140 Cash 960
Capital (1.1.2011) 150000 Bank 52210
Net Profit from P & L a/c 23740 Loan from Bank 75000
Stock (31-12-2011) 55110
Bills Payable 54090
498950 498950
(Ans. Gross Profit: Rs.32, 310; Net Profit: Rs. 37,510; Balance Sheet: Rs. 5,00,000)

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