Anang Sugandi Professional Experience: PT. Megaxus Infotech

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ANANG SUGANDI Professional Experience

PT. Megaxus Infotech

Company of publishing game online in Indonesia.
Gamemaster 2015 - 2016
Job Description :
Test and document bugs
Draft and outline possible game enhancements and features
Address and resolve costumer / player issues
Develop and maintain costumer / player relation
Investigate and document complex issues with regard to bugs, game
3175061117900003 exploits, trade and other potential issues
Distinguish for the team and other departmens between high and
Jakarta INDONESIA low priority items, focusing on areas yielding the greatest return,
and make sound determinations based on what requires a sense of
Profile Document and communicate game/technical/investigation issuesto
technical staff
Date of Birth : Jakarta, 17 11 90 Document and communicate in-game community statisfaction,
Gender : Male revenue stream, and revenue building opportunitites to management
Organize and run event for the community of players
Religion : Islam
Provide input on content driven events, updates, and future
Nationally : Indonesia enhancements
Status : Single Monitor game servers to ensure stability and fair game play
Height & Weight : 165cm & 55kg
Address : Kp. Pisangan No. 32
Company of advertising online indonesia
QCS (Quality Certification Service) 2009 - 2012
Jakarta Timur
Job Description :
Maintain client database
Contact Invoicing clients for all certification related fees
Generate ads report, and other reports as needed
Handphone : 087885753811 Create and submit check request, process and mail checks once
Telephone : 021 - 48701680 issued
Respond to billing questions from applicants and pending
Linkedin : Anang Sugandi
Email : Keep clients informed as to the status of their payments, payment
[email protected] deadlines, etc.

: Skill Education
MS Exel STIE Adhy Niaga, Bekasi
MS Power Point
Management of Economy 2014
IPK : 3.36/4.00
Content Website
Video Editing Universitas SAHID, Jakarta
Adobe Photoshop Public of Relation 2009

Photoshop NON FORMAL

Language Organize 2007 - 2008

Bhs Indonesia PPBDK 2008

Bhs Inggris

OSIS (Organize)
Certificate of a great Organize 2008
Jakarta, 10 November 2016

Kepada Yth,
Bpk / ibu Kepala Personalia
Di Tempat

Dengan hormat,

Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama Lengkap : Anang Sugandi

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 17 November 2016
Jenis Kelamin : Laki - Laki
Pendidikan Terakhir : Sarjana Ekonomi (S.1)

Dengan ini bermaksud mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan pada perusahaan yang Bapak/ ibu pimpin, untuk mengisi
posisi yang dibutuhkan perusahaan.

Saya sangat tertarik sekali bergabung dan bekerja di bawah pimpinan management anda, dan ini akan sangat baik
sekali untuk masa depan saya.

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan saat walk in interview, saya lampirkan :

1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup / CV

2. Foto Copy Ijazah S-1 dan Transkrip Nilai
3. Foto 3 x 4 Terbaru
4. Foto Copy KTP
5. Foto Copy Surat Referensi Kerja
6. Foto Copy Sertifikat Sertifikat

Demikian permohonan ini saya sampaikan, besar harapan saya semoga Bapak/ ibu dapat mepertimbangkannya.
Atas segala perhatiannya, saya ucapkan terimakasih.

Hormat saya,

Anang Sugandi S.E

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