A Review of Satellite Positioning Systems For Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers

Civil Engineering 168 November 2015 Issue CE4

Volume 168 Issue CE4
Pages 185192 http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/cien.15.00013
A review of satellite positioning Paper 1500013
Received 17/03/2015 Accepted 30/06/2015
systems for civil engineering
Published online 18/08/2015
Roberts, Tang and Brown Keywords: Keywords: communications & control systems/
information technology/land surveying

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

A review of satellite positioning

systems for civil engineering
1 Gethin Wyn Roberts BEng, PhD, FCInstCES, FHEA 2 Xu Tang BSc, PhD
Professor of Geospatial Engineering, University of Nottingham Senior Research Fellow, University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
Ningbo, China 3 Chris Brown BSc, CEng, FIMechE, CSci, MIPEM
Reader in Applied Mechanics, Brunel University London, UK

1 2 3

This paper informs and updates civil engineers of the status and advances of global navigation satellite
systems, and how this will affect the profession in the near future. Anoverview of the various global and
regional systems is given. Real data are used to show the potential precision of the US Global Positioning
System and other global navigation satellite systems, as well as the advantages of using a multi-system
approach. Theresults illustrate that there is a clear increase in the availability of satellites through a multi-
system approach, as well as an improvement in the resulting coordinate precision.

1. Introduction three further GNSS either in operation or under development. These

are the Russian Globalnaya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema
This paper informs and updates civil engineers on the advances (Glonass), the European system Galileo and the Chinese BeiDou
in global navigation satellite-positioning systems (GNSS) System (Cruddace and Faye, 2009; Hancock etal., 2009).
technologies since the papers by Cruddace and Faye (2009) and Currently there are 31 operational GPS satellites (GPSWorld, 2015),
Hancock et al. (2009), and how this will affect civil engineering Glonass has 24 operational satellites (Dvorkin etal., 2012; Krasovskii,
surveys in the near future. 2010; Nikitin, 2008), Galileo has six operational satellites (Cai
The paper introduces the variety of GNSS, and shows how a multi- etal., 2014; Lekkerkerk, 2014b; Mastracci and Fromm, 2004) and
GNSS approach can improve the precision, reliability and increase BeiDou has 15 operational satellites (Chen etal., 2009; Yuan, 2014).
the availability of satellites for civil engineering applications. Both GPS and Glonass are now (2015) fully operational, while
A study in 2003 (Parker, 2003) stated that research into the both Galileo and BeiDou are planned to be fully operational by
availability of the US Global Positioning System (GPS) signals for 2020. All the GNSS orbits consist of mid-earth orbiting (MEO)
positioning in urban areas in Leeds and London found that GPS satellites, at altitudes ranging between 19130 km and 23222 km
positions were only possible on 60% of the points surveyed to the above the Earths surface.
required accuracies for positioning utility cables and pipes. In addition to MEO satellites, the BeiDou satellite constellation
The previous work (Cruddace and Faye, 2009; Hancock etal., 2009) includes a number of geostationary earth orbit (GEO) and inclined
highlighted the upcoming advancements in GNSS and the use of geosynchronous orbits (IGSO) satellites at an altitude of 35786 km
simulation to predict scenarios with more GNSS satellites, as well as above the Earths surface (CSNO, 2013).
using pseudolites to augment the GPS signals (Hancock etal., 2009). Table1 illustrates the current and optimal number of operational
Research has been carried out, illustrating the advantages of satellites in orbit. This is a snapshot, as satellites will be launched
integrating GPS with other GNSS, or even a multi-GNSS solution and ones in orbit will gradually come to the end of their lives.
(Roberts and Tang, 2015; Teunissen etal., 2014; Zhang etal., 2011). In addition to GNSS, there are regional navigation satellite
This paper illustrates, using real data, the potential accuracies and systems (RNSS) in various parts of the world, providing space-
availability of a multi-GNSS approach compared with GPS alone. based augmentation systems (SBAS) to GNSS. This is where
countries or regions have placed additional satellites that both
behave as GPS satellites, providing additional ranges from the
2. Global navigation satellite systems satellites to the users, and are also being used to transmit corrections
for a differential GPS (DGPS) solution within that region.
GNSS is the generic term used for all satellite navigation The various generations of GPS satellites have gradually
systems that have a global coverage (Lekkerkerk, 2014a). Themost evolved to improve not only the users positional accuracies, and
established GNSS is the American GPS, but there are currently signal quality and strength, but also the lifespan of the satellites.

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown

Current Spare satellites Optimal satellite The reality is that the satellites have been lasting much longer.
operational in orbit (not constellation For example, on 6 January 2015, the final GPS block II satellite
satellites broadcasting was taken out of service, after being in operation for over 22 years
(Navcen, 2015).
GPS 31 MEO 4 MEO 24 MEO The system itself has also been modernised through the
Glonass 26 MEO 24 MEO introduction of more ground monitoring stations. These give the
BeiDou 4 MEO, 5 IGSO, 6 GEO 27 MEO, 5 IGSO, 5 GEO capability to improve the accuracy of the satellites coordinates,
Galileo 6 MEO 30 MEO
and hence the users coordinates, as well as reliability through
being able constantly to monitor the satellites characteristics from
Table 1. Current and optimal numbers of satellites in the GNSS orbits an increased number of ground control points.
these include MEO, IGSO, and GEO orbits (information sourced from The more recent and future generations of satellites transmit
GPSWorld (2015)) additional frequencies as well as new signals. This will improve the
potential applications of such systems (Hofmann-Wellenhof etal.,
2003, 2008).
The expected lifespan of the satellites has increased over the GNSS signals can be processed and analysed in many ways, each
generations from 75 years for the initial GPS operational block II resulting in different levels of accuracy and precision (Cruddace
and IIA satellites, to 12 years for the current block IIF satellites and Faye, 2009; Hancock etal., 2009; Hofmann-Wellenhof etal.,
(Figure1), and 15 years for the next generation is anticipated. 2003, 2008).

Figure 1. Thenine operational GPS block IIF satellites are expected to

last 12 years

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown

The GNSS receivers used for civil engineering surveying a network of GNSS receivers with known coordinates (Hofmann-
applications use a part of the satellite signal called the carrier Wellenhof etal., 2008).
phase. Theresolution of the carrier phase signal is of the order of The data can be gathered and post-processed, or all the data can
better than 05mm, and can result in coordinates with precisions be brought together, typically at the unknown GNSS receiver, and
from a few millimetres to a couple of centimetres depending on the processed in real time by connecting the GNSS receivers with a
type of equipment used and processing carried out. low-powered 05 W ultra-high frequency data link, or mobile-
There are a number of ways that carrier phase signal data can be phone-based telemetry. This real-time approach is usually only
processed, including static GNSS, stop-and-go kinematic GNSS, carried out for the stop-and-go, and full kinematic positioning
and full kinematic GNSS using what is called on-the-fly ambiguity techniques, and known as real-time kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS).
resolution (Hofmann-Wellenhof etal., 2003, 2008). Table 2 illustrates some of the main processing techniques,
They are all relative positioning techniques, whereby the GNSS indicating the potential accuracies as well as their limitations and
receiver, the position of which is being calculated, is located advantages.
relative to a GNSS receiver located at a known coordinate, or even

Positioning technique Nominal plan Advantages Disadvantages

accuracies: m
Pseudorange positioning
Stand-alone positioning 510 Very cheap receivers, used in smart phones Not used for surveying, precision and accuracy not high
No need for a reference GNSS receiver enough for most applications

DGNSS 083 Relatively cheap compared to carrier phase equipment Reference receiver required, or network of reference
(relative positioning to a Distance to the reference receiver can be up to 200km receivers
reference GNSS receiver,
ornetwork of receivers)
Carrier phase positioning
Static 00010010 Very accurate and precise form of surveying At least 30 min of synchronised data required from two
(relative positioning to a Multipath errors are reduced through averaging out over static GNSS receivers fast static can do this in 10min
reference carrier phase the 30min of data gathered or so
GNSS receiver) Mainly used to establish control points for further local Only one location surveyed per set-up, low productivity
surveys The distance between the reference and rover receivers
is limited to 1015 km, as the distance-dependent
errors then become de-correlated. This can be
increased through specialised processing techniques
Stop and go 001005 Single-frequency code/carrier GNSS receiver can be used, Need to be stationary at the start of the survey at both
(relative positioning to a less expensive the reference and rover receiver, in order to resolve the
reference carrier phase Once the integer ambiguities have been resolved, a integer ambiguities and initialise the survey
GNSS receiver) position at cm accuracy is possible every 100Hz, depending Cannot be easily used on dynamic applications such as
on the equipment used bridge deflection monitoring or machine control
Possible to obtain a real-time solution, whereby the The distance between the reference and rover receivers
reference GNSS receivers data are transmitted to the rover is limited to 1015 km, as the distance-dependent
by way of telemetry (RTK) errors then become de-correlated
On the fly 001-005 Fast ambiguity resolution, typically within a few seconds, High-cost dual-frequency code/carrier GNSS receivers
(relative positioning to a and while the rover GNSS receiver is moving used, both at the reference station and surveyed
reference carrier phase Data output rates at up to 100Hz location
GNSS receiver) Can be used for dynamic applications such as machine control The distance between the reference and rover receivers
or deflection monitoring of structures such as large bridges is limited to 1015km, as the distance-dependent
Possible to obtain a real-time solution, whereby the errors then become de-correlated.
reference GNSS receivers data are transmitted to the rover
by way of telemetry (RTK)
NRTK 001005 No need for a reference GNSS receiver, as the network Large infrastructure of reference receivers required
(relative positioning to provides the data. Typically, the reference receivers are at Typically a national survey approach
a network of reference permanent locations, therefore in good locations
carrier phase GNSS Data output rates at up to 100Hz
receivers) The distances between the reference stations are typically
5070km apart therover GNSS receiver is positioned
relative to these, as the distance-dependent errors are
modelled and calculated rather than differenced
Real-time solution
Can be used for dynamic applications such as machine control
or deflection monitoring of structures such as large bridges

Table 2. Nominal horizontal accuracies with the main advantages and

disadvantages of the most commonly used GNSS positioning techniques
note errors are an indication, as these vary due to the signals and
environment. Height errors are typically two to three times worse than plan

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown

Today, there are some 73 operational GNSS satellites and a The DOP values are an indication of the precision expected as
further 15 or so SBAS/RNSS (GPSWorld, 2015). It is planned a result of the location and geometry of the satellite constellation
that Galileo will grow to a constellation of 27 operational plus the lower the number, the better the expected precision. These
three active spare satellites by 2019, and BeiDou will grow to 35 DOP values are calculated in the various components, such as the
satellites by 2020. overall geometry (GDOP), position (PDOP), vertical (VDOP) and
The regional Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) horizontal (HDOP).
currently has one satellite but is planned to grow to four by 2017.
In addition to this there are six SBAS satellites in Europe in N
terms of the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System 30
(EGNOS), three USA Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) 15
satellites operating over North America, seven planned Indian
Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) satellites, two
Japanese Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System (MSAS) 300 45 G26 60
satellites and eight OmniSTAR satellites. G18
Furthermore there are ongoing discussions in many other 60 G15
parts of the world with regards planned SBAS and RNSS. This
means that within the next few years, the number of operational
positioning satellites will be over 30 RNSS and approximately 120 W E
GNSS, compared to the originally planned 24 GPS satellites when
it was first conceived in the 1970s. G05
While any future approach to positioning using a multi-GNSS
satellite solution will improve and extend the capabilities of GPS G24
alone, it is not a simple task to integrate these systems fully. This 240 120
is due to the nature of the signals, which in itself is a large area of
research in the GNSS community.
An increase in the number of available GNSS satellites used to
process a positional solution will enhance the time required for an 210 150
on-the-fly positional fix, as well as the resulting precision of the S
The multi-GNSS approach in built-up areas, such as city
Figure 2. A5 min sky-plot of GPS on 1 July 2014, between 21:00 and
centres, should also allow positions to be achieved where they
21:05 at Ningbo, China
are sometimes not available through using GPS alone. However,
the end solution may be skewed slightly due to having a black
spot in the sky where there are no satellites seen due to building N
330 30

3. RTK GNSS precision 30

The integration of multiple GNSS has many advantages. These 300 45 R03 G26 60
include an increase in the number of satellites seen at any one
C09 60 G15
time, as well as the positional distribution of these satellites, R19 E19
which improves the precision due to a better geometrical solution. 75 C06 R02
An instantaneous snapshot of the location and number of R13
satellites is important when using kinematic GNSS. Figure 2 W E
illustrates a 5 min snapshot of the six GPS satellites available J01
during this period, and Figure3 the 25 GNSS satellites available
during the same 5 min period. These data were recorded in 128 C03
G24 137 C04
Ningbo, China, at the University of Nottinghams campus. R18 C01
The GNSS satellites consist of six GPS, seven Glonass, one 240
G29 R14
Galileo, six BeiDou, one Japanese QZSS SBAS satellite and a
further four SBAS from India and Japan. An elevation angle cut
off of 15 was used, which is typical when using GNSS for civil
210 150
engineering surveying.
Figure4 illustrates the total number of GPS satellites available S
over a 20 min period. Thenumber can be seen to fluctuate between
five and four satellites. Itcan also be seen that the various dilution Figure 3. A5 min sky-plot of GNSS on 1 July 2014, between 21:00
of precision (DOP) values fluctuate (Hofmann-Wellenhof et al., and 21:05 at Ningbo, China
2003, 2008).

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown

Figure 5 illustrates the number of GNSS satellites available It can be seen in Figure 6 that it is possible to obtain coordinate
over the same time period. Here it can be seen that the number precisions of the order of millimetres. The northsouth error is
of satellites fluctuates from 21 to 24 and, more importantly, the greater than the eastwest due to the satellite constellation geometry,
DOP values are constantly low. There are satellites that go in and that is, there are no satellites due north in northern latitudes such as
out of view in both plots in Figures 4 and 5, but this has less of the UK. Theroot mean square (RMS) values of these data are 07mm
an effect on the GNSS solution compared to that obtained using in the northsouth direction, and 04mm in the eastwest direction.
GPS alone. This shows that a multi-GNSS solution is far more TheRMS of the corresponding height component is 12mm.
stable. Figure 7 illustrates the results in the eastwest component of
Figure 6 illustrates the eastings and northings results derived another zero-baseline experiment, this time using two ComNav
from a zero baseline, gathering GPS data using a Leica 1200 GPS/ GNSS receivers (GPS, BeiDou and Glonass). Comparing the GPS
Glonass receiver over a 45 min period at a data capture rate of 1Hz. and BeiDou solutions, using the BeiDou solution alone gives the
A zero baseline is where two GNSS receivers are connected to a least precise results with an RMS positional error of 122mm,
single antenna through a signal splitting device. This results in
both receivers obtaining identical signals from the GNSS antenna,
including the same error components.
All external signal noise will be the same for both receivers as
they receive the same data from the same antenna. The resulting
apparent relative movement is due to the noise of the signals,
as well as any satellite constellation geometry-induced noise.
The external noise will cancel out in processing the relative
coordinates (Roberts etal., 2012). Only the GPS data were used in 1

the kinematic GPS solution presented in this paper.

Northings: mm

Geometry dilution of precision
Number of satellites / dilution of

30 Position dilution of precision

precision (elevation 15)

Vertical dilution of precision

Horizontal dilution of precision 1
Number of satellites


3 2 1 0 1 2 3
18:30 18:35 18:40 18:50 Eastings: mm
Time: h:min

Figure 6. Theresults from a zero baseline kinematic GPS test, using a

Figure 4. Thetotal number of GPS satellites seen on 1 July 2014, Leica 1200 GPS receiver data, over a 45 min period
between 18:30 and 18:45 at Ningbo, China, with a satellite elevation
mask of 15, in an open sky environment without any obstructions
Number of satellites / dilution of

precision (elevation 15)

Error: mm

Geometry dilution of precision
Position dilution of precision 10
10 Vertical dilution of precision
Horizontal dilution of precision 10
Number of satellites
18:30 18:35 18:40 18:50
Time: h:min 00:00 04:00 08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:50
Time: h:min
Figure 5. Thetotal number of GNSS satellites seen on 1 July 2014,
between 18:30 and 18:45 at Ningbo, China, with a satellite elevation Figure 7. Position error in the eastwest component for (a) BeiDou-
mask of 15, in an open sky environment without any obstructions only, (b) GPS-only and (c) integrated GPS and BeiDou solutions

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown

103mm and 370mm in the north, east and height components There are also dynamic applications such as deflection
respectively. This is due to the BeiDou constellation not yet being monitoring of large structures (Roberts and Brown, 2006; Roberts
complete. TheGPS solution is more precise than the BeiDou, with et al., 2012, 2014) positioning and controlling construction plant
a positional RMS error of 081mm, 067mm and 194mm in the such as bulldozers, graders, piling rigs, mining plant, drilling rigs
north, east and height components respectively. and excavators (Bouvet etal., 2001; Carter, 2005, 2011; Makkonen
The combined solution is the most precise with a positional et al., 2006; Moon et al., 2010; Navon et al., 2004; Ritter et al.,
RMS error of 069mm, 062mm and 171mm in the north, east and 2014; Seward, 2002; Seward etal., 1997).
height components respectively. This is due to the overall satellite Figure 8 shows an excavator being controlled by RTK GNSS,
constellation giving a better distribution of signals. This illustrates while Figure 9 shows a GNSS antenna located on the Severn
that even though the BeiDou constellation is not yet complete, the suspension bridge cable in order to measure its deflections.
results are still pretty decent. However, the main point is that the Typically such GNSS results are integrated with other sensors.
incomplete satellite constellations data combined with those of Theexcavator, for example, has its body coordinated and orientated
GPS can improve the results of GPS alone. using the two GNSS antennas. The bucket is then coordinated
relative to the body, using gravity sensors or angle encoders placed
on the three moving arm and bucket sections.
4. Some civil engineering applications of GNSS RTK GNSS results in real-time, three-dimensional coordinates,
commonly at a rate of 20Hz, but potentially at rates up to 100Hz
There are numerous applications of GPS and GNSS in civil with some modern receivers. This means that a dynamic system,
engineering, which replicate to some extent the traditional nature such as a swaying bridge or moving excavator, can have its location
of static engineering surveying, such as coordinating control coordinated at this rate in real time with a precision of a few
points, deformation monitoring, setting out and detail surveys. millimetres. The real-time aspect of kinematic positioning is as

Figure 8. Anexcavator using RTK GNSS for control notice the lack of
setting-out sight rails and batter rails (courtesy Leica Geosystems)

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown



Deflection: mm



11:30 13:30 15:30
Time: h:min
Figure 9. AGNSS antenna located on a Severn Bridge suspension cable
Figure 10. Lateral, longitudinal and vertical movements calculated
using kinematic GPS at location C on the Severn Bridge, 18 March
important to some applications as the precision itself. Forexample, 2010, 11:30 to 15:30
both setting out applications and construction plant control require
real-time capabilities.
Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the type of results that are possible using 0.040
kinematic GPS. Figure 10 illustrates the deflection measurements X: 0.1416
0.035 Y: 0.03891
of the GNSS antenna seen in Figure 9. The data were gathered at
20Hz, but processed at 10Hz to investigate the movements of this
location on the Severn Bridge. 0.030

The data gathered included dual-frequency GPS and Glonass

using Leica 1200 series receivers and choke ring antennas used to

reduce the multipath noise (Roberts etal., 2015). Figure10 illustrates 0.020
the typical movements, after converting the GPS coordinates into
coordinates relative to the axes of the bridge. The GPS data were 0.015
processed in an on-the-fly manner. Here it can be seen that the bridge
deflects due to the external forces, such as traffic loading, wind 0.010
loading and temperature changes. Forexample, the overall drop in
height over the 4 h period in Figure10 is 658mm. This corresponds
to an increase in the steel temperature of 17C, causing the steel to
elongate and hence the bridge to dip down. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
There are also short-term movements seen, mainly due to Frequency: Hz
the traffic loading and variation in this loading. For example,
at around 13:13, there is a height movement from 402mm to Figure 11. Power spectral density analysis of location C on the Severn
438mm, over a time of approximately 30s. This corresponds to Bridge, illustrating a fundamental frequency of 01416Hz in the
a change in the traffic loading from 24030kg to 170460kg and vertical direction
then to 4530kg. Theoverall mass of traffic on the bridge at various
instances were calculated using measurements from a weigh-
in-motion system, located approximately 1km off of the bridge 5. Final comments
(Roberts etal., 2015).
Figure 11 illustrates the results from carrying out a power Cruddace and Faye (2009) stated, the future for GNSS plans
spectral density analysis of the vertical data over a 5min period. to be very exciting over the next 5 years where 100+ positioning
It can be seen from Figure 11 that there is a fundamental satellites could be available to users. Thedevelopment of GNSS
frequency of 01416Hz in the vertical direction from these is ongoing, while the multi-GNSS concept has been available for
data. These results help to illustrate the possibilities using 15 years or so, initially through the introduction of Glonass by
kinematic GPS. These types of data rates and precisions could Ashtechs GG24 GPS/Glonass receiver.
be re-produced in other civil engineering scenarios, such as Today, however, there are a multitude of existing and developing
construction plant control, land surveying and setting out and GNSS and RNSS, which results in an improvement in precision
deformation monitoring of other types of man-made and natural and availability, as well as reliability of using such systems.
structures. Themonitoring rates are determined by the quality and capability

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Civil Engineering A review of satellite positioning systems for civil engineering
Volume 168 Issue CE4 Roberts, Tang and Brown

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Hancock C, Roberts GW and Taha A (2009) Satellite mapping in cities:
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