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Figure 2.

a. Block diagram
representation of a system;

b. block diagram
representation of an
of subsystems

Table 2.1
Laplace transform table
Table 2.2
transform theorems
Figure 2.2
Block diagram of a transfer function

Table 2.4
Force-velocity, force-
displacement, and
impedance translational
for springs, viscous
dampers, and mass
Example: Find the transfer function X(s) / F(s) for the
system given below

Figure 2.15
a. Mass, spring, and damper system;
b. block diagram
Figure 2.16
a. Free-body diagram of mass, spring, and damper system;
b. transformed free-body diagram
We now write the differential equation of motion using Newtons law

d 2 x (t ) dx ( t )
M 2
+ fv + Kx ( t ) = f ( t )
dt dt
Taking the Laplace transform, assuming zero initial conditions

Ms 2 X ( s ) + f v sX ( s ) + KX ( s ) = F ( s )

( Ms 2 + f v s + K ) X ( s ) = F ( s )
Solving for transfer function yields

X (s) 1
G (s) = = 2
F (s) Ms + fv + K

[Sum of impedance]X(s) = [Sum of applied forces]

Note that the number of equation of motion required is equal to

number of linearly independent motion. Linear independence
implies that a point of motion in a system can still move if all other
points of motion are held still. Another name of the number of
linearly independent motion is the number of degrees of freedom.
Example : Find the transfer function X2(s)/F(s)

Figure 2.17
a. Two-degrees-of-
freedom translational
b. block diagram
Figure 2.18
a. Forces on M1 due only to
motion of M1
b. forces on M1 due only to
motion of M2
c. all forces on M1
[M1s2 + (fv1+fv3)s + (K1+K2)] X1(s) (fv3s+K2)X2(s) = F(s)
-(fv3s +K2)X1(s) + [M2s2 + (fv2+fv3)s + (K2 + K3)]X2(s) = 0

Figure 2.19
a. Forces on M2 due only to
motion of M2;
b. forces on M2 due only to
motion of M1;
c. all forces on M2
The transfer function X2(s)/F(s) is

[M1s2 + (fv1+fv3)s + (K1+K2)] (fv3s+K2)

(fv3s+K2) [M2s2 + (fv2+fv3)s + (K2+K3)]
Note that

Sum of
impedance Sum of Sum of applied
connected X (s) - impedance X2(s) = forces at
to the between
motion at
X1 and X2

Sum of
impedance Sum of Sum of applied
connected X (s) - impedance X1(s) = forces at
to the between
motion at
X1 and X2
Equations of Motion by Inspection
Problem : Write, but not solve, the equation of motion
for the mechanical system given below.

Figure 2.20
mechanical system
Using same logic, for M1

Sum of Sum of
impedance Sum of Sum of
connected X (s) - impedance X (s) - impedance X (s) = applied
1 2 3
to the between between forces at
motion at
X1 and X2 X1 and X3 X1

and for M2

Sum of
Sum of Sum of Sum of
- impedance X (s)+ impedance X (s) - impedance X (s) = applied
between 1 connected to 2 3
between forces at
X and X
1 2 the motion at
X2 X2 and X3 X2
Similarly, for M3
Sum of
Sum of Sum of Sum of
- impedance X (s)- impedance impedance applied
1 between X2(s) + X (s) =
between connected to 3
X1 and X3 X2 and X3
the motion at
forces at

Anymore we can write the equations for M1, M2 and M3

Note that M1 has two springs, two viscous damper and mass associated with
its motion. There is one spring between M1 and M2 and one viscous damper
between M1 and M3.
Equation for M1

[M1s 2 + ( f v1 + f v3 )s + (K1 + K 2 )]X 1 (s) K 2 X 2 (s) f v3 sX 3 (s) = 0

for M2

K2 X1 (s) + [M 2 s 2 + ( f v2 + f v4 )s + K2 ]X 2 (s) f v 4 sX3 (s) = F (s)

and for M3
f v3 sX1 (s) f v 4 sX 2 (s) + [M 3 s + ( f v3 + f v 4 )s]X 3 (s) = 0

These equations are the equations of motion. We can

solve them for any displacement X1(s), X2(s) or X3(s),
or transfer function.

Table 2.5
Torque-angular velocity,
torque-angular displacement,
and impedance
rotational relationships for
springs, viscous dampers, and
Rotational mechanical systems
are handled the same way as
translational mechanical systems,
except that torque replaces force
and angular displacement
replaces translational
displacement. Also notice that the
term associated with the mass is
replaced by inertia. The values of
K, D and J are called spring
constant, coefficient of viscous
friction and moment of inertia,
Writing the equations of motion for
rotational systems is similar to
writing them for translational
system; the only difference is that
the free body diagram consist of
torques rather than forces.
Example : Find the transfer function 2(s) / T(s) for the
rotational system given below.

Figure 2.22
a. Physical system;
b. schematic;
c. block diagram
First, obtain the schematic from the physical system.
Draw free-body diagram for J1 and J2 using superposition.
Lets start with J1 :

Figure 2.23
a. Torques on J1
due only to the
motion of J1
b. torques on J1
due only to the
motion of J2
c. final free-body
diagram for J1
For J2 :

Figure 2.24
a. Torques on J2
due only to the
motion of J2;
b. torques on J2
due only to the
motion of J1
c. final free-body
diagram for J2
Now, write the equations of motion by summing the torques on J1 and J2

( J 1 s + D1 s + K )1 ( s) K 2 ( s) = T ( s)
K1 ( s) + ( J 2 s + D2 s + K ) 2 ( s) = 0
( J 1 s 2 + D 1 s + K ) 1 ( s ) K 2 ( s ) = T ( s )
K 1 ( s ) + ( J 2 s 2 + D 2 s + K ) 2 ( s ) = 0

The required transfer function is found to be

2 (s) K
T (s)

(J1s2 + D1s + K) -K
= -K (J2s2 + D2s + K)
These equations have that now well-known form

Sum of
impedance Sum of Sum of applied
connected 1(s) - impedance 2(s) = torques at
to the between 1
motion at
1 and 2

Sum of
impedance Sum of Sum of applied
connected 2(s) - impedance 1(s) = torques at
to the between 2
motion at
1 and 2
Equations of Motion by Inspection
Problem : Write, but not solve, the equation of motion
for the mechanical system given below.

Figure 2.25
freedom rotational
Sum of
impedance Sum of Sum of Sum of
connected 1(s) -
impedance 2(s) -
impedance 3(s) = applied
to the between between
motion at torques at
1 and 2 1 and 3
Sum of
Sum of Sum of Sum of
- impedance impedance impedance applied
1(s)+ 2(s) - 3(s) =
between connected to between
1 and 2 the motion at
torques at
2 2 and 3 2

Sum of
Sum of Sum of Sum of
- impedance impedance impedance applied
1(s)- between 2(s) + 3(s) =
between connected to
1 and 3 2 and 3 the motion at
toques at
3 3

( J 1 s 2 + D1 s + K )1 ( s ) K 2 ( s) = T ( s )
K1 ( s ) + ( J 2 s + D2 s + K ) 2 ( s ) D2 s 3 ( s) = 0
D2 s 2 ( s) + ( J 3 s 2 D3 s + D2 s) 3 ( s ) = 0
Transfer Functions for Systems with Gears
In industrial applications, generally gears associate to a motor which drives the
load. Gears are used to obtain more speed and less torque or less speed and
more torque. The interaction between two gears is depicted in the figure below.
An input gear with radius r1 and N1 teeth is rotated through angle 1(t) due to a
torque, T1(t). An output gear with radius r2 and N2 teeth responds by rotating through
angle 2(t) and delivering a torque, T2(t).

Figure 2.27
A gear system
Let us find the relationship between the rotation of Gear 1, 1(t) and Gear 2, 2(t).

As the gears turn, the distance traveled along each each gears circumference is the
same. Thus,

r11 = r22 or

2 r1 N1
= =
1 r2 N 2
What is the relationship between the input torque, T1 and the
delivered torque, T2 ?
If we assume the gears do not absorb or store energy into Gear 1 equals the
energy out of Gear 2.
T11 = T22 and we get

T2 1 N 2
= =
T1 2 N 1

All results are summarized in the figure below

Let us see what happens to mechanical impedance that are driven by gears. The figure
above shows gears driving a rotational inertia, spring and viscous damper. For clarity,
the gears are shown by an end-on view. We want to represent Figure 2.29(a) as an
equivalent system at 1 without the gears. In other words, can the mechanical
impedances be reflected from the output to the input, thereby eliminating the gears?

We know T1 can be reflected to the output by multiplying by N2/N1. the result is shown in
Figure 2.29(b). We write the equation of motion as

2 N2
( Js + Ds + K ) 2 ( s ) = T1 ( s )
Now convert 2(s) into an equivalent 1(s),

2 N1 N2
( Js + Ds + K ) 1 (s) = T1 (s)
N2 N1
After simplification,

N 2 N1

J 2
s + D
s + K 1 ( s) = T1 ( s)
N1 N2 N 2

we get the equivalent system shown in Figure 2.29(c)

Generalizing the results, we can make the following
statement : Rotational mechanical impedances can be
reflected through gear trains by multiplying the
mechanical impedances by the ratio
Number of teeth of gear on
destination shaft
Number of teeth of gear on
source shaft

The next example demonstrates the application of the concept

of a rotational mechanical system with gears.
Example : Find the transfer function 2(s) / T1(s) for the
system of Figure 2.30(a)

Figure 2.30
a. Rotational mechanical system with gears;
b. system after reflection of torques and impedances to the output
c. block diagram
Let us first reflect the impedances (J1 and D1) and the torque (T1) on the input shaft to
the output as shown in Figure 2.30(b), where the impedances are reflected by (N2/N1)2
and the torque is reflected by (N2/N1).

The equation of motion can now be written as

2 N2
(J e s + De s + Ke )2 (s) = T1 (s) where
2 2
J e = J 1 2 + J 2 De = D 1 2 + D2 and Ke = K2
N1 N1

Solving for 2(s) / T1(s), the transfer function is found to be

2 ( s) N 2 / N1
G( s) = =
T1 (s) J e s 2 + De s + K e
as shown in Figure 2.30(c)
In order to eliminate gears with the large radii, a gear train is used to implement large
gear ratios by cascading smaller gear ratios. A schematic diagram of a gear train is
shown in Figure 2.31.

Figure 2.31
Gear train

Next to each rotation, the angular displacement relative to 1 has been calculated as
N1 N 3 N 5
4 = 1
For gear trains, we conclude that the equivalent gear ratio is the product of
individual gear ratio. We now apply this result to solve for the transfer function of a
system that does not have lossless gears.
Example : Find the transfer function 1(s) / T1(s) for the
system of Figure 2.32(a)

Figure 2.32
a. System using a gear train;
b. equivalent system at the input;
c. block diagram

This system, which uses a gear train, does not have lossless gears. All of the gears
have inertia and for some shafts there is viscous friction. To solve the problem, we want
to reflect all of the impedances to the input shaft, 1. The gear ratio is not same for all
impedances. For example, D2 is reflected only through one gear ratio as D2(N1/N2)2 ,
whereas J4 plus J5 is reflected through two gear ratio as (J4+J5)[(N3/N4)(N1/N2)]2. The
results of reflected all impedances to 1 is shown in Figure 2.32(b)
The equation of motion is
( J e s 2 + D e s ) 1 ( s ) = T 1 ( s )

1 (s) 1
The transfer function is G (s) = =
T1 ( s ) J e s 2 + D e s

as shown in Figure 2.32(c)

We talked about mechanical system by now. You have already known the electrical
systems. Now, we move to systems that are hybrids of electrical and mechanical
variables, the electromechanical systems. An application of electromechanical systems
is robot controls. A robot have both electrical and mechanical parameters. A robot arm
as an example of control system that uses electromechanical components is shown in
Figure below.

Figure 2.34
NASA flight
robot arm with
control system
A motor is an electromechanical component that yields a displacement output for a
voltage input, that is, a mechanical output generated by an electrical input. We will
derive the transfer function for one particular kind of electromechanical system, the
armature-controlled dc servomotor. Schematic of motor is shown in Figure below.

In this figure, a magnetic field developed by stationary permanent magnet or a stationary

electromagnet called the fixed field. A rotating circuit called the armature, through which
current ia(t) flows, passes through this magnetic field at right angles and feels a force,
F=Blia(t), where B is the magnetic field strength and l is the length of the conductor. The
resulting torque turns the rotor, the rotating member of the motor.
Modeling of the Permanent Magnet Dc Motor
d m (t )
V b (t ) = K b
We call Vb(t) the back electromotive force (back emf); Kb is a constant of proportionality
called the back emf constant ; and dm(t)/dt=m(t) is the angular velocity of the motor.
Taking the Laplace transform, we get
V b (s ) = K b s m (s )
The relationship between the armature current ia(t), the applied armature voltage ea(t)
and the back emf Vb(t) is found by writing a loop equation around the Laplace
transformed armature circuit

RaIa(s) + LasIa(s) + Vb(s) = Ea(s)

The torque developed by the motor is proportional to the armature current; thus,
Tm(s) = KtIa(s)
where Tm is the torque developed by the motor, and Kt is a constant of proportionality,
called the motor torque constant, which depends on the motor and magnetic field
To find the transfer function of the motor, we use the equation
RaIa(s) + LasIa(s) + Vb(s) = Ea(s)
Rearranging this equation yields
( R a + L a s )T m ( s )
+ K b s m ( s ) = E a ( s )
Now we must find Tm(s) in terms of m(s) if we are to seperate the input and output
variables and obtain the transfer function m(s) / Ea(s).
Following figure shows typical eqivalent mechanical loading on a motor. Jm is the
equivalent inertia at the armature and includes both the armature inertia and, as we will
see later, the load inertia reflected to the armature. Dm is the equivalent viscous damping
at the armature and includes armature viscous damping and, as we will see later, the
load viscous damping reflected to the armature.
( R a + L a s )T m ( s )
+ K b s m ( s ) = E a ( s )

T m ( s ) = ( J m s 2 + D m s ) m ( s )

Substituting the second Eq. into the first one yields

(Ra + La s)(J m s 2 + Dm s)m (s)

+ Kb sm (s) = Ea (s)
If we assume that the armature inductance, La, is small compared to the armature
resistance, Ra, which is usual for a dc motor, the last equation becomes

( J m s + D m ) + K b s m ( s ) = E a ( s )
After simplification, the desired transfer function, m(s) / Ea(s), is found to be
m(s) K t /( R a J m )
E a (s) 1 K tK
ss + D m + b

Jm Ra

This form is relatively simple;

m (s) K
E a (s) s(s + )
Let us first discuss the mechanical constants, Jm and Dm. Consider the Figure 2.37,
which shows a motor which inertia Ja and damping Da at the armature driving a load
consisting of inertia JL and damping DL.

Assuming that all inertia and damping values shown are known. JL and DL can be
reflected back to the armature as some iquivalent inertia and damping to be added to Ja
and Da respectively. Thus the iquivalent inertia Jm and equivalent damping Dm at the
armature are 2 2
N N1
J m = J a + J L 1 Dm = Da + DL
N2 N2
Now that how we evaluated the mechanical constant, Jm and Dm, what about the
electrical constant in the transfer function? We will show that this costants can be
obtained through a dynamometer test of the motor, where a dynamometer measures the
torque and speed of a motor under condition of a constant applied voltage.
Let us first develop the relationship that dictate the use of a dynamometer. Taking La=0,
Ra inverse Laplace tr. Ra
Tm (s) + Kbsm (s) = Ea (s) Tm(t) + Kbm(t) = ea (t)
Kt Kt
If dc voltage ea is applied, the motor will turn at a constant angular velocity m with a
constant torque Tm. Hence, dropping the functional relationship based on the time, the
following relationship exists when the motor is operating at steady-state with a dc
voltage input:
Ra KbKt K
Tm + K bm = ea , Solving for Tm yields; Tm = m + t ea
Kt Ra Ra
From this equation, we get the torque-speed curve, Tm versus m which is shown below.
Tm The torque axis intercept occurs when the angular velocity
reaches the zero. That value of torque is called the stall
Tstall torque, Tstall. The angular velocity occuring when the
torque is zero is called the no-load speed, no,load. Thus,
ea1 Kt ea
T stall = ea and noload =
Ra Kb
The electrical constants of the motor can now be
found from the equations of
m ea
Kt T Kb =
no-load = stall and no load
Ra ea
The electrical constants, Kt/Ra and Kb, can be found from a dynamaeter test of the
motor, which would yield Tstall and no-load for a given ea .
Example : Given the system and torque-speed curve of the
following figure, find the transfer function L(s) / Ea(s).

Solution : Begin by finding the mechanical constant Jm and Dm. The total inertia and
the total damping at the armature of the motor is
2 2
N1 1
N1 1

J m = J a + J L = 5 + 700 = 12 Dm = Da + DL = 2 + 800 = 10
N2 10 N2 10
Now we will find the electrical constants Kt / Ra and Kb using torque-speed curve.
Tstall=500 Nm , no-load=50 rad/sn , ea=100 V . Hence the electrical constants are

K t Tstall 500 ea 100

= = =5 Kb = = =2
Ra ea 100 noload 50
We know the transfer function formulation for m(s) / Ea(s)

K t /( R a J m ) m (s) 5 /12 0.417
= =
E a (s) 1 K tK Ea (s) 1 s(s +1.667)
ss + D m + b
ss + (10+ 5 2)
Jm Ra 12

In order to find L(s) / Ea(s), we use the gear ratio, N1 / N2 = 1 / 10, and find

L (s) 0 . 0417
E a (s) s ( s + 1 . 667 )

as shown in figure below.

In this section, we show the commonality of systems from the various disciplines by
demonstrating that the mechanical system with which we worked can be represented by
equivalent electric circuits.
An electric circuit that is analogous to a system from the another discipline is called an
electric circuit analog.
Series Analog : Consider the translational mechanical system shown in Figure(a)
whose the equation of motion (Ms2 + fv + K) X(s) = F(s). Kirchhofs mesh equation
for the simple RLC network shown in Figure(b) is
Ls + R + I (s) = E (s)

Figure 2.41
Development of
series analog:
a. mechanical
b. desired electrical
c. series analog;
d. parameters for
series analog
As we previously pointed out, these two mechanical and electrical equations is not
directly analogous because displacement and current are not analogous. We can create
a direct analogy by operating on the mechanical equation to convert displacement to
velocity by dividing and multiplying the left-hand side by s, yielding
Ms 2 + f v s + K K
sX ( s) = Ms + f v + V ( s) = F ( s )
s s
When we have more than one degree of freedom, the impedance associated with the
motion appear as the serial electrical elements in a mesh, but the impedances between
adjacent motions are drawn as a series electrical impedances between the
corresponding meshes. We demonstrate with an example.

Example : Draw a series analog for the mechanical system of figure below.
(K + K2 ) K
M1s + ( fv1 + f v3 ) + 1 V1 ( s) f v3 + 2 V2 ( s) = F ( s)
s s
K ( K + K3 )
fv 3 + 2 V1 ( s) + M 2 s + ( f v 2 + fv 3 ) + 2 V2 ( s) = 0
s s
Paralel Analog : A system can be converted an equivalent paralel analog. Consider the
translational mechanical system in the Figure (a), whose the equation of motion is given
Ms + f v s + K
sX ( s) = Ms + f v + V ( s) = F ( s )
s s

Figure 2.43
Development of
parallel analog:
a. mechanical
b. desired
c. parallel analog;
d. parameters for
parallel analog

Kirchhoffs nodal equation for the simple paralel RLC network shown in Figure(b) is

1 1
Cs + + E(s) = I (s)
R Ls
Clearly, Figure(c) is equivalent to Figure(a) in the sense of analogy.
Example : Draw a parallel analog for the same mechanical system with previous
example which is

(K + K2 ) K
M1s + ( fv1 + f v3 ) + 1 V1 ( s) f v3 + 2 V2 ( s) = F ( s)
s s
K ( K + K3 )
fv 3 + 2 V1 ( s) + M 2 s + ( f v 2 + fv 3 ) + 2 V2 ( s) = 0
s s
In this section, we formally define the terms linear and nonlinear and how to distinguish
between the two. We will show how to approximate a nonlinear system as a linear
A linear system possesses two properties : Superposition and Homogeneity. The
property of superposition means that the output response of a system to the sum of
inputs is the sum of responses to the individual inputs. Thus, if a input of r1(t) yield an
output of c1(t) and an input of r2(t) yields an output of c2(t), then an input of r1(t)+r2(t)
yields an output of c1(t)+c2(t). The property of homogeneity describes the response of
the system to multiplication of the system by a scalar. Specifially, in a linear system, the
property of homogeneity is demanstrated if for an input of r1(t) that yields an output of
c1(t), an input Ar1(t) yields an output of Ac1(t); that is, multiplication of an input by a
scalar yields a response that is multiplied by the same scalar. We can visualize the
linearity as shown in Figure 2.45.

Figure 2.45
a. Linear system;
b. Nonlinear system
Figure 2.46 shows some example of physical nonlinearities.

Figure 2.46
Some physical

A designer can often make a linear approximation to a nonlinear system.

Linear approximation simplfy the analysis and design of a system and are
used as long as the results yield a good approximation to reality. For
example, a linear relationship can be established as a point on the nonlinear
curve if the range of input values about that point is small and the origin is
translated to that point. Electronic amplifiers are an example of physical
devices that perform linear amplification with small excursion about a point.
In this section, we show how to obtain linear approximations to nonlinear systems in
order to obtain transfer function.
The first step is to recognize the nonlinear component and write the nonlinear differential
equation, we linearize it for small-signal inputs about the steady-state solution when the
small-signal input is equal to zero. This steadystate solution is called equilibrium and is
selcted as the second step in the linearization process. Next we linearize the nonlinear
differential equation, and then we take the Laplace transform of the linearized differential
equaiton, assuming all zero initial condition. Finally we seperate input and output
variables and form the transfer function. Let us first see how to linearize a function; later,
we will apply the method to the linearization of differential equation.
If we assume a nonlinear system operating at point A, [x0,f(x0)] in Figure 2.47.

Small changes in the input can be related to

changes in tje output about the point by way
of the slope of the curve at a point A. Thus,
if the slope of the curve at point A is ma,
then small excursion of the input about
point A, x, yields small changes in the
output, f(x), related by the slope at point A.
Figure 2.47
Linearization Thus,
about a point A
[ f (x) f (xo )] ma (x x0 )
from which
f ( x ) m a x

f (x) f (xo )] + ma (x x0 ) f (x0 ) + max

This relationship is shown graphically in Figure 2.47, where a new set of

axes, x and f(x), is created at the point A, and f(x) is approximately equal to
f(x0), the ordinate of the new origin, plus small excursion, max, away from
point A. Let us look an example.
Example : Linearize f(x) = 5cosx about x=/2
Solution : We first find that the derivative of f(x) is df/dx = (-5sinx). At x = /2, the
derivative is -5. Also f(x0)=f(/2)=5cos(/2)=0. Thus, from the equation
f (x) f (xo )] + ma (x x0 ) f (x0 ) + max

The system can be represented as f(x)= -5x for small excursions of x about x= /2. The
process is shown graphically in the figure, where the cosine curve does not indeed look
like a straight line of slope -5 near /2.

Figure 2.48
of 5 cos x about
x = /2
Taylor Series Expansion : Another approach to linearization is Taylor series. The
previous discussion can be formalized using the Taylor series expansion, which
expresses the value of a function in terms of value of this function at a particular point.
The Taylor series of f(x) is

For small excursion of x from x0, we can neglect high order terms. The resulting
approximation yields a straight-line relationship between the change in f(x) and the
excursion away from x0. Neglecting the high order terms in the equation above, we get

f ( x) f ( x0 ) = ( x x0 ) or f ( x) max
dx x = x0

Which is a linear relationship between f(x) and x for small excursion away from
x0. The following examples demonstrates linearization.The first example
demonstrates linearization of a differential equation and the second example
applies linearization to finding a transfer function.
Example : Linearize the following differential equation for small excursion about x=/4
d 2x dx
+2 + cos x = 0
dt dt
Solution : The presence of the term cosx makes this equation nonlinear. Since we
want to linearize the equation about x=/ 4, we let x=+ / 4, where x is the small
excursion about / 4, and substitue x into given equation,

d 2 x + d x +
+ cos x + = 0
dt dt 4

d 2 x + 2
d x +
4 d x 4
But = and dt
dt 2 dt 2
Finally, the term cos(x+( / 4)) can be linearized with the truncated Taylor series.
Substituting f(x)=cos(x+( / 4)) , f(x0)=f(/ 4)=cos (/ 4), and (x-x0)= x into the
equation df
f ( x ) f ( x0 ) = ( x x0 ) yields
dx x = x 0

d cos x
cos x + cos = x = sin x Solving this equation for cos(x+( / 4)) yields
4 4 dx x= 4
2 2
cos x + = cos sin x = x
4 4 4 2 2

Note that we have obtained by now three equations which are

d 2 x +

4 d x
d x + 2 2
= 4
cos x + = cos sin x = x
dt 2 dt 2 dt dt
4 4 4 2 2

Substituting these three equations into the first equation we wrote which is

d 2 x + d x +
4 4
+ 2 + cos x + =0
dt 2 dt 4

yields the following linearized differential equation

d 2x dx 2 2
+2 x =
dt dt 2 2
Example : Nonlinear Electrical Network

Find the transfer function VL(s)/V(s)

for electrical network shown in the
figure which contains a nonlinear
resistor whose voltage-current
relationship is defined by
ir = 0.1e
Where ir and Vr are the resistor
current and voltage, respectively.
Also v(t) in the figure is small-
signal source.

Figure 2.49
We will use the Kirchhoffs voltage law to sum
the voltages in the loop to obtain the
nonlinear differential equation, but first we
must solve for the voltage across the
nonlinear resistor. Taking the natural log of
resistors current-voltage relationship, we get
Vr = 10ln ir
Applying the Kirchhoffs voltage law around the loop, where ir=i, yields
di 1
L + 10 ln i 20 = v (t ) (*)
dt 2
Next, let us evaluate the equilibrium solution. First, set the small-signal source,
v(t), equal to zero. Now evaluate the steady-state current. With v(t)=0, the circuit
consist of 20 V battery in series with the inductor will be zero, since vL=L(di/dt)
and (di/dt) is zero in the steady,state, given aconstant battrey source. Hence the
resistor voltage vr is 20 V. Using the characteristics of the resistor,
i r = 2 e 0 . 1V r

we find that ir=i=14.78 amps. This current, i0, is the equilibrium value of the
network current. Hence i=i0+i. Substituting this current into (*) equation yields
d (i0 + i ) 1
L + 10 (i0 + i ) 20 = v (t ) (**)
dt 2

Using the linearizing equation

f ( x) f ( x0 ) = ( x x0 )
dx x = x0

to linearize ln ( i0 + i ) , we get

d ln i
1 i 1
ln ( i0 + i ) ln i0 =
1 1 2 1 1
i = i = i ln (i0 + i ) = ln 0 + i
2 2 di i i = i0 i0 2 2 i0
i = i0

Substituting this equation into (**), the linearized equation becomes

di i0 1
L + 10(ln + i) 20 = v(t )
dt 2 i0
Letting L=1 and i0=14.78, the final linearized differential equation is + 0 . 6778 i = v ( t )
Taking the Laplace transform with zero initial conditions and solving for i(s) yields
V (s)
i(s ) = (***)
s + 0 . 677
d d i
But the voltage across the inductor about the equilibrium point is VL (t ) = L (i0 + i ) = L
dt dt

Taking the Laplace transform VL(s)=Lsi(s)=s i(s)

Substituting the (***) equation into the last equation yields

V (s)
VL (s) = s
s + 0 . 677
from which the final transfer function is

VL (s) s
V (s) s + 0 . 677

for small excursions about i=14.78 or, equivalently, about v(t)=0

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