Institute Requirements: S.B. and M.Eng. Requirements Checklist

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S.B. and M.Eng.

Requirements Checklist
MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
S.B. in 6-1 (Electrical Science and Engineering) Fall 2016
S.B. in 6-2 (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
S.B. in 6-3 (Computer Science and Engineering)

Name: ID:
Email: Advisor:
Subject Term Grade Introductory (2) Subject Term Grade
Chemistry (1) 3.091/5.11 Intro1: 6.01, 6.S08, 6.009/6.S04
Biology (1) 7.01____ Intro2: 6.02, 6.03/6.S03, 6.009/6.S04

Calculus (2) 18.01____ Mathematics* (2)

18.02____ 6-1: 18.03; 6.041 or 6.008
6-2: 18.03 or 18.06;
Physics (2) 8.01____ 6.041 or 6.042 or 6.008
8.02____ 6-3: 18.03 or 18.06;
Institute Lab (1) 6.042 or 6.008

6.01 + (6.02 or 6.03), Foundations (3 or 4)

or 6.S04
6-1: 3 EE Foundations:
REST (2) 6.002, 6.003, 6.004, 6.007
18.03, 18.06, 6.002,
6.005, 6.041, 6.042 6-3: 3 CS Foundations:
6.004, 6.009/6.S04 or 6.031/6.005,
HASS (8) 6.006
6-2: 4 with at least 2 EE, 2 CS,
HASS-A 6.008 allowed as EE or CS
Concentration Department Lab (1)
Concentration 6-3: 6.141, 6.170, 6.172, 6.173, 6.175,
Concentration 6.031/6.005, 6.035, 6.813, 6.828
6-1, 6-2: all 6-3 labs listed above plus
6.101,6.111,6.115,6.123, 6.129, 6.131,
Elective 6.142, 6.152, 6.161, 6.163, 6.182
Headers (3)
Unrestricted Electives (Everything else!) 6-1: 3 EE Headers:
6.011, 6.012, 6.013, 6.021
Subject Term Grade
6-3: 3 CS Headers:
6.033; 6.034 or 6.036;
6.045 or 6.046

6-2: 3 with at least 1 EE, 1 CS

Advanced Undergraduate Subjects (2)

See reverse side of this sheet

Advanced Project** (1 or 2)
6.UAT and (6.UAP or additional Dept. CI-
M Lab), or 12 units 6.UAR

* Check which math courses are prerequisites for your other courses. M.Eng. Restricted Electives (2)
6.008 can be used instead of 6.042 as a prereq for CS courses, by
petition. See reverse side of this sheet

M.Eng. Advanced Approved Graduate Subjects (4)

** If taken Fall 2015 or after, 12 units of 6.UAR also satifies the
6.UAT requirement; otherwise 6.UAT is required for all students.
See reverse side of this sheet
Juniors must take one of the EECS CI-M courses -- see Concentration: _______________
M.Eng. Thesis (24 units minimum)
Dept. requirements may be used to satisfy the Institute Lab, REST 6.THM
and CI-M requirements. Otherwise: NO DOUBLE COUNTING! 6.THM
new M.Eng. Program in EECS for students who completed the new undergraduate curriculum
M.Eng. Program, AUS Subjects and Concentrations in EECS

42 units: Four EECS Approved Advanced Graduate Subjects (AAGS); one of the four can be non-EECS AAGS by petition
24 units: Two subjects from Restricted Electives list
24 units: M.Eng. thesis (6.THM)
90 units TOTAL
Restricted Electives (2 subjects): 6.041, 6.042, 6.436, 8.044, 18.04, 18.05, 18.06, 18.075/18.0751, 18.085/18.0851, 18.086/18.0861,
18.100A/18.100B/18.100C/18.1001/18.1002, 18.310/18.200/18.200A, 18.311/18.300, 18.330, 18.440/18.600, 18.700, 18.703, 18.781
Concentration Fields: one three-subject concentration from among the 2 AUS and 4 AAGS subjects. Classes in bold may be used as AUS
by Advisor permission.
Applied Physics AUS: 6.061, 6.602/6.S077
AAGS: 6.621, 6.630, 6.631, 6.632, 6.634, 6.637, 6.638, 6.641, 6.642, 6.644, 6.645, 6.685, 6.690, 6.691, 6.695
Approved Substitution: _________________________________________
Artificial Intelligence AUS: 6.036, 6.141, 6.801, 6.802, 6.803, 6.804, 6.806, 6.813 if not used as Lab, 6.819, 6.S078, 6.905, IDS.012
AAGS: 6.345, 6.437, 6.438, 6.831, 6.832, 6.833, 6.834, 6.863, 6.864, 6.866, 6.867, 6.868, 6.872, 6.874, 6.881, 6.882, 6.883, 6.884,
6.945, 6.946, IDS.131, MAS.S63
Approved Substitution: ________________________________________
BioEECS AUS: 6.022, 6.023, 6.024, 6.025, 6.027, 6.047, 6.048, 6.049, 6.502, 6.503, 6.802
AAGS: 6.345, 6.521, 6.522, 6.524, 6.525, 6.541, 6.542, 6.544, 6.545, 6.551, 6.552, 6.555, 6.556, 6.557, 6.561, 6.580, 6.581, 6.582,
6.589, 6.872, 6.874, 6.877, 6.878
Approved Substitution: _________________________________________
Circuits AUS: 6.301, 6.302
AAGS: 6.331, 6.332, 6.333, 6.334, 6.374, 6.375, 6.376, 6.775, 6.776
Approved Substitution:_________________________________________
Communications AUS: 6.207,16.36
AAGS: 6.231, 6.255, 6.260, 6.261, 6.262, 6.263, 6.264, 6.265, 6.266, 6.267, 6.268, 6.434, 6.435, 6.436, 6.437, 6.438, 6.440,
6.441, 6.442, 6.443, 6.450, 6.451*, 6.452, 6.453, 6.859
Approved Substitution: __________________________________________
Computer Systems AUS: 6.035 (if not used as Lab), 6.172 (not if used as Lab), 6.173* (if not used as lab), 6.805, 6.814, 6.816
AAGS: 6.820, 6.821, 6.823, 6.824, 6.828, 6.829, 6.830, 6.836, 6.846, 6.857, 6.858, 6.885, 6.886, 6.887, 6.888
Approved Substitution:__________________________________________
Control AUS: 6.302.
AAGS: 6.231, 6.241, 6.242, 6.243, 6.245, 6.246, 6.247
Approved Substitution: __________________________________________
Graphics and Human-Computer Interfaces AUS: 6.801, 6.807, 6.809, 6.811, 6.813 (if not used for Lab), 6.815, 6.819, 6.837
AAGS: 6.831, 6.835, 6.838, 6.839, 6.865, 6.869, 6.870, 6.894, 6.895, 6.896
Approved Substitution: ___________________________________________
Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology AUS: 6.602*, 6.701, 6.717
AAGS: 6.719, 6.720, 6.728, 6.730, 6.731, 6.732, 6.735, 6.736, 6.763, 6.772, 6.774, 6.777, 6.780J, 6.781, 6.789
Approved Substitution: ___________________________________________
Numerical Methods
AAGS: 6.248, 6.249, 6.251, 6.252, 6.253, 6.254, 6.255, 6.256, 6.336, 6.337, 6.338, 6.339, 6.581, 6.673
Approved Substitution: ____________________________________________
Signals and Systems
AAGS: 6.341, 6.342, 6.344, 6.345, 6.347, 6.348, 6.437, 6.438, 6.456, 6.555, 6.556
Approved Substitution: ___________________________________________
Theoretical Computer Science AUS: 6.045
AAGS: 6.840, 6.841, 6.842, 6.845, 6.849, 6.850, 6.851, 6.852, 6.853, 6.854, 6.856, 6.875, 6.876, 6.889, 6.890, 6.891, 6.892, 6.893
Approved Substitution: ___________________________________________
*no longer satisfies requirement or no longer exists; but can be used if taken previously.
Bold subjects can be used to satisfy the AUS requirement by advisor permission only.
General AUS Subjects: 6.101, 6.111, 6.115, 6.131, 6.170, 6.175, 21M.359
Subjects used a AUS cannot also be counted for Lab or Senior Project (6.UAP).

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