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A public Database of tumbling mill grindability

measurements and their relationships

Alex Doll1*
1. Consultant, Alex G. Doll Consulting Ltd. Canada


This work presents a public database of over 800 grindability measurements and a set of equations
for converting between different grindability tests based on this database. Several laboratory
grindability measurements commonly used in the mining industry; each is generally applicable to a
particular grindability model and is incompatible with other models. Conversion between different
test types is possible using a series of empirical relationships between those tests conducted at
similar size classes.

The commonly used grindability tests included in the database are the Bond work indices for ball
milling, rod milling and crushing; the drop weight test results A, b, Ab, DWi, Mia, Mic, Mih and
ta; SAG grindability index, SGI or SPI; and other values such as Mib and point load index.

Some examples of power-based model specific energy predictions will be compared to published
mill surveys to observe how well the different models predict the specific energy of an industrial

Key words: Database, laboratory test, comminution, specific energy, models predict.


Grindability measurements are a key input to the design and optimization of mineral process
plants. As such, grindability parameters are often reported in published documents such as
technical papers (here at Procemin) and in project evaluation reports such as the NI43-101 reports
issued by companies listed on Canadian stock exchanges. Collecting and comparing these
published grindability measurements provides a basis for basic research, such as calibration of
specific energy models, and for benchmarking new projects.

Several specific energy consumption models have been published that require empirical laboratory
measurements; often models use grindability measurements that are distinct from other models
and incompatible with certain laboratory tests. Another benefit of collecting a database of
grindability measurements is to provide relationships for comparing and, possibly, converting
between the different measurement types.


Grindability results have been collected from a large number of published documents. These have
been entered into a database containing discrete tables for each class of test and where the test
results are indexed using a `sample name` to link multiple tests performed on the same sample. If
the report offers geological or other differentiating characteristics of a sample, these are captured in
a `lithology` table. The database includes a summary `view` that consolidates the sample name, a
unique ID number for the sample, the originating project or mine, and some of the most common
grindability measurements. All tests on the same sample are identified with the same ID number,
so the relationship between tests on the same sample can be tracked across the different database

The database includes fields for optional details of the various tests. These optional data are
entered in the database if they are published, and are left blank otherwise. Few authors provide a
complete tabulation of the test details, so many of the detail fields are blank.

Example data from the Lithology table is given in Table 1 where the sample's name, ID number, the
sample lithology (where it is known), and reference information is provided. The summary view
for these samples is given in Table 2. Note that the ID numbers in this table match the ID numbers
in Table 1 (and all the other database tables).

Table 1 Example Lithology database table

Id Name Litho Litho comment

1529 Lik composite 7 Zazu metals NI43-101 March 3, 2014

1600 Gamsberg Pyrite van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1601 Gamsberg Pyrrhotite van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1602 Gamsberg Magnetite van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1603 New Gold Hypogene New Gold NI43-101, Dec 2009

1604 New Gold Mesogene New Gold NI43-101, Dec 2009

1605 Huckleberry SAG feed 2012 Wang et al, CMP 2013

1606 Huckleberry HPGR product Wang et al, CMP 2013

1607 Cadia Hill Englehardt et al, SAG 2011 speaker notes

1608 Ridgeway Englehardt et al, SAG 2011 speaker notes

1609 Cadia East Englehardt et al, SAG 2011 speaker notes

1643 53392-2 Metasediments Alacer Gold NI43-101 July 29, 2014

Table 2 Summary view of major grindability results for example samples

Id Name Program WiBM WiRM WiC Density Axb SGI Ai

1529 Lik composite 7 Lik 13.9 13.6 6.8 67.3 0.17

1600 Gamsberg Pyrite Other 13.25 3.52 79.65

1601 Gamsberg Pyrrhotite Other 12.9 3.42 58.6

1602 Gamsberg Magnetite Other 13.9 3.61 67.9

1603 New Gold Hypogene Other 21.8 18.5 8 2.7 0.16

1604 New Gold Mesogene Other 19.8 18.3 8 2.77 0.07

1605 Huckleberry SAG feed 2012 Huckleberry 18 2.76 31.1

1606 Huckleberry HPGR product Huckleberry 15.4

1607 Cadia Hill Cadia 17.5 20 30 35 0.33

1608 Ridgeway Cadia 18.7 21 30 42 0.43

1609 Cadia East Cadia 20.3 29 30 29.7 0.2

1643 53392-2 pler 13 2.58 84.6 76.7 0.26

Table 3 Bond ball mill work index database table for example samples


Id Name closing f80 p80 gpr WiBM Synthetic Laboratory Comment

1529 Lik composite 7 13.9 ALS Kamloops Zazu metals NI43-101 March 3, 2014

1600 Gamsberg Pyrite 106 14.1 van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1600 Gamsberg Pyrite 150 12.4 van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1601 Gamsberg Pyrrhotite 106 13.5 van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1601 Gamsberg Pyrrhotite 150 12.3 van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1602 Gamsberg Magnetite 106 14.6 van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1602 Gamsberg Magnetite 150 13.2 van Drunick Gerold & Palm, IMPC2010

1603 New Gold Hypogene 21.8 SGS Lakefield New Gold NI43-101, Dec 2009

1604 New Gold Mesogene 19.8 SGS Lakefield New Gold NI43-101, Dec 2009

Huckleberry SAG feed Wang, Nadolski, Mejia, Drozdiak & Klein,

1605 106 2578 77 0.99 18 SGS Lakefield
2012 CMP 2013

Huckleberry HPGR Wang, Nadolski, Mejia, Drozdiak & Klein,

1606 106 2302 76 1.2 15.4 SGS Lakefield
product CMP 2013

1607 Cadia Hill 17.5 Englehardt et al, SAG 2011 speaker notes

1608 Ridgeway 18.7 Englehardt et al, SAG 2011 speaker notes

1609 Cadia East 20.3 Englehardt et al, SAG 2011 speaker notes

1643 53392-2 13 SGS Lakefield Alacer Gold NI43-101 July 29, 2014

Database field definitions

Common fields in several of the database tables include:

Id The unique index number of this sample.

Name The human-readable sample name.
Synthetic Is this a `fake` sample, such as a mathematical average of actual test results?
Laboratory The laboratory where a particular test determination was performed.
Comment The document reference where the data originated or other comments.

The `summary` database table includes the following fields:

Program The project or mine this sample belongs to. Some samples belong to a `other`
group as they do not have many related samples.
WiBM The Bond ball mill work index, in metric units.
WiRM The Bond rod mill work index, in metric units.
WiC The Bond impact crushing work index, in metric units.
Density The coarse particle density measured in either the Bond impact crushing work
index test or the drop weight test, t/m.
Axb The product of the `A` and `b` parameters from a drop weight test, unitless.
Mia The coarse tumbling particle coefficient for a Morrell power equation, kWh/t.
Mib The fine tumbling particle coefficient for a Morrell power equation, kWh/t.
CI The Minnovex crushing index determined as part of a SPI determination, unitless.
SGI The SAG Grindability Index or SAG Power Index, minutes.
Ai The Bond abrasion index, unitless.

The `litho` database table includes the following fields:

Drillhole Identifier of the drill hole a sample originated from.
Dist from Downhole position where a sample originated from, m.
Dist to Downhole position where a sample originated from, m.
Litho Lithology identifier for a sample.
Alteration Alternation regime identifier for a sample.
Zone Zone identifier for a sample.
Length Downhole contiguous length of a sample, m

The `ai` database table includes the following field:

Ai Bond abrasion index, unitless.

The `dwt` (drop weight test) table includes the following fields:

A The fitted coefficient of a t10 versus Ecs curve in a drop weight test.
b The fitted exponent of a t10 versus Ecs curve in a drop weight test.
Axb The product of the fitted A and b parameters in a drop weight test.
ta The abrasion resistance measurement of a JK DWT.
DWT density The coarse particle density determined in a drop weight test, t/m.
SMC Boolean field indicating of this is a SMC Test result (value = 1 for SMC).
DWI The Drop Weight Index determination for a sample, kWh/m
Mia The coarse tumbling particle coefficient for a Morrell power equation, kWh/t.
Mih The high pressure grinding roll coefficient for a Morrell power equation, kWh/t.
Mic The crushing coefficient for a Morrell power equation, kWh/t.

The `pli` (point load index) table includes the following fields:
# Specimens The quantity of specimens tested for a particular sample.
PLI The mean IS50 value of a set of specimens, MPa.
PLI Min The minimum IS50 value of a set of specimens, MPa.
PLI Max The maximum IS50 value of a set of specimens, MPa.
Std Dev The standard deviation of IS50 values in a set of specimens, MPa.

The `sgi` (SAG grindability index) table includes the following fields:

CI The Minnovex crushing index determined as part of a SPI determination, unitless.

SGI The SAG Grindability Index or SAG Power Index, minutes.

The `ucs` (unconfined or uniaxial compressive strength) table includes the following fields:

# Specimens The quantity of specimens tested for a particular sample.

UCS The mean unconfined pressure of sample failure of a set of specimens, MPa.
UCS Min The minimum pressure of sample failure of a set of specimens, MPa.
UCS Max The maximum pressure of sample failure of a set of specimens, MPa.
Std Dev The standard deviation of pressure of sample failure in a set of specimens, MPa.

The `wibm` (ball mill work index) table includes the following fields:

WiBM closing The closing screen size used in the test, m.

WiBM f80 The test feed 80% passing particle size, m.
WiBM p80 The test product 80% passing particle size, m.
WiBM gpr The test average grams per revolution of the final cycles, g/rev.
WiBM The Bond ball mill work index determination, metric units.

Mod BWI Boolean field indicating if this is a non-standard test, such as an open-cycle
modified BWI test or a SAGDesign test with non-standard size distribution of the feed.

The `wic` (crushing work index or low energy impact work index) table includes the following

# Specimens The quantity of specimens tested for a particular sample.

WiC The mean crushing work index of a set of specimens, metric units.
WiC Min The minimum crushing work index of a set of specimens, metric units.
WiC Max The maximum crushing work index of a set of specimens, metric units.
Std Dev The standard deviation of crushing work index of a set of specimens, metric
WiC density The coarse particle density measured in a crushing work index test, t/m.

The `wirm` (rod mill work index) table includes the following fields:

WiRM closing The closing screen size used in the test, m.

WiRM f80 The test feed 80% passing particle size, m.
WiRM p80 The test product 80% passing particle size, m.
WiRM gpr The test average grams per revolution of the final cycles, g/rev.
WiRM The Bond rod mill work index determination, metric units.
The rod mill work index table includes results from laboratories whose apparatus does not conform
to Bond's original specification. The most significant deviation is several laboratories in Australia
use a mill without a wave liner the liner specified by Bond.


The entire database is too large to tabulate in this document (it would be over 200 pages), so instead
it is freely available for download as an OpenDocument spreadsheet on the author's website at this
link: https://www.sagmilling.com/articles/28/view/?s=1 . The database will be updated periodically
and the latest revision will always be available at the web link.

Comparisons and regression equations between different grindability metrics appear in Figures 1
through 9. The comparisons only consider tests done in the same size classes as defined by Doll &
Barratt, 2009. Linear, logarithmic, exponential and power regression relationships are attempted on
all plotted pairs and the relationship with the highest R value is displayed.

Fine size class: 30

Morrell Mib versus Bond

25 f(x) = 1.49 x^0.78
ball mill work index. R = 0.91
Variation expected due to 20

different exponents in the
two equations.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Figure 1 Bond ball mill work index v. Morrell Mib


No relationship between
Bond abrasion index and
ball mill work index.


f(x) = 3.88x + 13.8

10 R = 0.06

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Figure 2 Bond ball mill work index v. Bond abrasion index

Medium size class: 100

f(x) = 83.41 x^-0.42 f(x) = 108 x^-0.55
Best relationship requires R = 0.46 R = 0.66

separating the Bond-type


mills with wave liners from

the non-standard mills.
Power (Nonstandard)
Power (Bond-type)

10 100 1000
Figure 3 Bond rod mill work index v. Drop weight Ab


Generally a good f(x) = 8882.72 x^-1.24

R = 0.83
relationship between the two 1000



10 100 1000
Figure 4 SAG Grindability Index v. Drop weight Ab


Compares the Mia f(x) = 445.76 x^-0.85

R = 0.99
parameter determined from
the SMC test used in

Morrell power equations to

the Ab parameter reported
from any drop weight test
(both SMC test and the JK
DWT are drop weight tests).
10 100 1000
Figure 5 Morrell Mia v. Drop weight Ab

f(x) = 91.21 x^-0.97
DWI is a volumetric R = 0.99
parameter (kWh/m)

determined from the SMC

test. Dividing DWI by the 1
sample density gives a mass
parameter (kWh/t) suitable
for comparing to Ab.

10 100 1000
Figure 6 (Morrell DWI density) v. Drop weight Ab

f(x) = 1.41 x^0.5
Only regression for Bond- R = 0.89

type apparatus shown.

Too few examples of
samples tested on both the
non-standard rod mill
apparatus and the SAG Bond-type
Power (Bond-type)

Grindability Index. 1
1 10 100 1000
Figure 7 Rod mill work index v. SAG Grindability Index


Morrell's crushing parameter f(x) = 576.99 x^-1

R = 1
Mic is (perfectly?) related to
the drop weight test Ab


10 100
Figure 8 Morrell Mic index v. Drop weight test Ab

Coarse size class: 100

Noisy data with poor overall f(x) = 2.9 x^0.31

R = 0.38


0.1 1 10 100 1000
Figure 9 Crushing work index v. Unconfined compressive strength

Specific energy predictions

Some of the samples that include all the parameters for Bond work indices, SMC tests and SGI
values were run against different power-based specific energy models using SAGMILLING.COM
software. The samples were run in a circuit consisting of mills based on Los Bronces Confluencia

operating in an SABC-B configuration grinding from feed F 80 of 150 mm to a cyclone overflow
product P80 of 180 m. No attempt to optimize any of the simulations was done.

Table 4 Example specific energy predictions by three models

Test results or predictions Model Etotal, kWh/t

Optimized Morrell
Name WiBM WiRM WiC Ab SGI Mic Mia Mib SGI
Bond/Barrat Mi
Los Bronces
16.5 16.7 10.0 30.0 130.0 19.2 24.8 20.5 15.3 19.1 15.2
17.6 13.5 5.6 47.1 79.4 12.3 16.9 12.3 15.0 12.6 14.5
16.7 13.5 5.7 54.8 74.5 10.5 14.8 10.5 14.2 11.0 13.8
15.5 11.6 5.2 44.1 72.7 13.1 17.8 13.1 12.5 13.4 13.0
14.7 12.1 7.9 53.1 72.4 10.9 15.2 10.9 12.1 11.3 12.5
10.0 10.8 7.3 64.9 61.0 8.9 12.8 8.9 8.1 9.4 10.0
14.6 14.3 8.2 47.5 90.8 12.2 16.8 12.2 12.6 12.6 12.9
Boddington Apr
14.4 20.0 27.7 30.0 130.9 19.2 24.7 17.7 16.2 18.2 15.2
2010 survey
Volta Grande
16.5 16.0 20.0 30.6 133.2 18.9 24.3 18.9 15.9 18.5 15.3
comp 2-3
18.0 16.3 7.0 31.1 125.2 18.6 24.0 25.6 16.5 20.2 15.8
SAG feed 2012
Malartic Sep 21
16.3 16.3 18.5 24.1 115.3 23.9 29.8 23.9 13.4 23.0 14.5
Yanacocha 17.5 13.8 10.0 72.9 43.5 7.9 12.3 25.3 15.4 14.0 12.9
13.9 15.9 10.0 40.9 86.4 14.1 19.0 14.1 13.2 14.3 12.3
Corani avg 15.1 10.2 6.3 111.0 35.6 5.2 8.1 5.2 11.8 5.8 11.2
Italics indicate test parameters based on interpolations (Figures 1 through 9) or assumed.

This particular sub-set of the overall database shows the Optimized Bond/Barratt model and the
Amelunxen SGI model are generally very close in their specific energy consumption predictions
(average absolute difference is 6.4%), but the Morrell Mi model is substantially different from the
other two models (average absolute difference of 20.4% versus Bond/Barratt and 20.6% versus SGI).

The Author's experience is that any ore sample can potentially confuse any grindability test, so the
observation that the Morrell Mi model is substantially different from the other two is likely an
artifact of the sub-set of results that were chosen for Table 4. One might observe a different pattern
had a different set of samples been chosen for the specific energy consumption calculations.


Etotal, kWh/t to 180 m



Optimized Bond/Barratt Morrell Mi SGI

Figure 10 Specific energy consumption predictions for three models


A large quantity of grindability test results have been published in conference proceedings, NI43
101 reports and other works. The author has collected and collated over 800 examples of such
published grindability results and generated a public database of test results suitable for
benchmarking other projects or performing research such as extracting relationships between the
different test parameters.

The database is freely available for download as an OpenDocument spreadsheet on the author's
website at this link: https://www.sagmilling.com/articles/28/view/?s=1


SPI and SAG Power Index are trademarks of SGS Mineral Services.

SMC Test is a trademark of SMC Testing Pty Ltd.


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McLean, E. and Watt, J. (2009) Processing Strategies for Hidden Valley Operations. Proceedings of
the AusIMM Tenth Mill Operators' Conference (pp. 43 52) Adelaide, Australia.

Millard, M. (2002) The Use of Comminution Testwork Results in SAG Mill Design. Proceedings of
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Project reports

The following are project reports that are downloaded from the Canadian Securities Administrators
SEDAR filing system (http://www.sedar.com) unless otherwise noted. The bold text indicates the
property name where the grindability data is indexed in the database.

NI43-101 report on the Ajax project, prepared for KGHM Polska Mied S.A. and Abacus Mining
and Exploration Corporation 2016-02-19 by M3 Engineering & Technology Corporation, Tucson,

NI43-101 report on the Albany Graphite project, prepared for Zenyatta Ventures Ltd. 2015-07-09 by
RPA Inc., Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Rose deposit, Mills Lake Deposit on the Kamistiatusset Iron Ore property,
parepared for Alderon Iron Ore Corp. 2012-12-17 by BBA Inc., Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Asmara project, prepared for Sunridge Gold Corp 2014-03-27 by SENET
(Pty) Ltd., Modderfontein, South Africa.

NI43-101 report on the Aurora Gold project, prepared for Guyana Goldfields, Inc. 2013-01-29 by
Tetra Tech Inc. (undisclosed origin).

NI43-101 report for the Back River gold property, prepared for Sabina Gold & Silver Corp. 2014-03-
04 by Tetra Tech, Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Bau project, prepared for Besra Gold Inc. 2013-12-15 by Besra Gold Inc.,
Sarawak, Malaysia.

NI43-101 report on the Blackwater Gold Project, prepared for New Gold Inc. 2014-01-14 by Amec
Americas Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Brucejack Project, prepared for Pretium Resources Inc. 2013-06-21 by Tetra
Tech, Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Buritic gold project, prepared for Continental Gold Inc. 2015-08-07 by
Mining Associates Pty Ltd., Spring Hill, Australia.

NI43-101 report on the Cameron Gold project, prepared for Coventry Resources Ltd. and Crescent
Resources Corp. 2012-07-05 by Datageo Geological Consultants, Mullaloo, Australia.

NI43-101 report on the Canadian Malartic property, prepared for Agnico Eagle and Yamana Gold
2014-06-16 by Canadian Malartic GP, Val-d'Or, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Capoose Gold-Silver project, prepared for New Gold Inc. 2014-05-23 by
GeoSim Services Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the pler Sulfide Expansion Project, prepared for Alacer Gold Corp. 2014-07-
29 by Jacobs Engineering Group, Denver, USA.

NI43-101 report on the Copper Creek Resource, prepared for Redhawk Copper Inc. 2013-07-25 by
SGS Metcon/KD Engineering, Tucson, USA.

NI43-101 report on the Copper Mountain project, prepared for Copper Mountain Mining Corp
2008-09-11 (also referenced in 2009 reports) by KWM Consulting Inc., Pitt Meadows, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Corani project, prepared for Bear Creek Mining Corporation 2015-05-30 by
M3 Engineering & Technology Corporation, Tucson, USA.

NI43-101 report on the Cosmo Deeps gold project, prepared for Crocodile Gold Corp. 2013-12-31
by Mining Plus Pty Ltd., Melbourne, Australia.

NI43-101 report on the Detour Lake mine, prepared for Detour Gold Corporation 2012-10-18 by
BBA Inc., Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Dumont project, prepared for Royal Nickel Corporation 2012-07-18 by
Ausenco Solutions Canada Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Duncan Lake Iron property, prepared for Century Iron Mines Corp. and
Augyva Mining Resources Inc. 2013-05-06 by Met-Chem Canada Inc., Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Duparquet project, prepared for Clifton Star Resources Inc. 2014-03-26 by
InnovExplo, Val-d'Or, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Fekola gold project, prepared for B2Gold Corporation 2015-06-30 by
Lycopodium Minerals Pty Ltd., Spring Hill, Australia.

NI43-101 report for the Grassy Mountain project, prepared for Calico Resources Corp. 2015-07-09
by Metal Mining Consultants, Inc., Highlands Ranch, USA.

NI43-101 report for the Harper Creek copper project, prepared for Yellowhead Mining Inc. 2011-03-
31 by Wardrop Engineering Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report for the Harper Creek copper project, prepared for Yellowhead Mining Inc. 2012-03-
29 by Merit Consultants International Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Main Zone Optimization, Huckleberry Mine, prepared for Huckleberry
Mines Ltd. and Imperial Metals Corporation 2011-09-01 by K. Christensen, G.R. Connaughton and
P. Ogryzlo.

NI43-101 report for the Karma Gold Project, prepared for True Gold Mining Inc. 2014-10-10 by P&E
Mining Consultants Inc., Brampton, Canada.

NI43-101 report for the Krumovgrad project, prepared for Dundee Precious Metals Inc. 2014-03-21
by CSA Global (UK) Ltd. Horsham, UK.

NI43-101 report on the Schefferville Area Report: Schefferville Area Direct Shipping Iron Ore
Projects Resource Update In Western Labrador And North Eastern Quebec, Canada For Labrador
Iron Mines Holdings Limited. 2013-04-12 by SGS Canada Inc.

NI43-101 report on the Pre-Feasibility Study Update, Lac Paul Apatite Project for Ressources
d'Arianne Inc. 2012-07-13 by Met-Chem Canada Inc., Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Lik deposit, prepared for Zazu Metals Corporation 2014-03-03 by JDS
Energy & Mining Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Los Helados property, prepared for NGEx Resources Inc. 2013-10-31 by
Behre Dolbear International Ltd., Santiago, Chile.

NI43-101 report on the Lucky Friday Mine, prepared for Hecla Mining Company 2014-04-02 by
Hecla Mining Company, Coeur d'Alene, USA.

NI43-101 report for the Magino Project, prepared for Argonaut Gold Inc. 2013-12-17 by JDS Energy
& Mining Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Maracs Vanadium Project, prepared for Largo Resources Ltd. 2013-03-04 by
Runge Pincock Minarco (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Masbate Gold Project, prepared for CGA Mining Limited 2011-10-31 by
M.B. Turner, A.J. Vigar and S.T. Jones.

NI43-101 report on the Mercedes gold-silver project, prepared for Yamana Gold Inc. 2014-02-25 by
RPA Inc., Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Metates Gold-Silver Project, prepared for Chesapeake Gold Corp. 2013-03-
13 by M3 Engineering & Technology Corporation, Tucson, USA.

NI43-101 report on the Montagne d'Or gold deposit, Paul Isnard Project, prepared for Nord Gold
N.V. and Columbus Gold Corporation 2015-07-31 by SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc., Lakewood, USA.

NI43-101 report on the Moose River Consolidated Project, prepared for Atlantic Gold Corporation
2015-08-13 by Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Mount Milligan project, prepared for Terrane Metals Corp 2009-10-23 by
Wardrop Engineering Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Namoya Gold project, prepared for Banro Corporation 2013-12-31 by
Venmyn Deloitte (Pty) Ltd., Woodmead, South Africa.

NI43-101 report on the New Afton project, prepared for New Gold Inc. 2009-12-31 by Scott Wilson
Roscoe Postle Associates Inc., Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the New Liberty Gold Project, prepared for Aureus Mining Inc. 2012-10-22 by
AMC Consultants (UK) Limited, Maidenhead, UK.

NI43-101 report on the Nico gold-cobalt-bismuth-copper deposit, prepared for Fortune Minerals
Limited 2012-07-02 by P&E Mining Consultants Inc., Brampton, Canada.

NI43-101 report on Niobec Expansion, prepared for Iamgold Corporation 2013-12-10 by Iamgold
Corp., Longueuil, Canada and Niobec Inc., St-Honor, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Nkout Iron Project, prepared for Afferro Mining 2013-05-28 by SRK
Consulting (UK) Limited, Cardiff, UK.

NI43-101 report on the Palmarejo Project, prepared for Coeur Mining 2014-12-31 by Coeur Mining

NI43-101 report on the Pebble project, prepared for Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. 2014-12-31 by
Hunter Dickinson Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Peasquito Project, prepared for Goldcorp Inc. 2007-12-31 by F.H Brown,
R.H. Bryson, R. Rivera and S. Ristorcelli.

NI43-101 report on the Platreef project, prepared for Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. 2014-03 by OreWin Pty
Ltd., Adelaide, Australia.

NI43-101 report on the Quimsacocha Gold Project, prepared for Iamgold Corporation 2009-02 by
Iamgold Technical Services, Longueuil, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Rainy River project, prepared for Rainy River Resources Ltd. 2012-06-04 by
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Rainy River project, prepared for New Gold Inc. 2014-01-16 by BBA Inc.,
Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Sabodala gold project, prepared for Teranga Gold Corporation 2014-03-13
by AMC Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the San Bartolom project, prepared for Coeur dAlene Mines Corporation
2012-01-01 by D.J. Birak and K.R. Blair.

NI43-101 report on the Snelgrove Lake property, prepared for Mamba Minerals Limited 2013-12-20
by King and Bay West Management Corp. and BBA Inc., Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Spanish Mountain project, prepared for Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. 2010-
12-20 by AGP Mining Consultants Inc., Barrie, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Tepal project, prepared for Geologix Explorations Inc. 2013-04-30 by JDS
Energy & Mining Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Tulsequah Chief deposit, prepared for Chieftain Metals Inc. 2010-11-08 by
SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report for the Turnagain project, prepared for Hard Creek Nickel Corporation 2011-12-02
by AMC Mining Consultants (Canada) Ltd., Vancouver, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Twangiza gold mine, prepared for Banro Corporation 2015-07-29 by SRK
Consulting (UK) Limited, Cardiff, UK.

NI43-101 report on the Volta Grande project, prepared for Belo Sun Mining Corp. 2014-03-31 by
AGP Mining Consultants Inc., Barrie, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the White Foil project, prepared for La Mancha Resources Inc. 2009-02 by La
Mancha Resources Inc. Montral, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Yaramoko gold project, prepared for Roxgold Inc. 2014-06-04 by SRK
Consulting (Canada) Inc., Toronto, Canada.

NI43-101 report on the Zafranal project, prepared for AQM Copper Inc. 2013-01-16 by Tetra Tech
Wardrop, Vancouver, Canada.


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