Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1978

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1978 : T.N. Act %] Urban LgnH - .
(Ceiling and Regulation)
.. -
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1. Short title, extent and commencement.

2. Declaration.



4. P i r s o 3 ~
not~ntitledto hold vacant land in excess of the ceiling limit.
5. Ceiling limit.
6. Transfer of vacant land.
7. Persons holding vacant land in excess of ceiling limit to file state-
8. Filing of statement in cases where vrcant land held by a Person
is situated within the jurisdiction of two or more competent
authorities. . . .
9, Preparation of draft statement as regards vacant land hcld in cxctss
of cciling limit.
10. Final statement.
11. Acquisition of vacant land in excess of ceiling limit.
12. Payment of amount for vacant land acquired.
13. Constitution of Urban Land Tribunal and appeal to Urban Land-
14. Disputes regarding the right to receive the amount.
15. Revision by High Court.
16. Mcde of payment of amount.

~ 17. a i l i n g limit on future acquisition by inheritance, bequest or

by sale in execution of decrees, etc.
Urban Land I [1978: T.N.Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)

18. Power to enter upon any vacant land. I
19. Penalty for concealment, etc., of particulars of vacant land.
20. Chapter not to apply to czrtain vacant lands.
21. Power to exempt.
22. Excess vzcant 1ar.d r.01 to be treated las excess in certain
23. Retention of vacant land under certain circumstances.
24. Disposal of vacart land acquired under the Act,
25. Special provision regarding dispocal of vacant lands in favour
of certain persons.
26. Definition.
27. Statement to be made before the registering authority in
oertain cases.
28. Regulation of construction of building with dwellin~units.
29. Demolition and stoppage of buildings i n certain cases and

- I


30. State Government t o transf-r ccrtain vacant land5 acquired
under the Act to the Central Government,

31. Powers of oompetent authority. I
32. Jurisdiotion cf competent ~uthoritiesand Tribunals in opecia]
33. Appeal.
34. Revision by State Government.
33. Bar of juriqdiction.

1978 ;T. N. Act 241 Urban Land

(Ceiling and Regulation)

36. Power of State Government to issue orders and directions to
the competent authority.
37. Returns and reports.
38. Delegation of powers.
39. Offences and punishments.
40. Offences by companies.
41. Indemnity.
42. Cognizance of offences.
43. Act to override other laws,
44. Court fees.
45. Certain officers to be public servants.
46. Correction of clerical errors.
47. Power to make rules.
48. Inclusion of any adjoining area in Schedule I.
49. Power to amend Schedule 111.
50. Power to remove difficulties.
51. Repeal and Saving.
716 Urban Land 11978; T. N. Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulution)


[Received the a sspnt of the President on the 14th M a y
1978, first p ~ b l i ~ h eind the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 17rh May 1978 ( ~ a i k a s i
3, Kala~ukti(2009-Tiruvall~var Andu)).]
An Act to provide for the imposition of a ceiling on
vacant land in urban agglomerations for the acquisi-
tion of such laod in excess of the ceiling limit, to
regulate t ,e construction of building on such land and
for matters connected therewith, with a view to pre-
venting the concentration of urban land in the hands
of a few persons and speculation and profiteering
therein and with a view to bringing about an equita-
ble distribution of land in arban agglomerations to
subserve the common good.
BE it enacted by the Legislzture of the State of Tamil
Nadu in the Twenty-ninth Year of the Republic of
India as follows :-

Short title.
extent and 1, (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu
c~mmencement.Urban Land (Ceil~ngand Regulation) Act, 1978.
(2) This Act extends to the whole of the State
of Tamil Nadu.
(3) (a) This Act, except sections 14, 15, sub-section
(3) of section 20 an3 sections 27 and 48, shall be
deemed to havz come into force on the 3rd day of
August 1976.
(b) Sections 14, 15, sub-section (3) of section 20
and sections 27 and 48 shall come into force c n the I

date of the publicas ion of this Act in the Tamil N a d ~

Government Gazette.
Dzckation. 2. It is hereby dxlared that this Act is for giving
effect t o the policy of the State towards securing the
principles spzcified in clause (b) and clause (c) of
Article 39 of the Constitution.
*For Staterncnt of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 28th March 1978,
Part IV-Sectton 1, Pages 317-318. I

I 1978 : T.N. Act $41 Cfrban Land

(Ceiling and Regulation)


3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- Definitions.

(a) "building regulations " means the regulations

contained in the master plan, or the law in force govern-
ing the const~uction of buildings ";
(b) "ceiling limlt" means the ceiling limit specified
in section 5 ;

I (c) "commencement of this Act" means-

(i) in respect of any urban agglomeration specified
I in Schedule I, the 3rd day of August 1976,
(ii) in respect of any area declared to be an urban
agglomeration by a notification under sub-clause (ii)
of clause (n) of section 3, the date of publication of such
notification in the Tc:mil Nadu Government Gazette ;
(iii) where any land, not being vacant land, has
become vacant land by any reason whatsoever, the date
on which such land becomes vacant land ;
(d) "competent authority" meavs any person or
authority authorised by tne State Government, by notif?-
cation in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, to perform
the functions of the competent authority under this Act
for such area as may be specified in the notification and
different persons or authorities may be authorised to perform
different functions ;
(e) "dwelling unit", in relation to a building or a
portion of a building, means a unit of accommodation,
in such building or portion, used solely for the purpose of
1 Explanation.-Where, according to the plan approved
i by the appropriate authority, a unit of accommodation
in any building or portion thereof is to be used solely for
the purpose of residence, such unit of ac~ornmodiiti~nshall
be deemed to be a dwelling unit ;

I ( f ) "family", in relation to a person, means the indim

vidual, the wife or husband, as the case may be,. of such
i ndividual and their unmarried minor child~en.
7f 8 Urban Land [I978:T.N. Act a4
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Explanation.-For the purpose of this clause,"minor"

means a person who has not completed his or her age of
eighteen years ;

(g) "industrial undertaking " means any undertaking

cngaged in the manufacture or production of goods speci-
fied in Schedule 111 or carrying on any other activities
specified in the said Schedule;

(h) "land appurtenant", in relation to anyibuilding

laeatis an extent of five hundred square metres contiguous
to the land occupied by such building and includes,-

(i) in the case of any building constructed before or

under construction on the commencement of this Act with
a dwelling unit therein, or

(ii) in the case of any building proposed t o be cons-

tructed with a dwelling unit therein and in respect of which
the plan for such building has been approved by the appro-
priate authority before the commencement of this Act,

an additional extent cot exceeding five hundred square

metres of land, if any, contiguous to the said extent of
five hundred square metres of land:

Provided that in relation to a multi-storeyed building,

the extent of land contiguous to the land occupied by such
multi-storeyed building permitted according to the plan
approved by the appropriate authority shall be deemed
to be the land appurtenant ;

(i) "master plan", in relation to an area within an

urban agglomeration or, any part thereof*means the plan
(by whatever name called) prepared under any law for the
time being in force or in pursuance of an order made
by the State Government for the development of such area
or part thereof ;
(j)"person" includes an individual, a family, a firm
a company or an association or body of individuals,whethei
incorporated or not ;
(k) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules ma&
under this Act I
1978 : T.N. Act 3-41 Urban t a n d 719
(Ceiling and Regulation)

(I) " to hold" with its grammatical variations, i~

relation to any vacant land, means-
(i) to own such land; or
(ii) to possess such fand as owner or as tenant or
as mortgagee or under an ~rrevocablepower-of-attorney
or under a hire-purchase ageement or partly in one of
the said capacities and partly in any other of the said
capacity or capacities.
Explanation I.-Bor the purpose of this clause,
"tenant" means any person who has paid or has agreed
to pay rent or other consideration for his being allowed by
another to enjoy the land .of the latter under a tenancy
agreement, express or implled, and includes-
(i) any such person who continues in possession
of the land after the determination of the tenancy agree-
ment ;
(ii) the heirs, assignees, legal representative of
such person, or persons derivingrights through such person.
Explanation II.-Where the same vacant land is
held by one person in one capacity and by another person
in another capacity, then, for the purposes of this Act,
such land shall be deemed to be held by both such persons ;
I (m) "Tribunal" means the Urban Land Tribunal
co~stitutedunder sectior 13 ;
(n) "urban agglomeration" means-
(i) the area comprised in the urban agglomeration
specified in Schedule I ; and
(ii) any other area which the State Goveri~m~nt
may, having regard to its location, population (population
being more than one lakh) and such other relevant factors
as the circumstances of the case may require by notification
in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, declare to be an
urban agglomeration and any agglomeration so declared
shall he deemrd to belong to category 111 in that Schedule;
(0) " urban land " means-
(i) any land situated within the limits of an urbm
agglomeration and referred to as such in the master plan ;
$90 &ban tand' '

(Ceiling and Regulation)

a&$:~ . kAct. 34-
(ii) in a case where there is no master plan, or where
the master plan does not refer to any land as urban land,
any land within the limits of an urban agglomeration
but dces not include any such land which is mainly used
for the purpose of agriculture.

Explanation.-Bor the purpose of this clause and

clause (p),-
(A) " agriculture " includes horticulture, but
does not include-
(i) raising of grass,
(ii) dairy farming,
(iii) poultry farming,
(iv) breeding of livestock, and
(v) such cultivation, or the growing of such
plant, as may be prescribed ;

(B) land shall not be deemed to be used mainly

for the purpose of agriculture, if-such land is not entered
in the revenue or land records befo;e the commencement
of this Act as for the purpose of agriculture;
( C ) notwithstanding anything contained in the
clause (B) of this Explanation, land shall not be deemed
to be mainly used for the purpose of agriculture if the
land has been specified in the master plan for a purpose
other than agriculture :

Provided that where any such land is actually

used mainly for the purpose of agriculture, such land
shall not be deemed to be urban or vacent land so long
as it is continued to be so used for the purpose of agri-

(D) where on the commencement of this Act,

any land is actually used mainly for the purpose of agri-
culture, but is used mainly for a purpose other than agri-
culture, after such commencement, then on and from the
date on which such land is used for any purpose other
than agriculture, the land shall be deemed to be vacant
land and accordingly the provisions of this Act shdl
a~P ~ Y
1978 :T.N. Act 2 4 Urban Land 721
(Ceiling and Regulation) '

(p) " vacant land " means land, not being land mainly
used for the purpose of agriculture, in an urban agglo-
meration, but does not include-
(i) land on which construction of a building is
not permissible under the building regulations in force
in the area in which such land is situated ;
(ii) in an area where there are building regulations,-
(a) the land occupied by any building construc-
ted before, or under construction on the commencement
of this Act with the approval of the appropriate authority
and the land appurtenant to such building ;
(b) the land where any building is proposed to be
constructed in respect of which the building plan has been
approved by the appropriate authority before the com-
mencement of this Act and the land appurtenant to
such building ;
(iii) in an area where there are no building re-
gulations, the land occupied by any building constructed
before or under construction on the commencement of
this Act and the land appurtenant to such building; and
(iv) the land which is exclusively used as pathway
by one or more families subject to such limits and con.
ditions as may be prescribed :
Provided that where any person ordinarily keeps
his cattle, other than for the purpose of dairy farming or
for the purpose of breeding of livestock, on any land
situated in a village within an urban agglomeration (des-
cribed as a village in the revenue records), then, so much
extent of the land as has been ordinarily used for the keeping
of such cattle immediately before such commencement
shall not be deemed to be vacant land for the purposes
of this clause.


4. Except as otherwise provided in this Act, on and Pers~nsnot

from the commencement of this Act, no person shall bc a$l;ddd,"n
entitled to hold any vacant land in excess of the ceiling land in ,,,,,s
limit. of the ceiling
125-10 4 6
322 Urban Land 119% c TPJ. Act $4
(Ceiling and Regulation)

a i l i a g limit, 5. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this section,-

(i) in the case of every person (other than a family
and an industrial undertaking), the ceiling limit shall be,-
(A) Where the vacant land is situated in an
urban agglomeration falling within category I specified
in Schedule 1, five hundred square metres ;
(B) Where the vacant land is situated in an urban
agglomeration falling within categoty ST specified in Sche-
dule I, one thousand five hundred square metres ;
(C) Where the vacant land is situated in an
urban agglomeration falling within category I11 specified
in Schedule I, two thousand square metres ;
(ii) in the case of every family, the ceiling limit
shall be as specified below :-
(A) Where the vacant land is situated in an
urban agglomeration falling within category I specified in
Schedule I and,-
(a) where the family consists of two members,
one thousand square metres ;
(b) where the family consists of three members,
one thousand five hundred square metres ;
(c) where the family consists of four or more
members, two thousand square metres ;
(B) Where the vacant land is situated in an
urban agglomeration falling within category I1 specified
in Schedule I, and where the family consists of two or
more members, three thousand square metres ;
(C) Where the vacant land is situated in an
urban agglomeration falling within category I11 specified
in Schedule I, and where the family consists of two or
more members, four thousand square metres ;
(iii) in the case of every industrial undertaking,
the ceiling limit shall be,-
(A) where the vacant land is situated in an
urban agglomeration falling within category I, specified
in Schdeule I, two thousand square metres ;
(B) where the vacant land is situated in an urban
agglomeration falling within category 11, specified in
Schedule I, three thousand square metres ;
19% :T.N. Act %ij ~ r b a nand 133
(Ceiling and Regulation)

(C) where the vacant land is situated in an

urban agglomeration falling within category 111, specified
in Schedule I, four thousand square metres.
(2) Where any person holds vacant land situated in
two or more categories of urban agglomerations specified
in Schedule I, then, for the purpose of calculating the
extent of vacant land held by him,-
(a) (i) in the case of a person [other than a n indus-
trial undertaking or a family as is referred to in sub-
clause (ii) or sub-clause (iii)], one square metre of vacant
land situated in a n urban agglomeration falling within
category I shall be deemed to be equal to three square
metres of vacant land situated in a n urban agglomeration
falling within category I1and four square metres of vacant
land situated in an urban agglomeration falling within
category I11 ;
(ii) in the case of a family consisting of three
members, one square metre of vacant land situated in
an urban agglomeration falling within category I shall be
deemed to be equal to two square metres of vacant land
situated in an urban agglomeration falling within category
I1 and two and two-third square metres of vacant land
situated in a n urban agglomeration falling within cate-
gory I11 ;
(iii) in the case of a family consisting of four
or more members and in the case of an industrial under-
taking, one square metre of vacant land situated in a n
urban agglomeration falling within category I shall be
deemed to be equal to one and a half square metres of
vacant land situated in an urban agglomeration falling
within category I1 and two square metres of vacant land
situated in a n urban agglomeration falling within cate-
gory I11 ;
(b) one square metre of vacant land situated in
an urban agglomeration falling within category I1 shall
be deemed to be equal to one and one-third square metres
of vacant land situated in an urban agglomeration falling
within category 111.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
section (I), where any person with the object of develop-
ment of vacant land for sale by allotment of plots of land to
others, has by himself, or through any other person,
724 urban and I 1~ : T.N.A C %
(Ceiling and Regulation)
obtained before the commencemeut'ofthis Act, the sanc-
tion of the appropriate authority for the lay out of such
vacant land held by such person, then the person so holding
the land shall be entitled to continue to hold such vacant
land :
Provided that such person shall not transfer any
such vacant land or part thereof by way of sale, mortgage,
gift, lease or otherwise to any person who already owns
a dwelling unit or any vacant land which together with
the land to be transferred by that person would in the
aggregate exceed the ceiling limit of such transferee.
(4) Where any firm or unincorporated association
or body of individuals holds vacant land in any urban
agglomeration, then, the right or interest of any person
in the vacant land on the basis of his share in such firm
or association or body shall also be taken into account
in calculating the extent of vacant land held by such
(5) Where a person is a beneficiary of a private mat
and his share in the income from such trust is h o r n
or determinable, the share of such person in the vacant
land in any urban agglomeration held by the trust, shall
be deemed to be in the same proportion as his share in
the total income of such trust bears to such total income and
the extent of such land apportionable to his share shall
also be taken into account in calculating the extent of
vacant land held by such person.

(6) Where a person is a member of a Hindu undi-

vided family so much of the vacant land as would have
fallen to his share had the entire vacant land held by the
Hindu undivided family been partitioned amongst its
members at the commencement of this Act shall also be
taken into account in calculating the extent of vacant
land held by such person.
(7) In the case of a Hindu undivided family consjst.
ing of-
(i) a wife or husband ;
(ii) (a) major sons, or
(&) unmarried minor

IsH, : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 725

(Ceiling and Regulation)

(c) unmarried major daughters

of such wife or husband
and where in relation to any vacant land held by the wife
or husband or both, as self acquired property, no division
had taken place on or before the commencement of this
Act, so much of the vacant land, as would have notionally
fallen to the share of the wife, the husband, the major
sons, unmarried major daughters or unmarried minor
children in such family, had the entire vacant land, held by
the wife or husband or both, been divided equally at the
commencement of this Act, among the wife, husband,
major sons, unmarried major daughters, or unmarried
minor children aforesaid, shall also be taken into account
in calculating the extent of vacant land held by each such
person :
Provided that the notional share of a major son or
unmarried major daughter as provided for in this sub-
section shall not be taken into account in any case where
the total extent of the vacant land held by the wife or
husband or both as self-acquired property together with
the extent of vacant land, if any, held by the unmarried
minor children of such wife or husband does not exceed
the ceiling limit of the family as fixed under clause (ii)
of sub-section (1) :
Provided further that where the total extent of the
vacant land held by the wife or husband or both as self-
acquired property together with the extent of vacant laud
held by the unmarried minor children of such wife or
husband exceeds the ceiling limit as k e d under clause (ii)
of sub-section (I), then, the notional share of the major
son or the unmarried major daughter as provided for in
this sub-section shall be calculated only in respect of the
extent of the vacant land which is in such excess.
(8) In the case of a family consisting of-
(i) a wife or husband,
(ii) (a) major sons, or
(5) unmarried minor children, or
(c) unmarried major daughters
of such wife or husband
726 Urban Land
(Ceiling und Regulation)
11978 ; T.N, Act 24

by Christian Law, Muslim Law or any other

personal law (other than the personal law relating to
Hindus) and where in relation to any vacant land held by
the wife or husband or both, no division had taken place
on or before the comm.encement of this Act, so much of
the vacant land, as would have notionally fallen to the
share of the wife, the husband, the major sons, unmarried
major daughters or unmarried minor children in such
family, had the entire vacant land held by the wife or
husband or both, been divided equally at the commence-
ment of this Act among the wife, husband, major sons,
unmarried major daughters or unmarried minor children
aforesaid, shall ako be taken into account in calculating
the extent of vacant land held by each such person :

Provided that the notional share of a major son or

unmarried major daughter as provided for in this sub-section
shall not be taken into account i n any case where the total
extent of the vacant land held by the wife or husband or
both together with the extent of vacant land, if any, held
by the unmarried minor children of such wife or husband
does not exceed the ceiling limit of the family as fixed
under clause (ii) of sub-section (1)':
Provided further that where the total extent of the
vacant land held by the wife or husband or both together
with the extent of vacant land held by the unmarried minor
children of such wife or husband exceeds the ceiling limit
as fixed under clause (ii) of sub-section (I), t?en, the
notional share of the major son or the unmarried major
daughter as provided fer in this sub-section shall be cal-
culated only in respect of the extent of the vacant land
which is in such excess.
(9) Where a person being a member of a housing co-
operative society registered or deemed to be registered
under any law for the time being in force, holds vacant
land allotted to him by such society, then the extent of
land so held shall also be taken into account in calculating
the extent of vacant land held by such person.
Explanation.-For the removal of doubts, it is hereby
declared that the definition of "family" in clause (f) I
of section 3 shall have no application for purposes cf sub-
sections (6), (7) and (8) except the prbvisos to sub-sections
$7) and (8).

1978 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land (Ceiling 727

and Regulation)

6. No person holding vacant land in excess of the ceiling Transfer cf

limit immediately befvrc the commencement of this Act vacant land-
shall transfer any such land or part thereof by way of sale,
mortgage, gift, lease or otherwise until he has furnished
a statement under section 7 and a notification regarding
the excess vacant land held by him has been published under
sub-section (1 of section 11 ; and any such transfer made
in contravention of this provision shall be deemed to be
null and void.

7. (1) Every person holding vacant land in excess of the Persons holding
ceiling limit at the commencement ef this Act shall, within vacant land
such period as may be prescribed, file a statement before i:i~l;z:
the competent authority having jurisdiction specifying the ,o file state-
location, extent and such other particulars as may be ment.
prescribed of all vacant lands and of any urban or other
land on which there is a building, whether or not with a
dwelling unit therein in any urban agglomeration held by
him (including the na.ture of his right, title or interest
therein) and also specifying the vacant lands within the
ceiling limit which he desires to retain.
(2) If the competent authority is of opinion that any
person holds at the commencement of this Act, vacant
land in excess of the ceiling limit, then, notwithstanding
anything contained in sub-section (11, it may serve a notice
upon such person requiring him to file, within such period
a s may be specified in the notice, the statement referred
to in sub-section (1) and the person on whom such notice
is served shall be bound to comply with such notice.
(3) The competent authority may, if it is satisfied
that it is necessary so to do, extend the date for filing the
statement under this section by such further pericd or
periods, as it may think fit :

Provided that the peliod or the aggregate of the

periods of such extension shall not exceed such period as
may be presclibed.
(4)The statement under this section shall be filed,-

(a) in the case of an individual, by the individual

himself ; where the individual is absent from India, by the
individual concerned or by some person duly authodsed
728 Urban Land (Ceilitfg and [I978 : T.N. Act 24

by him i n this behalf; and where the individual 1s

mentally incapacitated from attending to his affairs by
lais guardian or any other person competent to act on his
behalf ;

(b) in the case of a family, by the husband or wife,

and where the husband or wife is absent from India. or is.
mentally incapacitated from attending to his or her aff~irs,
by the husband or wife who is not so absent or mentelly
incapacitated and where both the husband and the wife zre
absent from India or are mentally incapacitated from
z,ttending to their affairs, by any other person competent
to act on behalf ofthe husband or wife or both ;
(c) in the case of a company, by the principal
officer thereof ;
(d) in the case of a firm, by any partner thereof ; I
(e) in the case of any other association, by any
member of the association or the principal officer thereof ;
(f) in the case of any other derson, by that person
or by a person competent to act on his behalf.

Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section,

" principal officer ",-
(i) in relation to a company, means the secretary,
manager or managing director of the company ;
(ii) in relation to any association, means the
secretary, treasurer, manager or agent of the association t .
and includes any person connected with the-managementof
the affairs of the company or the association, as the case
m a y bc, upon whom the competent authority has served a
notice of its intention of treating him as the principal officer
thereof. I
(5) If any person who is liable to file a statement
under this section fails to file the statement within theperiod
within which it hc7s to be filed, the competent authnr~ty,
may obtain necessary information In such manner as it
thinks fit.
1978: T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 729
(Ceiling and Regulation)

8. (1) Where a person holds vacant land situated within F ~ l i n gof

the jurisdiction of two or mare competent authorities, statement in
then, he shall Ile his statement under sub-section (1) of ~~~t~~~~
section 7 before the competent authority within the jurisdic- ileld by a
tion of which the major part thereof is situated and there- person is
after all subsequent proceedings under this Chapter shall situated within
be taken before that competent authority to the exclusion ~ ~ t ~
of the other competent authority or authorities concerned competent
and the competent euthority, before which the statement authorities.
is filed, shall send intimation thereof to the other competent
authority or authorities concerned.

(2) Where the extent of vacant land held by any

person and situated within the jurisdiction of two or more
competent authorities is equal, he shall file his sta,tement
under sub-section (1) of section 7 before any one of the
competent authorities and send intimation thereof in such
form as may be prescribed to the State Government and
thereupon, the State Government shall, by order, determine
the competent authority before which all subsequent
proceedings under this Act shall be taken to the exclusion
of the other competent ~uthorityo r authorities and
communicate that order to such person and the com-
petent authorities concerned.

9. (1) On the basis of the statement filed under sub- preparation of

section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 7 or on the basis draft statement
of information obtained under sub-section ( 5 ) of that :~,'f$&
section and after such enquiry as the competent authority held in excess
may deem fit to make, the competent authority shall of ceiling limit.
prepare a draft stztement in respect of the person who
has filed the statement under sub-section (1) or sub-section
(2) of section 7, or as the case may be, about whose lands
information has been obtained under sub-section (3) of
that section.

(2) Every statement prepared under sub-section (1)

shall contain the following particulars, namely :-
(i) the name and address of the person ;

(ii) the particulars of all va.ca.nt lands and ~f any

urban or other land on which there is a building, whether
or not with a dwelling unit therein, in eny urban agglo-
meration held by such person ;

730 Urban Land [l978 :T.N. A d 24

(Ceiling and Regulation)

(iii) the particulars of the vacant lands which such

person desires to retain within the ceiling limit and the
particulars of the vacant lands which such person is allowed
to retain within the ceiling limit ;
(iv) the particulars of the ri t, title or interest
of the person in the vacant lands; and
(v) such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(3) If any person has specified the particulars of the
vacant lands which he desires to retain within his ceiling
limit, the competent authority shall as far as practicable
declare the same vacant lands as comprised within his
ceiling limit :
Provided that the competent aithority may having
regard to the accessibility to the vacant lands in excess of
the ceiling limit held by such person or the optimum use
to which such vacant lands can be put, and such other
matters as may be prescribed, declare any other vacant
lands held by such person as comprised within his ceiling
(4) The draft statement shall be served in such
manner as may be prescribed on the person concerned
together with a notice stating that any objection to the
draft statement shall be preferred within thirty days of the
service thereof.
( 5 ) The competent authority shall duly consider any
objection received, within the period specified in the notice
referred to in sub-section (4) or within such further period
as may be specified by the competent authority for any
good and sufficient reason, from the person on whom a
copy of the draft statement has been served under that
sub-section and the competent authority shall, after giving
the objector a reasonable opportunity of being heard,
pass such orders as it deems fit.

Final state- 10. (1) After the disposal of the objections, if any,
mat. received under sub-section ( 5 ) of section 9, the competent
authority shall make the necessa.ry alterations in the draft
statement in accordance with the orders passed on the
objections aforesaid and shall determine the vacant land
held by the person concerned in excess of the ceiling limit
and cause a copy of the statement as so altered to be

1978 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land (Ceiling and 731

served in the manner referred to in sub-section (4) of
section 9 on the person concerned and where such vacant
landis heldunder a lease, or a mortgage, or a hire-purchase
agreement, or a n irrevocable power of attorney, also on the
owner of such vacant land and such statement so served
shall be deemed to be the final statement.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-

section (11, where the competent authority is satisfied that
any vacant land which is in excess of the ceiling limit is not
fit, or cannot be used, for the construction of any building
or the erection of any structure in accordance with the
building regulations governing such construction or erection
or, in a case where there are no such building regulations
in force, the competent authority is satisfied upon a n
inquiry made by it in such manner as may be prescribed
that any vacant land which is in excess of the ceiling limit
is not fit, or cannot be used for, the construction of any
building or the erection of any structure, then, the com-
petentauthority shall send a report to the State Government
and the State Government may, after such inquiry a s it
deems fit, declare that such excess vacant land shall not be
declared as land in e'xcess of the ceiling limit and the
decision of the State Government in this regard shall be

11. (1) As soon as may bc after the service of the final Acquisition 01
statement under section 10 on the person concerned, khe vacant land in
competent authority shall cause a notification giving the corn po it.
particulafs of the vacant land held by such perscn in
excess of the ceiling limit and stating that-

(i) such vacant land is to be acquired by the State

Government ;and

(ii) the claims of all persons interested in such

vacant land may be made by them personally or by their
agents giving particulars of tne nature of their interests in
such land,

to be published for the information of the gene~alpublic in

the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, and in such other
manner 3s may be prescribed.
732 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
[I378 i TN. A& Y
(2) After considering the claims of the persons
interested in the vacant land, mr.de t o the competent
authority in pursuance of the notification published
under sub-section (I), the competent authority shall
determine the nature and extent of such claims and pass
such orders as it deems fit.

(3) At any time after the publication of the notifi-

cat ion undet sub-section ( I ) th: competent zuthority
may, by notification in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette, declare that the excess vacant land referred to
in t h ; notification publishsd under sub-section (1) shall,
with effect from such date as m?.y be specified in the
declar2tion, b:: deemed t o have b:en acquired by the
State Government and upon the publica.tion of such
declaration, such land shall be deemed to have vested
absolutely in the State Government free from all
with effect from the date so specified.

(4) ~ u r i the
n ~ pe~iodcommencing on the date of
publication of the notification under sub-section (1) and
ending with the date specified in the declaration made
under sub-section (3)-

(i) no person shall transfer by way of sale, mort-

gage, gift, lease or otherwise any excess vacant land
(including any part thereof) specified in tht: notification
aforesaid and any such transfer made in contravention
of this provision shall be deemed to be null and void;
(ii) no person shall alter or cause to be altered
the use of such excess vacant land.

(5) Where any vacant land is vested in the State

Government under sub-section (3), the competent autho-
rity may, by notice in wrlting, order any p:rson who may
be in of it to surrender or deliver possession
thereof to the State Government or t o any person duly
authorised by t h d t a t e Government in this beba)f
within thi1t.y days of the service of the notice.
1978 : 1'.N Act 241 Urban Land 733
(Ceiling and Regulation)

(6) If any person refuses or fails t o comply with an

order made under sub-section (5), the competent autho-
rity may take possession of the vacant land or cause it
to be given t o the St ate Government or t o any person
duly a.uthorised by the State Government in this behalf
and may for that purpose use such force as may be

la. (1) Where any vacant land is dezmed t o have been payment of
acquired by the State Govzrnment under sub-section amount for
(3) of section 11, the State Government shall pay to the :z;;?pd
person or persons having any interest therein,-
(a) in a case where there is any income from
such vacant land, an amount equal t o ten times the net
average annual income actually derived from such land
duling the period of five consecutive ycars immediately
preceding the date of publication of the notification
issued under sub-section (1) of section 11:
Provided that where in respect of such vacant
land the amount calculated under this clause is less
than the amount calculated under clause (b) the
person or persons having interest in the vacant lend shall
be p ~ i dthe higher amount calculated under clause (b);
(b) in a case where no income is derived from
such vacant land, an amount ca.lculated at a rate-

(1 not exceeding fifty rupees per square metre in
the case o vacant land situated in an urban agglomera-
tion falling within category I specified in Schedule I;
(ii) not exceeding twenty-five rupees per square
metre in the case of vac+t land situated i n a n urban
rtgglomeration falling within category 11 Specified in
that Schedule; and
(iii) not exceeding fifteen rupees per square
metre in the case of vacant land situated in an urban
agglomeration falling within category 111 specified in that
(2) The net average a l n ~ a income
l referred to in
clause (a) of sub-section (1). shall be calculated in the
manner and in accordance ~ l t theh principles set out
Schedule 11.
434 Urban Eand ti978 : T.N. Act 'dA
(Ceiling and Regulation)
(3) For the purpose of clause (b) of sub-section (I),
the State Government shall-
(a) divide, by notification in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette, every urban agglomeration situated
within the State into different zones, having regard to the
location and the general use of the land situated in an
urban agglomeration, the utility of the land in that urban
agglomeration for the orderly urban development thereof
and such other relevant factors as the circumstances of
the case may require ; and
(b) fix, subject to the maximum rates specified
in that clause, the rate per square metre qf vacant land
in each zone, having regard to the availab~lityof vacant
land in the zone, the existing use of vacant land in the
zone and such other relevant factors as the circumstances
of the case may require.
(4) Different rates may be fked under clause (b)
of sub-section ( 3 ) for vacant lands situated in different
zones within each urban agglomeration.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
section (1) where any vacant land which is deemed to have
been acquired under sub-section (3) of section I 1 is held
by any person under a grant, lease or other tenure from
the Central Government or any State Government and-
(i) the terms of such grant, lease or other tenure
do not provide for payment of any amount to such person
on the termination of such grant, lease or other tenure
and the resumption of such land by the Central Govern-
ment or the State Government, as the case may be ; or
(ii) the terms of such grant, lease or other tenure
provide for payment of any amount to such person on
such termination and resumption, then,-
(a) in a case falling under clause (i), no amount
shall be payable in respect of such vacant land under sub-
section (1) ; and
(b) in a case falling under clause (ii), the amount
payable in respect of such vacant land shall be the amount 1
payable to him under the terms of such grant, lease or I

. .--.
i9j's : T.N. 8ct Urban Land $33
(Ceiling and Regulution)

other tenure on such termination and resumption or the

amount payable to him under sub-section (11, whichever
is less.
(6) The competenf authority may, by order in wri-
ting, determine the amount to be paid in accordance with
the provisions of this section as also the person, or,
where there are several persons interested in the land,
the persons to whom it shall be paid and in what
proportion, if any.
(7) Before determining the amount to be paid,
every person interested shall be given a n opportunity to
state his case as to the amount to be paid to him.
(8) The competent authority shall dispose of every
case for determination of the amount to be paid as
expeditiously a s possible and in any case within such
period as may be prescribed.
(9) Any claim or liability enforceable against any .
vacant land which is deemed to have been acquired under
sub-section (3) of section 11 may be enforced only against
the amount payable under this sectioiz in respect of such
land and against any other property of the owner of such
13. (1) The State Government may, by notification Constitution
in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, constitute one of Urban
or more Urban Land Tribunal or Tribunals. Land Trlbunal
and appeal to
(2) The Tribunal shall consist of a sole member dnf:$::y
who shall be a n officer of the rank of a Member of the
Board of Revenue".
(3) The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction over such
area as the State Government may, by notification in the
Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, specify.
(4) If any person is aggrieved by a n order of the
competent authority under section 12, he may, within
ninety days of the date on which the order is communi-
cated to him, prefer an appeal to the Tribunal having
g y virtue of scctioll 10 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Board of
Revenue Abolition Act, 1980 ( Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980)
any reference to the Member, Board of Revenue shall be deemei
to be a reference t o the Government or the Appropriate tho-
rity specified in the notification under sub-section (1) of section
4 of the said Act.
936 Urban Land. [l%: T.N Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulu tion)
jurisdiction over the are2- in which the vacant laLd (in
l been determined) is
relation to which the a r n ~ ~ u nhas
situated or where such land is situatecf within the jurisdic-
tion of more than one Tribunal to the Tribunal having
jurisdiction over the area in which a major part ?f such
land is situated or where the extent ~ t fsuch land s~tuated
within the jurisdiction of two or more Tribunals is equal,
to any of those Tribunals :
Provided that the Tribunal may entertain the appeal
after the expiry of the said period of ninety days if it is
satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient
cause from filing the appe-1 in time.
(5) In deciding appeals the Tribunal shall exercise
all the powers which a civil court has and follow the
saine procedure which a civil court follows in deciding
appeals against the decree of an original court under the
Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908).
Disputes 14. (1) In the event of there being a doubt or dispute
the as to the right of a persga t o receive the whole or any part
right to
receive the of the amount referred to in section 12, the competent
amount. authority or the Tribunal, as the case may be, shall refer
the matter to the court and shall meke the disbursements
in accordance with the decision of the court.
(2) In deciding a dispute referred to it by the com-
petent authority or the Tribunal under sub-section (I),
the jurisdiction of the court shall be limited to the decision
as to the right of a person to receive the whole or any
part of the amount referrod to in section 12 but such court
&all have no jurisdiction to go into the question of the
correctness of the determination or the adequacy of the
(3) Subject to the provisions of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908) applicable to
appeals from original decrees, and notwithstanding any-
thing to the contrary in any enactment for the time being
in force, an appeal shall only lie to the High Court from
any decision of the court under sub-section (1).

Explanation.--For the purposes of this section,

G4 court'' means-

(i) in the City of Madras, the City Civil Court 1


198 *: T.N. Act. 241 Urban tad 737

(Ceiling and Regulation)

(ii) elsewhere, the Subordinate Judge's Court

having jurisdiction and if there is no such Subordinate
Judge's Cowt, the District Cowt having jurisdiction.
15. An application for revision from any party aggrie- Revision by
ved, including the State Government, shall lie to the High High Court
Court within the prescribed period, from any order passed
on appeal by the Tribunal, on any of the following grounds,
namely :-
(a) that it exercised a jurisdiction not vested in it
by law ; or
(b) that it failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested];
(c) that it acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction
illegally or with material irregularity.

16. (1) The State Government shall, within a period Modeof

of six months from the date of the order of the corn- payment-of
petent authority determining the amount to be paid under
section 12, or, in a case where an appeal has been preferred
against such order under section 13 or where a revision
has been preferred under section 15, within a period of
six months from the date of the final order of the appellate
or revisional authority, pay the amount referred to in
section 12 to the person or persons entitled thereto.
(2) Twenty-five per cent of the amount or twenty-five
thousand rupees, whichever is less, shall be paid in cash
forthwith and the balance shall, during a period of fifteen
years, be paid in cash in equal annual instalments carrying
an interest at the rate of six per cent per annum with effect
from the date on which the vacant land is deemed to have
been, acquired by the State Government under sub-
section (3) of section 11.
17. (1) If, on or after the commencement of this Act, Ceilinglimit
any person acquires by inheritance, settlement or bequest on future
from any other person or by sale in execution of a decree acquisition by
I or order of a civil court or of an award or order of any ~~~~~~g
l other authority or by purchase or otherwise any vacant salein
1 land the extent of which together with the extent of execution of
, vacant land, if any, already held by him exceeds in the decrees, etc.
I aggregate the ceiling limit, then, he shall, within such
period as may be prescribed, file a statement before the
738 Urban and [I978 : T.N. Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)
competent authority having jurisdiction specifying the
location, value and such other particulars as may be
prescribed of all the vacant lands held by him and also
specifying the vacant lands within the ceiling limit
which he desires to retain.

(2) The provisions of sections 7 to 16 (both inclusive)

shall, so far as may be, apply t o the statement filed under
this section and t o the vacant land held by such person
in excess of the ceiling limit.
to enter 18. The competent authority o any person acting
upon any under the orders of the competent authority may, sub-
vacant land. ject to any rules made in this behalf and at such reason-
able time as may be prescribed, enter upon any vacant
land or any other land on which there is a building with
such assistance as the competent authority or such per-
son considers necessary and make survey and take measure-
ments thereof and do any other act which the competent
authority or such person considers necessary for carrying
out the purposes of this Act.

penalty for 19. (1) If the competent authonty, in the course of
concealment, any proceedings under this Act, is satisfied that any
etc., of person has concealed the particulars of any vacant land
vacant land. of or of any other land on which there is a building, whether
or not with a dwelling unit therein, held by him or fur-
nished inaccurate particulars of such land or of the user
thereof, it may, after giving such person an opportunity
of being heard in the matter, by order in writing, direct
that, without prejudice to any other penalty to which
he may be liable under this Act, such person shall pay,
by way of penalty, a sum which shall not be less than,
but which shall not exceed twice, the amount payable
under this Act in respect of the vacant land or of such
other land or both, as the case may be, in respect of which
the particulars have been concealed or in respect of which
inaccurate particulars as aforesaid have been furnished.

(2) Any amount payable under this section, if not

paid, may be recovered, as if ir were an arrear of land

1978 : T.N. Act 243 Urban Lund 739

(Ceiling and Regulation)

20. (1) Subject to the provisions of sub-sections (2) Chapter not

and (3) nothing in this Chapter shall apply to any vacant gz:?;:&
,l ,r
land held by- lands.

(i) the Central Government or any State Govern-

ment, or any local authority or any corporation estab-
lished by or under a Central or Provincial or State Act
or any Government company as defined in section 617
of the Companies Act, 1956 (Central Act 1 of 1956) :
(ii) any military, naval, or air force institution ;
(iii) any bank ;
Exp1anhtion.-In this clause, "bank" means any
banking company as defined in clause (c) of section 5
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (Central Act 10 of
1949) and includes-
(a) the Reserve Bank of India constituted under
the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (Central Act 2 of
1934) ;
(b) the State Bank of India constituted under
the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (Central Act 23 of
1955) ;
(c) a subsidiary bank as defined in the State
Bank of'1ndia (subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959 (Central
Act 38 of 1959) ;
(d) a corresponding new bank constituted under
section 3 of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and
Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 (Central Act 5 of
1970) ;
(e) the Industrial Finance Corporation of India,
established under the Industrial Finance Corporation
Act, 1948 (Central Act 15 of 1948), the Life Insurance
Corporation of India, established under the Life Insu-
rance Corporation Act, 1956 (Central Act 31 of 1956),
the Unit Trust of India, established under the Unit Trust
of India Act, 1963 (Central Act 52 of 1963), the Industrial
Development Bank of India e~tablishedunder the Indust-
rial Development Bank of India Act, 1964 (Central Act
18 of 1964), the Industrial Credit and Investment COIpora-
tion of India, the Industrial Reconstruction Corporation

440 UrbanLand
(Ceiling and Regulation)
I LIm : T. N. *a 24

of India and any other hancial institution hich the 1,

State Government may, by notification in the Tamil
Nadu Government Gazette, specify in this behalf ;
(iv) any public charitable or religious trust (inclu-
ding wakf) and required and used for any public charitable
or religious purposes :
Provided that the exemption under this clause
shall apply only so long as such land continues to be
required and used for such purposes by such trust.
Explanation.-For the purposes of this clause,-
(1) "public charitable or religious trust", means
a trust for a public purpose of charitable or religious or
of an educational nature and includes-

(i) any charitable or educational institution

of a public nature ; and
(ii) any temple, math, mosque, church or
other place by whatever name known, which is dedi-
cated to, or for the benefit ot, or used as of right by, any
community or section thereof as a place of public religious
worship ;
(2) "charitable purpose" includes relief of the
poor, medical relief and the advancement of any other
object of general public utility, not involving the carrying
on of any activity for profit ;
(v) any co-operative society, being a land mort-
gage bank or a housing co-operative society, registered
or deemed to be registered under any law relating to
cosperative societies for the time being in force :
Provided that the exemption under this clause,
in relation to a land mortgage bank, shall not apply to
any vacant land held by it otherwise than in satisfaction
of its dues ;
(vi) any such educational, cultural, technical 01
(i) institution ; or I1 I

- (ii) club ;
1978 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 741
(Ceiling and Regulation)

[not being a Corporation established by or under a Central

or Provincial or State Act refelred to i n clause (i) or a
society referred to in clause (vii)] as may be approved
for the purposes of this clause by the State Government
by general or special order, on application made to it
in this behalf by such institution or club or otherwise :

Provided that no approval under this clause shall

be accorded by the State Government unless the State
Government is satisfied that it is necessary so to do
having regard to the nature and scope of the activities
of the institution or club concerned, the extent of the
vacant land required bonafide for the purposes of such
institution or club and other relevant factors;

(vii) any society registered under the Societies

Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act 21 of 1860) or under
any other corresponding law for the time being in
form and used for any non-profit and non-commercial
purpose ;
(viii) a foreign State for the purposes of its diplo-
matic and consular missions or for such other official
purposes as may be approved by the State Government
or for the residence of the members of the said missions ;
(ix) the United Nations and its specialised agencies
for any official purpose or for the residence of the mem-
bers of their staff ;
(x) any international organisation for any official
purpose or for the residence of the members of the staff
of such organisation :
Provided that the exemption under this clause
shall apply only if there is an agreement between the
Government of India and such international organisa.
tion that such land shall be so exempted.

(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not be

construed as granting any exemption in favour of any
person, other than an authority, institution or organisation
specified in sub-section (I), who possesses any vTcant
land which is owned by such authori+y, in~titutionor
organisation or who owns any vacant land which is in the
possession of such authority, institution-or organisation :
742 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
1 [I978 : T.N. AcI 24

Provided that where any vacant land which is in

the possession of such authority, institution or organisa-
tion, but owned by any other person is, declared as excess
vacant land under this Chapter, such authority, insti-
tution or organisation shall, notwithstanding anything
contained in any of the foregoing provisjons of this
Chapter, continue to possess such land under the State
Government on the same terms and conditions subject
to which it possessed such land immediately before such
Explanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section,
the expression "to possess vacant land" means to possess
such land either as tenant or as mortgagee or under a
hire-purchase agreement or under an irrevocable power
of attorney or partly in one of the said capacities and
partly in any other of the said capacity or capacities.
1[(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in any
law for the time being in force,-
(a) no public charitable or religious trust (including
wakf) referred to in clause (iv) of sub-section (1) holding
any vacant land in excess of the extent of land which
excess land such trust would not have been entitled to
hold but for the exemption under this section shall transfer
any such excess land or part thereof by way of sale, mort-
gage, gift, lease or otherwise and any transfer of such
excess land or part thereof in contravention of the pro-
visions of this clause shall be null and void;
(b) if, at any time, the land held by such public chari-
table or religious trust (including wakf) referred to in
clause (iv) of sub-section (1) ceases to be required and
used for any public charitable or religious purposes, the
provisions of this Act shall, with immediate effect, apply
to such land and accordingly any vacant land in excess
of the extent of land which excess land such trust would
not have been entitled to hold but for the exemption
under the said clause (iv), shall be acquired by the Govern-
ment in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter :
1 This sub-section was substituted for the following original sub-
section by section 2 of the Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and
Regulation) Amendment Act, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 1979),
which was deemed to have come into force on the 17th May 1978:-
" 3 (a) Notwith~tandi~ganything contained in any other law for
the time being in force, no public charitable or religious trust (inclu-
dingwakf)referred to in clause (iv) cf sub-section ( I ) holding any
vacant land in acess of the extent of land which excess land such
trust would not have been entitled to hold but for the exemption

1978 : T.N Act 241 TJrban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Provided that the expression "commencement of

this Act" in this Chapter shall be construed as the date
on which the land ceases to be required and used for any
public charitable or religious purposes.]
under this section shall transfer any such excess land by way of sale
except with the previous permission, in writing, of the competpt
authority and the application in writing, to the competent author~ty
for such permission shall be in such form and in such manner as
n a y be prescribed.
(b) On receipt of an application under clause (a), the compe-
tent authority may, after making such inquiry as it deems fit as to
whether the proposed sale is necessary or beneficial to such trust, by
order, in writing, grant or refuse to grant the permission applied for :
Provided that the competent authority shall not refuse to grant
the permission applied for unless it has recorded, m writing, the
reasons for doing so and a copy of the same has been communi-
cated to the applicant.
(c) Where within a period of one hundred and twenty days
of the date of receipt of an application under 'clause (a), the compe-
tent authority does not refuse to grant the permission applied for or
does not communicate the refusal to the applicant, the competent
authority shall be deemed to have granted the permission applied for.
(d) Where the competent authority is of tho opinion that
the permission applied for under clause (a) may be granted, then, the
competent authority shall have the first option to purchase such land
or a portion thereof on behalf of the State Government at such price
as may be agreed upon between the competent authority and such
trust or in a case where there is no such agreement, at such price cal-
culated in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition Act,
1894 (Central Act I of 1894).
(e) If the option referred to in clause (d) is not exercised
within a period of one hundred and twenty days from the date of
receipt of the application for permission under clause (a), it shall be
presumed that the competent authority has no intention to purchase
such land on behalf of the State Government, and it shall be lawful
for such trust to sell the land to whomsoever ~t may like :
Provided that where the competent authority exercises within
the period aforesaid the option to purchase such land, the execution of
the sale deed shall be completed and the payment of the purchase
price thereof shall be made within a period of three months from the
date on which such option is exercised.
( f ) For the purpose of calculating the price of any vacant
land under clause (d), it shall be deemed that a notification under sub-
section (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act
I of 1894) had been issued for the acquisition of such vacant land on
the date on which permission for sale under clause (a) was applied
(g)Any transfer of vacant e n d by way of sale made by the
public charitable or religious trust m contravention of the provisions
of clause (a), shall be null and void.".

Urban Land [I978 :T.N. Act 34

(Ceiling and Regulation)
to ~xempt 21. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any
of the foregoing provisions of this Chapter,-

(a) where any person holds vacant land in excess

of the ceiling limit and the State Government is satisfied,
either on its own motion or otherwise, that, having regard
to the location of such land, the purpose for which such
land is being or is proposed to be used and such other
relevant factors as the circumstances of the case may
require, it is necessary or expedient in the public interest
so to do, the State Government may, by order, exempt
Itwhether prospectively or retrospectively and] subject to
such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order,
such vacant land from the provisions of this Chapter ;

(b) where any person holds vacant land in excess

of the ceiling limit and the State Government either on
its own motion or otherwise, is satisfied that the appli-
cation of the provisions of this Chapter would cause undue
hardship to such person, the State Government may, by
order, exempt lrwhether prospectively or retrospectively
and] subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified
in the order, such vacant land from the provisions of
this Chapter ; I I

Provided that no order under this clause shall be
made unless the reasons for doing so are recorded in
(c) Where any person holds vacant land in excess
of the ceiling limit and where in respect of such excess land
the State Government or the Central Government or any
company or corporation owned or controlled by the
Central or State Government or any educational or
medical institution has entered into an agreement before
the commencement of this Act for sale of such excess
vacant land or part thereof and the State Govern-
ment either on its own motion or otherwise is satisfied
that such agreement is for the benefit of the State
Government or the Central Government or such company
or corporation or institution, as the case may be, and
that the transaction is bona Jide, the State Government

1 These words were inserted by section 2 (i) of the Tamil Nadu

Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Amendment Act, 1981 (Tam3
Nadu Act 62 of 1981).

1978: T. N. Act a43 Urban Land 745

(Ceiling and Regulation)

may, by order, subject to such conditions, if any, as may

be specified in the order, exempt l[whether prospectively
or retrospectively] such vacant land or part thereof as
the case may be, from the provisions of this Chapter.
(2) If a t any time the State Government js
satisfied that any of the conditions subject to which
any exemption under clause (a), clause (b) or clause (c)
of sub-section (1) is granted is not complied with by any
person, it shall be competent for the State Government
to withdraw, by order, such exemption after giving a reason-
able opportunity to such person for making a represen-
tation against the proposed withdrawal and thereupon
all the provisions of this Chapter shall apply accordingly.

22. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any E X ~ S Svacant

of the foregoing provisions of this Chapter, where a person land not to
holds any vacant land in excess of the ceiling limit and be tr?tcd as
such person declares within such time, in such form ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ s e 9 .
and in such manner as may be prescribed before the com-
petent authority that such land is to be utilised for the
construction of dwelling unit (each such dwelling unit
having a plinth area not exceeding eighty square metres)
for the accommodation of the weaker sections of
the society, in accordance with any scheme approved
by such authority as the State Government may, by
notification, in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette,
specify in this behalf, then, the competent authority may,
after making such inquiry as it deems fit, declare such
land not to be excess land for the purposes of this Chapter
and permit such person to continue to hold such land
for the aforesaid purpose, subject to such terms and
conditions as niay be prescribed including a condition as
to the time limit within which such dwelling units are to
be constructed.
(2) Where any person contravenes any of the terms
or coditions subject to which the permission has been
granted under sub-section (1) the competent authority
shall, by order, and after giving such person an oppor-
tunity of being heard, declare such land to be excess land
and tfereupon all the provisions of this Chapter shall
apply accordingly.

1 lime words were inserted by section 2 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu

Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Amendment Act, 1981 ( T a ~ l
Nadu Act 62 of 1981).
746 Urban Land [I978 : T.N. Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Retention of
23. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any
vacant land of the foregoing provisions of this Chapter, where any
under wrtain person has demolished wholly or partly before the com-
mencement of this Act, or demolishes wholly or partly
after such commencement, any building on any land held
by him or any such building is destroyed or demolished
wholly or partly either before or after such commencement,
solely or partly due to natural causes and beyond the
control of human agency and as a consequence thereof,
in each such case, the land on which such building has
been constructed becomes vacant land and the aggregate
of the extent of such land and the extent of any other
vacant land held by him exceeds the ceiling limit, then,
he shal1,within such time as may be prescribed file a state-
ment before the competent authority having jurisdiction
specifying the location, value and such other particulars
as may be prescribed, of all the vacant lands held by

(2) Where, on receipt of a st tement under sub-
section (I) and after such inquiry as the competent
authority may deem fit to make, the competent authority
is satisfied that the land which has become vacant land
is required by the holder for the purpose of redevelop-
ment in accordance with the master plan, such authority
may, subject to such conditions and restrictions as it
may deem fit to impose, permit the holder to retain such
land in excess of the ceiling limit for such purpose and
where the competent authority is not so satisfied and does
not so permit, the provisions of sections 7 to 16 (both
inclusive) shall, so far as may be, apply to the statement
filed under sub-section (1) and to the vacant land held
by such person in excess of the ceiling limit.

1 24. (1) It shall be competent for the State Govern-

I merit to allot, by order, in excess of the ceiling Iinit any
acquired vacant land which is deemed to have been acquired by
under the the State Government under this Act or which has been,
Act. or is, acquired by the State Government under any other
law, or which otherwise belongs to the State Government,
to any person for any purpose relating to, or in connection
with, any industry or for providing residential zccom-
modation of such type as may be approved by the State
Government to the employees of any industry and it
shall be lawful for such person to hold such land in exceBs
of the ceiling limit.

1978 : T. N. Act 243 Urban Land 747

(Ceiling and Regulation)
Explanation.-For the purposes of this section,-
(a) where any land with a building has been or is
acquired by the State Government under any other law
and such building has been subsequently demolished by
the State Government, then, such land shall be deemed
to be vacant land acquired under such other law ;
(b) ' industry' means any business, profession,
trade, undertaking or manufacture.
(2) In making an order of allotment under sub-section
(I), the State Government may impose such conditions
as may be specified therein including a condition as to
the peri~d~within which the industry shall be put in ope-
ration or, as the case may be, the residential accom-
I modation shall be provided for :
Provided that if, on a representation made in this
behalf by the allottee, the State Government is satisfied
that the allottee could not put the industry in operation,
or provide the residential accommodation, within the period
specified in the order of allotment, for any good and
sufficient reason, the State Government may extend such
period to such further period or periods as it may deem
(3) Where any condition imposed in an order of
allotment is not complied with by the allottee, the State
Government, shall, after giving an opportunity to the
allottee to be heard in the matter, cancel the allotment
with effect from the date of the non-compliance of such
condition and the land allotted shall revest in the State
Government free from all encumbrances.
(4) Where any vacant land whichis in the posses-
sion of any person for any Purpose relating to, or in
~onnectionwith, any industry but owned by any other
person, is declared as excess vacant land under this Chapter,
person in possession of such vacant land shall, not-
withstanding anything contained in any of the foregoing
provisions of this Chapter, continue to possess such land
under the State Government under such terms and condim
tjons as may be fixed by the State Government.
~x~lanation.-For the purposes of this sub-section,-
(i) the expression " to possess vacant land
shall have the same meaning as in the Explanation under
sub-section (2) of se0tion 20 ;
1 748 Urban Land [I978 : T.N. Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)

(ii) the expression " industry '' 'shall have thk

same meaning as in clause (b) of the Explanation under
sub-section (1).
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in the fore-
going provisions of this section, any vacant land deemed
to have been acquired by the State Government under
this Act or which has been, or is, acquired by the State
Government under any other law or which otherwise
belongs to the State Government shall be disposed of in
any manner whatsoever (including sale by auction or
otherwise) by the State Government to subserve common
good on such terms and conditions as the State Govern-
ment may deem fit to impose and it shall be lawful for
any person in whose fzvour such land has been disposed
of to hold such land in excess of the ceiling limit so long
as he complies with such terms and conditions.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-
sections (1) to (51, where the State Government is satisfied
that it is necessary to retain or reserve any vacant land,
deemed to have been acquired by that Government under
this Act, for the benefit of the public, it shall be competent
for the State Government to retain or reserve such land
for the same. I
VeciaI voyi- 25. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sectibn
disposal of
24 where any person, being the owner of any vacant land,
,,at lands had leased out or mortgaged with possession such land or
in favour of had given possession of such land under a hire-purchase
certain persons. agreement to any other person and as a consequence
thereof he has no vacant land in his possession or has
vacant land in his possession less in extent than the ceiling
limit and where the land so leased or mortgaged or given
possession of is deemed to have been acquired by the
State Government under this Chapter, then, such person
shall be entitled to make an application to the State Govern-
ment in such form and containing y c h particulars as
may be prescribed within a period of SIX months from the
date of such acquisition for the assignment to him,-
(a) in a case where he has no land in his possession,
of so much extent of land as is not in excess of the ceiling
limit ; or
(b) in a case where he has land in his possession
less in extent than the ceiling limit, of s? much extent of
land as is required to make up the dcficlency :


1948 : T. N. ~ c h]
t rirban and 749
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be

deemed to entitle a person for the assignment of land in
excess of the extent of the land leased or mortgaged with
possession or given possession under a hire-purchase
agreement as aforesaid by such person.
(2) On receipt of an application under sub-section
(I), the State Government shall, after making such inquiry
as it deems fit, assign such land to such person on payment
of an amount equal to the amount which has been paid
by the State Government for the acquisition of the extent
of land to be assigned.

26. In this Chapter, "plinth area " in relation to- Definition.

(i) a dwelling unit in a building consisting of only
one floor, means the area of the dwelling unit at the floor
level and includes the thickness of the outer walls
thereof ;
(ii) a dwelling unit in a building consisting of
two or more floo~s,means the area of the dwelling
unit at each floor level where the dwelling unit is
proposed to be situated and includes the thickness of
the outer walls thereof and the proportionate area
int nded for any common service facility at the floor
level aforesaid.
Explanation.-Fqr. t k purpose of this clause,
" common service faclllty ", includes facility like
staircase, balcony and verandah.
27. (1) No document relating t o transfer of any Statemtnt to
vacant land either by sale, gift, exch:.nge, lease, pas- be made
sessory mortgage, m.Irrfnder, agreement, settlement, or registering
otherwis , shall be registered unlbss a statement in authority in
writing is made in duplicate in such form as may br:certaln cases.
prJscribcd and filed by the transferor and the trans-
f-reu be for^ th' registering authority under the Regist-
ration Act, 1908 (C Act XVI of 1908), as to the
total extent of vacmt land held by him :
Provided that no statement as required under this
sub-section need be filed by the transferor and t b
transfere~to the iegistering authority in respect of such
document as is refbrred to in this sub-section which b s
been presented to the registering authority bebre

758 Urban Land [ l 9 8 : T.N.Act 24

(Ceiling and Regulation)
commencement of this Act and is pending registration
on the date of the publication ofthis Act in the ~ a m i l
Nadu Government Gazette.
(2) The registering authority referred to in sub-
section (1) shall forward within such time and in such
manner as may be prescribed, one copy of the statc-
1 ment referred to in sub-section (1) t o the competent
authcrity, within whose jurisdiction such land which is
the subject-matter of the transfer or the major part
thereof is situated.
(3) On receipt of the copy of the statement under
sub-section (2), the competent authority may obtain
such information a s may be necessary and take such
action as he deems fit in acso~dancewith the provi- ,

sions of this Act, and in accordance with such rules

as may be made in this behalf.
Regulation of a.NO person shall construct any building with
construction a dwelling unit having a plinth area,-
of buildings (a) where the building proposed to be constructed
with dwelltng
units. is situated in an urban agglomeration falling within
category I specified in Schedule I, in excess of three
hundred square metres ;
(b) where the building proposed to be cons-
tructed is situated in an urban agglomeration falling
within category I1 or category 111 specified in
Schedule I, in excess of five hundred square
metres :
Providzd that nothing in this section shall apply
to any building with a dwelling unit owned by the
State Government or Central Government or any
Company or Corporation owned or controlled by the
Central or State Government.
Demolition 29. (1) Where the construction of a building is corn-
and stoppage menced after the commencement of this Act and is
Of carried on and completed in contravention of the
, in
provisions of section 28, the Competent authority
appeal. having jurisdiction over the area in whlch the building
is situated, may make an order directing that such
construction shall be demolished, either wholly or
partly, or modified by the person at whose i n s t m e
the construction has been commenced and is being
carlied on and completed, t o the extent such demoli-
tion or modification does not contravene the piovi-
sions of that section, within such period (not being

i f i 8 : T. N. Act 241 Urban Land 751

( C e i h g and Regulation)
less than fifteen days and more than thirty days from
the date on which s copy of the order of demolition
with a brief statement of the reasons therefor has been
dtllvered to that peIson ) a s may be specified in the
order for the demolition or modification:
Provided that no order for the demolition or
modification shall be made unless the person has been
given by means cf a notice served in such manner as
the competent authority may think fit a reasonable
opportunity of showing cause why such older she.11
not be made :
Provided further that, where the construction
has not been completed, the competcnt authority may,
by the sa.me order or by a separate order, whether
made at the time of the issue of the notice under the
first proviso or at any other time, direct the person
to stop the construction until the expiry of the
period within which an appeal bgainst the order for
the demolition or modification, if made, m:.y b .
preferred under sub-section (2) :
Provided also that nothing in this sub-section
shall apply t o ~ n ybuilding constructed after the
commencement of this Act in pursuance of a plan
approved beforc the commencement of this Act by the
appropriate ?.uthority under any law in force.
(2) Any person aggrieved by an order of the com-
petent authority made under sub-section (1) may prefer
an appeal against the order to the Tribunal having
jurisdiction over the area in which the building is
situated within the period specified in the order for the
demolition or modification of the construction to which
it relates.
(3) Where an appeal is preferred under sub-section(2)
against the order for the demolition or modification the
Tribunal may stay the enforcement of that order on
such terms, if any, and for such period, as it may
think fit:
Provided that, where the construction of any build-
ing has not been completed at the time of the nlaking
of the order for the demolition or modification, no
order staying the enforcement of the order for the
I demolition or modification shall be made by the
I Tribunal unless security, sufficient in the opinion of the
Tribunal, has been given by the appellant for net pro-
ceeding with such construction pending the disposal of
the appeal.

451 A- -
-7-- (T
I urband [lW$: *,H. Ad M
(Ceiling and Regulation) I
(4) The provisions of sub-section (5) of section 13
and of section 15 shall apply to or in relation to an
appeal preferred under sub-section (2) as they apply to
or in relation to an appeal preferred under sub-section (4)
of section 13.
(5) Save as provided in this ection, n:, court
shall entertain any suit, application or other proceeding
for injunction or other relief against the competent
authority to restrain it from taking any action or mak-
ing any order in pursuance of the provisions of this
(6) Where no appeal has been preferred against an
order for the demolition or modification made by the
competent authority under sub-seciion (I), or where an
order for the demolition or modification made by the
competent authority under that sub-section has been
confirmed on appeal, whether with or without variation,
the person against whom the order has been made shall
comply with the order within the period specified there-
in, or as the case may be, within the period, if any,
fixed by the Tribunal or the High Court on appeal or
revision, as the case may be and on the failure of the
person to comply with the order within such period, the
competent authority may himself cause the construction
to which the order relates to be demolished or modified
and the expenses of such demolition or modification
shall be recoverable from such person as an arrear of
land revenue.

Government of an amount equal to the amount which

has been paid by the State Government for such
i9?8 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 753
(Ceiling and Regulatiolz)


1 31. The competent authority shall have all the powers Powezs d
of a Civil Court, while trying a suit under the Code of Compofcnt
Civil Procedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908) in respect Au!hority.
of the following matters, namely :-

I -
(a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any
person and examining him on oath ;
(b) requiring the discovery and production of any
document ;

I (c) receiving evidence on affidavits ;

(d) requisitioning any public record o r copy there*
of from any court or office ;
(e) issuing commissions for the examination of
witnesses or documents ;and

I (f) any ether matter which may be prescribed.

32. Where under sub-section (2) of section 8, the State Jurisdiction of
Government determines the competent authority or where, Competent
for the reason that the extent of the vacant land situated $ E
within the jurisdiction of two or more Tribunals is equal, special cases,
an appeal has been preferred t o any one of the Tribunals
under sub-section (4) of section 13, then, such competent
authority or Tribunal, as the case may be, shall, notwith-
standing that any portion of the vacant land t o which the
proceedings before the competent authority or the appeal
before the Tribunal relates, is not situated within the area
of its jurisdiction, exercise all the powers and functions
of the competent authority or Tribunal, as the case may be,
having jurisdiction over such portion of the vacant Iand
under this Act in relation to such proceedings or appeal.
33. (1) Any person aggrieved by an order made by the Appeal.
competent authority under this Act, not being an order
under section 12 or an order under sub-section (1) of sectioli
29, may, within thirty days of the date on which the order
is communicated t o him, prefer an appeal to such authority
as may be prescribed (hereafter in this section referred t a
as the appellate authority) :
I [I978 : T.&AG
I. %i
'454 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Provided that the appellate authority may entertain

the appeal after the e'xpiry of the said period of thirty days
ifit is satisfied that the appellalit was prevented by sufficient
cause from filing the appeal in time.
(2) On receipt of an appeal under sub-section (I),
the appellate authority shall, after giving the appellant an
opportunity of being heard, pass such orders thereon as it
deems fit as expeditiously as possible.
(3) Every order passed by the appellate authority
under this section shall be final.

Revision by 34. The State Government may, on its own motion,

State Govern- call for and examine the records of any order passed or
ment. proceeding taken under the provisions of this Act against
which no appeal has been preferred under section 13 or
section 29 or section 33 for the purpose of satisfying itself
as to the legality or propriety of such order or as to the
regularity of such procedure and pass such order with
respect thereto as it may think fit :

Provided that no such order shall be made except after

giving t he person affected a reasonable opportunity of being
heard in the matter.

Bar of
35. Save as otherwise provided in this Act, no order
jurisdiction* passed or proceeding taken by any officer or authority
under this Act shall be called in question in any court,
in any suit or application and no injunction shall be granted
by any court in respect of any action taken or t o be taken
by such officer or authority in pursuance of any power
conferred by or under this Act.

Powcr of 36. The State Government may issue such orders and
State Goyern- directions of a general character as it may consider
merit to Issue necessary in respect of any matter relating to the powers
ainctiom ::a and duties of the competent authority and thereupon the
the Corn- competent authority shall give edfect to such orders and
petent diractiom.

Returns and 37. The competent authority shall furnish to the

reports. State Government such returns, statistics, accounts and
other information as the StateGovernment may, from time
to time, require.
1978 :T.N.Act 243 Urban Land -755
(Ceiling and Regulation)

38. The State Governm~nlmay, by notification, direct Delegation of

that all or any of the powers exercisable by it under this powers.
Act except the power to make rules under section 47 and
the power to issue notification under sub-clause (ii) of
clause (n)of section 3 and section 48 may in such circums-
tances and under such conditions, if any, as may be speci-
fied in the notification be exercisable a l s ~
by such officer
or authority subordinate to the State Government as may
be specified in the notification,

39. (1) If any person who is under an 01:ligation t o Offences and

file a statement under this Act fails, without reasonable punthmentd.
cause or excuse, to file the statement withinthe time specified
for the purpose, he shall be punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to two years or with fine
which may extend to five thousand rupees or with both.

(2) If any person who, having been convicted under

sub-section (I), continues t o fail, without reasonable
cause or excuse, to file the statement he shall be punishable
with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for every
day during which such contravention continues after
conviction for the first such contravention. . -

(3) If any person who is under an obligation to file a

statement under this Act files a statement which he knows
or has reason t o believe to be false, he shall be punishable
with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two
years or with fine which may extend to five thousand
rupees or with both.

(4) If any person contravenes any of the provisi6ns

of this Act for which no penalty has been expressly
provided for, he shall be punishable with imprisonment
for a term which may extend t o two years or with fine which
may extend to fivethousand rupees or with both.

40. (1) Where an offence under this Act has been by

committed by a company, every person who, at the time companie.
the offence was committed, was in charge of, and was
responsible t o the company for the conduct of the business
of the company as well as the company, shall be deemed
t o be guilty ofthe offence and shall be liable t o be proceeded
:gainst and puninbd accordingly :
825- 1 0 4 8 ~
'756 Urban Land [lWS: T. N. Act &
(Ceiling and Regulation) I

Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section

shall render any such person liable to any punishment,
if he proves that the offence was committed without his
knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent
the commission of such offence.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-

section (1) where an offence under this Act has been
committed by a company and it is proved that the offence
has b:en committed with t h ~ conccnt
: or conniv?.nce of,
or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, z.ny
director, manager, secretary, or other officer of the
comp'3ny, such director, managzr, secretary or other
officer sh8.11 also be deemed to be guilty of that
offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and
punished accordingly.

~xp1anation.-For the purp ses of this section,-
(a) " company " means any body cprpora.te and
includes a firm or other association of individuals; ana
(b) '' director " in relation t o R firm, means 2
partner in the firm.

41. No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against
the State Government or any officer or authority of the
State Government in respect of anyth~ngwhich is in good
faith done 01 intended to be done by or under this Act.

~opnizanceof 411. No court shall take cognizance of any offence

offences. punishable under this Act except on complaint in writing
made by the competent authority or any officer authorised
by the competent authority in this behalf and no court
inferior to that of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial
Magistrate of the first-class shall try any such offence.
nct to 43. The provisions of this Act shall have effect not-
override witnstanding anything inconsistent therewith in any other
Other laws. law for tbe time being in force or any custom, usage or
agreement or decree or order of a court, tribunal or other
Court-fees. 44. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Tamil
Nadu Court-fees m d Suits Valuation Act, 1955 (Tamil
Nadu Act XIV of 1955), every application, appeal or other
proceeding under t h s Act shall bear a court-fee stamp of
such value as may be prescribed.
1978 4 T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 757
(Ceiling and Regulation)

45. Every officer acting under, or in pursuance of, the Certain

provisions of this Act or under the ~ulesmade thereunder officers to be
shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning public servants.
of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (Central Act XLV
of 1860).

46. Clerical or arithmetical mistakes in any order Correction

passed by any officer or authority under this Act or errors
arising therein from any accidental slip or omission may
at any time be corrected by such officer or authority
either on his or its own motion or on an application received
in this behalf from any of tbe parties.

47. (1) The State Government may, by notification Power to

in the TamiI Nadu Government Gazette, make rules for make
carrying out the provisions of this Act,
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the genera-
lity of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all
or any of the following matters, namely :-
(a) the cultivation or growing of plant which wili
not be agriculture under clause (A) of the Explanation to
clause (0) of section 3 ;
(b) the period within which the statement may be
filed under section 7 ;
(c) the form of intimation under sub-section (2)
of section 8 ;
f d ) the particulars to be mentioned in the statement
referred to in sub-section (1) of section 7, sub-section (2)
of section 9 and sub-section (1) of section 17 ;
I (e) the manner of serving the draft statement under
sub-section (4) of section 9 ;
(f)the manner of publishing the notification under
sub-section (1) of section 11 ;
(g) the time wlthin which the competent authority
shall dispose of a case under sub-section (8) of section 12 ;
(h) the times during which the competent authority
o r any person acting under the orders of such authority
may enter upon any vacant land under section 18 ;
7 58 Urbm Zand '[lW8: T.N. Act 24
(Cefling and Regulation)

( f ) the time within which and the form and the

mznnex in which a declaration under sub-section (1) of
section 22 shall be made before the competent authority ;
(f) the terms and conditiors subject to which a
psrson permitted under sub-section (1) of section 22 may
hold land ir excess of the ceding limit ;
(k) the particulars to be mentioned in the statement
referred t o in sub-section (1) of section 23 ;
(1) the form in which an application under sub-
section (1) of section 25 may be made and the particulars
to be mentloned in such application ;
(m)the powers of the competent authority under
clause (f)of section 31 ;
(n) the appellate authority under sub-section (1)
of section 33 ;
(0) the value of the court-fee stamp to be affixed
Dn an application, appeal, or other proceecbng under
saction 44 ;
(p) any other matter which is to be, or may be,
qrovided for by rules under t h ~ sAct.
(3) Every rule made under this Act shall, as soon as
possible, after it is made, be placed 01; the table of both
Houses of the Legislature and if, before the expiry of the
session in which it is so placed or the nrxt session, both
Houses agrec in making any modification in any such rule
or both Houses agree that the rule should not be madc,
the rule shall thereafter have effect, only in suchmodified
form or be of no effect, as the case may be, so, however,
that any such modification or annulment shall be without
prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under
that rule. ,
48. (1) The State Government may, after taking into
lnclvsion cf
account the object of thisAct and such other matters as
area in may be prescribed, by notipcation in the Tamil Nadu
Sche?ule I. Government Gazette include any area adjoining the area
comprised in the urban agglomeration specified in category
I, I1 or 111 in Schedule I in such urban agglomeration and
on the issue of such notification, the provisions of this Act
shall apply to the adjoining area specified in such noti-
1978 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 759
(Ceiling and Regulation)
(2) For the purposes of application of this Act,
in respect of any such adjoining area included under sub.
section (1) in the urban agglomeration specified in category
I, I1 or I11 in Schedule I, "commencement of this Act"
shall mean the date of publication of the notification under
sub-section (1) in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette.

49. The State Gover~ment may, by notification, Power to amend

amend prospectively or retrospectively Schedule 111. Schedule U.

50. (1) If any diaculty arises in giving effect to the power l o

provisions of this Act, the State Government may, by order, remove
do anything not inconsistent with such provisions which difficulties.
appears to it to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of
removing the difficulty.
(2) No order under sub-section (1) shall be made
after the expiration of a period of two years from the date
of publication of this Act in the Tamil Nadu Government

51. (1) The Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and R~p-pea!and
Regulation) Act, 1976 (President's Act 34 of 1976) (herein- Saving
after referred to as the said Act), is hereby repealed.

(2) Notwithstanding such repeal anything done or

any action or proceeding taken under the said Act including
any notification issued, rules and orders issued, returns
furnished and statements filed or served in so far as they
are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall
be deemed to have been done, taken, issued, filed or
published under this Act.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-

sectio~l(2) and in section 8 of the Tamil Nadu General
Clauses Act, 1891 (Tamil Nadu Act I of 1891), any state-
ment filed by any person before the competent authority,
or any statement served or notification published by any
competent authority and all proceedings taken for the
purpose of the determination of excess vacant land under
the provisions of the said Act in so far as they relate to
such persons who are not holding vacant land in excess
of the ceiling limit fixed under this Act, shall be deemed to
have never been filed, served, published or taken and the
provisions of this Act shall have effect accordingly,

Vrbon Land (Ceiling and 11978 : T.N. Act 24.

Regulation) I

[See sections 3 (n), 5, 12, 28 and 48.1 1
Madras Urban Agglomeration,
(1) Madras Corporation.
(2) Tiruvottiyur Municipality.
(3) Alandur Municipality.
(4) Tambar am Municipality.
(5) Pallavaram Municipality.
(6) Madhavaram Township.
(7) Kathivakkam Township.
(8) Avadi Township.
(9) Ambattur Township. 1
(10) St. Thomas Mount-cum-Pallavaram Cantonment.
(11) Villivakkam Town Panchayat.
(12) Thiruvanmiyur Town Panchayat. I
(13) Kunrathur Town Panchayat.
(14) Anakaputhur Town Panchayat.
(15) Kodambakkam Town Panchayat,
(16) Pammal Town Panchayat.
(17) Saligramam Town Panchayat.
(18) Velacheri Town Panchayat .
(19) Virugambakkam Town Panchayat.
(20) Polal Town Panchayat.
(21) Thiruneermrvlai Town Panchayat.
(22) Chitlapakkam Town Panchayat.
(23) Perungalathur Town Panchayat.
(24) Naravarikuppam Town Panchayat.
(25) Nandambakkam Town Panchayat. I
(26) Maduravayal Town Panchayat.
(27) Kodungaiyur Town Panchayat.
(28) Oragadam Panchayat. I
(29) Erukkancheri Town Panchayat.
(30) Nerkundram Panchayat.

1978 : T.N. Act t l ] Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) 961

Madras Urban Agglomeration-cQ~t.
(31) Koyambedu Panchayat.
(32) Peerkankaranai Panchayat.
(33) Polichalur Panchayat.
(34) Meenambakkam Panchayat,
(35) Pallikaranai Panchayat.
(36) Thirusulam Panchayat.
(37) Thirumangalam Panchayat.
(38) Kathirvedu Pmchayat.
(39) Perungudi Panchayat.
140) Mathur Panchayat.
(41) Veagavasal Panchayat.
(42) Sadayankuppam Panchayat.
(43) Madipakkam Panchayat.
(44) Kottivakkam Panchayat. .

Revenue villages in Saidaget t a M .

(45) 4 Kadappakkam.
(46) 11 Theerthagirayampattu.
(47) 13/2 Pullidyon.
(48) 15 Vadagarai.
(49) 16 Thandalkalani.
(50) 24 Vaickadu.
(51) 26 Manali.
(52) 29 Chinnasekkadv.
(53) 62 Soorapattu.
(54) 64 Puthagaram.
(55) 65 Kolathur.
(56) 82 Nolambur.
(57) 83 Adayalampattu.
(58) 84 Perumalagaram.
(59) 85 Ayanambakbam.
(60) 90 Ayappakkam.
(61) 91 Koladi.
(62) 92 Noombal.
(63) 93 Sivaboodam.
762; Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulatb) I 11978 : T.N. Act 24

Revenue villages in Saidapet taluk-cont. . 1

..- .

(64) 94 Chettiaragaram.
(65) 96 Vanagaram.
(66) 97 Karambakkam.
(67) 98 Porur.
(68) 101 Valasaravakkam.
(69) 102 Ramapuram.
(70) 126 Cowl Bazaar.
(71) 135 Ullagaram.
(72) 138 Tharamani.
(73) 139 Kanagam.
(74) 142 Palavakkam.
(75) 145 Neelangarai.
(76) 150 Medavakkam.
(77) 151 Numangalam.
(78) 152 Kovilambakkam.
(79) 153 Kolathur.
(80) 157 Moovarasampattu.
(81) 161 Sembakkam.
(82) 164 Pulikkoradu.
(83) 165 Kadapperi.
(84) 166 Tambaram.
(85) 172 Thiruvanjeri.
(86) 174 Rajakilpakkam.
(87) 175 Gowrivakkam.
(88) 188 Jalladiampet.

Revenue villages in Ponneri taluk.

(89) 8 Padiyanallur.
(90) 13 Vichur.
Revenue village in Sriperumbudur taluk 1
(91) 66 Manapakkam.

Revenue villages in Chengalpattu taluk.

(92) 2 Vandalur.
(93) 3 Kilambakkam.
1978 : T.N.Act 241 Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation)


Madurai Urban Agglomeration.

(1) Madurai Corporation.
(2) Avaniyapuram Panchayat.
(3) Tiruparankundram Panchayat.
(4) Paravai Panchayat.
(5) Vilangudi Panchayat.
(6) Samayanallur Panchayat.
(7) Harveypatti Township.
(8) Tirunagar Panchayat.
(9) Thathaneri Panchayat.
(10) Thiagarajar Colony Panchayat.

Revenue village in Madurai South taluk,

(11) 1512 Pudukulam 2nd Bit.

Coimbatore Urban Agglomeration.

(1) Coimbatore Municipality.
(2) Singanallur Municipality.
(3) Kurichi Panchayat. 8

(4) Telungapalayam Panchayat.

(5) Sanganur Panchayat.
(6) Kuniamuthur Panchayat.
(7) Ganapath~Panchayat .
(8) Madukkarai Township.
(9) Komarapalayam Panchayat.
(10) Vallalore Pan chayat.
(11) Kavundampalayam Panchayat.
(12) Vilankurichi Panchayat.
(1 3) Perur Chettipalayam Panchayat.
(14) Perur !Panchayat.
(1 5) Chinnavedampatti Pancha yat .
Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
' [1978: T. N. Act 24

Revenue villages in Coimbatore taluk. 1

(16) 14 Saravananpatti. I
(17) 19 Vellaikinar.
(18) 20 Thudiyalur.
Tiruchirappall i Urban Agglomeration.
( 1 ) Tiruchirappalli Municipality.
(2) Srirang?m Municipality.
(3) Ponmalai Municipality. I
(4) Golden Rock Railw~yColony Southern Railway
(5) Ariy amangalam Panchayat.
(6) Alathur Panchayat.
(7) Abishekapuram Pawhayat. I 1

(8) Pirattigun Panch2.yat.

(9) Ulkadai Ariyamangalam Panchayat.
Salem Urban Agglomeration.
( 1 ) Salem Municipality.
(2) Suramangalam Municipality.
(3) Jari Kondalampatti Panchayat.
(4) Anna danapatti Panchayat. I
(5) Ammapalayam Panch?.yat.
(6) Ammapet Panch?.yat.
(7) Puthur Panchayat.
(8) Kondalampatti Panchaya.t.
(9) Thadampatti Panchayat.
(10) Alagapuram Panchayat.
(1 1) Neikarapatti Panchayat.
(12) Sivadapuram Panchayat.
(13) Meyyanur Panchayat.
(14) Komarasamipa tti Panchayat.
(15) Kandampatti Panchay at.
(16) Reddiapztt i Panohayat,
(17) Narasojipatt i Panchayat.
(18) Pallapatti Panchayat.

i H 8 : 9.N. Act 341 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Revenue villages in Salem taluk.
(19) 29 ReddiYur.
(20) 54 Alagapurampudur.

Tirunelveli Urban Agglomeration.

(1) Tirunelveli Municipality.
(2) Palayamkottai Municipality.
(3) Melapslayam Municipality.
(4) Thatchanallup Pclnchapat.
(5) Naranammalpuram Panchayat.
(6) Thal aiyuthu Pdnchayat.
(7) Palayamkottai (Non-Municipal).
(8) Sanksr Nagar Township.
(9) Alaganeri Panch~yat.
(10) Melmatham Panchayat.
(11) Pettai Panchayat .
Revenue village in Tirunelveli tduk.
(12) 134 Inam Karaiyiruppu.
l[,%xplanation.-Where the local limits of any local authority
referred to in this Schedule have bzen or are altercd by the State
Government under the law governing such l o c ~ authority
~l or where
any such local authority has been or is redesign2.ted, any reference
to such local authority in this Schedule shall, with effect on and
from the date on which the local limits have been, or are, so altered
or, a.s the case may be, the date on which the redesignation, has
taken or takes effect, be deemed to be a reference to the local
authority having the local limits as so altered or, as the case may
be, to the loc3.l authority with the-
- redesignation.]
1 This explanation was added by section 2 of lhe Tamil Nadu Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation) Second Amendment Act, 1981 (Tamil Nadu Act 13
of 1981).
Urban Land I
(Ceiling and Regulation)
[1978 : T. hT. A C ~24

[See section 12 (2).]
Principles for determination of the net average annual income.
1. The competent authority shall first determine the gross income
actually derived by the holder of the vacant land acquired during the
period of five consecutive years referred to in clause (a) of sub-section
(1) of section 12 including any income from any produce derived from
cultivation of the land during the said period.
Pi. For such determination the competent authority may-
(a) hold any local inquiry and obtain, if necessary, certified
copies of extracts from the property tax assessment books of the
municipal or other local authority concerned showing the rental value
of such land ;
(b) estimate the income from any produce from such land after
holding such local inquiry and taking such evidence as it thinks fit and
after giving an opportunity to the person concexned of being heard in
the matter.
3. The net average annual income referred to in clause (a) of sub-
section (1) of section 12 shall be sixty per cent of the average annual
gross income which shall be one-fifth of the gross income during the
five consecutive years as determined by the competent authority under
paragraph 1.
4. Forty per cent of the gross annual income referred to above
shall not be taken into consideration in determining the net average
annual income but shall be deducted in lieu of the expenditure which
the holder of the vacant land would normally incur for payment of any
tax to the municipal or other local authority and for collection and
other charges including cultivation charges.

i978 : 'F.N. kct~h] Urban Land 767

(Ceiling and Regulation)

[See sections 3(g), 5(1) (iii), 5 (2) and 49.1

Manufacture of Dairy Products.

Manufacture of Milk powder, Ice Cream Powder and condensed
milk except Baby Milk foods.
Manufacture of Baby Milk Foods.
Manufacture of Butter and Cream.
Manufacture of Ghee.
Manufacture of Cheese.
Manufacture of Khoya.
Manufacture of Pasturised Milk in bottles (plain or flavoured).
Manufacture of Ice-Cream " Kulfi ", etc.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of Food Products.

- -
Slaughtering, preparation and preservation of meat:
Mutton slaughtering, preparation.
Beef slaughtering, preparation.
Pork slaughtering, preparation.
Poultry and other slaughtering, preparation.
Preservation of meats except by canning.
Processing and canning of meats.

I Canning and preservation of fruits and vegetables.

Artificial dehydration of fruits and vegetables.
Sun drying of fruits and vegetables.
Manufacture of fruit juice Concentrates, squashes m d powders.
Manufacture of sauces, jam, jellies, marmalades, etc.
Manufacture of pickles, chutneys, murabbas, etc.
Canning of fruits and vegetables.
Fruit and vegetable preservation not elsewhere classified.
768 Man tand [I978 : T.N. Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Canning, Preservation and Processing of j?sh,Crustacea and similar foods.

Artificial dehydration of fish and sea foods.
Sun drying of fish.
Processing and canning of fish.
Manufacture of fish oil.
Manufacture of fish meal.
Fish processing and preserving not elsew ere classified.

Grafnmill products. 1
F I O U ~ milling (by
power machine).
Rice milling (by power machine). ' 1
Dal milling (by power machine).
Processing and grinding of cereals and grain manually.
Other grain milling and processing activities.

Manufacture of bakery products, 1

Bread making.
Manufacture of breakfast foods.
Manufacture of biscuits, cakes, pastries, etc.
Manufacture of other bakery products.
Manufacture and refining of sugar (Vacuum pan sugar factories),

Production of indigenous sugar, boora, khanharf, Gur, etc., from sugar-

cane, palm juice, etc.
Manufacture of" Boora " and candy.
Manufacture of " Khandsari " sugar.
Manufacture of " Gur ".
Manufacture of others.
Product ion of common salt.

f 94s : T. N. Act 241 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Manufacture of Cocoa, CAocolafe and sugar confectionerv ( including
Sweetmeats ).
Manufactu re of Cocaa products.
Manufacture af sugar confectionery.
I Manufacture of Sweetmeats.
I Manufacture of others.
I Mznufacture of hydrogenated oils, Vanaspathi, Ghee, etc.
Manufacture of other ediblo oils and fats, c.g., mustard oil,
groundnut oil, ti1 oil, etc. ( Inedible oils),
Tea processing.
Coffee curing, roasting and grinding.
Ccffee curing.
Coffee roasting, grinding, etc.

1 cashewnut processing like drying, shelling, roasting, .dting.

Cashew and apple processing.
Cashewnut shelling.
Cashewnut roasting, frying, saIting, etc.
Cashewnut processing and packing not elsewhere classified,
1 MmufactweofIce.
Manufacture of prepared animal feeds.
Manufacture of cattle feed.
Manufacture of poultry feed.
Manufacture of other animal feeds.
Mdnufacture of Starch.
Manufacture of Maize starch.
Manufacture of Tapioca starch.
mnufacturc of Tamarind starch.
Manufacture of Potato starch.
Manufaare af other StacheS,
'136 Urban LZlild I
(Ceiling and Regulation)
[1!Y78 YM i. N. ACI! 24
Manufacture of food products not elsewhere classified.
Manufacture of malted foods. I
Orinding and processing of spices.
Manufacture of "Papads", "~ppalam", etc.
Manufacture of Egg Powder, Semi-processed foods and instant
Manufacture of Sago and Sago Products.
Manufacture of Vitaminised High Protein flour ( M ~ l t i - ~ u r ~ ~ s e
Frying of dals, nuts and foods not elsewhere classified.
Manufacture of residuary snacks not elsewhere classified.
Other food processing and activities,
Mantafacture of beverages, Tobacco and Tobacco Products.
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits.
Wine Industries.
Malt liquors and malt.
Manufacture of Beer.
Manufacture of other Malt, Liquors.
Manufacture of other Malt.
production of country liquor and toddy.
soft drinks and carbonated water industriej.
Manufacture of Aerated drinks.
Manufacture of Aerated Natural flavoured syrups, 1
Manufacture of Synthetic flavoured syrups. I

Manufacture of Fruit Juices.

~ a n u f a e t u r eof Beverages not elsewhere classified.
Tobacco stemming, redrying and all other operations w&iChh:
connected with preparing raw leaf tobacco for manufacture,
Munufacture of Bidi.
Manufacture of Cigars, C'igorettes, Cheroots m d Cigarette t a & m e
Manufacture of Cigarette and Cigarette tobacco.
Manufadwe of Cigars and Cheroot.

t!Y78 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Lmd 7fi

(Ceiling and Regulatio~)

Manufacture of chewing tobacco, zar& and smrf.

Manufacture of Snuff.
Manufacture of Zarda.
Manufacture of Chewing tobacoo.
Manufacture of other tobacoo.

Manufacture of tobacco and tobacco products not elsewhere classified.

Mmfacture of Cotton Textiles.

Cotton ginning, cleaning and baling,
Cotton ginning and baling.
Cotton cleaning.

Cotton spinning, weaving, shrinking, sanforizing, mercerising and finishin;

of cotton textiles in mills.
Cotton spinning and weaving.
Cotton textile-shrinking, mercerising ,etc.

Printing, dyeing and bleaching of cotton textilesi

Dyeing of cloth and yarn.
Bleaching of cloth and yarn,
&intingeof 010th.

Cotton spinning other than in mills (Charkha).

ProcIuction of Khudi.

Weaving andfinishing of cotton textiles in handlooms other than khadi.


Weaving and finiding of cotton textiles in powerhorns.

Urban Land '
(Ceiling and Regulafion)
[I978 : T. N. Act 24
Cotton textiles not elsewhere classz3ed.
Manufacture of Wool, Silk and Synthetic Fibre textiles.
Wool cleaning, baling and pressing.
Wool cleaning.
Wool baling and pressing.

Wool Spinning, Weaving and Finishhg in Mills.

Wool Spinning and Weaving (Other than in Mills>

Wool Spinning.
Wool Weaving in handlooms, /
Wool Weaving in powerlooms.
Dyeing and Bleaching of Woollen textiles.

Manufacture of Wool not elsewhere classijied:

Manufacture of Blankets and shawls.
Manufacture of felts.
Manufacture of others.

I Spinning, Weaving andFinishing of Silk textdles.

Spinning and Weaving.

I Printing, Dyeing and Bleaching of Silk textiles. .

S p h i n g , Weaving and Finishing of other Textiles-Synthetic Fibre Rayons

Nylons, e tc.
Spinning and Weaving.

Printing, Dyeing and Bleachingzof Synthetic Textiles.

Silk and Synthetic Fibre Textiles not elsewhere classified.

I Manufacture of Jute, Hemp and Mesta Textiles.

1 a t e and Mesta Pressing and Baling.

1978 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) 773

Jute and Mesta Spinning and Weaving.

I Spinning and Weaving.

Dyeing, Printing and Bleaching and Jute Textiles.

PrepariPrg, Spinning, Weaving and Finishing of Hemp and orher Coarse

Preparing, spinning and weaving.

Manufacture of Jute Bags and other Jute textiles not elsewhere classiJied.

Manufacture of Textile Products (including Wearing Apparel other than

Foot wear).

Knitting Mills.
Cotton knitting in mills.
Woollen knitting in mills.
Synthetic fibre knitting in mills.
Knitting other than in mills.

Manufacture of all types of Threads, Cordage, Ropes, Twines Nets.

Thread and Thread Ball making.
Manufacture of JutelHemp Rcpe and Cordage.
Manufacture of other Rope and Cordage.
Manufacture of Nets (except mosquito nets).
Manufacture of others.

Embroidery and making of Crepes, Laces and Fringes.

Embroidery work.
Laces and fringes.
Zari and Zari products,
I 774 U r b Lad (Ceiling aud Regulation)

WeavinI:Carpets, Rugs and other Similar Textile Products.

[I978 : T.N. Act 24

Manufacture of Carpets, Rugs, Druggets, etc., except of coir.

Manufacture of Durries.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of all types of Textiles, Garments including wearing Apparel,

Manufacture of Readymade garments.
Manufacture of custom made wearing apparel.

I Manufacture of Rain Coats, Hats, etc.

Manufacture of Umbrellas.
Manufacture of Rain coats.
Manufacture of Hats, etc.

I Manufacture of made-up Textiles Goo& (except Garments)such as curtains,

Mosquito Nets, etc.

~ a i u f a c t u r of
e curtains, bed covers and furnishings.
Manufacture of mosquito nets.
Manufacture of others.
I Mmfacture of water-proof textiles such as oil cloth, Tarpaulin, etc.
Manufacture of Oil cloth.
Manufacture of Rubberised cloth.
Manufacture of Tarpaulin.
Manufacture of Artificial Leather.
Manufacture of others.

~ M&nlsfacture of coir and coir products.
Manufacture of c?ir fibre and yarn.
Manufacture of coir mattings, carpets, etc.
Manufacture of ropes and twines.
Manuracture of coir products not elsewhere classifie:
1978 : T.N. Act 241 3; Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) VS

ikfanufacture of textiles not elsewhere class$ed like linoleum, padding,

wadding, upholstering,fling, etc.
Manufacture of Linoleum and similar products.
Manufacture of gas mantles.
Manufacture of made up canvas goods (tcnts, sails, etc.),
Manufacture of others not elsewhere classified.

Manufacture of wood and woodproducts, furniture andjixtures.

Manufacture of veneer,plywood and their products.

Manufacture of plywood and veneer.
Manufacture of flush doors and boards.
Manufacture of plywood products.

Sawirrg and plaining of wood (other than plywood).

i+fmufacture of wooden and cane boxes, crates, drums, barrels and other
wooden containers, Baskets and other rattan, bamboo, reed bamboo a&
Manufacture of wooden boxes, barrels, etc., except of plywood.
Manufacture of plywood chest for tea, etc.
Manufacture of baskets made from bamboo, cane reed aadagrass.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of structural woodelz goods (includiitg treated timber)

as beams, posts, doors and windows (excluding hewing and rough sAqing
ofpoles, bolts and other wood material which is classified under logging)

Manufacture of wooden industrial goods, such as bobbins, blocks, bridles,

Saddling and similar equipment andfixtures.
Manufacture of bobbins.
Manufacture of industrial htures.
Manufzcture of Tool Handles.
Manufacture of Blocks.
Manufacture of others.
176 Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) [I978 :T.N. Act 24

Manufacture of cork and cork products.

Manufacture of wooden furniture andjixtures!


I Manufacture of bamboo and cane furniture andfixtures.

Bamboo, Cane and Reed Furniture.

Bamboo, Cane and Reed Screens.

Bamboo, Cane and Reed Fixtures.
Grass mats.
Wanufacture of wood and wood bamboo and cane products not elsewhere
classiJed. I I
of Broomsticks. i
:danufacture of wooden household and other products not elsewhere
classified. 1
Manufacture of Bamboo, Cane, reed and grass products not elsewhere
classified (thatching, etc.).
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of paper and paper products and printing, publishing and

allied industries.
I Manufacture of pulp, paper andpaper board inbludirtg newsprint.
Manufactme of pulp (machine made). \
Manufacture of paper (machine made).
Manufacture of newsprint (machine made).
Manufacture of packaging paper (machine made).
Mnnufacture of paper boards and straw boards (machine made),
Mlnufacture of hard hoards including false boards and chip boards
(machine made).
Manufacture of hand made pulp, paper, boards, etc.
Manufa~tureof others. I
1978 :T.N. Act 24) Urban Land (CeiEng and Regulation) 777

Manufacture of containers and boxes ofpaper andpaper board.

Manufacture of paper bags.
Manufacture of card board boxes.
Manufacture of paper cups, saucers, plates, etc.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of pulp products not elsewhere classified like dolls.

anzrfacbre of paper and paper board articles not elsewhere classijied.

Manufacture of paper hoops.
Manufacture of paper cones.
Manufacture of others.

Printing and publishing of ne wspapers.

Printing and publishing of periodicals, books, journals, atlases, maps

and sheet music, directories, etc.

~ Printing of Bank notes, currency notes, postage stamps, security passes, ctc.

Engraving, etching, block making, etc.

Printing, publishing and allied activities not elsewhere clasJified like

envelope printing, picture postcard printing, embossing, etc.

1 Manufacture of leather and leather andjbproducts (except repair).

Tanning, curing, finishing,embessing and japanningof leather.
Flaying and curing of raw hides and skins.
Tanning and finishing of sole leather.
Tanning and finishing of industrial leather.
Vegetable tanning of light leather.
Chrome tanning.
Finishingof Upper leathers, Lining leether, Garment leather, etc.
Urben W (@em
d RegzllatJon) 11!W8 : T.N. Act 24

Mmfacture of foot-wear (excluding repair) except vulcanized or moulded

rubber or plartic foot-wear.
Manufacture of leather shoes.
gllanufacture of leather-m-rubhrlplast i cloth shoes.
Manufac~ureof leather sandals and chappals.
Manufactum of leather-cua-rubber/plastic cloth.
Sandals and chappals.
Manufacture of wearing apparel Cike Coats, Glo~es,etc., of leather
substitutes of leather.

Nanufaetwe of leather consumer goods (other than apparel andfoot-wear).

Manufacture of Leather Travel Gooda like suit cases, bags.
Manufacture of Leather purses and ladies handbags, artistic leather
presentation articles and novelties, etc.
Manufacture of others.
Scrapping, currying, tanning, bleaching anddyeing offir other peltsfor the

Manufacture of weadng apparel o f f i r

Mmufacture of fur and skfn rugs and other arr'Scles.

Mamfmture of leather mdfur products not elsewhere class@&.

jUmufacture of rubber, plastic, petroleum and coal products.

o r e and tube industries.

Manufacture of tyrer and tubes fir motor vehicks, tractcrs and
Manufacture of tyres and tubes for motor oycles and scooters.
Manufactule of tyres and tubes for cycles.
Manufacture of other tyres and tubes.
Retreading of tws.
1978: T.N.Ad%4j Urban Land 779
(Ceflingand Regulation)

ffmyfacture of foot-wear made prharily of vulcanized monlded ru bber and

Manufacture of Rubber foot-wear .
Manufacture of Plastic and P.V.C. foot-wear.
Manufacture of Canvas-cm-nrbber/plasticfoot-wear.

Manufacture of rubber products not else where classified.

Rubber surgical and medical ecluipment such as gloves, hot
bags, etc.
Prophylactics (Rubber oontraceptives).
Rubber Baloons.
Manufacture of Rubber pipes.
Miscellaneous Rubber Industrial and Domestic goods (Bushes,
washerd, etc.).
Manufacture of Foam Rubber Mattreeses and Cushions.
Rubber Sheets.

Manufacture of plastic products not elsewhere classified (except h a m

Manufacture of Plastic Blow Moulded Containers.
Manufacture of Acrylic Plastic Sheets.
Manufacture of Reinforced and Laminated Plastic Sheets.
Manufacture of Plastic Monofilaments and products t h e ~ h m suog
as nets, cords, etc.
Manufacture of Pollythene Bags (pldn and printed).
Manufacture of Spectacles Frames.
plastic moulded industrial accessories, not elsewhere classified Oih,
knobs, radio cabinet fixture, etc.).
Manufacture of Plastic moulded domestic goods not elsewhere
0las;ified (including buckets, jugs, etc.).
Manufacture of others (including plastic foam products, buttons, *te.)
780 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Petroleum Rejneries.
Manufacture ofproducts ofpetroleum not elsewhere classified.
Manufacture of Liquid paraffin.
Manufacture of Plasticisers.
Manufacture of Candles.
Manufacture of others.

Production of coal tar in coke ovens.

Manufacture of other coal and coal tar products not elsewhere class~ed.
Manu facture of Napthalene.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of Chemicals and Chenlical prodiets (except products of

Petroleum and Coal).
Manufacture of basic industrial organic and inorganic chemicals and
gases such as acids, alkalies and their salts; gases like acetylene,
oxygen, nitrogen, etc.
Manufacture of basic heavy inorganic chemicals.
Manufacture of basic heavy organic chemicals.
Manufacture of fertilisers and pesticides.
Manufacture of inorganic fertilisers.
Manufacture of organic fertilisers.
- I
Manufacture of mixed fertilisers.
Manufacture of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides and weedicides).
Manufacture of pesticides - formulations.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers.

Manufacture of Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, etc.
Manufacture of Dye-stuffs.
Manufacture of Indigo.
Manufacture of waxes and polishes.
Manufacture of others.
1978 : T. N, Act 241 Urban h n d %f
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Manufacture of dmgs and medicines.
Manufacture of allopathic medicines.
Manufacture of Ayurvedic and Unani medicines.
Manufacture of Homoeopathic medicines.
Manufacture of other medicines.

Manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, lotions, hair dressings, tooth pastes,

soap in any form, synthetic detergents, shampoos, shaving products,
cleaners, washing and scouring products and other toilet preparatiolts.
Manufacture of toilet soaps.
Manufacture of washing soap and soap powder.
Manufacture of perfumes and lotions.
Manufacture of tooth pastes, tooth powder, shaving cream, shaving
sticks, etc.
Manufacture of Cosmetics and Toilet Aids like creams, shampoos,
Lipsticks, Nail Polish, Powder, etc.
Manufacture of Hair Dressings/Oils.
Manufacture of Glycerine.
Manufacture of Detergents.
Manufacture of others.

I Manufacture of inedible oils.

Manufacture of vegetable oils including solvent extracted oils.
Manufacture of animal oils and Fats.

Manufacture of turpentine, synthetic resins, plastic materials and synthetic

jibres like nylon, terylene except glass, etc.
Manufacture of Turpentine and resin.
Manufacture of Synthetic Resins.
Manufacture of Synthetic rubber.
Manufacture of Plastic Material.
Manufacture of Synthetic fibres.
Manufacture of Celluloid.
Manufacture of Products of fermentation industries other than
Manufacture of others.
782 Urban Land
[I978 : T..M.Act
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Manufacture of Matches.
Manufacture of explosives and ammunition :and $re works.
Manufacture of Explosives (including industrial oxploivor).
Manufacture of Ammunition.
Manufacture of Safety fuses.
Manufacture of Fire works.
i i
Manufacture of others.
Manufacture of chemical products not elsewhere class$ed including ghofo-
chemicals ,sensitisedJilms and paper. I
Manufacture of Photo chemical materials, sensitised films and paper.
Manufacture of fine chemicals.
Manufacture of Sizing materials and textile chemicals auxiliaries.
Manufacture of Drug Intermediaries. I
Manufacture of Glue and gelatine. 1
Manufacture of Synthetic sweetners. 1
Manufacture of Shellac. I
Manufacture of Dyes stuff Intermediaries.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of Non-metallic mineral products.

I Manufacture of structural clay products.

Manufacture of Fire Bricks.
Manufacture of Refractones.
Manufacture of Furnace lining bricks (Acidic, Basir and tou&al).
Manufacture of Tiles.
Mmufcutwe sf 0 t h ~ ~ .

1978 : T, M. Act W ] UrbanLutld

(Ceiling and Regulation)

Manufacture of Glass and Glass Products.

Manufacture of Hollow Glassware (bottles, jars, etc.).
Manufacture of Sheet and Plate glass.
Manufacture of Glass Wool.
Manufacture of Laboratory Glassware.
Manufacture of Optical glass.
Manufacture of Table and kitchen glassware.
Manufacture of Glass Bangles.

Manufacture of earthern ware and emthem pottery.

Manufacture of Chinaware and porcelainware.
Manufacture of Chiaaware.
Manufacture of Sanitaryware.
Manufacture of Insulators.
Manufacture of others.

aidmufacture of cement, lim d plutrr.

Manufacture of Cement.
Manufacture of Lime.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of mica products.

Manufacture of S ~ ~ U C ~ BtOm
U ~ U goods,
I stone ware, stone dre~singand #to&
Stone dressing and stone crushing.
Manufacture of earthern and laster statues and other productse

&fanufactureof asbestos cement and other c m n t product8,

Manufacture of Asbestos Cement.
Manufacture of Asbestos SheeQ.
Manufacture of o h & .
784 Urban Land [ 1 ~ :8 T. N A& w
(Ceiling and Regulatio ) I

Manufactwe of miscellaneous non-metal mineral products such as slate

products, abrasives, graphite-products, mineral wool, silica products and
other non-metallic products nof elsewhere clnssified.
Manufacture of Hurne pipes and other Cement and Concrete Products
(including slabs, poles, pillars and screens).
Manufacture of B.C.C. Bricks and Tiles.
Manufacture of Insulating Boards.
Manufacture of Gypsum boards.
Manufacture of Grinding Wheels and Abrasives.
Manufacture of Graphite products such as Electrodes, Crucibles, etc.
Manufacture of others.

Basic Metal and Alloy Industries.

Iron and Steel Industries.
Manufacture of Iron and Steel.
Manufacture of Special Steel.

Foundaries for casting and forging iron and steel.

Manufacture of Castings and forgings.
Manufacture of Structurals.
Manufacture of Pipes.
Manufacture of Plates.
Manufacture of Wire Drawings.
Manufacture of Tools.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of Ferro-alloys.
Making of Alloys,.
I 1

Wire drawings.
Rough castings.
Tool makiog.

Copper Manufacturing. 1 I
Melting and refining of Metal.
Rolling into basic form.
Wire Drawings. I
Manufacture of others. 1

MS : T.N. ~ c a41
t UrbanLand
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Brass Manufacturing.
Making of brass and rolling into basic form.
Manufacture of rough castings.
Manufacture of others.
Aluminium Manufacturing.
Melting and refining of metal.
Rolling into basic form.
Wire drawings.
Manufacture of rough castings.
Manufacture of Forgings.
Manufacture of others.
Zinc manufacturing.
Melting and refining of metal.
Rolling into basic form.
Manufacture of others.

Other Nort-ferrous metal industries.

Melting and refining of metal.
Rolling into basic form.
Manufacture of Metal products and parts, except Machinery and Transport
Manufacture of Fabricated metal products such as metal cans from tin-
plate, terne-plate or enamelled sheet metal, metal shipping containers,
barrels, drums, kegs, pails, safes, vaults, enamelled sanitary and all
other fabricated metal products not elsewhere class@ed.
Manufacture of Safes and vaults and almirahs.
Manufacture of Steel trunks.
Manufacture of Drums, Tanks, Rails and Metal containers not
elsewhere classihd.
Manufacture of Sanitary and plumbing fixtures and fittings of metal.
Manufacture of Stoves.
Manufacture of Hurricane Lanterns k d Oil Pressure Lamps.
Manufacture of Welding not elsewhere covered.
Manufacture of others

986 Urban h n d
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Manufacture of structural metal products.
Manufacture of furniture andjixtures andjixtures primarily of metal.
Manufacture of hand tools and general hardware.
Manufacture of Hand Tools.
Manufacture of Bolts and nuts.
Manufacture of Locks.
Manufacture of Metal Chains.
Manufacture of Agricultural hand tools and implements,
Manufacture of General hardware.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of Others.
Enamelling, japanrting, lacquering, galvlnising, plkting and polishing
of metal products.

Manufacture of metal utetlsils, cutlery arid kitchenware.
Manufacture of C~tlery. I

Manufacture of Utensils. - 1
- 1 - _ _
Manufacture of Pxessu~eCookers.
Manufacture of Kitchen gadgets.
Manufacture of Others.
Manufacture of Metal Products, except machinery and transport equipment
not elsewhere chssiJied like type founding.
Type founding.
Manufacture of Razor blades. I
Manufacture of springs.
Manufacture of Art Metalware.
Manufacture of Others.

Manufacture of Machinery, Machine Tools and parts except Electrical

.Manufacture of agricultural machinery and equipment and parts.
Manufacture of Tractors, Harvesters and Other Heavy machinery
Manufacture of Light Agricultural machinery and equipment.
Manufacture cf Forage Presses.
Manufacture of Parts and Accessories.
Manufacture of others.

1990 : p . ~ ~. c 241
t Urban Land 787 I
(Giling and Hegulatiolo)

Manufacture and repair of drills, coal cutting machines, earth moving,

llfting and hoisting machinery, cranes, conveyors and road rollers and
other heavy machinery and equipment used by construction and mining
Mandacture of Earth moving machinery.
(Bull-dozers, dumpers, scrapers, loaders, drag lines, bucket wheel, I
excavators, road rollers, etc.)
Manufacture of Fork lift trucks, etc.
Manufacture of P a t s and accessories.
Manufacture of Others.

Manufacture of Prime movers, boilers and s t ~ a mgenerating plants such

as diesel engines and parts.
Manufacture of Boilers and Steam Generating Plants.
Manufaactweof Steam Engines and Turbines.
Manufacture of Internal Combustion Engines.
Manufacture of Parts and Accessories.
Mmufacture of Others.

Industrial Machinery for Food and Textile Industries.

of Rice, Dal and Flour Mill Machinery.
M~.nufictureof Oil Mill Machinery.
Manufacture of Sugar Machinery.
Manufacture of Tea Mz.chinery.
Ma.nuf?.cture of Textile M~.chinery(such as spinning frames, carding
machines, power looms, etc., including textile accessories).
Manufacture of Jute Machinery.
Manufzcture of Parts and a cc:sso~ies.
Ma.nuf?.cture of Others.

Industrial Machinery for other t haa Food and ext tiles Industrie,~.
Manufacture of Ph~smaceulic~.lMachinery.
Manuf2.cture of Chemical Machinery.
Manufacture of Paper Machinery.
Manufacture of Mining Mzchinery.
Manufacture of Metallurgical Machinery.
I .
Vrban Lnd [iH8 : 2. N. Act 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)

Indmtrial Machineryfor other than Food and Textile Industries-cont.

Manufacture of Cement Machinery.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of Others. I
Manufacture of Refrigerators, Air-condit ioners and Fire-Fight ing Equip.
ment and their parts, components and Accessories.
Manufacture of Refrigerators and Air-conditioning.
Plants for Industrial and Commercial use.
Manufacture of Domestic Air-conditioners.
Manufacture of Domestic Refrigerators.
Manufacture of Fire fighting Equipment and Engines. 1
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of Others. 1 1
Manufacture, ctlteration and repair of general items of non-Electrical
machinery, components, equipment and accessories not elsewhere
Manufacture of Size Reduction Equipment-crushers, ball mills, etc.,
and conveying equipment, bucket elevators, ship-hoist cranes.
derricks, etc.
Manufacture of Mixers and Reactors (Kneading mills, turbo mixers,
Manufacture of Centrifugal Machines and Driers.
Manufacture of POWSF d~ivenpumps, reciprocating, cehtrifugal, etc.
Manufacture of Air-Gas compressors and Vacuum pumps (excluding
electrical furnaces).
Manufacture of Ball Roller and Tapered bearings.
Manufacture of Speed and Reduction Units.
Manufacture of parts and accessories.
Manufacture of Others. 1
Manufdcture of Machine Tools, their ports Jnd accessories.
Ma.nufacture of Automatic, Capstans and Turrets and Lathes.
Manufacture of Boring, Broaching, Drilling and Threading Machines.
vanufacture of Milling, Planning, Shaping, Gear cutting and slotting
I machines.
- Manufacture of Grinding, Lapping, Honing and polishing machines.

1978 : T. N. Act 241 Urban Land .

(Ceiling and Regulhtion)

Manufdcture of Machine Tools, their parts and accessories--cant.

Manufacture of Sawing, Contour Sawing, filling and cut-off machines.
Manufactme cf Metal Forming Machinel y.
Manufacture of 0th:~metal work machine tools.
Manufacture of parts and accessories.
Manufacture of Others.

Manufacture of office, computing and accounting machinery andparts.

Manufacture of Typewriters.
Manufacture of Duplicators.
Manufacture of Calculating machines.
Manufacture of Postal Franking machines.
Manufacture of Addressing machines.
Manufacture of Weighing machines.
1 Manufacture of Office copying machines not elsewhere classified.

~ Manufacture of parts and accessories.

Manufacture of others.

Manufacture and repair of non-electrical machinery, equipment com-

ponents and accessories not elsewhere classified (such as sewing machines,
automatic merchandising machines, washing, laundry, dry-cleaning
and pressing machines, cooking ranges and ovens, other service industry
machines, arms and armaments, etc.).
Manufacture of Sewing machines.
Manufacture of Knitting machines.
Manufacture of Washing and Laundrying machines.
Manufacture of Arms and Armaments.
Manufacture of Size Separation units-screens, Classifiers, etc.
Manufacture of Filteration of Distillation equipment.
I Manufacture of Evaporators and Crystallisers,
Manufacture of Parts and accessories,
Manufac ture of Other including general jobbery engineering.

790 Urban Land (Ceiling and Aegulation) [I978 : T.N. Act 24 1

Manufacture of Electrical Machinery, Apparatus arzd Supplies and Parts.
Manufacture of electrical industrial machinery and apparatus and parts
(such as electrical motors, generators, transformers, electromag-
netic clutch and brakes, etc.).
Manufacture of Generators. I I
Manufacture of Transformers.
Manufacture of Switch Gears.
Manufacture of Electric Motors.
Manufacture of Parts and Accessories. II i I
Manufacture of Others.
Manufacture o j Insulated wires and cables.
Manufacture of Storage Batteries. I I
Manufacture of Dry Cells. I
. 'Manufacture of Parts and Acces~orics.

Manufacture of Others.

Manufacture of electrical apparatus, appliances and other parts such

as lamps, bulbs, tubes, sockets, switches, fans, insulators (except
porcelain), conductors, irons, heaters, shavers, vaccum cleaners, etc.,
excluding repairing.
Manufacture of Electrical Fans.
Manufacture of Fluorescent Tubes. I
Manufacture of Ordinary Electric Lamps.
Manufacture of Miniature Lamps.
Manufacture of Power capacitators,
Manufact-ure of vaccum cleaners.
,Manufacture of Household Appliances(1ike electric irons,heaters, eta).
Manufacture of Parts and Accessories.
Msnufacture of Others, 1
1978 : T. N . Act 241 Urban Land 791
(Ceiling and Regulation)
Manufacture of radio and television transmitting and receiving sets i~tcluding
transistor radio sets, sound reproducing and recording equipment including
tape recorders, public addresses systems, gramaphone records and pre-
recorded magnetic tapes, wire and wireless, telephone and telegraph
equipment, signalling and detection equipment and apparatus, radar
equipment and installations, parts and supplies specially usedfor electrorle
apparatus classified in this group.
Manufacture of Wireless Communication Apparatus.
Manufacture of Radios.
Manufacture of Television sets.
Manufacture of Teleprinters.
Manufacture of Telephones.
Manufacture of Telegraph Equipment.
Manufacture of Phonographs and Record Changers.
Manufacture of Parts and Accessories.
Manufacture of 0;hers (including public Address equipment).
Manrgacture and repair of Radiographic, X-ray apparatus and tubes
and parts.
Manufacture of Electronic Computer, Control Instruments and other
Manufacture of Electronic Computers.
Manufacture of Electronic Control Instruments.
Manufacture of Others.
Mdzufacture of electronic components and accessories not elsmhere
Manufacture of Carbon and Wire Wound Resistors.
Manufacture of Electrolytic and Ceramic and Styroffex capa-
Manufacture of Gang Condensers.
Manufacture of Intermediate Frequency Transformer.
Manufacture of volume controls, Band change switches and similar
components (not elsewhere classified).
Manufacture of Ferrites.
Manufacture of Trimmers and Padders.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others.
-%Lanufacture of electrical machinery, apparatus, appliances, szrppljes
andparts not elsewhere classfled.
Manufacture of Light Fittings.
Manufacture of Emergency Lighting equipment.
Manufacture of Flash Lights.
Manufacture of Stage Lighting equipment.
Manufacture of Electric Furnaces and Ovens.
Manufacture of Telescopic aerials.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture-of Others.
792 Urban Land
(Ceiling and Regulation)
I [I~?~:T,N-A~P~

.IKmJacture of Transport Equipment and parts,

Ship building and repairing,
Making of ships and other vessels drawn by power.
Boat Building.
Parts and accessories.

Manufacture of Locomotives and parts.

Manufacture of Diesel Locomotives.
Manufacture of Steam Locomotives.
Manufacture of Electric Locomotives. 1
Manufacture of Parts and accessories of Locomotives.

Manufacture of Railway wagons and coaches and parts.

Manufacture of Railway coaches.
Manufacture of Railway Wagons.
Manufacture of parts and accessories.

Manufacture of other rail-road equipment.

Manufacture of Tramway Works.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
~anufactureof Others.

Manufacture of Motor Vehicles and parts.

Manufacture of Motor cars.
Manufacture of Buses, Trucks, etc. *
Manufacture of Jeeps and Station Wagons.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of Motor-cycles and scooters andparts.

Manufacture of Motor Cycles.
Manufacture of Scooters and Scooterettes.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories. j
Manufbturc of others.

1978 : T.N.Act 241 Urban Land

(Ceiling and Regulation)

Manufacture df bi-cycles, cycle-rickshaw andparts.

Manufacture of bi-cycles.
Manufacture of cycle-rickshaws.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others.
Manufacture of aircrafts and its parts.
Manufacture of aircrafts.
Manufacture of air craft parts and accessories.
Bullocks-carts, push-carts, hand-carts, etc.
Manufacture of transport equipment and parts not elsewhere clm~ified.
Manufacture of Fork Lifts and other material hauling equipment,
Manufacture of Trailers.
Manufacture of parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others.
Other Manufacturing Industries.
Manufacture of medical, surgical and scientific equigmmt~,
Manufacture of Surgical and medical instruments.
Manufacture of Laboratory and Scientific Instruments.
Manufacture of Mathematical Instruments.
Manufacture of Water meters, Steam meters and Electricity met-.
Manufacture of Instruments indicating recording and realatin*
devices for pressure temperature, rate of flow,weights and l6v&,
Manufacture of Industrial Instruments (not elsewhere class^&).
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others.
anufacture ofphotographic and optical goods (excludingphoto chemic#ls,
sensitised paper and film).
Manufacture of Optical lenses.
Mhnufacture of Optical Instruments.
Manufacture of Photographic copying equipment.
Manufacture of Cinematographic Equipment.
Manufacture of parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others.
Urban Land [k978 : T. N. Aot 24
(Ceiling and Regulation)
1 Manufacture of watches and clocks. 1
Manufacture of clocks and table time pieces.
Manufacture of watches.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories.
Manufacture of others. I
Manufacture of Jewellery and related articles.
Manufacture of Gold and Silver and precious stone Jewellery.
Manufacture of Gold and Silver articles (other than jewellery).
Manufacture of others.

/ I I
~ i n t i n gof coins. I I I
Manufacture of sports and athletic goods and play equipment. I~
I ' Manufacture of children's play equipment.
Manufacture of musical instruments.
Manufacture of Stationery articles like fountain-pens, pencils, pens, pin-
cushions, tags, etc., not elsewhere classijied.
i I
Manufacture of Fountain-pens and ball pens. I
Manufacture of Pencils.
Manufacture of Flle covers. I
Manufacture of Stapling Machines, punches, etc.
Manufacture of Pins and clips.
Manufacture of Carbons and type-writer ribbons.
Manufacture of Rubber stamps.
Manufacture of Parts and accessories. I
Manufacture of others.

Manufacture of miscellaneous products not elsewhere classified such

as costume jewellery, costume novelties, feathers, plumes, artificial
flowers, brooms, brushes, lamp shades, tobacco pipes, cigarette
holders, ivory goods, badges, wigs and similar articles.
Manufacture of Hair Brushes and Dusters and Feather Articles.
Making of signs and advertising displays.
Manufacture of Mechanical toys.

1978 : T.N. Act 241 Urban Land 795

(Ceiling and Regulation)

Manufacture of Non-Mechanical toys.

Manufacture of Bones, Ivory, Horns and similar products.
Manufacture of Wigs.
Manufacture of Costume and Imitation Jewellery.
Manufacture of Novelties, Lamp shades, presentation articles,
Badges, etc., including Artificial flowers, art works, not else-
where classified.
Manufaaure of others.
1819 :T.N.Act 14 Urban Land (Ceiling and 9-79
Regulation) Amendment


Wceived the assent of the President on the 21st "March1979,
first published in the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazette Extraordinary on the 22nd March 1979
(Pangmi 8, Kalayukti (2010-Tir~rvulluvarAndu)).]
An Act to amend the Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling
and Regulation) Act, 1978.
BE it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil I

Nadu in the Thirtieth Year ofthe Republic of India as

follows :-
1. (I) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Urban ~ ~
Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Amendment Act, 1979. cement.
(2) (a) The provisions of this Act, except secticn 2,
shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st Feb-
w r y 1979.
(b) Section 2 shall be deemed to have come into
f o m on the 17th May 1978.
2. [The amendment made by this section has already been
incorporated in the principal Act, namely, the Tamil Nhdu
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1978 (Tamil Nadu
Act 24 of 19781.1
3. Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for f~~~'~?~~
the time being in force,anything done or any action taken taken etc.,
under clauses (a) to (f of sub-section (3) of section 20 of to beiull
the principal Act as in force immediately before the 1st and void.
February 1979,including any permissien granted or deemed
to have been granted or any option exercised or agreement
entered into or order made shall be deemed never to have
been done, taken, granted, exercised, agreed upon or made.
4. The Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Reveal.
Amendment Ordinance, 1979 (Tamil Nadu Ordinance 5
of 1979), is hereby repealed. -
* For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 19th February 1979,
Part IV-Seaion 1, Pages 34-35.

s >:
, :x
I .

1989 (Price : I S palre k&


, PUBLISHED B* A : ; T H ~ ~ ~ ~ *



Part IV-Section 2,
g~neralinformation, :
ACT No. 26 OF 1989.

thc Cnnlinissionrr n f Land Reforms.

(Ey order of the Governor.] '

Secr etary in Government, Law Department.

[ 71A
LatestLaws.com 1


--- ----- --.. . .
1 111


The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly r ce~vedthe ss:ent of
the President on the 12th AI gust 1994 and is hereby pub is%e(J tor _rei:eral
infcrmation :-
No. 48 OF 1994.
EA n Act Jz,rilitr. to ~ mfir!e ti e ~ a r n iNarlzr
l UiEair Lt nrl (Ce;f;ftgfind R ~ g ~ / ~ t i o r t )
Act 1975.

BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Slate of Tamil Nadu in the

Forty-fifth Year of the Republic of India as follo~+s
, *-- E S ? . ~ Z T - -
I. This Act may be cal!ed the Tamil Nadu Urban Latd (Ceiling and Regu- Short title. i
lation) Amendment Act. 1994.
2, Jn section 16 01 rho TzmiI Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, Amendment of
Act 24 nf 1978. 1978, for sub-section (2), 1hc follcwing sub-~cctionsk.all ke substituted, namely;- section 16
" (2) (a) I1 the ainoutlt pa~ablcis twenty-five thousand rupees or below, it
shall be paid in cash forthwith.
(h) If the amount payable exceeds twenty-five thousand rupees, tbe iirst twenty-
Bve thousand rupees shall be paid in cash forthwith and the balance shall, during a
period of Afteen years, be paid in cash in equal annual instalments carrying nil interest
at the rate of six per cent per annum with effect from the clate on which the vacsnt ,
land is. deemed to have been acquired by the State Government under sub-secticn (3)
of sectlon 11.".

(By order of the Govcraor)

Secretary to ~overnm?nt,
kaw Department.




EXTRAORDINARY pvhsnao ev ~ u t ~ 0 M t r

P. .gcs.
No. 40 of 19')6--Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling
and Regdatim) Amendment .. 233-237
No. 41 of 1996-PIantations Labour (Tamil Nadu
Amendment) .. .. .. .. 239
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent
of the President on the 15111 November 1996 and is hereby pubIish& for
general information :-
ACT No. 40 OF 1996.

An Act further to amend the T d &a& U r m Land (Cdling and Regularion)

Act, 1978. 4 W$A
BB it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in
the Forty-seventh Year of the Republic of lhd'ia as folf6ws:-
1. (1) This Act may ba ahled the Tadi-Ndu Urban Land (Ceiling and Short title
Regulation) Amendment Act, 1996. tnd ~c,mm~nco=
S ~of.sectien2 s h d come into force at once
(2) This section and c ~ ~ I u42)
md the rest of tl<s Act shall come into force on such date as the SWe Gov-ent
may, by notification, appoint.
2. The Tamil Nadu Urban U . d (Ceiling and Kermlation) Act, 1978 Tamil Nadu
(Taqil Nadu Act 24. of 1978) (herein- mfeznd to aB the p h i p s d Act), Act 24 of
shall have effect as ~ f , - - 1978 assub
modified to
have effect
subject to



---- - -- -- .- -- .-- . -.
W --I-

(1) in section 3,-

(i) clause (a) had been relettered as clause (aa) aitd before clause (aal a.;
so relettered, the following clause had been inserted, namely:-

"(a) "appellate authoritf' meails the autilosity prescl ibed uj,ti es sub-sectioi~
(1) of section 33 ;";

(ii) after clause (k), the following clause Itad been inserted, n a ~ i ~ e :-
"(kk) "Special Appellate Tribunal" mealis tl;e Special Appellate Tribunal
referred to in sub-section (!) of section 13-A;";
(?) after section 13, tne followilg section had been inserted, rlirn~cly:--

"1 3-A. Establishme~~tof Tamil--.-- PTadu Laid Reforms Special - Appellate

Tribunal to be the special Appzllate Tribune1 for tile purposss ui t,Gs .4ci.-(1)
(a)The State -Government --shall, by notification, est~blish the 'Tamil Nadu
Land Reforms Special Appellate Tribunal constituted under section 77-C of the
Tamil Nadu Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling on Lana) Act, 1961 ('Tamil Nadu
Act 58 of i961), as the Special Appellate Tribunal for the purposes
of this Act.
, .
(b) The State Government shall consult the Chief Justice of India for
adjudication or trial of all disputes ar complaints with resllect to urban land
ceiling matters arising under this Act, by the Chairman, Vice-chairman or
Member of the Tamil Nadu Land Reforms Special Appcdlate Tribunal:

Provided that before consulting thechief Justice of India under this clause
the State Government may satisfy itself that the Administrative Member in
the Tamil Nadu Land Reforms Special Appellate Tribunal holding office as
such Member on the date c )f such consultation had dealt with urban land cei-
ling measures also during I is service in the State Government in m y capacity for
-a- period of not less than one year in the aggregate.
. ., .,.

(2) ' For the purposes of this Act, in regard to the Administrative Member
of tbe Special Appellate Tribunal, the provisions of clause (d) of sub-section (4) of
section 77-C of the Tamil Nadu '8LBnd Refoms (Fixation ol Ceiling
on Land) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadu Act 58 of 1961) shall apply subject
to the m~dificationthat, for the w o d s " I d r e f ~ mmeasures" occurring thereill.
the words " urban' hnd ceiling m e a s m *' bad been substituted.

(3) ' The prpvisions of sections 77:~. 77-E &d 77-F of the Tamil N d
Land Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling on Land) Act, 1961 (Tamil Nadp Act 58
of 1961), as amended from time t~ fiIwishall,, rnutatis mutandis, apply to
.. Special Appellate Tribunal in respect of the matters falling under this Act. ";
(3) in section 14, for su b-section (3), the following sub-section had been
substituted , svme1y:- . ,

"(3) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the court vnder su b-sectioc
(1 3 may, within ninety days of the date on whicb thedecision is communicatd
to him, prefer an appeal to the Sptdttl Appellate Tribvr al:

Provided that the Special Appellate Tribuna 1 may entertain an appeal aft c.
theexpiry of the said period of ninety days if it is satisfied 1hat the appellant w : ~ ,
prevented by sufficient cause from filing the appeal in time.";


------ --- ---

(4) in section 1 5, inclrding the marginal beading, for the words " High
Court " in two places where they occup, the .icrds "Sptcial AppellateTribunal "
llad bee11 subsiituteci ;

(5) after section 15, the following sections bad been inserted , namely:-

+ "1 5-A. Tribunals P nder Article 323- B of tbe aonstitution fcr urban land
ceilin matters.--lt 1s hereby declare that ';the compctellt a~thorityreiel red to I U
clause d) ot section 3, the Ttibunel referred t c in clavsc (m) of scetio~l 3. the
court I efer~ed to in section 14, the appellate autbority referred tc in claus~ (a)
of section 3, thestate Government referred t o in section 34 -4 the Specla1
4ppellate Tribunal referred to ill clause (Irk) of section 3 shall be tllt hierarchy
ofTribunals for purposes of clause (33 (a) of Article 323Bof the Constitrtion, for
adjudication or trial of any dispute or complaint with respect to urban land
ceiling matters arising under this Act.

15-B. Special powers of revision by Special Appellate Tribunal.-41)

Notwithstanding an-ything contained in this Act, the Special Appellate Tribunal
may, of its own motron or on application, call for and examioe the record of the
competent authority, the Tribunal, the court, the appellate authority and the
State Government in respect of any proceeding under this Act, to satisfy itself a s
to the replarity of such proceeding or the correctness or legality or propriety
of any decision passed or order made therein, and, if in any case, it appears t o
the Special Appellate Tribunal that any such decision or o d e r should be
modified, annulfed,reversed or remitted for reconsiclei ation, it may pass orders
accordingly :

Provided that every application t o the Special Appellate Tribunal for the
exacise oft he powers under this section shall be mad e within such period as
may be presoribed:

Prwided fi.1 ther that tl;e SpecLl AppeUste Tribunal may admit an appli-
cation inad e sfter the expiration of the prescriber' period it it is ~a?isf
ied that
tke apoFcast a o a prevented by suffLc'entcame f? cm ma king the applreaticn in
Provicfed also that thiz section shall not applytc anJ proweding of the courf ,
t hz Tribunal, i n resqecr of which. appeal u d a suh-secticn (3) ot secticn 1f ,
lies tc tbe S p e c ~ Appellate
or revisicn t i c e . , ~ C T ~ O I'- 5 ~e~:~)ectively, ~l 2r1-
111:TI?!. .

(2) No order prejudicial to any person shall be passed under sub-section (1):
sw:l~ (Icrs0.i ~ I ; Li been given an opportunity of making his represenQtions."
111~1ass .
( 6 ) in scction 29, in sub-section (6). for the words ''High Court", the words
" rcial Appellate Tribunal" had been substituted ; ,
(7) io section 3 3, in sub-section (1), the expression "(hemfter in this s&tion
' f .rre . to as tlie appellate authority)" had been omitted ;

(8) for section. 35, the following -ions had been substituted, namely:--

"35. Bar of jurisdiction of all court!? except the Supreme Court.-Not-

withstanding anything contained in any other law, but save as otherwise provided
i o this Act, the jurisdiction of all c o w , except the jurisdiction of the
Court, is excluded with respect to any matter which is, by or under this Act, r e q u i d
to be decided or dealt with by the competent authority, the Tribunal, thd t o ~ t ,
the appellate authorit): the State Goverhment or the Special Appellate Tribnnl.

c -

35-A. Ear of writs in liiqh Court.-No

p- .-
writ shall lie in the High Courk to set
aside or modify any proceeding or order taken or %de by the competent authority,
the Tribwal, the court, the appellate authority, the State Government or the Special
Appellate Tribunal under this Act, or with respect to any other matter which is,
by or under this Act, required to be decided ordealt with by the competent autho-
rity, the Tribunal, the court, the appellate authority, the State Government or
the Special Appellate Tribur~al.
. 8

35-B. Power to summon parsons to give evidence and produce document,%--

(I)*T~G Snacial Appdate Tribunal, the StabOovernment, the appellate authority,
i&,wurt,-the ~ r i b b a 1or the competent aut;hority, shall have power to summon
~3 derson whose attandance s W a u t b h y corisid.ers necessafy either to give
ay\denc~or to pt~ducea documant ar aayl otber;thmg ln any mquwy wh!ch such
auth8ri)u is making is. connection with the adjud~cationor trial of any dlspute or
complaint wlth respect to urban land -c:iing matters arising under this Act.

t s other thin$? may be for the

(2) A sunlmons to produce d ~ ~ v m e nos
r)rudu&moP. certain specified d m t e or thlngs or for tne pmduction of all
(1 ooumants or things of a certain description in the possession or under the control
of the pareon summoned.

(3) All persons so summoned shall be bound to attend either in psrson or

by an autborised agent, as such authority may direct; and all persons sa summoned
r ~ s ~ e ~w
shall be bound to state the I ruth upon any suo~ec;~ ~ iXi ht gthcy are examined
or make statements and produce such documents and other things as may be
required :

Provided that the, exemption under section 132 of the Code of Civil Procedure,
1908 (Cenuql Act V of 1908) shall be applicable to any requisition for attendance
under this section.
I .

(4) Every such inquiry as &&dl shall be deemed to be a judicial proces

diw tho meaning. of section I93 and section 228 of the Indian Penat Code
(Central AciO XLV of $860).

35C.J,%mltyfw con@a~entiosoS O P ~ Wof Special Appellate Trihual, etc.--
Any peson who -ivill'tllly Wls to coinP-y ~ r n o r i s ,s ~ a p t , c l k q # i m M
or oFdm b u d or made by the Special Appellate Tribunal, the State Gowmmsnt.
the appellate authority, the co* the 'I'ribkal, or the competent authority, s h a ~
be punishable with imprisonment fog a terq which ma)! emad to six months or
with fine which may ex'end b two thoumnc) rupees or with bath.

3SD. Gogniance of offwces.--fli N~twithstandiaganyUling co- ir

d o n 42, no court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under section
35-C, save on complaiqt maQIaby tbrz StataGwernwnt or by any crtlicea empower-
ed by the Special Appellate Tribunal in Uiakhaff.

(21, W W W infaEiole to, bbatd ai .Ih&ropolitam Magistrate or a Judicial

Magistrate of the first class shall try any offence under this Act.".

T d e r of 3. All;EBsf;s cpnnel;ted vvitk.+ewbanr hQseiting.d,ealt with in tbe principal

pdfn Act mb. pendin&-mthe tLgh CQW, ~mmw&ttely-Warn the dm appointed by: the
*dings State;@mnmeill unsler e w t i o c @h<tjsWa 1"a
(lwaeaikbohis section. r e f e d
the High to as. ae date) ECS W Q ~ C Z I haw. bsen..m&in, tila jrzs;iadlrtti~nof the Tanil Nadu
Corn to the Lana R$bms SpegiaL~phellate'Wbwd, is the ausa a@ aclti13n on, which such

Tamil Nadu procsedlngs are based had arisen after the said date, shall stand transferred
tand Rd'S to the Tamil Naciu Land Reforms Special Appellate TribunaI with effect from
spocfal Appcl- the said date.
tate Trlbrmal.


- -- - -
--- - ---- - --

(3) All wl it petitions fincluding any 1x7 itions a n d procceciirigs relct iiig
Ihcreto), colliieciec iviiii, or xisiog O L L of~ p~.uc~c(:illg>LII~~O:, Ac! ;:i,d
pellding in t Ilc Hig'h Court i mmediztely before t 1~ s:.ic! d zte, shr.11; t a;d transferred
t o the Tamil Nadu Land Reforms Special Appellete Tribunsl, with effect from
111~ said date :l.nd t l ~ ea i d writ pctiticms, petitions and procd.ings shall be deemed
F o bc stio m ~ t ur3b isioll petitions under section 15-Bof the principal Act and the
Taunil N:\du Land Reforills Special Appellate Tribunal sllall pass appropriate
orders accordii~gly .
(3) All writ-appeals (including any petitions and proceedings relating t h e
to), connected with. or arising out of procedi:lgs, under, the principal Act and
pending in the High Court imn~edi?&eIybefore the sseid date, shall be heard and
diswsed of by the High Cmrt, &s if this Act had not been passed.

(By order of the Governor)

Secrotmy to G o v m e n t ,
Law Depastmant.
-- . _ --- - ---_____-


---_--- "
-- _-___-_-_ ---- ---z - -m r . - Y l l l l r

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Logislativ=Assembly received the assent
of the Governor on the 16th June 1999 and is hereby published for general
information : -
ACT No. 20 OF 1999.
An Act to repeal the Tamil Nadu Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation)
Act, 1978.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Stzte of Tamil Nadu in the
Fiftieth Year of the Republic of India as follows :-
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadx Urban Land (Cziling and Short t h e and
Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999. commence-
(2) It shall come into force at once.
2. The Tamil Nadu Urbaa Land (Ceiling and Regulztion) Act, 1978 (here- Repeal of
4 of 1978. inafter referred to as the principal Act), is hereby repealed. Tamil Nadu
Act 24 of 1978.
3. (1) The repsal of the principal Act shall not affect-- Savings.
(a) the vesting of any vacant land under sub-section (3) of section 11,
possession of which has been taken over by the State Government or any psrsoq duly
authorised by the Stat- Governrne~ltin this behalf or by the competent authority ;
(b) the validity of any order grantingexemption under sub -section (1) of
section 21 or any action taken thereunder.
(2) Where--
(a) any land is deemed to have vested in the Stafe averqment under
sub-section (3) of section 11 of the principal Act but possession of whlch has not
been taken over by tlie State Government or any person duly authorised by the
State Government in this behalf or by the competent authority ; and
(b) any amount has been paid by the State Government with respect
to such land,
then, such land shall not be restored unless the amount paid, if any,
has been refunded to the State Government.
e d be made under Abatement of
4.. All proceedings relating to any order made or ~ ~ r p 3 r t to
the principal Act pending immediately before the comaencement of this Act, before legd
any court, tribunal or any authority shall abate : proceedings;
Provided that this section shall not apply to the proceedings relating to sections
13, 13, 14, 15, 15-B and I6 of the principal Act in sc far as such proceedings are
relatable to the land, possession of which has been taken over by the State a v e r n -
ment or any person duly authorised by the State Government in this behalf or by
the competent authority.

(By orde~of the Governor)

Secretary to &vernment,

--- --- ----

Law Department.



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